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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 -EVENING EDITION M STERY OF BANDQN I I GOME I 10 GET LUMBER IDEAS COAST LEAGUE JZZTmO MIS EVERETT ( M'CltlLLES OK SPECT SMITH MIIjI TRIP 11Y AUTO. HERE Everett 0. Griggs nnd Dan Mc- Clrllles of Taconin arrived liorc Inst Cornells Strangely Disappear from Ranch near Rose' burg Fear Crime. IlOSEUl'KG, Aug S In tho wnkc ?r Ml?. ",3L8ien" "! V fS ,V'' "" " u eve nmr vln Allcgnny to Inspect tho inniny ironi nrar mm i" .- q,nith mill hero to cot Ideas borhood residents. In ....compliance , far - Alio. n In tho J ojn auto. S,.fVQll.UpuVsu,7ain: , Plcted their to th. Smith mill. GRIGGS AM) DAN on Cronoionn nnfflnis PnlM- I'ACOMA IX- "" ii "- - land Six to One Vernon Loses Again. ICJtL WjJtL T o Saturday; August 10th will mark the wind-up of the largest and best sale we have ever held STANDING OF THE CLUJI W. L. P.C. Vernon 71 Lob Angolos . . . .09 Oakland G9 Portland 48 San Francisco. .18 Sacramento . ..41 48 49 CI CO 71 70 .597 .585 .575 .444 .404 .386 253350 Per Cent, Reduction on All Suits Holds Good This Week . vestlgatlon, but to date no nns lounu i " " - " nothing In tho wny of a cluo upon! homo ,niun POHTLAND, Aug. S. San Frnn- whlch to work. The story Is that a- Mr. arKBnVM,nprulpUvnrthwoB? cIC0 rfofcatod Portland yesterday by' ii.. .iv ..n-.nno vL-hn inrntPit lumbonnon of the Pacific Northwest . .. .. . nn Tllo rnn,. . ...l- 1 11. tfc RWI VI W Mi v wxu ... ww.o- - llllllllt UL OIA iiviuuiiu ....-- . . . . .ttm ...i ...t.inni.. ion in im nnu nnu ncaru mucu nuoiii um T ... ,,,,: .,, n,i nu r.itinwu. dead o n h a ow montta later, Smith mill hero hoig tho most up. , " - -'.r n. ,, B. for parts unknown, with ono of tho.r , to-dnto In tho county. Ho ex poets. .PortIhntl i g 3 j C rcum- . "-'. "iv " . ., Snll Frnnc BC0 c 7 t) "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. nil.nM iitintKtnmttnM f fit stances surrounding tho affair have I ImiiPovItiB his plant Bandon. Marshfield. stances surrounding tho affair have m improving " s Pinni. At Los Angeles It II. E. led to strong suspicion of a crime, rnox Morccn.gcnorn 1 i "Porlnton- , A ,M 9 17 3 but so far nothing has developed to "lent of the C. A. Si nlth coi pnny, Is Vcpnon G u support this Idea. SX,mhM,f HtnJ ? 51- m. his At Sacramento- It. H. E. Early last spring thero canto to Smith fB 'nB nT 8,ntflU,i .W" Sacramento 1 G 3 Wilbur from nandon. Or., a family dnuRhlors at Berkeley of tor n trip 0nkland 3 n 2 A. Smith h wife their uii"j ii'"h ., no . ivn ilrl nnd.epolls n,1,l which cut as high tin t 18 yeaiH of " million feet In twenty-four hours, ,ior niinnilnn and will romovo It to Lalco Ttthoo, 15,000,000 VOTES TO HE TOLL- t ED IN NOVEMHE PLAN IIAIIYY SHOW POHTLAND, Ore, Aug. 8. What may be described as n scientific Bnby show nnd Child Welfare Exhibit 'U .MOTH Kit THINS GHAV IN NIGHT. Aaxloim Parent at Sonvlew Thinks Son Dniwnwl. SEA VIEW, Wash., Aug fi. To linvo ',..1 .1 t nr,. to Minneapolis. Tho C ",K.r '"V"Y".r, . .'u'V"V;' company Is tearing down Its Mln- thrco little children tw n imt ntitl n linv filinilt nirn wlm wna nlflior tinilor nilnntloil i "Ull will rOIHOVO It to LalCO TttllOO, WASHINnTON. D. C. AucilBt. G knnu-n nu nil PXHOsltloil Of EllgCllluR. I iwitlrim nf Slinnlwntor Day. Was tllO or n step-child. Tho parents rented Cnllforn la. ,.. According to tho figures to bo found The climax of It will be n 1)Ir bn!y . iinrrowjK expcrlonco of Mrs. John west 01 wiiuur, r. ii iivnm ...,.,, 1 . , ir ,,1.1 ,,f uiiuuu duiicb, iii, iiiuro ihiui 10,- cnu miiiiuii iio "j-y.i V" '"'.' annl DelOllR. rilHt ou mo lininicr 111 nn . iiH.t H XTn. ' .1.1- .inH.. Mitt, 'riin nvnnniiifin ni . " . .... ..u i..i.. f nii 1 wiiii- allow nnu uiuiu i' " kahiuh .... ... . ,.. .,i..nt ..i..iif 3H ELECTION bo a prominent feature of tho Salem her hair turn gray In a single night, State I'alr. Properly, It will bo In the belief that her boh was at tho when last heard from Ho did not nnn nnn ..,., ...ill l.M waTf7roneTan.MVtthooccuVaneyB; ombor. With a population of tho placo tormlnntcd on tho 2 1st J" u ".'. ,, 'ro"n JV 11I',ii5 000,000 In round numbers, tho total will not place a premium on a mens-V,,.. of July under strange circumstances l0?locXft votln 8tronsth ot tho country ls !y iro,l,y hah?,' b,lt, thet0,,J,h 1'Lm ?ri' lni1 8,nr,c'1 nt 'c,ock '" tho Hoy Not With Enmlly. I " : " C,BI Br t'0n'v' ' nout 18,000,000, but somothlng Judged according to their phystca ! nf ternoon nn, drifted out In tho bay. nM !. ,lnv In mioBlInn ulllini.l ,",ru "c rcl"r" 10 1110 nnj . , . , nllnwoil for Um ufnv.nt. i nprfcplloil. The proper rearing Of ,, ,, frllilnno.l nml nliontnil VII " "I .. ."""" ........... I ..nil... ,n Ih Tin.flM rt nt'nnn iilu.. '.r "vl :." ; v: .. "i: ' ; s r". " z: necessities Into a wagon, to which1 A "''i'S T ! (.nu ilUiDvn nt'iv miinunntiii unit nvii homes and tho largo number of uu- babies will bo discussed by lecture, ,0 nt(rnct. tno nttcutlon of boiiio men nnturnllzod foreigners. Thoro was, physicians and nurses and the tno- wJl0 wcre Bi10t.uliiu hay near tho old no federal olllclal record of votes cm ways of caring for n child will G,0 ,,nc0( mll ti,cy aid not hear him pubI In nrnntilnntlnt nlnrMnnu nrlop fn! 1)0 deiUOnstrntCl ill the Welfare OX-. Ao .Inrbmuiu onMlnil ilown. tho prnft ilnrlnoBu fnll Mmv ilrnvn nu-nv. Wlmn ' Mrs. I'TLMl IinVlnOnd IIUS UCCn nUltO 1SR8 lint tlin rnrnril frntn Mini vnnr llllllt .,.! Ila frnll frnli'lit worn piivpIoiipiI ill tho outfit renched tho Wlnchostor HI at tholr npartments nt tho L. II. down to 1908 shows tho following ro- Propor and harmful methods 0. tho umnoss of tho night. In tho forrv about fi o'clock tho following Ilclsnor homo In South Mnrshflold. HnB. feeding babies will bo demonstrn.p.l (luB) gcnl itoliliod up alongside the morning Monday. July 22 and 1883 11,381,408 and attention will bo called to foods ))ont. nml t,,0 8tnrl0,i n,i cropt wns taken across tho river ono of, Trod K. Gottlns cut quite a sovoro 1892 12,043,003 , which are commonly used Mn the nur- n PCat nnd went to sleep. tho original six members of tho fnm- Knsh In his leg this morning whllo 1890 . 13,813,233 wy and which contain Injur ouh Long after midnight ho wns nwnlc- ily wnB missing. This wns tho IS- doing somo slashing for his survoy 1900 13,9C4,G18 substances. "Well known physlclnns oncd ,)y tm, B(nKB Bprny, but his year-old boy. Later In tho morning,, work. 1901 13,523,119 w' l'olnt out tho crtects or tlirno nH(,rnnce did not desert him and about 10 o'clock, a resident of WIN 1908 14,887,133 drugs on tho children. nftor ascertaining tho boat was half bur chanced to see tho family 1.1 i p0ter Pctorson, tho Mllllngton Tho marked dlfforonco between , A Great deal of cncoiirageinent is fu 0f water, ho seized nn onr nnd KoFoburg on ItH wny south and1 pioneer, who hutt ben aulto ill nt 1892 nnd 189C Is accounted for by . "olnj? received by O. M. I lumtncr. joyfully discovered his craft was n notlctsl while bidding them farewell Mercy hospital, will soon bo ablo to tho compnratlvo lnck of Interest In superintendent of the exposition or Flnllow water. Ho pushed tho bout that tho boy referred to was not ,Thirn to his homo. tho formor years and tho unusual do-'hiigcnlcs. rom various parts 01 . tuo f0 ,nml on tho lower end of Long Is- prcscnt. Where tho family went to. ' rco of interest In tho latter. This country. The movement Is still 1 mt niuj walked to tho Nelson ranch after leaving Itosoburg Is not known, tinclin ...111 Ionvn tomorrow Interest was continued throughout ! ncw ono ullt.,tB wor,th B aiiprcclntcil nnd warmed his honumbed body, but Sheriff Qiilnc Is making every) folitlXK0 flH tho eampa Ign "of 1900 Do i In 890 !(1 onie other sect ons of tho conn- o was found there nt 5 o'clock In offort to ocnto them. Ho Iuib mnda ;r,,r,"""; x,,L ,1 J)iV n- anil In IDOO thoro wn a vorv full try are following out tho same Ideas. tj10 morning by a parly that had Inquiries In nil directions about tho ?"rLClM voo pollotf Tho decline It Ynto " II ,B ,lnl,(M, ,0 !,nvo ron'l'ctltlw 8pen the night n search of hlin. Sovl missing boy. but with no success. It, Xfa onfr t o cs tin 100 Is shown S ho fa ningoir'0'11" of lllc. JutlBCtl along sr- c'rnI launches from Nnl.cottn scoured ho can bo located, tho Investigation l""lcrt "n l)or"" thoro. cm (in ijo is s ow n uy moral ' J jentlflc Hnca, In ench county nnd tlint n,0 ,,ny. but the little, wanderer, will rf i.ran n...l. !..., If l, l ..nil - UI UIU UIU 111 llllll J Hir. " SU1II III I ,, .j. ,.,...., Q. ,,..,'' .... t 1 ;'" .V1, '"-"". ". ' " Willi. Kklilnil. Uin llltln nnn of 1908 BlOWS tint to llttVO been trilO Of :" ".':":' .'.v.' "r,.V " . .. ,r, "l'i "J '.' wan iihiuuii. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Kkblnd who has thatyoar which was truo of tho other uxVhiblt In wlileh all parts of tho been quite 111, Is roportod consfdor- years when IJrynn was n candidate ',.,... ..m nr,iPnnip nt Um Pnnni. Uy did not get along well togclhor, ably ImprovoU today, much to tho a ful ' voto. vn. ' mnn-Paclflc Exposition nt San Fran tho neighbors say. and they uar- ,l ct Ion of tho many friends of ; 888 do wn to 1908 ho Note , w. ... -" w "","". ii ..i I it is ueueveii tnnt tne new intcn-it muuii um mo Kicai imuuiui luiiuun Kcpn ph offers Mm mORt iM)l WOULDN'T PAY OVKIl In ' I FOItMAItltlAtJE Mcitt I A HAM ITIIAMnicnn ... . ' ...., . iiuiwiu,u, nag, 7. I Although willing to rcembili on tho troubled sens ol niitri. inony, Wllllnm D. Campron.Ii years old and a traveling ufo.) w uitiii ui oL-iiiiit', wnniB ra dolti us cheaply as possible. i Cameron and iMnrgarct R Cameron, 48 years old, and t' of Seattle and from whom In wnB divorced in Los AngcleiUi uctoucr, iuog, dropped Itiii v mo loeni iiccnso niircau ycittM dny to Hocuro a llccnso to rt-i iiiarry. "um you leu us where Iti find n cheap Justice of thu pence?" queried tho thriKji Cameron. "Tho Inw only allow theat to chnrgo $2. You don't titn to liny moro than Hint II jcii don't want," replied Cuplll 4 Muuson n h ho pushed over tin counter tho Drlde's Cook Boot t nnd mnrrlngo certificate i H found or If he Is found dead, then Qiiiirrt'N Aniuso Susplrloii. Tho boy nnd tho bend of tho fam Tho young mother, grny-hnlrcd from her vigil, hns recovered, hut will carry the mark of thnt inemor- rolled bitterly about something thol ,l10 fnm,,' dny imcmdlntoly bororo tho Cornells i . , n , - m left tho country. Thnt was tho Inst I lM Gordon Sholloy, son of Mr. SELL r.MPQl'A TIMIIKIl. and Mrs. G. W. Shelly, who recently undorwont nn operation for nppon dlcltls at Mercy hospital was takon to bin homo. Today, tho aovonth dny hIiico tho operation, ho had bo far re covered that Dr. Hoiisowortli, who at tended him, wns nblo to removo tho stitches. dny tho boy wns over seen thoreo Since tho dopnrturo of tho family the niiHpleloiiH neighbors have senrchod every font of tho promises for evl donco to lonflriii their worst fears, but thoy huvo found no evldenro ot foul play. Lnsl weok they laid tho matter before District Attorney Drown and Sheriff Quliio. and yester day the. sheriff went to tho farm nnd made u thorough Inspection of the place nnd Riirrotiudlug locality, but, like the neighbors before him, ho dlseoveioil nothing. Ho did learn, however, thnt Cornell left unpaid ne poiiuts nt Wilbur and Siitheilln. nuiountliig to not over $50 alto gether, nml this, ho hellcvos, may I midnight' dZnm"" '" ',0 """ '"" . T"" w"" ",v" ' today from uSSfni r."1 shoe, ,,,, (;...,,..,,.. in;;;j '5, '"'"or Wholly unaccountable. thoiiKh ,"""" ,,ox wctorj. tho fact thnt Cornell left eight acros of liny In shock and two truck gn. art follows: Year 1888 1892 189t5 1900 1904 1908 ! Republicans 5,444,337 5,190,802 7.035.C38 7,219,530 7,028,831 7,079,000 I III ii hv ii in hi v r hi i vi i iitrci. iiutii til vhhvim step toward the Improvement of the pmrn wn .u b q n nnr uomocrnia rn-'A ,nf i,n. imnA .ini,n i' lOKli.A.ND. Aug. 8 s. C. Ilnrt- race thnt hns been undertaken In yenrs. ALONHTJ1K WATUItKItONT. Tie Ilrenkwnter Is duo In early to morrow from Portlnnd. 5,540,050 5,554,046 C,4G7,94G 0,358,071 5,084.401 , 0.409. 10C THE WEATHEU (By Associated Pross) Tho details of tho presldcntlnl voto OltEOON Occnslonnl rnln In 1908 nro ns follows: Republican,. tonight nnd Friday In west and 7,079, OOG; Democratic, 0,400,100; showers and thunder storms socialist, 420,820; Independent; 83,-' tonight nnd Friday In enst. 502; populist, 28,131; socialist labor,' southerly winds. Tho Nnnn Smith nrrlved afternoon from Day Point. In this Drlnglng 20 pnssengors nnd 50 13.825. The Incrcnso of tho strnlght social ist voto In 1908 over 1904 was 18, 300, whllo tho soclallst-lnbor voto de creased 19,889, n not socialist loss of 1539. Tho Socialists, however, havo mndo somo wonderful strides sinco 1908. In 1910 thoy enmo Into con trol of several of tho largor munici palities of tho country, elected their cnudidntes for tho legislatures, for county olllces nnd In Milwaukee, their ! . tltlU lt mitlllllll fplllfllt Ittn irn.Ullli.. iiens in Hearing. This tends m prove. ,.,..... " ;..,, p'7",n qv7r" " 'i'lo tor congress. Tlmt cnnill beyond doubt, that his dop.trewaMr . , Trm IlindSn S5 nh?l t Sl.o ,,a,' "opresentntlvo Victor L. Dor prompted by mum. sudden and nn-1 S ,12 In iw gor. speaking of tho political outlook foreseen circumstance -u clrcmn- , , i '',' . rr evening. I ort- ,H wooki nVB tlmt , ,,,8 opinion stniico defined In tho minds of some I """ 101,riun- the socialists will poll 2.000.000 Ki:i:r tad on iiunkths votes In Novenibor. Tho numbor mny not bo thnt largo, but In nil pro- imiiiuty it win snow a decided gain of the neighbors by tl e uiiurrel bo tween Cornell nnd tho boy iho da bllforo tlln fninllv Infl llin iilnn.t ullli. out IiiMiiu: the' boy along. Cornoll '"'-t" 'f Ciiscmli. and Slnsluw Re- over 1908. left behind a brokon-down horo' .,, "''YJ'8 ' "eelfl Tho populist voto fell from 1.027.- whleh a kindly dUpncd neighbor1 Et'CEM.. Ore., Au.g 7 With tho 329 In 1S92 to only 28,131 In 1908, lind given hlm because he appeared Tenlng or the hunting season tho n loss of 999, 20S ns compared with to be very poor. i fnrot service has rodoublod Its watch tho republican gain of 2.44S.204 On their Jo oy from the farm. -er tho timber lands under Its care votes In the snino period. Tho domo- the family end to jmhs the homo of n" l",st experiences show thnt with cratle gain was 855,192, about ono .1 W. Ihoiii. living n mile and n half ,ho weeds full of huntors the dnnger third of the ropubllenn gnln. It Is nwny. Mr. Ihoiii and his son heaul of Unrest llres Is greatly enhanced, this which has mndo tho domocrntlo the travelers ko by nbniit inldnlght n,,rin ' IU't two months no sec- party the minority party slnco 1892. nnd they also heard the Cornell ,l"n of ,lu forest will bo left un- ehlldrou rryliiK nnd the voice of the t.uardel for a tiro to start nnd spread. parent coinniandliiK them to keep The opening of tho lire season this . AT THE HOTELS oulor. year lluds tho Cnsendo nnd Sluslnw . imllonal forests In hotter condition The Chandler Harold H. Cake thnn ovor linmrn fni tlin ncli,lnfv nt n.wl n t r..i..v H....1 1. ii... . I ' '" ' --". .... . ..r.n.,,11, w. '.. .iuw, ttiiiiiuiu, .iuiiii II. RAILROAD MATTERS Orent activity Ih reported along tho line of the proposed railroad from Eugeno to Florence between tho Not I tunnel nnd Muploton. About eight eninps are being es- uiunBiiea on iiinereiit stations nlong or rorost llres. Trails havo boon fientrv. Portlnnd: .1. E. Vmtnn r. built Into ninny miles of tho Inacces- qullle; Dan Mcfirllles, Taconin; Ev- ccsslblo spots whllo ninny miles or rett (J. Griggs. Taconin: Ralph .. telophono wires have been spread Forbes. Kansas City; Mrs. Harold Hko n notwork throughout tho for- W. Colvln. Corvnllls; C D Thomas, est to racllltate getting a cell ror Portlnnd; It. C. Deniont. Myrtle help to headquarters. Unless sover- Point; F. L, Martin, Seattle; Mrs. u. at llres bliould break out ot nearly "I. cnllender, Astoria; Mis, L. J. um ilium iiv I ii itritn r inniii..i.i.. .....i umberaiidsiVi liolnr i. V l" B,uno ,lmo ,1,oro '8 ,1,tl0 "ko- sl'l'on. North Rend; E C Rob '"l1,,',r "'' h''lplles are beliiK hauled bood of nnv lire L-ottlmr hevnn.i mn. erts. Myrtle Point: J. L. Hpp1.-il. in. n inrge lorco or men being employ- trol Prosper ure establlshliiB n camp ut Tliomnson i in- liZ ." I" ' "?,'" "'? a1"101 ' ' Derginan. Ilsiidon; crook whoro Indian Greek loaves tho f . vrlnUh imil,, K,,l0,t- s"t' Slough: Geo stiiRoroad. Thoy also have notlor lLVnr,"n?" " S'1.... 1' "ver ,e ) Wasson. Allegany; S. Williams camp at Swlsshome. At each camp thoro Is a forco of civil engineers and surveyors to see that tho work Is dono properly. Indications nro that n largo force of mon will soon be busy grading all nlong tho Hue nnd that oporatlons will bo kept up steadily until tho toad Is finished, it is rumored that another routo .. .. ....... ... ,.,v ll( ,, i.-tuai lino ouilDUll 11.13 .MSUI1U.1 IHO Pnrlliiti.l- 11 U 11... .... t """' r of "rtl. Coos River: John F Harris, Mvrtlo Point: R. H. Fryer. Scottsbnrg." Express and BaOTue Hauled ct o,bj-m- RHodesnnd wire. I &i ""my,u Portland; .Ins. Merchant. Roivor rum, supervisor ot tho Umpqun nn tlonnl forest, with hendqunrtera at Roscburg. Is In Portland for n con ference with forest service officials rclntlve to tho prospective snle or a large quantity or timber by tho gov ernment to private, parties. The no gntlntlons hnvo not progressed suffi ciently to warrant n detailed an nouncement by tho government of ficials. The timber Involved In the transaction Is Included In the Pinp- oua nniiouni torest Mill; N. H. MacMlllnn. Portland: Mrs. W. J. Coton. Fnlrvlow; V. A. Heel!, New York: M. Mntthnwa. fn. qril'e: E. Vnljoan. Los Angelos, A. We nro starting a general express business, doing nny kind of transfer work nt reasonable prices Ofrito at Epperson's Second Hand Store. ISO Xn. Ilrnml vi'nv A ,it..i .,i..M I). Hrnillrtv Inanlm I I .1 . ---.-.w -.-. ...-. .........,., t, . .. ...,, If, .,.-, ' ---..., a.'WU. ,(i .. .., ..u wi.isvu ouiiiiiiira irom tno is rospeetiuiiy solicited. Wo Intend I u..ip.n nun nun KiiiuiiiK win not no uoiiig n reliable business t coinmencod on that port till nom,. nroiiint nml offipionp Krvi,..i more survoying Is dono. Florence rt m loos uay iranster lo. l'red Crocker, Mniiiigtr. PHONE 138 U West. Have your Job Tie Times' offlc. printing aoce t l.lnnl ll.tnl A t ...,. i o. ..... ss nnd 8lre.inui)i.,. .:.... ... ' r. '"."' man. Templeton; Win. Ferguson, Coos Uay; Frank Alciatl, San Fran cisco; H. nroullotto and lamily, San Francisco; Ted Peterson. Portland; John Miller. Camas Valley; H. Pres- iun, urams l'asa. f f (1 m n?v W7 AMm WE have been trying for years to get an alarm clock that didn't rinp; like a fire alarm or tick like a trip hammer and we've found it at last in Big Ben, the clock they have started to advertise in the big magazines. We have placed one in our win dow. Look at him when you walk by, or come in whenever "you can and hear him ring you good morning. $2.50 Red Cross Drug Store First comors get tho best loU. ill Insldo fifty-foot lots In urn , Hon to Mnrnhfleld $300 eicb. best lots nro soiling first. City Auto Servia Oood Cars. Corot-u uriwi u.innnlili, olmriTS. Ollf BO "Will go nnywhero ol ""-' Stands Dlanco Hotol ,J,J Clgor Store. Dny Phones 78 Night Phono 40. pUll HAItKICIl .V nnniiALE. nroiTlpj YoiiAuro Call M lit-J NiaiiTASuWl island front' tiV Lloyd Hotil. TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. l"honj W Hosldonco Phono 28-J Will ninko trlDH to uoqu; We Have Been SuccessfJ In buying a largo stock of t class Eloctrlcal material n give our patrons n very loP" on house wiring. Get our j you ean't afTord to mlu " Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J RUr..liafH's Uverj . .... iiverr kl Wo havo secured i" -.(!? eess or L. H. Holsner. d pared to rendor excolleni w , the people of Coos Day- drivers, good rigs nuu .' ,fitii that will mean sattstactory 1 tho nubile. Phone us ., horse, a rig or inytnius -the nwr iin. We also a" Ing business or all "ngni I1IUVNC1IARD imOTHfc 1linnn 188-J . i, .iTcry. Feed nnd Sj,. 141 Flrt nnd Alllgr w'r - WANTED in matlo Cleaning Company, work taken at v GOING HAI" IIIONK "'.'- n, ivn REPAIR ' Hon Moving and OrV We are prepared to ao -1t& by the dny or contract naijii saturaction. Let usl Igurej Phono 316-J. Uarso" I "'TtV!"-1!