GJjLIJ0ySHtfgPIN6fTEN MEANS A HEAVY DRAIN ON DOMESTIC PATIENCE 'TvTAnVKItTlSlNaiiiTl.oTIMlCS I SldP &! 4HMV. A u'avt ai-vkiltisixo In ti. rrnti. I vr AIVKHTlSlNa In Tho TIMES IVI1I I'nt Your Kwl lCsUtc "In .i. Mnrkcl" Effectively! ffions WANT ADVERTISING In Tb TMfEi Gmtt? Will Keep tlo Income from You Furnished Rooms from Lapels! YOU can really holu tlw fmilly tevonuus by renting a fow furnished rooms and, It you know how and when to uro the classified column.!, you tnay koop that little oxtra income as "stoady aB a clock." i ,, will P the fact about your Jtorty More ho ore. of all "pos 1 'buyers" lu town. And If & ono of them who ought to Sin It, you'" 8'' Ul MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESH L xxxv EstiiMlRlicd In 187H no The Coast Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1912 -EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mali mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 323 mm i ARLES C. HUE! KILLED IN HO CHANGE iftl CATHOLIC MARRIAGES BRITISH COURT'S FINDINGS ill IN MYSTERIOUS MANNER Dk Broken In Violent Fall Without Any Hppuiuu Cause. RONER'S JURY PASSES CASEUr IU IaHHIMU juni - ,! l!- OlnrtIK Tnlrl iu nm ci u oiunuo ivm j-joe Coach Involvod In the Trageay. Doln1 in TlmoB.) 1AND0N, Ore., July I0i-Lo8t Ine about umo uimriw. y - 'u ... n ., Mm alilnwnllt km seen iu iu.. -:--.--".r-- or near .'inia mwm " . kid up a fow momentB Inter wiib id from wnni ihibh;..o .."- need mtor to uo a uiunu.. .. cao Ib a mom unuuiu u.. .. tho dozens 01 coihiicuiib " rumors nflont It Is difficult to vontthefnctsln hocaso i.yon Coroners jury nncr uiiiiuu....u.. any wltiicsses urn nm UI Ito verdict hut passed It up w ALL JAPAN IS IN MOURNING llnlto grnnd Jury for Investigation. rnm the tlirtSS of COI1 1 1 let III K From tho mass re- People of Flowery Kingdom Unite In Tribute to Dead Mikado Today. (By AsBoclntod Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) TOKIO, July 30 Calm reigns throughout tho omplro and all tho pooplo havo put on signs of mourn ing. Festivities and public functions havo boon Btoppod. In tho moan tltuo groat stato functionaries aro conferring almost constantly nt tho itnporlal pnlnco upon tho arrango inontB for tho funornl, tho coromonlnl for inounlng and tho body Hying in Htnto. It Ib oxpoctod that all mom- I linlH e9 4 tin nnl.lnl 111 ffna ll.j.1. L.iM.Ti,inDil that a few ...InutoH ""?,'"" "."'"..:' " "". ,"LU" lore the irnRCily. Ilnilloj. who wiib c, ofnilors occurH. Tlio now om- tlalylnloxcaieu.nnu ,.,. ..oror m)(, cnpr088 U8 wo U(0 wS"TSlSr' """""' v'p,w"y ,n 01I0WCI1 UJ RINIIU "I ""'( . REGRET IH EXPHEHEI) ' minniPR Inter lliidloi' was scon nil forward on his fncc. Tho side k wns without obstruction nnd !e n number o witnesses cinim mi e icon nun inn iu . n.w they did not sco any cnuso mr KnniP of tlio testimony Is to tho ct that Conch wns ton or twolvo awny nt the time, Conoli who alio on tlio Maud, denied luiv- strtick him. ,'hen esnmlneil hy tho physicians rulio was found nt tho bnso ofjporor Mutsu Hlto rigin rnr irnin which u nmu bd exuded. Tho right choek was bruited. When heforo the Cor k's Jury the two Ilnnilon phyid-' bs testified thnt iicntn rcsuitcu tlio neck being broken nt tho pad vertebrae nnd Hint tho liriilaes itbo cheek nnd oar might have li caused by tho full. Among tho er witnesses examined wero E lelols. Floyd Jorgonscn, N. T. pn, J. W. Conch nnd llnrry Loch ia. the abjonce of Coronor Wilson, Klce of tho I'cnco C. It. Wmlo nct- lln his place. This morning ho omoncil n Jury consist Inir of: B. K. Kopf. Charles I.ockwooil. John Morris. liver Howell. I. K. Doak. r. riymnle. Micr nn exniiilnntlon of tho wlt- pei i and hearing tho testliuony of President Taft Calls on .Tup Ambassa dor Today (Dy Associated Proas to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 30. President Taft accompanied by his aide, Major L. L. IlhoadcB, called nt tho Janancso ombnssy today nnd ex pressed In' person to tho Ambassador Ills deep rogrot ovor tho doath of Em- WILL DISCUSS iWATER ERONT Important Meeting to Be Held at the Chamber of Com merce Tonight. It Is expected that somo dcflnlto plans for Improving tho .Murshlluld waterfront will bo ngreod upon nt tho meeting of tho property ownurs affected and tho business men which will bo hold nt tho Chamber of Com- mnrnn tlila ni'niilm. t.i .llamiua lin Ph)'Slclan8 thO Illl'V rollirnnil .t ! miittni. Tim m.w.tln.. nna onllnil liv ICt finding tlint Charles C. Hnd- !'. T.V AIIaii Minlrmnit nt Uin vralnr. came to his death Moudny evon-1 front coinmlttco of tho city council, irom tome Violent range to tll.Ull wlm hns lioon nn nnrnoKt. nilvnrnlr. nf nown ami recoinmeiidlng nn h.- benutlfying tho wntorfront nnd nmU- l?lltlnn In 1A ...... i w ' i,.V . ' b'"" jury. . mK more sorviconuio. "ere Is n gcncrnl disposition to ' Somo of tho tonnnts of tho btill.l- ll ... ?. ns a ,Jri'"l'n brawl lugs nlong the wntorfront Iiavo bom me conillctlni! rrnorl-H nmi iiw. nv..i...r u.a niniin. nr iii ,..i.n.,.a nee between storlos told on the for some tlmo. It h said time all o- Rumor of Abolition of Pledge In Mixed Unions Officially Denied. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 30. No chnngo in the Roman Catholic church Inw relating to tho mnrrlago of Catholics with non-Catholics in tho United States hns been made by the recent ordor of Popo Plus nffect- TRY TO FORCE EARLY TRIAL Opponents of Judge Archibald Demand Retirement Pending Impeachment Proceedings. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 30 A movement la on foot nmong thoso mi.n th.i, ..... i ...mi . who nro .Ion.nn.llnP nn ttnmmllnin TllO Turkish gOVOmmcnt iB Willing to trial for Judgo Archhald to roqulro! ontor lnto nonco negotiations with It ns n condition of tho postponement nly if thoy nro conducted In a man or tho enso that tho Jurist rotiroa nor compntiblo with Turkey's honor from tho Cominorco Court Donch un- nnd dlngity. This wns nnnouncod to- 111 Mm nniin In ilAnlilA.I rPlm -1a ah ' 1 m . . ... i..u V..IDU id uuuuuu. ii.u iuiu ui. Uoy during tno rcnuing of n uiu iim-nuuii ui iiuHuiuuuiuoiii ib o-( ii)initcrinl proclamation. peciuu omiur liuirsuay or aauiruny. nor Donnventure Cerrcttl, secretary of tho Papal Legation. Correttl sntd his ordor as explained from Homo simply restored force to n provision of tho church law governing mixed marriages in Germany and Hungary which had to bo suspended early In the nineteenth century. TIiIbb pro vision allows priests to attend as wlt- nofises mixed marriages where, tho principals dcclino to folln'w tho church law. Cerrcttl said all tho provisions of the decree "No tcmero" nro still in force in tho United States TURKEY READY TO END WA Porte Willing to Enter Peace Negotiations On Easy 1 . Terms. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times). CONSTANTINOPLE, July 30. now TELLS ABORT RAILWAY LINE ON TITANIC WRECK GIVEN OUT ASK AID FOR M . REFUGEES Americans Fleeing From Dan ger Zone Reacn 1 Paso In Pitiable Plight. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Tlm6s). WASHINGTON, W. C, Puly 30. Efforts will bo mnilo lo havo tho mil lion dollars of tho unoxpondod bnl nnco of tho money npproprlatod for tho Mississippi flool BUfforors divort od by Congress for uso In caring for American refugees now pouring into El Paso from Mexico. Tho army thoro has aided tho sufforors by giv ing thom tontago for temporary shel ter. Ordors wero Issued to sond tents for ono thousand immediately from St. Louis. RIG TIME BY SHRINERS HERE Eugene Paper Prints Graphic Story of What Coos Bay Road Will Mean. Tho Eugcuo Gunrd prints nn Illus trated nrtlclo on tho now Coos Day- Eugeno lino in which it snys in part: What the building of tho Wlllain- otto Pacific rnllwny from Euceno to ducted in Mnrshllold by Allah Tom Florcnco nnd Coos Dny menns to tho plo, Ancient Arabic Ordor, Nobles of cities along tho routo and to tho en- tho Mystic Shrine, ut Ashland, ac- tiro country through which tho road cording to D. D. Grant who is hero traverses is hardly realized by tho to arrango tho preliminaries, nvcrago citizen. Tho road is being! Tho Shrinors plan to havo ono of built through tho finest body of (tho biggest lodgo doings hero thon standing timber In tho world. This, that hns ovor bocn hold In Southern timber, ns everyone Knows, will flnd.Orogon. A class of about fifty will Initiation in September Will Bring Several Hundred From Ashland. Upwards of two hundred Shrinors will mnko tho pllgrlmngo from Ash land and vicinity to Coos Dny by nmo for tho ulg initiation to bo con id last nlcht nml Imrnrn Mm nnl.. r inquest ti, morning is can- iwwu comment, copt cno pron",,v owner In tho two blocks botwrcr ( iimorclnl nnd tho Al 1...11 1. ...... .. . .....f i ............. 11. . Rhirlna n il I, "l ,"u, """ nj.v'ii iu ii'iiiuvu ;n; kuaritS (.. llnilleV. tliO vlnlllll K. wnrnlinncna nml I., .11.1 In na mi Mm lunmarrled young nmn about 27. wlmrves if the- othorB do so. This h in...-' " lm8. uePn working will fncllltnto tho nmttor consider- K.-r nJLcnn,)I '" lhl8 vicinity l M ",l thrco or f01'r enrs. Ho .- ..w. B,inowiiero in tho oust L Parents, It Is thought, livo lV. CO,1(h lil.nn . ... Ilwi.v ... """' umirrui wiin L!i aJ.8?rt. me heforo IiIb inyn. Bvn.i?1" 18.mni'o Hio basis of fchrih. ,'. " ,s Bn of Col. , .-v iaie nil llonnlrn Hnilinr ilBE I BEAKWATER m'SJS ai 7:3 Today lXor land-Sails at 10 clock Tomorrow. nLDr.e!fwAter crosso.1 in m,i0 Hgoo'i 4?i?..prtlond after bii a EOn 1 V , ," ,no con8t- is W5 .2 ' Jr0a Astoria i . . Sno "ossed SffV0' rtiwd. v '&? B on her N,le.Chas "Sv,rrs-w-S. WelU, Hh, & a S lrs- A- Abbott. B. tV.'mhaiCnr'C-L' Weaver, tn,oa. Mrs a lc,B0,x- Mrs- E. I,. M-eo !inTrort. Mrs. A. Houl- E.,0n' Miss JnV ' lTS- Davs. Mrs. " '"rise, h. w. Ev- nbly. Tho plan is to tako advnntngo of tho government ongincor'a sugges tion thnt If tho property owners would concede n 20-foot strip, the government would sot tho hnrbor lino out nn additional 20 foot, on nhllng tho oponlng of n 40-foot street nlong tho wntorfront. This would givo tho buildings enst of Front street frontngo on two streets, a de cided business advantage In addition to making that section much mom nttrnctlvo to tho newcomer who gets his first impression of Mnrshfleld from n bont ns ho comes up the Day. It is nlso oxpoctod thnt nn ondenv or will bo mndo to clonr away tho lll-nnnenrlng old boat, houses nnd shocks nlong tho wntorfront In the north nnrr of town. nns. Miss Ellon Flook, Carrlo Rup recht, Mrs. D. Homo, Miss Ford, Miss Fnyo, F. E. Dempsoy, J. Vni. denvonter. L. King. Miss Mnmlo Shaver. Mrs. A. J. French, Mrs. S. F. Fnlkinsteln. Miss Minnie Abhot. Mrs. L. N. Glllnett. Mrs. Henry Win ters, Mrs. D. Smith. Wnllaco Win tors. Geo. G. Augustine, O. H. Da!., Helen Fnlkinsteln. S. F. Fnlkinsteln, Geo. Appellor, Mrs. Appellor. G. Qulgley. Alfred Trlklo, M. T. Doyd, Stevo Demonous, '.T. A. Ward. J. A. Monday. Ed Conloy, Chns. Conloy, Lena Conloy, Mrs. II. A. Wells, Mrs. C E. Nlles. Miss Ford, Enrl Cutland. C. nunkelberger, Mrs. II. Callander. Frank Kneelnnd, Mrs. Ida Kneelnnd. D. Forseth, Frank Ilutchlns. U. Woodward. Richard Emoly, J. Y.'. Jncobsen, E. Hanson, John OIboii. In old New York a preacher re cently delivered n sermon on wo men's bathing suits. Ho had almost nothing left to talk about. It's easy for any woman to make good bread with HAINES FLOUR. a market somowhero nnd ovory stick of It will be shipped, In tho form of finished lumber or logs in tho rough, through Eugcno, Florence or tho cit ies on Coos Dny. This means that numerous snwmllls of largo capacity will he erected nt tho points men tioned, giving cmployinont to thous ands or men nt good wages (and it Is tho wngo enrnor tl.nt. makes tho country). When G. X. Wcndllng. the mil lionaire timber owner or San Fran cisco, conceived the Idea or build ing this road, later turning over his Riirvcys to tho Southern PncUlc, his plan wns to furnish transportation to tho millions of feet or tlmbor tluit wns burned during tho big lore it rires or the summer or 1910. Thoiti nnds or acres or tho best timber In western Lnno county wero burned ovor nnd expert timber men declared that tliis timber had to bo cut and sawed within thrco or rour years or It would bo worthless. It wns with this ract in mind that Wendllng bo gnn his surveys enrly In the year or 1911. Ho hnd n largo rorce or mon In tho field ror several months before It wns really known thnt ho intended to build n railroad. When his inten tions wore learned It wns generally thought that it was n Southern Pa cific move, Inasmuch as it wns known thnt Wondllng wns closely nllled with tho Hnrrlmnn interests in several othor enterprises. But It was not until the Lnno County Asset company, n locnj cor poration, nnd tho Pacific Groat Western Railway company, organized In Portland, began surveys nnd ths work of securing right or wny for two sopnrato railways rrom Eugeno to Florence that tho Southern Paciric conmnny took any interest in n road to tho const. Ono bright morn'ng lnt nuttiinn It was announced thnt tl'P- Southorn PnclNc company had tnken over Wendling's surveys nnd clven out the nows that it Intended to build a railroad rrom Eugene to Florence nnd tho cities on Coos Dn. Mnnv believed that It wns a grand bluff, something on the order or the one mndo nt Drain sovernl years previous, and some thought thnt even no construction work would be at tempted on tho line, the plnn being simply tb make this announcement nnd nlnce several surveying crews In the leld In nn eMort to frighten out the two smaller corporations each or w'lich was making nn earnest oN rort to promote a road to the coast. First Contract Let. D"- these npsslmlsts were deceived n short tlmo later when it wns an nounced by tre Southern PnclMc o flclals that the contract for tho bulld- (Contlnued on Pago Six.) i bo Initiated. Thoro nro now about twonty-flvo ahrlnors horo. Tho nowly initiatod Shrinors will bo mombors of tho Ashland Tomplo. An offort was mado to got u charter for a tomplo horo but it roquiros a momborshlp of four hundred to socuro a tomplo. Tho initiation nnd ceromonios nt tendnnt thoroto will Inst for thrco days, September 2, 3 nnd 4. Dosldea MURDER PLOT IS Finds That Disaster Was Due to Excessive Speed and Improper Watch. J. BRUCE ISMaThELD BLAMELESS BY THEM REE Sensational Revelations In New York Gamblers and Police Frame-up. (Dy .Assoclnted Press to Coos Da; Times.. NEW YORK, July 30 Horford Marshall, "Jack Sullivan," "Jacob Reich," tho go-between of Lieut. Becker and Jnck Roso aro now hold Iu tho Tombs In connection with tho murder of Gnmblor Rosonthnl. It was announced that Sullivan wns ready to tell nil ho know on tho wit ness Btnnd and that his story would provo moro astounding than nny yet told. Sulllvnn, ho said, would not talk to tho pollco or district attornoy. Tho Indictment nnd nrrest of Pollco Lieutenant Charles Bockcr for tho inurdor of tho gambler, soon nftor tho confessions of "Bald Jack" Rose, ' Brldgio" Webber and Harry V. Al len rovenlod today to District Attor noy Whitman "tho Pollco Systom" in nil its hidcousness. Tho confes sions nro nllcged to impllcnto thoso higher up than Becker. Roso confessed thnt Becker camo to him and wns doperato over Ros enthal's Intention or tolling all ho Liner Californian Censured for Not Attempting to Go to Rescue. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, July 30. Tho decision of tho English Donrd of Trado Court of Inquiry Into tho Titanic disaster in mid-ocean April 14 nnd tho loss of 1517 souls was mado public today. Tho court finds tho collision with tho Iceberg wns duo to oxcossiva spood, that propor watch was not kopt, that tho ship's boats wero properly lowor od but that many nrrangomonts wore Insufficient, that tho Loyland liner Cnllfornlnn might havo ronchod th Titanic hnd alio nttomptod to do so, thnt tho track followed was roally safo with propor vlgllnnco and that thoro was no dlscrlmnatlon against third class passongorn In tho savlnr of llfo. Tho court oxonorntcs J. Druco Is niny, chntrmnn nnd mnnnglng dlroc tor of tho White Star lino nnd Duff Gordon, a passenger, or any chargoe of misconduct. Of tho ntnek on Ismay, Lord Mor Rcr said: "It rcsolvod itsolf Into a suggestion thnt occupying tho posi tion of mnnnglng director or tho liar somo mornl duty wns Imposed upon him to nwalt on bonrd until tho voi sol foundorod. I do not ngroo with this viow. Mr. Ismay nftor assisting mnny passongors nwny got on the Inst boat tho Titanic actually lowor od. No others wore thoro nt tho tlmo and thoro was room for him and -he Jumpod in. Hnl ho not dono so, ho would merely havo added ono moro lira to tho number lost." Tho court suggests thnt an Inter national Congress adopt regulations ror ocean travol. i NEGROES CALL tho dolccatlon rrom Ashlnnd. It In oxpected that Shrinors from Port-! ndw or his relations with tho pollco. land and many othor Oregon towns "',0 lieutenant snld "Rosonthnl has ON ROOSEVELT will bo in nttondanco, A. T. Hnlnes, W. J. Rust, Gcorgo Wolstoad, Goo. F. Murch and othors nro arranging to havo tho town gaily docorated to receive tho visitors. SUMNER WILL GO TO TURKEY Former Coos Bay Railroad Man to Build Line in Sultan's Domains. II. A. Sumner who spent consider able tlmo on tho Day is now arrang ing to go to Turkey whore he will havo charge or tno construction or a (railway, presumably ror tho Mac Arthur Porks people, according to word received by rrlends hero to day. Mr. Sumner did tho prelimin ary work on tho Pacific Great West ern nnd Pacific Const lino ror the MncArthur Porks peoplo here. Mr, Sumner hns been sort or "an advance guard" ror tho MacArthur Perks peoplo. There was very little othor rail way news afloat hero today. Circulate Petitions Dr. E. Mingus was today clrculi atlng tho petition urging nn nu Justment or the differences between tho Southern Pacific and tho Termin al Railway. This was discussed at n meeting of tho Chamber of Com merce a fow weeks ago. The petitions, it is understood, wero suggested ns a means of seen -lng an expression rrom tho people or Coos Bov or their attitude on grant ing tho Southern Pacific an entrance to tho cltv. C. A. Smith, especially, Is understood to havo requested such an expression. Mr. Smith Is now in Europe and will not return ror a rew months. Try The Times' Want Ads. Blacks Want to Know Stand of 'Progressive Party on ""' Race Question. (By Associated Press to Coob Day Times, i NEW YORK, July 30 Tho attl tudo of tho National Progressive pnrty on ttio rnco question inquired Into todny by a delegation of negroes who callod on Col. Roosovolt. Ro presontntlvcs of thrco states wero In tho dolgatlon. Ho assured them that ho would do all In his powor to so curo for tho negro his full rights un der tho contitutlon. Roosovolt post ponod a dotnllod doflnlto stutomont nbout tho "Lilly Whltos" saying that in a fow dnys ho would mnko a Ilvod too long. Ho's got to bo nut out of tho way." Roso tlod tho pub lic prosecutor nnd grand Jury how tho murder bnnd was hired at tho In stigation of Dcckor nnd after tho killing of Docker mot with Wobbor nnd hlmsolf nnd promised comploto pollco protection. Tho confession shows that tho murderers woro "Lofty" Louis or T Atlf a T? nontlDll'ln TIamhii TTnHlIllta mm "G lb tl o BIool " ' Frank Mullon or1 nubl,c 8"nt of his ideas of tha "Whltio Jack"' LowUanS aE!S"it"do f th NnUnal ProroBfllv Rrank" Clroflcl. Only Clroflcl has " noon apprehended. Thoso gun mon who nro mombors of tho notorious "Mig Jack" Sellg gang, pllod thom solves with liquor and then went out to shoot Rosenthal, Tho prlco said to havo been paid them was flvo thousand dollars. With the ground slipping from un der him clay by day, Roso accoptod tho advlco of his counsel to confess. To his attorney, James Sullivan, ho pnld, "U yousoo to It that my.wlfe and children aro protected, I will co ni o across and tell nil nbout this. I am afraid it will bo th end of mo. No coll on oarth will bo strong enough to keep llfo in the man who gives up about this killing." Counsel for Wobbor and Vallen, catching the drift of things, also ad vised their clients to toll tho truth nnd "becomo Immuno. TRIES TO ROB FIEFS OM Will Sneddon Thwarts Woulil Be Burglar Last Night One of Series. TO PROTECT AMERICANS Last night, somo prowler tried to break into the Dnvo Hecs homo on Market avonuo near Fourth street. Mr. Rees and family are camping at tho beach but his brother-in-law, Will Sneddon, has boon slcoplng Vnlteil Stutes Serves Notice That Out. l"eu '"' S3I"-UUU "" i"ihuiim LiilttU Mates he Aotlco riint Out. by thj ofTortf Qf t0 prowor t0 broak (By Associated Press T The Con J m Rnd nroso- The latter Immodiate (liy Associated tress to The Coos ,y took to hJa hee,8 ma ,llt up a wAQHivr-rnv n n i,.iir in 'record breaking clip when Mr. SneJ- aJnrv uw h!i- Aimi'iniiv L&lZT1 don flred " r0l'l'l of shots alter him. Secretary Knox Imb officially Inform- KPContly there have been a mim ed General Pascua ta Orozco, leader ber of nUe,npts to broak Into homes of the Moxlcan rebels, that attacks on tno n blt , ,irnctcnlly ovory on American people and property in instnnco the miscreant has boon Northern Mexico must bo stopped im- thwarted. Careful watch has boon mediately or tho Ulted States will ko))t uut 80 far 0 ,i0flnlte clues huvo tako preventative measures. Presl- becn SCcured. It Is ovldontly the dent Madero has been requested to Work of tho samo pnrty. sond troops to Northern Mexico nnd( During tho last rew weeks thoro ho has answered that troops aro on hnve been a number or suspicious tno way and expects them to uojooklns nnrtleB around town. Some there soon. An unfilled want causes unhappl a ess Times Want Ads bring results. J of them were recently Marshal Carter. "vaggod" ty Do you know HALVES' FLOUR?