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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1912)
tA ii I ' ft HI PLAN TO PUT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1912-EVEHINGEUITIOH. m WMWJ KHUMRI III fi NWEWSTREETS Fourth and Eleventh Streets to he Extended South to the j City Limits. I i Somo now street improvoinont pro-, Jects woro taken up by tho Marsh fleld city council Inst evening and L' Pffl OFFERED WATER PROMT PLi APPBOVED City Council Pleased with Lib eral Offer of Reynolds De velopment Company. After the rending ot n letter from Jny Lawyer of the Reynolds Develop mciit company offering to cede the will probably bo ordered at tno next pity n Btrlp of land 2 00 rect long nni session unless Micro Is an unexpected . about a mile and n half long for romonstranco from tho property own-; boulevard nnd park purposes. tli.; era affected by it. Marshflcld city council last evening Ono was tho opening of the Fourth: voted mat tno orrer oo tentn uvoiy nc- TararrramCTaMVflS rgsmUT-'- '-'- JJSZffiaaKaMa--g'--"--'-" AYS Streot south from Klrod avenuo to Kruso avenuo, jtrnt north of tho raco track. It was requested by Hugh McLaln, a property owner on tho streot. Tho Idea of having a now and moro direct thoroughfnro to South Marshflold was pleasing to tho coun cil. It has bcon considered horoto foro but somo of tho proporty own ers objected. Now, it Is understood, most of tho property owners arc in favor of It. Tho other was tho opening of South Eleventh streot from Qoldon avenuo to Lockhnrt avenue. This was brought up by Councilman Allen who lives on tho proposed extension. Ho snld that all of tho property own ers for nt least two blocks of tho dls tnnco woro In favor of It nnd ho thought tho balanco would be. Ho said that tho Reynolds Development company had promlBod to contlnuo tho Improvcnt southward to connect up with tin Llbby rond. Give Ilutlcr Itulso Mayor Straw suggostod to tho council thnt City Recorder Dutlor ought to bo glvon an incrcaso in sal nry. Mr. Dutlor Is now rccoivlng $100 per month. Mayor Straw said that Mr. Duller was doing moro cler ical work than any other man in town and It was only fair that ho should bo properly rccomponsod. cepted nt once and steps taken to comply with it. Tho letter was addressed to Mayor Straw under dnte of July 26, and was printed In The Times several days ago. The letter was in rcsponso lo an Inquiry from tho mayor as to what tho Reynolds Development company would ho will to do to aid In securing tho MnrshflcId-to-the-Sea boulevard. It Is estimated thnt tho strip will ag gregate fifty acres with a vnluo of T2r,000 The city Is to clear a 40 foot roadway through It within one year, grndo a 20-foot road within two yenrs nnd plnnk or pave a lC-font roadwny within three years, tho im provements to be mndo by tho cl' nnd not assessed against the nbuttlng proporty. The offer Is not made- con ditional on obtaining the balnnco of tho boulevard nnd the council decidol thnt this would be a tlno thing to hnvo oven though the rest ot tho drlvo was not secured. However, tho boulovnrd ns now planned will cross only three differ ent tracts of land. Tho tcntntlvc route will cross about a nillo nnd n half on Reynolds Development hold ings, about a mile- on Southern Ore gon compnny property nnd nbout a mile nnd n half on proporty of the Simpson Lumber compnny. C. It. Smith of the Southern Oregon com pnny nssured Mayor Straw that no would be willing io nld in anything crenso tho mayor replied that ho ; L"",? "j W ffil n M- , thought howould. Immediately, they " "P n c t, all o n h is i . i.i. r- T1..H,. no fn imw vnl on tho Tlay which will bo wl Ul-hllll IU JUOII ..... lulu. ... ...... . , lio would "split" with thorn If thoy n "" voted an Incrcnso. Finally, tho clty. '' somo or mo council women to nnuwi ,, . ... n, , : :: "? if Mr. Dutlor would accept an In- "l ' lend to tho bottermont of uwa tij unit nam liiui uu nwiuu imtu nnl- ilthln short time. J. Simpson of tho Simpson Lutn- attorney wns instructed to drnft nn " L ' '" J. '"' .. """ "ro" ., '"y!r ordinance In blank to provide for tho Snornlo In tho nroopr I"."0","0' .KSftn'L!; "!VZ!' A k? " frLMcCormnc. pros.- ntor to tol', of the Mnrsh field Chnmbor of Increase Mr. Dutlor Is to bo allowed. Commerr0i aniintl ,lIm of tll0 Bp. n, . .V " Ancn,,,.,n , I port of that orgnnizntlon In tho pro Claudo Stutsman, engineer of tho j0Cf, Mnrshflold L'lro Dopnrtment, asked for a ten days' vacation. Ho snld council also voted $20 as tho city's that George Campbell would attend mnntuiy contribution towards tno 'to his duties in tho day tlmo for 2.G0 merchant's patrol, per day and that Carl Arlandson Hugh McLnln wns ordered pnld would nt night for fifty centH per. $1,200 on IiIb contract for Improving night. Ho snld ho hnd only n couplo, Anderson nvonuo. of days off In a couplo of yoars. Hoi Fourth Street Work. snld ho oxpectod to bo In town most1 Tho council mot ns n bonrd of of tho tlmu nnd In caso of a flro would t oquallzntlon on tho Improvomont ot respond. Ho also roquostod thnt ho Fourth stroet from Central nvnouo to bo nllowod ono night off each weck Klrod. Tho assessment varies from nnd that tho city pay Cnrl Arlnndson $1,071 to $1.30 por front foot with fifty cents a night for sorving whllo nbout $37C ndditlonnl for streot In Mr. Stutsman tnkoa his night off. torsoctlons. CouiicH Urges F. E. Allen lo Expedite Project as Rap idly as Possible. Thnt the plan for Improving tho Mnrshneld wntorfront ns outlined by V, K. Allen, chnlrmnn of tho water front committee, bo carried out as quickly, nr poslsblo was tho express ion of tho council last evening. Mr. Allen presented the mattor with n form of agreement which ho expects tho property ownors affected to sign. The ngrcoment provides that tho proporty owners will ccdo a strip twenty feet wldo Just ns soon ns tho government cedes a similar strip; al so that tho contract Is not binding un less nlno-tcnths of tho property own ers sign up; that tho city build tho wharf; thnt tho flro-llmlt building restriction be rnlsod from tho proper ty enst of Front street for at lenst two yenrs In order that tho owners of tho framo buildings thoro may al ter and Improvo them to correspond with tho wntorfront Improvomont. I Mr. Allen snld thnt ho hnd tnlkod with mnny of tho proporty owners nnd hnd not found ono so fnr who wns opposo dto tho plan. Ho said that thoy expected to start with tho district betweon Ccntrnl nvonuo nndi tho Cold Storngo nnd lator this might' bo extended. Somo wanted to know if this could, not bo extended south to Mill Slough. Mr. Allen snld thnt ho did not bcllovo It could becnuso C. A. Smith wns J planning to put In n big dock for, largo steamers whoro tho Alllanco dock nnd Smith retail ynrds now aro. j Ho said Mr. Smith hnd informed him; thnt ho wnntcd n flno dock thoro with olcctrlc crnncs. Also thnt ho oxpoct cd to 8co vessels six hundred foot long to bo dockod thoro boforo long. C, F. McKnlght snld thnt ho know J Mr. Smith plnnnod for a big prlvnto wharf thoro but ho thought that al though tho waterfront of tho proper-, ty might not bo turnod over to tho city that Mr. Smith would beg lnd to coopornto in tho movomont nnd build a. dock thnt "would bo uniform with tho ono thnt tho city Is putting In. It wns stntcd thnt it wns llkoly thnt. tho owncru of tho small shipyards on North Front street would probnb- ly ngrco to tho plnn when nssured, thnt smnll drawbridges would bo built In tho whnrf to pormlt thorn to, bring In launches nnd tnko them out from their yards. The council npproved of tho idea nnd urged Mr. Allen to go nhend with! tho mnttor ns rapidly as possible. Mr. Allen. snld thnt ho nnd tho others on tho commlttco expected to begin circulating tho ngrcoment soon. Tho council votod to grnnt Mr. Sluts mnn's request. Allow Hills ! Tho council allowed tho usnnl grist, of monthly IiIIIh ngnlnst tho city. Tho Mnrshflold Public library wns nllow od Its monthly stlpond of $75 nnd tho Coos Day Concert bnnd $ t CO. The City Engineer GIdloy wns request ed to prcparo plnns for n cowago system for tho district nenr South FlrHt streot and Ooldon nvenue. L. M. N'oblo nnd others aro urging It. O. F. McKnlght Is acting city at torney during tho nbsonco of J, D. (loss nnd J. O. Kondnll. RedJ.raven Aperient Water For Chronic Constipation, D) spepsia, Billiousness, Liver and Stomach Troubles, Gouty Disorders, Congestion, . Obesity and Gall Stones. I 5c Per Bottle at Red Cross Drug Store Ga a Boltlc It Will Do You Good An Appeal to Wives You know tho torrlblo affliction thnt comes to mnny homea from ths result of n drinking husbnnd or sou. You know of tho money wnstod on "Drink" that is needed In tho homo tn iimrlinRA fnoil nml ntntlilni' ORRINK has saved thousands of! drinking mon. It Is n homo treat ment nnd enn ho glvon secretly Your money will ho refundod If, nfter trlnt, It linn failed to benefit. Costs only $1.00 n box. Como In nnd got n fro, tirwil.'lnt nml lnt a tnll nt Mm ' good ORIUNH Is doing. Owl '"Prescription Pharmacy. Phono 7-1. Xoto thnt word proscription. We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of firm class Electrical material nnd can glvo our pntrnns a vory low price on house wiring. Oet our price you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J li You Are Not Using You Are Not, Using the Best, Blanchard's Liverv Wi hnvj tecured the livery bust ress of L. H. Ilelsner. and are pre pared to renrior excellent service to tho people of Coos Rny. Careful drivers, go"d rlcs and everhlns j thnt will moan satisfactory sorvlce to tho public. Phono us for a driving , horso, a rig or mythlng needed In I tho livery line. We also do truck ing business of all kinds. waNcnAitn iihothkhs Phone las-J , Livery. Food nml Snlon Service. I IH Flrf and liler Stroi'tw. ! R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance! SIX MORE D Saturday; August 0th will mark the wind-up 0f the largest and best sale we have ever held 25 33 50 Per Cent Reduction on All Suits Holds Good This Week "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, Bandon. m MMnaw lWlWUHHTflfW" , Marshfiell Lakeside By Auto Wp hnvp. nrraneed for automobile service to the beautiful Ten Mile Lakes, Service begins today, W'll make regular daily trips connecting with 7 LAUNCH NORTH STAR li:avi:s stauiws landing kvkuv day at i::i r. m. ItCTUltXLVO LUAVi: KOKTII 8LOUOH LANDING: SATUHDAY AT 1::0 A. M. WUDNKSDAY AT H A. M. MONDAY nt 8 A. SI. THUItSDAY AT H A. SI. TUKSDAY AT 8 A SI. KHIDAY AT 8:30 A. SI. SATUHDAY AT O A. SI. AUTO LIJAVKS LAKKSIDK OXK IIOUK KADLIKH THAN noAT sciiuDULi:. ' Fare each way $1,00, Will make special trips to connect with launch at any time, day or night, For prices and full information in quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or leave message with M, M, Pierson, tho Lakeside Te'o phone Agent, Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay for San francisco Saturday Aug. 3, at 2 P. M. with PASsi:xGi:ns and iwkirht P. 8. DOW, ARcnt. OoeiiD Dock. 'TIIK FHIKXD OP COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE KQL'IPPKD WITH WIUHLKSS SAILS FROM COOS DAY FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7 AT 6 A. M CUNXKCTIXQ WITH TIIK NOHTII IIAXK HOAD AT POHTLAND NOHTII rACIKIO STfiAMSHIP COMPANY. 'I'""" O. l McGKOHGi:, AKOUt- PAST AXD COSISIODIOUS Steamer Redondo I'Oiilppwl Willi wireless nml Hiilimnrine U-ll SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS BAY Friday, Aug. 9, at 2 P. M. All Piihsriigcr ItcMrratlon Uioni Snn Tinnclsco Sliist Ho Sln.Io nt h.T l-'lfo UiiIUIIiik, r Pier Xo. II). 1.NTKU.OCKAX THAXSPOHTATIOV CO. I UU.MV 11, pf p McGEOROE, Agent. KQUIl'I'KD WITH WIHKLKSH Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TISIB. SAILS rilOM AIXSWOHTH DOCK, POHTLVVD T l) ... tr Phone Miiln .J2l.L. J. C. SIILLKH, Agent. I ., K.O&: I-nn Q'rot jaciir v Swfvi Pull Weight GimrranteedV RANTED U ! COOS BAY-liOSEBUlta ST.iOE TAnF Stngn lenvea MnrshOeld every mornlne nt G nn.i POni, n I time to connect with evening train for Portland q? Rol,eb ,n nos.ebiirg every ruornlne at e nvVn7ri5rt2n.nV S.taBe nlso leaves evening. auu euies .Muratifleld aamo C. P, iMory time when you select or onLri ' 'M)S CLKW. by nicnis from this market. It ninkoj '''"' i"nniiis Coniimnj-. no differciico whether ou como In ioik taken tit pmsou or oriler by phono, you got, (JOIXfJ . n nvpv Just what you ask for both as to cv.l ; ' PIIOVf'iiki iiiiu iii.iiuii'. wo tjoneu a iriiu nn both our meats ami our method They aro both perfect. the I'nrti. Orilri. for Ll 1 111.1 an tt -rm ... T.rkeT8t0canCVeUorbtar",t1,r.!t.eL. Avenue. Marshfleld. " ..ujrc, a uigar Store. MAHSHKIELD CASH SLHIUfT. FOURIER BROS. SlnrttinVhl Ttleiilionog North HcntI HI'II.DIVO AND HKIMIR WmiK Home Movlnu nut Gratlliic. Wo ar prepureu to do thU work by the dny or contract and'guarantee satisfaction. Lef us figure with you a. 8. FLOYD CO. Phone 316-J. Marshfleld, Ore T. J. IOAIFB r A H. HODOtNf Marshfleld Paint Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD. Phone 140L Oreot Real Estate and Seertl good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FRIZEEN. "IOSUU, GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO NE AT THE TIMESOFFIcI ' TiTe Star Irani aid Storage Co, isprcpnrcd to do all kinds of h on short notice meet miv and boatn nnd wo also hate tt(J dijiu vuuuius riano Morer gunrnntoo our work. L. H. Heisner.Pn PhoncH 08-K, 120-J,Of m Barnard & Lanew Klcctrlcal Contractors m gtI imioxi: isi-n. i an, iirontlwny, nt 4x,J ii iimn .Mi-JU .iiarktt. PROFESSIONAL OIRECli T i:w ki:yzi:r. x-1 Violin Instructor. Apply Ilnlnca Music Store- Hinrts Hopt. 1. WSI. 8. TUHPKX, Architect, Mnrshflold, OrcRoa W. SIOHROW, Grimes Hulldlng. orer G.t Thontor. Offlco Phone DH. It 171 W. G. CIIAXDLKIt, AHCIIITKOT. Hooiiih ilOi and 302 Coke lliilldlng, Slnrhhllcld. nit. Ill HI) It. CLARKE. -' Specialist In Xcrvo and Splul Disease. Offlco, Room 2. Marshfleld. Offlco Phono H4-L. Roieri Etaj Houn i Ull DK. A. J. HICNDKV'H Slotlern Dental ration. Wo are equipped to do fcljii work on short notice at Ui lowost price. Examtnstloa Lady nttondant. Coke bulWUCCT ulto Ohnnrtler notol. phon l'M- J. W. UENMSIT, Lawyer. )flle over Flanagan 4 Dennittl rnmfiflnlri Or DR. J. T. McCORM.lO, Physician and 8arg Marshfleld. Orejon. Jfflco: Lockbart Building, OppoHlto post offlco. Pboii ll Ynn Auto Call M PHONK Ml-J NIOHTASDWj atnnd front of Lloyd Howl TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. t'n0"" RoBldenco Phono W Will nink trlnt to CoquL 8H50O 11UVS 910,000 IX Lot on Second A.yj uonirni. rusimui --. wfj ment In central business prop to bo hnd for tho money. , able terms. If this lot :& pay a handsome profit on vestment, notnwn will. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. Marshfleld & North Bend Alitor GOHST & KINO. W'Si Marsnneia -,, Nnriu : Cars loavo minutes from 7: lllltllllgni. I.OUYO , f 7l- same schedule, starting : until mldnlgnt. for sohodulo. See Saturdr We Clean and PrJ Goods Called for j nlivered fnnQ Rav Sfpam UW PnONE MAIN TJ PI t ,vtr?&M