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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1912)
I-HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 2 fc & Co. Store The Last Week of the A. W. Myers Jost a few days more and the stock will all be goinie amid tine sale closed 2 Is the Average Price You Pay From Now On No time to quote pirices-juiisit come see for yourself . ft&ait we mean to close this store before August lOtth. All Fixtures for sale at lhalf price or less. Myers Quits This Week 1 Coos Building A. W. Myers & Co. Market Avenue COOS BAY TIMES V7( MALONEY Editor and Iub. N K. MALONEY New Editor STATU AID FOR NEEDY MOTHERS WHAT Is called "n bill to kuIjhuI Izo motherhood" Is to bo voted on In Colorado In Novombor un der tbo Inltlntlvo and rofortJndtini law. It Is announced aH a nionsuro rfovlsod and backed by J ml bo Llnd- toy and (ieorKo Cruel, a commission er of police under a reform adminis tration In Donvor. Tbo plan is evidently to exploit tbo mensuro as an achievement of pro Krenslvo Bociallam, whoroas tbcro Is aotlilni; In It beyond what public vlmrlty and helpfulness hnvo been do Iiik' In one form or another for koii eratlonu. Tlio essential differences are two the substitution of Btato aid In placo of local aid, mid tlio main Jcnnnco of tlio children of tlio poor In tlio family Instead of In nn Institu tion. Illinois has tlio Hystom nlroady, Tlio now movomonl Ik unquestion ably In tlio right direction. Institu tional chnrlty Is proverbially " cold. Snmetlmos It lu oven cruel nnd dogrn dfiiK. When tlio mother Is a normal woman sho Is hotter lilted to brliiK up the child than any body of touchers, auporlntondontR ami trustees, liowdv r IiIkIi tholr Ideals of i-hlld-trnlnlnt; and however scientifically thoy may Javo Htudlod child problems, or whatovor their socialistic learnings may bo. BIG CROWD AT ! SUOMI PICNIC Til INCH TO UK INVENTED The sparkloHri courtship. The rrylosH Infant. A cure for rheuiiiatlHiii. An honest wrestling match. A perfect political platform. LEAVE lOOJlf 01 BREAKWATER1 Steamer Sails this Afternoon for Portland with Good Passenger List. j Tho Ilroakwator sailed this after noon for Portland with a fair list of yassongors. Among thoso sailing on tor wero tho following: J. M. llrlnkley, Mrs. II. Mauzoy, S. E. Iloyersmlth, Jas. Tracy, Mrs. J. E. Fltzgoralil, Mrs. V. A. Morrison. A. Morrison., M. Morrison, Y. Morrison, C. O. Durland, Chas. Mat son. Mrs. C. Matson, A. V. Warm, II. II. Lucy, I,. Hoalo, W. It. Purkor. Mrs. O. L. (Irltlln. A. II. Daly. Mrs, 8. A. Jones. Miss V. King. C. V. Cross, Dr. Whltakor. J. K. Dean, K. II. Mowro, Miss 1 Perks. 8. Coyne nnd wlfo, F. It. Kirk, J. E. McKorroll. O. L, Orlllln, J. Fcott, H. arlllln, a. Arwlck. Immense Throng Enjoys Eigh teenth Annual Outing at Enegren's Grove. With ono of tho largest crowds In attendance that has over participated lu tho event, tho eighteenth annual picnic of tho Suotul Socloty at Eno gren's (Irovo on South Coos Rlvor yesterday was ono of tho greatest successes tho organization has over enjoyed. Tho weather was Ideal and everybody had a good tlrao. Only ono accident occurod. Last evening whllo the throng was crowd lug to got nboard tho boats for tho return trip, too many got on ono side of the launches, tipping It consider ably. Mrs. C. C. Going lost her bal ance and fell ovorboard. Mr. Going was alougsldo of her and promptly pulled her out. Tho water was qulto deep. Asldo from the drenching, Mrs. (Jolng wits unharmed. Mrs, Going was on top of the cab'u when the launch Illrd listed. Sim was holding their baby but mana ?" I to grab the railing as she fell over board. The baby was quickly remov ed from tlio water nnd tin moth'T rescued from lior perilous position. Tho crowd kept coming and going all dny. Many boats affordod oxcol lent transportation to and from tho grounds nnd It Is estimated that ovor 1,r00 visited tlioro during tho day. Fome thought that tlioro wero not as many people on tho ground at ono tlmo as thero was during tho picnic a year ago. Tlioro was no formal program, dancing affording tho principal ill version. Tho picnic grounds affordod nil facilities for tho pleasures thoy liked most. Tho athlotlc program which has generally been given In the past was dispensed with. This year's picnic may bo tho last big ono tho Suoml socloty will hold. Their ten-yonr loaso on tho Enogren picnic grounds has expired nnd they may not renow It. The- gate receipts wero consider ably larger than n year ngo. 1.1 K IS PASSED "I'licle .1im" Cannon Attacks Critic In lloiihe. WASHINGTON. Aug. r. The He was passed on the floor of the house today when former Sneaker Cnnno'i denounced as "unqualifiedly untrue" the chnrge by nuruct. nn Alabama Democrat, that when he wns 8ponk' Cannon had deliberately led his fol lowers from tho chamber to break n quorum and In thnt way defeat Im migration legislation. Uefore Im peaching Harnett's veracity. Cannon twice asked him to retract. No out break occurred. IS GIVEN OVATION fCorUlnucdfrorjnPagoOnoJ practically filled,' but tlioro was not a' groat crowd In tho gallery, nn ndmls-' slon foo having boon exacted to help, ! defray tho oxponscs of tho conven , tlon. The hall was decorated with ' Hags nnd bunting. Largo canvas portraits wero a fcaturo of tho decor i atlons. Hack of tho stago woto thoso ' of Washington, Jofforson nnd Lin coln. At tho loft of tho stago was . Hamilton nnd at tlio right Jackson. Suspended from tho gallery at tho far end whoro all could sea was an oil painting of Roosovelt. Ovor tlio main entrnnco wns a stuffed head of n splendid specimen Dull Moose. Ileverldge Progressive ' Ilovcrldgo wns cheered throughout1 his speech, n tumultuous lntorrup- tlon coming when he nssallod tho "boss ridden old parties." "The! rulers of tho old parties," ho said 'wero invisible" Throughout his speech bristled with tho most advan ced Ideas of Progresslvlsm. When Ilovorldgc mentioned Taft In connection with tho Fay no tariff law, tho dolegatcs greeted Tuft's niinio with boos nnd Jeers. I On motion of Jnmos It. Garfield of I unto, n commtttco or lliteen was ap pointed to Invito Hoosovolt to appear before tho convention nt the hour of lonvenlng tomorrow. IIOIIN. WEST To .Mr. and Mrs. Carl West of Kastslde, Sunday, August -I, a daughter. She Is tholr second child. MRS. SWANlE PETERSON was a Marshllcld visitor yesterday. REV. 0. LoROY HALL loft this nf teruoon for Ilnndon. MItS. HOMER MAUZEY left on tho Ureakwntor today to visit relatives In Portland. MISS ALPHA MAUZEY who Is re cuperating from an oporatlou for nppendlcltls will spend part of tho week with friends on Coos Rlvor. MRS. LYI1ARGER of Lampa who wns brought to Mercy hospital re cently Is reported gottlng along nicely. MRS. C. F. McKNIGHT and Mrs. E. Mlngus loft today for tho McCor tunc bungalow on South Coos Riv er whoro thoy will spend a part of tho wcok. STADDEN All IiiiU irf plmtotfriipli won, bromide rnlnrglnc nnd kodak finishing. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bajl AC (ho close of business, Juno II, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1218.S1IS Ilonds, wnrrants nnd securities 7J,ilU U. S. bonde to socuro circulation 2 5,0(1 Real ostato, furnlturo nnd fixtures. ., . . SI.OlUi Cash and sight exchange 188,(110 Total ; folMTtt LIABILITIES. Cnpltal stock imld In JlOO.OIIJh Surplus and undlvldod profits 10.5ll.fl Circulation, outstanding SS.S9IM Deposits 477,01111 Total $01U; In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholm ers in iuu,uuu.uu. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND HAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. IIORTON, Vlco-Preiliestl DORSEY KRBITZER. Cashlur. The Sign of Wjm Good Candy Always MaJuHH KJjftftffl Tombs Just oponod In Egypt con tnlned linen' good enough to use for napkins after C.000 years. Wonder If any of your wife's linen will last that long? Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTUELl PhOM" tJ An unfilled want causes nnhappl new- Times Wnnt Ads brine results Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour I 1 ,1fuU i . Tni-ir RETAIL PRICE $1.60 PER. SACK Northwestern bard wheat used -cluslvely In milling these brands of flour. jfUOR The Gas Range Is A Friend to Everybody To the women of the household it means clean, cool kitchens without back-breaking la bor. To the .men it gives better cooked meals and happier wives. To the children it allows more time for plav, their being no kindling to chop nor hurried er rands to the grocery for oil. To the entire household it gives Cleanliness, Safety, Economy It is no longer a luxury only for the rich. Telephone 178 and ask the New Business De partment about our gas range. Oregon Power Co. TELEPHONE 178. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK KSTAIILISIIEl) 1HHO Capital & Surplus . . . $100, General Banking Business Transacted INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK HOXKS FOR HUNT I'. H. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS Get Busy S "'Ar" THAT HOOF. IIUT FIRST COME IN AND OBI SH.NGI.A3KVES AN UOOlflKO VAVKR' HOOFING PAPRH. nvp m.v or ivn itp C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Cft iir.t.Mlj DEPARTMENT. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. n ... "KVitY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. Uquie offl Phone 101 Platting Landa a specialty. rrmi Timber Coal anient "EASTfllDBt" Qoasral Ag Marahneld Offlce 14-J. Unique Pantatorium next 811. "" "tk ax" n1tlll A ni!rn Tlrlnk nulIUlUK' '... I Llcht. Steam Heat. "' FurnUned Rooms witn u and Cold Water. a rTE t COOS O. A. MKTLIN. ProP- ;,;Jl i(ii: 10 oanta uay v.. Cor. Broadwar b1 m" iiaranHeli. Ore- I jiirpfw, .rpirs:';). z rsisrijit3&',7S&iiJ)i