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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1912)
TMfcS. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1912-EVEMGE THE COOS BAY ill m 11 ii !S55I COOS BAY TIMES ii wi r winifrwww ' wi MB TRUST MiKIM! M. O. MALOXKY Editor and Pub. PAX E. MALOXKY News Editor less men rem the orvs. F RANDS Is PrPPUlimi.v Biounif over the figures, which show that her population decreased! j-f.sco during the past year. wh!i. international Harvester Com- that of hpr enemy. Germany, Rreary AnQVAPr? finVPmmpnt Increased. Considering men merely pany AHSWCrS UOVUIIIIIUll as meat for powder, Trance's figure?; Suit TOClaV. ,. ...nil orl la liar fnr tho i!preia In population In 1911 very llkol j HkPh (Uy Associated Press to the Coos Bay aicans a iiorroas oi a uozen rest-, iiuiua.j ST. PAUL. Aug u. The answer of iho International Harvester company to a bill filed by tho United Statps under the Sherman anti-trust hw was rued in tue miiou siaivs uis ments 20 years hence, when the boys' would ho ripe Mr ainugiuer. But God rolgns, and It Is possible that by 10.11 civilized, Christianized Tiinn will Vpvo abolished war. May- Tie tho civilized. Christian women nf,triPt court at St. Paul today. Tli France nre already refusing to benr.un8WGr denies specifically nil charge children for army purposes. ' of restraint of trnde, monopoly oi ' unfair business practices. It allege THE JAV DRIVER ) that prior to tho formation of thy company In 1902, tho harvester busl- Ho drives his apoplectic stood with tl0g3 mj )e(.n conducted In a waste toIco and rolns and goad: no regula- fn manner nnd that only two mnnu tlons does he hepd. no laws that rulo fncturers had a profitable business, tho road. Of all his faculties bereft.! wi,e the business was decreasing lie Is n trying wight: he never falls nnd hnd become hazardous nnd un to take tho left, when he should take pi of Itnble. The new company wus the right. Ho swings his ancient car-' organized to Increngo the efficiency for jorlty of the two houses of congress would have- authority to propose a constitutional amendment or It mlgh" be p'oposed on petition of ten state, aptlng through their legislature or through popular vote. At present, ratification of nn amendment Is re quired by three-fourths of tho stntM. .ivan across tho street or lano, nnd tho anathemas of man fall on his hoad In vain Ho stops to talk with neighbor Zlnn. another hopeless Jny: thoy hold their teams and nrguo In tho middle of the way; thoy provo, PusM-ngcr Steamer Has Nnrrow the government Is wrong, nnd roast the Idlo rich: nnd travelers who como nnd secure lnrgo economics nnd expanding the foreign trndo kilhurn ox rim: In cline Scar Eureka EUREKA. Aug. 5 Allnmo from along must see them In tho ditch. hod nlates to cabin, dripping with oil Along tho village street he reels,: and woxored from tho world by tho tho heedless Jay. by hetk. nnd breaks i failure of her wireless, tho Htcamor off flfty-sovon whcols and makes ton r. A. Kllburn was aavod from do rl&s a wreck. Frun left to rlr'it and' Mrm-llon last week by tho heroic of hack ho pulls, nnd takes up fnr moroj forts of her crow. Two girls narrow paco than would a herd or Durham ly escaped suffocation. An oiler foil nulla If they were In a race. In all and broke his log. Chlof Englncor the country out of doors tho Jny Is E. (. dough and Sidney Aston, sto- WII.SOX NAMES WORKERS Democratic Ciiiulltlntc Chooses Men to Kim Cnmpalgii (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Times.) TItENTOX, X. J., Aug. C Gover nor Wilson nnnouncod today tho ap pointment of Holla Wells, former mayor of St. Louis, Mo. as treasurer of the nntlonnl Democratic commit tee and Charles R. Crano of Chicago an lco-chnlrmnn of tho llnnnco com mittee of which Henry Morgan Thaw of New York has been chosen chair man. schooner ecapes OX HUMBOLDT ll.H (Uy Associated Pi ess. ) Eureka, Ca , Aug. 0. The steam schooner Inqun which went ashore yesterday on Hum- 4 boldt bar was pulled off at dawn today by n schooner. She was unharmed. NOTICE. To necommodnte tho omployes of tho C. A. Smith Lumber Co , our of fl"o will bo kept open on the evening of the tenth of ench mouth bctweou Koven nnd eight o'clock, for tho pur- poso of receipting for water rates. Coos Hay Water Company. matt musing grief: of all tho grievous rubes nnd bores ho'a enslly tho chlof, nnd yet our statesmen rant nnd rnvo nntll tho welkin hinds, nnd woapons of destruction wave before tho hnrm- fom trusts. seeds, I any. Is loss of this turmoil: the lnw should gather In the Jay. and have him boiled In oil jpausuL. Cbaj&m UGJ ward, who rescued tho girls foil heavy on tho oil drenched decks nnd wero bndly bruised. Tho Kllburn, which loft hero oarly returned tho following dny under her And what our country; own power. Tho ship caught flro off Point Arena nt 10 o clock. Flro broke out In tho englno room as oil was being removed from ono fuol (nnk to another. Tho llnmos woro sucked up through the vontllntlng J shaft to tho staterooms, na through a cuimncy. mining, greasy muck Hinoko lllled the corridors. To add to tho confusion tho oil tnnks woro emptied nnd oil drenched tho decks, making thum llko grensod slides, In which tho pnssongors nnd crow llouudorod about, (dipping and falling nt every lift and dip. After two bourn of hard light, tho 11 a in oh woro plated under control and wero finally extinguished. DANCE EAGLES' HALL Saturday ee., AUO. 17. t.tito music. KEY ZER'S ORCHESTRA. No "ragging." I'Titxrrrm: hahoaixs. Tho unsold artlclos of household .furniture belonging to M. C. Ilortou and consisting of u mahogany chL fonler, mnhogiitiy writing tnhli'. fumed oak cxteiiHlon table', fume 1 oak library table, fumed oak serving table nnd Iron bedstead have bcou left with Perry Montgomery for salo. ThcBo article ure practically now and will be sold nt from 10 to 15 pur cent bolow the retail price. .NOTICE OK REMOVAL. The Harmon Tailoring Co. has re moved from Uroadwny to 128 Fron utreot, oiiposlto tho Lloyd Hot"l. Old frloudH imd now ones will bo wot rnnio to Inspect tho Inrgesr Hue of will nnd winter Hull patterns ovr shown In Coos County. Como In nnd seo us. Llbby COAL. The kind VOI' hnvo ALWAYS I'SED. Phono 72 Pacific l.lvT" M TrnnsfiT Co. TO CHANCE CONSTITITIO.N. Senator La I'olh'tte Offers X'v PIiiii for It. (Hy Assoclatod Press to tho Coos liny Times). WSIIIX(5TOX. Aug. .-..Senator Ln Kollette by roHolutlon propone! today a radical chango In tho mothnd of amending the constitution of tho United States. Ily Its terms u nir.- A Wonderful Tonic t That Aids Digestion Thousands aro uuablo to digest cer tain kinds of food. In most cases it Is not tho fault of tho food, nor tho stom ach. It is probable that tho stomach has boou abused. Many resort to pro digested foods and various kinds of medicines to got roliof from dypcpsla, lndlgc&tlon and heartburn, but without permanent benefit. If your stomach was In perfect con dition, you would not need medicine to digest the foods you oat. Jayno'n Tonic Vermlfugo Is a stomach regulator. It gets tho stomach ln such a condition that it will digest food without othor assistance It overcomes tho acidity and stimulates tho coating of the stomach and intestines so that thoy will properly absorb and assimilate tho nutriment from tho food oaten. Suf forors from dyspepsia and Indigestion will And permanent rolief in a short tlmo after beginning tho use of the tonic. Tor children, tho addition of a littlo sugar will mako It most pala table Many forms of supposed indigestion aro tho result of Intestinal parasites, for which Jaync'a Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. Inslit upon Jayne's; ac cept no other. Millions have praised It for tnoro than eight? years. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne a Son, .Philadelphia, Fa. WANTED Sonieouo ultli $ini)0 to exchauKO for Ii ftcres In Lnhrn Park. Seo Tltlo Duarantoo & Alt Mrnct Co. Times' Want Ada bring results. MOWS II 111' Wt ntfvr ()nt II -t ulrttl h'llitr- Kowtrl fur AtiyrnxMif t'atnrrli Hint I'ltnno' lie tlirtil I J 'Jjill'n t'lrrli t'uti'. V 1 l'IIKNi:V.(,l'0 Tulfilii O UV. tho iiiuli'rliiiiil, Invi' kiiinn K J ('lie ncy (or the Ut 1 u'r, Hinl ln'lU'w ini j.r h lioiiorlil In nil liilii.-.M irmiMttimi, iul llnnnclnll nliltt lui-irr) t. it nil) iitilliin. tlcnik initilt1 by lil linn WtllUKtl, KlSMt.t MlKVIV, WIiiiIi-mIi' DniKiiUtii.Tolfilii, O IUir Cnlitrrli (iirr I inkt-u Intcruitlb, hiI- UiKillri-t'lly iiiKin tlit IiIihkI Htnl iiiiuniit ine ihl-Vt lit lilt' )kt III, 'lullhllllltU l'll( (rt'V. yrln 7 o-iil ht IhiIIIi' KiIiI IimiII triltf . Tuk IIhII'i Ka-iilli I'lIU fori- ii.lliilnn fOR RENT lodoni (i-rooin house, dose in, $18 per mouth. Mr. Investor it von want genu hie good buys call and lot. us tell yoa of a Tew we have which arc good buys and will stand investigating. French Realty Co. HWJa X. l-'ront St. amBLVjWi mJtJ&t!iAKjJjiLwJ LnJV'ir "TL?H3iMitTi!yt?rjliBtf HubClothing&ShoeCo. MAUSlll'ir.I.D. I1AXDOX. . . . A Ai Atl rT,"ri 4 AMONG THE SICK. v Mrs. Leonard Masters who has been very ill at her homo K suninei is reported rotnnlesrent $iMAem c rortlaml. Orrron ' -VT rrvAv; "' ' . ..i. ., rittlen. Ounniilon rort.u.c.Ja,.TH.-.M!..:H';trLn.o.. OlilceiB, o. ..--.- " vrvriri'. .. .... .. i.n.i.v nii-pn that the Biir'nnrures of an a'cttinl majority of ffKole number of the .legal jolow , f Coalcdo pieclnct. In Coos count. "tate of Oregon. Ibvo been obtained In tho manner required b . , , 1 1 John Knndi. to a petition addrc H , to the county court, of Cno cniint. state of Oregon, praying that the nnld John Rands be granted a Hcemoi to sell plrltoui. malt and vlnou liquors, and fermented cider, com- .. 1 .t.l.lH lit fill Ilia monly Uiiown as nnru ciui.-i, 'i", titics less than ono gallon, and that said petition Is In tho words and fig ures, following, to wit: Petition for Liquor License. To tl-o Honorablo County Court or Coos County. State of Oregon. We, tho undersigned, legal votes , and actual residents of Coalcdo pre cinct. In Coos county, stnto of Ore gon, respectfully petition to your honorablo bndv to grant a license to John Rnnds to sell nplrltous, malt nn.l vlnmta llniinra nnd fermented elder (commonly known ns liai-n 1 elder) In quantities loss than uo i gallon, In the town of Coalcdo. i'i J Coalcdo precinct. Coot county, stwo nf nroirnn. fnr the nerlod of one venr I .- . ... ...r. 1 from and arter the ltn tiay oi se--tembcr, 1912. That tho place whoro tho buslnpss Is to bo conducted under tho license hereby petitioned for. Is not within the distance of six miles of any pnb llp works being constructed within the state of Oregon, by tho govern niunt of the Pnlted States or of tho state of Oregon: nor Is snld place within the dlsranco of one mile fro'ii any college or university. NAMES. Allen Rnndlomnn Win. Olson W, D. McXnmara C L Shen Archlo Mnddln .Inn. Cunnlff JnB. M. Merchant I). Llljcrofto Owen Jones John Onlll Paul Iloyd Carl Carlson , Frank Maro A. II. Reynolds Annollno Mnro W. L. Chore Ed. Anderson P. W. Hopkins John AiiBolnilno Goorgo Fargo Jasper Marasco A, McAdams Walter Noel , That the said John Rands will ap ply to the said county court for tho granting of said license to him, o'l ,the 1th dny of Soptomhor. 1012, nt 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, or ns soon trerenftPr ns the said court pan hear said application I JOHN RAND. Applicant. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman illl .North Trout Ht. llua, PI oiui 2UC-X; Res Phono 166-J HkyrJM The Sign of Good Candy Always Have That Roof Fixed .VOW See GORT11EU. t'liowr ll w& II I I . ,l-lf u a UivmmciVlour frrTyf Snow Drift Flour twuc? U K.ETAIL PRICE $1.65 PER. SACK r ftfffd .Northwestern linrd wheat used - BiUU cluslvely In milling these brands of K riour. rSlSZ v 2 CjbWjt I E. PALE & CO. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Desire to announce lo the People of Coos Bay that they will open their new establishment with A Complete Line of Suitings Embracing all the Latest Colorings and Weaves in fash ionable fabrics. At 379 North Front Street Marshfield, Oregon All work by first-class experienced tailors. ! Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. The Gas Range Is A Friend to Everybody To the women of the household it means clean, cool kitchens without back-breaking la bor. To the men it gives better cooked meals and happier wives. To the children it allows more time for plav, their being no kindling to chop nor hurried er rands to the grocery for oil. To the entire household it gives Cleanliness, Safety, Economy It is no longer a luxury only for the rich. Telephone 178 and ask the New Business De partment about our gas range. Oregon Power Co. TELEPHONE 178. Two Days More of . W. Myers & Co.'s Store Get Busy 2H CONDKNSKI) 8TATKMI2NT Of The First National Bank of Coos M At tho closu of liiittliicfo, Juno It. 11)12. RESOURCES. I.nnnft nn.l ,llaprmnt I23S.S1I' Bonds, warrants and necurltlos Tl.ljj-J U. S. bond? to secure circulation H-JJ " Ileal estnto, furulture and fixtures !' Cash and sight exchango 18I.H" Total fOlLSW LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In MOM Surplus and undivided profits 1WJ Circulation, outstanding JH Deposits .....!!!!!!. "',M Total ?8ll.3Jtf In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of Stoctt vra is iuu,uoo,oo. I.NTK11KST PAID OX TIME AND RAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, Presldont. M. C. MORTON, Vlce-PrH,!ll DORSEY KREITZER. Cshlr FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK KSTAULISIIED 1880 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK 1IOXES FOR RENT P. S. DEPOSITORY TOR POSTAL I-TXRS Most Sensible Shoe For tho children Is the famous "SKUFFEU" shoe. For sale at The Electric Shoe Store ISO So. Droaqway .... Marshfield. Anywhere, Auy Time Cweful Driving Reasonable Rntes FISHER AUTO SEKVICG :"' u,u'f 10 Miuyer'8 C gar Store, PhoD is-J. After 11 P. M . , MMiauuoia urejon. Uniaue PanteWS THE MODERN DYERS. JJ PHESSK11S aim h. 'gV.juii' Agent for Edward E. BW f fine Tailoring Let u next Suit, 'jwn Cotuuurcinl. phone ' A Modern Brick D"'"1' Light, Steam Heat. flot Furaisnea ".u,tl" ,r ad cold Waten tr&Msb Rates: 60 cents a u"i7witi'1 Cor. Broadway and Marsnneld. Ore ,-Tr