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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1912)
IE SUREST CURE iSflSWS BIG TROUBLE SSSSffiSB STARS SHINE olT FrTHTlSlNa In Tho TIMES WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIME" Will Keep tho Income from XTov Furnished Roonu front LnpalBgt YOU can really holp tlw tnully tdvonuca by rontlng a fow furnished rooniB nnd, If you know how xni mmtB win i'ut lour Uio MurkcC" Kffcctlwljrl .. ..M ntwittt vnnr 'whon to use tho classified column.1, hre "-.,:- im you may keep that Httlo extra Income as "stondy aa a clock." ffn It, you " MEM1JKR OF ABSOCIATKI) PRESS jc . VVYU Kstnhlisncu in jo.o AaAw t. Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Aiall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 328 OI0OB ifau NAM QUICK OF COQUILLE LEO BY BOY A! BANDON TODAY nlrl Onn nt Mr iven-year ui" Pcrrinc 01 nosuumy Shots Man. rsHEDID IT ,., TO PRO I tu l mmati-r igic Ending of Outing on West tiannon duuuh Family's iroumes. nnoplnl to Tho Times.) ANDON, Ore, Aug. 5. Jonothan ck, aged Bevciuy-Huvuu, m. i-mayor yuitit in uunu.ttv, ... JOYNER 00 E: iY BE South Slough Rancher Myster iously disappears Many Rumors Afloat. W. A. Joynor, tho South Slouch rnnchor who attained conBldorablo land Instantly killod this morn- notoroty ft f n,ontilfl ago In con I'on tho Went uanuon uaaca uy wiu nocllon wlth lho Jncob EvnnH milr,,nP bn-ycar-old Bon of Mr. . nrrmo 01, cneo, hno droppod out of Bight and It oburg. o " 7 i T.m., I ,B renrod at Emplro that ho mot with .ir d.n nrut word of It being ni .,, tr i, , fen by tho boy when ho camo In ,nco B,x 0.cIock Saturday OVOnlng krh tt fl tinVBlClIllla I nviil llln nlmntinn rnm tiln aia1 1m fho lad claims that ho shot tho cnUB0(, COnBldorablo misgiving. man to proicci iuui, . -, joynor discovered tho EvnnB cr mo. ) family Is campou on tno uonoii. nIlVnR gono to EvnnB homo to moot o was air. wiui . ,t10 lattor nnd found Evans dead on rnlnUVCS. TIMS JUUIJlllib. mi. ,,, nnn- frlno, who Is a iiiombor of tho roal Thoro' hns boon moro or less "bad bto llrm of I orrino ana waiKur 01 ,)Iood,, bolwoon joynor nn(1 Bomo oth. iouurg, nnu uio omor inamuun ui or rOB,onlH r that soctlon nnd this rrnmi v ion caiiut. iuuviuk iu ui- n,.i.,i i, . i mnnl,iinn tn-jcar-ohl boy to stay and guard tn ,,, (llBnPpoaranco. op. 1 win, Clinton, who had boon em- rim boy nays that Bomolimo nitor ntn.,n,i , in,.nnl. TOn n, inti nnn t- i.ft ,iiii fi11 111111 imiiiwi nlnm? ! . . - .... . .. jr tun, '"' "" , , ,, 10 boo mm. 110 tort joynor ni tno ennsou mill ""' ' " conclusion of his day's work Satur- inni no n i uui umi. i.. . ,my OVonlng nt C o'clock. Joynor did was cither roIiik to hurt him or ,,, fr,., 1,1,,, nr nm, ininniinn ir, to somo thluK and ho took hla 0 nwny but on t,,0 ot,,or lmn(, nr. ihcrs cun nnd Bliot lilin. I , 1 f- i,i ..,. i,nnv iiio k'rlor to leaving camp, Mr. I'orrlno mornnu to jloIp lllm, Clinton ro- ucarciuiij iiiniiuii.Biiu. ' , , 1 tnrnod this morning but could mt i molest tho gun which ho had ,. n.,n ininMnn nt bught along to hunt deer with. 1 ,ovnor.B ,mvlnK nttondod to his S'o ono witnessed tlio Bliooting anil ,' rn1 olnrn onfllP,!nv only Information regarding It Is ,,., TTi,, n '. rnB.un ni 1 boy's own atatomont. Ho candid- Kinp,ro wnH nt tho Joynor plnco yos admits shooting the old man but ,', ,,. . oI,a,i n.i. nn. dms that ho did It to protOCt lllin- .... .inrlArn.! ttint nlin did not hoo I fAnni QttA irna tnltml net ivlfnn rho body was brought down to tho i,fM'n, ,,i ir (n i, vni Irguo hero todny whom It will bo niur,,or investigation. It was clnlmod Id pending tho coroner s Invcstlga- tlmt nho UnoW conBt(0rnblo nbout P" ' unmn nf tn nliina wlilnYi Mm nfT1fnra I'llZleil by It. I ,.n. rt - .!n,..n In Min Pi'nna rnnn rhol'crrlno boy's frnnkness nbout .Tovnnr fnrmorV Rftrvod In tho Unl auair maKra no Hiiunuon pocu- 0(l S(ntcH nrmy Ho ,lnB ,VP(, on iiv id mmii'i illzo tho sovorlty ) punishment nttondnnt Bomo think that tho boy Dbably prompted by too much lid west lltornturo," or moving plc- rcs. no Fliould lmvo known Mr. 1.1, ...- 1.1 ' 1 1 u nr iubh nun ItCK Wlin linn linnn nnvimliif tinnt ... L n..i. " "... ' 1 lion roar othorwlso. VIIIUU .UII1I. I Hr. Quick was a largo mnn with n1 ! '. 7 , M7, whlto board. Ho was nrottvl .. r""l .Accident A workman nt rhodcspIto his advanced years, his1"10 Smlth-I'owors citmp l south py Impediment being deafness. I Co"B n'vor, w.nB. 'nJurprt In nccldont ir. quick has spent moat of tho " " """" lu "'' amer In Pnninn.i viuiH., M, hospltnl on tho launch Tioga. Ills lat Pendleton. Ills daughter, Miss! m!,no could not bo lonrnod. ra wuick, ami nnothor dnughtor, ' !- narvov. or I'nniiinti-m. ue back with him. fho Quick faillllv linvn linil nnrnrnl Nedles the Inst fmv vnnra A inn he old mnn Just shot wns shot nnd led near Kureka about n year ngo Quarrel. Mrs. Harvov'a hiisbniul d won nftor tholr mnrrlago and "comes tho tragic fato of tho est member of tho family. NEW ERANOO-n ALLIANCE French Premier Starts for S. Petersburg Today to Perfect Terms of New Agreement Between Nations. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Aug. C Raymond Poln portanco of tho occasion and In thu promior's train trnvolod nil tho load ing JournallotB of Franco who alwayB mobollzo whon questions of high poli tics aro In tho air. Noar oastorn questions and tho Franco-Russian naval convontlon, tho slgnnturo of which by Polncnlro In St. Potorsburc , will bring tho wholo of tho fighting ROOSEVELT IS GIVEN GREAT OVATION IN CHICAGO TODAY calro, tho French promlor, started, to-, forces of tho allies within torma of nn day for Russia, with all tho coromony offonslvo nnd dofonBlvo alliance aro thnt usually mnrks a. stato pilgrim-1 to bo tho main subject of llscusslon ngo. Artistldo Drland, Mlnlntor of between tho Emporor of Russia, Sir Justlco and othor high oflldalB, woro Qub Annroff, Russian Minister of nt tho station to omphaslzo tho Im- Foreign Affairs and tho Froch visitor. GOSSIP ABOUT SURVEY PARTY NO ACTION ON BRIDGE PERMIT J W Railroad's Request for Permit to Cross Bay Not Yet Granted. W. J. Wolfrom and Corps of . Southern Pacific Engineers. Here Now. Tho nrrlvnl of a pnrty of South ern Pacific surveyors horo Saturday nnd yesterday started n numbor of . Concrosnmaii linw'nv i,nn n.i rnllroad rumorB today. Whllo It ia vised that Major Morrow has boo announcod by tho party that thoy aro , Instructed by Qonornl nixby to ad horo to mnko tho flnnl chock on tho.vcrtlso tho public hearings at Coos survey for tho road from Coos Day nay for the purpose of taking Btntc north towards tho Sluslaw, othors In- monts for nnd ngnlnst tho nroposod (Special to Tho Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. G.-- Hist that tholr mission hns to do with nnothor Southom Pacific project. Ono report hnd It thnt thoy would work south on tho Southom Pacific Coast lino towards Eureka nnothor thnt thoy will work cast, olthor on tho old Drain routo or a now one. Howovor, that Is gossip. Tho party Is hoadod by Gcorgo E. Wolfrom and ho nhd tho othors In tho party coma from San Francisco. Mr. Wolfrom Informed pnrtlos taking to him that ho was horo to chock up tho old survey. Thoy nro getting things In readiness today to start work, TI1080 In tho party aro: crossing of Coos Day by tho Wlllnni otto nnd Pnclflc rnllrond. Mnjeu Morrow has nlso boon called upon for n roport nnd recommcndntnn regard ing tho rond's application to croiH tho Umpqun river nonr Rccdsport. WORKING ON REPORT Major Morrow Said to 1k Preparing Rtntemcnt Now. Tho nbovo Information Is supposed to refer to the request thnt Mnjor Morrow mndo Rovernl wcokHago for .opinions or tno nconio or coob unv relntlvo to 1..1.1 . tho Rnntlinrn Pnrlflii Goo. E. Wolfrom, O. II, Ellis, W. brldco across thn nnv. Tim riviuiot W. T.nnn T V MI1lnl. tlnn lTnlllann I -., .1 i. t" I t '.. l- ... uuw, . , ,.y.,., wvu. W...UWU, . n jiiiiuv iiiiuiiKii iJilH"iur ijeoio IV iinrom uunningiinm, n. u. umonu, Whom a copy of ni Hnrold Furlong nnd L. II. Durns. Porter Jluys Hero tho rnllrond's ro quest for n permit wns sent. Mnjor Morrow Is understood to be According to word rccolvod hero mnklng a dotnlled report of tho mnt todny, tho Porter Drothora novo pur- tor to Washington now. Ho Is snld chasod fifty or ono hundrod lots In' to hnvo rccolvcd a number of lottcra nolso nddltlon. It Is posslblo that from local parties about tho mnttor. iy old enough to r1r,i,.h boiwMii Fmnlrft ...l tho ?oi t thl8 ,fl tho PrcliMO thnt wnB roportol In nddltlon to this n petition signed y of tho crlmo or, lB T. bibp Wko to? Joilo time ' u' nnmo of A,r- Pnyno of 8entt!o !' ,,bo"t "00 Co"8 cou,lty l'eol'10 ,f ttondnnt thereto. "Se ? ,n8t wook u ,s understood that tho leavo tho mnttor ontlroly In tho tho boy's net wns i. .. i,.;i. n,nf Tn,.nn, Porter Brothers hnvo acquired con- hands of tho war dopartmonr wns I It Is bnroly posslblo thnt Joynor mot with nomo nccldont or wont on n dcor hunt but Emplro pooplo who nro moro or loss fnmlllar with tho sltua- BE SELECTED California Governor Likely to be Roosevelt's Running Mate This Year. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) CHICAGO, Aug. C With tho nrrl Former President Arrives for Opening of the First Bull Moose Convention. WILL NOT SPEAK UNTIL TOMORROW Beveridge of Indiana Tempor ary Chairman Clash on Negro Delegates. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). CHICAGO, Aug. 5 Col. Roosevelt arrived nt 8:30 tj. m. and ho was n thuslnstlcnlly welcomed nnd hurried vnl of Col. Roosovolt, tho talk ,1,B "ondqunrtcrs nt tho Congress Govornor Johnson of California for hotel vlco-prcsldent rccolvod a now impo, tus. Col. Roosovolt, It was announc od, rogardod Johnson as a groat cam paigner and whllo tho party might not need his addod strength in Calif ornia, his sorvlcos would bo Invalu nblo olsowhoro. Johnson continues to mnlntaln an ontlroly noutral at Tho crowd cheered .as tho colonel stepped from tho train. Ho was received by a dologatlon of pro gressives headed by Gcorgo W. Per kins nnd Governor Hlrnm W. John son of California. Tho crowd mnsaed In front of tho station wnved ban danna hnndkerchtefs ns tho pnrty cn- uu tit. uutituij uguiiui ui i .,. . . "..- tltudo. There Is nlso somo talk of""0 " "7: nn" n ?'10UB or, c 100r on..i..n ., .ni, ..... -was merged In tho. blaro of brass capacity but tho loaders hnvo not I'Vcnn" lT?,lrL?ri?Ch.0Minlh0 iV fixed on a man from that cectlon for XJSN JnZ. W, fe tho nosltlon I routo wor throngod nnd ns tho col- Miv Tnko Democrat .no1 BWOnt J)nBt ,l0 wnB Rrootcl "7 Thoro lBnBomof0tnI?kno0fCandemocrat ' $$ nnnK0CrhCcwtl X fl ' '! for vlco-prcsldent and If Roosovolt '',? Hor n tlm S S if." detormlnos that a democrat might In-, gJXj. fnoS80vd? stood un In Ws nnZl of .Wv SvnW, "J? l ' "Jok? brtoffi o "press ng appeal of tho pnrty tlckot thoro Is ,iIb npprcclntlon of the wolcomo glv ovory reason to bollcvo his views cn ,, n nm, n,,-,10J,C8 for c ,0 will provnll. Gonornl Luko Wright pnrty nnd Colonel John Pnrkor nro fro- soiinjor Dixon called tho eonvon q o y montlonod nB democratic pos- tlon to or(lei, t Hc, brcf r;vcw Blbllltlcs. tll0 BBnng of ti,0 cal for tho cw. An ngrcornont appeared to bo vontlon and snld: "In tho Inst four roachod last night, however, to nnmo weeks tho nation has seen n no-v Parkor as pormanont chairman o tho, nllgnment of American politics. Tins convention. This Is bollovod by afternoon n now mllcBtono will b mnnv ffn mnnti it In nllmlnn (Iah r am 1 . . ...v.., i ...v.... ...o uuit.iuuiiuii tiuiit.erecica in American noutics. a nnv the tlckot. SO. TAR'S IB DEAD P iW.Herron, Father of ths nesment'S We. Dins in Cincinnati. 7 Associated Press to The Coon Dav Tim do i KnT0.An-PresIdont .- ...' ?. ia will leavo Wnali. d the fnn. r. Clnc,"ntl to nt 'Mo v.feAwl'o lied. there R to WnM, . l"tsunt wl re k. "asll'neton Thursday morn- AVAS fOTBO LAWYER I In ril . "B ITMIIIIICIll irA.. i '"Cincinnati rAssocIated Press to h. n .- evevv, Times). "" rron. f.,1?.1' . fE. C John W. ;khied by a r1aio team sldornblo othor proporty on tho Dny forwarded to him somo tlmo ngo by recently. I C. J. MIllls, who wns hero when tho To Ship Cement petition was circulated. Vessel ownors at Portland nro bid- ding on n contrnct to haul six nun- MARRIAGE LICENSES drod tons of comont Into Umpqual for Portor Ilrothore. Tho contract' Tho following mnrrlngo licenses will bo let soon. Tho comont la un-' woro Issuol by County Clerk Watson dorstood to bo used In brldgo work during tho pnst week: nlong tho now lino nnd nlso on tho Jny G. Dush nnd Grnco DIx, both tunnels. I of Ilnn-lon. Coqulllo Sontlnol. W ii n NEAR JUAREZ! ARE INVOLVED MANY ARRIVE ON BEAKWATER Major Morrow Assures Capt. Macgcnn that Shoals Will be Removed. Tho Rronkwntor arrived In yes torday morning from Portland nftor n good trip down the- const. Slio hnd n fair enrgo of freight and a good passenger list. Whllo nt Portlnnd, Cnptnln Mnr.- polltlcal party, knowing no north or no south, founded on llvo Issues of today will tako Its placo with those parties which llvo on tho dead Issues of the pnat." Dixon wna InterrupteS by n delegate shouting "Hooray for Teddy." Thero wns n demonstration of half n minute. Secretary O. IC Dnvls then read the- call for tho con vention. Tho slocnn "Thou slinlt not fitcnl," nppcnrlng on tho wnll waa greeted with cheers. Former Senntor Albert J. Dovor Idgo of Indlnnn wnB elected tompor nry chnlrmnn nnd mndo tho keynote speech. Colonel Roosovolt will not ntton3 tho convention until tomorrow. Clnsh Over Nepoen. Tho National Progressive pnrty'a provisions commltteo met todny to dispose of tho contested dologate cases Two of the cases Involved the troublesome- negro questlop. In Flor ida tho compromise wns renchod !r seating "Lily Whlto" dologntos nnd cs to nit sunnlemontal delogntes." This nroused tho anger Mexican Rebels Destroying Indictment of Prominent New we0ntherg?hlHttll,ThaIfrncSI. Bonn conferred with Mnjbr Morrow f"' " .;v"" , f relative tp. hnrbor improvemems "."sS, hero. Ho went over tho Inner chnn-' ,",l"c,e"V "' "8, 8l,l) hai mnttm. no..n.inii.. ...ui. . delogntes." This nroused t to tho shonls n the lower ha y. w itli ?' n ' "" 'lolcgntos. who ripped Mnjor Morrow. Ho wns assured that .R?8lei,t, bn(,.BeB. fr"m tho r tho Dredgo Oregon will clenn thoia , ? ," '"?""" .VUA?". ."".,", ,ul up boforo bolng tnkon away. In nd dltlon to tho shonl In tho lower Dny, tho ono north of tho Cold Storage will nlso bo tnkon out. Mnjor Mor row snld thnt ho was anxious to havo J. P. Sibley, Father of Mrb. Charles Crouch, Meets an Untimely Death. Mrs. Chas. Crouch, of Hnynes in let, hns received tho sad nows of tho denth of hor father, Jamos Poter Sib ley, who was killod Instantly in nn nccldont at Diamond ranch in Dia mond Vnlloy, Oregon, July 28. Mr. Sibley wns about 53 years old at tho tlnin nf Ills ilnnth. Joo Slbloy, a nophow of tho dead W pursuit uy rwo iecierai tho gambling houses Pollco Llou nn nnd cousin of Mrs. Crouch, nr-1 which tompornrlly pockoted him nt. tenant Decker's alleged nctlvltles Line Owned" by Canadians and Americans. ((Dy Assoclnted Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) JUAREZ, Aug C Inez Snlnrzir, rebel leader responsible for tho dls Yorkers Expected in Con nection with Graft. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times). NEW YORK, Aug. 5. A mass of ovldonco is to bo presented to tho arming of American colonists, Is' grand Jury this week out of which heading for tho border with ono tho officials of tho public prosecutor thousand rebels nnd Is destroying tno office believe severnl Indictments for Mexican Northwestern rnllrond ns ho extortion will bp found against cor- goes. in una way no nopeB 10 tiu-i tain pollco officials for grafting from man rived on tho Dronkwator yestordny, Cnsns urnnaes. liio on-coming in- with tho gamblors are bolng Inves- nnl according to Information which surrectos win join uieir cnioi, ras-'tlgatod on Information furnished In iipil uiuttu, iu nun nuuui v mo COIlICSSlOll OI "UttlU JOCK" llCBO. men remain bore. Tho Mexlcnn Of tho roported Investigation will re Northwestern, which will bo destroy-, suit also nn Indictment of two lilghor en, is n unnnuian ana American own ho received, Mr. Sibley hnd been working In tho hnyflold nnd on his way homo, one of tho horses beenmo frlghtoned nnd ran away throwing tho driver under tho hay buck which pnssod over him, killing him lnstnnt ly. The body will bo brought to Coos Day for burial, nrrlvlng on tho Al liance tomorrow morning. Tho fun- ornl services will bo hold Wednesday I Mob Strings up ono Negro nnd Is Ing. Later they said thoy would luy their enso before the ciodentlnls com mltteo. Roosovolt declined to tnko a hand In tho negro contests, Tho contesting nogro dologatlon from Mississippi also lost tholr case snry, ho thought tho dredge mlcht o'otnoi commltteo. Upon further remain horo until possibly Octoll" K01?? ,f.Ul neK"-IffKnUon from lfith to comploto tho work. n0 florldn, It wns decided to throw out stnted thnt tho work nt Grays Har-1"01" ". . ?. n"V mo o snuo hor could bo comnloted this winter nnd tho Oregon bp returned to tho Dny next Bummor' to contlnuo tho work horo. Dosldes tho Oregon, Mnjor Morrow Informed Cnpta'n Mncgonn thnt tho new bar dredgo would be nt work bore noxt sonson. Among those- nrrlvlng on tho lirenkwater woro tho following from that state and tho matter pro bably will bo threshed out before the crodentln committee. Roosevelt Rules tho Roost. Thero appealed to bo no question nmong tho dologates that Roosovolt would get what ho wauted at their hnnds. Ills nomination hns been do- pen.ded upon to give tho now pnrty Win, Crimes, Miss Ruth Smith. inn auspicious start nnd If ho desires Mrs. T. F. Drndshnw, Mrs. R. A. to run on tho platform based on the Stelnmegger, Elizabeth Arlandson, I speech which ho asserts mny bo "nn MJss Evn Drossor, Dr. Shoot, 0. W. nrchlstlc," tho progressives horo nro cross, (j. u. Knton, J. II Sibley, Ado- moro thnn nnxlous to give it to mm. lnldo Nelson, Mrs. II. O. Pnddonk. j. w. uodson, Snrnh Tnylor, Susan ed The hnvc ALAItAMA LVNCHINO. nfternoon. Mrs. Crouch hns tho sympathy of ninny friends in her bereavement. After Another. Roosovelt wlll'mnko hla "confossloi of faith" nt tho convention Tuosdar crnoon following tho formalities permanont organization. Senator Ddvorldge, tho tomnornry chnlrmnn. Is tho contrnl figure In to- T, L1 ,!lvni;;ip- Fl,Bon' Mrs- Mnx Roadef. Mrs. A day's proceedings nnd hnd n propnr nW.Li?e HI ?. ?ri- w- G,KB. rcst Gregg. E. P. Lewis ed speech thnt will precede tho adop- wnlter Lewis,-Mrs. E P. Lewis,, Qe.. tlon ofn platform Denis, w. Stnrkey, T. Nelson, Rubv Shenrer. Elvira Frlzeon, Mrs. M. S. Rosonthal. Docker was not In court. Picnic Outing Among tho many IIANFORD CASE ENDS irron fi , AUS' u John W ' . . i is in pursuit oi nnowier near nans 't. f , of Mrs- Wm. Howard i P,'es,,lcl,t Tnft AcccP,s Resignation station. Alabnmn. forty miles east of ihoml tne President, died nt' of Seattlo Jurist, rere. according to passengers nrrlv- severai t0llay n"or an Illness' (By A830clnt0(l 1rCH8 t0 Tho Co,,slng horo today. The two negroes. It several years it n"cr an ,llnC8a . HerJie?' Il0 waa 85 years WWr.ieE':?J;!WB'? f" united 5tn i;? wiiumeys nnu der Harrls0n?te3 D'Strlct Attorney '"Pe'dauiht'''!. Stella Lash. tV enioo. iL m.? h.or rm hB ea a alnilfnn V . oroer sus ;o. ""uilar Injury in .i. Bnv Times. I WASHINGTON, August 5. Pres ident Tnft accepted today the resign ation of Fedornl Judge Hnnford of Seattle tondered while Hnnforl's con duct on tlio beach was being Investi gated by n congressional committee, The commltteo advised the accept ance of the resignation and tho drop ping of tho impeachment proceedings. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Pjcnlo parties yesterday one of the Gr0llti M,B8 Cf K MJChesnV.' B MERIDIAN Miss 'auc 5 Ono Grvo. Thoy charterod tho Donlta negm has 'been lynched and the So started for the scene of festiyi Is in pursuit of another near Hall's " e"ly with well ladened baskets. ltttVtli IMUOU liy V11U 1'Ut .J "OtU .lit, and Mrs. Harry Dedford, Mr. and Mrs. Knorr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Is said, murdered n white mnn named iA "? a 'ny. Mr. and Mrs. Tlmcs Want Ads bring results. Tutt. NOTICE. To accommodate the employes of tho C. A. Smith Lumber Co , our of tiro will Im kent onen on the nvenlnir of the tenth of ench month between Lockhart Inst night. Peter Mlrrasoul and family, Mr, and Mrs. John Mlrrasoul and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rohrer . Horde, Shot Mnrsiial Carter Is to day soeking a camper who shot a de livery horse belonging to Herbert Tho horse got Many Women Present; An outsandlng featuro of tho pro- frncali'n nnnVAnllnti fa Mm nnmtinr ni day nt Piper's .Johnson. Frod Johsnn. K. V. Tlolll wntnen ilolecnteR. Tho lendorH nra lor. Den Chandler, F. S. Dall, F. J. encournglng tho movement to mnko O'Keefo, Edmund Croft, Jeremiah j n fenture of women delegates, and Croft, M T. Dnrtholomow, Nina Den-, It Is certain thnt tho suffrago plank Jamln, Hal Wnrwlck Mrs. Mary War- In the pew party plntform will bu a. wick. Mr. Well, A. W. "Warren, ll strong one. It Is snld n tentntlw L. Colomnn, C. J. Roopo, Lnurom-o nlnnk hns been written by Mrs. Anna Parker. W. J Fuson, Sophia Parke., Shaw, national president of tho suf Mra. Cnrrle Daggett. R. L. Decketf. f racists. Laurence Johnson Vnntlcert, Clnv- Cliargo Admittance seven nnd eight o'clock, for tho pur pose of receipting for water rates. Coob Day Water Company. Try The Times' Want Ads. out and was bothering tho campor who fired on the animal, a load of shot Injuring the animal's flank. It 1 probably will go seriously with him as tho animal Is badly hurt. ence Krleck, C. H. McMlllon, E. E. Frost, O. Dranln, Geo. Cinko. Tho big Coliseum, tho meeting plnco of tho Nntlonnl Progressive Partv. was thrown open shortly be- Nnino llttby Mario Lucllo Ostllnd foro 11 o'clock today but It was near ls tho name that Mr. and" Mrs. Den ly nn hour after that time boforo the ustiiiid navo conferred upon their, first of tho delegates arrived. Whon llttlo daughter who was born yester-the convention wns called to ordor at day, Times' Want AdB bring results. 12:43 the seats of the delegates wore (Continued on Page Two.)