HSB!Bg.fOTg?-- L. '-J T -. - wBi I.Miw .1. til mmmSnmm- v - wftnWiLWrlwlll WW , jh,1. ., - - ffJWIIIMJMPMWIlMfJMlftaMlit '"" . tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SHOULD CAN ONLY A FEW YOUft OWN FRUIT FOREST FIRES More Economical Tliaii to IJuy Pre- nerves nnd Jellies, Kays O. A V. Demi. CORVALL1S, Ore., Aug. 9 "Th odor of canned fruit Is nbrond In the- land. Everywhere women are canning, preserving nnd nuiklng Jel lles'sny's Mrs. Henrietta W. Calvin, the new denn of domestic science and .art nt the Oregon Agricultural college,, who has Just aBSiuned her now duties. "Whenever two or three womon gather together they toll of the num ber of quarts nlrcndy up, and some one details her grief at one or more rat'iB opening.' The word 'luck oc curs frequently lu the conversation One 'nlwnyB has good luck'; anothur has 'no luck' with certnln varieties of fruits. "Yet there Is no luck In successful fruit canning. Tho 'opening' of fruit Jnrs tbur Is, tho spoiling of tho coiitenttf of the Jar Is caused hy microscopic organisms, which are really wild yeast plants. These lit tle micro-organisms nre on tho out side of nil ripening fruits Tim wnrmer tho weather and tho greahic tho moisture of th6 atmosphere, tho more numerous these are. When the fruit is crushed or bruised ro that the Juice- begins to flow, these little venst plants begin to multiply, to grow, nnd to cnuso formcntntlon Fruit can no more ferment wlthou' some micro-organisms In It than n field could produce wheat whern Hero had been no wheat seed In tho soil. Bo the 'luck' In making fruits keep Is merely dependent upon kill ing nil mlrro-orgnnlsms and then senllng the fruit so tightly that no more can find entrance to It, "Hunt klllH wild yeast plants but to liiHiiro Hint nil nro kilted the boiling tompernruro must bo con tinued for nt least half nn hour. In other words, nil fruit thnt Is to bo rnnned must bo boiled not less thnn hnf nn hour. Of course mlcro-or-gnnlsniR nttnph thcmsolvcn to tho Jnrs, rubbers, nnd lids, nnd these nlsn must be boiled nt least hnlf an hour. That Is to say. Jnrs which have been wnthoI. scalded nnd boli ed hair an hour, then lifted upon n linn, the Jar rubber placed In posi tion, tho Jar filled with fruit which hns boon boiled n half hour or more tho lid screwed down tightly, nnd tho Jnr left Inverted over night, will Insure tho housckecpor ngnlnst 'had lurk' In her frulr canning. "Will tho fruit keep hotter If siignr Ih added? No. Sugar added whllo the fruit Is rooking will pene trate for better thnn If added whoi. the fruit Is opened, but It will not Incronce or decrease tho keeping nunllty of tho canned material. There Is no economy In waiting until winter to sweeten tho fruit, except thnt sugnr Is n little cheaper In the winter. The flnvor Is nlwnys better when the sugar Is rooked In. Of eourso, If the housekeeper expects her fruit to spoil, she prefers to hnVe It Hpolled without sugnr, but If Kho Is certnln that It will keep, then It sroniB wIro to mnko It ready for use upon opening 'Juices should be canned without sugnr, bemuse It often occurs thai tho Juices are used In sickness whot. tne nlisonre of sugar mny bo desired. No hoiiBokeopor can nfford to be without nn abundant supply of fruli Krulta nre cheaper thnn medicine, bruit Is more palntnblo thnn tho old done of eream-of-tnrtnr, molnsso? nnd sulphur nnd Is quite ns effective. Canned fruit should bo looked upon nH necessities. We nre nccustome'' lu this climate to use lemonade .u u drink. Dlluttxl, Hweetened rnsp berry Juice, cherry Juice, grape Juice or loganberry Juice Is quite as whole moiiio and often much nioro nttrac tlve. "We are often nsked the- question, 'Ih the home canning of fruit ns economical, or hnd wo best buy our fruits already canned? ' Thero Is no question out ttint homo en lined fruit Is cheaper than nn equully good grade of commercial canned fruit. Whother It Is wise for ench house keper to can her own fruit depends wholly on the housekeeper's own conditions. Certnlnly If does not pay to overtax one's Btrength. It might not pay to can fruit If other duties must be neglected. It surely does nor pay to neglect n vacation Ih. cause the opportunity for It comej during tho canning season n.i t ilinl nveraue honiSS? im' .,?... Le I nverago hoiiBokeoner will not m,r. chase onough remly rnnned fruit.! nor use It freely "So let us put away In tlin Htnr,.. room abundant supplies of nil kinds of rnnned fruit, being bo rnreful du, Ing the time of pretention that wo need never worry for fenr of oc casional spoiled portions, We need not trouble to wrnp our Jars In pa per, nor hide away our Jars In dark places There are few varieties that ran be Injured by light " fMLKIIONIAN PIONIO CharloKio'i liny. Sunday, August 1 1 All Invited Take Stenmer Aler'. mid launches Allco II. and Standard Leave about 8:30. Bring your lunch. -Rml&ttX ui Dr School for OlfUTSC. Ic&tit o Bliltra of Sl.Joha H.pli.t ( Kpl.ocp.I . vi. tMi, u imaifcrj PprUiati, I I For uUJoodllM THE SISTUIlMUPKlUOIll I umrfl, bu nn u. Hall You Auto Call Poote PHONE 144-J NIOHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS After 1) P. M. Phone S-J Residence Phone 28-J Wilt tuke trlpa to CoquHIe. of Work being Accomplished PORTLAND, Aug. a July passed practically without forest flro loss, August begun with unusunlly favor able conditions, nnd bottor equipment than over bororo by all protective agencies except tho federal forest Bervlce, which Is hampered by con gressional delay In acting upon Its nnDronrlatlon. is tho summary of a statement Issued today by tho West orn Forestry & Conservation Assocln Hon upon advices recolvod today from all protoctlvo headquarters in tho Pacific NorthweBt. Duo partly to tho weather but also to tho perfec tion of proventlvo measures which, like tho block Blgnnl system on rail roads', Bafoguard without being spec tacular, tho situation is novel in thnt the middle of tho usual four months fire season litiB arrived and thero Is Hot a single lire of Importance- to re port. Although small fires nro becoming numerous, green timber Is not dry enough to carry them unloss strong wind prevails and tho pntrol forces are handling thotn promptly. Tho season has bocn fnvornblo for dis posing of dangerous slashings and never before has thoro bocn such sys ten nnd success in extinguishing snioldcrlng snngs and logs loft nftor burning to bocomo a monnco later. On tho other hand, tho growth of grass and underbrush hns boon bo heavy as to threaten pocullar dan ger from now on. Marked Improve ment In enro with fire Is reported, al though thoro Is conBldorablo com plaint ngnlnst cnroloss loavlng of do brls by county road bulldors nnd ngalnBt tho operations of gmnll and Irresponsible loggers. The stato forester of Montana has received $3,000 from tho foderal gov ernment through tho Weeks law to bo usod outside tho national forests in tho territory protected by tho stato nnd tho Northern Montnnn Forestry Assoclntion. Idnho has had n few smnll slash ing nnd lightning fires but practically no damngo. Tho cooperative patrol associations have completed several now tolephono systpniR and nro rap Idly Increasing pntroln to meet ox pcrtod dry wentbor. Washington reports no July fires of consequence, but tho laws nro bo Ing enforced rigidly to prevent dnn ger Inter. Soveral attempts to burn without permit or opcrnto ungunrded engines hnvo been followed by prompt arrest nnd convictions. Tho Wash ington Forest Firo Assoclntion has 00 patrolmen out nnd Is devoting spoc lul nttentton to finding and extin guishing nny flro loft nftor the spring slash burning. Tho stato forostor has 27 regular wardens an duty and Is Increasing this force gradually, bo sides having n special forco of 35 secured by government aid undor tho Weeks lnw. Oregon hnd but ono flro worthy of mention In July nnd this was extin guished, without loss, by tho Colum bia County Pntrol Assoclntion. About 3C0 wardens nro on duty in tho stnto outsldo tho nntlonnl forests, employ ed by stato, counties, nnd private owners. Although tho usual flro soason Is half over congress has mado no ap propriation for tho rodornl forest ser vice Tho nntlonal forests nro be ing gunrded on a deficiency fund which it is said would bo wholly In ndequnto In nn ordlnnry soason, but so far thoro has been little loss. It Is understood by nil authorities ihnt, whllo tho immunity enjoyed so fnr shortens tho dnngerous season nnd hns permitted careful prepara tion, n few hot drying days mny bring tho mnxlmum hnzard nt nny tlmo now. All persons nro urged not to nttompt slash burning nnd to exer cise great raro with sparks, matches nnd rnmp fires. PORTERS nUYIN'O TIMBER. Railroad Contractors Snltl to Own li.onn.ooo.ooo lVot of Fir EUGENE, Or., Aug. S. Porter Brothers, railroad contractors of Portland, havo purchased timber acreage lu the Sluslnw district ag gregating about 260,000,000 feet It Is understood thnf the consideration wns 1207,000. This Ih approximate '' ' . ,no8nni' 8'"l'age. Property was acquired from a ly 1 n thousnnd stumpage. The nn m- tier of Indlvldunl owners. With this purchnse, It Is estimated the timber holdings of Porter Bro3, ip i.nno nnd Douglas counties nggre unto about 2.000,000.000 feet. The, acreage lies In n solid body and con- ams mostly nougluH fir DANCE RAGLES' HALL Saturday me., .tun, 1,, i,nto music. KEY KKira ORCHESTRA. No "ragging." FRECKLES Don't Hide Them Willi n Veil; He move Them With the .Yew Drug. An eminent skin specialist recent ly discovered n new drug, othlnc-. double strength, which Is so uniform ly successful In removing freckles and giving n clear, beautiful complex ion that It Is sold by any first claw druggist undor an absolute guarnuteo to refund tho money If it falls. Don't hide your freckles under a uu; gei an ounco or otnlno and re move them, Even tho first nlahrt nt win snow a wonueriui Improve ment, somo of tho lighter freckls vanishing entirely. It is absolutely harmless, and cannot Injure the most tender skin. Bo sure to ask for tho double strength otnlno; It Is this that Is sol on tho money back guarantee. Conservation Assoclntion Tells Phone AN OPTIMIST Tho politicians tell us That unless their side wins out The country's pretty sure to go To smash, without a doubt. But "Uncle Sam" looks out across Ills Holds of wheat and rye And corn and oats and 'tatora" And winks tho other eye. Tho politicians toll us, That unless thoy shall succeed Tho people of tho nntlon Will Just upset, things, indeed! But "Undo Sam" lookB out upon Ilia- hosts of honest folks, And doesn't tnko too seriously The politicians' Jokes. NOTICE. To nccommodnte the employes of tho C. A. Smith Lumber Co , our of fice will bo kopt open on tho evening of tho tenth of each month botweon seven nnd eight o'clock, for the pur poso of receipting for wntor rates. Coos Day Water Compnny. THE "PROGRESSIVE" PAHTY Is the Indlvldunl, man or womnn, who uses Foloy Kidney Pills for bnekache, rhcumntlsm, weak back, and other kidney nnd bladder Irreg ularities. Foley Kidney Pills nro heullng, strengthening, tonic, nnd quick to produce beneficlnl results. Contain no harmful drugs. Never sold In bulk. Put up In two sizes In scaled bottles. Tho genulno In n yellow pnekngo. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.. "Tho Busy Corner.'' Fifty-First Oregon State ammmmmmmmmmam Fair Salem, Sept.-2-7, 9tH,0b(.OO Offered lu Premi- (mm on Livestock, Poultry, Agricultural mill other products Hares, Dog .Show, Shooting Tournament, Itnnd Concert, FlreivorkH lyml J-'rco Attrac tions Send for Premium Lst nnd En try Blanks Deduced Kates on nil HAILHOADS For piii'llculnr nddresu FA NIC MEREDITH, Her., 8lem, Ore, mu FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTABLISHED Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID O.Y TI.MK DEPOSITS LOCK BOXES FOR HUNT V. S. REPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS CO.YDE.YSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho close of business, Jun 14, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts'. ,' . Bonds, warrants and securities. '.'.'.'.'.','. to ?J5'22 U. S. bond to secure circulation "'"J-J; Real estate, furniture and fixtures. .. S?'2??"2? Cash and sight exchnnge , oHJH4 lBB,bu3.y9 Total 011,:J73.!J7 LIABILITIES. Cnpltal stock paid In.;.' .,. Surplus and uudlvldod profits, 100,000.00 Circulation, outstanding 10.C48.53 Deposits 23,800.00 477,024.74 Total 5011,373.37 or. Is' n$ia0d0d,000n00O. CaPUal StCk the ,Dd,vldua' "WHty of Stockhold INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS w s- c,,AND,'E"'rKRE,TocJZTO Buy Your at the UNION MEAT And You Will Always Have rure wnoiesome Meats. UUILUINQ AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and Grading. we are prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee latlsfactlon. Let us fleure With tou G. 8. FLOYD & CO. 316-J. Marahfield, Ore. Do Yoit New Rugs and New Patterns All Wiltons - - -Body Brussels - -Axminsters - - -Tapestry Brussels -AH-Wool Bungdlo -Ingrain Rug - -Crex Grass Twine Small Rugs - - - Call and look them over. You are always welcome to inspect our stock and get our price GOING & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers 1HH0 AN'Il DH. Meats C. MARKET 'Phone 58 Have That Roof Fixed now See CORTEELl Pbo sua Need 0 Room Size $35.00 to $50. 26.50 to 32,5! 25.00 to 32.51 12.50 to 22.51 12.51 4.50 to 1O.0) 10.00 to 12.00 1.25 to 12.51 The Gas Range Is A Friend to Every! To the women of the household 1 clean, cool kitchens without back-bn bor. To the men it gives better cooWl and happier wives. To the. children it allows more tiiwj their being no kindling to chop nor I rands to the grocery for oil. To the entire household it gives Cleanliness, Safety, Ec It is no longer a luxury only for I Telephone 178 and ask the New w partment about our gas range. Oregon Power TELEPHONE 178. Get Busy filW ACWPn m. nnn ...,. rJillCT OOiU PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAP niiirtUliHB 91.00 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1' A. Smith Lumber & RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Abstracts, Real EstaW and Marine Insur? Title Guarantee and Abst HUWrtY SENCWTACKSN, W' Coqullle Offl.o Phono lx Flatting Ldl ' -'-. .....-.,. (Mint lJ uasnu am Mknomiu w w. i3SAikJ 'CZJS-''. JJUiHx.MiwJ.-