THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION IS n 1 fc V - ' - : HHtmHllllllfl HHHHIIIIIIIIIIIv BHHII HHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV ihi JHHHIIIVIIIHI IHIIh HHHIIIh HHHHIIi MBHHb ilHiB fit Marshf ield's Exclusive Women s tore to be Closed Out at Once yers & Co have decided edlered their lease im store iroom few daySo retire from bunsimess in MardhifielkL amid have The Woolen Mill Store, amid agreed to vacate m Store Is Now Closed i Public Notice is hereby givemi that commencing Wednesday, July 31, at 9:00 A. M., he doors will opeim agam, amid the entire stock consisting of high grade j women's and ?s wear will be offered to the bunying puablic at prices heretofore unnheard of in all ae west, . The stock must be sold right in Marshfield and the affairs settled up before Aung, 10 People of Coos County get ready for the great Bargain Carnival j Prices will be made on Ladies' Soits, Coats Dresses, Waists, Underwear J Hosiery, Fuir- ' lishings and all Children's Wear, that you will fairly fight for them. ; No time to go into detail or quaote prices as this is a hunrry-OMt sale0 Suffice to say, will be low enoungh, and caunse you to remember The Ao W Myers Store, long, long.; Aer it has left youn. Don't let us ship a single thing. Buy a-plenty for yom will pay more when Myers is gome. Wmber the Hour, the Sale Opens Wednesday, July 31st, at 9 A. M. All Fixtures for Sale The following f natures will be offered for sale and no reasonable offer refused: 2 Station Caslh and. Bundle Carriers, 1 Safe, & Wax Figures, Nickle and Wood 'Stares, 1 Adding Machine, 3 Cloak and Suit Racks, Floor Regs, 1 Typewriter, 1 Roll Vp Desk, Show Cases, Counters, Shelving, Tables, Etc W. Myers & Co. Is Going to Quit COOS EUILDIMG ARRET STREET airs. COOS BUILDING COOS EUILDIMG ARKET STREET ars Mield Ore mhmmbI I