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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES,-MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 EVENING EDITION. lay ' Is Grace! st, ro ur th or Few Days vr n It The Wooleim Mill. Co lias givee Myers a few days grace ib the time to vacate the room, and we will continue the sale over and all day Satarday, Awgost 10th. You Can1 buy all -you waurnt, and the average price' is less than half. You'll pay jnmoir when Myers is gone., TOPF CT X1SRS SATl TPHA V A. W. MYERS & CO. GOING TO QUIT :; GIVEN it CDHTEST to protect ufitR.s. iinch Compiles Regula tor School Children'.: Industrial Fair. I.LK, Ore, Aus. fi County ndent Hunch lias JiihI com- rcparallons fur tliu llrt nn hool fair for Coos County III be held September 1!7 at Point In connection with tliu are offered for almost ovory Hie product of tliu soil, How- (tables ami groin, for live- )J alto for ennnod products, leedle-nork, etc, Thus tlio ! girls aro nffonlod an oppor ir almoit nny Mold of onden rd which they mny bo Inclln it of tho prizes nro In mor Insttad of money, tho belief at the children will appro Je article which thov can re. e than they would tho nion- i iinch has Issued tho following iuiiiuciioiih regnruinK tho Ulll furnish n nrlm llu( Itilrlse It; rerr child mnv nntm n ........ o pupil shall mnko more thnn WJ for each prlzo. very boy and girl undor 21 f IrA In n.- ... -Bv in uuua i-uiiniy 18 oil- EMMnjr, baking, canning and l tit fruit .,.. .. . . r -..., muoi uo uono uy entering tho contest. vwr enines rnuBt bo sol id arrsnl h n. ....,, ,. exhibit;' ' luv" nmK' fhere'mnn ha n .. Mn. 77 . oiuiumuni nc Ing each exhibit signed by lent or mirju. - ... . ...' . . "'"'"" ol l'cn cnim wet that the exhibit entorod hin ,11 l.u.i.r0 MWWtor. p.i. v",u,ls o tno coos - nnsociauon, Myrtle ie ?.? hc 20th' ,lor enrller ' h of September. "M'i without cost to tho pup. S offerml ,n Uiq h "!'' Mf- M"'8 writes eournX,,U8.crl!,Uoton r or t,i f "', u B'Ven t0 ev- j,je: -'ing eitnor a 1st, gl Prize la this contest. A'Z ex,hlbl,s ,f c't wfi lubtrInaUeml in Peraon ffou. m brlnB '0lr parents i gJSSrwult.. J- MONTGOMERY" 'ateand Insurance -inntl Htrt4 Audubon .Society I'lium to Aid In Protection In Oregon. 1'OItTLANl), Oregon, Aug. 8. T. (lllbort Pearson, secretary of tho Na tloiuil Association of Audubon Qo clotleH, has Just nrrlvod In Portland, coming direct from New York City. Tho object of Ills visit Is to nHslst In tliu work of tho Oregon Audubon ' duty and aid tho statu board of fish and gamo commissioners In securing wider Interest In bird nnd animal protection. Mr. Pearson Is a writer of nblllty. Ills book, "Storlos of IHrd Life," has had wldo circulation, especially In school work. Ho Is nlho president of tho national association of game wardens nnd commissioners which hum) Is In Denver August 30th. "Song and insectivorous birds as well as gamo birds and animals of Oregon must bo provided with spe cial refuges and rotrents whoro thoy cannot bo pursuod nnd killed," said Mr. Pearson. "There nro plenty of lakes, shoro Hues, rough mountain regions and other wnsto places that nro of no uro for ngrlculturo whr theso creatures will thrive- nnd In crenso If protected. Tho Audubon so ciety Ib Investigating nnd seeking out theso placet) with tho Idea of gottiug them stocked with birds that will protect our fields nnd forests from tlio rnvagos of Insect pests "Oregon Is fortunnto In having four of tho largest nnd best wild bird roservntlonB In tho United Stnto.i, continued Mr. Ponrson. "Under tho fish nnd gamo commission other -pfugcB on prlvnto Innds nro being js'iibllslied In vnrlous parts of tho state. It Is very urgent thnt two or threo lnrgo rosorves bo crented for tho protection of mountain sheep, elk, antolopo nnd mulo deer, which aro rapidly npproachlng tho point of flnnl disappearance In this stato." TOOTH IS 200,000 YEARS OLD That of -Shark Wan Found Imbedded In tho Earth LOS ANGELES, Cnl Aug. 7 Ex cavators at woik on tho foundation of a big dopnrtmont storo yesterday found n shark's tooth imboddod In tho earth. Theso doposlts havo been declared by geologists to have form ed tho bottom of ocean 200,000 years ago. Tho tooth found yesterday boro tho bluo tlngo found in tho shark's tooth taken from tho deposits ,at Charleston, S. C. CALEDONIAN I'lO.VIO Chnrleston nay. Sunday, August 11. All Invited Tako Steamer Aler:, and launches Allco IT. nnd Standard. Leavo about 8:30. Ilrlng your lunch. .Ml'NDAY MAY HE IN HACK. Vancouver Democrat Contemplates Huiinliig for CongicMs VANCOUVEIt, Wash., Aug. 8. J. A. Monday, u resident of this couin for tliu past 20 yoarB, and national committeeman to tlio Democratic convention held In linltlmoro, will likely be a candidate for nomination to congress from tho second congros slonnl district. Mr. Monday, though a Democrat, snys ho has been assured bv scored of Republicans thnt ho will secure- their support In enso ho makes tho raco. Today ho wont to Tncoma to talk over tho situation with party leaders, nnd when ho returns ho will know his plan of campaign. uowsriiie We offer One H'i Hired IMIIiim Itew.rd I for ny rae o Cutftrrli tliat cannot tie cured by lUtl'nCulurrh euro. V, J. CHKNKV A CO., Toledo, O. Wc, the umlernlKiieil, luvc known K J. C'lie nv for the IH 15 tar, hiiiI believe him ler jcctly honoralile In all liunluetia irainactlon, and ittianclHlly Hble to cirry out any obliga tions made by hia firm, VVAIIIINn, Kinnan & Makvin, Wholesale DrupKlits, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1" taken Internally, ait-, Incdtrectly upon the blood and mucous sure faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 rents per buttle. Bold by all druegfit. Takrf Hall's family JM1 for coitlpatlon, .. a, T36r w BttJ vp' r- ""M Olvitvvvio ITIvvn Snow rififK irinr. IpSwfe 'j I'liiui' KirwniinitscQ. RETAIL PRICE $1.65 PER. SACK clu's')vriJ1Wfstern ,mV(l wheat used ev cnislveiy ,n mmng those brun(Ja of Kb ANNUAL .MHETINO OV STOCKIIOLDKItS Notlco Is hereby given thnt tho annual mooting of tho stockholders of tho Coos liny, Kosoburg and East ern Ilallroad and Navigation com pnny will bo hold on Monday, August 19. 1912, at 12 o'clock M , nt tho offlco of tho compnny in Mnrshflolu, Coos county, Oregon, for tho purpose of electing directors of snld com pany and for tho transaction of such other business ns may coino boforo snld meeting. Q. L KING, Socrotary. BkSjXM mmvm i BH i The Sign of Good Candy Always DRAIN COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY Loaves Marshflold dally at 5 a. m. and arrives nt Drain In time to con noct with nftornoon train for Portland. Leaven Drain at 8 a. m. and arrives nt Mnrsliflold about G p. m. Tickots on Balo at "Busy Corner," Phono 278, Marshflold and O. Ma toon, Drain. Have That Roof Fixed now See COItTHELL Phon' 911 The Gas Range Is A Friend to Everybody To the women of the household it means clean, cool kitchens without back-breaking la bor. To the men it gives better cooked meal3 and happier wives. To the children it allows more time for play, their being no kindling to chop nor hurried er rands to the grocery for oil. To the entire household it gives' Cleanliness, Safety, Economy It is no longer 3 luxury only for the rich. Telephone 178 and ask the New Business De partment about our gas range. Oregon Power Co. TELEPHONE 178. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and-Abstract Co. HEKitY 8ENGSTAOKKN, Mgr. Ooquille OSUw Phone 101 Platting Landu a apocUlty. Varan Timber Coal aadanU "HASTSIDBl" deaeral As UarihUeld Offlea'14-J. IMSMSMSSMSMSmr'VSMMMMMSMSMMaSMBMMMSMSBSMMSMSSHMSMMMSMMMIMNSMSWMMIMMaMMSnSMMSaMMMSNM CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos -Bay At tho close of business, Jun 14, 1D1U. RESOUnOES. Loans and discounts J238.51C.72 Donds, warrnntB and securities 78,191.32 U. S. bondp to sccuro circulation 25,000.00 Heal estate, furnlturo and fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchange 188,053.99 Total $0U,U73.a7 LIABILITIES. Cnpltnl Btock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 10,548.63 Circulation, outstanding 23,800.00 Doposlts 477,024.74 Total $011,:i73.87 In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 1100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, W S. CHANDLER, Prcsldont. M. C. HORTON, Vice-President'. DORSEY KREITZER. Cashier. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTAHLISIIED 1880 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOGIC IIOXES FOR RENT U. H. DEPOSITORY TOR POSTAL FUNDS Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make soIgcj tion from tho large stock now on hand. kr. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marhlo and granite cutter in Coos County. And nbno but tho best work is turned out. u'jmBIijBj Mo sgbie .Shoe Unique Pantatorium famous "SKUFFER" shoe. For sale at The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Broadway .... Marshfleld. Anywhere, Any Time Careful Driving Reasonable Rates FISnER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHER. Prop. Phone orders to HUlyer's Cigar Store, Phone 18-J. After 11 P. M., Phone 5.-J Marshflold. Oregon. THE MODERN DYKRS. CUBANKM, PREBSERfl au! IIAT RENOVATOR! Agent for Edward E. Strauu ft' Co. tine Tallorlnr Let us makal,your next Butt. 2flr Commercial. PhnM 390-X. A Modern Brick Building, Hlectrlo Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnlsned Rooms with Hot and Cold Water, HOTEL OOOS O. A. METLIN, Prop. Ratos: 50 cents a Day and Upwwds. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marsnneid. Oretoa, The Times Does Job Printing 'o it It IFl-