THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 5 The Sign of Good Candy Always Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line EVENING STORIES AND TALES FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE MWi Iff'ltlf. GOItST & KINO. Pronrfetors. HA1N- EDITED BY NELLIE M. GRAVES (All Rights Reserved) IN THE LAND WHERE THE SAND MAN DWELLS ''.' ' --- i COOS BAY AUTO LINE i itrt Af.TJHIANV " .'"' ""'"." "' ,l rnnl StaSBn?roon train for Port- "Leaven Drain at 8 a. m. and arrives t Maminom r T nnr fon. JW, Marshflold and O. Ma- on, Drain. lost Sensible Shoe For tho cniiuron ib iuo famous ''SKUFFER" shoe. fnt an In fit. the Electric Shoe Store 10 So. uroauwny .. .. '"""""' Uwlitrc, Any Tlmo Catoiui Driving Iloiuonnblo Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE m ciaitKlt. Pron. I ml... P!nri in IllllVOr'S ClltUf ruuuo iuv.. . -----. -- - - lore, Phone lts-J. Aucr u i. m., lone S.-J Marshflold. Oregon. Inique Pantatorium MR MODERN DYKIIH. ULiKAnuuw, nroacitR .nil HAT RENOVATORS tent (or Edward E. BtrauM & Co. It Tallorlne Lot ua maka youi lit Suit. lAComnwrlnl. I'hoim Zwi-a. I Modern Brick uulIUJnB. Eloctrlc Light. Steam Heat. Elegantly Furaliticd Rooms with Hot tied Cold Wntor. IIOTKTj (JO 08 C. A. METMN, Prop. ltn: SO cent a Day nnd Upwr.rds Cor. Dronnway and Market. Muranrinlil. Orncon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY "vws. w., 1 Dennett Swnnton, Tom T. Doniiott Atluni(')N mid Counsellors nt Law. anagan & Dennett Dunk Hiilldlng. iMarshflelil, Coos Co.. Oregon. iKIlh Itll.KV IIALLINGKH Pianist iiml Teacher slJence Studio 237 So. Uroadway 1'hono 18L i:v kky.i:h. Violin Instructor. bply Haloes Music Store ClnHs ru sen. I. JiU H. Tl'Ul'K.V, Architect. Marshflold. Oregon kit. n. w. Momtow, r n.Mitiut l Orliuca Building, over Qruud I luraier. UIIIC0 I'llODO 3ZU. C CHANDLER, AIfIIITI.'n Rooms :i()J mul aoii Coke llulldlug, .Murhiiticld. lit. Ill HI) R. CLARKE. ' tllsl In Nerve and Spinal uucuse. 0ftlt. Pnnni 0 l)Ana. MMielJ. Offlrn ITnnra Q (,. K No 1IU,. ! A. J. llh.NDKVM Modern Dental I'arlni-.. irt eqUlDtted to An h1f. rl.i, ' on short ootlco at the Tor) Flt Prices. Examination frnn hi itlesdsnt. CoVo building, oppo u.minr npiei. phnna 112-J. n- ' T. MeCOHMAO, Fbyslclan and Surgoon Usrehfleld. Oregon. : Locshsrt Building, tfDnMnmr ?,,, 10R-J & Star Transfer M Storage Co. torture,! in ,i ... , , ib n n.r u "" K,nua ot naming " ' W meet all tralnt He C "avo tho latest IJ I ynolds Piano Mover. We " our work. H. Heisner, Prop. li. 120-T n- 4 0.1.. XOTIPP n. MTirp '," 'yiKUlTOHS TeCC1T'fI1f .io.UBt Will P!,l. and irii r ulauso". o I." kf dulv ! !' I. .,p,nlnontttr' thlm..r- Ml Ke.sons lmv- reb' MMite,t , l B!,,l, estnt0 M" !'HhthenJ0 1,repl,t ti : ttoniff'PPer vouchers wltliln the office n ,r i1 tllt (,i,t0 hereof. a, "" "lock, Marbhfleld, Ore- tutrix oMhRT- CMUSEN. lUm... r 'he Last wm .i ued. 0l Peror Clausen. d- f " of AuBl,St, KSSft A"- 3; last LKAVN MAUSHFIKM) LKAVI3 NOItTII BBND. 7:1C A. M. 7:00 A. M. 8:00 A, M. 7:45 A. M. 3:45 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A. M. 10:15 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A. M. 10:4G A. M. . 11:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:30 P. M. 12:15 P. M. 1:15 P. M. 1:00 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 2Mn P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 3:1G P. M. 4:15 P. M... 4:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M. 6:45 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 0:30 P. M. C:l5 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 11:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 12:30 A. M. 12:00 P. M. Lcavo Nortli licnd Allcn'n News stand. iA-nvo Murnlillold Chandler and Ulanco Hotels nnd Duay Cornor. FAST AM) COMMODIOUS v?. iiiA Steamer Redondo Kqulppcd with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Wednesday, Aug. 14, at 3 P. M. All PnsiicnRcr Reacrvntlons From San Francisco Must Do Mudo at K05 Fire UuUdliig. or Pier No. 10. INTKIt-OCKAN TKANSPOItTATION CO. PHONI'3 44. C. F. McOEORQE, Agont. Lakeside By Auto Mnko rcRiilnr dnlly trips coihtIIiik with LAUNCH NOHTH STAIt LcnvhiK StiiiifT'fl Iiindlni; every day at l:BO p. in., returning lcavo North Slough landing Saturday ut I) n. in. Auto leaves Lakcsldo ono hour earlier than bont nohcdiilc. FAltB KACII WAV 91.00 Will mnko special trips to connect with launch at any tlmo, day or night.. For full Information Inquire TOM SAWYKIt, Jr., at Lake side, Oregon, or leave messngo with M. M. Pierson, tho Lakcsldo Telephone Agent. Steamer Washington Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Monday Aug. 12, WITH PASSUNOKHS AND FUKIGI1T l 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. THIC FltlKNI) OF 0008 HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPl'KI) WITH WIIIELKS8 SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA SATURDAY, AUG. 17 AT 12 o'clock CuNNHCTINO WITH T1IK NOHTH HANK HOAI) AT rOHTLAND NOHTH PACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McOEOHGB, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FHOM A1NSWOHTH DOCK, POHTLAND, AT O a. m., AUG. O, 8, IS. 18, 23 and 28. FHOM MAHSHF1KL1) AT THE SERVICE OF THIS TIDE, AUG. IS, 10, 15, 20, 25 nnd ao. Phone Main 112 1-L. J. C. MILLER, Agent. GOOS B&Y-ROSEBURa STAGE LINE. Stage leaves Marshflold every morning at 6 and roaches Roseburg In time to connect with evening train for Portland. Stage also loaves Roseburg every morning at 6 o'clock and renches Marahfleld same nyon Iflk? FARE 90.00, Hound trip 911.00. Good meals en route. C. P. narnard, agent, Roseburg. Otto Sci.etter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Marshfield. Tlokots can be obtained at Hlllyer'a Cigar Storo. V, J. BCAIFE A H. HODUINI fe Marshfield Paint (Bh Decorating Co. BsUmates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oreitnr Real Estate and FIRE INSUHAXCR Sevorel good bargains lu Farms and city property. AUG. FIUZEEN. 08 Central Ave. unr.hnp'n' Orfteon My donr llttlo glrlB nnd boys: Most of you, I know, lmvo at so mo tlmo built houses out of blockB, and liavo watched them tumblo down. If tho blocks woro all straight and In their proper places, your block Iiouh os would not fall down. Usually wo find when building our block houses, that down nenr tho bottom, wo lmvo loft out u block or put ono In crook- ,od so that whon tho houso Is noarly uono, over it goes and our work is nil to bo douo over again. How un happy this makes us. So it Is, my dears, with our llttlo lives. You aro starting out now to build your characters, and aftorwhllo when you got to bo men and womon, your building Is nearly dono. Lot us boglu to build by forming habits that will mako a good strong character. Whon our building Is finished, if wo havo put all tho blocks in straight and In tholr propor places, oven a hard blow will not knock down tho building wo havo built. Thoro nro tho blocks of love, ob odienco, firmness, truthfulness, clean liness, choorfulnoss, kindness, brav ery, promptness, patriotism, and many othors which wo uso in build ing our characters. Tho habits wo form now as wo aro growing to wo manhood and manhood nil affoct our lives lntor. Lot us bo careful to form good characters. Lot us try to build a character so strong that nothing will shako It. I WILL NEVER TELL A LIE "Good morning, Mrs. Drown, whoro is Jack? I havo conio to piny with him," said Charles, Jack's chum. "I am very sorry to toll you," ro piled Mrs. Drown, "that Jack Is In bod." "Dut why Ib ho In bod on a protty day llko this," uskod Chnrlcs, "Is ho 111?" "No, ho isn't 111, and ho Isn't In bod bocnuso ho chooses to bo, but bo causo ho has boon a bad boy. Thoro Is no punishment that hurts Jack nH much ns going to bod on a day llko this, when ho can hear tho othor children out plnytng. You know, Charles," said Mrs. Drown, "that Jack and Tod wont swimming yester day whon I had told -thorn thoy must not go." "I sco Tod out playln," ropllod Charles. "I do not think It right to punish Jack and not Tod whon thoy both wont." "Woll," said Mrs. Brown, "Jack, I am sorry to say, did a much worso thing than go swimming. Ho told mo n Ho, nnd that, to mo, Is ono of tho worst things n boy or girl can do. Whon I naked Tod about It, ho told mo ho had gono but that ho was vory sorry and would not dlsoboy mo again. Whon I asked Jack, ho told mo ho did not go and did not know that any of tho boys had gono. Think of it, If I nllow him to bogln tolling storlos now, what will bocomo of him. Whon pooplo find out ho tolls storlos, thoy will not bollovo lilm ovon wnon ho tolls tho truth. No ono will llko him nnd no ono will trust him. No ono likes n liar, and that' Is what n girl or boy is who tolls stories. You conio back .tomorrow, Churlos, and I want to nsk you to not repeat what I havo said to Jnck'B other play I WILL NEVER DO ANY- THING FATHER OR MOTHER HAS FORItlDDEN, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT SEE ME DO IT "Who Is that porson to whom you woro talking when I callod you to dinner, Papa?" said Wllllo to his fnthor. Was ho a man or a hoy? Ho had such an old looking faco but his body was so Ihln nnd tiny. Ho mado mo think of Tom Thumb, and why waB his faco that ugly color?" "Now, my son," ropllod Wllllo's fatlior, "If you will stop talking a llt tlo 'whllo, I will answer your first question. That funny looking llttlo man with whom I was talking wont to school to mo whon I was teaching school. Ho was a bright, honlthy lad and had tho promlso of being a strong mnn, but ho did a vory, vory bad thing that stunted, or stoppod his growth. Whon ho wns cloven years old Just think of It, only olovon yoars old, ho used to slip out Into tho woods and smoke clgnrottcs, and oven chow filthy tobacco. Ho know that this was a bad, nasty hab it and that his parents would not al low him to do Biich things, but ho sneaked away nnd did it. You now sco tho results. Whllo ho Is a mnn In years, ho has that shrivelled up body and Is nshnmod to bo seen. I want you to toll all of your boy friends about this, William, for I know you nil want to havo big, strong bodies whon you grow to bo mon. Anothor thing I want you to romombor, Will lam, Ib that girls and boys may think thoy nro hiding from ovory ono when thoy do tho things that tholr parents havo told them not to do, hut thoro is Ono who sees tholr ovory act, and from Whom thoy cannot hldo. Do you know who this Ono Is?" ItORIUE'S SUMMER IN THE COUN TRY Setting Mrs. Hen Tho morning nftor Grandma had told Bobblo how llttlo chickens woro hatchod, sho gavo him sixteen oggs. "Now wo nro going to sot Mrs. Hen. 1 am going to show you how, and lot you do It." Dobblo put tho eggs carefully Into his hat and followed Grandma out to tho hcn-houBo whoro tho black hen was waiting patlontly. Grandma ltftod hor nsldo whllo Bobblo put tho oggs In tho nest. Tho hen was vory careful not to broak tho oggs, and soon had them all covered nicely. "Now wo must romombor that Just threo wcokn from today tho eggs will hatch," sntd Grandma. Bobblo was vory proud to think ho had sot tho hen and that ho was to havo caro of hor and her llttlo fam ily. Grandma wns so very busy and Dobblo found so many things to do about tho farm that ho qulto forgot tho sotting hen until ono day when ho was riding old Hobo out to water, ho hoard "cluck! chuck! cluck!" and "peep! peep! poop!" Not far from him ho saw tho proud black lion and somo of tho dearest llttlo chlckons. Mrs. Hon was hunting fish worms for hor tiny babies and thoy all scomod to want tho samo worm. Bobblo wondered why. Sho rufllcd up hor fonthors and said "cluck! cluck! cluck!" "Poop! pcop! peep!" said tho llttlo chickens. Tho mother hen thon sat down and tho llttlo chlckons wont undor hor. "Oh! I know," thought Bobblo, "hor baby chlckons wcro cold and mamma was calllng'thcm undor hor wings to warm thorn, nnd how sho scorns to lovo thorn." (Continued Next Saturday.) THE LITTLE HOUSEKEEPER Do tho llttlo girl readors over cook? If not, thoy all ought to loam to do so ns soon ns possible. 1 um going to toll you how to mnko a good, plain cako which will surprlso Papa whon ho comos homo to dinner. Mix togothor ono cupful of sifted flour, ono cup of sugar, and a heap ing toaspoonful of baking powder. Put Into a cup two tablospoonfula of moltod butter. Drop Into tho buttor, two oggs without beating nnd fill tho cup full of milk. Pour tho contents of tho cup Into tho flour. Stir thor oughly. Hnvo tho oven qulto hot. Bako about twenty minutes. Any llttlo girl can bako this slin plo cako by bolng careful, and It Is vory good. ,.. CARAMELS only as cents p.v pound nt STAFFORDS' SPECIAL CANDY SALE. Saturday and Sunday. A NICE HOOK FOR SMALL CHILD. HEN Tnko six pieces of linen or othor strong goods, nnd cut thorn as wldo as long, mnklng thorn tho bIzo desired. Cut bright pictures out of old maga zines, such ns pictures of squlrrols, birds, boars, flowers and such other things as a child likes. Mako pasto of flour and water and pasto theso on tho linen or othor goods. Loavo n Hinnll spneo tn mtddlo of goods to fold, nnd sow n straight lino down mlddlo nnd fold togothor. This makes a book that tho llttlo follows llko and thoy soon loam to mako tholr own books In this manner, and soon boglu to snvo many of tho protty pictures that othorwlso nro destroyed. CALEDONIAN PICNIC Charleston Bay, Sunday, August 11. All Invited Tnko Steamer Alert, and launches Allco II. nnd Standard. Lcavo about S:30. Bring your lunch. Llbby COAL. Tie kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. Phone 72 Pacific Liver- H Transfer Co. If you have anything to sell, trade, ur rent, or wnnt holp. try a Want Art. Times' Want Ads bring results. HOW THIS Wo offer One llu ntreil IHUr Hew-rd for tiiyrnxoof Catarrh that oaiino bu in rut tj Half Cttlurrh Cure. . , K.J.DIIK.ST.YACO., Toltilo, O. We, the umWtflKm'il. hve kn ivn K J. fine- -. - M 1. . I.... 1 SL . .wt . tt.l.l IwiIIaI. Itll.fe (LAP. llRr(irillUinai IJJl'HI'i bhu wi.-iv ssi in yt- lectly lioi nmiilci in nil buIiie irmnmctlon, ..t lulls, altlit tit wm rmt miiv nhtlL'il. MM IIIMIIO IHIM r'fv . t t m.... " -...(, - tloimuimlu by liU llrm. Wai.mmi, Kinnan A Mahviv, WIiiiIi tnlo DriiKKiMti, Toledo, O, Hall'H Catarrh Cure In taken Internally, net., liiKtllirrlly iihi ilho lihiud a d imiciuu Mile Uit'n of tliu mitm. Te.tlmnnlal will free, t'rli - 7.f-iI ter hnttlo. Hold by nil drniiKM. Tak. Hall' Family t'lll for iiutlpAlloii. SPJIiELLA GOliSETS may bo obtnlnod In Marshflold from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corset icr. 352 So. 5th St. Phono 20 OX. STADDEN All TJiids of photograph won, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. Express and Baggage Hauled Wo aro starting a general express business, doing nny kind of transfor work nt roasoiinblo prices Office at Epporson's Second Hand Store, 180 No. Broadway. A trial order Is respectfully solicited. Wo Intend doing n rollnblo business nnd give prompt and efficient service. Coos Bay Transfer Co. Fml Crocker, Manager. PHONE 158 L. Barnard & Langworthy Seo our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS PIIOVF IHl-R. Times Want Ads Bring Results WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS VPHOIJJTERINO AM' PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the I'neu. matle Cleaning Company. Orders foi work taken at GOING HAnVEY PHONE 100 """"sn ' ismMmm lk WEPERTECT iTOSSwSi fLQUR,Ni "'"' FLOUR NMSsA.'F MORE per Sack W' ' 12-A LE5S fa Loaf i?Zgi TZaisgjZr 'fV UJ SUB ' HP WMrmS w One Sack of Flour Is all you need in your kitchen if it' he FISHER'S BLEND The PERFECT, ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR Answers all culinary rcquircmeiits Rakes equally well the Most Nutritious Bread Very Lightest Biscuits Finest Flavored Cakes Highly Delicious Pastry These superlatives will be found warranted if you buy a trial sack of FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR 38 For tale by all Dcaltri TODciii.'iiwrwinm miiiMii iilllliliiiWfill FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Manufactured By Fisher Flouring Mill? Co. Seattle, U. S. A. m. lONDSWIOBTrTlNriWU DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE