A MAN CAN flND NO EXCUSE FOR HIMSELf HIS WIPE WILL EIND IT EOR HIM fcnVKKT,8,Na ln T" TiMKS It AH- '" . . ,,,..,,. HI.. (Unas WANT ADVERTISING In Th XI HE Will Keep tlio Income from Yuu Furnished Ituoms from Laplnnl YOU cnn really help th foully rovonues by renting n few furnlakad rooma and, If you kuow hovr nd when to n bo tlio classified columns, you tnny keop that littlo cxtrn Income ns "steady an a clock." win rui ",r "" . tl,o Market" Effectively! .. .v.- ii.oia iilioiit vnilr tti jyS uo'or -i ;n Irt TO-'U HI MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED PRESS wiBem&iuxMsasur, )L XXXV Ustabllshed In 187H ,im The Coait Mnll NIARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1912EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Count .Mull mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 325 TOM FT FORMALLY NOTIFIED OF HIS NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT Later Root Declares That HonOI' UOmCb iu n ... no Cleanest of All. WS IT IS PARTY AGAINSI fbUDuiMHu hiiyi esident Accepts With Appeal for Hcpumican ouuuu&a and Prosperity. i-.-.i n.i.111 tn Thn Cons By ABSOCimuu .' - liny iiiukd; WASHINGTON, D. 0., Aug. 1. 'sldcnt Tail wns ionium iuu "... Mo nnmlnntlon by tlio Nn- nl Republican Convontlon nt 01il-t UNCLE Si" IS BROKE AGAIN B HANDLER 10 PUSH NEW. BO LOINS Consoling Thought for Those "Shy" Money for Nation Is In Same Fix. GOVERNORS IN BOISE TODAY (Ily Associated Press to Dny Times) BOISE, An it. 1 In nttendnnco nt flm (I iu onualnn rt f tin fmi lnva' prospers nnd gront lllcolllI(. of tho western Governors rcmicrt or n of thoao woro s,,ry of utnh od,0 of Novada, conn try Ih threa oncd NorriB 'of Montana West of OroBon niul lluwlcy of Idaho. Consldorn- (Ily ABfloclntod' Prcsa to Tho Coan liny Times) WASHINGTON, D. 0., All jr. 1. I..I 1... tilu fnrnllv ntlll TTtinln Rntn la "1itntn" nrrnlti Inilnif a Kiirniiiiui'ii uj mio .......j ....... wi..v j... .w.tu ..ni.ni luuiij. lends In tlio historic oust room of Sovornl of tho largost appropriation ) WllltO II0US0, 1110 prUBIUUU IV-i U1I1H IUU HUH IlIipilHBUIl Ily VIIIIKrOHH. ved from Senator Ellhu Root, No money Is nvallahlo to run tho ar alrman of tho Commltteo of Notl-, my, navy, postolllco or sovoral of tho itlon, blB lirsi onicini iiiiuriiiiinuu principal uupiiruiiuuiB ui mo govern tho convention's action. inont. "Your title to tho nomination Is as, Congress lato today agreed to a ro ar nnd unlmpcachablo an tho tltlo solution tn extend tho appropriation nny rnmllilnto Rlnco poimcni con- oi msi year unui Aiigunt n. Intlons begin " That was tno itoy- Ktn nr KoniH nuurcHa iu tun i-mir octlon. continuou io cuni an, "Imu n broader basis man mo orn cxiircsslnn of choice botween Iffercnt party leaders representing Ic name ItlciiB. You iiiivo neon nom-, ntcd bccntiRO you stand prominont ' for icrttiln llxcd and essential, Wlplea which tho republican party ilntalns. You believe In tho rulo law rather than In tho rulo of man., bu realize that tho only safety for, Itlonsns for Individuals Is to cstnb- ,.i0i,. r-n...o Toll, n.... It nnd nlildo by tho declared prlncl- -vuoiui uaoihuivoo i nm uvu s or actum, i Ana rs uswa a wesi vou nro ror progress aioug an r,i i .. djj cs of nntlonnl dovolopment nnd '-""o i-uiiy niUL. OKrCSS Willi II "111 iruoiu IUU ... AKni.nn.l Pra tn Tho Pnn. ou nu lliruuiiy innu nun uuiun iiidi. those essential elements of Amer n InstltutloiiH which liavo mndo r country 1 free. In ngo our m many sides. It Is your high prl f,HVhi!!!.n,vlHnLHnvrM,r ,l0 of auoatlonB of Interest to tho 5 ca"8 ln,w llch ou b0,,ovo V at wet was begun nt tho nftornoon bos- t iuu:u 111 IUU IILlllU llllll JI1BUIU ul fT..,i,o M.n cmolo .ll ,!. d liberty of the millions of your (ll0 formn, 0,)onlnR of tho now untrymen ho bcllevo as you do. ,... ...iiiin,, ,,nllnP Pn.ni. c.av. II stand with you nnd tho groat. m..i ,-..i,i r.nn ...no r.nn, oi.,., Lrl.mlfii'ibf0r,li,n n BIl1,iUBB,0. Oregon, on horseback to tho Idnho r constitutional freedom will nun- .,,? ',,,,, ,, . ,. , n.. K.4 .A.. II I I'lllUVI UJIUtV 11V UI'H lilUb MJ VI W f - UH JUU, I i n.,ini, ntnl napnfiml tn llnlan In nn 1 I'rtllllMl Tflf nnAAhtn.l lllAHAMlIn ' tV """ VMWW. IVll W.V ! ; " "V ,. "'' ' "J"'1 '" auto. Iu III U lUIlllill HIIUUL'Il mill III push ho deflnoil In dotnll thn Irriiph1 1io campaign ns ho saw them, ho ered tlio right to amplify his' temcnt In n letter ns thn piuiinnlcn' relops. Tlio supremo Issuo that' nironts tlio voters, the nrpslilnnt ' larcd, was t lint of tho innlntalii.' lo of the imtlon's Institutions and' ie preservation of constitution patencd, lio 8ald. on ono hnnd by1 F ucwwrauc party and on tho oth-' Hoy thoso republicans who had loft P party to try their fortunes In a. lwon. Sfpjimnr In Frnm Snn FranftK- LTa.!f!nB',!rcc'y t lio business. n Th!e MorninnQoik . r. tart said: ou "" ",u u - rTo them I anneal. nH nil mnniiii.' Satiirrhv fffornnnn. I", to Join us In nn oarnest offort' I aver' tlio political and economic Tho steamer Washington nrrlved lOIUtfon nnd bURlnnRn nnrnlvaln li. Milo ninmlii.. f..,iin Cnn Trniinl3.n. hwpuWUni, defeat will bring sllu ,.,, 00(, tr, ., tho const. Sho had a fair cargo of miscellane ous freight but had a rnthor small pnssongor list. Tho Washington Is scheduled to iall Saturday nftornoon nt 2 o'clock Ijli3. ,, J" (,',UI,, 1''",,l for Snn Frnnclsco. Asoclated press to tho Cooa Bay , Among thoso arriving on her to- nny woro nip lonowing; 1. An A. Ingram, Mrs. McKiuunn, Gen. I... . . . I . .... .. .. . x-. i - r. lit iiofoB ii ' . " " i resilient a. Aiitsirom, uno Jiniru, r. im, a. e Chlcapn ....., '"""",u" "' yvs.ssw ro-: lot and was declared tho nominee. Start Foundation for Fine ' Structures on Central Ave nue and Broadway This Fall. Plnns nnd specifications for tho Chandler hotel - annex and for tho flno building which W. S. Chnndlor will erect at the southwest corner of Central and Urondway will bo be gun Immediately and tho foundations for them will be put In tills fall. This announcement was mndo to day by W. 8. Chandler, who enmo down from his Coos Itlvcr summer home. Mr. Chnndler Is rapidly re cuperating from his recent illness, much to tho gratification of his many friends. Mr. Chnndler has determined to go ahead with tho flno now build ings. Ills son. W. O. Chnndlor. who arrived here a few days ngo from San Frnnclsco, will prcparo tho plans nnd specifications for tho buildings which will bo similar In construction to tho flno Coko building which Mr. Chandler recently built. W. G. Chnndlor, who has boon ns Boclatod with C. P. Wepks, Mr. lend er and other noted architects In San I'rnnclsco, has decided to locato In Marohllcld. Ho will open architect offices ln rooms 301 and 302 Coko building for tho gcncrnl practice of his profession. With the Matlock Investment com pany arranging to go ahead with Its new building nt tho cornor of Cen tral avenuo nnd Front Btreot, In addi tion to tho Inrgo number of new dwellings now under construction nnd bolng planned, will give Mnroh- Held a decided lively nnpenrnnco, IRREE IDENTIFY SUSPECT AS ONE OF NEW YORK MURDERERS ANGRY FELON ARRIVE I0DAY OWHON Los Angeles Prisoner Fatally Wounds Fellows When Told to Wait Table. ( Ily Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). LOS ANG1XKS, Aug. 1 Angry with rage bocauso ho wns ordorod to wait on tnble In tho county Jnll, John Valshlk grabbed a knife off tho tnblo and pluugod It into C. II. Mullcnls henrt and stubbed Lowis W. Nooll nnd Martin Mcndozn, prisoners, who were sated nt tho tublo. Nooll and Mcndozn nro ln tho hospltnl and nro believed to liavo bcon fatally wound ed. Thcro had been no previous trou ble botween tho mon. HAGGARD WINS MOUNTAIN E Washington Man Breaks Rec ord In Trip Up and Down Mount Baker. (By Assoclntod Prcas to Coos Day Timer ) HULLING HAM, Wash., Aug. 1. Harvey Haggnrd of Glacier, Wash., won tho nnnunl Mount Dnkcr Mara thon this morning, covering 2G miles of mountain trnU In seven hours and thirty-four minutes, lower In i: tho record of limt vnnr twn lionm nnd thlrty-elght minutes. Joo Frnn- itaviz was Bocond and Victor Gnll bralth third. Paul Wcstorlund of California finished among tho tall ondcrs nfter reaching tho summit nrsi. WOULD DISMISS RANFORD BASE r v I ' Representatives Preparing Re port to Quash Impeach ment of Judge. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tim cm.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1. A report rocommondlng tho dismissal of tho Impeachment proceedings against Federal Judgo Hanford haB bcon propnrod by Representatives Graham and McCoy, members of tho Houso Judiciary, who hoard tho tes timony In Seattlo ngalnst tho Jurist. It probably will bo submlttod to tho commltteo next Tuesday. Ilanford'o resignation Is bolng hold at tho Whlto Houb for tho commlttco's nctlon. "Dago Frank" Charged With Aiding In Slaying of Gambler Rosenthal. PROCEED SLOWLY IN UNRAVELING MYSTERY Lieut. Becker, Alfegcd Head of Graft, Reputed to Be Worth $1,000,000. IDENTIFY MURDERER (Dy Associated Press NEY YORK, Aug. 1 Tho roport that "Dago" Frank had confessed proved nn error. Ho 1 was Identified by throo wltnoss- 4 es ns having participated in tho 4 murder. PRODIS I CANDIDATES BOULEVARD ON . NEWROUIENUW m:ii:.si: of taft 'larc IjiMncielt Contests Were Not Tl. Win.. m.-oj. "OUl.MiTON AUBUBt 1 pmonl . r .wi npnrowwi iblL; iry..contest beforo tho Ro- Thoro woro lnstltutod ngalnst 238 of olectod for tlio .7.Z v"''.tuuo" wna mado ). .7.. w"" ""so. It .u?..nat,ona' commltteo nnd tho tho dologntes, regularly ole( "UUUI5 (Omnitllnn nf !. To nnnlnclo nn l.nlinlf nt T7nncn. Is soiiiof efts tha' each contest volt. Thoso regularly elected for r- "Silled lnClCnlU. ........ n. .. n. ... .,, n..n,,.n,ll.. Innll. blnpt , l Was submitted to tho'entod, not for tho purpose of really IllPd .V " ViUllliU illlll TO- Dt-i:iiiiK OUI11D 111 IUU tuiliuimwiii wv Rii.i 7. .?provnl of tho President'!! for tho purpose of adducing ovldonco The rmT i which would load any respectable ht, of i!?lent,' w,,,ch ,s a docu- court to ontortnln tho contests, but Vki dpnui Printed pages Is n do- for tho purpose of deceiving tho pub- '"omlnatlnn eliai'Ko that tho Ho Into tho bellof that Mr. Roosevelt, 'oninllfihn Y i Prcsblont Taft was had more votes than ho roally had, eatly elppi V BeatlIg of fraud- as tho convention's and primaries utlon ;vaI,,,0,c8ate8 to tho con- wero In progross for tho selection of, !S .-'. V 'akes un Indlvlilimll,. i, ilolnntoa Tlio iwn luinilroil and " forcL ln8t'tuteil by tho Roose- thirty eight contests woro reduced by io ere m i insl Tuft delegates abandonment, formal or In substance, J ncen mm .' a"'1 Presents ovl- to sovonty four. Tho very fact of 11 te Tan V i cases to Bnow t,108Q 162 frivolous contests Itself re- 'ted ."sates wero regular- fleets upon tho genuineness and val- fent pretvii-oVi me of tbo stato- Idlty of tho remainder." rnrly pr, .Lnar,es T. Hllles, Tho resume then enumerates the. Id &ow chni, nt f1'8 secretary contests, and rovlows the argumente Itln . "U,rnian Of tlin nni.l,ll In n.nl. .no rnl, Qvlir nf tho AV.I rvUa, cnmtnii. " . . ""I'MUHVUH " VW. lC, .u .v..v.. -. ... - , "test brlefiv ,akes "P each Idenco In the contests embrnced ln ThsresunY tbo Whlto Houso statement Is cortl- lon that Ron ,s w,th th0 declar- flett to by Victor Rosowator, chalr- Eal'y filed I contests, as orl- man of the national committee and 'omlttee vo """ me National Thomas H. Dovlno, cbalrmnn or tne y faith. not '"Btituted In credentials committee. ''The tntoi .. . pmoiied to th -f. of.. delegates u? you WANT your TONGUE I'.V. fesume 'C iXi. ?' Bays ERCISEI), don't talk about your Warv . .. s. 078, with 540 noifrhi.no i.nt nnnsT n n. t.i'N'H'S I VOto. C'lOlCe. Jr. Taft lln1 Ch.o on,l r.nl,. Cl,nn Hio onnnl nf le first and only bal-. any on the-Coast. - ' - Only Seven In Attendance at Coos County Dry Conven tion Yesterday. The- Coos County Prohibition co..- vcntlon was hold at tho Mnrshfloll Ilnptlst church yesterday afternoon. The nttendnnco wns Hinnll, only soven responding to tho call. E. II. Joehnk wna elected chair-' man mid C. S. Hoffman secretary. Talks on tho prohibition cause and tho necessity of electing certain of ficers to enforce prohibition woro mndo by sovcrnl, Rev. Geo. L. Carr. being tho principal speaker. It was decided that owing to tlio small nttendnnco, no offort should be mndo to nomlnnto a full tlckot this time, but that tho party should cen ter Its energies to securo tho olec- tlon of two momberH of tho stato loglslnruro and a sheriff this time. After somo discussion of avallablo material, the following nominations wero mndo: ' For Stato Representative Rev. G. Lo Roy Hall. j For Joint Representative F. E. Allen. I For Sheriff C. C. Carter, of My. tie Point. I It Is not known whether F. E. A. len will accept tho nnmlnntlon for Joint representative from Coos and Curry counties' hut a commltteo will call nn him soon. j Tiioso present ni mo convention were: E. II. Joehnk. Rev. H. I. Rutledge. Rev. Abbott. Rev. Hall. I, S. Kaufman. C. S, Hoffman. Rev. Geo. L. Carr. Councllmnn F. E. Allen, when no tified this nftornoon, stated that ho could not accept the nomination on the prohibition ticket. It Is announced that D. Leo Fagot, the prohibition cnndldnto for United States Senntor from Oregon, and O. A. Sttllmnn. cnndldnto for Congre33 from this district, will visit Coos countv on their campaign tour in a month or six weeks. Expect That Three Companies Will Donate Right of Way for Drive. Fred IC. Gettlns nnd Mayor E. 13. Straw havo selected n now routo for thp Mnrshfleld-to-tho-Soa boulovaril which It Is bollovcd will simplify the project nnd bring It to nn enrly roai lzntlou. Tlio new routo tnkes It sllghtiy south of the ono originally suggested and will bo sort of n continuation of Elrod nvonuc. It will cross only three largo tracts of property, practically tho entire routo being over the Reynolds De velopment compnny's tract, the Southern Oregon company's holdings and tho Simpson Lumbor compnny's holdings. Tho plan Is to havo tho proporty ownors dodlcnto n Btrlp 200 feet wldo tho ontlro distance. Tho Reyn olds Dovolopment compnny has al ready agreed to do this nnd tho Southern Oregon compnny has voro ally approved tho plan through somo of Its officers. It Is believed thnt Mia Simpson company will nlso agrco to tho project. Asldo from tho benefit to tho pub lic, genernlly. the boulevard will greatly benoflt tho proporty through which It will pass by affording n di rect and short route to town. Tho wostorn terminus of tho boulevard ns plnnned will bo near Rocky Point. The Chnmber of Commerco will probably tako tho matter up and as slst Mayor Straw tn cnrrylng tho project through. AFTER JUDGE WRIGHT FINDS GHASTLY DERELICT Cnpt. Nelson, Formerly of Coos liny, Discovers Flonter SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 Cap tain Nelson, of Golden Life Saving Stntlon, found the armless, feetless, and hendless body, presumably of a woman, drifting ln tho surf, about a mile south of the station this morn ing and managed to got the body on the beach for the Coroner. Ho thinks the body has been ln the water nt least 5 or 6 months, as the flesh hangs In rags. Thero was no cloth Ing on tho body. If you havo anything. to sell, trade or rent, or want help, try a Wont Aa Would Iiupench Jurist Who Senten ced Labor Lenders (By Associated Presa to Coos Bay Times.. WASHINGTON, August Speak or Clark received a petition from Francis T. Tobln, a yyor of Phila delphia, urging the Impeachment of Justice Daniel Thow Wright, of the District of Columbia Supremo Court, becauso of tho recent decision In which ho convicted Samuel Gompors, Frank Morrison nnd John Mitchell for contempt of court In connection with an Injunction In tho noted Bucks Stovo & Rnngo caso. Clark roforred tho petition to tho Houso Judiciary. TRY TB BLOW UP A SALOON Bomb-Throwers Make Attempt On Property of Lonmer Supporter In Chicago. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooi Day Times.) CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Bomb throw ers today attompted to blow up tho saloon of "Mnnny" Abrnhnm, tho llrst stato legislator to voto for William Lorlmer on tho ballot which sent Lorlmor to Washington. CONTERFEIT $20 DILL AP- PEARS ON THIS COAST WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1. A dnngcrous counterfeit $20 Na tional bank note of splendid work manship has npponrod on tho Pacific Coast. Socrot sorvlco operatives dis covered It In Sonttlo. NEW ALLIANCE ABOUT TARIFF Democrats and Progressive Republicans Plan to Con trol New Legislation. END TARIFF HOARD (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Auguat 1. 4 Tho Houso voted today 145 to .109 to dlsagroo to tho Sonato amendment to tin. sundry civil 4 appropriation bill continuing tho prosent tariff nonrd ln olllco for another year. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times). NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Steps to ward tho corroboration of confes sions Implicating Pollco Ltoutonant Bcckor In tho murder of Gamblor Hormnn Rosenthal nro to ho taken carofully and slowly bo that ns Dis trict Attorney Whltmnn snys th "wholo truth of tho relations hotweon Rnmblors and pollco will como out." Satisfactory progress Is bolng mndo by Whltmnn In supplying tho missing links In the confession of "Bald Jack" Rose. "Urldgle" Webber and Hnrry Vnllon, who in their stories to the public prosecutor, nnld "Becker Instigated them In killing Rosen thal." Whitman has obtained Im portant testimony confirming parts of tho Roso nnd Webber stories that thoy mot Bockor by nppolntmont af ter tho murder. Becker Worth Million "Dngo" Frank nnd Shapiro, tho chauffeur and Joint ownor of tho murder enr, wero tnkon boforo the grnnd Jury today, ho liiferonco wai that "Dngo" Frank had confessed nnd that his stntomont wns sufficient to wnrrnnt their being taken immodl atoly boforo tho grand Jury. Whit man said "Dago" Frank had boon positively Identified an ono of tho mon who shot Rosenthal. Whltmnn is investigating tho stor ies thnt Becker Is worth nenrly million dollars. RAILWAY NEWS DF COOS' Bl li . (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times). WARIIINP.'rnN. AntriiRt 1 Tim today gave to the Democratic-Progressive Republican Tariff alliance, comploto control of tho Sonato con-1 forenco commltteo on tho wool tar-j lfr, sugar tariff and oxctso bills. This, wns tho first stop ln carrying out the programme agreed to by tho demo crats nnd Insurgents. Tho regular republican leaders offored no objection. CRABS SLAUGHTERED AT SEA IIY WHOLESALE MANY APPEALS MADE. United States Urged to Protect Am ericans in Mexico. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) EL PASO, Aug. 1 Scores of mes sages have been sent to Washington from El Paso and other border towns appealing q tho United States to tako somo steps to secure .tho, protection of Americans In Mexico. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1 Thous ands of dead sea crabs wero reported to havo been found floating on the sea off Point Royea by tho coasting steamor Asuncion, in a radiogram re-, celved here. Tho Asuncion ran for( two miles through the strango manl-, festatlon. Captain Pflel reported; that ho had stopped his vessol and, examined hundreds of tho Crustacea, finding In nearly every Instance that tho legs had beon violently torn from tho bodies, wlillo tho shells woro In tact. No causo for tho phenomenon has beon advanced. I DON'T FORGET that our Bhoa, shop is the UKST In COOS COUNTY both for REPAIRING and XEWj WORK. O. O. LUND, 215 SOUTH KROADWAY. An unfilled want causes anhappl iei)8 Times Want Ads bring rosults John T. Long, Wealthy Los An geles Contractor, In North Bend Other Gossip. John T. Long, n wealthy contrac tor of Los Angeles, has been In North Bend tho past week and his prosonce thoro has oxcltod considerable gossip. Ho built a railroad out of Salt Lake, built tho Tacoma courthouse nnd city luill and recently' completed n big sower system nt Snn Diego. Ho dls plnys considerable fnmlllnrlty with tho plans for the Southern Pacltlc brldgo ncross tho Bay nnd somo think ho may bo figuring on It. Intimations that W. J. Wllsoy who was connected with tho MacArthur Porks pcoplo In starting tho Pacific Great Western nnd Pnclfle Coast line projects and who bought considerable property In North Bend a few months ngo, mny bo interested In a now rail road project from Rosoburg to Coos Bay, according to reports afloat here, Wllsoy Is oxpected back on Coos Bay the latter port of this month and something doflnito about his reputed new project will probably develop then. II. C. DIers who wns ln Marsh field today on business states that he understands the Southorn Pacific has closed negotiations for all tho right of way In North Bond excopt a piece owned by Crtrl Albrecht of Marsh field. ARCHHALD CASE UP Senate Will Decldo about Impeach- ini'iit of Commerce Court Judge I By Associated Press to tho Coos Bsy Times). WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 Tho final answer to tho Houso prosecutors ln the Archbald impeachment trial was made today to tho Sonato sitting as a court of impeachment. Tho prose cutor's answer wns that their charges do constitute nn Impeachment of fonse. Archbald's counsels In tholr answor contended that thoy did not. All tho papors in tho case must be completed August third. After today's faesslon hero tho Sen ate will adjourn until two p. m. Saturday without deciding whether tho trial shall go on at onco or wait until fall.