THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREG.0N, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION. DHAIN- COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA AIiMMANV SJ "& nflornoon train for Port land. .. o n. m. nnd arrives f caVCfl umi" " MfffTJi0! "' Corner." SSfMS.M.'r.hllold and O. Ma- loon, urnm fOR RENT Modern 6-room house, close in, $18 per month. Mr. Investor if you want genuine good buya call and let us tell you of a few we have which nro good buys and will stand investigating. French Realty Co. .110 N. Front St. A Modern JJrlcK uinming, Kiecinc Light, Steam Heat, Eioganuy Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOT Kb 00 OB c. A. METLIN. ProD. I rutti: 60 ccnti a Day and Upwr,rds. Cor. Broaawny ana Mariui. Mtrshflold, Oregon. City Auto Service flood Cam. Careful Drivers and rtuonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhero at any tlmo." Standi Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 46. N'lgbtPbnno 4G. lUHKi:n & GOODALE. proprietors. Unique Pantatorium TUB MODERN DVRIIH. CLEANERS. mnSSKHH anil HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co, tint Tailoring Lot ub mako yout neit Suit. 233 Commercial. Phono 2B0-X. IX Till: CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATU OF OREGON, IX AM) 10R Till; COL'XTV OF COOS. Edward Kriiso, Plnlntlff, vs. J. Jt. Green, W. W. Foster nntl C. r. Lelimann, partners, doing business undor tho firm naino of Greon, Kostor nml Lohniiinn, Dofondants. To J. It. (Jreen, W. V. Fostor nnd t. T. Lehmniiii, dofondnntB nbnvu named: In tho nnmo of tlio Stnto of Ore gon you nro hereby notlflod that you are required to appear In tho nbovo entitled Court nnd answer tho cotn I'la nt (Hod against you in tho nbovit f ? ,$A 8lllt w,,h,n 8lx wcols fr the 13th dny of July, 1912. tho tlrat uay of tlio publication of tills sum- noni, and If you fall bo to nppeur and answer said complaint on or lie ne last day of tlio tlmo proscribed In he order for the publication of thla fh l ,wl ' ni'',ly '" o Court- for iiL , ! (leinalol therein, a bus- SS K,,n:Cnt f Whlch '8 ns fo1' ,J1")' ,lia't lihlnUffB mortgngo on dShE?1?"' er w"o Properly , he on J)n,nIfl,,;s,t. nna wrlor'llon inhWi?t,p,J,,nUff ,,nvo JM'Ismont f loVa'nn ,k'1f,;m,,n, fr tho Biun cent fM00i?',lU ,,,,0,'08t nt c &r lioo oo ?- HIay 20,n' la12- " to hi. ?.B,to,rnoy (ces' ,n nddltlo'i he Con? n um huremcntB; and aid m2l!U,l,l,K0 nn'1 ,,ocrco nt SonertJ h K .b0 ,forP(,'08ed on tho property therein described, and to- eomSfrti? hn iSoC.tch mnr,no bol,or SrSanv c,ne 12 hp" horizontal com- iB?u& C.nslno; ono douu' lb Kl !,hnKt0 P'unPS ono COO butter &.hMrV: ono -,00 n- Jwm'io Jumbo bn,Mll,lli ono c0 ' 320 mi uUf ttcr nnd mould; ono P'tform HlZCsa rlpenor- tw P". complete nn ,lp Bnsolno launches a?!' fn"i Bcmv nntl ono tt appi rS,,0. machinery, cans and o- "'saldViiB . .c',sls nnrt oxpensoB du lain tiffZ' nr,f th0 "mount found " Bd I "urtL,. ' ?,.nnrt for 8uch oth fcrrlM o? ft!iand e(",,tnb,' by Pabllcatlnn i Bummon8 Is marto iud of h p,110!1' John S. Coko, Co". da Tn"' ,f0r th0 Countv of of ' The Hon. n p,,M-"tlon thero-!laPe- nnhi& n?y TJraoB. n news- hUn'y Orewn fo- ""hnolii. Coos An; U" DUOLAS. "t Puhitp;?rney for Plnlntlff. Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GOHST KIXO. LKAVK MAItSIIFIELD LEAVE NORTH 11ENI). 7:15 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 8:00 A.M. 7:45 A.M. 8.4C A. M. 8:30 A. M. 9:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 10:15 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 11:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 11:46 A.M. 11:30 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 12:15 P. M. 1.1G P. M. uoo P. M. 2:00 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 2:4b p. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:30 P.M. 3:16 P.M. 4:16 P. M. 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M. 6:45 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 6:30 P. M. C:15 P. M. 7:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 11:00 P. M. 12:30 A. M. 12:00 P. M. Loavo North Ilcnd Allen's News Lcavo Murnhflcld Chandler and Lakeside By Auto Wo have arranged for automobile service to the beautiful Ten Mile Lakes. Service begins today, W!ll make regular daily trips connecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR LEAVES STAUFF'fi LANJHNO EVEHY DAY AT 1:50 IN M. ItETUHNINfl LEAVE LAKESIDE : HATUItDAV AT -1:J10 A. M. WEDNESDAY AT 0:.10 A. M. MONDAY AT 5:510 A. M. THUHSDAY AT 7:00 A. M. TUESDAY AT fl:00 A. M. FRIDAY AT 7:il() A. M. SATURDAY AT 8:00 A. M. AUTO LEAVES LAKESIDE ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN HOAT SCHEDULE. Fare each way $1.00, Will make special trips to connect with launch at any time, day or night, For prices and full information in quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or leave message with M, M, Pierson, tho Lakeside Te'e phonc Agent. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tlio closo of business, Jun 11, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts $238, GIG. 72 Ilonds, wnrrnnts nnd securities 78,191.32 U. S. boude to sccuro circulation 25,000.00 Real ostnto, furniture and fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight exchango 188,063.99 Total $0U,37.1.i7 LIADILITIES. Capital stock paid In ; $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undlvldod profits 10,548.63 Circulation, outstanding 23,800.00 Deposits 477,024.7 1 Total $011,37.1.37 In nri'""'wt n Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100 inn, 00. INTEREST PAH) ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. V 8. OIIANDLEIt, President. M. O. IIORTON, Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER. Cashtor. ESTABLISHED IN 1HHO. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho closo of business, Juno 1 1, 1012. RESOURCES. Lonns and Discounts $427,481.48 Banking Houso ". 50,000.00 Cash and Exchanges 24G.112.22 Total $723,693.70 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undlvldod Profits 57,4(59.90 Deposits .' 610,123,80 Totnl $723,593.70 Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do ell to call nt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS rgm cutter in - but tho best GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE f " -JL -ilWlT I I'roiirlctors. stand. Dlanco Hotels and Busy Cornor. South Broadway and make selec tion from the large stock now oti hand. n Wilson has in his employ the onlv practical marble and granite Coos County. And none work is turned out. AT THE TIMES' OFFICE WO E Ml LL STORE 10 COMPELLED TO DOl'llLE ITS FLOOR SPACE I1V RAPIDLY IN CREASING BUSINESS WILL OCCUPY ADJOINING STORE OF A. W. MYERS & CO. AN IM PORTANT IMPROVEMENT. Tho best Indication of tho progress nnd prosperity of nny community Is tho growth nnd advancement of Its lending commercial enterprises. Judged by this standard, Coos Bay is to bo congratulated. Tho latest nnd best ovldcnco of this flnttorlng com mercial condition Is embodied In tho announcement mndo today by Geo. II. Rotnor, manager of tho Woolen Mill Store, of tho onlnrgoment and Important Improvements about to bo Instituted In that well-known estab lishment. Mr. Rotnor snld thnt ho has rea lized for somo tlmo thnt tho in creased business has been crowding them but tho recent c6mpiotion of their nnnunl Invontory mado such a flattering showing of growth nnd do volopmont that It waB determined to enlarge their quarters at onco. Ar rangements havo been mado wlt.i A. W. Myers & Co., who occupy tha adjoining store room, thnt they are to vacate. Tho partitions will bo torn out and both places converted Into ono largo roomy store Tho front and Interior will bo remodeled. Reynolds Development Company sell lotB In First Addition to Marsh field for $25 cash and tho balance In monthly payments. OKI A VACUUM CLEANER For Thnt Spring Ilouscclennlng ANY CHILD CAN OPERATE THEM No Dust or Dirt Sutlsfnctlon Guaruutccd LIGHT TO HANDLE AND WILL LAST FOR YEARS TRY ONE PRICE ONLY ?10.00 C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furnlturo Storo on Coot Bay 1 Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman rtll North Front St. Bus. Phono 29C-X; Res. Phono 1C6-J The Sign of Good Candy Always It's a Regular Joy Ride for tho cook or housowlfe who bakes with Haines' flour. No worry nbout poor bread, biscuits, cake or pastry. Better things to eat for tho family, bettor temper In tho kitchen. Order n sack of Haines tho next tlmo you need flour. Don't take any other kind. Haines' flour is good onough to havo many Imitators. Get the real thing. A. T. Haines Phono 100.1 Waterfront. Mild. Get AND OET AFTER TnAT ROOF. HUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OUR PRirES ON SniNOLES AND ROOFtNO PAPER. SHINGLES Ipl.BO AND UP. ROOFINO PAPER, ONG PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A., Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. i" f ir ' ' i .1 everything thnt wl.l c ii' i i . . iu iho most mod em, methods of merchandising will bo found In this modol merenntiio establishment when tho additions and improvements nro completed. In commenting on tho romnrkablo growth and splendid success of Tho Woolen Mill Storo since Its estab lishment In 1908. Mr. Rotnor re marked thnt it might bo of Interest to tho people of this community to know that tho Mnrshflohl store, which Is ono of a chain of five es tablished and controlled by J. U Bowman, has mndo tho largest gains and best showing of nny storo in the combination. This Is at onco a flnttcrlng com ment on tho nrosnnrltv nf thn nm. munlty and a trlbuto to tho manngorJ wnoso excellent uusincsB inotuodB contributed to this splendid showing. "Wo feel grateful to tho peoplo of this community for tholr largo pat ronngo and splondld support," said Mr. Rotnor. "Wo nhnll strlvo to morlt Its contlnunnco by tho samo business principle that havo thus for met their approval. Ono of our ovldences of appreciation will bo this big new storo, which wo shall on- denvor to mako nno nf Min linnilanm. est In Southern Oregon nnd ono of wnicn tno citizens of this community mny bo as proud as we arc In provln Iner it" It Is n splendid augury of tho bright prospects as well as present prosperity oi uoos uny mat this largo and Important improvement Is to bo mndo at onco. It Is a matter fur mutual congratulation with tho community nnd tho enterprising business men who help to mnko It. May their confidence bo ever Jus tified by continued dovelopmont nnd success will bo tho wish of tho en tire community. CLOSE MYERS STORE A. W. Myers and Company to Retire from nitjiliicHS ncrc. Tho nltoring and enlarging of tho Woolen Mill Storo will necessitate A. W. Myers and company to closo tholr women's store, bolng compelled to vncato tho room. Thoy woro un nblo to find another sultablo loca tion nnd havo decided to closo out tho business. Thoy havo not mndo defllto plans for tholr futuro hut pro bably will loavo Marshfiold. Tholr flnnnrturn frntu flin Tlntr will 1m grcntly regretted by the many' friends thoy havo mado here. i Mr. Myora who has been on nn ox-' tended trip will return Sunday morning to assist Mrs. Myers, who has been coductlng tho storo, to closo out tho business. THE ALSO HANS. I doff my hat to tho famoiiB men, who'vo won to tho top with tho brush or pon, who bnsk in tho sun nnd thrive; hut nn I watch thorn frolicking by I shod n tonr nnd I hoavo a sigh for tho follows who don't nrrlvo. So ninny dronmors havo dreamed In vnlu, bo mnny bos oms nro full of pain nnd grief In this human hive! So mnny Btnrted with hopes sublime ; but tho ladder broko when thoy trlod to climb, nnd tho follows did not nrrlvo. I sco great thinkers nnd gifted bnrds a sweating around In tho rnllway yards, nnd pity tliom ns they strive; thoy too nnd droams of tho death less hays, and they wroto their proso or enchanting lays, but somehow, did not nrrlvo. Thoro nro Mtltons reap ing tho farmer's crop, and down in tho vlllngo blacksmith's shop I'vo counted somo four or fivo; their souls nro full of tho singer's flrn, they scorn tho forgo and thoy lovo tho lyro, but Bomohow thoy don't ir rlvc. Alns, alas, for tho souls thnt yearn, for thoso who must from their visions turn, nnd Into affliction divo! Alas for those who would trot along tho glowing penks of tho hills of song, nnd simply cannot arrival WALT MASON. Don't forgot the Turkish Bntha. PHONE 21 I-.T. $100 Reward, $100 The r iulor cl Dili iar will be iilmcj lo learn Hint thcro Wnt Iet niiiMlreiuU-il olsuiuo I h I X'lrlH'u lm lieeu able to euro In nlllti nKe, umi 'list U Calami. HaII'k Catarrh Cure U tlio only iollifO no now knoHii tn the medical fratcinlty. Calami bcttiK n con. ttmilonal dleafc, iiqufre 11 constitutional Ircatiiwnl, Hull," Cntarih cure In Nkcii inter, nail), Kctliu; directly upon the blood ami ran. coiih urlnec of ilul y(ein, thereby ilektro) lug Ihu foundation of the dlmH', anil KhlniMho la lent ktrwiulh In bulldliu up tho onlltu. lion nnd aU'trr nature In dolus ll work. Hie iroirletor bavn n much faith In Its cur. Mho powcm that they offer One Hundred Pol. lart for any rnc that it fall lo cure. Send for lltt of tello.onla't. V. J.CIIENKY ACO., Toledo, O Foli by all DruKflmn. 7.V, Take Ho 1 ! 1 amlly 1'HU lor conitf pallon Busy iTHE PEOPLE'S fORUM Tho Times will be ploased to pub lish letters front Its readers on all questions nf public lntorest. Each totter must bo signed by tho writor, and bo fur as posslblo bo limited to 200 words. In publishing these let ters It must bo understood that Tho rimes does not lndorso tho vlows ex pressed therein; It Is Blmply affording; u means for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting tho public welfare. The North Bend Limited Train Editor Times: I notlco In last night's Times you stato that "pootB aro born and all tho great ones aro dead." This Is an erroneous statement. Thloro Is a groat poot right hero In North Bond. Most of his poems aro for personal amusement rather than publication, which is tho reason his famo has not spread. In proof of his grcntnoBS, I enclose ono of his latest productions entitled: "THE NORTH BEND LIMITED TRAIN." I'vo traveled cast; I've traveled west And sailed on the raging main, But nowhere I hike Is thoro any thing llko Tho North Bend Limited Train. Tho tlmo wns limited in which to build 'Twill bo extended ngnln and again For Mlllls, tho mighty man who runs Tho North Bond Limited Train. Yes, Mlllls Is the conductor man, Ho serves milk with might and main For thcro la no punch but n baby lunch On the North Bond Limited Trnln. The trnln Is limited nnd so nro tho tics, And It goon ngnlnnt tho grain, To acknowledge thcro nro lots of lies On the North Bend Limited Trnl.i. Tho road was built In nn hour or two Without Btop from Bun or rnln. So fast did they hlko from tho 'vary nrst spiKo On tho North Bond Limited Train. For Mlllls enmr. and Dixon, too; Oh, listen to my brief refrnln For sad to relnto tho first schcdulft Is late On tho North Bend Limited Trnln, North Bend, Oro July 27. JOAQUIN MILLER. Editor TImcB: An error crept Into Tho Tlnica lntoly referring to tho ngo of C. II. . (Jonquln) Miller 80 years. I havo kept a record of his ago clipped from a, newspaper many yearn ago thut gavo tho dato of his birth In Indiana, in tho yenr 1812; consequently ho Is now 70 yenrs old. According to Armltngo who met a tragical donth In MnrBlifleld, and who wns n neighbor of tho Miller family at Eugene City, Lano county, Orogon, tho MUlor fnmlly enmo to Oregon In 1852. I beenmo ncqunlntcd, with Mr. Mil ler at Port Orford In 1802. It mny bo observed thnt owing tn his youth ho know but llttlo about "Tho dnys of old nnd tho days of gold nnd tho dnys of '49." ' Tho rainy wonther and stoppngo of trnvol to tho mines thnt winter ('49) mndo things look bluo for tho crowrt od nssombly of peoplo bound to tho mlnos. Being there, I speak by the card. Roducod from $150 por month to $50 por month, I, llko mnny othors, was compelled to go to son. STAR KEY. CARAMELS .1r POUND at STAF FORD'S Satin day and Sunday. DANCE with tho RAND ROYS Sut urdny, July 27. nt EAOLES' HALL. II heavy team harness A express harness H light delivery harness N light double harness E singlo harness S light road harness , S If It's a harness wo havo It IIOPSON Cor. Central Avo. and Wator Sts., Marshfiold. Everything for tho horso but shoes and feed. KM3 Stop a cough before It dovelops uomethlng' mora serious. Ballard's Syrup Ja The Ileiuetlr That Doc tUo Work. It relieves coughing Immedlt atoly, cases soreness In the lungs, loosens phlegm and cloars tho bronchial tubes. It Is a. nno family romedy, pleas ant to talco nnd eood for chlU dren and adults. Price 2.1c. 50a nnd 81.00. nuv ii- fl 00 slzo. It contalno nvo times us much an the 25o size, ana you Kct with oacu ooi tie a Dr llerrlck'a Ited Pepper Porous piaster for tho cnesi. JornesF.Dallarri.Pron. StLouli Mo. Sttpheno Eye Salvo Cureo Sore uyc iSoLpAHDRCCOMHCHOr.aBV( Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "Tho Busy Corner" The Rexail Storo. a