THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3r 191Z EVENING EDITION. 300 Per Cent Profit Sounds good, doesn't it? Almost too good to bo true. Yet it is u fact that the only purchaser who has sold his holding in PERTIAM VAllK realized over .'100 per cent on his investment. Several others have been of fered a big advance on holdings but have refused In sell. NEW. IMPROVEMENTS "With hc cutting through of Uighih Terrace Mini Tenth Street, opening up a highway through to Fein dale, and other improvements under immediate con sideration the values in 1MBR1IAM PARK arc stead ily advancing. For the present, however, the prices re main the same, so now is the lime to buy Easy payments. PERHAM PARK ! W. A. REID 203 W Coke Bldg. For the Home Beautiful ONE LOOK MOANS A LOT" ANNOUNCEMENT! For the benefit of those who are busy througn Hie day, Mr. Rcid desires to announce that ho will he found in his offices .in the Coke Building each evening from 7 to 8 o'clock and will be glad to show parlies this property. A few minutes' walk from (he office. Telephone 'MO. A itar Transfer Storage Co. Utoiloall kinds of limiting botlce. Wc moot all trains and we also hnvo tlio latost nolda Piano Mover. Wo lour work. Heisner, Prop. 198-H, 12Q.J, or49-L. &NTED ! M Ul'IIOLSTEltivn Avn 10 CLKAN, liy tlio Pncu- mng Uompiiuj-. Orders (or nt 3I.VO A IIAHVF.V nio.NR 10(1 Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Saturday Aug. 3, at 2 P. M. with passengers and freight P. H. DOW, Acnt. Ocean Dock. AXI IIKPAIR WORK i Mulni mill nriiiiim. prtpared to do this work r lumraci aim gunrnntoo P- Lot us flguro with you. 8. KLOYD& CO. "mnimum, unr, & Langworthv Conlraclori. ami Supplle-j. Vlinvi.' .,. ., f " miT ro(lur, uexi door to th Mini MorL... eal Estate mJ "El.VSl'UAXCK --."" in Farms and 'y property. ., rtc. Oregon, in " tS a. ii. iioDdnw afield Paint crating Co. jlj 14L Orogoc 5enslKlo qw ibe rhii.i . Vuc 1 mSEE". " the I Ftor ... KU 8uoe- ' m TIC Shno QIxhx F?-ay-v " Marwhfioi nyTlme ,ul Driving AUrn"e i. pibi,..'"!i,viijb rtr. J "' PrP I XiLI P- M.. " uret'on. THE FRIEND OP COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7 AT 6 A. M CoNNHOTINO WITH T1IK NORTH HANK KOA1) AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC! STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Plump 44, O. F. McGBOHGR, Agent. PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless nnil submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Sunday, Aug. 4, at 3 P. M. All Passenger Reservations Ifpom San Frwiclhco Must Ho Mado nt H05 Plfo Hulldliig, or Pier No. 10. INTEINOCEAN THANSPOUTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. P. McGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAV8 ON TIMK. HAILS PHOM AINSWOHTII DOCK, PORTLAND, AT O n. in., AUG. , H, I SI, 18, 23 mill 28. PHOM 5IAHSJIFIELD AT THE SKHVICK OP TIIK TIDK, AUG. 5, 10, 13, 20, 2 5 mid 30. Phone Mnln BUM.. J. C. MILLER, Agent. COOS BAY-ROSEBUBG STxQB LINE. Stage leaves Marahflold every morning at 6 and reaches Roseburg In tlmr to connect with evening train for Portland. 8tage also leaves RoBcburg every morning at 6 o'clock and reaches MarahOeld same evening. PARE fO.OO.Hound trip f 11.00. Good mewls en rout. C. P. Barnard, agent. Roseburg. Otto Schetter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Marsnfleld. Tickets can be obtained at Hlllyer's Cigar Store. At the Churches (Ministers nnil others tiro roqucsi cd to liniul In tlio Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to Insiiro Insortlon Saturday.) .METHODIST EPISCOPAL Ilov. II. I. Kutlcdgo, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service ut 11a. in. Epworth Lcaguo at 7 p. m. Prayormcotlng on Thursday ovon Ing at 8 o'clock. Strangers wolcoino. EPISCOPAL Emmanuel Cliuixli. Uov It. 15. Drowning. Rector. 1 1 a. m. Morning service and ser mon. 2 p. in. Holy Communion Scrvlco nnd sornvfa, North Hcnd, (Myers IJulldlng.) 1:110 p. in. Evening Service and Service at St. Luke's church. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS C. .1. Colo, Pastor. Seventh Dny Advcutist Borvlcoa 1111 conducted every Snturdny as follows- Siibhnth school at 2 p. m. Preaching services at 3 p. m. Come nnd spend an hour with in; wo will do you good. CHUHCH OP CHRIST. 55. O. Downrd. Minister. At tlio Church of Christ, Central Avenue, the morning subject, tomor row, will bo "Tho Lord's Day." Ev- FBEE TO YOU-MY SISTER Freo to You and Every Slstor Sut erlng from Woman's Ailments. I m i womiin, I know woman' mffcrlngi. I bum found tho euro. I will mall, froe or nny oharge, tnylomi Iriil. mat with full iiwtructlotutoiiny niforer f rom woraaa'i allmuntM. I want to tell l womrn n bout thu euro i. nir rilnr rnr .... , i dauehtur. your mother, or your &tc r. 1 wnnt to ''i1 .yu, f',uw .l0 our? youjjolvw nt hom with out thu halp i of a doctor. Mtntinnilundcrntmid woniun iuffcriiiBS. Whatwawomin know from isitlinei, wo know bottrr tlmn anr doctor. 1 know thnt my'liorap tnntimmt io mifo and Miro euro for Itucorrhtu et KMIiik diuhirm, Ulcititlon. On piatimni cr i iiuni 01 mi noni, rniitlt, SCintf or Tilllui fitlcSt, Utarlnt it Omlin lumen, or f itnlht; ilit ptlni lo hud, back and louli, kiaring oin (nllnti.iiitiouiitiii. tmilni (ulini ut ht iilnt, mtlincMr, diilti to err, M fliinu, vutlMit, Nntr. fi HitJtftr troubtn Mra iiaiil t wiilntiiti puulur to our hvx. I wnnt to avml you 1 umplili tin itft Ittilmul illtity (m to provo to you thnt ynu can euro youiolf at homo, nnHlly. quickly nnd lurclr. Ilonii'iubtT, Hint, it will cn yoj ntfhlnf to wlih to contlnuo, It will cot yon only about 12oentna wm or 1ms than two cent n ilny. It wilt not inturfcro with your work or occupation. Jott nil4 tni jour nimi tni tiiitti, tell mn how you aunnr If you wult, and I will pund you tho trontmont for yourca. entirely f rce.ln plain w rnp per. by rottirn mall I will alio iirnrt you fnnlctit, my look "WOMH OWI MtOICU IDIIJtr wit It cxiilaiintory llluatratloni Khow Inn whr women luffer. and how I her can t ailly cure thumn Itra jit homo. KreJ-y womnnnhimld haro it, and learn to lilat for hirult. Then when tho doctor ayn i ou mult hnvo nn otiorallon," you can decida for younelf. Thounnnduof women haroeund tltninnelrn v. Ith my homo rvrmdy. It cum ill old or ouir. T Motkora of Dlttliliri, 1 will eiplatn n """.'' .""" """"untwnicnepeeuny and ciieciuaiiT cure ijoucorrnoea, urven uionnwwnna ion in young Ividlut, t'lumpnrrui and htnlth alwayirMultafrom e;J '-io NXsfc-. 1'atnful or Irregular Mfiutrunt ivaunn Whemreryonllrn.Icnnreferynutoladlaiof rout own locality who know and will Rladlr wll nny dullercr that till Horn Tnilowol really turn all women'adlieMen.andmakmwomouwe.lI, trong, plump nnd robiut. Jut I nod iom tldnii, and tho f rco tendaj'ii treatment ltyouro, alio tholMokWrltotolny, m you may not aw hU jfTeraifatn. Addrwn mrs. m. summrrs, Doah - - Notro Damo, Ind.. U.S.A. Lakeside By Auto Wo have arranged for automobile service to tho beautiful Ten Mile Lakes. Service begins today, W:II make regular daily trips connecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR LKAVKS STAUPP'S LANDING KVKHY DAY AT l:!JO P. 51. lUri'UHNING IjKAVK NOHTH SLOUGH IjANDING: 8ATUHDAY AT 1:30 A. 51. WICDNKSDAY AT 8 A. 51. .MONDAY nt 8 A. 51. THUHSDAY AT 8 A. 51. TUESDAY AT 8 A 51. PHIDAY AT 8:!I0 A. 51. SATURDAY AT O A. 51. AUTO LKAVICS LAKKSIDK ONE HOUIt IIAHMEH THAN HOAT SCHEDULE. ' Fare each way $1,00, Will make special trips to connect with launch at any time, day or night, For prices and full information In quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or leave messago with M, M, Pierson, the Lakeside To'o phono Agent, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK ESTAHL1SHED 1880 Capital & Surplus . . . $100,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted 1NTKHEST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS LOCK IJOXES FOIt HENT U. H. DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL FUNDS CONDENSED 8TATE.MENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of buslneos, Jun 14, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $238,516.72 Bonds, warrants and securities. . , 78,191.32 U. S. bondp to secure circulation 25,000 00 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchange 188,653.99 Total 0U,373.ft7 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ) f 100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 10,548.63 Circulation, outstanding '. 23,800.00 Doposits 477,024.7 4 Total OI l,S7.'l.37 In addition to CapltRl Stocfc the Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is Sinn noo.oo. INTEREST PAID ON T15IK AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, President. M. O. HORTON. Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER. Cashier Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOP, HUT FIRST C05IK IN AND GET OUR PRICKS ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES $1.80 AND PP. ' ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPAnTMKNT. cnlng, "A True (Initio," with special music. Hlblo rpIiooI 10 n. in. Young People's meeting 7 p. m. MARSHFIELD PRKSRVTERIAN CHURCH. At tl o First Presbyterian church services mny be expected on sabbath as follows: Snbbnth school nt 10 n. m., Prof. Tlcdgcn, superintendent. Preaching nt 11 a. in. nnd 8 p. m YouiiR People's meeting nt 7 p. in. Rev. Sherwood L. drlgsby, of Med ford, will preach morning and ovou Ing. Everybody Is cordially Invited. FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH. 10 A. M. Sundny school. Clnudo StutBinnu, suporlntcndont. Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. Preaching scrvlco 11a. m. Rov.v C. E. Short, spoaklng. Evening service, Mrs. C. E will preach. Short SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Comer Third nnd Conunorcc. -; ' Sundny rchool In English every! Sunday nt 0: IS n. m. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. Hlblo lending nt 10:1 o a. in. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Chrlstlnn Sclonro hull. 237 Tlllrdl Rtroet North. Hj Subject, "I.ovo." Service Sundny nt 11 n. m. Sunday school 12 51., Wednesday' 8 p. in .MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Row A. R. Munro. High mass will bo celebrated at 10 o'clock Sundny morning. NORTH REND PRESHVTERIA.V. Row D. A. 5IncLcod, Pnstor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Pronehlng servlro, 11 a. in. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. Prenchlng service 8 p. in. Subject for tho morning sorvlco will bo "Tho Child Growth. Subjoct for tho evening. "Tho Only Foundation." NORTH REND 5IETHODIST CHURCH. Tho services Sunday will bo as fol lows: Sundny school 10 a. in. Junior Lcaguo 3:20 p. in. Tho Holy Communion will bo colo bratod nt tho closo of tho morning sorvlco. Tho subject for tho morn ing sorvlco will bo "Partnership with God." For tho evening, "nolshaz zar's Fonst." NORTH REND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Row Father Springer, noctor. Mass will bo eolobrnted at 3 o'clock Sundny morning by tho Rot. Fnthor Munro. ' UNITED RHETIIEREN CHURCH, OF NORTH REND. Sundny school nt 10 a. m. Preaching sorvlco nt 11 a. in. Young People's nt 7 p. m. Preaching sorvlco at S p. in. f 5IANY HUNTERS' LICENSES. Rut one- lonoly.mnu, Jay G. ntih, had tho norvo to humblo himself be foro tho desk of County Clork Wat son during tho past week nnd nsKeil for a llconso to wed. Grace DIx i tho ono ho would ninko n Rush, It has been different with hunters for game nnd anglers for fish. Thus far this season 1889 gnmo licenses hnv been Ifsucd. .Many llconses wore la sued for both hunting nnd flshlnt;, and tho sum derived will enrich tho county coffers over $2000. Coqulllo Herald I.lbby COAL. Tie kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pacific Llvor- & Transfer CO; liowv rilb WoofTorOno ll'i ilrnl I) liar' Ituw rt for ny uoo( ('hIiutIi llmt cumin' bo cuml bjr llaU' t'alnrrh t'urt. V. J.rilKN'KY A TO., TnUdn, O. W lluuiiilrlKtiril.liit ku mi K J. Clio" nnv fnrlhe lt l.i'ar, hiuI bollove him per ji'itly liororalilt In nil I.iiIih's iriiacllon nd llnanilally llo Im-irry out nny olillxa Hoik madu by hU Mini. tAIIIMI, KlNKAN MAIIVIK, Wind mv DrucKl"))1, Toledo, O. UnMV Calarrli Cnrr l taken Inlotnally, act., liiKdlirvlly iih tlio dlnod hi d nuu out sure fa ill i( Ilio tt m. TeKllinni lain H'lil (roe. I'rlc 75ft inn per boillo. Hold Ih'hII driitrsfm. Tnk. Kall'k Inu.lly I'llU for iilu' HubClothing&ShoeCo. .MARSHFIELD. HANDON. tSiim The Sign of Good Candy Always Modern Urlck U UuIuk. Electrlo Llijht. Steam Host. Blegantly Furnisned Rooms with Hot v nnd Gold Water. . II lilbfa COOS w) (;. A. METLIN. Prop. " RatP' R0 cenU a Day and Upwr.rds. Cor Broadway and Maik't. larsnneld. Oregon.