THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION. C Eaj' onstraction on Railroad "7... ... Am?. !). Jltst 0110 Now York, t' !'! . ' l nt In to Poller Urns ( uu-i . It Ih iilmcd to have tin- entire line completed unit in operation hy .Inn. , 1, 111 15. At the p' oh "lit into of pro-, gross this etui ho lu'ooinpllsheil. The flint .:i inllcH, which ('(iiiHtltuie li tluiilly one-Ill h of the mileage in said to lie the uiOHt illffleiili of ein structlon. The reiiinin ns p'ltl.i ciin bo linllt nl n lunch fitster tale, Consldeilng tho fi'ct tint num., ! legal itnil engineering difficulties pienoiHeil IImmiikuIvoh to the Southern I loii'i'M Its Intention of bnl'dlng t h In. i mo progress iiiaile In tiio hut year Is very tmtlBfnc nry to official i of I lie llarrlnian system. t Piobably the most herlous liln ilrance wns offered hy the so-called 1 aclfle Oicnt Western, n railroad owing niiinblo rights of way pnrnl lel to, mid nt some po'ntH conflicting with, incite of tie lllainette Pan fie. under which niitne the Sotitl em Pacific's Coos Hay line Is incut poi nted A few months ago nn ngreo- lnfnl vnn rnnnlmit Imtwrtitii Clin lint. bind the Pacific Orent Wctcm an.l llc.i w'. V .i i '- lino is com the llarrlnian company took ovei i p.ttnl Us oi.ciiu - .1 will bo undor 'o h' tilings of tho rival enterprise. the management of tho Portland of McArihur Hros.. who appeared to bojflclals of the Southern Pacific. BU?m Iho tll'lW tlltlt the South- "'Sr "on 'any authorize! the S. rnS. of a. rallro,u I connect. S?SV'--cooBnV'ai S.h-rjhoworu ; t c contractors for the proposed Pa clfic Orent Westorn, were given tho ci ntract for t..c- completion of tho ew lli.iilinan lino, which nrrnngc inent, it wns understood, was nureed wl'en the Pnclflc Orent Western was taken over by the Ilnrrlmtm in tercuts. Wllllnm Hood of SnnFrnncIsco, chief engineer of the Southern Pncl tn rtx'Mumv, litm charge of eonstruc- COXTRAtT IS SL'II-LKT. L l-'ullei' Company (o Build Hit Miles foi- the P. K. & E. The Eugene IteglBtor says: Flag,; k Stiindifer, who received tho con tract from, the Portland Eugeno & Eastern to build the lino from lioro to Monroe, have sub-let the entire contrnct to Fuller t Co., nml tho SpfllolS 0MI.0 remaining U.k 'nurtliS' . , . ,iwi1liiu nioio Now n" '"'...M.riK. this now h0 !'! const will bo Pacific eonipimy nt the. tlnio It tin rlttinti Intmnam nnd Iho forces hi! Progress or L th Enigeime H : WmmwWm 19111 HEP;!EOTlHr iimmmmmmmrmmmw T"i mi m iwimwwTi l.l.'iilriiiue to . Voll tiiiinel, Coos llny-I'iiKene i, - I ' Itullioml. k ' I wmm.)--. I - Woiklnir (100 feet from outran o to tunnel. j - ttHXL.taVLJsi 1' I L uQRllci M?3r,cr' . x4?av- I - -' BJBBFTyKST'Ti'T i . ' ItWft8WB?(y iP.TffffffffJ II I ljiV. v. . vy. Mvy moved nt once to tho Monroo lino. iDimcillatcl) wut of Hiigeno. whlcn arc tcliiu built under contrnct to Tohy Hros t e w.'il-known ioi- Jand co 11 nn (, oih Slmo i.irl Inst fall Twol y lln.. lave hail 11 Inrgi force nf men nt ork Thej lmve -hud their puwoi ful roust met Ion cuiilpmiuit on the ground nml lime mnilo every otrtnt to finish the pniju't an rapidly ns i confUlont with Kiiinilnrd construe-tlon. On tho rxlic'iii". west end of flirt 123-mllc rout met is u tunnel whlc i jhns been rut tlirough nearly half a Imllo of solid rock, Tho biggest Icamps nf Die onti actors nro liiulu- rained nt the enst portal of tho tun nel .Notl tunnel, It Is called. Suim men nnd eqiilpiiicnt also wore taken over the inoiiiitiilii to tho west portal and considerable progress mnilo licr.d of tl'l3 firm will leave Kugono in nn automobile this morning nml will go oer the ontlc route for tho ptupotc of establishing constiuctloii enmps. There nro 28 miles in the contrnct, nnd camps will bo strung along tho entire lino. Pulior (z Co. linve. sub rontrnrta nn n Inrgo pnrt of tho Eugene-Coos tiny rond between hero nnd tho Notl tunnel, nnd Fuller & Haiti, which Is nn allied compnny, hnvo Just com p'cted n Inrge- contrnct on tho Ore gon Kloctrlc bo'Avcon horo nnd AI 'baiiy. It Is probablo Hint a lnrgo .rnionnt' of the oQtilpmont used on tho Fuller & Dnln contrnct will bo moved nt once to tho Monroo lino. (Coiii'tcnv of lCugone (iiinril) : UiiiiIoiiiIIiik coiiNtitKilon outfit from cars In r.ugcne. SIMXIAL OAXDY RATiE nt STAF I'OimS' Sutiinliiy nnd Rtiiidny Cnr iiinels HU ceiils per pound. i ' i ' lmi lu 1 - 12. sRill It SBSUdmmynthi v4j f III ,!. "f Villi I IB Mf JfAy ( l ill 4iS?i. H . Asaif-k ..! j "R ' "il"' 111 m KHKmK'SfttMilSH'ISDEHbXVu.. :. 111 HBCXTBBB)PffBBBbk- 9BB fem3Ml?7VyMV'' N--"v;s . IHl far M "TOfillwJ.'ZitTSliBPygjWJff itt I j.B8B fKISSpk . nil mm i&mMBSkmJBPk rs. f -Alr c...,,)IOssor at Xotl tuiuiel. Kuei.e.Sl.,- 'vl !" ' I ''"'iliiimjjgij t.H, Cmib Hay rullniml. ,,, s ' , I - i ' t, , , , -, I a Steain hliovel at work near Kl mini. i " i . ( . v 4 i . i M ,- - ' ' ' I V- " . A roci wall from - :.- r v , y n :' EL 'MMSL- 9 EhBhjJiI HWtJSS' ?tf-W?wttmt& jMMBmMmwwm I i sMmvmmmmmsmmmmBmssmmammmmmKmt OI1KSTKH ISAACSON WINS GOLD MEDAIi IN W. O. T. U. DEMOR KST CONTEST. WAS FIRST OF KIND. Tho first gold mcdnl contest hold In Coos county wns given by tho Io cnl W. C. T. U. Inst evening in the Odd Follows hall, when tho Judges nwnrded tho cholco nnd much covet ed prlzo to Chester Isaacson, ono ot Mnrshflcld's promising young mon. nnd the Inst speaker on tho list. Tho contest wns pnrtlclpntod In only by those who hnd formorly won silver nicdnls, thus tho entlro program wis composed of spenkors who woro laurels ot former days. Tho following program wns car ried out with tho exception of a solo which wnB rendered by W. A. Held In plnco of tho mnlo quartet. Rending ot scripture nnd prnyor Mrs. 0. Loroy IlaTl Vocnl Solo "Who Knows' Mrs. M n. MooIcb. Orntlon "The Conflict Irrepressible" Leslie A. Isnncson, ncclnmntion "Old So.ipy" Mrs. Elljnh Kclloy. Sollloiiuy . . "Tho Dying Drunknrd" I.eo D. Rycrly. Music Mnlo Quartet Orntlon "Tho Flnnl Voice" Mrs. Clydo dosnoy. Orntlon "A Defenso of the Drunkard' Erie P. Holt. ' Rccltntlon . . . "Tho Modornto Plan 1 Mrs. Howard Snvngo. Rccltntlon "Tho Convict's Warning" Chester I... Isancson. .Vocnl Solo "A Perfect Duy" I Mrs. M. D. Meoks. . Conferring of Judges. Prcsontntlon of Gold Medal Rev. Z. O. Downrd. I Mrs. Efflo Fnrrlngor, nccompanlsL When the spenkors hnd finished tho lnrgo nudlonco thnt flllod overy pnrt of tho grcnt hall nt onco began , to hum In words of approval. Situa expressions nB, "That wns n ronl con 'test," "Mnrshflcld might woll ho proud of the W. C. T. V. nnd Mrs. .Stump." "Whnt a di'llghtful even ing!" nnd "M wnH well worth n f, oil round ndmlsmou foe," wero hen d. Tho Judges' decision wns nimoriic ed by Mrs. Rebecca LiiBo-Stump, su perintendent of tho Dcmorcflt modal contest department of tho local W. C. T. U., to whom tho nudlonco waj I greatly Indebted for tho splondld ou tcrtnlnment. Hov. 7 O. Downrd nindo the presentation nddrcss, hnud lug with fitting words tho gold mod- nl to Chester Isnncson nnd making special mention of tho recitation ot Mrs. Howard Savnge. I Tho Judges for tho ovonlng woro Mrs. Henry Songstnckon, Mr. C. R. Peck nnd Prof. A.-O. Rnnb. Tho conto3t Inst evening wns ono which follows n series of sliver mcd nl contests. Tho winner of tho con- I test held Inst night Is now ollglbl in euiur u coiiicbi nnywuoro wun r.hor gold mcdnl winners to contest for n grnnd gold medal. Following this contest Is tho diamond contont and last tho grnnd diamond. IM'I'lt HUNTERS LOST 'J Steam shovel at work near El mini. Ill mill,... . ,. "6 "no the tb JlT ,mc' -nu teams wo.o e to rnn. ' UI"B 0Ut fl0I I3"' "Mun 3C ;Uh th, onat Wlrt clk rairoa,ith,nt 1n ,u,lch of ' Eomc"UP'8' Au,v Satv !.. .. ")' CUtS Worn iibiuj. fral thou JinYfiV1' '''wtln. Sov "eS b .1 1,V,m,,W ( t1'- I"16 "88 ',U'p!,,n -nwhcB on ifc.r.u." neer,;iu:r; - v IIP Knll.. . " . IU UUIIl &nZL , TL ire ma,n'ns t U'IR n,c,1o of t"o ;e, objective S- w ,0 Mnrsliflolu. fla' and .,f,,ni.cs,(rn tcrmlnm. Mn- T,ed S,0veM thls now n, Ln e ,Bnne, from ihf ,west l)or'n' nations .ni .,roi which fninm C,, :' "e coniluetci ' !lL!S Srltn?'''?" ' i,i fmon htu. V, U"J line. 1IcAbur e !o, hav. bSellt urs.. contractors, of (Ccmtcsy of Eugeno Guard,) !I Rnllwny Grmlei'h at Woik at Ciiiiip Xo, 0, jIIA.OAnA il-NWV1 II TITW5V N l (i 9vTfi ln)1 nl . S7h Xf JHJ5WS MOJiJl iLdHUIUS Oil vOllJiJalLriUlilUJIJl 8Sti(l MttiiPf New Coos Bblj Railway Relief Party Rescues Spoitsiiicii Xcar Klamatli I 'alls KLAMATH I-WM.S. Aiip. 10 Famlshod nnd worn out by n struggle , tlirough denso underbrush nnd innrsh land, Dr. B. H. Lymnn, n den tist, nnd V. O. Ruckloy, a roal ostnto man, both of 8nn Dornnrdlno, Cnllf., I who woro lost whllo hunting doer on i Mount Pitt, woro discovered by Bonrchors, wandering about, unable to get tholr bonrlugs. whon found by sonrehors tho mon woro 12 miles from tholr enmp' on tho Lnko of tho Woods, nt tho foot of Mount Pitt. Tho two mon tell a harrowing tnlo of tholr advonturos 1 In n strnngo wood. Looking deer thoy hnd wnndorod nbout until they had lost nil Idea of the location of their enmp. As night fell a Ilerco i tliundor nnd oleetrlcnl storm burst ( ovor tholr bonds. They sought shol- tor among tho troos ns best they 'could, expecting to find tholr way I back to camp lntor. This thoy tried to do, only to get deopor Into tho ' Junglo. I Climbing n trco. Dr. Lymnn loca ted what ho thought wns Lnko of the Woods off In tho dlstnnco. Tho two mnn mmlA IIiaIi U'nih it Hm lin.tti n (.M M.M..V ...V.. ,, M KM VIU UUU; VL water, only to dlseovor thnt It wns & TllilU.M(IOIv HIJ.Vr TO OAKLAMI.BtrnngO lnko. Confusod, thoy decided tho best Knglnes Aio IIcIiir Rebuilt Will bo J1h,n6, V, ,0T W"B t0 t)U,ch V tor OIT Run n Month tnuod tj10r wnmj0ring8. which lln- PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 9 Her on- nlly brought them to Rock Point, rlnes never havlne nrovod sntlsfac- fHy 12 miles by air lino from their tbry. tho gnbolino schooner Tillamook ""r,,nf ':o,nt' nro Bonrcliora dls .. ,. ,. . , covorod thorn resting on tho banks has been sent to Oakland to hnvo 0f Klamnth lnko them rebuilt. The work is being Mrs, Lymnn ;yont ,nto i,y8t0rlcs dono by tho Standard Gns Englno Co. J when ller i1UBbnna Ul(1 not roturn to I. P. I atimgartner.- tho locn ngoni, , Camp, and is now undor a physician's said this morning that It will tnko caro about n month to comploto tho Job. Sovontoon mombors of tho Klnm In tho menntlmo tho trnOlo tho El-' nth Fnll lo(lBO of Elks organlzod a more compnny has built up botween , eoarchlng pnity, but got to Upper Portland and Oregon Coast points' Klamath lnko Just in tlmo to wol wlll bo taken caro of by tho steamer Como Dr. Lymnn nnd Buckley upon. Sue II. Elmore and gnsollne schooner their roturn Patsy. With every pound of frolght Coroner Earl Whltrock nccompnn sho should carry tho Pntsy loft at led tho party, as It was firmly bo noon for Bnndon nnd way ports. u0ved hero thnt the searchers would Bound for Tillamook tho Suo II. El- only locate tho bodies of tho two more got nwny Inst night with a en- men. pnclty cargo. Telegram. . DON'T FORflKT that Jur sho J SPECIAL OAXDY SALE at STAF- shop Is the RFST In COOS COU.VTV FORDS' Saturday and Sunday Car- both for REPAIRING- nnd XEW nniels .15 cents per iMiuiid. , WORK. O. O. LUXD, 215 SOUTH l!I(U.llVAr. An unfilled want causes unhappl aess Times Want Arfs bring results. Times' Want Ads Drlng results.