The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 08, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Received a Fine Line of the Famous
Schloss Bros. & Co.
The Clothes Beautiful
he highest grade clothing
maNui'actuiu:i) in amnhiua.
Priced from $18.00 to $30.00
OTHKH SUITS FROM $8.00 TO $18.00
If Marshfield
North Bend
If You Are Not Using
You Are Not Using the Best.
Llljciult Returns Deputy ProBO-, recently of Modford, after lnvcstlgat-l
cntlng Attorney Llljequist and his lng tho prospect of Coos Day has do
wlfo returned to Coqulllo yesterday1 cldod to locnto In Marshflold and os-1
after nn extended sunnnor sojourn at tnblish a transfer business. Ho has'
his old homo In Wisconsin, nnd vls-'oponod an olllco nt 180 North Broad-!
Mi g uhor points of lntoiest In tho1 way. Mr. Crockor was engaged In'
tho transfer business In Modford and
conies highly rocoinniondod as rolla
hlo and trustworthyi
family aro cxpoctod hero Saturday
tho paving wero brought In on tho
last Kodondo,
Coming Hack The Mnrgarot lies
company which has played this sec
tion for sovernl seasons la nt Port
After Deer Tom
Coko and Will
Bel w lo given tu tlrao and
height of high nnd low water at
Th tides aro placod In tho ordor
of occurrence, with tholr times on
tho first lino and helghtB on the sec
ond lino of each day; a comparison
of consecutive holghts will Indicate
whether It Is high or low water. For
high water on bar. subtract 2 hours
34 minutes.
Dale. August.
SIHrs. .1.05 11.15 3.10 10.21
(Foot; .0.3 3.2 4.0 0.3
OIHrs. .5.17 12.27 4.41 10.22
IFt. 0.3 3.5 4.1 G.2
lOIIlrs. .0.17 1.23 C.03 0.0
Ft. 0.9 3.9 3.8 0.0
lllllrs. .0.31 7.10 2.09 7.07
iFoot .0.7 l.t 4.7 3.2
Now Molorcyclo Jns. Wall has
sold his slnglo cylinder motorcyclo to
.1. W. Chapman and will rocolvo a
now double-cylinder niachlno In a fow
(ioch to Empire 13. L. Plorco loft
todny for Emplro, whoro ho goos
to tnko chargo of tho logging camp
of tho Simpson Lumber Co. Emmolt
Is tho hoy who will get out tho logs
w!,lln r,.;nin7JM, .:" 0.?i Hvcuro Coiilmcf Siiinll & Morris
v !?, rS B. lIl..i,pop nVt0 n 8y "ivo boon awarded tho contract
North Front street this morning nc- for ,mvlnB Horon bIocks of tho ,,,,
rldentnlly ran down and killed tho ' trcotB of hMyrUo ,,olllt wllh cncrc "
Itiislilnir Work Tho Federal Con
Rlrllrtlnn rnmnnnv In -..,,1.1.,.. II.. I
street work and expects to soon havoj Ilont Sunk. Tlio Qulckstop, n
tilings In readiness for laying pavo-j gasoline launch ownoa by Qoorgo
.ji.. uiiuiiiiuuiiL uuu iiiiuunui ior i
MRS. WILL SMITH of Coos Ittvor Is
n Marshflold shopper today.
MRS. L. J. SIMPSON' and her guest,
Mrs. Cnllendcr of Astoria, woro
Marshflold visitors todny.
Henlo and oporatod by Mr. Doxtor,
in cnargo or tiio Coos Rlvor brick-'
yard, was sunk Inst night In tho rlv-1
or bolow Anson ItogorB ranch. How '
badly It was damaged Is not known. I
IJulId Cottages Anson Rogors Is
MRS. J. M. UPTON and son Arthur
roturnod todny from a visit with
Mrs. Alton Unndlomnn near Bonver
Orford for tho Acnto Carnival thin flcurlni nn lmlMIn,. timt.r nr t
week. Thoy aro en routo north from tnges or bungalows on his proporty In
u tour of California and aro expected North Mnrshflold. Ho may start
to niako tho Coos county circuit somo of thorn nnnn.
for tho Potor Peterson ranch on
Iloynes Inlot whero ho will visit
for a fow days.
Duys Prlpcrty Dr. A. L. Houso
, worth has bought a tract on South
icit tuny lou u y ior 1110 ,'mipii ni,.nni .. ....i. i.
North Coos Illvor country whoro they' Vroun ,10Ino, u ,1BB flrty foot front.i
m biBK? .inoll W? ? Jni cnndyB l?ttK0 on Fourth Btrcot' Ho secured!
2Or.d.0Or' ,lf Ul0 fll1 n th0 n.d,; u from l' "on nnd Is figuring
Vnnen nnlorn rnr vnnlnnn Hmv will I .. .. ... - . . .
i.-.. i . . i ,', " "'"ior. erecting a nno apartment nouso
hnvo to stop and build a railroad to on t n tho near future,
transport tho meat in.
012011013 HENDERSON will loavo
in a fow days for his old homo at
Whltnoyvlllo, Maine, whoro ho will
spend a fow weeks...
MRS. F. A. HAZARD and Miss Gor
trudo Englo left yestordny for a
Bhort visit with Mrs. J. T. Mc
Cormnc at hor summer homo.
Will Open Cnnip It Is nnnouncod
that tho Simpson Lumbor Company's
logging cnmi) at Tarheel Point.
, , . 1 . " i " '
iHi . , B0V: O. F. M'KNIGIIT mado n professional
r,,r'JZll b. DTi ""'l trip to coqulllo yesterday.
.u.iimij, Jiuiiiuiv iUH.U Ui 1UU1DU
field will bo foroman. It la oxpoctod
tnnt mo camp will bo oporatod stoatl
lly from now on.
terrier belonging
Hurt A. Doremiis.
to Mr. and Mrs.
want ads.
Umg8"The Hum Corner"
iBfBfaBfBBBBfff 'X
I What a Medicine docs, proves
Ii agsod tntdidne for you to take la
ihtmaliyMho lliout.anj of cures It
Ui tfltcltd. Old Dconlc lii nailicular
lit luljctt to Kidney a:ul llladder
' TrouUti andfnd Kexall Kidney Curo
Juitiuhtd to their conditions.
JUcti promptly but r.ently In all
.cum el Weak llaik, llackaclic, Swell
lng cf the Feet, conilant Ilcrdache,
. Rewll Kidney Cum icpresents ah-
OlUtClrtbe lest Lnounlmtmrnt tnr
.comlailng alt formj of kidney and
UKUneyCuro In iuch a way that
J"t)or money back if you are
t perfectly satisfied. Two sixes.
Fine Homesite
For Sale:
paving. Two blocks will bo covered
with bitumen surfacing. Tho con
tract was awarded by tho council
Tuesday evening and work will bo
commenced ns soon ns possible.
is a guest of Miss Evelyn Flanagan.
REV. 55. O. DO WARD has roturnod
from n trip to Coqulllo vnlloy
HENRY PLOEOER Is hero from
Myrtlo Point to spend n fow
days with his many friends on the
Ray and look after his buslncsii
Interests horo.
W. J. MURPHY will loavo on tho
next Dronkwator for Portland to
meet his wife, who Is returning
from a visit with relatives In Minneapolis.
MRS. DOWMAN enmo in from tho
Uoddcs ranch on Coos Rlvor today
to visit frionds.
L. O. GOODALL, of Sau Francisco,
who has boon spending part of his
flummor vacation nt tho Chnndlor
summer homo, a guest of Will
Chnndlor, left this morning for San
MRS. SELMA THOMAS hns gono to
Dnudon to attend tho Coos county
teachers' Institute.
JAY D. TOWER nnd Victor Dlmmlck
hnvo roturnod from n fow days'
outing on South Inlet and will
lcavo soon for Curry County to
spoud tho halanco of tholr vaca
tion. .
Mnrshflold Jurist.
An oxcollont investment out Con
tral avcntio way, lovol, bay vlow,
close In, 70x100, 14th St. noar Cen
tral. SI. 100. 00. finnv fprmn. Knntli
70 foot lots 13, 14, block 7 Wcstorn T111 ,, . , . .
Addition. Sower, city water, streets! DoI'SKfflo?1? KtuVno'd
paved nonr. Will soil .10 or 10 fcotnst ovonlng from Coqulllo whero ho
hiiiiio rate. R. T. Street, ownor, 1-1 had been presenting tho enso of tho
East 7th St., Portland, Oro. I J 0I n" "?' I,)r. l" killing of Jona-
iiuiii which to wiu jiiveiiiio court anil
In Sustained Tho Oregon Su
promo court has just handod down a
ilrinlul-ri niintnlnltiH Tn.l . ImIoI .1 I . . . .
UUk.o.u. . Duniummii uuuBo vunu b uo-. MRS. ALLAN RANDLEMAN camn'
cision in tho Klamath Falls court- n from hor rnnch near Dcavor THOMAS A. WILLIAMS, nn old
houso enso. Tho caso wns prosontod mn on today's train. ' Seattlo friend of Harry Hugglns,
to Judgo Coko whllo ho was holding I now representing tho Henry Dlss-
court thoro for Judgo Bonson last NORIS JENSEN and wlfo aro enjoy-' t0 & SollB Tol company of Sail
spring nnd nttrnctod much nttontlon. lng an outing at tholr housoboat' Frnnclsco, Is on tho Day for a
Tho sustaining of tho decision of. 0n South Coos Rlvor. I 8ll0rt 8tn'
"MMfiw viu to ifuivu uit iiuuur iu iuo , 1 -
D. F. RAHSKOPF nnd family nnd T M. CAKE and Harold Coko of
I'Olt 11E.NT A nicely furnished bed nondln.B to other duties of tho dop-
room. Mrs. M. C. Ohnpmun. Phono'" ' district attonioyBhlp As Mr.
ICx LIlJoqulHt returned yestordny Mr.
' I DorbyBhlro turned tho affairs of tho
KKLLIXO all furniture, fiood bur- off,co over ,0 lllm
tsii-e ivu tu w mw uj iiufi .
Cull at Coko resldonco, IMiono 001, ' ... w.,xy
V....II. .....! U IH
iui r.iie
namo belongs to E, O. Hall. Phono
Drug Company
"The Busy Corner"
NEW 1(1 Mi
Ihe Royal
Return of the Popular Mi'CI.OVH In
now acts and sougH
"Wild Rose of tho IIIIN"
"Wiiter Fulls of Hwwlfit"
"Inevltnblo .Idlnison"
"Tlu Teniptirss"
'.Vow York rntlinllc Protectory"
"JenkN mid Ills Motor Moat"
4 High class orchestra music nnd
appropriate sound effectB with all tho
COMING Tito Margaret lies Co. for
Saturday nnd Sunday nights
KOIt SALE Clilikerlng Grand piano
in good condition. Phono 294-x.
WAXTKI) Wo mi) looking to rent n
dnlry ranch by October or Novoni'
hor. Germnn family Reforouces
can bo given. Wrlto to Mrs. E.
Kromiulnger, L'nkcsldo, Oro.
WANTED Gentloman roomor
bonrdor. Euqulro Times offlco
Tnivol J. E SchlllliiK.
now "Mlno Host" of tho
Guorlu hotel In Myrtlo Point Is in
tho city on business. Ho roporls nn
usually heavy trnvel on tho Myrtlo
Polnt-Rosoburg stage lino. Tuesday
tho nuto brought In twonty-flvo poo
plo nnd unothor largo delegation yes
terday. As a result tho hotol busi
ness Is booming nnd Joo Is cor
respondingly pleasant nnd prosperous
Gels Contract J. F. Tollnndor has
taken tho contract for building a
largo addition to Grandd'a boarding
Houso nt Runkor Hill nnd is arrang
ing todny to start tho work. Mr.
Tollnndor rocontly moved horo from
WANTED Housemaid. $10 or bet- 'Portland. Ho hns boon ongagod In
tor for compotent girl. I "10 contracting business thoro and at
Spoknno for a number of yours. Ho
Ed Bolt aro enjoying n wcok's out
ing at Charleston Bay.
MR. BRADLEY of Rosoburg loaves'
tnitnv fnr linmn tn lila ntitn nftnr n'
pleasant visit on tho Bay.
DR. G. W. LESLIE is planning to
loavo noxt wcok for a visit nt Col
orado and Missouri points.
Portland nrritea in today in their
nuto en routo to Bandon on busi
ness. They aro attornoys in Port
land nnd havo boon prominent In
republican politics for n nttmbor of
REV. O. LoROY HALL has roturnod
from Coqulllo whoro ho attondod
tho funoral 'of Jonathan Quick.
CIIAS. THOMAS, doputy gamo war
den, has roturnod from a trip to
Bridge Although thoro havo boon
violations of tho gamo law, Mr.
Thomas has not found any ovi
donco suniclont to warrant nny ar
rosts bolng mado.
JACK WEIL roturnod to Portlnnd 'SIDNEY F. VEALB, bookkeeper and
today via Drain-Coos Bay nuto lino'
nftor calling on tho Coos county
JAMES BARCLAY of Moon nnd Bar
clay wont to Coqulllo yestordoy to
bid on somo county rond work con-'
export nccountant of Portland, has
accepted a position with tho Red
Cross Drug Storo, and will locato
on Coos Bay. Mrs. Voalo will nr
rlvo Iator and thoy will mnko their
futuro homo In Mnrshflold.
GUY WARNER nnd wlfo and baby
expect to loavo In n fow dnys for,
California whoro thoy will visit
rolntlvos for n fow weeks. I
Flook and Miss Margarot Wltto
havo gono to Sumner to spend a
fow days nt tho Wilson ranch, I
GEORGE ROTNOR, Frnnk Denning
nnd Rocco Sacchl aro oxpoctod
homo noxt Monday from tholr Cur
ry County dcor hunt. No word
has bcon rocolvod from them since
thoy took to tho hills but it is ox
poctod that thoy havo bnggod a fine
lot of vonison.
WANTED Twelve ntrpoiitcrs, 9:1.30
per duy. Apply Phono 2G9-L.
FOR SALE Dom-dlng Houso nnd
furniture. Paying buslnoss. Loaso
on houso, Inqulro 26G Com. & 3rd.
imiiiih to oroct n nonio horo soon.
Ho and his family nro now locntod In
tho Williams flats.
WAXTED Kviieiieiiml miners. Ap
ply at ouco nt Llbby mine.
LOST Solid Stiver Cnitl enso with
Chain. Engraved with Initials A.
D. R. Roward for return to Prof.
Furnish Your
use on the
ailment Plan
W- K. Wiseman
dffiEr.- ....
- . i-fiiiiin ikki
Barnard & Langworthy
Seo our window display of
WANTED A buyer for ono of tho
host business cornors on Coos Bay.
45 by 100 feot. Not far from
waterfront. Macadam Btroots.
Tortus If doslrod. Robort O. Graves be hold at tho Odd Follows hall FrI
day ovonlng. Those who will con
FOR RENT Seven-room cottage on tost aro Losllo Isaacson, Mrs. Elijah
Picnic Plans J. B. Sneddon Is
making final preparations for tho
Cnlodonlnn picnic which will bo hold
nt Charleston noxt Sunday. If tho
weather Is fnvojnblo, thoro will bo a
record breaking crowd. Ho is on
denvorlng to hnvo enough boats to
nccomodnto nil. Tho boats will,
lonvo Marshflold about 8:30. Evory
ono will bo expected to bring tholr i
own bnskots. A general program Is
bolng arranged for It. I
Contest Tomorrow Tho Domorcst
W. C. T. U. Gold Modal Contest will
MRS. A. T. HAINES Is entertaining
a fow frionds this nftornoon com
plimentary to tho Misses Gray who
aro visiting Mrs. E. S. Bargolt.
T. C. RUSSELL, auporlntondont of
tho Bonvor Hill mines, roturnod
homo yesterday after looking nftor
business Intorests hero and at
North Bond.
ABNER TRIBBEY and Henry John
son hnvo returned from n door
hunt on Catching Crook, In tho up
por Coqulllo country, whoro thoy
secured a good supply of venison.
?Ir. Johnson contracted a sovoro
caso bf poison oak whllo In tho
mountains. Ho says that noarly
ovoryono In that section Is suffer
ing from tho ailment this yoar.
Enstsldo. Phono 33 North Bond.
TOM GOODALB nnd wlfo, Clnronco
lonvtng for Ton Mllo whoro thoy
will onjoy a short outing. Col. Go
ing will probnbly Join them for
part ft tho outing.
F. E. HAGUE nnd wlfo lonvo tomor
row morning overland for Port
land, Mr. Hague having docldod to
go thoro Instead of San Francisco
for medical trentment.
WAXTED To rent 2 saddle horses,
evenings nnd Sundays during sum
mer months. Apply 1C5 L.
WANTED Girl for clgiir stand t
tho Chnndlor hotol.
FOR RENT Ono large furnished
room for housekeeping. Close In.
Seo J. C. Doano Phono 331-R.
! Wll.. T r. ... . " "!
t.vny, ucu uyuriy, jurs. u, u. uosnoy, '
Eric P. Bolt, Mrs. Howard Savacro. 'tom nonnAT.E nmi wlfo rinrnni
- - ----, ... v ...... ...... ,. ..W, -w... . w.. .w
Harris and wlfo and Georgo Catch
ing plan to loavo noxt week In
their auto for a visit at Eureka and
other points In that section,
mill niinalni T. IsnnAann K.mln.l
numbers will bo rendered by Mrs. M. I
D. Meoks nnd Mrs. Efllo Fnrrlngor
and tho presentation of tho modal
will bo mado by tho Rov. 55. O. Dow-1
ard. I
1)0 YOU WANT to horrow boiiio
money. I can socuro It for you
quickly. R. O. Graves.
MRS. W.M. GRIMES nnd son, Thayer,
ar,o now at tho Mackinac Islands,
tho noted summer resort of tho
mlddlo west, according to a card
received by rolatives horo today.
f'iniipflr Tlnrdtvare Co.
Get Busy
cer Apvri,
WiW'ovsiiivJ.S0 nUT li,,ItST COMI! ,N
' .'a i-ua. 9i,o ..ii vi;
" A Smith Lumber & Mfff.
roil SALK or trade, a good launch.
Apply 204 Coko building.
Wilson place, tho Gotty place, tho
Barker place on South Slough. For
further Information seo Simpson
Lumber Co., North Bend.
lng our hnrdy, guaranteed, stock.
Experience unnecessary. Yaklmi
Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsn,
Some choice lota In NORTH BEND
can bo had at a very reasonable price
If takon now. E. S. GBAR & CO,
First National Rank.
Marshfield Cyclery
Miont 158-rt. 172 No. Broadway.
Tower for' Concrete Tho tail
framo tower nt the C. A. Smith mill,
which 1b attracting considerable at
tention Is for hnndllnir tho concroto'
for tho foundation of tho now pulp MRS. GEO. ROURKE of Bunker Hill
loft tills morning for Portland
where she Joins hor husband nnd
thoy will proceed to Minnesota for
an extended visit at tholr old homo
there. i
Former Cape Arugn Lighthouse
Keeper Honored.
Tho following dispatch from As
toria will bo of Interest to tho many
CooS Bny friends of Will Denning
who was recently transferred from
tho Capo Arngo llghthouso to tho
Columbia rlvor station:
"William S, Donning, recently ap
pointed In charge of tho Tongue
Point Buoy Dopot, today received a
letter from Inspector Bock enclosing
u general efllcloncy pennant for tho
host kept light station during tho fis
cal yoar, and also a gonoral oillclency
star for meritorious service. The
ponnnnt will fly ovor tho station for
tho current yoar, whllo tho star Is tho
personal proporty of tho recipient.
Mr. Donning wns In chargo of the
Capo Arago light station during the
past throo years. ' '
mill, Tho concrete Is all mixed at
tho bnse of tho tower and Is carried
to tho top by an olovntor. Thoro tho
olovntor dumps it Into n pipe which
ran be put In any position desired
nnd tho concroto dumped Just whero
It Is wanted. This saves tho oxpenso
and time Involved In carrying Jt
around In n wheelbarrow, tho olt
.11 m Coke Coming James L. Coko,
who Is known nil over tho Islnnds as
"Jim," Is about to tnko a trip to tho
mainland. Tho promlnont lawyer
nnd politician Is going right' "back
homo, Into tho southwestern part of
Oregon" and, without doubt, will get
tho "goats" of sundry bear and othor
four-footed animals. While "Jlm"i
feels that modesty must compel him'
to keep mum on tho matter of how ,
many "birds" ho hopes to bag, thoi
general opinion of his friends Is that,;
the nno-tlmo Maul man will, boforoj
his holiday expire, mnko n record j
tnnt even tne vauey isianuers may
not feel mad nbout Honolulu Advertiser.
REV. B. F. BBNGTSON came In to-'
day from Ton Mllo whoro ho nnd
his family nro enjoying n lino out-!
lng. Ho will return thoro in n fow.
days. Tho Rov. Mr. Osltind, tho
now pastor of tho Marshflold Swo
dlsh Lutheran church, nnd his
Swanton's Stomachic Tonic holps
you nsslmllnte your food, stops
formation of gases and that op
prosslvo feeling. Costs you one
dollar the bottle, and worth It.
;1 i Ymfftnrf J r fnWv i
New Transfer Co. Fred Crockor,
California Flour Down Again
40c Per Barrel in a Week
Look Out For Low Prices