THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1912 EVENING EDITION. We clean house TWICE a year. Everything, including Hart Schaffner & Marx suits, goes at Onequarter off .regular prices Every Spring suit in the store goes into this clean-up sale. Here are the prices: $30.00 Suits at $22.50 $25.00 Suits at $18.85 ' ' $20.00 Suits at $14!85 $15.00 Suits at $11.85 JmSf i coos mi TIDES. Hoi w Ib given th- tlmo and height of high and low waUr at Marshflold. j Th tldos aro placed In tho order l of occurrence, with tholr times on the first Una and heights on the sec j ond lino of each day; u comparison of consecutive holgkts will Indicate j whether It, Is high or low water. For high wnter on bar, subtract 2 hours j 34 mlnutos. Dale. July. 31 lira. .3.30 9.43 4.31 9.57 Feot .5.8 0.3 4.7 2.7 T1I1S WEATUER . (Dy Associated Pross) OREGON acnorally fair to- night and Thursday. Wcstor- ly winds. $3.50 OnvcncUccl Hats $2.85 $3.00 MilliQonm Hats $2.35 Broken Lines of Summer Underwear at V2 Price Boys' Suits Fancy Brown and Gray Mixed i 4 Off RE- LOCAL TEMPERATURE TORT. For twonty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., July 31, by llonj. Ostlind, spcclnl govornmont mo toorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum C2 Minimum ni At 1:43 n. in GO Precipitation or. Wind north: cloudy. PERSONAL NOTES II. C. STEVENS leaves for Portland tomoriow. D. A. RIT55 left on the stnge this morning for Uoscburg. PETER LOGQIE of North Dond Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. MRS. C. M. DOUTT, of Allegany, was In tho city today on business. A. S. HAMMOND and wlfo of North Rend woro In Marshflold today. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE, of Catch ing Inlet, Is n MnrBhflold shoppo . MIKE BOONE, tho Sumner choose king, wnH a Mnrshflold visitor today. IIER11ERT GEDDES, of Coos Rlvo., Is In Marshflold today on business. The Woolen. Mill Store 1 ' Mill-To-Mnn Clothiers iwjs "Tho Busy Corner" ra it sa ife iaver! "uMoIuto REXALL BLACKBERRY CORDIAL dwiji liuidy. It lop diarrhea, dytenterr, ummtr coma Ulnt. r!.lr- "ojbm and all colic or Krinlnff ni to tho abdomen. It It a. nt tqnic and itimulmnt. JfrotaBenuIno L!arlil.r ""J of U.o Lett qu.litr. ' VCIV noniitar n.1 K2fe.W- .. wiW wo Kexall nuanu- 2vc. per Lottie. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" i m STT'llBiEBeK ' (IflHH Yfaav TfiliaaaKBaaaV UKaBV uyaBBBBBBBBVEaBBBBBBV VSaw i "KiaaaaVaaaH UaW' Xi JfllHHaaaaaaaV ba, 'ff&kfm Kins I WANT ADS. Banco Saturday Night Tho North Bend Tennis Club aro making pre parations for a dnnco at Eckhoff's hall next Saturday evening. Picnic Tonight Tho Chrlslan En doavor Society of tho Marshflold Prcsbytorlan church will onJoy a moonlight excursion to tho lower Lay uns ovcning. Oct Contract. Ttho Marshflold school board haB awardod tho con tract for calclmlng tho Central school building to Scnjfo and HodglnB for ?2C0. MRS. JENNIE M. STEWART of Ban gor is a Marahflold business visitor today. HARRY LAMPORT was down from his Isthmus Inlet placo today c..i business. B. B. DONALDSON left this morn ing for Portland, via. Drain-Coos Bay auto. DR. and MRS. IRA B. BARTLE of North Bond woro Marshflold visi tors today. MRS. DAN McDONALD of North Bond Is tho guost of Mrs. II. J. Mc- Koowu today. , I'lned Today Fred Nolmo waa fined today by City Rccordor Butlor for misconduct Inst ovonlng which resulted In NIghtwjitchman Shoupo miung nun in cuargo. E. O. PERHAM loft this morning for Mcdford to rcsumo work on his largo brldgo contract thoro. HARRY HOY returned overland Inst ovonlng from his trip to Dcnvoi, St. Louis and other points. MISS LEONORA BROWN of Port land Is visiting Mrs. H. J. Kimball and Miss Georgono Zl minor. MItS. ELIZABETH ADAMS is spend ing n few days as tho guest at tho Rogers ranch on South Coos river. SOCIAL CALENDAR TODAY Mrs, II. Songs'tncken ontor- tains with brldgo ton In honor of Mrs. M. C. Horton. Tho Social Embroldory Club with Mrs. Rnnlor. THURSDAY. Mrs. A. II. Powers nt lunch- eon for Mrs. Shaw. jj In Mnrshllold today arranging td Bend his good a thoro. A. E. NEFF and wlfo aro expected homo tomorrow overland from a trip to Pot Hand, Spokano and Se attle. ED ABEKNATHY.of Dora, Is spend ing u few days In Marshflold as tho guest of his brothor-ln-law, Ben nett Swnnton. II. S. TOWER and wlfo and daugh ter, Nora, loft today for San Fran cisco, Miss Tower will enter the University of California nt Berke ley this fall and Mr. and Mrs. Tow er will return herojn n fow weeks. JOHN MOTLEY" will bogln work In tho Flanagan & Bennett bank to morrow, nsslstlng thoro whllo Cnshlor R. F. Williams Is enjoying a vacation with his family at Rock Lodge on Coos River. REV. GRIGSBY returned yostorday on tho Osproy from Curry county ,nnd loft for Coqulllo. Ho oxpocts to roturn hero to conduct ,tho morning and ovcning sorvlccs at tho Mnrshflold Bnptlat church. MRS. CULLY, of Catching Inlet, wm In Mnrshflcld today to recolvo treatment to an Injury to hor hnnd. Sho wns at work In tho gar den the other day when one of hor children dropped a hoo on hor nnnd, cutting almost through. MRS. H. M. TUTTLE and Bon expsct to leave next weok for Sulsun, Cal ifornia, whoro they aro located now and whoro Mr. Tuttlo has a good position with tho railway company. Thoy have been visiting relatives and friends hero tho past month. Phono Meeting Tho nnnunl moot ing tho Konwlll Tolophono company, which owns and oporntos tho lino to l-'OR LEASE OR RENT -Tito Gcorgo CooBto" nn(l vicinity, will bo hold Wilson placo, tho Ootty placo, tho Barker plnco on South BIoukIi. For furthor information boo Simpson Lumbor Co., North Bond. FOR RENT Modern bungalow iu West Mnrshflold, four rooms and hath. Phono 183-L. Monday, August Bchool houso. C, nt tho Cooston PIlOQt -Main 208- u "feaj- Prank Landing Foremost Indian actor in motion pictures will positively appear In I'd son at tho GRPHEUM THEATER se r This Thursday and Friday and tell you nboutplcturo making. A picture will he shown with Mr. Lnuuliig in the jmrt of Apache Chief. CHANGE NIGHTLY EVERYONE JOc. WANTED To buy second hand fur nlturo and ront houso. Apply K. enro Times. FOR SALE Four tleslrublo build. lug lots In Bny Park. Bonutiftil view. Prico reasonable. Mrs. "W. A. Glatzor, Bay Park. FOR SALE OR REN1- ilonrdlnu' houso and furniture. Apply TImeB office FOR HALE OR THADI Business building In booming town of Klam ath Falls, Oro. For particulars call at 230 Markot avonuo. W, Mrs. Johnson. ' FOR RENT Nice largo room, close In, furnlshod for housokooplng. Soo J, C, Doano. FOR RENT 7 room modern houso Hall avonuo and Fourth street, S. Apply Times. I I WANTED Man and team to dig 1 bnaomont by contract. Also ninn j to bid on 200 foot sowor. Apply nt onco H. E. Qulot, C. A. Smith ! Rotnll Yard, MnrBhflold, Phono 190 'WANTED Oh I for dining room . work. Apply Snydor Hotel, South I Brondway. Phono 89. Rear Creek Well A mooting of tho stockholders of tho Mloceno Oil company which Is sinking tho oil woll on Bonr Crook has boon called for August 12 to try and nrrnngo to continue tho drilling for a tlmo. Meet Today A mooting of tho Prohibitionists Is being hold nt tho Marshflold Baptist church this nftor noon for tho purpose of putting a tic ket In tho Hold for tho coming elec tion, iiov. Geo. L. Cnrr of Portland Is to nddross tho mooting. Indian Actor F. Lannlng, who hns nttnlnod n wldo roputntlon as an lndlnn nctor, will nppoar at tho Or phoum Thursday and Friday nlghto. Rools showing Mr. Lannlng as an Apacho chlof will bo shown by Mnnn gor Kollor and Mr. Lannlng will ro lato many Interesting stories. Bachelor Quartern Fred Payno, Win. IsnacBon and Norman Bnkor linvo loasod nn npartmont In tho O'Conuoll building and will establish bncholor's quartors thoro soon. All nro omployod In tho C. A. Smith mill offices. Enoch Holmborg who will roturn hero In n month or six weeks from California will go In with thorn on his arrival. MRS. R. A. ANNIN and daughter Vi vian of Myrtlo Point nro vlBltlng at tho J. C. Swlnfcrd homo In this city. CIIAS. W. CONKLIN, who was oper ated upon recently nt Mercy hos pital has returned to his homo In Mnrshflold. JAY TOWER and Victor DImmIck expect to lenvo In a fow days ro Join Jack Flanagan, Willis Ken nedy and tho other Coos Bay hunt ers who nro enmped near BnM Mountnln, Curry county, as a cen ter of tho Hunter's Pnradlso dur ing tho deer season. MR. and MRS. FOLSOM nrrlvod horo from Portland to spend n fow wcoks at tho homo of tholr son, I linrry ioisom. J. D. CLINKINBEARD wns down from Sumner today on business. Ho reports that Herman Snnford lost a flno four-yenr-old mnro tho othor day In nn accident. An om ployo who wns not fnmlllnr with tho plnco drovo ton nonr a dltcn nnd tho team fell In, ono of tho horses being killed. Tho animal wns worth nbout J300. J. A. MUNDY roturns to Can Con. or, Wash., tomorrow nftor a brief business visit horo looking nftor his various property. WANTED Board ami room for gontlomnn; private family pr forred. Address "C. S. M" Tho Times, offlpo. FOR SALE Work P. Norton. horses. Seo V. FOR SALE Wheel F. P. Norton. bcrapcrs, Seo FOR SALE- frult Jars, Lewis. Good oiiO'half gallon 7Gc por dozen. A. H. tracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance 'He Gui larantee and Abstract Co. HR.v.iy qirvnoTir-iruu if Om ., nu. .. ..v.,, r.. irtraia T" , ruono 18A Putting Landu a specialty. I ilulLer Coal anrtanta "in i OToinnii Oensral k UarehOeld omM 14.J. coulll9 WANTED Wonuui or girl for Iioiis.j keopor. Apply or phono J. O. Denttlo. Farmors 3043. IFOR RENT AiiKtist 1, fino grouii'l noor store or omco rooms on Front street. Inquire Ekblad's Hard ware store. OUR AGENTS MAKE MOJEY sell. Ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Exporlenco unnecessary. Yak.lnn Valloy Nursery Co., Toppenlsu, Wnsh. U'Ren Coming. C. II. McLaugh lin has received n letter from v. U'Ron, of Oregon City, In which Mr. U'Ren states ho will be- In Coos coun ty noxt month to dollvor several speeches In bohalf of tho proposod slnglo tax. Mr. U'Ron is ono of tho foromost advocates of tho slnglo tnx and Is lnrgoly responsible for tho In Itlatlvo, roforendum nnd Stntompnt No. 1 nnd othor progressive lnws In Oregon. Singers Hero Sovernl mombors of tho Eureka Nordon Society en routo to tho annual Sangorfest at Everott, Wash., attracted considerable atten tion horo today. Thoy took In tho town whllo tho Alllnnco stopped here, their white hats nnd Eureka banners cnusfng much comment. Those In tho party were J R. Pederson, A. Jn cob8en, Henry Larson, H. Hanson, O. Carlson, C. O. Potorson, C. Chrlsten son, Mrs. J. R. Pederson and Miss W. Chrlstensen. MISS EVA WYATT nnd Miss Lonora Topo loavo this aftornoon for a fow weeks' summer outing on Coos Rlvor nonr Allegany. L. J. SIPES, who hns boon visiting old friends horo for tho piiBt six weeks, loft todny on tho Break water for his homo In Snlom. P. L. CRIMINO of Lnkosldo was in tho city todny completing arrang ing to send his oldest son to tho Indian school nonr Salom. MRS. J. E. FITZGERALD oxpects to lenvo noxt Monday for Portland and Fossil, Oro. At tho Inttor place sh'o will visit her mother. CHARLES L. TRABERT and family or Oakland nro at tho Multnomah. Mr. Trabort Is secretary for tho C. A. Smith Lumber Co. Oregon-Inn. A. W. MYERS arrived In ovorlnnd last evening from nn oxtondnit eastern trip. Ho will Tomntn horo whllo tho Myors storo Is hoini; closed out. WALTER HIBBARD, n son of J. B. expectod horo this even ing via Rosohurg to Bpond his va cation at tho homes of mombors of tho Mauzoy family. S. W. GREEN, an organizer for tho Mooso, nrrlvod horo today with his wlfo from Spokane to assist In n -membership campaign for tho or- dor In this section. E. W. KAMMERER enmo up from his camp nt Sunset Bny todny to look, af tor business matters. C. F. McGoorgo will bo In tomorrow. Mr. Knmmoror snys thnt thoy will maintain camp for n couplo of wcoks yet ns thoy aro having a most delightful outing. Thoy mnko tho trip down thoro by auto In nbout flfty-flvo minutes. AT THE HOTELS Tho Chnndler. J. A. Mundny, Vancouver, Wash.; H. C. Slovens, Portlnnd; J. A. Bryant, Snn Frnncl3 co; S. W. Greon nnd wlfo, Spokane; F. D. Lnyton. Portlnnd: G. G. Doly, Snn Frnnrlsco: O. F. Dlllmnn, Port lnnd: Carrlo A. Ruprccht, Fromout, Mich.; Dr. F. M. Whlto; Klamath Falls; W. J. Tanner. Medford; II. C. Stovens, Portland; II. A. Wilson, San Ernnclsco; E. A. Shnfer, Portlnnd: Bernard Frolsotte, Portland: T. R. Tnnnor nnd wlfo, Medford: W. R. McPherson nnd wlfo, Whltoflsh. Montnnn. THE BLANCO L. M. King and wlfo, Mnrshflold; S. L. Grlgshy, Med ford; Harry Bonson, Lnkosldo: Frank Sngabord, Oardlnor; Mrs. N. E. Dag gett, Allegany; Dnn Hughes nnd wlfo, Spoknno; Mrs. B. B. Donald son, Portlnnd. THE COOS C. E. Nlles nnd wlfo, Myrtlo Point; Mr. nnd Mrs. Browt, Portlnnd; H. T. Matthews, Bandon: Mrs. F. P. Claypooo, Portland; M. Noah, Allegany. C NORTH REND NEWS 4 Miss Anna Smith Is visiting friends today at Daniels Crook, Shop, North "Front street. 180-J. Phono JSF-KOSEBUIIG ST.iGE LINK J ctnnect with ev?ry D10rn'ns at 6 and reaches Rosoburg In !SltirB .. ' w,,n ovenlnir train for PnriinnH ataa .un mnvoa 0ng. f morning at 6 o'clock and readies Marshflold same '. Dnard$0.0.p.I,, nn,, tr,p ll-0- Good meals en routo. ot? 2 ' Rosebrg. Tlrkets can ,,!. ?gont' 18 Market Avenue, Marshfleld. ""'w at niuyer's cigar ritoro. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 227 South Fourth Street. I-'OR SALE Household furniture M. C. Horton, 383 North First St. FOR SALE Single 171 North Bend. buggy. Phone Tim esDoesJob Printing FOR SALE Newsstand, confection' ery and Ice cream business In good thriving town; paying proposition For particulars address Opportuni ty, care Times. BARGAIN SALE 10 hors6Kwer auto for 450; first-class condi tion: fully equipped; cost nev $3000; will sell for $450 on eri. terms. John L. Koontz Machine BUY NOW. Somo cholco lot3 In NORTH BEND nn bo hnd nt a very reasonnblo price if takon now. E. S. GEAR &CO . BUSBY . HUJilN, better known as Ed and O. K., formerly of BrnJ flold's barber shop and who nro now conducting tho Antlsoptlc Barber Sho" opposite tho Grand Thoator, extond n cordial Invitation to nil tholr old patrons to visit them Jn tholr new shop. Thoy are piopared to glvo ovoryhody the best of service. C. E, NILES who recently nrrlvod here with his wlfo and two child ren from Antlers, Okln., has decid ed to locate In Coqulllo. He was Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES-FOR RENT Phont 1B8-R. 172 No. Broadway. NEW LINE OF Men's Shoes IN New Fall Lasts .ll'ST RECEIVED I.cnthors Mr. Bolslnger and his party return ed homo from their camping trip last-evening. Mrs. Walter Stout has loft Morcy hospital whoro alio undorwent an op eration. Sho Is doing flno. Mrs, Porry Crounch of Haynes In lot recontly received word of tho death of her father In tho East, Mrs. P. McCann of Portland who has been visiting at tho home of her Bister Dr. Bird B. Clark, left today on tho Brenkwator for hor home. Gun-Motnl nnd Vlcl Bluchor nnd Button; solid onk solo for. . . , mors ,-t .$4.00 Boys' Gun-Motnl, date last welt solo; sizes 2Vi to 5 for Bluchor, Up-to- $2.50 Youths', eomo ns nbovo; sizes 1 2 Vj and 2 .$2.35 Little Gents Shoes, wolt (9 fifi soles; sizes 8 to 12, only. . .p.vU The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. George Kuys lately of Sacramento, California, has purchased tho Frank Krugor ranch on South Coos Rlvor. It Joins the Stephen Rogers ranch. Ho moved on to tnko possession to dny. Times' Want Ads urlng results. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen nro dependable and up-to-date. All styles for sale nt tho rsSw " w waaaaTSr m .iiaWArifci 1 tffj Aalawaal J imaLm.J mJtm