TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1912-EVENING EDITION. THE COOS BAY i ranee puh piscifssEDf 7fh Sem Annua lea V I 1 1 $i!l Ho said Hint for tlic present, ho thought thnt to Improve tho wntor from Central avemio to tho Cold Storage would ho sufficient nnd Inter this might ho extended In either dir ection. He said thnt whllo ho had not definitely determined upon tho plnn, tho suggestion thnt the govern ment contrlbuto twonty feet nnd tho proporty owners twenty feet appeal ed to him. Eugono O'Connell said thnt tho move wns one In tho right direction nnd thnt Its realization would bo n flno thing for tho town. Ho snld that In ordor to nssuro It success, tho tin-' nnamlous coopcrntlon of tho property I nwnnra wnn noopRsnrv. In order to start It right, ho snld the city conn- j Cll should innko It plntn what would , do nocessnry lor mo proporty ownors to do. Ho said ho thought thnt nil Bhould ho expected of tho property ownors should bo tho ceding of tho twenty foot strip nnd tho removal of flinlr linlldlntrd. tho improvements to bo pnld for by tho city nt largo and ! assurance given that tho go.crnment would niso coniriuuio us portion 01 tho forty foot hlghwny. Mr. Allen said that It was his Idea that the city should pny tho ox- vjmj t m.lll.. In itm a.11III.im1 JIUMBU Ul Jlllilllifi III illV illllllllUIIUI I wnnrvos. no sniu mai inn oxpenso would bo comparatively small to tho Indlvldunl property owners In tho city nt Inrgo when distributed by tax ation nnd that tho benefits to bo do- rlvcd from tho plan would bo much greater than tho cost. , Jons Hansen snld that ho approved of tho plnn and that every ono ho had talked to wns In favor of It. Ho said It would bo n great benefit to tho city nt lnrgo. Mr. Allen roa 1 n letter from J. V. , Bonnott In which Mr. Dennett ap proved of the plnn. Mr. Dcnnott stntod that he and Illchnrd Walters owned tho property where tho Mug .nos & Mntson Store Is located nnd , thnt long years ago Mr. Walters had , removed tho buildings from tho i whnrf In tho rear of tho proporty. i Ho snld thnt they considered freo nrcunH iu uiu -jiiiiih oi Kruincr oeuoill i than tho use of the wnrohousofi. I ' Clnudo NnsburR wanted to know if tho city proposed to impose a)EastsJde Residents Want More whnrf chargo and If tho proporty -,. . 0 . ... . owners would linvo anything to any UH'CCt ScrVICC 10 MarSll- nbout vcssols using tho waterfront." t;nA Mnm Ho wns Informed that tho city would' Ilcia N0W Vlm!.)Ly.n?.t .n."?.",pl f!m.r'50 w,mr'l Knstsldo residents hnvo started n ii . i... ""'.V "wner" movement to hnvo tho Forry Trn wuiik siwfc flttfV) III1J1IIIIIK U Olll ' nil I 1' For This Week Here's the Selling Plan WeVe Mapped Out: Choice of Any Suit in the Windows At Two Prices i i-t 4 65 for all Suits sold l: up to $2U.UU Reduced to $11 $14 flK for all Suits Sold ii up to S25.00 reduced to $1P Original Price and Size Will Be Marked on Every Suit "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAESHFIELD. BAtfDON, I FERRY ROUTE nbout vessels using tho wharf F. 8. Dow Interposed objection to tho plnn, first becnuso ho did not think It would bo Just what tho lnrgo vrssols coming hero would Ilko nnd second becnuso It might Intorfero with tho gnsollno launches plying tho Hay. Ho feared thnt serloiiH compli cations might nrlso. Mr. O'Connoll snld thnt tho city could ndopt regulations thnt would ollmunto this posslblo trouble Ho said thnt ho did not oxpoct to nee much of mi Incronso In tho number of gnsollno boats to bo accomodated horo nnd thnt nny way, tho nutos nnd gnsollno lnuiichofl would bo ndo- 'juntoly tnkon caro of. 's routo changed. They nro now circulating petitions thcro nnd hnvo notified F. E. Allen, of tho Marsh Hold city council, thnt they will cir culate petitions In Mnrshflold nlso urging tho change. According to their plnn, a now street Is to bo opened In Enstsldo which will nfford n inoro direct routo to tho waterfront thnn tho long whnrf. Hy making n lnndlng there, they plnn to hnvo tho Transit run di rect across, lnndlng nt or nenr tho mouth of Mill Slough. Tho matter wns brought up nt tho meeting nt tho city hull last evonlnz to discuss tho Improvement of tho, waiunroui. unn inmpueii is I BALL SCORES Portland Takes First Game of New Series From Oakland Vernon Loses. STANDING OK TEAMS W. L. P.C. Vernon C7 44 .504 Los Angeles ,. . G3 48 .508 Oakland 02 50 .554 Portland AQ G4 .400 San Frnnclsco ..45 CO .400 Sncrnmonto ....43 04 ,402 V ouh to hnvo tho chnngo effected ns l.e thinks tho ferry lnndlng Is Injurl- PORTLAND, Or., July 31 Port land took tho first gnmo of tho now BorleB from Oakland nt Oakland yes terday by n scoro of six to two. Tho scores In tho Const Leaguo games woro as follows: At San Prnnclsco R Oakland 2 nn.!Po't'n,,-'1v . 0 C. A. Johnson said ho thoueht this won Id lio workod out nil right. Ho,om to his adjoining property. ii-vaiiuu null llllliriy iwuniv vim 1'H nco "vvwwwwwWivwwii I ho govern mont engineers made tho big liners woro concornod, provision offer to code tho twonty-foot strip If, would bo mnilo for thorn on prlvnto Uio property owners would do llko-; property. Ho said ho know tho t Los Angeles R Vornon 2 ! Snn Francisco 0 I At Sacramento R I Sncrnmonto 5 Los Angeles 4 II 12 0 H G 12 II 10 0 Lakeside By Auto We have arranged for automobile service to the beautiful Ten Mile Lakes, Service begins today, W!ll make regular daily trips connecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR LEAVES STAITF'S LANDING EVERV. DAY AT 1:!M) P. M. RETURNING LEAVE NORTH SLOUGH LANDING: SATURDAY AT -ii0 A. M. WEDNESDAY AT fli.'lO A. M. .MONDAY AT B:W) A. M. THURSDAY AT 7:00 A. M. TUESDAY AT (1:00 A. M. FRIDAY AT 7:!10 A. M. SATURDAY AT 8:00 A. M. AUTO LEAVES LAKESIDE ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN 1IOAT SCHEDULE. Fare each way $1,00, Will make special trips to connect.with launch at any time, day or night, For prices and full information in quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or leave message with M, M, Pierson, tho Lakeside To'o phono Agent, ie oiur iranf and Storage Co Is propnrcd to do all klndioftii: on short notice. WGimetillh and boats nnd wo alto hf.vttM stylo Reynolds Piano Mow, guarnntco our work. L. H. Heisner,Pfi Phones 08-R, 120-J. or 41-L UUILDING AND RKPAin Kl IIouso Moving and Qnulltj. wo aro prepared to do tali by tho day or contract and row satisfaction. Let us figure wltDI G. S. FLO VI) . CO. I Phono 310-J. MaribfMU Barnard & Langworl ; Electrical Contractors and 6i 1'IIONE 181-R. 170 So. Hrotiduny, nut i Union Meat Marbrt. irlso. Dan Onmpboll snld thnt he appro ved of tho plan If It ndhorod to tho, forty-foot scheme. Tho question of tho cost of building tho whnrf ulong tho strip enmo up. City Knulnoor (ildley said that tho' dlstnnre from tho Cold Storage to' Central nvnuuo would bo nbout 1S00 foot. Mr. Allen snld If tbero wns nny question rnlsod about the city paying for tho whnrf, It could bo submitted nt tho coining oloctlon. Anson Rogers approve) of tho plan as suggested by Kimono O'Con noll. Mr. O'Connell snld Hint another thought thnt onuroil to him was thnt tho (Ire limit restrictions about build-'George Ings should bo removod from tho1 wnterfront. This would pormlt tho proporty owners to niter nnd Im prove tho bullilliiKH. N'oIh Rnsmussen said that ho thought tho proporty ownors should remodel their buildings so to ns mnko entrniuoH and flouts along tho water front as well as along Front streot, thereby Improving tho npponranco of things. Oppi'M's Vnmiw Cliiiniiel Ilonry Seiustnckon snld thnt ho favored Impimlng tho water front out thnt ho wns opposed to narrow ing the channel. Ho said ho was will ing to donate tho twenty-foot htrlp on his proporty and lonvo tho cbnnnol ns It Is. lie Mild It would not bo n good inovo to tuUo nway some good cbnn nol for something Hint remained to bo sociirod. Clnudo Nusburg wnntod tho Im provement oxtended so ns to Include tho frontago south of Central avonuo to .Mill Slough or thereabouts. O. A Johnson said that ho wnntod olthor a forty-foot roadway or noth ing. Ho snld ho would bo willing to glvo It nil off the proporty in ease tho government would not codo tho tWQiity-foot strip F. S. Dow said that so far as tho Southern Paclllo plnnnod to build a big dock nnd waro houso near tho Denver Hill conl bunkers nnd thnt others had also provldod fo rtho fu turo in n similar mnnnor. Ho snld thnt tho big thing wns for tho city to provide for tho gnsollno boats. Flnnlly, Clnudo Nnsburg moved Hint Chairman Allen solect two of tho propert yownors to nld tho com mittee In ftamlng up tho plnn nnd Anson Rogors seconded It. Then Mr. Allen nppointod Mossrs. Jons Hanson and Clnude Nnsburg, ,ost in HOGuu uivnit llnuliTMin Diowiu'il Sunday .eiir (.old Hoacli. COLD HKACH. Ore.. July 31 Oeorgiv Henderson, n young omployo of t o .Macleay Kstnto coinpnnv, nt W'odderbiirn. wns nccldeutallv drowned In Rogue river Sunday aft ernoon. Ho has n luothor living at Woddorburn and relatives at Portland. Japan's Minister of Marino has ro commondod tho construction of eight een supor-drendnoughtB to bo built In tho soven years succeeding 1012. Steamer Washington Will Sail from Coos Bay for San Francisco Wednesday morning, July 24 at 10 A. M. WITH PASSLNGLRS AND I'RRIGHT Real Estate and FIRIi INSURANCK Several good bargains la rircii city pioperty. AUG. 1M1ZEEN. 08 Ccntrnl Ate. Mnrshflold. 0.t( T. J. iCAIFE P. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. Don't dolny for lnck of ready cash. $25 Is enough to nQQure n bnutlful lot In First Addition to Mnrshflold. I U s. s THIJ PKIKXII OP COOS RAY' SgSJ&SgWWps ALLIANCE i:quippi:d with wirulkss SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7 AT 6 A. M CUNNHCTIXG WITH TIIR NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND .U1U1I TACIPIO STKAMSIIIP COMPANV. MtGixman, Ageut. flump II. o. r, S A.H.H0 Marshfield Pain Decorating BsUmates MARSUt'lEU Furnished Phope 140L Most Sensible Sb For tho children Is lb fawouB "SKUPFKR" ibo For sale at The Electric Shoe SI 180 So. Broadway .... Min GLASSES FOR YOUNG OR OLD FOLK N. J. Gorhnm, Cashier nank o' Woodvll'o. WooiMUp. On-., bad n very severe attack of kidney trouble nnd the pains In 1 Is kidneys anil back wpi torrlb'o "I got n bottle of Folev Kldnev P'lls from our drug gist nnd tlipv ontlrelv rolloved mo I have more boneflt from them thnn nny other rnqdlcluo." Lnckhnrt A Parsons Drug' Co., "Tho Busy Cor- shoiild bo selected with equal caro. Tho sight of either tuny be rulnod by tho uso of glnsa-s not nccuratoly ndjiuted to tho needs of tl.o eyos. Thoros only ono safe way to buy glasses, llavo your pyos ex rinlned by oport optomotrlsts llko us and thus mako suro of obtaining just what tho mot delicate organs of the body re-qulio. STATU LIOKXSIID OPTIC IN CHAHGi:. A ncr. if Steamer PAST AND COMMODIOUS Red lido I'OIIIIIIH'll Willi lllp1n 1 1... . . .. SA.LS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Sunday, Aug. 4, at 3 P. M. ..wi..i-v,L1..VA TRANSPORTATION CO. C F. McGEORGE, Agent. PHONE U. Marshfield & North Bend Autol GORST & KING, J'rovrW Cnra leavo Marshlieia f minutes from 7:15 a. O. U"1"111 mll,il.rl.l !,... V'nrlh Bed' samo schedule, starting a' 'i. until midnight. See saiium -for schodulo. PROFESSIONAL OIRECTOJ D Red Gross Jewelry Oepi JHWKLKRS AND OITICIAN.S EQUIPPED with Wllli-Miss Steamship Breakwater ALWAVS ON TIME. Si" VSS?SS,IBr. AT 0 A. M.. JCLV Buiiviru of thh tide, ? mnV?ll" w Phone Mnln 321-L. ' "lSt 20th nnd 3s. ". v. MILLER, Agent. 11. UlllU II. Liluwu"" ,Jl Hncclailst In Nerve andBj""! Disease. k,m,-- r. a nnreri H'l Marshfield. Office Houri " Phono H'4-L. D II. A. J. HENDRY'S -r Alodeni iieuuu ""., Wa r. onnlnnnrt tO dO DU " " "- . work on ahort notice si i,.,. n.i... PlTnmlnatlM '.-."'..rrr: ""T.-udmr. uaay auenanm, i-oo "" :,,j I alto Chandler hotel, phoBi J- W. RENNWrT. Lawyer, , )fflo over Flanagan & BflDBe" larsh field rR. J. T. McCORMAO, U Physician and Surg Marshfield, Oregon. m a. n..l1i4lnff. ALL KINDS OF iOB PRINTING 00NE AT THE TIHES0TOCE JWCB: "u ;;ii Opposite post offlce. r" - tmtt -1 -u I3?i "n . tr r