THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OR.EGOW, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1912- EVENING EPITIOM. I r I I i COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor ami Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as lecond class nail matter. . .An Independent Republican news paper published ovory ovonlng except Sunday, and Wookly by Tho Coo liny Tlmos Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. Cab yoar ! Per month ! WEEKLY. One year H-G0 When paid strictly In advanco tho nbscrlptlon price of the Coos Day Times Is $0.00 per yoar or $2.60 for nix months. RAILROADS AND PROSPERITY LEAVES FOHTY TGI BEHIND HIIERE aro bo many railroad Btorlcs nflont tlieao day a that ono would nlmost bo led to bollovo that our principal crop this year la to bo railroads. With two or throo atojectod lines, tho Southern Pacific surety. The Terminal building, Sur veyor Haines busy in tho flold with two crows, nnothor crow of survey ors nt work on a lino down tho coast to Burekn, wo aro soon to bo tlod in a net work of railways which can osly spoil ono thing, "Dovolopmont," fbr this locnllty. Everything comes with transportation as woll as by transportation and everything comes to him who wnlts. Coos has waited yatlontly and will bo rewarded for Its jatlonco. Watch Coob Day grow. Steamer Alliance From Por- land Comes With Capacity Freight Cargo. The steamer Alliance arrived .from Portland today with passengers and freight. Sho departed from Portland with a capacity cargo of freight nnd left forty tons bohlnd which sho could not bring. Tho Alliance will sail for Eureka at 2 o'clock tomor row. Those arriving from Portland to dny wero as follows: C. Coloy, P. Kausen, C. It. Poster, H. H. Pratt and wifo, B. W. Hol comb, H. C. TonchaB,Jcs8lo Hansen, E. S. Wcstphal, I). P. Young, Lou Prancls, H. Dcnnlson, D. P. Young, M. Monroo, C. Lundqutst, O. Glenn, W. Moran and J. Logan. BAVINCJ THINGS I started In to savo tho nation along tho old accustomod linos. "Tho country needs a reformation J that fact," I said, "boforo mo shines. So I'll neglect my propor labors, nnd tend around bo mo campaign tracts, mad go and boro my busy nolglibors, asd fill them up with foolish facts." lien I went forth and had a plumber repair my lungs nnd Inrnyx too, nnd stood nround and talked all sum mor of rights that aro tho peopul's due. To vote for tills or voto for t'other, I arguod, is tho only way In -which tho tired, downtrodden brother jnny bring a brighter, hotter day. I talked until tho welkin tumbled, nnd filled tho nlr with verbal fllzz; I talked until tho peopul mumbled: "Oh, what chucklohoad ho Is!" I talked whllo othera hood nnd spaded and worked tho roads or painted barns; n atrlng of nrgumouta parad ed which wore not worth as many darns. And now I lot tho other fol lows pursue that nation-saving myth; 1 envo tho product of my hollows to cool my oatmeal porridgo with. Por well I know that n.i milvallon will ..l. tt.A linrn vtinflflnil hnvn fmlll those who try to savo tho nutlou by means of politics anu noiBO. u men would hotter tholr condition, reduce tho sum of grlof nnd cams, thoy nood ut work with high ambition, nnd all thoy dream about Is theirs. ! HOTEL ARRIVALS . THE CHANDLER W. II. Star-' ley, Portland: Wm. O. Stearns, Port land; M. A. Cohen, Portland; A. L.I l'otors, Portland; O. V. llurd, Flor ence; C. D. Minor. San Francisco; Jlllton Glass, San Francisco; II, P. Dwlgglns, San PrnnclHco; C. 1). Kov sey. Ilnndon; A. E. Kruso. Ran dolph; H. A. Sofford, Portland; E. F. Cnrloton, Sulom. ' THE LLOYD P. M. llunkor, Co oulllo; L. 1). Walralli. llobulturK:! C J. McQulro. Coos liny; S. S. YTiUnmH nnd wife, Coos Iluys Ihir aoy IlnrnPtt, Camp K: Hen (entiy, Denver Hill. I the BLANCO J. O'Connoll. Kit- rekn; L. S. Hobaon, Portland; Chns. O. Olschol, Portland; John WntMon, South Inlet; L. H. Pullerton, Port land: O. V. White, Albany; Mrs. P. 1 Dixon, Los Angolcs; V. II. Wnnn. flrnnts Pass; 11. N. Ilnlcomli, Euro la. THE COOS B. Alkon. Portlntil; .;. Cooloy. Porllnnd. It Pondorgrnss and wlfo, Snn Prnuclsco. Cnpt Har ris, Sumner; (Seo. Cllnkenhennl. ftiinfi River: (loo. MnhOll. Snlem. It X. 01)011, Stssen, Oregon; A. 11, An derson, ABtorin; It. M. Hopkins, Beaver Hill; '.. T Slglln. Isthmus, NORTH HE.VI) NEWS. 4 . The bnso ball danco which was held In this city Snturdny netted tho North Bend team 12S. L. C. Eaton, a registered pharma cist of Portland, has been employed at tho Everett pharmacy. Mrs. Prank GnmbJo nnd Mrs. Har ry Huntley have been vlhlHng friend.) In Rnudon. Miss Cnrrlo Stevens of North Bend Heights left yesterdny to spend a fow days with friends on Coos Rlvor. An Informnl reception will bo hold this evening nt Logglo Hall under tho nusplcles of the Presbytorlan Christian Endeavor society. Tho Tarheel logging camp on tho lower liny has again been oponed by tho Simpson Lumber company. Era mot Plerco Is tho foromnn. Miss Margaret Simpson, dnughtor of Robort Simpson, who underwent nn oporntlon Wcdnosdny for tonsil Itls, Is recovering. Mrs. E. R. Hodson of Mnrshlleld who Is spondlng n few weoks at St. Helena's Sanltnrlum In California with tho hopo of regaining her health, Is Improving. . Mrs. E. E. Rlggs, Miss Goldle Rlggs, Mrs. M. 0. Coleman, and the Misses Stolln and Ruby SJohory of Oakland. Cnllf., roturned yesterdny from an outing nt Charleston. Mrs, Helen Gale and dnughtor of Medford nrrlvod yesterdny on the Ilroukwntor nnd will be guests nt the T. W. Ronnie homo while hero. V. R, Simpson Is clearing ground for n now losldonci ho wl'l build nt Poilr. H" so'd h'" mim" ''time to tho Southern Pacific for right ot wnv nnrnofos. AMONG THE SIOK. ConBtnblo W. B. Cox suffered a sudden nttack of Illness last evening nnd was In a rather serious condi tion for n fow hours but today wns nblo to be up nnd nround. DANCE EAGLES' HALL Snturdny eve., AUG. 17. Lato music. KEY ZER'S ORCHESTRA. No "ragging." Llbby COAL. The kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pnclflc Liver" & Transfer Co. I . " -Portland. OKftn S -, , GflX... m.A f. Ki,t,ni1 fn, flirt. tn-h wT ..... ti. .T.ha n.tlt f 0aiUt, u( Xl.mtiUry B.putnuti, I Ktllt, ATI. XIMVMM1. Join,ini. . For t4)ogJdrM-TIIi: SISTCIt BUrEIlIOll Offlee2l,St.IIlinIIn.l I Robert W. Hcrtor, Lawrencovllle, Mo., who hnd been bothored with I L-Mnnv trnuhln for two VOaTS. Say hi i "I tried thrco different kinds ot kid ney pills but with no rollof. My neighbor told mo to uso Foley Kid ney Pills, I took threo bottles of them, and got a permanent euro. I recommond them to everybody." Lockhnrt-Pnrsons Drug Co., "Tho Bubv Cornor." I TONIGHT AT TSe Royal THE ISIS COMPANY present as an opening attraction 'SHOLZHAMMER'S TROUBLES," A Pnrce Comedy. MISS KERNS In n Dnnco Artistic "DAWN OP DAY." In Photo Pluy: "THE OLD VIOLIN." "CAPRICIOUSNESS OP LOVE." "FLORIDA STREET CARNIVAL." "REALISTIC REHEARSAL." Entire Change Tomorrow Night. PRICE 10 CENTS. PROP. MOItltIK HERE. Wnltor E, Morris, a graduate ot nreunn AurliMiltiit'nl Oollone nt Cor- thIIIu who lmH limii nh'cli'd to lieail the Commorelnl Department In the Mnrshlleld High School ror the en anlni' vonr. urilvi'il lioro vestordnv to do some spoclal work for the Oregon State Immigration Commission (lin ing tho balance of the vacation. FRECKLES New Drug That Quickly Remove Tlieso Homely bpots, Thoro's no longor tho slightest need ot feeling nshnmed ot your freckles, ns n now drug, othlno -double strength has boon discovered that positively loinoves these homely 'OtS. "Imply got ono ounce of othlne l",l9 strength, from any first class ,!- st nnd apply n little of It a: "M' nnd In the nioiulng you will """nt even tho worst freckles havo ' i to disappear, while tho lighter l'f have vanished entirely. It Is om that moie than an ounce Is lied to completely clear the skin J gain n beautiful clear com exlon. Be sure to ask for tho double ingth othlno ns this la sold under irnnteo ot money buck it it falls to novo freckles. Your Child'. Health Your First Thought If vnil htm fliltrte.n ,..i--1t- a...-. first thoughu are for their health. You certainly want them to develop strong, healthy constitutions. The most care ful attention must be given when chil dren show the first symptoms ot the many common ailments. Perhaps they are weskly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrificing strength. These and other apparently minor ailments may be the forerunner to a weak constitution for life. Such children need Jayne's Tonlo Vermifuge, which Is essentially a cWl dren's tonic. First of all, it will proper ly car for the child's stomach. It will also improve the appetite, and will add strength to the other organs of the body. In cases of thin or Impure blood, it Increases the number of red cor puscles enabling the enriched blood to keep the body Wealthy and strong, Among the most common ailments that children develop Is that of a dis ordered stomach, leading to an impair ed digestion. In many cases this trouble is duo to parasites in the ln- Te.ailnV Ec.t ,To c,orct such trouble, Javne's Tonic Vermlfn-a ( -.... ...V i. - - - J-w wuiuyiHEU, .kiTr w"u "'"'-y yars millions 1- fJtf,lr,D n5vaL been "-tored u health through the use of this tonlo 5Sii8ti.upin y110'".' ept no other. Bold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D Jayne it Bon, Philadelphia, p, ' A rnrnnt Iniver In Porham Park mndo this statement, "If I had $10, 000 to Invest right now I would put It all Into this proporty, ns I boltovo thoro will ho n big advance In values hero within tho next twelvo months." Talk with Rold, Owner's Agent, Coko building. Unique Pantatorium THE MOUKRN DYKRfl. CLRANKna. PHEMKRI J-4 RAT RENOVATORa Agont for Edward B. Straus ft Co. fluo Tailoring Let us maka your next Bull. gnn Oomrofrclal. Phoaa fiffO-X Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for nnd Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry pnovn MAIN rt7J Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PRICE $1.65 PER SACK Notthwestern hard wheat used ey cluslvely In milling these brands ot flour. f II pP RIICCB1CX9C0. FLOUR Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Hava Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 Some Suggestions by Kammerer: ywf Get Busy AM) OKT AFTKR THAT ROOP, I1UT FIRST COMK IX AND GET OUR PRICKS ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES $1.00 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.23 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. If you want a rattling good hat of style and quality, buy a Stetson AVe have tho new fnU shapes nnd colors ready for you. Seo them uhether you want to buy now or later. 7t lCa& m bjw ii iip SHOE rORMEN SATISFIED ! PACKARD SHOES aro made to ploaoo tho -woaror in every particular. Trim, stylish models that aro onsy fitting and comfort ablo divo tho woaror keen satisfaction nnd prido in his footwear. We lll fit your foot nnd Kii'iniiilec satisfac tion and tho price like nil our prices Is reason (Me. tf- And when it comes to clothes, we are there with the goods. The latest styles, shapes and colors. Everything for the man and when we fit nim out, it is done right. Yours, Anxious to Please. THF TOGGERY Central and Broadway. E. W. Kammerer. Just Arrived On Steamer Redondo Today ALL KINDS OF Fresh Fruits and Vegetables THAT THE CALIFORNIA MARKI.T AFFORDS. WE ALSO HAVE ALL THE REST THAT THE HOME MAR. KET AFFORDS. PHONE IS VOUIl ORDER. OLLIVANT.& WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERS A Good Place to Trade Corner Third and Central Phone 275-J. IH iVv: r c W-5- 1S5. vm I.V..-V5 V' I ..IX.t ?" I:ssV.?. Vc .".V.".V min r. ..;. i. :teiVVS 5v These rfrfnitrr .-J ..t . nary coffee harmful to mmy peop5, v -. Delicious Coffee in Ninp MiU'$ Tbcyarc s.fc, clean, convenien, anj reliable Oregon Power Co. TELEPHONE 178. Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prernrod to do nil kinds of hiu'.Irj on short notice. Wc meet all trilu and boats and we also have the littit stylo Reynolds Piano Morer. Wi guarsutos our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phonos 08-R. 120-J. or 49-L UUILDINO AM) REPAIR WOBI Ilousa Moving and Orndlnj. Wo aro prepared to do tbli work by the dny or contract and gumalN satisfaction. Lot us figure with ici 1 a. 8. FLOYD CO. Phona 316-J. Marshfltld. 0r R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance ft North fYont Btratt Marshficlcl & North Bend Auto lint GORST & KING, Proprietor. Cars leave Marabflola orerr II mlnutea from 7:15 a. m. until 11:11 mldnlfht. Leavo North Bend m samo schodulo, sturtlns at 7 . d. until midnight. Soo Saturday TIbm for schedule. - Barnard & Langworlfijf Seo our window display of WOOD ELEOTRIO FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOJffS PORTAHLE STAND LAMM IMIONK tH4R. , PROFijONALOIRECT T W. DENNETT, J Ilennett Swanton, Tom T. Be"1. Attorneys ami Counsellors nt M Flanagan & Hennott Rank Dullalnj Mnrahflold. Coos Co.. Oregon. PERL RILEY RALLINGER Pianist wid Teacher Resldonco Studio 237 So. DroaM Phono 18L t EW KEYZER. -' Violin Instructor. Apply Haines Music Store CI"1 starts Sept. 1. "M. H. TURPEN, Architect. Marshfleld. Oregon DR. It. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grliuea Building, over Orl V uuat Theater. Office Phone 3svn. G. CHANDLER, ARCHITECT. Rooms ;j(I and 302 Coke Hulldlng. Murblilleld. DR. HI HI) 11. OLARKK. Speclnllct In Nerve and Sji""" Disease. nosers f 3 in " D Oftlro. Room Marshfleld. Office Hours Phono H4-L. H. A. J. IIEM)i;V' n.r..i PArlOrS w ..J tn An high tM work an short notice at the lowest price. Examination Udy atUndant, Coke building. W IU Chandler hotel, pbona Uj -fR. JT. T. MtOORMAO, - Phyalclaa aad SrpK Marshleld. Oregon lffloa: Lockhart Bullilaf, Opposite post OfflCf. Vom lflM ". t'fc,.i,",-t' -43Jf ffi