T! COS BY TIMES, MMSHFIEID, T.JBSPM. AIM1ST S, ITO-HMM EMTIO.. c M. C DAN I E aeld thro malj D peot c cl thri Cne Pir On tub Tin nix 1 Sin Til Mn V 2o eo wi or U tli w vl St tt 0 Ir. n Y R n n Bear This in Mind When Yoit Need Furniture of Any Kind The Best Line, with the Greatest Assortment, of all that is New and Up-to-date, will be found at Perry & Nicholson's. Now with an unlimited assortment before you, you can find just what you want. You can com pare anywhere and everywhere. But you can't equal what you will find at Perry & Nicholson's We Cater To All If you want a bedstead for $2.50 or for $00.00, or a dining table for $10.00 or for $50, or an arm rocker for $2.50 or for $25.00, this is the place for you to come. The values are here, wo want you to seo them. For those who wish to pay part down, we make liberal terms to suit our customers. PERRY NICHOLSON inuUTIBS TO PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL Dft gp.TO jW PEHL RILEY IIALLINUER Pinnlxt mill Toucher Rosldonco Studio 237 So. Uroadwny 1'hono 181, Li:V 1CEYZER. Violin Instructor. Apply Haines Music Storo Clans starts Bopt. 1. W7.M. H. TUHl'E.V, Architect. Marahflulil, Oregon DU. It. W. MOItltOW, Dentist. 171 Grimes llulldlng. over Grand Tlicntor. Offlco Phono 320. Steamer Washington Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Monday Aug. 12, WITH PASSEXdERS AND FREIGHT I 8. DOW, Agent. Occnn Dock. hid w. o. chandler, ARCHITECT. Rooms :i()l and :I02 Coko llulldliiR, Miirsliflrhl. D II. IIIRI) II. CLARKE. Hpei'lallNt In Ncrvo mid Hpluul DIscmmc. Office, Room 2. Hotcrs House. Marshfiold. Offlco Hours 2 to 6. I'hono H4-L. DR. A. J. RICMIKVH Modem Dental Parlor. Wo nr equipped to do high clan work 'in short nottco at the vur) lowuai prlcos. Examination froc Lady attoudaut, Coko building, oppo alto Chandler hotol. phone 112-J. J W. UE.SXITIT, Lawyvr. Hflto oror Flanagan ft llennott Dank larahleld Oregon DR. J. T. McCOUMAO, rhyslclan and Surgooa Murshfleld. Orogon. Jmco: Lockhart Dulldlng, Opposite post offlco. Phonn IPSO The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notice. Wg meot all trulu9 and boats and wo also have tho latest Btylo Roynolds Piano Mover. Wo guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones OS-It. 120.J, or 49-L. MuTshfield & North Bend Auto Line GOIIST . KING, Proprietors. Cam leavo Marsh nolu uvery 45 minute from 7:15 a. in. until 12:30 midnight. I.oavo North Hena on sumo schedule, starting nt 7 n m. until midnight. See Saturdny Times for schedule We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONR MAIN 57.J An unfilled want causes uuhappl ness Times Want Ads brine results. I'Jll&J Uif -. "r,,IJ I'KIKNII OP COOS HAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND SATURDAY, AUG. 10 AT 10 A. M CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH I1ANIC HOAD AT PORTLAND NOHTH TACIFIO MEAMSIIIP COMPANY. I'hono 44. O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo I'qulpiHHl ullh wireless nud subninrlno Ik-11 SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Friday, Aug. 9, at 2 P. M. All Pnsieiigcr Reservation lom Snn Francisco Must Ho Mudo at N05 Pifo lliilldlng, or Pier No. 10. INTEH-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. c. F. McGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM A1NSWOHTH 1)00 K, POUTLAN1), AT 0 n. m AUG. it, H. HI, 18, U:i ami 28. FHOM MAHSIIF1ELD AT THK SEItVICK OF THE TIDE, AUG. S, 10, in, 20, 23 mid JIO. Phone Main 321-L. J. C. MILLER, Agent. COOS BAY-ROSEBVIiG STAGE LINE. Stage leaves Mnrshflold every morning at 6 and reaches Rosehurg In time to connect with evening; train or Portland. Stage also leaves Itoseburg overy morning at 6 o'clock and reaches Marshfleld same evonlng. f 1 K ffi'l Iwiui FARE 0.00, Round trip f 11.00. Good meals en rente. C. P. Haruitrd. agont, Roseburg, J , Otto Schetter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Marshfleld. Tickets can be obtained at Hlllyer's Cigar Store. T. J. BOAIFE A. H. HODGINf S Marshfleld Paint Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Seven 1 good bargains in Farms and city property. AUG. FRJZEEN. 08 Central Ave. Mwrs'.n'd Oreeon .... . n-! Hin Cnntnbutors lor rrnea i.ui mc, School Children's Indus trial Fair. ' The contributions to tho premium fund for tho school children's Indus trial fair It) bo hold in, connection with tho county fair In Myrtlo Poh t August 27, 1012 (Children's Day), la as follows: .Myrtle Point. M. O. Stommlor I N 0. W. Perkins C. K. Drondbcnt A. llougo N. P. Peterson, mdse. J. L. Lowcllcn & Son, A. II. Homier, mdso . J. O. Stcmmler, mdse L. H. Pearco mdso Myrtlo Point Hdw. Co., mdso. . Spires & Ssn C. Roberts K. A. Lecii Hornco V. Amos L. W. Wnlls. mdso t I t r..o'i 2.50 2.i' a.r.o 2.50 n oo 2.00 1.00 n.oo 1.00 2.r,o 2.00 a.no 2.50 1 GO V. T Itumsey L. Strong, mdse Wnltur Condron E. ('. Roberts Win Weekly ,"''''," H. llnrtlott, l'olniid Chinn vlg. Hunk of Myrtlo Point E. 11. Ltuio . . S. .1. Culvor Siiimcor & Sholly I,. A Roberts M II. Dement Pulnco of Sweets, indo S. 1). Pulford NV. C. Cooper Leslie O Johnson E. A. Dodgo Henry 0. Ploogor, mdso C. It. Pnntor, mdso Geo. Rackloff t. j Laird . M l. Enternrlso JO subs. V. E. P. M. & Co., indHo S llrouer, pair hIiooh HulliiK. Lundy .i Sons, mdso. . it. II. Stownrt Mrs. S. H. Holromb. Etlen VL. 1.G0 n.oo 2. GO 2.00 2.00 10.00 2.G0 1.00 2. GO 10.00 n.oj) 2.00 2.G0 5.00 2.G0 2.G0 1.00 2.1.0 3.00 1.00 2.00 1G.O0 2.60 U.00 5.00 2.50 3.00 wi ' vwvaP?i fioumNG mis rLOUR yW t nK LESS P01 Loflf Iff ; :.'3& What I mMfmm shail ithe I mttfW for . i mmSS ) today r I if! J? a I Times Want Ads Bring Results bread, biscuit, cake or pastry? Of one thing be sure use FISHER'S BLEND C.No matter what you may decide to bake, it will be better if you use the most dependable flour and make certain of results. L Fisher's Blend is the best for every purpose. You can depend on it. Ftr tale by all Dtaltn ISJl Hi FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Manufactured By Fisher Flouring Mills Co. Seattle, U. S. A. E PALE & CO. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Desire to announce lo the People of Coos Bay that they will open their new establishment with A Complete Line of Suitings Embracing all the Latest Colorings and Weaves in fash ionable fabrics. At 379 North Front Street Marshfield, Oregon All work by first-class experienced tailors. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. Lakeside By Auto u..rr t 5m p . ,UI duujiiiuu u serv ce to tna beautiful Ten Mile Lakes, Service begins today, w"m make regular daily trips connecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR TUESDAY AT 8 A M. miWl1.8 At M SATUKDAY At'o"" M AT 8!3 A M' nOATSlSSSg LAKESU,K XE 0U OILIER THAN Fare each way $1,00, V Inn: !a.. a. t.. Husers . , '" Chna. Stautf "ry SonBsta'cL;--. l lit' IT0U8S Dru, rv" T. Howard . t H. Flnoll. V' Hub Clnl.T'S. ? Vml. indie . Cooh Uny Times iM 'lrn. M. J. Klrni v'.-l 'Tank I). Cohan in?1 K'SE h. W. Kntnnicrcr '" J. T. M(.ormac':"" Wm. (1 rin.es . "" W. II. niiHllnKer'; rwai'a. MlUiholl & Jones, m? I'. A. 'Iir 1, ... ,S1 r; ?'Hte j"." (H'liiK & Harvey c' qiiartiMimnH Sludlo. tul fj.... Ufntl.l... ' Tho niiniiory Rilw. If. I.w.l.ni. '"" N'nHliurB Hros. mde " PiHiplcR fi-IO-lCc-store'V ViiK. Krlzoon, mdie .' Mm. H. M. Sarter. raiu I'luiiGur Hdw. Co.. oj, Vlll. tll S. S JeimliiKs, suit cktU W. Stem, ntilHo 15. McDnnlcl ',' A. Vaiullo " A. J. DnvlR '" C. S WhiRor ' M. E. KvcrNt, mdie ,' Hnzor & Son, mdse. . Fourier HroR OnrHt Kim? L. P. Fnlkcnstoln Mrs II. Armstrong ...,( llandon. M. Hrcucr, nnlr shoet J. I). Donnldson, mdie Golden Hulo Store J. Irn Sldwcll, mdie ., Pox, tlio Hatter, cleial G. W. Gntcnliy, mdse ... Suhro Tlrfl.. mdso Unndon Dry Goods Co, , S. L. Shumato ,., Hnmlon Hdw. Co., mid, C. 15. Woodruff, mdse... It. W. Iloylo, nKatoscitlft Clmrley Hill, 1 dot. psota. C. I.oronr., iihIbc n. Y. I.owo. mdso Hul) Cloth. & Shoo store, linn. Ion Knniltiire Co.. c Unndon Grorory, mdie ... V. 15. Stclnlioir .1 W. MnHt nnnlc of Unndon niundoll Hros A. McNnlr, dlBhcs nlli. Mnrltnl Itocordor. 1 yonr ubrl;fa llnnilon Drill? Co., mdie .. It. 15. linker f.mulllf. Knowlton'n Dnn? Store, loo. II. O. AndorRon, mdso ... Coqulllo Hdw Co., mdie. J. A. Liunh. in'ilio ...... Goo. A. Hohlnson. mdie .... M. II. IIorRoy, mdso n. .T Vulirmnn. niuso J S. llnrton, mdso iHt Nnt. Iliink Sontlnol, 25 Bills C. 15. Baxter .1. H. Oordlni?. football... Wlckmnn & Wkkman.BW Lyons & Jones Coqulllo Pur. Co., mdse, , ... C. M. SkoelR & Sons, man... II. N Lorenz, mdso V. C. Lnlrd, mdso P. E. Drnno, mdso V. II. Schroedor, mdw. Ilornld, 10 buIis. .:" Fnr. & MorelinntR uanit .. P. S. SlnRcl. milRO 15 A. PulBoin, mdse Nnnlnr & Norton ...."" In nddltlon to tho for publishers of n JournM I tho llvo stock InaMW; yearly Bubscrlptons to ot a prize, i" uu.""'j ",,m and 1st. 2nd andSrdt T.iLi.w rn.Mu The kind 11 A WAYS USED, l'booel Liven- & Transfer Co you haveanythlnf Wf J or rent, or wnm u-j. Just Sc I. MAN'l Kit' TANS Pri t Mar h'ah tit, Did It ever occur to yo J tho streotsTunninB "-J i,.nnn xrnrBhfield ano.1"..' with ono exception, are! hnm pnr", T,r n map mm iu,r nnfi BUYS ?t0.000 ianll8i Lot on Second ' b Central. NtlnJJ ment In central busw to be had for the mow- t) able terms. tn v tll pay a handsome pror , vestment, notning n AM I.S. KAUfMAN&1 177 vront Streat. Till LWha iWha K in ihc hi tn Ti '", l8 Ui ) to! I to fwi r-w-jF&iiR.&ZjiSiS&vj. -jwl v