The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 27, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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'E have out-grown our present quarters
The Marshfield branch of the chain of
Woolen Mill Stores has shown the greatest
development of all and in order to accomodate
our rapidly-growing business we-must have more
We have arranged with A W Myers & Co
who now occupy the next room to us, to vacate
their present quarters and as soon as this can
be accomplished, we -will tear down the wall
between the two stores, remodel the front, and
give Marshfield the best equipped store in
southern Oregon
While our plans are being perfected our
CLEARANCE SALE will go on We wish
to go into our new quarters with an absolutely
I new stock of Men's and Boys' Wear
Woolen Mill Store
Mill-to-Man Clothiers
"fiftF Tl TCViT Tl 5 W
waiccin AvJioeaav s Jixzn
For Aoiniouiiniceinnieimt of
Myers & Co.
We Want
u to know Hint we nro apnrinu: no pains to make it
n (iK:,... i' i i l .., " -.'it i
".iiyi uir vou io trade witn us. wo arc cxtrcme
' careful in pin-chasing goods to havo none but tho
PSl 1111(1 lllciut cnliiltLi 1.. nl'l'ni, Aim li.,wli siiienniinili .
' lllll. IVJ. UUUI Will lllllll.) l,Ullkll,llUHK
' w arc not overstocked with a quantitv of shop.
""I'll cooils.
jhusis are our interests when it comes to buying
Fl'HRS, CllOmicnls Pnni'iimna fPiilnf Avfwilnc T?llls-
f !' QoK Patent and l.'roprictiirv Articles,' Sun
Ps.etc.,iuiai,ovonl when it comes to filling
rui I'wseriptions.
ockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
e misy Corner" "TEe Rexall Store"
MAIN 298
'lol w la glvon tho tlmo and
!!"ihmi of high and low water at
I'M tides nro placed In tho order
of 'iron nonce, with tholr tlmos on
tin- lira I Htm nml ltnh'htn on tho nnn-
on il lino of L'tvuli day; a couiparlaon
of consecutive heights will Indicate
ahetl or It Is high or low wntor. For
b!h wntor on bar, subtract 2 hours
34 minutes.
Dale. July.
27!lln. .0 50 7.39 2.11 7.3G
Foot .G.l 0.9 4.G 3.0
28 lira. .1.39 8.1C 3.13 8.10
Feet .G.2 0.9 4.8 3.5
Hrs. .2.18 8.49 3.41 8.51
Foot .CO 0.9 CO 3.3
30 Hrr. .2.55 9.18 4.07 9.25
Feet .0.0 0.G 5.2 3.0
(By Asaoclatod Press)
OREGON Fair tonight
Sinuluy; northerly winds.
For twonty-four hours ending
nt 4:43 ii. in., July 27, by BcnJ.
Ostllnd, special government mo
tcorolngtcal obsorvor:
Mnxlinum G5
Minimum 49
At 4:43 n. in GG
Precipitation nono
wind northwest; clear.
NERDRUM To Mr. nnd Mrs. Rolf
Nordrum of Marshfield at Morcy
hospital, North Dead, Saturday,
July 27, 1912, n, nlno pound boy.
Mothor and child nro doing well
nnd tho fnthor Is proud as a enn
dldato for presldont ovor this now
ly nrrlvod young Atnorlcan cltlzon
who somo day may bo presldont
himself nnd Is alroady that far
ahead of his fathor.
Mr. and Mrs. Nordrum recently ar
rlvod from Finland to mako tholr
homo In Mnrshflald, Mr. Nordrum bo-
, Ing ono of tho managers of tho now
coos liny raper anu ruip ram uoing
established nt tho O. A. Smith plant.
Many friends will extend congratu
lations with best wishes for tho fu
turo wolfaro of this young American.
I.O.ST Pair gold rimmed double
Ions spectacles. Howard for ro
turn to Tlmos offlco. j
WANTED A competent woman (o
keep house for four persons; mo
wnshlng or Ironing; wages accord
lug to ability to do what Is want
ed. Plion'o 441, North Demi, Ora.
FOR SALE flood one-lmlf gallon
fruit jars, 75c per dozon. A. H. '
Lewis. i
WANTED Carrier boy to deliver
Dally Times on Uunker Hill.
DAVENPORT To Mr. nnd Mrs. t.
W. Davenport at their homo on
Isthmus Inlet, Saturday morning.
July 27, a boy. Mothor and child
nro doing well.
Kn-xtHlrin Services G. L. Hall will
. conduct sorvlces at Eastsldo Sunday
I evening. If tho basoball playors ro-
fitrn ho will snonk on "Making a
J Homo Run."
I Funeral Today. Tho funeral of
Rachel ireno rrcoiunu, mo a.-mnnths-old
dnughtor of Mr. and Mm.
John Freolund, of North Dond, was
hold this nftornoon from tho Wilson
Chnpol. Rev. D. A. McLeod officiat
ed. Will Arrive August 10. Rev. .1
E. Oslund, tho now minister of tho
Swedish Lutheran church, wniyjlyo
Ing our hnrdy, guaranteed, stock.
' Experience unnocossary. Yakima
I Vnlloy Nursery Co., Toppenlsu,
WANTED Men to heat Interest ac
count, and save rout account, by
1 f0 x 70 corner Second nnd Gol-
! den, for $2 G00; easy terms.
40 x 100 on Second nnd Hull
for $2500.
100 x 100 In East Marshfield ;
nlco sunny corner, for $500; easy
50 x 100 nt Eastsldo, nlco nay
vlow for $200.
Corner 100 x 100 in Sengstnck
en's Addition .with unobstructlblo
Day vlow for $1000; your own
Also building lota In Eastslne
on Installment plan at $100 ouch.
FOR RENT Modern fl-room house.
Apply Coos nay Wiring Co. Phono
2 3 7-J.
FOR HALE A 911 range, good as
now for $20.00. Phone 105, North
in Marshflold about August 10 fro-ul
Spokane where he Is nt prcsont. Ills
arrival has boon delayed by the 111-1
ncss of Mrs. Oslund.
School Apportionment. Oregoh
Stnte Tronsuror Kny has Just com-
plotcd tho annual apportionment of
tho state school funds. Tho total
fund Is now $5,491, 5G0.13. This
year Coos county receives $159,803,
07, Curry county $30,088.42 and!
Douglas $117,193.07. I
Slirlncis Meet Tho Coos Day
Shrlncrs hold n mooting at tho
ofllco of W. J. Rust last night nt
which sovernl matters of lmportnnco
woro discussed. No regular mooting
dnto has been arranged ns yet nnd
tho mooting was adjourned subject i
to call.
Plan Hunt. Wnrron Ogrnn and
wife and Fred and Edmund Larson
expect to leave Sunday for Curry
county on a hunt. "Skill" lmB nu
onvlotiB reputation ns a hunter nnd
always brings back his share of tho
game. Last year ho killed flvo
bucks and several benrs. Fred nnd
Edmund Larson nro also experienced
hunters nnd l.avo n good record.
Mrs. Ogren will keep camp for tho
Polxoii Oak Bother. - Albert
Haines returned yesterday from
Cnmns Vnlloy whoro ho has boon
working on the survey betweon Myr
tle Point nnd Rotsoburg. Ho snlil
that Borne of the hoys had very bad
cases of poison onk nnd oven had
tholr eyes closed by tho polBon. All
nro Improving now, however, nnd
thoy expect to avoid any more
trouble from that source In the fu
ture. Runs Auto. A. II. Powers haa
finally deigned to run an nuto. Al
though his son, Fred, has had mu
chines for sovornl years, Mr. Powers
has stuck to his horses when Fred
wasn't around to drive tho mnchln...
However, ho mado his appearance
last evening with tho nuto, Fred bo
Ing nway on n vacation trip. Ills
careful driving excited the ndmln.
tlon of ndvocntos of careful drlvln.-r
although ho tooted tho auto hon
pretty frequently.
Chnngo Llbrarlnns Miss Idn Ad-
nniB has reslgnod ns librarian of tho
Marshfield Public library, cffcctlvo
August 1G. Sho will roturn to her
old homo In Massachusetts. Tho li
brary committee has olectod Miss
Ellzaboth Topping of Portland to
succeed her. Miss Topping is n
trnlned librarian nnd was recom
mended to tho commlttco by Miss
Cornelia Marvin, secrotnry of tho
Stato Library commlttco. Miss Top
ping will bo horo about tho mlddlo of
August to nssumo tho position.
Waterfront Road. It Is stated
that North Rend Is wnltlng for the
drodglngs recently pumped In by tho
Oregon to dry out so that tho work
can bo completed. It was recently
reported that there wnB no funos
with which to contlnuo tho work but
this Is not thought to bo true. Tho
roadway will probably bo complotcd
this Bummer. F. P. Norton stated to
day that tho county would comploto
Its portion of the waterfront road
way betweon Marshfield nnd North
nend this evening.
Killed by Auto. Chas. nosstrom,
who wns n harbor and musician nnd
worked nt tho trndo hero for several
yenrs, was killed during tho Elks'
cnrnlval at Portland, being run over
by nu nutoiuobllo, nccordlng to woid
Just rccolvcd by friends hero, noos-
trom wns fnlrly well known on the
Day and wns very orratlc In ninny
ways. He loft horo n couple of
months ago nnd It was his Intention
then to go to somo springs or health
resort, holng in poor health at tho
time. Little Is known about the nc
cldcnt and nows of It did not roncn
hero until a short tlmo ngo.
fishing and hunting trip along
Smith River and tho lakes In thnt
J. C. KENDALL, Jack Flanagan, W.
E. Dungan, W. II. Kennedy and
others will leave In the mornlnpr
for Curry county whoro thoy hope
to bag n fow deer In tho vicinity
of llald Mountain.
ney havo returned from a dollght
ful outing In tho Fall Creek coun
try where Watt Short, Earl Win
ner and Archie Qormnn arc mak
ing nn extended Btay.
wns In Marshfield todny nrrnnglng
to post tho notices of tl o Port of
Coos liny election, ho being en
gnged by tho Marshfield Chamber
of Commorco for tho work.
C. F. McQEORGE and E. W. Kam
mcror enmo up this morning from
tho bench whoro thoy havo boon
camping with their families to
look after business matters. Thoy
nro having nn Ideal outing.
MR. JONES of Granger, Wash., ar
rived hero today to look aftor
property ho has acquired In this
section. Ho says thnt In Washing
ton Coos liny Is regarded as tho
coming placo of this section.
MRS. E. R. COLGAN nnd llttlo
daughter, Helen, will lonvo not
week for Portland to Join Mr. Col
gnn, who has gone there to accept
nn excellent position. They will
ninko their future homo In tho
Rose- City.
MAYOR C. E. JORDAN of Eastsldo
was n Mnrshflohl business visitor
todny. Ho reports that tho East
sldo city council nt Its meeting
this wcok awardod tho contract for
painting tho city hall thoro to
Chas. W. Smith. Good progress
Is bolng mado on tho now school
Iioubo, tho framo work now bolng
under construction.
F. D. WAITE nnd wlfo and daugh
ters, Misses Mildred and Esther
nnd Mr. Walto's son, Fon
Walte, of Portland, nrrlved horo
last evening In Mr. Walto'B auto
from Suthorlln. Thoy will spend
about a wcok on tho Day. Mr.
Wnlto Bays that tho railroad pros
pects aro good and that no ono
need be nlnrmcd over tho possi
bility of Marshflold not getting a
JAS. LAWSON and wifo of Grizzly
Bluff, Calif., woro guests of O. W.
Dungan and family horo today,
tho two having been old frionds
when Mr. Dungan resided at Hum
boldt. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson hnvo
boon horo nbout n month visiting
friends and relatives in tho Co
qulllo valloy. Thoy brought tholr
nuto up with thorn and havo had
many flno trips. Mr. Lawson is
a successful ranchor noar Forn
dalo, Calif. They will lonvo with
tholr car on, tho next Alllanco for
DR. R. W. MORROW wIbIicb to nn
nounco that his dental ofllco in tho
Grimes' building, 171 Front Btroot,
will bo opon to tho public Aug. 1.
Quntormass Studio for Photo.
FOR SALE Household furniture.
M. C. Horton, 383 North First St.
Our Method of
Laying Tin Roofing
mokes your house absolutely wntor
pi oof. LoakB seldom occur when wo
do, tho work. Every square of tin
laid by our workmen is carefully
soldered urn! tested before tho next
Is Joined. Seo us if you want tho
$ nest roofing for tho least nionoy.
Willey & Schroeder
303 Nortli Front Street.
FOR RENT Modem house; partial
ly furnished. 219 South Broad
way. Phono 270-J.
WANTED Slashing or land clear
ing by the acre. Address Druco
Hood, Marshfield.
FOR SALIC Good fl-room house nnd
lot nnd out-bulldlngs In Empire.
Soil cheap if taken at once. Apply
A. A. Nichols, Empire.
FOR REXT Eastsldo residence.
Phono 33, North Bond. Mr 3.
Robt, McCann.
WANTED Neat woman to keep
houso; no washing or Ironing;
wnges according to ability to do
whnt'a wanted on trial. Phono
4 11 North Bend.
J FOR REXT August 1, fine ground
floor offlco rooms on Front street.
Inquire Ekblud's Hardwuro store.
FOR SALE Slnglo buggy. Phono
171 North Bend.
FOR SALE Newsstand, confection
ery and Ico cream business In good
thriving town; paying proposition.
For particulars address Opportuni
ty, care Tlmos.
BARGAIN SALE 10 horsepower
auto for $450; flret-class condi
tion; fully equipped; cost now
$3000; will sell for $450 on eai.v
terms. John L. Koontz Machine
I Shop. North Front street. Phono
I 180-J.
FOR RENT Five room house at
G30 South Eleventh St. Inqulro
on premises.
1 Some cholco lots in NORTH REND
lean bo had at -a very reasonable price
If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO .
'First VpHoupI nonV
WANTED lloard and room by
young lady. Must be close In. Re
ferences given and required. Ad
dress XY, core Times office.
Marshfield Cyclery
OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell- Phone 108iR. 173 No. Broadway.
ORRIN PRATT loft today for Myr
tle Point.
P. J. ORR loft this morning for
Rosoburg by stngo.
MRS. P. FORMAN loft on tho Drnln
Allognny nuto today.
GEO. BEALE of Coob River left this
morning for Coqullle,
I). CLOUSE wns a passongor on tho
Rosoburg stngo today.
MRS. C. S. HILBORN or Mllllcomn
Is n Marflhflold vlsltoi.
SETH JOHNSON of North Inlot Is
n Marshflold visitor today.
J. STOCK of Catching Inlet Is spend
ing tho day in Marshflold.
HENRY DIERS of North Bend was
n Marshflold vlultor today.
MRS. CAVANAUGII of Eastsldo was
n Marshflold shopper today.
MISS J. M. CLARK left for Drain by
tho auto routo this morning.
C. E. NICHOLSON Is making a busi
ness trip to Coqulllo this morn
ing. S. D. HARPER loft this morning
for tho Coqulllo Valloy on busi
ness. P. DOLAN was an outgoing passen
ger on the Allogany-Drn.ln auo
this morning.
LESLIE ISAACSON has taken a pos
ition with tho Sacchl Brothers, nt
their milk depot.
Inlet spent Friday and Saturday
with Marshflold frionds.
MItS. E. L. ROBERTS and daughter.
Miss Hattlo, of Catching Inlet, aro
Marshflold visitors todav.
MR. and MRS. W. C. BERNITT who
havo been visiting with rolativcs
oxpoct to leave Monday.
spend a fow days at Coalcdo as tho
guest of Miss Nellie Warwick.
SAM JOHNSON loft today for Co
qulllo after a fow weoks spoilt at
Portland nnd othor northern
MRS. ED IIOWATT nnd llttlo son
nnd Mrs. Jns. Cowan loft yesterday
for Bandon where thoy will visit
for a fow days.
CAPT. TOM HOLLAND of tho launc'i
Eaglo of Soattle Is expected on
Coos Bay about August 1 for n
visit with bs wlfo and son.
REV. B. F. BENGTSON loft today
to join his family who ,ar.8. enjoy
ing an outing noar tho Gus Carl
son place near Templeton.
J. H. MILNER and son, Bill, will
loave the first of the week on n
Shoulder Brace and
Back Support
For Men
Women and
Strictly high-class and scientific
for jtersniiN desiring good figure,
square shoulders nnd high chest.
LIGHT, noat nnd easy. T'io
"TRUFORM" squares tho
shoulders, expands tho chest, Im
parts life, vigor and health to tho
lungs nnd othor vital organs by
giving them freedom of action, re
lieving thorn of that congestsd
condition cnused by a hollow
chest and ill-shaitcd drooping
shoulder. All who are Inclined
to stoop should .wear tho "TRU
FORM," and all young peoplo
while growing. It adds to tho
general appearance, giving orect
carriage. It does not show
through shirt waist and aids your
clothing to sot proporly. GIvhs
energy and ambition. Wards nt
ailments through full, deep,
propor breathing. Tho "TRU
FORM" is made of tho best mu
torlals with rubber covered
stays, unii-ru.stahle, washable and
durable. Tho only brnco that is
free undor arms, causing no an
noyance to wearer, It sustains
tho back with comfort. Winn
ordering by mnll glvo chest
measure under arms. Manufac
tured for
Marshflold, Oregon.