1UCK" fAVORS THOSE WHO SPELL IT WITH A "P-PLUCK ALWAYS AIDS WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Olflns lag Storws WANT ADVERTISING to Tlw TIM Will Keep Uio Inconio from tona Fnnilshcd Rooms from Lx1br! YOU can roally help tlw finally revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and. If you know how and when to use tho classified column, you may keep that Uttlo extra In com na "steady aa a clock." WHI mi "" " Uio Market" Effectively! u i put the facta about your own . Juu " "" MEMRKR OF ASSOOIATKD PRESS VOL XXXV itatnbllshod In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll and Coo Bny Advertiser. No. 337 M Thw Conat Mnll t WIGHT EMEU PLblADES 1 ASHORE NEAR MAGDALENA BAY Wireless Communication Hasi Ceasea ana cxdui ruoi tion Not Known. ANOTHER VESSEL m GOES TO RESCUE Bin Steamer Bound for San Francisco Carries Crew of 33 Men. iny Associated Press to Tho Coob 1 Day Tlmos) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10. Tho Steamer Plelndcs, which loft Dnlbon for San Francisco, August 11. Ib re ported aslioro on tho Lowor Cnllfor Sii coast near Mngdnlcna Day. Wlro lcfg communication with tho freight . MnKP,i nt G:15 o'clock this morn ing. At that tlmo her position wna STATE SEIfATOR S T Peler Jensen Charged With Taking Funds of Wash ington Pharmacy Board. (Dy Associated Proas to Cooa Da Times ) TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 16. --A wnrrnnt wns Issued today by Jimtlco EvnttB for tho arrest of Stato Sena tor rotor Jensen charging him with inlHnpproprlntlon of $1180 of In R i r: A N BEHEADED III BO Ramon Ayers, Engineer and Son of Dr. Ayers of Cincin nati, Murdered by Rebels. (Dy Associated Press to Coob Day Tlmos.) CINCINNATI. O.. Auk. 10 Ra mon AyreB, tho Amorlcan onglncor roportod to bo beheaded by tho Mexi can Insurgents near Morolos, la tho son of Dr. Stcphon C. Ayrcs of this city. An npponl has ben sent to President Taft, who la a porsonal friend of tho Ayrcs family to uso his Influenco to havo tho body returned hero for burial. W MAKES while acting n seerotnry. Tho war rnnt wns Bwom to by .Tamos Lee, Hccrctary of tho board. Jensen do elitres tho action Ik tho outgrowth of politics. m i t nnMirnhta doubt. Reckoned by, funds of tho slnln hnrd nf iiiinriuiiiv " v" . - .....i iii.i ..i.ii- ..., .:... .----. her course mm hvuihku bh.-v mo Pleiades seems to lmvo struck non Cane Lnznro at tlio ontrnnce to Mng dnlcna Hay "cr iiicssago, however, read "Insldo Cnpo Nnssau nenr Providence Island. " Nelthor of thoso points Is given on uio cunrin. iiivi Merchants Kvchnngo later received n wireless message Btntlng that tho Steamer WnRlitcnnw from Son Lulrf for Guatemala, wns in coiuniunicn tloa with tlio PlolndOH at 0 o'clocit this morning and was going to he. assistance- at full speed. Tho Wnsh tenaw should reach tho distressed craft tomorrow morning. She entries n crew of 33 men. Steamer Large One. The Pleiades Ir a frolght Bteamot 331 feet long with 17 foot lienm. Her gross tonnngc Is 37r3 nnd not tonnage 2D32. Slio linn 1500 horse power nnd wns built nt Spnrrow Point, Mnrylnnd, In 1000. Her homo Is New York. M IE! DEATH IN OLD LANDMARK! District Attorney Needs Mora Witnesses Before Starting Rosenthal Case. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coob Day Timer ) NEW YORK, Aug. 1C District Attorney Whitman patiently awaited today news from Methuon, Mass., of tho npprchonslan of "QIp tlio Ulood, ' and " Lofty hole," two mueh-wnntou gnng inon In tho lloscutlinl case. Four detectives nro BcnrchliiR for gun men who sent n toll-tnlo post card to Ilrldglo Webber. Wobbet received tho postcard yesterday on- closed In nn cnvolopo which ho toro up, but tho prisoner h koopcrs scctu ed tho pieces of pnpor which wore- put togothor. showing It lind beott mnllcd at Methuon. Wobhor showed tho card to Mnx Stouor, his attorney, who Informed Whitman. Whitman Bald ho did not wnnt to start tho murder trial until ho captured tho two missing gun mon, unless ho had to. Tho district nttorney hns naked Govornor DIx for nn extraordinary JamCS O'Noll was RPHRlnn nf l!m Riinrnnin rnnrf to trv rescued from n Window In tlin llmno'tlm llnnniitlinl ram mifl Mm l'nvnrnn.' after having been burnod Bovoroly. I has designated Justlco Ooff to pre He told tho pollco 20 companions side. Until tho arrival of Snnt ere in tho closod loft. Schepps front Hot Springs thero search by tho pollco and firemen seems to bo Ilttlo Ukollliood of nnj Twenty Tramps Lose Lives When Panorama Buildinj in Chicago Burns. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.-) CHICAGO, Aug. 10 Fifteen or twenty tramps nro said to havo neon burned to death In n flro which do- stroyed tho old panoramn building mis anernoon, failed to dlscloso nny bodies IBS TWO UN. LOADS startling phases ease. In tho Rosenthal PROTECT 1II01IER UPS Leaders of C,rU System Shielded by PiNwncrs. (Dy Associate I'rcns to Coos Day Tlms.) NEW YORK. Aug. 1C Threaten ed with death If they rovoal Informa tion regarding tho throo mon "hlgn or up" n tho gambling graft scan dal, "Drldglo" Wobhor nnd Harry Tnllon. two of Dald Jnclt Roso3 associates may provo rocalcltrant witnesses. Tho prisoners nro con fronted on tho othor hand by poss( blo Indictment charging thorn with tho nutrdor of Rosonthal unless thoy toll tho wholo truth. Wobhor nnd Vnllon havo been told, so Vnllon'3 counsola say, "to throw Decker to tho wolves" hut shield tho names of tho three mon now regarded by tho state's attorney ns directors of tho graft system. Vnllon's council, nf tor stntlng that messengers from tho higher tins havo succeeded In reach lng tho prisoners, stated that Whl, Amount of Freight on Redondo Today Would Fill Over Fifty Cars. The nedondo arrived In early this lm'!from. .Sn" Francisco with a nasi; g00 fre,Kht nnA n capacltv 5W&5. Sh0 hRA a B00d trl1, loS'JW1, cnrK0 consisted of of na SVi ",d,ns n larK0 nmount men f?'Pimcntof oe,nent n Mtu coBMM'ih1 edoral Construction frt i! pe(mle reallzo tho nmount of mnn ,ias ran(, n cnso nBal"st DecK 're8lt in n careo in ti L?lor nnd nono of "Docker's blackmail. Agent ?r.by th0 Ro'onl today. ou h?'orJ "Fures that V lng mployors seem to enro a hang nlimit Honlfop'R RltnnMnn." HO snla oum ;, .bU "Kures mat iM :,:v: "."::",;;:.. -,,.. In.. '" more tlinn two tmin"' ev"1 " " PUiU'i-'" "noi, '"ads 0f twenty.fivo cars eah n "but thoy are determined their own iiiwiica diiuii iiui iiu uiuiihii'' m.. Rose's counsol said, "wo will makd good but Webbor and Vnllon have been reached and I nm nfrnld thev havo ptado up their minds to wenk en. I havo told Vallon ho wns not plnylng snunro and I would no long er net as his counsol" In a confession by Dald' Jack giv en out by Whitman, Roso declnrod Decker lind decided to kill R.osonthni hlmpelf If others had not done tn work. Th hB V '.,vo cnra ech. I! ott"i ls scheduled to sal! Cisco. "miay 0r San Fran Te?egthB0SfenrrlvInS "n hor to. C ri ,.e ,0"owlng: "icife V"1- Mnw J- EIrod. JfM. SeVft,M- v- Manning, cok. E p v ' .MUton Glnss. P- M-R- W. IWnl Ior.r,ey. . B. Weaver 5Tam n p n' J-. LUto11' F- w Curtis Xaii "erB8lns. F A. Stahl Rhoade i, L u?1?;, John N yhlte.nwte''-C-Gorst. Dot rt-f M Bakor ? l,p' J' K' Shaw. c. Bl" G , Ko,ne " Le,"Pe- Wwd W leTrnVJ McKonn' J Th Rp,vri ' ,Jonnson. 'heronthefl1?11 ratner rou the "" lne nrst lee nf Ha vwn, rou,.1c"ner belnc ,:;;."'"?," v ue'ow Cape Dlanco. '. lost, tho vote being 39 to 32 GDAND DEFENSE People Weep and Angelus Tolls as Great Lawyer Closes His Plea. (Dy Acsoclatcd Press to tho Coob Day Tlmos). LOS ANGELES, Aug. 1.' With nl most tho cntlro courtroom In tears, Clnrenco Dnrrow brought to n closo In n powerful nnd pathetic ploa, tho flnnl nrgiiment for dofonso hi his trial for brlbory shortly before noon. It wns a thrilling closo of n plea that wna unlquo in tho history of Amorl can Jurisprudence nnd as nn unsched uled flnalo tho bells of n nearby cathedral tolled forth tho nngolus ns otto of tho nntlon'a greatest legal de fenders conslgno.l his own fnto to tho hands of tho Jury With tune stream lug down his chepks, the Chicago law tho Until word wna spoken men ns yer mado his last appeal and when well as women, Jurors and court offl elnls had handkerchiefs to their oyes Thoro was no attempt nt demonstra tion nnd tho bailiffs had no dltllculty In clearing tho courtroom. Friends of tho nccuBod moved slowly forward nnd shook his hnnd. Ditt fow wordB woro Bpokon ns tho lawyer was vis ibly ovorcomo with emotion and on tho verge of exhaustion, apparently. Kl'ial Plea Touching Clnrenco Dnrrow resumed argu ment to tho Jury yestordny In hta trial for alleged Jury brlbory. An nouncing ho would conflno hlmsolf to tho charge upon which ho Is oa trlnl, tho bribery of Lockwood, Da' row ontorcd Into n comprohottBlvo nnnlynls for nnd against hi in on that Issue. Plnclng his testimony and that of the prosecution's wtnesa on tho Bcnlos, ho sought by logic and reason to show tho Improbability of tho stato's allegation that' ho gavo brlbo money or Induced corruption of tho Jury, nlthough ho wns mote inodornto than yesterday In his thniBts nt thoso who brought about his branding as n criminal. Darrow took frequent occasions to denouncu his enemies, particularly tho proso cutlng attorney. "1 hopo," ho said, "District Attorney's offlco got Its money's worth when thoy bribed Frnnklln with his liberty to testify against mo." DARROW CASE NEAM END District Attorney Is Making Final Argument to Jury 1 Today. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Tlmos). LOS ANOELES. Sal.. Aug. 1G Thoro is no dcslro on his part to protect tho local nttnrnnvn nf tho Mc Namnra defenao In tho brlbory scan dal, according to District Attornoy Fredericks who resumed todny his closing argument in tho Dnrrow caso, as tho defendant had charged Fredericks. Fredericks hold his former asso ciates lmmitno becauso thoy lived hero nnd Dnrrow was a stranger. Fredericks Insisted that tho bribery must havo ben Instigated by tho nt torney In tho McNamnra caso, but that nono know what Franklin wns doing oxcopt Darrow. Frodorlcks attucked tho Important witnesses for tho dofonso, branding most of them perjurors. Tho forenoon session wns onllvonod by sovornl Interruptions. Dnrrow interrupted twlco to protest that FrodorlckB wns not reading cor rectly from tho ovldonco. Tho pro Bocutlon declaro othor Interruptions woro not mado In good faith. REBELS TODAY EVACUATING Z G SSSvSii LEAP TO DEATH OM AUTO Prominent People Killed on Railroad Track at Salt Lake City. (Dy ABBodatod Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.) SALT LAKE, Aug. 1C Leaping from nn auto which escaped by a hairbreadth n flying passenger train William Qrocsbcck, a prominont mining mnn of this city, nnd F. M. DrndBhaw, woll known geologist of Los Angeles, wcro hit by n locomo tive and killed hero today. Tho dead mon woro members of n party of flvo en routo to cxamlno a mine. Thoso who rcmnlnod in tho machine wcro not hurt. DDIDGE DELAY AFFECTS LINEIAFTER MOVING NOLAN' APPOINTHI). II LOST IX SENATE (Dy Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. lG-j-An attempt to pass tho steoj bill over the president's OIQ in Uio somue iimuy 008 "of Cash Store. ! BADLY HURT Well Known Actor Dashed on Rocks When Boat Caugnl In Breakers. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). LOS ANGELES, Aug. 16 It was announced this morning at the hos pital thnt tho condition of Nat Good win, tho actor, who was injured at Rocky Point yesterdny by being dashed on the rocks when his row boat was caught In tho breakers, Is sorlotts. Paralysis of tho lowor limbs has developed, Dr. Anderson statod, Indicating Injury to tho spine. Tho muscles of tho left aldo nro also affected, Dr, Anderson did not sny Goodwin's condition is likely to result fntnlly but admitted that a consultation of surgeons had been called for today. Goodwin's condition was improved this afternoon but his physicians would not say that ho was out of danger. WOULD HEAR WILSON (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.) SEAGIRT. N. J., Aug. 16 Urgent requests of tho Maine political lead ers that Gqvernor Wilson mako a fnw sneeches In that state before tho Btato election, may result in Wilson's changing his plan of not visiting Main until after September 9, tho day of the election. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOT. ICE. A meeting will be held at tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commerco Friday evening, Aug. 16, to discuss matters in connection with the coral ing Pqrt of4 Coos Day election, All Interested "foe requested to be 'pfoe ent. J. T. McCORMAO, President. Washington Man Secretary of Lcga tlou ut Paiiniiia. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). WASHINGTON, Aug. 1C Among diplomatic nominations sent to tlu sennto today by tho president wti3 that of Harry E. Nolan of tho stnto of Washington to bo secretary oftho logatlon nt Panama. VETOES MAY STAND. Sfiiiitora Assure Tuft They Will Not Pass Steel and Wool Dills. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coob Day Tlmos) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 16. Assurances woro gtvon Prcsldout Tnft today by rogular Republican such as Root, Crnno nnd Siuoot, thnt thero Is Ilttlo chnnco of tho sennto passing tho wool or steel bills over his veto. WILL Capt. Magee Says That They Are Menacing Navigation On Bar and Inner Bay. That tho Coos Day bar Is shoaling badly Is roported by Captain William Mageo of tho Steamer Redondo, which nrrived In today. Ho roports that two hours before low wator, eighteen feet was the average depth ho found on tho bar, leaving only about slxteon feet at low wator. He says that tho shoaling Is boglunlng unusually early this fall and ho Is fearful lest it portends serious trou ble during tho next few months. Captain Magee says that tho cha nel In the lowor hay lu also shoaled and needs dt edging badly. This morning, when he camo up the Da, tho Redondo wns drawing about four teen feet six inches of wator and struck five times. Tho first snoal was opposite, tho government works, tho next opposite Empire and three opposlto Pony Inlet. IIo says that somothlng should bo done at ouco to secure their removal, Ho Is also of tho opinion that nn offort should bo mado to have the Dredge Oregon, now working In tno lowor Day, pump dredglngs in behind tho Simpson bulkhead. Ho said tiila morning that It jv-as dumping the dredglngs about two hundred feot outside the bulkhead and that ho thought that It could easily bo ar ranged to pump in lurther, thus eliminating the danger of tho mud washing hack into tho channel and forming new shoals. Unknown Opposition Holding Jp Railroad Work on This End of Line. That tho opposition to tho South ern Pacific bridging tho Day from unknown quarters, which resulted In tho War Department engineers re ferring tho application back to Ma jor Morrow with Instructions to hold further hearings and make a latpr report, is holding up the construc tion on this end of tho lino is tho lnfcrcnco given In a letter by C. J. Mlllls to friends herd todny. Tho mnttor will probably bo taken up nt tho Chamber of Commorco meeting tonight. Mr. Mlllls' letter Is ns follows: "With roforonco to application of Wlllametto Pacific Railroad company for permission to bridge Coos Day: "Our attorneys nro In receipt of ndvlco from Washington to tho ef fect that tho application has been re turned to Mnjor Morrow with in structions to hold n public hearing and mako further report, "This looks llko dolay and passl bly pbstructlvo tactics on tho part of Boiuo unknown Interests. It la of vital Importanco to Coos Day peoplo that, their friendly attitude bo estab lished beyond question, In order to Insuro against further dolay and pos sible ndverso Influences belng brought to bear, nnd is, I boltovo, of siifllclent moment to Justify nn nc tlvo campaign for favorable consider ation. "If you nnd tho good peoplo of Coos Day agreo In this matter, I would bo glad to learn of such nc- tlon ns tuny bo taken, and suggest thnt wo bo Kept closely advised In tno caso so that united errort may bo mndo to accomplish tho most do- slrablo results In tho shortest spneo of time." Ordzco's Guard Loots Custom House But Fails in Secur ing Money. AMERICANS AND GERMANS ORGANIZE Will Protect Their Property Against Possible Attacks By Insurgents. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Da-? Times). JUAREZ, Aug. 16 Juarez today Is bolng evacuated by tho robol sol diers nnd tho federal troops .along tho railways aro ready to enter when tho last rebel Is gono. This arrango mont wns mndo to provont ropotltlon of tho battle of Juarez In tho Madoro revolution when El Paso was sliow orod with bttllots. Tho robols wlU partlclpato in tho mobilization dt troops between Juarez and Palo. Tho ovacttatlon of Juarez was orderly. Orozco loft early today, leaving a Branll guard to presorvo ordor until fho federals nrrived. Tho guards looted tho customs house but secur ed no monoy. Tho American nnS German consuls organized n citlzons commlttco to protect tho city. All saloons and most of tho stores aro closod. PICTURE TRU ST PORTKRS ARE 11USY Shipping Material nnd Supplies to Slu.slaw Country A press telegram irom Florenca says: "Tho steamer Wllhelmlnn nrrlvo horo today from Coos Day with thr first cargo of railroad supplies for tho Eugono-Coos Day railroad, and ns soon as her enrgo wns discharged continued on to Ynqulnn Day, when Federal Government Starts 8 Suit to Break Monopoly of Film Companies. (Dy Associntod Press to Coos Day Tlmofl.) PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Aug. 16 Tho Fedoral govommont attacked tho so callod moving plctttro trust In n civil suit filed hero today for tho dissolution of tho Moving Plcturo Patents company and tho Gonoral Film company. Ten loading film concerns nro accused of combining to monopollzo tho business ovon to tho extent of Increasing or docronB Ing tho number of motion plcturo theatres in which thoy havo no pro prietory interest. Each of defendants Is charged with having ovoratapped tho bounds of lnwful monopoly granted by pa tents nnd tho petition asks that sov ornl Interlocking llcenso restrictions tying chargo will bo ordorod cnncoll od. Tho govommont charges that unreasonable and oppressive re straints nnd conditions havo boon ar bitrarily Imposed on tho manufact ure nnd leasing of flints nnd mach ines, doprlvlng tho public of tho ad vantngo of competition of foreign flints, tho Importation of which la nllogod to havo boon restrlctod. Among othor things tho government saya nearly threo million foot of $100,000,000 has boon Invested In dlfforont branches of tho business, Tho defendants control, It Is nllogod, ooween 70 ana so per conn of tho film business. Tho Gonoral Film Co. so tho govommont charges, Is tho agency through which tho dofond nnt's films nro distributed to exhibi tors throughout tho country nnd It alleges that It wns formed to mon opollzo tho business of tho rental exchanges, which previously distri buted films, Tho moving plcturo anti-trust suit filed today Is regarded by tho depart ment of Justlco ns otto of Its most Im portnnt movements tindor tho Sher man law as It squarely asks for tho Judicial construction ns to tho rela tion of thnt Htntuto to tho patent laws. Tho suit will tost tho right of corporations nnd Individuals to loin their respective patont monopo- n lull carco or railroad sunnlles 13 awaiting shipments to tho Sluslaw.'hes Into ono big monopoly througti Porter Dros. nro now constructing! comuinnnons nnd ngreomonts two lnrge receiving wharves at Ma pleton. to be used for tholr supplies, nnd havo mado arrangements for tho building of ono at Florence." ANOTHER VETO REPUBLICANS TO MEET LARGE GRANITE DISH PANS only 20 dents at Coos liny Cnsh Store. COCOANUT CANDIES, 25 CENTS per pound at STAFFORD'S Satur day find Sunday SPECIAL. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day TJmea) TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 16 Chalr- i man Coiner hns Issued n call for a (Dy Associated Press to The Cooa, mooting of tho republican state cen- Day Times.) , tral commlttco In Tacoma Aug. 22 to WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 16 prepare for tho fall campaign. Coln- Presldont Taft returned to congress ' Lnn.rMlv.tVhE with veto yesterday tho legislative funds nnd P"bl,cIty will bo discusser- cm! executive and Judicial appropria tion bill becauso of theamendment to abolish the commerco court and limit tho tenure of ofllco of civil service employes to seven years. The cabi net read and approved tho message. JIILLK8 LEAVES (Dy Associated Press to The ( Dav Times ) CHICAGO, Aug. 16 Charles Hllles, chairman of the national r I mtbllcnn committee, departed fo COCOANUT OAXDTTCS. 25 CENTS tlon bill becauso of tho amendment tt per pound at STAFFORD'S Satin-1 New York yesterday after o j two clavn' ers nt Washington quarters here. Tiatnvn flannrhirn Tin rnnrl rAnnrfl CHICKENS, FRIERS and fiTKWa nf the ' t encouraElnK sort from ror uu.miaj: juaim.k nt btauwh, nearly all tho national committeemen Grocery. In the various states. day and Sunday SPKCIAL. J