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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY-, AUGUST 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION juSt Received a Fine Line of the Famous Schloss Bros. & Co. The Clothes Beautiful Di mcrr from kaii'imore. THESE SUITS ARE AMONG THE HIGHEST GRADE CLOTHING MANUFACTURED IN AMERICA. IHlOP IN AND SHU THE NEW FALL STVIjKS IN RIA'ES, GRAYS TANS AND BROWNS. Priced from $18.00 to $30.00 OTHER SUITS FROM TO S1H.00 Marshficld FIXUP North Bend ! was Issued, a man ciuno hurrying to ) 4 SUUIAL CAIiHMIAIl WEDNESDAY Prlscllln Club with Mrs. Win, Nelson, Day Park. Alnmo Dancing Club nt Fin- nlsh hall. Baptist MlBslonary socloty with Mrs. Kelly. 4 coos bay tides. Hoi w Ib given th3 tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshfluld. Th tides aro placed In tho order of occurrenco, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on the sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wator on bar, .subtract 2 hours 34 111 1 nut oh. Dnlt'. August. oiiiis. .1.37 8.21 12.57 1.11 Foot .1.0 U.H 2.7 G.'J Ilrs. .2.17 0.15 1.G2 0.15 Foot .0.7 3.0 3.1 2.G the address given on a blcyclo audi promptly closed negotiations for tho lease. Sunday morning E. Dandol ' unit Mrs. Uandol also walked out toi tho address to mnko lnnulrclo3 con cerning tho vacant iouso which thoy lml road In tho Times. "Oh, wo rented that last night,' Mrs. Swanson said. "Who got It?" Mr. Uandol nuked. "Mr. Roller of tho Orphount tliontro," Mrs. Swanson nnsworod. Then Mr. Uandol remomborcd that Mr. Keller enmo Into tho Cyclory In a hurry tho night previous nnl no xiously iiHltod for a bicycle. Mr. Uan dol thought from tho hasto that It was somo hlg emergency but ho rem I i lug company Is hastening to com pletion. MH. AND MRS. John Dashncy 10 turnud to Lunipa yostordujv after visiting friends hero for a few days umbered Mr. Keller taking out Tho CAUL WALKER, who has boon ro Times and looking nt It. ovldontly to! Biding at Itosoburg for a few year-. not tho address and hurried away to i enmo down Sunday from South Iwnys "The Busy Corner ,." I WANT ADS. Perspiring FEET re table lo give a very oUcns ive odor, and nothing U moro unpleaunl or disagreeable to the people about you. If your feet lend to pcrp:ro deely in lummcr you eloukl use a good ft powder. TlaJl Fool Powder com pletely deodorizes and absorb perspiration, and is antheplic Immediately ictevca burning, itching, and all discomforts of the feet. Sold with the Rcxall guarantee, in two size packages, at 15c and 25c Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company 'The Busy Corner" Phone Main 20H Ui The $aoJlSL Star WANTED 'lo lent t! saddle Iioi-m', L'vonlngs and Sundays during Hum mer months. Apply ltiii L. . WANTED Girl for clgur stand nt tho Chandler hotel. LOST Saturday night, pureo con talnlng $8.00 In money mid val uable papers. Finder may keep tho money If ho will return papers to Times offlco TIIK WEATHER (Uy Associated Press) OREOON Fnlr tonight nnd Wednesday, northwesterly winds LOCAL UK. TEMPERATURE POUT'. For twenty-four hours ending nt I: III 11. in., Aug. G ,by Donj. Ostllnd, Hpcclnl govorument mo toorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 71 Minimum 12 At 1:13 n. 111 G3 Wind northwest: clear. ft rout tho hotiBo. When pooplo liavo lo resort to bicycles to mako quick time to rent houses advertised In Tho Times It menus quick results also that houses aro In domnnd. Wed Lust, Nlghl Carl Freomnn of South Inlet nnd Miss Nclllo Wasson wore miirrlod last ovonlng at tho homo of tho bride's sister, Mrs. C. II. Codding, In Mllllngton. Leave Today Among tho outglng pnssongors on tho Allognny-Drnln auto lino today woro II. U. Clark and wire, Mrs. C. Tlmmons, Miss K. Tlm moiiH, Mrs. II. K. Wilson, E. E. Frost and 11. Frolsoth. PERSONAL NOTES ItOUN. HENDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Henderson nt their homo in Forndnlo Monday, August G, a daughter. Mother nnd child aro doing nlcoly. 1 MISS MARGARET FOX of North Uend Is ti Mnrshllold visitor today. J. II. PRICE of Sumnor Is a Marsh Hold business visitor today. MHS DOHA BARBER of North Bond was a Marshficld visitor yesterday. MUS. ROBERT McCANN of North Uoud was n visitor In tho city to-, day. JUDGE HALL wont to Coqulllo yes terday to attend to county cou-'t mnttors FOUND Pair of child's or lady's kid glovos. Owner can hnvo samo by paying for this nd nnd claiming Hiinio at Times olllco. mtli I . r- 1 . v . ......... . .i . ....... ijuiwy.m 10 .ur. nnu .urs. juiiius aiuuui. K, rriuii roiurnou joaior- jjg rji j JlACGENN j'lirauu, 111 iiiuir iiuiuu 111 riiiKHiuu, nay iroill II low UUJU uuiuiH uu Chnrll .Monday, Aug. r, a girl. Mother Coos Illvor. nnd daughter nro doing woll nnd ALFRED JOHNSON, tho woll known tho smllo that Jim wonrs tolls tho Coqulllo lumborninn, Is horo today worm tlint no is doing woll, too. 1 on business. FOIt HUNT -Ono largo furnished room for housokooplng. Closo In. See J. O. Donno Phono 331-H. l'OH HALE or Exchange, 0110 very lino thorouglibrod whlto loghorn roostor. 2 yonrs old. Prlco $3 or oxchnngod for thorouglibrod It. I. Hod Stock at Ferguson Wnrohouso. DO YOU WANT to borrow hoiiio money. I can socuro It for you quickly. K. O. Graves. RELIABLE Woman vtoulil like p:. sltlon ns governess. Address Gov erncHS, euro Times. NOTICE Now is tho tlmo to buy thut Undorwood Typewriter or trndo your old mnchlno In part payment on a now ono. Tolophono C. L. Stockln, Undorwood ropro sontatlvo nt Tho Chnndlor hotol. FOH SALE or trndo, it good Jiiuucli. Apply 20 1 Colco building. FOIt SALE Cheap; good farm horse. Phono G21, North Hend. WANTED To rent, 2 or !J unfiirii iRhcd rooms, rloso in. Ground door proforroil for part nt lenst. Lewis Con feet lonory. FOIt LEASE Oil ItENT Tho Georgo Wilson place, tho Gotty placo, tho Ilnrkor place on South 81ough. For furthor Information soo Simpson Lumber Co., North llond. I'Olt SALE Four desirable build. Ing lots In liny Park. Uenutlful view. PiTco reasonable. Mrs. W. A. Glntzer. liny Pnrk. LAItSON-.To Mr. nnd Mrs. P E. Larson of Allognny, nt Morcy hos pital, a daughter. Mothor and child nro doing nlcoly nnd Mr. Lar son says tho now nrrlval far sur passes anything that ho has yot been ublc to contribute towards beautifying Allognny, whero ho has hnudsomo grounds nnd a garden. I). O. KENYON nnd wlfo of Lnkosldo woro In Mnrshllold today on route to Coqulllo. I J. C. KENDALL Is oxpoctod homo In a dny or two from his Curry county hunting trip. H. A. COPPLE Ib expected homo In a day or two from a trip to Chicago nnd Now York. C. A. METLIN roturnod Inst ovonlng Meet WedncMlny Tho Lndlos Aid via Uandon from n business trip society of tho Mnruhflold Swedish, to San Francisco. Lutheran church will moot Wodncvi- j. rj. SAVAGE, editor of tho Coqulllo day afternoon nt 2 o'clock at tin), church hull. Itulld Mouse L. M. Noblo Is completing two now two-story houses on Golden aveiiuo hotweon South First and Droadwny nnd plans to erect two moro thoro. 1 Piiihu Dlhiippenrnucc Sheriff W. W, Gngo enmo over from Coqulllo to day to Investigate tho mysterious dis appearance of 1)111 Joynor, tho ranch er near South Inlet. Ho nnd C. G. Hockett loft this nftornoon for tho much. No trace of Joynor has boon1 Sontlnol, wnn In Mnrshllold yester day on btiRlnoBs, MISS HOLMES arrived hero from Sonomn, Cnl., today to visit at tho homo of F. M. Frledborg. MHS. 1). A. CUItltY nnd chil dren arrived homo today from an extended visit In California. EDWAUD MOEHLEIt and wlfo ro turnod yesterdny from n short visit with rolntlvos nt Coqulllft O. S TOItKEY has resigned his posi tion nt tho Blanco Cigar storo to aFslst rity Engineer Gtdloy. found. JAY TOWER nnd Victor DImmIck Plan Pleiile 0. O. Lund yostordny loft yostordny on a vacation trip, attended tho annual mooting of tho during which thoy oxpoct to bag n Kenwlll Tolophono company nt Coos-I fow door. ton. Asldo from tho routlno busl-; MRS. OTTO SCHETTER nnd MrB. A. noss, It was docidod to hold n picnic, G. Alkon loft this morning via for tho Htockholdors nnd tholr fam- Myrtlo Point for Snn Francisco on illes nt Larson's Inlet ut n date to bo I business nnd plonsuro. determined by a special commltteo S. C SMALL roturnod yostordny ,0 Coos Itlver, whero ho has boon camping with tho Robort Krugor family. MISSES GRAY arrived hero today from Berkeley, Cat., to visit at tin homes of tholr cousins, Mrs. E S. Uargolt nnd J. Albert Mntson nnd with other rolntlvos and friends on tho Hay. MISS GERTRUDE ENGLE of Ash land arrived today to visit Mrs. Fnnulo Hnznrd and other friend? here. Sho formorly taught school In Mnrshfleld and is now principal nt Ashland. MRS. J. W .BENNETT and sons, Hut ton and Roderick O'Connor, hnvo been spending a fow days ns tho guests of Major nnd Mrs. Morton Tower nt Drcmo Lodgo on South Coos rlvor. SHORTY COYNE, who enmo horo n fow weeks ngo from Eureka to piny ball, loft yostordny on tho Break water for Missoula, Mont., whorl ho will try out for tho Mountnln League. Mrs. Coyno acompnntod him. MISS IRENE PREUSS, who has boon visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Mnry Morchnnt, In California slnco hor school closed nt Los Angolcs, will arrlvo horo on tho Rcdondo to dny to spend tho bnlnnco of hor vacation on tho Bny. nnd Mrs Chnrlotto Mc Mullen of Emptro woro MnrBhflcld visitors today. Whllo hero thoy secured tho prlzo which llttlo Miss Mc.MulIcn receiv ed for tho flno showing sho mado In tho Fourth of July pnrndo. MR.nnd MRS. II. W. BEDFORD of Conltngn, Cnl., who hnvo boon vis iting with Mrs. Bedford's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Snoddon nnd Mrs. D. J. Rocs will leavo for homo on tho noxt Rodondo. ROY HOBSON, who formorly con ducted n moat market In Mnrsh fleld, but moro rocontly In business in Portlnnd, nrrlvod horo InBt ov onlng for a two months' hunting nnd fishing trip In Coos nnd Curry counties. Ho was nccompanlod by n frlond, Mr. Glschol of Portland, who has Jolnod him in his hunting trip. Roy has boon kopt busy to day grootlng his many old tlmo friends. JERRY MILL AY, n prominent lum borninn of Eurokn, Is in tho city today on his way homo from Port lnnd whoro ho has boon attending tho Elks convontlon nnd intor took in tho Scnttlo Potlnteh and tho Logging Congress. Mr. Mlllny wns formorly lloutonnnt govornor of Arizona nnd also Unltod Stntcs At torney for tlint territory and enn toll somo Interesting stories of pio neer days that soctlon. LOST III WILDS .1. ALBERT MATSOX AND PAIIT1T ' LOSE WAY IN MOUNTAINS NEAR ALLEGANY GET FOUR DEER. J, Albert Mntson nnd party of friends arrived homo lato last ovon lng footsoro and wenry after a hard tramp In tho wilds boyond Allogany whoro thoy got lost whllo hunting deer. Howovor, thoy got four lino bucks, which ameliorated tholr foot ings some. Whllo tracking doer, the party lost tholr bearings nnd wandered for hours before thoy were nblo to find their way .back. Those In tho party were Mr. Mnt son, Joo Schrocdor, Alt Stevens, Cnrl McCullough, Georgo Gardiner nnd Ralph Kruno II. J. McKoown nnd W. J. Conrad roturnod Inst night from n hunt on tho upper Coqulllo. They got a door aplcco. Fred McCormnc, Harry Jarvls nnd John Smith secured a flno throo-polnt buck Inst Saturday hotweon tho forks of Coos River. It wns still In tho velvet. FOR SALE Oil UKNt noni-dliis house nnd furniture. Apply Times offlco. OKU AGENTS MAKE MONEY bell- Get Busy I AND GET AI.Tim tiii-i ir-ri: mvr i.-ita fftK IV AVn C3KT Rinln.K.,Cl:s ON SHINGLES AND HOOK1NO PAPKH. SHINGLES $1.30 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. UE.V.IY SENGSTACKEN, Ugr. -oqullle Ofn0 pnon8 19 x pitting Landa a specialty. arm. Tlniuer Coal an dent- "EA8T8IDm" Oensral Ag Uarehdeld Office 14-J, later. Grains Lower Thoro hns boon a market slump In tho Portlnnd grain innrkot tho pnst fow weeks, accord-J Ing to advlsos rocolvod by local deal-, ers. Wheat has go no off G per toni nnd bnrloy $8 por ton. The flour nun kui. is aiBu wuunur unu owing 10 reports of bumper wheat crops throughout tho northwost this year, It Is oxpoctod thut Hour will go ovon lower than last soason. Houses In Demand A little inci dent Saturday ovonlng proves that houses nro in dernnnd nnd that tho Timos want ads bring results. Mrs. Swanson plncod an ad In tho Satur day Times offorlng a II vo room bungn-ImyforM-onLShortlynfiter Hi 0 papor Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Exporlenco unnecessary. Ynldnn Valley Nursery, Co., Toppenlsir, Wash. Coqulllo to suporvlso tho paving contract which tho Coos Bay Pnv- j You don't hnvo to resort to tho mnny schomes of GET RICH QUICK WALLINGFORD. Simply In vest In Pe-rhnm Pnrk. Seo Reld, 203 Coko Building. BUY NOW. Some choice lota In NORTH BEND can bo had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First National Bank. Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOR ItENT I'lioiifc lfiH-R. 172 tVn. Broadway. City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto 'Will go anywhere at any time.'' Stands- Blnnrn Hotel and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phnne r, ilUMi"!' v rjOODAI.E. nriMtrleior-.. W. T. Merchant Returns W. T. Morchnnt returned on tho Rcdondo today from Snn Francisco whoro ho has boon on mnttors connected with tho Merchant & Son storo. Ho wns not prepared this nftornoon to mnko n stntoment of tho dovolopmonts In tho mnttor but It Is hopod tlint ev erything will he adjusted soon. LADIES' SUIT PATTERNS. COAST LEAGUE GA.MES PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. G. Yos tordny wns moving dny In tho PnclLc Const League, no gnmos being played. In tho now scries which opens todny, teams nro playing ns follows: Portlnnd nt Snn Francisco. Oakland nt Sncrnmente. Vernon at Los Angeles. NORTH BEND NEWS Mr. nnd Mrs. Altus Kingston left todny for a two-wcoks' visit to Suii Bot Bny. C. S. Wlnsor nnd R. A. Wornlch wont to Mnrshfleld this morning on business. Tho Presbyterian Ladles' Aid So ciety will moot ThurB'dny nftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. Goo. Hazor. Tho W. C. T. U. mot nt tho homo of Mrs. Wm. Nollson this afternoon for nn important business session. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort Simpson, Mrs. E. K. Hnycs, Cnrl, nnd MUs Florrlo Hayes spent Sunday on South Coos Rlvor. Mrs. E. O. Milthor nnd son nt N'nrtli Bond HolghtB loft todny for a vi'it villi rolatlvos and friends In Uuiry county. Mrs. E. C. Mather nnd son Frau ds, loft yostordny for a visit to Wnd dorhurn nnd Port Orford and whllo thoro will visit nt tho homo of Mrs. Mnthor'B pnrents. Miss Cecil Doylo will return with them, nnd will visit hero hoforo leaving for Mt. Angel college. Two nro Fined Joo Hendorson nnd Honry Nlml who nrrlvo'd from Gardiner a day or two ago woro ar rested yostordny In Lllllo Rogors' ro sort on North Front strcot. Thoy hnd boon cnuslng n disturbance Thoy woro found guilty by City Rocordor Butler nnd fined $20 npleco which thoy will havo to work out on the troot. The Very Latest from the Eastern Fashion Centers Just Received In Mnrshfleld. Tho Harmon Tailoring company has just rocolvod a comploto lino of now fall samples of ladles' tailor mndo suits nnd coats In all tho no est weaves and colors. The lndlos f Coos Bny aro cordially Invited to cnll nnd Inspect thoso patterns. Romom bor wo gunrnnteo tho fit and satisfac tion of every garment. Our lino of mon's suitings repre sents tho lnrgcst lino of patterns nnd the clnsslest stylos ovor shown on Coos Bay. Don't take our word for It but cnll nnd seo nnd bo your own Judge Romomhor our now location nt 128 Front street, opposite Lloyd hotol. HARMON TAILORING CO. TONIGHT Hair Troubles. Falling hnlr, dnndruff nnd Bcfllp Irrltntlon nro onrlroly cured by CAPILLAjEONE, tho successful IMA griwor nnd scnlp tonic, GO edits? .1 cwvi-w j ?jiitra) ... . -1 :. . . A lot in First Addition to Mnrsh ftold Is a good Investment for your savings, a purchase thoro Is providing for your futuro needs Reynolds Do- voiopniont company, owncis. AT "arties Desiring Monuments Erected , . Would do well to cull Mt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selc tion from tho large stock now on baud. Hiir. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but tho best work is turned out. I Lilly's S' Fly Killer r I The Kind That Really f I Gets the Flies r I $1.00 p9 r j H "uH IW r f A Ji W 1&i0& THe Royal "THE GIRL BACK HOME " "THE COOK'S REVENGE." "OH, YOU KID." Three Feature Pholo Playn. BILLY MEMMEN presents n new bill In tho guise of a n "Rubo FIddlor," a laugh from stai,t to finish. DRAIN C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY Leaves Marshtlold dally at 5 a. m. and arrives at Drain In time to con nuct with aftornoon train for Port land. Loaves Drain at 8 a. m. and arrived at Marshfield about 6 p, m. Tickets on sale at "Busy Corner," Phono 278, Marshfield nnd O. Ma toon. Drain. California Flour Down Again 40c Per Barrel in a Week, Look Out. For Low Prices SPERRY FLOUR. CO. .