THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,. THURSDAY, AUGUST T5 1-EVEJMGT. BJIfRON. ilicatjs "The Bush Corner" ..,. .. only tho IJand freshest drugs, purest ana ir d - end .cf...,,i3. Into the pre r aocw ----.', u. -i Wo JW' yU brlriff to us. w "riiimajyembakcs-our pre Option clerks arc Prices-farfromit. P" ,tr.rarrvman: never make t for Pli0wlo don't eharrjchlch a-aia-tsis .. irrnimir . mcuiv"" . . Liver Sato. p.fflCtorv This ".." -;:VB ,ver UM wo know it. k. bandied, onuw .,..,.,,. formula. -v.- ,, and wm """"- ; OJ tho liver mm wu- elsWlinouicnpHiK. Pleasant and el- fectlve. boiu with no R o x nil guaron- tee. ira LocMiart-Prsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" How are Your Shoes? SOLES A LITTLE HIT THIN OH MAYBE THINNER THAN THAT, lining HUN DOWN AND LOOKINK SCUFFED? SUMMER IS ALMOST GONE AND TO KKIJI' UP APPEAR ANOK8, YOU"NKKI A NKW PAIR. RESIDES KEEPING UP APPEARANCES, THE SHOWER THIS MORNING TELLS YOU THAT THOSE THIN SOLES AUK DANGER OUH TO YOUR HEALTH. COM 13 IN AND GUT A NKW PAIR. THEY WONT COST YOU MUCH MORE THAN TO HAVE TIIK OLD SHOES RK I'AIItKD. AND ItKMKMHKK WE GUAR ANTEE FIT AND BATISFAO TION. The Fixup (b m?nms nt) Marslifield Norh Bend COOS DAY TIDES. Hoi w Is glvon th-s tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Th tldos aro plocod In tho order of occurrenco, with tholr tlmea on tho first lino nnd hoIghtB on tho uec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 niluutoB. Dnlo. Annus!. '., j SOCIAL CALENDAR. Today. Mrs. B. S. Dargolt at oards for tho MIbbgs Grnv. AAAAAAAAA.A..1 -T ' -" TT-r-WTirT'Wir- PERSONAL NOTES H. H. PISH loft today for Portland on business. will ha taken boforo Judga Hall la tho .luvonllo court. ID lira. .4.0U 10.03 -1 47 10.23 Feet .0.7 0.7 C.G 0.9 1C Hrs. .4. CI 10.43 5.20 11.17 Foot .0.1 0.0 C.7 0.7 Phone -Mali! 20H U TTieoSLSAxr miy BORN. - THOMAS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Thomas at their homo In North Marshnold Wodonsday, August 14, a girl. Molhor and chlld'nrn ilolmr llnuly and tho fathor, who Is game warden hns nioro interest than ov er In the protection of tho "little uoars" or uoob county. Kcntuck Inlet Services Rov. Short of Marshflold hold Borvlcos at Kcntuck Inlot schoolhouso last Sun day afternoon. Annual Picnic Tho dato for tho annual picnic or tho Konwlll Tolo phono company of Cooston has boon sot. Tho picnic will bo hold Aug. 31 on Larson Inlot. Closed Wharf Toduy Streot Sup erintend 4nt Lawhorno boarded up tho wharf at tho end of Central nvo nue, cloBlng it to traffic of vehicles. Ho has declared tho condition of tho wharf, to ha unsafe Will Preach Here Rsv. C. F. Su andor of Portland will praaclL both morning, and evening nt tho Christian church, Central nvenuo and Sixth strout next Sunday. Rov. Suandor and Kuv. Downrd, pnstor of tho church, aro old tlmo friends. LES. SMLTH of Cooa- River was In the city today. NEIL McLKOD of, Nonth Ilcnd was a Alarshflold vlnltor today. CL H. DUNCAN wa down from Coos River ranch, today. his hoard waa-among til school direc tors leaving, horo this morning for Uandon to attend tho annual moeting.,of Uio Coo county school directors. Wlir Entertain Saturday Claudo and Mildred Wilson will entertain tho members of tho Christian En deavor of tho Presbyterian church Saturday evening at tho homo of tneir parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Wright WllBon, on 710 South Broadway. IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES at Pioneer Hardware Go. i i' mini" ii i'ii 1 1 i i IjHct ftie Sign ,of KM, Good Candy M; Always , Hnil Good Luck Mossrs. Sacchl, Frank Donning nnd Goo. Rotnor havo returned from tholr hunt in Curry county. Thoy got all tho gamo thoy rouiti tnKo caro of. Hlltmoro .Men Coming Dr Schenck, head of tho Hlltmoro Forest School, and forty or fifty of his stu dents will nrrlvo horo on tho next Uronkwntor, August 19, to remain horo until Soptcmbor 19 in tho local forests. Dr. Schonck will rcsldo in tho A. L. Darker homo during his stay hero whllo tho studonts will bo qunrtcrod around town. MRS. S. A. YOAKUM was a business visitor la Marshfletd today. P L. CIM1NO of Lalwsldo is a Marsh Held business visitor today. A. D. COUSINS of North Uond Is a Murshllold business, visitor today. C S. W1N80R of North Bond was a Marshflold business visitor yestor day. JUTJOE JOHN P. HALL wont to Co aulllo today to xamlno an insane person. W. S. CHANDLER camo In from his Bummer home on Coos Rlvor this morning. . It. HUNT loft on tho Allogany Dralu auto lino this morning for Portland. ALBERT MATSON roturnod this morning from tho Nook on South Coos Rlvor. Now ICnjiliio Tho Smlth-Powors Logging company rocelvad another largo donkey onglno on tho Broak walor yestordny which will bo install ed nt Camp 2 on Isthmus Inlot. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of ,Coos Bay At the clone of buslncn, Jun 14, 101Q. RESOURCES. Cam and discounts $238,616.72 londt, warrants and securities. ....... 78,191. 32 b;S. bond (o spcuro circulation 26,000.00 Real estate, furniture nnd fixtures 81,011.34 lib and sight excuatv 188,653.99 Totlt , f 011,373.37 LIABILITIES. apltal stock mid In 1100. 000.00 lurplus and undivided profits '. 10,548.93 nrcuiation, outstanding 23,800.00 P0'U , 477,024.74 Total 9011,373.37 In addition to Canltal Stock tho Individual liability nf fltoekhold- ti l 1100,000.00. IXTKIIKST PAID. ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 8. CHANDLER, President. DORSHY KREITZER. Cashier. Will Install Elevator1 W. S. Chan dlor Is perfecting plans Tor Installa tion of an elevator In tho Cofco build ing. It Is hopod to havo it In opera tion within tho noxt month or two, Hearing Not Set Judgo Coko says that no will hear tho arguments In tho Injunction enso agnlnst tho Tor inlnnl Rnllway whenovor tho lnwyors aro ready. It Is likely that tho hear ing will bo during tho noxt wook as Judgo Coko will Icavo horo n wook from tomorrow for Curry coiuity whoro ho will hold court. It Is llkoly that thero will bo a short term this time in Curry. E. P. MORRISSEY is oxpoctod homo from a bttslnoss trip to San Fran cisco tomorrow. MISS GERTRUDE MILLER who has boon at Coqulllo visiting relatives whllo recuperating, from hor rocent illness has returned to tho Bay. REV. It. E BROWNING has roturn cd from a trip to Qardlnor. Whllo there ha loports that considerable railway material arrived on the Wllholmlna nnd that work is be ing rushed on tho tunnel. A. R. McCOMB nnd wifo loft today for Portland whore they will make their futuro home, Mr. McComb having boon transferred thero by tho Union Moat company which ho has roprosonted here for a couplo of years. HUGH SNEDDON nnd family who havo boom visiting Mrs. Sneddon's rolntives in Nobraskn will leave there today for home, coming via Roslyn, Wash., whoro thoy will stop off to visit n brother of Mr. Sneddon, MRS. E. IC. JONES has iBsucd In vitations for noxt Snturday aftor noon when sho will cntortaln nt cards complimentary to her slBter, Mrs. Win. Ford of Portland, who will sooni raturn homo after spond lng tho summer on tho Bay. MISS ELLEN RUDNAS loft today for Portland whero sho will visit for a couplo of weoks. An-OHtH Boy Constnblo Cox wont to Allegany this morning to bring to tho city a boy whom it is claimed has bgqn using liquor excessively and who WANT ADS. I-'OH SALE Restaurant In Hto town, pwner has other buslnoss and must soil at once. Soo Andorson at Pal tiro Restaurant. FOR SALIv Good young liorne. Good saddler 'and can bo' driven single or double., Addross "Horso" caro Times. LOST Wednesday evening on tho street, a blnckrund whlto ngato bolt pin probably attached to a whltd linen bolt. Suitablo reward for roturn to Tlmos Office, Locates at Uandon W. S. Wells of Oregon City who hns boon visiting his brother, II. A. Wells, left for Portlnnd today. Ho hns arranged to open a drug storo nt Bnndon nnd loft todny to purchaso a stock for tho now storo and will return in n wook or ten days to open tho business at tho City-by-tho-Sca. Ho has mado many frlonds during his short stay on tho Bay nnd ns ho has boon highly suc cessful in business, his success in his now undertaking at Bandon Is prac tically assurod, MISS OLIVE RICHARDS and Mrs. L. O. Masters of Sumnor aro Marsh flold visitors todny. WM. GRIMES roturnod today from a short outing at tho Wm. War wick camp nonr Coalodo. MISS AGNES HUTCHESON has Is sued invitations for a card party noxt Tuesday afternoon. EM1L GIDMARK has roturnod from n hunting trip up North Inlot, unnging in a nno four point buck. MISS ELIZABETH TOPPING, ,tho now librarian of tho Marshflold city library, arrivod horo yesterday from Portlnnd to rollovo Miss Ad ams who will loavo soon for her old home In Massachusetts, Miss Topping will mnko her homo with Mrs. Robeccn Luso-Stutup, GEO. ROSS; of Catching Inlot Is a Marshfletd buslnoss visitor today. Ho reports that the organization started a fow months ago to se cure better boat eorvico for Catch ing Inlot will probably bo mado pormanont. Thoy roport that tho boat is now doing woll nnd may tako up other matters of mutual Intorost soon. fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK IISTAIILISHED 1HHO Capital & Surplus ...$100,000,00 General BankingBusiness Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK BOXES FOR RENT l'. S. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS FOR EXCHANGE Now 30-30 Win chostor rlflo, short barrol, to trado for good light weight shot gun. Phono 20 OH. FOR RENT FurnUtied housekeep ing rooms. $12. Mrs. B. II, Smith, corner 2nd and Highland. Phono 319X. FOR SALE Horxo weighs about 1500 lbs., 7 yonrs old, good condl tlon. Address No. Bond Lumbor Co FOR SALIC Horse, weighs about 1,500 pounds and 7 years old. En qulro North Bond Lumbor Co. Phono 12C1. FOR HALE. Small fluli boat. Wu son's Fish Market. Phono 37 J. If You Are Not, Using You Are Not, Using the Best, Mties Desiring Monuments Erected ) A rlrtT Would do well to call at ACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sclec tion from tho large stock now on hand. ii Wilson has in his employ the only practical marblo and granite flitter in Coos Coimtv. And none but the best work' is turned 6nt, WANTED Young man or woman competent for ofllco and book work. Address in own hand writ ing giving roforonccs nnd exporl once. Opportunity, caro Times. FOR SALE Hank stock and proper ty. McCrnry, Sr Ideal Pharmacy. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms closo in, Telephone 239-J. FOR SALIC 3 gasoline launches, 23 20 and 30 foot In longth. Phono 0J. Finds HntN Chas. Loo tho night boforo last plckod up two now hats that woro floating In tho Bay in tho roar of tho C. A. Johnson storo. Thoy had been in tho water only a short tlmo and ho thought that thoy pos sibly indicated n double drawing, Ho brought thorn' (o D. ,A. Jones, think ing tho latter might know who thoy bolonged to ns tho hats waro n now Stotson and a Castlobrand soft hat. Howover ho did not and no ono has reported anything that would indi cate a drowning. InvcHtlgnto Complaint' It is un derstood that Chjof Clork piarko of tho Unlt'od States Engineer's ofltce at Portland who Is comlnc horo on tho next Brenkwafor will also look Into ono or two complaints that havo boon roKlstoroci ngninst tho Southern Pa cini's roquosts to bridge tho Bay bo tweon Sand Point and tho mouth of Pony Inlet. Tho opposition to tho plan Is said to havo boon roglstorod by proporty holders In and near Copston who wish tho lino to camo around by Cooston, Carpenters Scarce Thoro Is a scarcity qf carpontors on tho Bay Just now, tho many now homos being orortad tnklng all tho avallnblo men. Several projocted dwolllngs aro bo Ing held up by tho inability to got men. Anson Rogers, Jr., of Coos River who was down yesterday to arrange for tho construction of throo new ones snld that ho was afraid that ho would havo to delay their rontdructlon on account of Inability to get either carpenters or mon to grndo down his lots. P. M. Tully yestordny started his forco on tho nddltlon to tho Grnndol boarding houso nt Bunkor Hill for which ho secured tho contract tho other day. JACK MEREEN loft on tho Nann Smith todny to spend a wook or two in ban Francisco and at Borkoloy. P. E. WESTERBOIta expects to leavo tomorrow for Portland and other northorn points on business. . D. J., ASH and family oxpect to loavo Monday for Charleston whero thoy will spend a month camping out. MRS. L. J. SIMPSON and daughtor and hor guest Mrs. Callander of Aatorla wero visitors In tho city yestordny. MISS GORMAN who has boen tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. D. Cohan loft yosterday for her homo In Portland. . NORTH REND NEWS. W. R. Simpson Is building a new homo on Oregon street noar Sher man. He recontly sold his former homo of tho Southern Pacific, It bo- Ing on tho right of way that they but MRS. HERBERT ROGERS of Coos Rlvor and hor daughtor, Mrs. M. E. Nelson, aro guests of Mrs. Eliza beth Adams. JUDGE GALE, ono of tho oighteon judges of tho Phlllpplno Island bench, arrivod horo yestordny with his wifo and two childron In an auto outing trip. Thoy will loavo today for Portland whoro Mrs. Galo nnd tlo children will romaln while Judge Galo goes to Europe Thoy plan to como horo again next sea son ns Judgo Gnlo la highly ploasod with this soction as a summor climate TOM COKE and family and Wm. Lawhorno and family roturnod last ovonlng from a short outing near tho Gould place on tho West Pork of North Cooa Rlvor. Thoy had fine fishing but did not got any door, Mr. Lawhorno suffering on attack of rhoumatlsm which pro vontcd thorn going out much. Mrs. C. II. Wnltor nnd Mrs. P. G. Hor ton and famtlloB romnlnod for a longor stay. MAX TIMMERMAN camo up yostor- uay from Charleston whoro ho and a party of frlonds havo been enjoy ing an outing. , C. F. McCcorgo nnd E. W. ICnnmior or nud families aro' breaking camp at Sunsnt beach and will roturn homo tomorrow. JOHN P. HALL nnd wifo nnd daught or, Miss Roxlo, will loavo noxt wook for Charleston whoro thoy will camp out for a weok or so. MRS. R. K. BOOTH has -returned from a short visit with Mrs. Holon Chnndlor-Tromalno nt tho Chnnd ler summer hom6 on Coos Rlvor. MISS AGNES SANDQUJ8T who has boon tiio guost of Mr. nnd Mrs. Oron on South Sixth stroot hns re turned to her homo nt Day Point, Calif. voyed through town. ' STlk, COOS HAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY nnmo belongs to E. O. Hall, Phono 109-J. FOR SALE Chlckcrlng Grand piano in good condition. Phono ZIM-x. WANTED Gentleman roomer boarder. Enqitlro Times office nud WANTED EiK.rlcnccd miners. Ap ply nt once nt Llbby mine. OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yaklmi Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsu, Wash. FOR SALE or trade, a good launch. Apply 204 Coko building. BUY NOW. Some choice lota in NORTH BEND enn be had at a very reasonable price If tnken now. E. S. GEAR & CO . First Nntlnnnl Tinnk Mar.shfteW Cyclery IHCYCLES FOR RENTJ, Phont 13H-R. 172 No. Broadway. Alfred Johnson, tho Ten Mtlo road supervisor, was In Mnrshfleld yester day to consult Judge Hall rolatlvo to tho now road being built to Ten Mile from North Inlot. A. O. KJelland will leave noxt weok for Portlnnd nnd Willamette valley points on business. R. E. SHINE and family passed through hero yesterday en route homo to Coqulllo from tho boach near Empire where thoy havo been camping for a fow weoks. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST Following Is tho Hat of unclaimed letters remaining in tho Mnrshflold, Oregon, Postofflco for tho week end ing August 13, 1912. Persons call ing for tho samo will pleaso say ad vertised and pay ono cent for each lottor cnllqd for. Brookman, Gus; Dorrlnger, Jack; Pndgo, Sam; Doir, John; Erlckson, Chas.; Fradonburg, D. R.; Forsmau, Ell; Glllott, Win,; Hunter, A.; In gram, W. G.; Jaffrlos, Wm,; Jonos, MIbb. Maggl.o, 2; Johanson, Edvln; Klrkrlff, GeorKO.:, Klrkreff, Evorott; Laurence, Miss Franklo; Lemmenu, Tony; McCluln. R M, 2; Mannor, Henry; Mossl, J.; O'Connor, Mrs. Cnthorlno; PorKlns, N. Mllto; Pet titt, L. W.j Rice, Mrs. P. 8.; Rohn, Chns,; Shook, Mrs. W. P.; Soaborg, Malcom; Saundors, It. W.; Woahunt, Pnscalt Winters, Ettle: Wilson, R. P. W. B. CURTIS, P. M. NOT- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ICE. A mooting will bo hold at tho Marshflold Chamber of Commorco Friday evening, Aug. 10, to discuss matters In connection with tho com ing Port of Coos Bay oloctlon. All Interested nro requested to bo pres ent. J. T. McCORMAC. President. WALTER JENSEN, Pnt Flanngnn, Max Kruger and Arthur Williams havo gone to Myrtle Point to tako Jobs on Messrs. Small and Morris soy's paving contract there. I The Sing Sing Pictures Will bo run agnln tonight nt tho Roynl Thentro. Don't nilsa seolng this fnmoua picture In photoplay. At tho Star, North Bond, tomorrow night. Mr. Lonmnskl hns leased the Orpheum at Bnndon and will open Saturday night with this bl& three rgol feature. Kerns, Robin and Memmen will open tomorrow i.ight at tho Royal with stock vaudeville, A change of program each Inght, Times' Want Ads bring results, REV. FATHER MUNRO of Marsh flold and Rov. Fathor Kovnoy of Bandon loft today for Portland to participate In the annual ro treat of tho priests of this diocese. REV. 55. O. DOWARD will visit Co qulllo and Bundon In tho Interest of tho Christian church this weok. At Coqulllo ho will deliver tho main address at a rally In that city tonight. C. E. JORDAN of tho Enstsldo school Keep Your Mind Off Your feet Don't be etornally thinking about your feet. Glvo yoursolf a chance to think about other things, and do hotter work. Got foot relief today. Get a can of A. D. S. Peroxide Foot Powder AT OUR STORK FOR 2."Sc California Flour Down Again 40c Per Barrel in a Week Look Out, For Low Prices SPERRY FLOUR. CO.