Tuiiiuiv I WllhilMMI III IIP 'IIHIW IIHH HUJ'IIULU iwuuww'n COOS BAY TIMES M. c. MAI.ONKY HAV K. MU.OXKV Alitor Hiul I'nl). Ncmh Killlor i OUIt WATHItKItONT coiiiiKoi-: iti-ynnh.Mi-:xTS. M TUIO cnnnrnl rl'spilBloil of col- It go entrance requirements, ' wnlcli a lunort of conuiuonoti frefilunen litis occasioned, President lliulley of Yule remarks upon tin mritter of examination questions that admit to college: wo have examined on too many We 1 ave required n boy to r UFFICIENT wharf ago spaco and a presentnblo waterfront would auiitects " hn Min mallll nf u inimaiirn whlrli .!. innilnrnlnlv tvoll In nil nf tlmill or fa now being considered by tho city olso be conditioned. Wo have pon councll and which If carrlod through ducted tho tet in such a way that a would certainly add greatly to tho boy who was in nil probability a good appearance of the city as well as to nrholnr and able to go with our wort , Us commercial convenience. Tho was often put nt an unfair tlUac plan Is to mnko a wide wharf by hav-' vantHge. Of course, wp cannot por ing tho watorllno extended. The city ' mlt serious want of propitiation Inn attorney presented the matter to tho subject which the boy Is solm? to United States lJnglneorinB Depart- ",od as a basis for his college mont nt Portland and Major Morrow . Bl""?8, , ., ,,,. f .., slntod that ho thought ho could Imvo an" J,0,81,'1 !" t hi the harbor lino extended twenty feet 01 " ' n will ?i eo,l la into tho channel of the bay if the peo-1 ,ut.llpBf 'A. "il-S r . vl plo of the city would mo o back tho l . f . ' ? ,c !tl,?m ft?, Tu" gliding lino tho mime distance. This ;,;i,h,,know,0,RC 'f few rather than tSV"r.1i3'SV1 vpxis$z3& "- 22 k IXFOItMAh CHAT ( - . .- al.n n 'z::- iFoiiAii chat """" n.riri;;itv of coiiror-: ..i itnMnW i urine vacation, taic- ... , , ' ins a courso to especially lit her for Miss Carrie Sibcl of Now Itlcli: j t J , m,Bhp of tho Mnrshlleld mond, Ind., Is tho guest of her sis-. .,', Bri,nni building which sho iui, .lira. ! i, huiui o Miss Gorman, of Portland, Is n guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Cohnn. U. It. Montgomery and wifo nr- Ived hero this week from Decatur, will assumo on tho opening of school this fall. o Mrs. A. Sundbcrg and Miss Gcno vlovo TellofBon left on tho steamer Kxeolslor with Capt. Suudborg 1-rl- -- Mm Ciiniinnri? North Bend News , Mrs. Chns. Murr Is quite III at hor i homo on Mcado nvciiuo. Mrs. A. J. Davis who Is now In Portland Is expected homo next weolc, Chns. lladln of North Uoml had his thumb cut off by a saw while working at tho old North llend mill tho other day. Thero will bo services in tho Epis copal church (Myers Building) to morrow and ovcry Sunday thereafter at 2 o'clock. Strangers cordially Invited. work on his mining claim th. Dtnkod It out about BlxyeariV ho bollovea ho will atrlka i " llioro. " Hcj ATrd 'Tnlin T .. ... Nowklrk, aortrudo NowkirV ?" iiolfltad, lluth Ilolstn.l Jh h .lonea and Hon Hnndall win i.. M1 morrow for a two weeks' i Sunsot Hay. oullnJti Al Nugot of Mnrshlleld uhn , North Ilond yostorday Bot iX dialled at lllll Bchrock'B wloon T? check was ennligjl by Schrock'i T1 tender. Tho check was dated ??" "II and was for $8.r,n but thai1' tender not tho dato nnd tli0 anC' (if tho check confused and b. T get s-Jil.OO. Nugot has not ffi S Hlnco. " would give a clean and clear dock KmnVlet ill It nm Sue t ' t0 v,slt nt lho homos of, ,1,8J ?h "' 1 as spent tho past two weeks visiting fipaco of forty feet for the entire ills- 5 -S niuitiuue to nr- MrirJ Y stnffori,( Mr8 0. K.; ,"(' tl,0 TollofBoa homo In Knstsldo. tnnco of toll city. It would mean tho ti, min.i timf Is illsclnllned in tulldlng out of wharves twenty fcotL ettlllK onc or two fundamental sub farther than at present nnd nlso tho'4OCt8 thoroughly, that ha3 passed tho removal of all buildings for a dls.j8,nR0 of Kr0plng and become In u tnnco of twenty feet back from tho ,wroo self-directed, will do more present water line. Tho latter would wtn tne various studies In a colleg" not bo a great mlBfortuno to Marsh-icurrlciljlini tjinn tnc one that haj flold for tho reason that tho building llcon confUscd and baffled by the now uio water rront nro not or n i undigested cramming of ninny. niKiny ueeuniiivu iiuiuru. ju iiici iiiu wntorfront of Mnrshlleld as vlowod by ono entering the city on a steam er s nbout as unattractive as could posslblo to bo presented. The first Impression of n city menns n good deal to a now comer nnd pcoplo from who nre candidates for collego en trance. TltlllUTti TO MltS. YOAKAM Tho grent need of our education is doubtless thoroughness and the power of initiative. With theso .. student tuny even defy tho conven tions of college and send his own keen mind searching out tho truth lin ilnalrns. Anil It K0PI11R thnt It Id tho outside, It seems, aro what nro not too early to sook those qualities tlfHHln.1 HH ft n n fix K Mill Tl n ,1 . M . . it. . tvumuu un vjuuu ihij. imiiui iiuiiu , iiinmiir I in po ieio ires in en or i nnsi Vi m fl 9mlnmrmmt atl41ft l a It i ' m m m a m . aiuo u iiiiu vuiui ii uiik nun a iuii dock which has every appearanco of Industry nnd commerce Tho plcturo of tho Mnrshflcld wntcrfront is ono of mlsorablo scow bonts, dilapidated buildings, wrecked cnblns nnd turn- Coos County Womnn Prnlscd for Her Med down sheds, n plcturo which i AcrnmpllMimcnK does not Impress tho ono who has Randall II. Howard in nn nrtlclo traveled miles io seo this favored ' n women ranchers In tho Inst Issuo city. of tho Sunset Mngazlno hns tho fol- A shore Inspection of the wntorfront lowing concerning Mrs. S. A. Yoa ls moro inviting than the Impression , knm of Coon River: received from aboard tho incoming jn coos County. Oregon, Is n wo- YitRflnl. I .... f a nMi.nH. ..!. i.Ml ........ , mini, .mo. J. iv, luuniiiil, WI1U uao Hut with the now project carried, tmo nn onvlnblo success In tho out there would be n wharf forty dairying business. Having been loft feet wide tho entire distance of thon widow sho reorganized the smnll city. The plan Is also to mako tlia . dairy and added to It by taking up n wnterllne one straight line and do .homestead. Sho now owns n largo away with the several angles which, ,inry ranch and Is ono of tho rccog now exist. With such n wharf n i nZcd stato londors In hor work, linv front of the entire city, Marsliflold nR Borvod as county milk Inspector, would look like a real metropolis to nml n8 vice-president of tho Stnto uiunu wimroinj io u? piace. u u Dairy Association." in iunniMiu lur me iiij council io car ry nut the plan Marshfleld ns n sea tort would certainly bo beneflttel. o ot'H rxxoricKii in:r.oi:s NB kl every ers. No calling linn more light to n vacation, hut they give- up most of tho holiday relaxation, and sum mon rourngo to go to tho huiiiiikt aehool. Here Is no Hinall Hiicrlflcu. It mcaiiH the dully Heat In hoiiio drowsy lecture hall, mid the evening H)nt Indoors under (ho hot glow of a lamp about whlcli a .luno-bug bumps. This Is not mere selfish am bition. It contains the genu of t'ii llnost renunciation tho sacrifice 'if personal pleasures to learn how to perform mure prnfeclly the task of educating others. It Is but one moro bit of evidence of tin nobility of (run tenchlng. Hl'I'KUKM'Ot'S mi:v. This world would bo butter. I wlHt, nnd life would lie Hweeter, I wot, If the fellow who carries a grist of storloH na ancient us Lot, would suf fer a memory Input and never mo:o mosey mound to worry Industrious chaps with antediluvian sound. Tl:ln life would bo gajer. I hwow, lui inure like a bright day In Spring, If peopie who never knew how wou'd cut out their cffortH m sing. The- walls and the rumblings ami groans of peopie determined to trill, give us pains In our loft collarbones, and often, In deed, mnko iih III. Tills lire wnud bo finer, I ween, our spirits lew like ly to flag, If the mini with a new unto machine didn't make It his busi ness to brag. For we're tired of tho blithering bores who my t lint their ears nre the best, wi o talk of tho.r triumphs and M-oie till we long for the tomb and Its lent. Tills life would bo nobler, and death less con. fort to people would give. If tho mna vlth distillery li wou'd itilU. when he must, through a slee. For under tho sun or the monn ilium's Perry nnd It. J. Montgomery. Next week they plan to visit Ten Mllo for n Bhort outing. 0 Mrs. W. S. Turpen returned Prl day from Ton Mllo whero sho has been a guest of Mr. Turpen's slstor, Mrs. C. M. Dylcr, at tho latter's Bum mer homo. O Mrs. h, W. Lnngdon of Dunkor Hill is enjoying a visit from hor mother, Mrs. E. A. Knrr, of Flor ence, Oregon. 0 Mrs. II. L. Colomnn and baby who lmvo been ranking tholr homo tho Inst fow months with her pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Savage, will leavo noxt week for Spokane whoro thoy will mnko their home. Mr. Colo mnn who hns been at Hillings, Mont., Is expectod hero in n day or two to accompany thorn to Spokane. 0 Wm. Vnughnn nnd fnmlly of North Hcnd nro visiting his pnronts nnd other rolntlvcs nt McMlnnvllIc, Oro gon. 0 Mrs. C. M. Holstrom nnd little sons of Gardiner nro guests nt tho Syl vester Johnson homo In North Dcnd. O Mrs. C. W. Johnson nnd baby, Doris Margaret, of Oregon City nr rlvod this wcok with Miss Allco Wai ters to visit at tho homo of tho lnt tor's pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. B. Wattcrs in North Hcnd. O Miss Holvn Flanagan roturnod this week from a three months' visit nt Cullforntn nnd Nevada points. Miss Mnrgnrot Spoars and Miss Jennie Melton of I.cwlston, Mont., aro guests of tho former's slstors, Mrs. Walter Putmnn nnd Mrs. Doug Ins Putmnn. O Oeorgo Goodruiu will leave early next week by stenmor for San Fran cisco, taking his auto with him, Ho and Dr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Horsfull nnd Miss Frances Williams will leavo there in n fow days on nn oxtendod auto tour nnd possibly may return to Coos Hay overland. Miss Alnhn Mnuzov Is recovering O rapidly from a rocont operation for, Ml Kdnn Wloder of Ten Mllo has appendicitis nnd will leavo tho hospl- been tho guest of Miss Ruth Allen tnl this coming wcok. nnd other friends hero this week. She will opon a term of school nt N. McAllister who wns hurt July I Ten Mile next weok. m. H. u. Ilodson of Marsliflold who left a week ago for California writes relatives that they had n goon iiin ilnwn nnd thnt sho Is somowhnt dny for Los Angeles. Mrs. Sundbcrg improved. Peter Robertson of Mllllngton who hns been very 111 was brought to tho home of his tlnlightor, Mrs. Iko Free lund on Shormnn avenuo yotsordny His condition Is critical. 4 . A MONO Till? SICK Mrs. Olo Pederson, who hns been Ind of heroism Is displayed VL'r' Hlrk for t,,(J l'nBt two weeks ar f summer by ninny teach- 'lor """o In Bnstslde, Is slowly re covering. W. A. Morrison or Hunker Hill Is reported in bed with tonsillar Infection. II. W. Lends of Curry county who underwent nn operation nt Mercy hospltnl, left for his homo todny. ID nt McDonald Is Improving. & Vnughnn's camp 0. Papadalop, u Greek, who had his right arm badly Injured recently nt Camp 1 Is recovering rapidly. -O. Mrs. J. B. Schilling arrived hero yesterday from Gardiner to Join Mr. Schilling nnd Miss Bugonln nnd visit nt tho W. P. Murphy homo for n row days. The Schillings will go to Myr tle Point next week whoro on Aug ust I Mr. Schilling will nssumo chnrgo of tho Guerlu hotel which ho recently purchased. Mrs. S. D. Magnes who Is hero with her hiisbnnd from San Francis co wits n guest nt tho J. A. Mntson summer homo "Tho Nook" on South Coos River part of this week. Mr. mil Mrs. Mngues plan to remnln on the liny until about tho llrst of Sep tember. O. Mr, and Mrs. P. B. Leefo left this nftornnon for an over Sunday stay I'he Washington sails tonight from ut lll Mntson cottngo on Coos River. ALOXO TUB WATKHKItONT 4 The Hrooklyn sailed from Handnn, nt 0 o'clock Inst night for Sail Fran cisco, i Tho Nairn Smith Is duo to nrrlvo In tomorrow morning from Hay Point. Tho Rcdondn sailed from San Francisco yostordny nftornoon nnd Is duo to arrive hero tomorrow morning. Sim Francisco nnd will nrrlvo hero Monday night or Tuesday morning. - o Irving Chnndler will nrrlvo horo tomorrow from Snn Francisco to spend his vacation nt tho homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chand ler, on South Coos River. Ills bro IIOTBIj ARRIVALS 4 Coos Hotel -Mrs. Pike. Oregon' ,t,,,or' ,,on Chnndler. who Is nttend fi.... w n .,.,...,,.. i i...i..i. ' ing summer school nt tho Unlvors tv no one bo lacking In giace as the rel-1 1 p. Korbs Myrtle Point BdllhlV. of Kon, will arrive hero nbout wmi irim'u n saioon. ami i iiwa r,.i Hiu.ii.nn. n i i ni,... mv.. ahkubi t in speuii tne uainuce or li s i .. ..,. . . ......... .. ... ...'....(I, .-' - lllll- 11 full. Hi.ilili-.i. W II Innno iiiHiiuii. ...... ... .....r, ........... ... ... U....V", I low the fri'o lunch In jour meo. HROl't.'IIT llltllli: WITH III.M Tho Burekn Herald prints tho fol- Grnuger, Wash Hlunco. n. L. Clnuse, Portland; Mrs. Alfred Funke, Florence; B. . Rice. Portlnud. Chandler. S. P. Hnrtlett. Ran dolph; F. II. Seyton. Portland; C. I. , . ;. """" .- it". .I.. . uwiiiK i-u ivurnini; Aiursiiiiold'a now Hnvlllnnd. Portland: P. Lannlii ii'unii .lienor: .w York City; R. W. Helm. Port. Aloyslus Coyno. hotter known to, land: P. Walte. Sutherlln. Ore.; B random as "Shorty" becamo n bono- It. I.eekley. North Rend; N. C diet In this city this morning nnd,. Marls. Portlnud. mm nueriiooii iieparteu ror .Marsh field with his bride, who wus Ml9l . i Miss Mario T, Maloney who has been attending summer school nt the University of California nt nerkeley la expected homo In n week or ten days. She will probably visit Los Angeles and other southern Ca for nla points the coming weok with her brother. Dr. J. J. Mnloney, and his wife, who nre making a tour of tho const and who will return homo to Rock Rapids, lown, vln Los Angeles. 0. Mrs. A. J. French of Orlnnd. Calif- Is expected here on tho next Hrenk- Mrs. A. T. Haines roturnod homo Thursday after a visit to Seattlo and Portland. Mrs. C. H. Peck who hns been vis iting her old homo In Vermont nnd other onBtorn points roturnod homo Thursday on tho Drcnkwater. O Miss Eliza Ayro of tho Coos Day Tolophono compnny rcturnod homo Thursday from n two weeks' vacation to Portland, Soattlo and othor north ern points. Miss Edith Ayro accom panied her. 0 Mrs. J. W. Dennett nnd Mrs. G. A. Dennett left yostordny to spend a fow days nt tho Mnzo on South Coos River. O Mrs. Prank Woods left Prldny for Idnho to spend u fow months with relntlves. O Mrs. Annie Lockwood nnd father, Prank Webber, nnd slstor, Mrs. Stev ens, passed through Mnrshflcld yos tordny en routo to Hnndon whoro they will spend tho month of Aug ust. O Geo. Murch, Jr., wns n guest for a part of the week of Wesley Seaman nt the Orchard. O Miss Elizabeth Jones Is visiting Lillian Seaman nt tho Orchnrd. O Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Noff and two sons will return on the Hreakwater from n vocation trip to Portland and Seattle. o Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan nnd daughter Miss Mabel Harrlgan arrived today on tho Alliance. Mrs. Harrlgan hns been spending n fow weeks nt the Collins' Rot Springs whore she wns met by Miss Mabel, who expects to make her homo here. O Mrs. Arthur McKcown and daugh ter. Grace, have returned from the Mnze nnd llttlo Miss Greco Is under the doctor's enro sobering from nu nttnek of pnounionln. 0 Misses Clara, Roso and May Myron of South Mnrshlleld, Miss Esther Johnson and Miss Staudlsh left to dny to spend Sunday at Golden Palls. Mlsges Annie nnd Gnldle Chllds of Coqulllo me visiting friends here. PARTY AT I'OOl'ILLE A few. of tho frlonds of Mrs. I). D. Pierce, having learned thnt on Fri day, July 19, sho would pnss another mllestnno, decided to give hor n sur prise birthday party. Tho surprise was complete until after roturnlng Homo from nn auto rldo to Myrtle Point she entered tho kitchen and there found cakes other than hor own nnd so smollcd n mouso nnd would not conio Into the dnrkenod parlor whero her frlenda waited with bated breath to glvo hor a noisy rccoptlon. "Five Hundred" wns tho order of tho evening nfter which a delicious sup per was borved, As a token of es teoni, Mr. A. J. Sherwood, In behnlf of the friends In nttendnnco, present ed her with a gold bracelet. Among those nrosont worn Mr. nml Mm A .1. Sherwood, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos Evland, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hert Folsom,' Mr. nnd Mrs. I). D. Plorco, Mr. nnd Mrs. Genrgo B. Peoples, Mr nnd Mrs. J. A. Colllor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Ster ling, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. J. Carey, Mrs. K. V. H. Nlcklln and Mrs. Elton Tyr rell. Coqulllo Herald. , Fred Llllcnthal of North Rend loft today for tho Sixes river to do somo CARAMELS !l."c P(H XI) al t.Tlt KOItD'H Kiiliu-ritiy and Sunday. Don't fall to see the .SUVttir STl'im.NTH ut the Royal ToiilR'tl ' The XAHIIVILLE KTl'l)i:.VrS h tho best band on the coast, &, Jokes, songs nnd stunts nt the ll'orj Tlienter tonight and tomorrow nlj' Two nights only. XASIIVllir STl'DEXTH at the ItOVAl,. I'KiisnVAi. nvi.Mti.' .... ... - . . ..-.. . ...... ..,,.. JMiiin limey or UUMly Hluff. Coyno W. DAVIDSON nnd wife nre here who played on the Eureka basobnll from Hnndon. Mr. Davidson helm; team two different sonBons, has been engaged In promoting the big Po--1 water to spond n fow weeks at the with tho Ferndnle club this year, but1 esters' picnic to be held at Han-1 homo of hor paronts. Dr. nnd Mrs left the croiim city nggrogntlon to nc-' don ue.t month. ' J. T. McCormne ropt u better offer from Marslulold. I MHS. CIIAS. GETTY and Miss Album' O Miss llnley was prevailed upon to nc- Getty, of Empire, were MnrshfloM Mrs. II. II. Luse and chlldron left company tho sterling llttlo ball play-1 visitors yesterday, coming up with for Portland this week nfter n Pleas- ... iiuriii as ins urine .Mrs. uoyno a. a. i.etiy. who departed for his ant lslt at the home of her hus- 1.1 11. .11 .....1 I. ......... .. I ... ..........- 1 .. ..V. ...D a ... mi. I IIHUMI.IIj IWIUWII III Vi' Hll" III I III llllllll, rokn and tho Eel river vnlloy section. w lien no procured the innrrnKO 11-' - VW.CK Sl-rr Inioorietl nine reiniit-iw mi ti. n.. censo this morning. Coyno gnvo his Clihui for ijitl.Od at COOS 1I.Y CASH I o . ngo ns 2L his bride confessing to is STORE. j Mr-i H. O. Paddock n.i ni.i snn Hal. will arrho horo a weok. from to morrow from Gladstone, near Port- imiiii s parents, .Mr. and Mrs. W. A Luse. on Coos River and with oilier years. CARNEGIE'S JIOXEY IS NOT TAIXTED (Hy Associated Press) MINNEAPOLIS. .Minn.,- July 27 "And row Carnegie's money Is not tainted," was tho decision tho Minneapolis city council reached today after nn all night session. For a week the city couiull debated over accepting Carnegie's offer of $125,000 to orect branch libraries and flnal- v ly accoptou it today. Special ('.WHY SALE SATIRDW nnd SI'XDAY at STAFFORD'S. ('ARAM BUS :i.1e I'OI'.M). Any kind of Refreshing Drink or I Siinilno nt SARTRE'S. EXTRA tine COFFEE l.e Ovum nt Staffoiils' Saturday nnd Sunday, HANI) DAXCE at EAGLES' HALL Sutiirilny, July 27. Poto Finishing, Walker Studio. Picture Framing. Wnlker Studio, Why Xot Try a 1IELTER SKEL TER SPECIAL at SAHTER'S. For Photos Quatermnss Studio. !!y your calling cards printed at The Time' offle. land, to spend a month with her nar eats, Mr and Mrs, W. C. Hrndlev. O Mrs. E. L. C Farrln returned to her home In Portland nfter a short ylslt with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rood, She and Mr. Farrln ex pect to visit In San Francisco soon ' Miss Hilda Stenholm Is expected L'8ten home next week from Oakland where! coast. Nashville Students High Class Colored Minstrels nt TKe Royal Tonight and Tomorrow Night With them ls a HOOP-ROLLIXO ARTIST that you cannot afford to miss. for the best baud on the ,JlST RWC'HnVED Til 10 Largest Line of Sample Patterns Of Fall and Winter Suitings Ever Shown on Coos Bay There are over 800 of iliein, cinbi'ueinjjf the newest weaves and latest similes and colorings in cloths for the coining season. TllEV COME FROM The Royal Tailors The world's largest and best tailoring establishment. Have your next Snit made to your measure. "Wo guarantee the fit and the satisfaction. Marshficld FIXUP North Bend WE AYOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU TRY Our Perforated Razor Hone Take it home, use it for a month and if it does not do the work RETUl TT and CIET YOUR DOL LAR RACK. Tt is the best 'Razor lTone on earth. ASK TS Auorr IT. AYE Til INK AYE GARRY THE Largest Line of High Grade Cutlery in Coos County Tome in and see if we are right. AYe have LAHC113 ASSORTMENT OP POCKET KN1VKS COMPLETE UNE OP REGULAR AND SAFETY RAZORS AND 1JAZOU 33LADKS Also a full line of Community Silverware, Coffee Percolators and Casseroles. Agenlw for Harley-Davlilnon mill Indian Motorcycle. J An Acre on Broadway $31,000,000 A man paid that price recentlv for one acre of iSew ork real estate. The owner of the properly didu t create the value he couldn't in a life time. Everybody in New York helped to make the value tor that little piece of ground. If You Own Real Estate Everybody Works for You Let us name two pieces of Marshficld properly Vi "J'e winners Figure out the development oi Marshneld any way you please thoy are in tli middle ot it and you can secure them on ver" rea sonable terms : will iwt' lovncv Sixth '"! Bennett $2300 100 'feet, corner Seventh and Bennett .-. . :. . .$2600 e emphasi'e these because of their particular ex cellence as safe investments. AYe have a well built up list of the most attractive investments in all pnvts the city. L S. Kauman Co. 177 Front St. k . l-UNr .l 'M1 u Tpoaaa ; immpy: -nJSSWt