The coos bay times. maTshfield. oregon. Tuesday, july 30, 1912-evehing edition At CONCEXTHATIOV NEEDED. COOS BAY TIMES j u. JCAAlif superiiueiiuuni. KV Editor ana I'ub. J ti e North Bend schools, w ivhv itfn-H Editor 1 lias been delivering a sell M. O. MALOX PAN E. MA LONE V Entered at the postofflce at Marsh aeld, Oregon, for transtnlioloa through the malls as second claw mall matter. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no Bond causo ahall lack A champion, and that evil ahall not thrive unopposed. SUDSCltlPTION KATKB. DAILY. Cno joar 6'J per month B0 WEEKLY. Ono year H'J0 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription price of the Coos Day P'lmoB Is 15.00 por year or 12.60 for six months. . An lndcpendehTllepubilcan news ynper published ovory evening oxcopt 3undny, and Weokly by The Coos Hay Times 1'iibUahIng Co. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. Miirslillcld :: :: :: t Oregon ' j with the ; ; toastandtea: of lectures on supervision of schools before principals nnd teachers nt the University of Oregon, Inst week , GOOD EVENING. Power dwells with cheerful- closed with n declaration for some- ness, hope puts us In n working 1 startling Innovations In educational mood, while despair Is no muse methods. I nnu" untline3 tl10 active pow- , Abolishment of the summer vnci- "" , llOn CIIIIIIIIUIIUH Ul ICtMO llliu vuw.v. ANDERSON WILL 1 nr niRininiTi Bt MM It WHAT DO THINK OF THIS? 1" 1W0HT OJH HAIL IV A V 1 E. A. have petitions In tho field for his nomination for Tort Commissioner. closing hours nro some of tho re- I.m., rnnvnq np LIKE. - IIn11 cnlled nt Ul lnr8n1.10 , forms advocated by Mr. Itaab. The J' tinSnM f M I Chamber, of Commerce n,u secured fact thnt his advocacy of cany cos- ":""", . '. . rm ,, . g,,nBUn Ing comes after an extended practical , A wfrlu of 8lorm nnu Slin811,n irriMZiiInIhwnlXoChla0,vlo? Yct tll08 (o us 8cldom BC0 glvo additional weight to his vews. , . . . . . '. . For some time advanced edticn-, I110 llrcU ,00K in otner cje3, A --.. ft jtlut..u. I. m.b 1 A nnHrflllll!. I lo cration of skiuy'ho Around the tUo thlnof Hfc In schools. Prof, llaab speaks with! A ltli of loving mem rles mm l...m - Anderson Is the first man to "QroomCI'S 01 IViatlKinU lb New Name for nam Barbers. CPU- tho petitions. It Is exposed tnnt n number of othor potitlons will bo cir culation soon. must l.o on file considerably In ad- bars supplies wint u t iiu 11 CUICAOO, July 30 The Chicago .,u..niniimi nf Dealers In Dnrbors Supplies proposes to object to bar bers being ciiueu uuruum. v - -..inn other nniiio. Any naiuo win 1 .1.. .... it iu mil "harbors. GOOD TI.MES COMING. THE first and best- evidence of good times Is when every man can get work nt reasonable vnges. It Indicates .1 healthy con dition of Industrial activity thnt makes for prosperity. Although presidential election years usually disturb commercial conditions to such nn extent thnt there Is halting and hesitation on tho part of new en terprises. This year seems nn ex ception. From ninny sections coined (ho news that buslncsB Is going ahead with confidence. The best news of this chnractor Is that pub lished In Tho Times today that 10. 000 laborers nro needed to supply tho demand In nnd around Spokane. Plenty of work menus plenty of money. There nro good times ahead. NO SPEEDING. THE TIMES endorses emphatically tho protest mado In yesterday's Ibhiio of this paper by a citizen who Hlgned hltiiHPlt "An Observer," against the menace of tho fast driven automobile. This Is 1111 evil that grown nnd I fi rives on Indifference nnd neglect of nfflcorft to enforce the city ordi nances. It Is sometimes hi 11 tod thnt leniency Is being extended to some of tho mnlfartorH becnuso they iro men of prominence, popularity and high standing In tho community. If theso men violate the law and en danger life they nro entitled to no consideration what over. If any thing they are more culpable than jiien of lesser prominence. Tho pnght to know better and they ao know better. There should bu no distinction In U10 enforcement of law. Every man caught driving his auto nt a spoitl indnngcrlng tho Uvea of podotitrluiiH iliould be promptly arrested nntl ummnrlly denlt with. When men of wealth nnd nodal po sition In tho community violate the law It raises tho suspoelon thnt they do so under a sense of Immunity liv inson of their wealth nnd posltlo, . If (hey entertain mich a Honllinout their minds should bo speedily dis abused by the administration of cvu handed Justice. If they nro found guilty of Indulgence In a pastime that endangers human life In tho public street they should be bundled In Identically the same ninunor "s .tny- other culprit found guilty of tho same offense If there Is failure In this the court will he recreant In tho 'Uncharge of Its duty. practical knowledge of the evil of tho ' A , . ' , t f b t, 0 , , rint9 tho regit days. The question of keeping n ' ier ns rollows: d child In Bchool must nlways depend, . .. . somewhat upon where ho would :io Arou tl 0 11 tlo t t, ,vnrn r,t In tin Mnsai-nnttl. llllf uj If he Is In n way to spend tho tlmo healthfully and In tho nctlvo physical excrclso which childhood domnnds. the chnnces are that tho shorter day Is usually the better. Tho evils of long dnys spent In dallying over lessons or In crowding courses upon tho child thnt could well wait for his more mature de velopment mny easily be responsible for the lamentable superficiality and lack of Inltlatlvo which so many school children show. 'Plin tlnltinmlfi rt It si ltftalltt " A eomlntr more nnd more to bo tluW no,,) "" ,,cnr Lon1, ,0 offor thc. ronniih more nnu mure iu no iuou tn.n ,,rf iiiiitin m.i.. nf must bo on fllo considerably .iM.m nt tlita ttnln uiii.-u ufc i"w w.v. .. , . liiirlip." RrSM--.--, IUIIUS31UHUIB UO 3 l I ".- '--," .- , -B llnr lit! These regulations, wn eon hu . u . ,,. ! tiuu nine a Buiuiftu Di.o.. -- . .. . iiI...hI.,iii" 11111 Itfl limiTIINHIIII. .t,S?f!u.-. , u,Sx?0orc: and bygone tears 8IOXEIIS OK Till PO.tT e. nre r u. , . - - - to make our hearts oi- luus iiai ""',,....,,. iiMiiimmrn t,t er. I. At the samo tlmo or tno election era 01 '"""?""'""" .i. i....uMMAinM nr Mm 1'nrr nr limit! mill r iitu iiuuniiwi Arc long lost smiles Which helped more tend Coo Tiny t ere shall be Tconductodi The uplift of the barber shop and In each precinct nn election of com- beauty parlor Is l,, """ft,0?,, n '" mlssloners of said Port. est cons derut on. To obtnli bucIi 2. And person qunllllcd to bo ap- uplift It Is tleclared that a namo oth- polnted as a Coniinlssloner of said, er than that of plain barber must bo t, nv ,,.l..,.lf n Mm S3nirnnrv nf declllud UtlOtl tllld tllllt tllO peoplO the Mnrshllcld Chamber of Com-, brought to the point of using thnt merco a petition that his namo bo namo to the entire exclusion of tho tnfo full nt lAfA nil mn flinv 1w T ..1.l .... M ln.ilalnnna TYnl.1 InriM "iMirhtT. Less full of Bclf ns In tho past! intt" to bo voted nt the snino time nsl "We promise to mnku nn epoch In Alas, how ninny things In llfo Are those of which wo cannot boast! Actions and words we think our best How poor nnd weak they arc nt most! Moro perfect "little things" nt lat. Massachusetts died nfter stowing nwny six Ice cream sodas. Lots nf girls In Mnrshflold feel ns It they could "Just die eating Ice cream." Hurry up, boys. thnt require stendy, nlort application nnd the ability to formulate conclitt Ions rnpldly. Tho system of educa tion which allows for confused nnd disconnected effort, which debili tates by excessive and tedious strains upon tho pupil's mind Is not tho sys tem to prndtico tho most Independent nntl tntinliln Mi In fnta Whether or not tho shorter period? I. '" l1),'Y norpotrnlM the fol of study will nccmpllsh this can' ' "' """n't you think tho United only be adequately determined by S,n.tcn, 8nou'( ,,,n flcntso," C(T experiments, but It Is a pertinent b. f imrtlclpnlo In the Olympic matter for cducntors. Tho tlmo to "a,llc? They coiild hnvo bIiowii the develop tho powers of concentration I Jp',,r,i?,,n" how to ,)rl"B tho stoPk Is logically correspondent with tho!" J'. , , ,.... time that tho faculty of attention Is I. Jh, ' "forrcd to P. A. Sandborg beginning Its development. Children I Inr nctl0n- who nro allowed, perhaps forced, toi .,.,. cirT ,,.... dlsslpato their mentnl energies be- A:s" ST"'1' TU , causo of prolonged uppllrntlon, will . ,.. , 'l,l,,j .mi !.. in rni. I.. in ' nskod Mario to mar tho election for tho Incorporation of. tho history of skin nnd scalp trout, tho Port of Coos Hay; and If It np- meiit." says Ullllnnt h. Uurgher ol nn, ti,n. uni.i .miiiinn iu nit.iin.i in Diiluth. .Minn. "Starting with tlu Tho other dny a young womnn !n I nt least fifty qualltlcd electors of Bald' hypothesis tho external nnd Intor- proposed Port district, said person nui bkiii iiimmwiiiuiii iy i shnll bo conBldorod iib n candldato 'sources of life wo will bIiow that by not learn to rencf promptly or to establish habits of polso and nlort adaptability. IILA.ME THE AUTOS Ti HE automobllo Is going to boost NOT MAHUIED tunrry me. My heart stopped beating then: She did not answer "yee." hut gee. How quick she gurgled, "whon?" DIt. OEO. E. D X. I nsked Tolnotto to bo my bride. T it til nrt 1initf t r til Iiah 1. "'I' Cn f !!v,nF ? th?? WAI!,0't 8'10' dear girl. slralghtW re walk 111. well ns Minr.c who rldo. Ac-( .... ... "Right now? for appointment ns Coniinlssloner of a slmplo domouBtrntlon of treatment Port of Coos Hay nnd Bhnll bo ontlt- f tho externa skin, 111b of tho body led to hnvo his nnmo plncod upon "'' be remedied, said "001111111881011 IJnllot" ns horeln-l "Tho name Urooiiiora of Mankind after provided. Each of said potl-l lb u far nicer namo than 'Harbor and lions shnll be filed with said Sccro- tanco there 1b no reason why ho tnry at least ten (10) dnys prior to! should not hnvo a more soloct nnino. the day of said election. I More than 12..0 members ; from 3. All nnmes of cundldntcs shall I principal cities of tho United States, bo arranged upon said "Commission-1 Canada nnd Mexico will attend tho era Unllot" In alphabetical order nc- convention. cording to tho first letter of tho lnstt T nnmc of ench candidate. Said Uallot THE OPll.MIST shnll cnntnln tho hondlng: , , "C'O.M.MISSIONEUS' BALLOT Thero was onto a man who smiled, Voto for live cnndldntes for the Because the day was bright, olllccs of commissioners of the Port, Because ho slept at night, of Coos Buy. To voto for a candl- Becnuso Uod gave him Bight dato mark it cross (X) In tho suunro ' Kaie upon uis cnnn. Could leap and laugh and run, Because the distant sun Smiled on the earth, ho smiled. cording to dispatches tho price of j t'.hotiR v going up about 20 per cont on r-cpt. 1, nnd tlu advance may bo Inlil directly to th-j ' gnsollno gig." thnt already has so many sins to ans wer for. "Tho cost of leather hnH been Increased 72 per cent." snld ono nut my romnntlc notions fell iienier. 111c nii'omuuiiu is ono 01 the principal cniifccr It Is astonish ing how much leal her Is usod In tho construction of one touring car. As tho uses for leather Increase, tho Or after dlnnor?" V. J. CON'ItAD. Wh6n I proposed to Annnbollo. I thought my speech would fetch nor; When she ropllcd: "You botcher'" OEO. OOODItUM. Wl'on I asked Alice to he my wife, 1 simpiy nun not reckoned. supply of rnw mnlirlal Is rapidly do-Thn she would answer big ns lire: ci'eiislng. Tho big cattle ranches of "Suro, Mike," In hnlf n rpcoiiiI. tho west nro bolng tut up Into smnlli . NON . rnriiiH nnu tno cultivation or coreais Is Inking tho pbico of cnttlo raising." HVlTEIt IN THE UNITED STATES. P EOPLE unfamiliar with produc THE VILLAGE SPOUT Ills clothes are loud, his necktie red, his hat far back upon his benn, his hair profusely banned; and rath er thini I't't down to tucks and work with men who strain their backs tin nays he will be banned. Brass Jewel-1 ry his boHom frets; ho smokes tho cheaper cigarettes, anil plays a hand at pool; tho latest ragtime song '-p slugs, nnd knows n raft of useless, things ho never learned In school.! Ho knowH how many rounds It tonitj the great John Sullivan to cook Tug, vt uson, years ago; nun lie can to-n Winnie I wooed In wondering mood, inn wnen r psued her whether In front of tho name of ench candi date voted for. Do not vote for moro than live cnndldntes." Said ballot shnll contain no othor. mntter thereon oxcopt U10 names of, " smiled becauso tho sky the candidates and n box suuare In I wns uigu nuovo ins nomi, front of ench name. Such ballot shnll l6 propared by the Secretary of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Com merce and printed copies thereof, sulllclent to supply thu voters of ench precinct, shall be sent or delivered by said Secretary, to the voting plnco Iu each precinct. Snld ballot shall bo In cliargo of tho Judges nnd clerks of election In ench precinct, nnd us each voter appears to voto upon tho question of the Incorporation of the Port, he shall be given one of snld ballots. After making said ballot the Judges nnd clorks of election, bv ono of their number shall receive! And hummer, ho was Rind. sniu iinnni ami deposit the same In 11 ' Because thu roue wns red; Uccuusa thu past was dead. He never wondered why The Lord had blundurud bo Thnt nil things have to go The wrong way hero below Thu overarching sky. lie tolled and still wus glad IlccuiiRu tho nlr was free, Becnuso ho loved, nnd she Thnt claimed his love, mid ho Shnred all tho Joys they had. Becauso thu grasses grow. Because that ho could how When Twohy llro for tho Southern ti..,.0l begnn tho construction 0f 1 1 lnnietto PaclftP t. ..."' fogies who predicted ,11.. .,."' Eugono nntl who nlwnv ,' this community was '' tho 13th, In the dark?! h nnd Inorpornted ,, n, (1V.,., unlucky month, 8to,)n . I their hrenth, nnd whw 1.2'1 men began t work nl J? miles or wlilnii lino 1..1 " s nntl tho tunnel nt rmV HiieonhlfRB. But fi. "' begnn to predict that real" ' only bo n Jork wnter line (i mo in 1 uor nnu thnt It Dj go to Florence nnd tho . ' But tho Southern p,t!r, nu'iii on miiiiiiiii' nn.t ji ? Iiinncl until today pinclhii,,! 23 inlloHof urntlo hn i.I """ oxcopt litsofur as It (, Bec wnlt until tho conrrclo ciihirti been constructed to finish thi, n'i. 1 i 1.. 1.. " '" folkn 111 York stnlo would n. end," so thnt It will b0 hurt, tiiiiiinuuuii iiy Knugs nt ton, viihi. uiiic.iiiiicry nns )mn W nnu overy mniiern device cli Hon Is In use. Work will bo pushed frj finm nn huh nan or ihollji. lnriro force wilt l-pI ln,. m.. great- lunnol of 1100 fMtbejtrf ijiniiiiiti. In thn monntltnn Ilnln. n .. nro nutting In bridges nnd til on 1 no HironmR nnd crcehfc Euccne nnd the InnnM vM.ii Bros, nro cnmiiletlnt -m vj. when those bridges nnd culm erccicii. 1110 grnno will bo flilA Wllllo tho AMi.rii.i derived from thin rnml wind er Its completion. It must noth gotten tnnt tiinusnnds of dolta noing pniti nut weekly to them on on tno lino nnd thnt this 1 In mostly Rponl In EtiEPne, When Hit lino renrhef n sennnrt will lie nnonnd Idm! will c'-ofipen the nrlro of nil ltd nrticles nnd wnen the line utn oil to Mnrshflold. there wllllit nortn nf nntrv. PnrHsinl. J1 and Mnrshflold broach vMrltl rpn oomo to this groat dlittl point. I ""ipr Want Ads brlnt rJH Q ,, 1. . ,,,. , ,, l'C.amn? uaiiui 11 1, A iu uu ItlltJM 8Mfi,0 B'.,l"r- "? )! i'01!. C0"M i "Commissioners' Ballot Box." Hnvo floored mo with n feather. ANSOAIt LAGEUSTBO.M .II.M ItOLANDSO.V SAYS: "Ono rnnnot Joyrldo on n wheelbarrow, but In ninny wnys It Ib more useful thnu uu nuto- mobile." . . 4. 4i rep a rate ballot box to be known us No elector shall return nnd vote moro thnu one of said ballots. At tho con clusion of the election snld ballots Bhall bo canvassed by said Judges and clerks nnd return mndo of the re sult thereof. Snld returns shnll bo signed by n least threo Judges and olorkH of ench precinct nnd, togethor with said ballots, delivered In person or by mall to tho Raid Secretary of tho Marshdcld Chnmber of Com morco. 4. Tho snld Secretary of tho Marshflold Chnmber of Commorco shall ennvass said returns from each Becnuso ho lrvcd he smiled, And did not look uhcad With bitterness or dread, But nightly sought his bed As calmly as a child. And people cnlled him mad Kor always being glad With such things us he had, And shook their heads and smllod. Selected. Compare First Addition Icti1 any others ub to benutr, pi terms. Then you'll buy In Fin dltlon ro Mnrshllcld. Rtrnott velopmeiit Company, ownert 11V THE SAD SKA WAVES. "What makes the tide run out?" you, by tl 0 wntch, how long It took) I'omnrketl Ed Knininerer Iu u inn tho fanner Gotch to lav Hie From..) inont of contomtilntlvo nlillnu-inl.i- man low. He knows tho story of 1 wiiue gazing at the waves on Sunvt l"cim" "Im scll'i " lll uovornor Mm at .. I lirnlu nil I... ItllV wllPTO lin la Kniimli... r.. ,... tlf tllO Stall! nf (IroL'ntl nil nlmtrnnl i.nv 'i!!,.. '.Ill'ii''"! ,n1K,,r,,',, speed 'wny hack before the wars ' w?ek. I of such eanvntv showing tho voto In nave ueon surnrlsed lntelv bv 11... 1 ,.., .... ...-. ! r.oa 1. ....!.. . ..... .ii,i, .,..,.1.,.,. ,.. .i n.i. .,. llnllalli-a ri-nni Mm .... . I. ..... I """ "" """ """"I'll Ilia scrillliuieil . n iiiiiniu III KHIUISO or. v"1" l""' " miiuiuuitj, inu nf rnsuA inn! Iw .,. ...i.. l'i"en iinu jiiriim nun tiiouir-cilis. " " ""' it'imoti v. f . .Mr- " wudiihvi diuiii ihiiuii uiu ori- Ol 00B llllll US eilOriUOUS WIIIU. It.. l,a Ia.... l, .!.. ...I , GeOrCO nn Im Rllln.l nn....DS l.., . . ' I.llinl tnrtllli.nlna ..o -,.l ........ I I... , 1. . ' " " '.. v ... ... ,,.-v , ...!, - '- ....'.. lliu II.IOIV r -. H w... .... j tllU juugos ami ciorKs or ouch precinct SVwffi"1 nSreaCr 1 """ TZ en,Vi" .r::!-'..''..!!''. LV& n.i,..d Onltcd Stales amounts to I.293.M2 .j!" JT,"- .J.!? ' C13 dozen nnnually. Yet such n fig-" ' ".L'1", "" L " IIK- tl........ .... .1..........1 i., , 1.1... ro propnres ono for the Information .'".' ." ""..."' ""V"'.. ,."!, "ik that"0 7nfi OHO iiiiiiiiiIh nf ImMnp1 '"" "" h,,,,: """ " " I'UIKOS IIIS ' jear. this is tie lolnl output; its , ' , A,,: ",,, , . , ,",1?.V '..- BEHOLD tho hnrd-workotl ntllinr things to which he'd . Of wisdom wondrous rlno: re things for which .Though much ho'll ne'er get credit llllll Ilia iMIiMlllmll.n tsx-. for. There's solnco In his pipe. Tho health commissioner of Ko- llllDlin lllln .nuB . .mount 9fiOOO:u'uo' o iuls o .T tTnSSW n S'W' IT' ' "b ,,".! VIS.SSS inml on tho farms of the country. J 0 '" l, ?. ,! . f.e " Ul8,n "1$ " "rf M"nHnry. Can't they find any- vlth a value of f2SS.r.N,0A0. while' ,,?.X,' r... nn Mm. ,n V1 J ,,nB.ucer than goats to kiss over factories produce 024.706 000 I lV'm f" n ',ul' to cnen" t0 ,,av" "eret II. I. V . , pounds, with n value of l7a.r,ni 000. Strnngo to say, while the great buttor mnrkot of tho country litis for years been In Illinois. Wisconsin ... fho grontest of tho producing stnto. auii Hit. w (bajxJA tMi LOX SI.MPKIXS It Is noteworthy thnt Insurnnco I,on s'Uklns, ho Is wealthy Tho llvo candidates recelvlnir' the highest number of votes nt Biicht election, and who mny re quallflodi In nil respects, will ho appointed by tho Governor of the Stnto of Oroeou ns Commissioners of tho Port of Coos Bny, In enso snld Port is iiuvrpornt ol. Tho obovo regulations approved this Ifith dny of April, 1012. OSWALD WEST. Governor of the State of Oregon moid: lea ye Mexico Sowi'ul Iliiudi-t'il llofugets Itencli El Paso Today, (By Associated Press to The Com nay Times.) . Ho I t'lllll 111! fl llld III nnllnirtl InltA ..!. Illll'Ott It n - 1 . .. .- .. . . - us ouipui neing iHi.oiP.nnn poundi, l ,,;; Pr:iB , ii hi n ' K "" ,,IM0Si i"thes. ki. iwso, Tox Ju y 30. Several ynluiMl nt 3.2S.00n Of this, 'ta' ro rls "" "3VlT r Wn'U r mingle with tho hundred more women refugfm! furm prmluc Ion Is 27.I05.000. Iowa j. , ,V." ""J ""r ",'',. n lni lhro"B "" o toll nnd labor and !he nh war zone In northern Mex' comes second. Minnesota third. Penn-',: '' . . . n co"s,l,,orei n fl- ,.vls, ,,,, .,.., """"''"""-.ana p() m,che, ,,., ,, t . ..,,.,,,. sylvanla fourth. Michigan fifth, Ohio ' ''l "" ,ro ln ,n,0,2; 'yor. rates t8. squirm nnd fret for he's a the colony In E Paso me- "on sixth. IllinolR seventh. New Yoi.c ' f"1' rdlnnry policies nro less now Mtu of leisure and never has to sweat, 'women, nnd children with B00 n.1.1 eighth nnd Texas ninth I '"" ' were on tho whole In 1000. He's cot an nlr of n.nn,r ., .. tlonnl Moimn,, mil J '"...?. ""; Oroson In general ami Coo conn ty iu particular so admirably ndnnt GAYNOU NOTIFIED can quickly seo which holds him, with 1, border bv wagon from Colonn ti" iiunini., nuovo sucn ones ns mo. ulz' ery row llietl urn wltli tl... ..... ...... vi... in i iiiimiiriiiK huh dairying siiould v v ,. Al ... 1, . . . "s ills week-end pnrtlos while I rerugees In E Paso, the men nre- mnko a bo tor showing. Tho Times 'N, "k yr to Begin Probe of , hustling 'round to get a piece of fo,rl"K ,0 re,,,nl- A 1 firearm" h ito 1ms i iwwitly printed letters that ' .... . qn . ",,rt,,w", , beefsteak thnt costs two bits ? i 'n taken from the ' Mnrmins nnl iimko fine n sbowln of tho earn-, Associated Press to the Coos Day pound. Do never had to labor tS" otl,,r8 ""vlni: thoin at he mere"" Inxs In this Industry that warrant Its Times). Klnn innzumn In. nor go and nsk n nacklng bands. r gronter dovolopmont. LY , 0UK- Jl,," ao -Pollco banker to lend some ot liln "tin iii' There Is small county Iu tho Commissioner Waldo confosed today father made n fortune wny hnck In' 'l"' IS BIMECPED state of Minuosota thnt only contains' Mayor Gaynor who announcod SKty-ono while my old dni vn "oner' 20 town.hln. Dal.Mnglsonoof the Inter that ho would call a special lug n big. old Spring el Iki n ?o i,o In "",s:' 'f" Emu-l La l.'n.... groHtest Industrie of this small aw. - jnwtlnB of the Board of Aldermen to to sax e the roun rv alioift to Bn tn Wind M " i,. " Over $1.000 000 Hiinuiilly Boes out '" Investigation of tho Police wreck. That's when Is tier uat, n' Associated Press to The Coos from the Industry of dalr.vluii. Mln- Dopnrtmont. Wnldo hnd no stntn- .,i ,im Vi. .. . ...... Ju.b.r,.ulier Bnt"-. nnv Tim., ino U)08 .... ..v iiiiiiu l IIIW IlHl'K I ---. tv.d Sui etiinort, the nook I 111 iniiivnmMi . I envy Slmpklns his ,. ",rm'x,,u t- July 30..- notiotn I ns many counties producing nient to make except to assort tho In. oo than this I.u remember that nocenco of Becker. Ho mndo no wealth and land, a , hoi o I often Tho Houro l,y a vote of 72 to U to there U no arm In size that produces comments on his arrest. wish I had -om " Ifo sure TwouM i, 'nv refused to accept the Senate -- as much as Krooborn county. The' There is much talk of higher ofll- a po'.n. ' ' "r W0M,a bo Follette wool bill ns a substUute in-in . . . . ." as ,n . . : n, 1,0Pnrtmont being in- Hut. whon I think thlncs ovnr i ,no House "III. ... .., ,, ,. uiomiveni or muvou out me uistrict Attorney sn d don't feel hiilf-wnv sml for thnm.h f vv eo-oporutlon. What tho people In today that as yet ho had absolntAiv h.i m .-V ...f.nJ r"",,?n.1 .. . A. ,h to'llTK pllfhod ca "Vldencx Involving nnv man or I've goV a bunch of muscle andnpne-l ' th ouch" Do none In Coos countv If tim uumn mnn Tnn, tn t .... .t. ....... " tiiuBiii., nnu appe- mrougu, diligence, nppllcntlon and intV, in.:',ni, viX.. V."S- .,' ... '".. . .""""" ?.ooa' :v""e S nipklns has' And this Is ! observed. " ',....'..".:...."... ' "'' "i'"i'. ve onen understood. , To wear line . - - - iian iiitii iiiii iiti iiimiit - substitute for MIMXI? TUA1T onion, through nnd BOB STANLEY, her great mission- clothes ami costiv t And all in tho latest fashion. HEAD IILSTOUY IN THE MAKING f ISTOIIY Is boliii! made dnv bv ntlay, exactly such history as ti.iio ,i.. . j .. .vim inu Illl.tllltOllieill Ol till) human race, and this newspnpor chronlcles It day by day us It bul lions. Could anything bo moro Inter esting or moio Important? Can any living man nffonl to let ovents pass without kiiuwlng about them? Every man, womnn mid chill who can rend Bhould read one pn per nt loast and should read It regulnrly and carefully. JustV3 to himself, to his neighbors, to his country and to futtiio gonerutlonj demands tlis. Every man should know what Is going on. Ho Bhould rend Tho Coos Bay Times. Common Ailment. Have you not It? Ai you looking Tliiougli the ntlwillMliiK slitvt For tliu barsalns that are llsu-d At u prlco tliut'H Junl tn beat? Do tl.o iilcturea and Otxirlptlons llypnotlzo your wIIIIiik ifnze7 Ilavo you Rot It? I mn ttpctklnK Of the nutomoblle eniise Do you hung aroiinil thu fellow Who U tlxid for taklnu trlim. LUtentm? to the wordu of wUdoin Tlmt uio falllns rroni his lips? Do you envy hlni u little That liU llfo la no complete As ho pulls the Martins lever And Roes wtilZKlnt; down the street! Do you figure on your Income? Do you try to Unci a way You can cut on your expenses If you con I Inrionno your pay? Do you eyo the Utile nest egg You wete hiding In the bank. Ytandeilnj; If thus to gpentl It Wouldn't be o clever prank? DnU k.'m" ,l10 ,,amM un' Prl or the dlfTerenl iniike of car? Can yon lull a jllnk ,,( wagnn hen nu see It from afar? Are you seriously thinking If you can but make the raNe Of Investing In an auto? IUv you tually got the craw? .rlln'."1 haVe anlns to sell, trade 'r re"t. or want help, try a Want Ad Tlwea' Want Ads bring results. Just a Few The New Of Men's Suits at $ 1 2 to $1S Tluv nro some value il , iii.itf. l price, rtHK hi ph- TSe Fixui Arnrs'ififM -North B Don't nilsslho high cMfJ? .H.hTHr.i .-""" AT The Roy TONIGHT rVx..,. n.lao nf llflliclng M - win ui tiota tiiim.m,' nnoi) riCTl'110 "Piotectlon of the Cr0s "Tho Ulrlliinnrk" "Miss Arabella Snsli" A rousing good comfW' PRICE 1 CEXTS (