, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1-EVEM THE COOS BAY TIMES MIWIWIlRBttPWM fiKI'tWI " WW . 1 2 lanwiJniiw m i,,. sw f( LA V 1 ))v J n st 1 . . .1. ' I I 'V ?i 1! Wgf I CX)NTIUQUTION8 concornlng social hnppenlngs, Intended for publication In the Bocloty depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later than 0 o'clock p. m., Friday of each icek. (Excoptlona will be allowed only In casoa where ovonts occur later than tho tlmo mentioned.) PERSONAL notices of visitors in tho city, or of Coos Bay people vrbo ylslt in other cities, together with notices of social affairs, nr gladly rece'.Ted in tho social d partmont. Tolophono 133, No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly roquostcd to furnish same. Til 13 CITV Thcro's a whole lot of bad In It, And a wholo lot of good In it, Sad thlngB and glad In it, Scarco understood In It. Honor and truth In It, Evil and Ilea In It, Jigo nnd blllho youth In It, Fool folks and wlso In It. Folks multlgnrlous In one locality, Alms that aro various Wnsto nnd frugality; Haughty and curious, Cruol nnd pitiful, Truo souls nnd spurious All in n cltyful. Loving nnd hntlng much, v Working nnd worrying; Wooing nnd mntlng much, Hustling nnd hurrying. Cities oh, phnrlsco Aro but tho tost of us, And It Is tlicro I boo Folks llko tho rest of ub. D1311TON URALEY EVEN tho school girls nowadays ronllo tliu folly nnd danger of iilr!lni' niuklni! itcnunlntnncos L. J. Simpson, C. Callonder, W. A. Toyc, B. Mlngus, 11. S. Sengstnckon, 13. O. Flnnngun, D. C. Green, E. S. Hnrgolt, W. C. Urndley nnd Misses Edna MeGrnw and Graco Kruso. O CRESCENDO CliUII MEETS The CroBcendo Club met at tho homo of tho Misses Hngo Tuesday ovonlng, August G, In North Hend. After a short business meeting, tho following program was rondered and enjoyed by nil: Caprice, Op. II, No. 3 . .1'adcrowskl Mr. Davidson Mountnlnor's Cnll Spauldlng Ho! Hilly Ho! (Vocnl) . ...Kcrrlson Gortrudo Nowklrk Chanel In tho Forest Jungman Allegretto from Sovonth Symphony! Duet Uoethovcn Huth GUbcrtson Tho Hosnry (VocaU Novln Mrs. L. Hnlslgor Valso do Concert Mnttol Elizabeth Jennings Prelude (dl Moscow) Op. 13, No. 2, Rnchanianlog Mr. Davidson After the program, dainty refresh ments wore sorvod. The next ineot- 1 of the oposlto sex without a bona lido , ., , llol(, M M, jonningH Introduction. Mnny n madcap 8 August 27. uas neen iinnvu mio it uy hiiuui iuvu. 0 TENDER RECEPTION t cf adventure. Other girls hnvo Invi ted this Indiscretion under tho fnlso notion that If It turned out woll, woll nml t'finil. HtivH I. mini Jonn Llbbv. If it was found that tho party was A reception was tendered Mr. nnd undesirable tho acquaintance could Mrs. II. W. Hodford Tuesday uftor- oaslly bo dropped. noon nt tho homo of Mrs. Ilcdford's Thin iiiiuinkn Iiiih iicon illRiiutrous parents parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Durin- the past two weeks wo have luul n force of workmen employed- in First Addition to Marshficld. They have eleared away the undergrowth Iroin a block ol lots that now lies level and parklike in appearance. Next these workmen will grade the streets on either side of Mode 10. This work is alreadv nnder wav and will he completed this summer. Kvery lot, m Block !(,, "First Addition to Marshfiel I. will then face on an impi'oved street. First Addition to Marshfield These lots are each 50 feet wide and 120 feel long. The price per lot is $300, pay able in monthly installments, if desired. Do not delay longer; you can still get one of tho choi -est building sites in Ibis beautiful addition, if you act now. A walk on South Fifth Street extended will take you through I'M rat Addition. Or you enn call at our office and ask to sec llock 1(5. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0-J. i to tho fair fame of many a young girl. There are some occasions when an unescorted young girl must por forco bo brought In contact with a stranger for an act of courtesy ron dered, such as opening a car window for her while traveling, the giving up of a sent for her, oponlng it rofrnct ory umbrella, nnd a thousand nnd one llttlo Incidents which cnll for a "thnnk you" but which docs not ob Sneddon on South Seventh street. I.tinch and refreshments wcro sorvod liy Mrs. 1). J. Itees nsslstod by Mrs. CIiiih. Lapp, Miss Nettlo Sneddon, Miss Zolln Swlnford, Mrs. D. Rhodes nnd Mrs. Win. Abel. Among thouo Invited wero Mrs. Solum Thomns, Mrs. P. Mlrrasoul, Mrs. J. MIrrasoul, Mrs. E. J. Hansen, Mrs. Roborson, Mrs. Win. Abel, Mrs. Jno. Wall, Mrs,' II. W. llodford, Mr. II. W. Hodford,; Jiguto tho girl to got Into convorsn- Mrs. J. Swnnson, Mrs. J. W. Chnp- . a ..Lilt ln A fl I lut (rl-tn T II Ultnil. lion witn a Hirangor. i ". .'" . iiu"hio, -. ...u.- When a friends Introduces a young don, Miss Zolln Swlnford, Mrs. D. J. man to n girl that Is supposedly a Roes, Miss Helon Roes, Miss Edna tacit guarantee that ho Is n gentle-' Rues, Miss Vlolot Roborson, Miss Jinn. Many u girl has felt hurt by Mabel Sneddon, Mrs. Goo. Ayres, Miss a. friend not Introducing her to n1 Nettle Sneddon, Mrs. Levi Holsner, young man with whom ho exchanged Chns. Sneddon, Mrs. Chns. Snoddon, greotlng while hIio stood by. Tho Mrs. Dell Rhodes. Mrs. Win, Rhoror, friend know best as to why tho Intro-' Mrs. J. C. Swlnford nnd Miss Allto duct Inn to tho young mint wns with- I.oulso Maloney. told. Tho bringing of a young uinu ' O who Is not tho right kind Into social contact with a Hiisceplllilo young girl lURTIIDAV 1URTV Is a grnvo matter. ! Wo have nil heard that tho follow Mis. M. lutstram, nsslstel by Mrs. of tho cloven foot presents to tho out- 13. Itt McCrnry. enterlnlned n num sldo world n graceful appearance nnd her of young friends at a party Mon-j fs exceeding hiiiivu In his demeanor, dny evening In honor of Miss Stella bolng quite fascinating to tho fair Jiiisiroius sixtoonin utriuuuy. Among sex. Of course, tuoro are exceptions mono present wero .Misses i-.iiiu no COXDENSEI) STATEM EXT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, Juno 14, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts '. $23S,51C.7;J Uonds, warrants and securities 7S.191.32 U. S. bondp to secure circulation 25,000 00 Ronl ostate, futnlturo and fixtures ; 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchange .' 1SS.G53.99 Total $01 1,:J7:J.:17 LlADILITIES. Capltnl stock paid In 1100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided profits , 10,548.03 Circulation, outstanding 23,800.00 Deposits 477,024.7 1 Total t $01 I,:l7;!.:l7 In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 1100,000.00. INTEREST PAID OX TIME AXI) .SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER. President. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER. Cashlur If You Are Not, Using You Are Not Using the Best to every rulo. If a young man by his dexterity hiivoh a girl from an ugly fall she should bu too grateful to stain! on ceremony of the simple "thnnk you." Tho girl who allows herself to bo drawn Into conversation with a good looking young man through pure lovo of ail von tu ro has no proof that she Is a nt being entertained by a swindler or some other alarming kind of n so'or-do-woll. What redress has alio if he boasts among unsavory com vaulous that ho Iiiih iui acualntauce vlth hor. lie may bu married though plausibly passing himself on us sin tie with a wire nnd household of illy kept children In a poor house. lander, I .yd la Henderson, Illldur Sol under, Ouuhll Lund, Chnrlotto Rooko, Edytho Lund, Jennie Johnson, Torn Lund, Elsie Lnrsou, Myrtle Leuet, i Mao Uurko nnd Stella Jutstrnm. ' O ' MIXXIE-WIS CLUR ' ; Mrs. Charles Ln Chapollo was hostess Thursday aftornoon to tho! members and friends of tho Minnie-1 Wis Club . The aftornoon wns spoilt! In sewing nnd pleasant conversation, nnd dainty refreshments wero ser ved by Mrs, Ln Chapelle, assisted by Mrs. John La Chapelle. Tho list of' ! Invited guests included Mrs. II, Roy The man who would Inveigle a girl nift, Mrs. (S. N. Holt, Mrs. Mudgot, into fniullnr conversation without Miss Evn Dresser. Mrs. August Frl in Introduction has not proper re- xoon. Miss Elvlrn Frlzcon. Miss Frnn- poit for her. lie may bo it pilferer ios Eriinse. Mrs. Margnret La Cha with an eyo to the costly little trinket of u purse she holds in her hand. (Iris should bownro of tho man who Insists upon knowing them without (lie time honored custom of being In troduced. O ItltllXiE I'AUTV Mrs. J. Albert MutMin wits hostess nt one of the most delightful bridge Ium boons of the Hummer at her sum mer home. "The Nook," on South Coos River lust Saturday. She char tered two launches, the Alice II. and Tlogu to carry her guests to and from their homes. Eight tables were set under the spreudiiiK trees of th beautiful summer homo grounds. At the conclusion of four tables, an ol- liberate luncheon whs sorvod. Mr. polio and Mrs. A. '., Downs, Tho members of the club bresent wero Mrs. Win. l'orkln. Mrs. Charles Da vis, Mrs. E. Kelly. Mrs. V. II. Dres ser nnd Mrs. John Ln Chnpclle. The club Is planning a picnic to, be given Thursday, August 22nd nt. .1... 1. ....... ....! .1 II....I .. 1.' iiiu luai'iiuu, iui! (mi iiriiiiira n ue announced later. O LOIK5E AIIWIRS. Doric Chapter, O. E. S.. Is making elaborate plans for the Eastern Star N'utal Celebration, which will be held Kildtiy. August 30. All five Eastern Star Chapters In Coos county will participate, the ceremonies Including a day and evening program, conclud ing with an elubornte bniuiuet. A diver loving cup U offered to the FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTAItLISIIED 1HK0 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID OX TIME DEPOSITS LOCK 1IOXES FOR RENT U. S. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUXRS ILLWMGHI T. ND TOOL until you have Ye carry Hie best Imuuls in the world and our prices are always ritfht. BUILDER'S HARDWARE Don't buy nnyllung in (his line wen our stock and sot our prices. Wi have the latest designs from the best fac tories in America. You do not have to be satisfied with old designs if you see ns before you order. 'mm re Agents for llaiiey-Davldson ntul Indian Motorcycles. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to cull at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sele; turn from the large stock now ou hand. Ikr. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and erranitti ,ui cutter in Coos Oountv. And nmm gig t VfR' III .i'TS 1 ftY? lullBi 1U v uua v uiimv. Ana Ws-.iiBc' but the I) st work is turned out. i.. tm.it !..(.. . ..uui.t.i k mi.,., rw.rtt c'l.nitiM- huvliiir tln lnrir4t niimhor of I K'ruse. Mr. E. S. Mnrgelt and Mrs. "t.Mnbers In utteiidntiee nnd It Is ex- W. S. Turpon. I petted that there will be ken rival ry miKiuK ue visuors 10 eaniiuo huh1 co83mv. m?&$tt. lloiiuets of pink sweet peas woro a feature of the table dot orations. Tho Hist prise was n tine cut glass vase ami was won by Mr Henry Song Hinclioii. The se. on 1 piUe. a pretty Myrtle nut bowl, was won by Mrs, Eugeno O'ConnolI. Among Mrs. Mntwou's guosts were M ostl allies K. O Connull, E. K. Jouos, Win. Ford. J. T. McCormnc. A French, F. M. Frledberg, Morton Tower. O. W. Tower. II. Lockhnrt, T. II Trom NJchol pen, i K. l.core. c. r. Peck, K. O. .lorham, Oeo. F. .Mure It, Hugo Qulst, iropby. Mr. Ora .McCart.v of Marsh- flold lit lovfldent of 111. Vutal llnv I hoe'ety this year. 0 Pacific Cninninudery No. 10. Kiilgh's Temjilnr. Is making plans for it bite hocIhI tlmo wttilv In fliitt). lull'. P V I..K'nl,.l,l 1 . , I, !...,.. ., I ..-- -. ....... ..a.... .n . I n.iiiinii r'Of the committee ou arrangements. The big InU'ntlon ceremonies to be iiul f til r O Tiittnr II I nokimrt ' I p oig luU'iitlon ceremonies to be Hiirry W s Chandler ,,',",,1,,ctpa hero SoiHoinliop 2. 3. and I'tlne W T Mend C I b' A,ln1' Tomplo. Arable Order n( fin. M bilolton!' ' W S. ,h M'8,,e 8hr,w' f Mm' W,M 'iui ' ' ' ' ' SQUARE J-&&r v vy -BY I I i f I if - COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. SCALERS tsa. A6CNTS COAL COLONIZATION. MUM FARtJ fWr. fflMML n iiww uruo. 0r6amiw6 or miswAL- COMPANIES A SPUtAVTYsTi (Continued on Page Eight.) The past has proven that Investments cltlos are tho most prontabio. The C. , Qrusohke, Marshfleld, Ore. in small acre tracts near growing It. It. S has such to offer, Cl.as. I ALL WOMEN WONDER how wo can produco so big a loaf of fine bread for so little u price. Thoy cannot do It. no matter how expeit hey may be. How can they? Wo buy our materlnls nt wholesale and use the most modern appliances. Unit h w hy our broad Is cheaper than home baked nnd better too. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good noodles. Market Ave. Phone in.L MUX (YKM LISTEN TO YOUR UNCI! . ... rl Ainorlcnn flour Is the vi earth and Haines' fl ', V In Amorlca. Try " " ytrt vnnr AllllllSl unn-' u ...rAl' v ..... ----.. ...nil I u- ., wo """-.. u-no'i lou "- w Mio Knelc la oilint.V .. .,r.lll01 lis i you in uuj """V. more not bo without it if it cos '""re ..x. ..- t.. ii tioesn ' uiuor iiouiB. miv A. T. Haines Vterfront' Phono 100J yj!i J&SkZ aife-;gluaiijsa iuki