luEDITION. ISHI TnU-oOcWPHmEcj, tflAntJhMtCTur wmah.kVKII ALUailNUal WljAJi PRESERVING TIME DOX'T OVERLOOK US AV1IICN IN NIDI3D OP Firaiit Jar, Preseirvnimg Keititlles Jan0 Robbers aod Jar SATOKUAT, jult ci, io i ii in . .T " -y f . - 1 m CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, lutondod for publication In tbo society dopart incnt of Tho Times, must bo aub tnlttod to tbo editor not later Iban C o'clock p. in., Friday of each fcek. (Excoptlonj will bo allowed only In cases where uvouts occur later tban tbo ttmo mentioned.) Ob, Fashion's a whimsical lndy, Sbo changes bur mind uvory day. Ono day sbo brings out u now bobby, And tbo noxt day sbo puts It away. Sbo's always In scarcb of tbo novel, And sbo doesn't euro wbat It may cost, And tbo queerest of all tilings about It Is tbo wbolo world submits to bo bossed. Ob, Fashion's a torrlblo tyrant, Sbo Issues lior ehnngoful decrees, And although wo protest wo don't llko It, Still wo all of us drop on our knees Wo worship bor wbllo wo'ro protest ing, And bor whimsical rules wo oboy, Till tbo question all others trans condlng, Is: What's tbo most stylish today? O "1 do not sco why ho married hr. Ilo Is a vory brainy man, and sbo Is not an educated woman." Which was tho comment of n friend of mlno, respecting u mutual frlond recently married, writes Kil win A. Nye. I Jolnod Issue. 1 said: "You aro mistaken, I think. My friend's wife Is not n col lege educated woman, but sbo Is ed ucated. Sbo Is a lino hoiiHokcopcr, ns I happen to know, and nho Is a vory capable woman In many respects." IMuentlon Is more than mero book lonmlng. All true education Is a process of drawing out or ono the best that Is In )iio. Ndurntlon Ih expression of self. Now My friend's wife It admirably fit ted for wifehood and motherhood. ! HOCIAIi OAIjKXDAII TONIGHT Hand Dnnco nt Kngles' hall. Dnnco nt Llbby. SUNDAY L. O. 0. M. picnic nt Alio- gnny. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cohan at dinner. MONDAY Mrs. Colby Perry, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford at homo for Mrs. It. H. Montgomory and Mrs. Cora Mao Montgomory. Halph and Mary Kruso com- pllmontnry card party . WEDNESDAY Mrs. II. Songstacken enter- tains with bridge tea In honor of Mrs. M. C. Horton. Tho Social Embroidery Club with Mrs. Hnnlor. PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Day people who visit In other cities, together with notices of social affairs, ar gladly receive! In tbo social de partment. Tolephono 133. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. Freda Holmes, Marian Soaman, Lil lian Seaman, ticrtrudo Scnlfo, Edith, Ruby and Laura Hendry, Ado lulilo Clnrkc, Ruth Dungnn, Helen Dow, Olndys Domont, Mildred Wil son, Mr. nnd Mrs. A, L. Dutz, Profes sor Tledgen, Charles Lowroy, Ocorgo Lococq, Tcnry Lococq, Joo Roonoy, Wesloy Sonmnn, Fostus Wnltor, Har vey Waller. Herbert llradley. Win, McDonnld, II. Ulshop, Sidney Clarke, Ilnlbtfrt Carlylo, nnd Mr. Wilson. O The Social Embroidery Club met Wednesday with Mrs. J. C. Swlnford Tbo afternoon wns spent pleasantly In sowing and chatting. Those pres ent weio Mrs. Jack Parker, Mrs. Rai nier, Mrs, Ilnnson nnd Miss Carrie I tod I lie. Tho club will hold Its next meeting with Mis. Ranler Wednes day, July 31. O Mrs. E. Kelly wnH hostess Thurs day afternoon to tho membora and friends of tbo Mlnnlo-Wls Social Club. '1 hero was a brief business scsbIoii nt which Mrs. Cluis. Davis' nntno wns presented for membership. Sowing and plensant conversation occupied the afternoon. Tbo rooms were beautifully nnd tastefully decorated education sndlv iiniMnflnil liv mnn-J wMl HWOUt peiH nild IlllHttirtltltllS. well schonlod women of our day. I Tho ,lnln ,nl,1 I'losentod n very at And sho hns. In ndilltlon to hr tractive appearance, bolng docorntod Kood looks nnd vivacity, health, polso """turtlums nnd greens. nnd pallonco nnd n sweet disposition. And, morcovor, sho Is much In lovo with bor husbnnd imd Is dotormlnod to mnko hlu home a happy one. Whnt would you? Hut her critic says, sbo Is not n "brainy" woman. And In thnt nlno she Is mistaken. Mentally sho Is as strong as her flavor liiisband, but along dlfferont Hues. And I am greatly mistaken If sbq dnos not succeed In managing her husbnnd iib well oh bor housohold. Ilo will not reel tho harness, but sbo will bold tho Hues Just the samo. Urnlny? Intellectuality Is not confined to n cortaln sort of culture, As much brnln tissue Is required for successful homo mniiageineiil im for storokeep Ing or for practicing law. The world. Indeed, could get along fairly well without lawyers mid ed itors nnd architects, but t mild It get along without mothers? Kd united? There are other educated people than those that are college trained. And as between mere mental gifts and Intellectuality of tho heart tho latter Is Infinitely to be preferred O CLUMS AND POriKTIKS Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Krclt7cr wero hosts Inst night to the Tuesday night uiuit ni tneir Home on Flanagan n nue. l'rlzes were captured by Mrs K. S. Hargolt and Mr F. Miliar The members present were Mr. nnd lrs. Win. (ill inert. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Morris- toy, .Mr. mid Mrs. F. M. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Q. Van Duyii. Mr. and Mrs. E. Croathwalt. Mr. mid Mrs. A. T. Ilnlnos, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. llnr Kolt, Dr. and Mrs. A. I,. Ilouseworlh, Mrs. Farrlnger an I Mi.s Painter. O The Jolly Doeu weio entertained Wednesday afternoon nt the home of Miss Laura Dubay. at Hunker Hill. A short business nieotlnir was lmi.i the club docldlng to adjourn until tbo Inst Wudnosduy In Hentembor wlmn they will open with a social to which i mi iiiiBiiiiuiis iu ne niviieii. Tbo following ollhers for the ensiiliiB yenr wero olocted: Piosldent-Mrs. (leorxe Uourke. Vice-president Mrs. (1. Stoon. Secretary Mrs. Hush. Tronsuror- Mrs. .1. Mrockmuollar. T.Ukt Sit tu rda imi'h'iu Mr. (.'. f. Walter was hosie to the uitfiubera' nnd frlomU of the P s. C. E. of tho Mnrwhlleld Piwbyturluii Church.' Tho rooms wero Hrtlstlcnlly docorat-' ed with roses and greens. Many! gnmw woro plnyol. among which was a whittling contest for the girls and' a Mwluu contest fur tbo boys. Miss' Mildred Coke nx-eliln u lemon nin! ' , i . Tho guests of tho club woro Mrs. Mudgot of Vnlley City, North Dnko ta, .Mrs. Charles Davis nnd Miss Francis Franso nnd tho mombors present woro Mrs. E. L. Kelly, pros Ideut; Mrs. 1). A. Jones, secretary and tronsuror; Mrs. LaCbapollo, Mrs. Win. Perkins, and Mrs. F. II. Dress er. Tho Club will hold Its next meeting with Mrs. F, II. Dresner, August 8th. O Tho Social Sowing Club onjoyod n plinle Thursday to Mrs. Adams' Cottngo on Coos Rlvor. An Informal good time wns had and n most dollc- THE WISE OLD OWL Said little Johnnie, to the owl. "I've hoard you're wonderful wlo Aim so ri iiko to question you, Now, please don't tell mo lies. "Tho first thing, then, I'd have you tell My empty mind to fill, Pray was It that explosive beef That made Chicago 111? I've heard It said, yet do not know, In fact. It may bo bosh, Then toll me, Is It lots of dirt That made Seattle Wash? When (ortnln straight I To llL'lll llietu u- ulimit.l !-. ve- Sl. ,:., ..":" ..". I.., ....v ..v, ; mi i-iui miy wiiiu frets I'rovldeuro R. I.? things will not go 'tis 'Another thing I wish I could Inform my wnltlng class Is Just haw mnny priests It tnkos lo say the Huston Muss? 'This Is the time of running debts. As you must surely know: This secret then Impart to mo. How much does Celevoland O? "In ages. too. you must bo learned, More m than many men. So tell me In a whisper, please, When was Miss Nnshvlllo Tenn? "It takes great heat the gold to molt, And Iron takes much moro: Then Is It truo that hero out West Tho ruin molts Portland Oro? "Some voices are so strong nnd full And some so still and small. Prav tell me. Mr. Wlso Old Owl. How loud could Denver Col? ' Somo people loudly ravo and roar And others wildly slam: Prav toll mo. Mr. Wlso Old Owl Why should bo IJaavur Dam?" Ions picnic lunch served. Thoso en Joying tho outing woro Mrs. J. Swnn- son, .Mrs. Doll Rhodes, Mrs, George Ayres, Mrs. J. C. Swlnford, Mrs. E. W. Sullivan, Miss, Mnry Dunbnch Mrs. George, Campbell nnd Mrs. Hor bert Rogers, nnd llttlo Mlsca Zolla Swlnford, Ethel Davis and Holon Sul livan. Tho next meeting will bo held with Mrs. J. C. Swlnrord. O PARTIES Mrs. Elizabeth Lawlor entertained at tho homo of bor slstor Mrs. J. W. Flanngnn on Thursday ovcnlng with n delightfully Informal dialing dish party. Hor guests woro Mr. and Mr8. F. D. Cohan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Flana gan, Miss Gorman, Miss Evolyn Mock, John Moreen nnd Arthur Peck. O Mrs. Colby Perry nnd Mrs. D. Y, Stafford hnvo losucd Invitations for n reception to bo given Monday aft ernoon, July 2l, from 3 o'clock to 1, In honor of their guests, Mrs. R. R. Montgomory nnd Miss Corn Mao .Montgomory, of Dccntur, III., who nro visiting here. n Ralph and Mnry Kruso will ontor tnln with an ovcnlng nt cards noxt week in honor of Will nnd Ruth Hor ton, Dorothy Horton nnd Gwynedo Towor, who nro plnnnlng to loavo Coos Day shortly. O urn. nonry hcngstncKcn win en tertain Wodnesdny aftornoon nt Drldgo In honor of Mrs. Milton Clark Horton. O 44 .MOONLIGHT PICNIC The Wah-Ta-Waso took a merry party of North Ilend young people to Jarvls Lauding Inst ovcnlng whoro n moonlight picnic wns enjoyed. Tho chaperons wero Mrs. Kate Rood and .Mrs. i. A. Goldon. Among thoso I in tlio party woro Misses linntrlnn Roberts, Vestn McCtillough, Lota Must nnd Dorothy Watson of Co qnllle.Edith Horn. Mildred Rood, Es ther lmhoff, Juno Young, Frnncos uoidon, Mnrthn Ross. Edna Jones, Annu Truman, Ilomlco Harbour, Stolln Smith, Karn Shouso, Suslo Fchropfor, Ilesslo Haines, Vorn Hugo, llattlo Hugo. Nora lingo. Elizabeth Hoelllng, Norma Chase. Ottlllia Hoolllng, (Srotchon (lolsondorfor, Hlnncho Williams. Matilda Williams, Allco Carlson, Josepblno Orlfllji, Allro Wnttors, Leonn Tope, Thores.i Stein, Ruby Wntklns. Mabel Wick mitn and Lillian McCann; Messers. E. R. Leokloy, Clins. (Inuntlett, Al lan Klssnm, Raynor Oelsondorfer, .mo unrnour. .loo YV nsor. Vorcv Phillips. Pnt Fhinngan, Tod Klssnm. Oscar Carlson, II. Rlchnrds, R. Carr. A. H. Cole. E. R. Flucklnger. August Hoelllng. Capt. Arthur Mat miii. Earl Hutchlns, Fred Stora. Paul Welling, Clins. Van Zllo. Alvn (Irout. Harold Jennings. II. E. Phlllliw. HIM. I.ennan, Capt. E. (leorgo Smith, Mar-( in iiiviiuiiiB, Klin i nomas Hiora nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry L. Rtibsell. 0 44444 IIOl'SE PARTV 4 Mrs. Carl Smedborg of Catching Inlet will bo hostess to n llttlo house pariy or Mnrslillold folk. Amomr her guests will bo tho Misses Grnco nnd Evolyn Turnoy of Hood River Willi nr.l l-llnofa it lt,lH ....!.. ... Dano. Miss Mnmlo Mnhonoy, Wnltor miner ana .Mr. llano. Tbo Misses Turney will lenvo ovorlnnd for tbolr homo nt Hood River Monday after n most delightful stay on tho Hny. Part of the past week thoy wero guosts nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs Fred llnchmnn In Forndale and tho latter part of the wcok. they wore guests of Miss Laura KniRo nt hur uiiiiiig party at ileal Lake. O 4A444 ALl'.MNI PICNIC 4 4 A moonlight picnic, minus tlu lunonllght, wns clvon h- iim i.,i.r. av High School Alumni Associa tion to Jordan's Covo Inst Saturday night. A vory delightful tlmo wns enjoyed by thoso prosent, Some could not nttond. some on nccount of Mrkiioss and some for other seasons hi i the crowd was -i i.plhi.ii ,.. tr. WBi-EweT Aluminum Preserving cook vorn fruit with pcusc and will last n lifc-limc. Kettles will ImlC the ex- m W n TT ,ase rrure jaLre Plots, Per Dozeo, 6Sc QoaritSp Per Dozem, 7Sc Orae-Half Gallloo, Per Dozeim $1.10 Tr Tf IT Jrioneer oar I !KIO Front St. dware C Afiirslifiold, Oregon FRUIT JARS HHHOHnHHHi &Si TRt TME 1 f kr- W it T 3Tiii em HOE FOR MA You will find PACKARD SHOES adapted for all rocroaiion purposes thoy aro mado in trim, emnrt models of tbo best fanned and eoftost lontbora and tbo -workmansbip is tbo most skill ful that can bo socurod. Wo sbould liko to doraonstrato those facts to you. Kammerer Says: Ma gW-J (ft "The one best bet in the Clothing Line on Coos Bay today is at The Toggery where Yoo Can Get Any $20 to $25 i Suit in the House for $14.75 This is a most opportune saving for you and many are taking advantage. The make is right, the style is there and all bear our label, which means "GOOD GOODS OR YOUR MONEY BACK." TAKE ADVANTAGE ' ' I Yours, Anxious to Please, . ; j " ' THE TOGGERY Headquarters for Snappy Men's Haberc'ashery. Marshfield, Oregon Tho seratidid his fathered owl he head: "Im sorry llttlo man: k koiuoono olso I cannot IVrhaui Topoka Kim? toll- I 1IIUPIIU I t W t'.lll i. atl 1.1. ... ... a -- v airaii ii imi nu iibi it w iipiii .. . of infill. ' "'V ' en yon straight and suro At tho done of a l.uant evonlnir ' im T. Vr,!R" ,,!"' t0 t" roro of fun and i.u.bIc. .IoIUIo J rofVoS' t k,"; ' ro i.ionta wo.o sorvod. Tho kuJi ni J Aro at U, 0wI JToserlptlon Store Bocloty was Miss Stiuidlsh of llnnio. OWI. I'RKSnill'TIO.Y lMIVIMiw Kiuwia oro JllBourl: Tho Invitod ns follows: .Mlww Kllm Arro. Mil. drod Coke, llos.lo Cnko. i;iiiMimi, Cox, Allio Oux. Morlo Cox, I.mty HorJ ton, Ruth Horton. Dorothy Morton. LP-"1"""' 'I on Pr.w Rlaht I '. "I .'. A, I .. "' I ci i (.. , ";.-,. . .'. . -'. 1 ',".u' 1 "" w " '"''' "' V Removal Sale of Household furniture l'lcnamtoiy to Removal to Mlbsiiiul All Household Furniture Belonging to M. C. Horton AND CONSISTING OV MAHOGANY CIIIITONIKU MAHOGANY WHITING TAIJLK MAHOGANY KHANICH A UACH IMANO LAHGK FUMK1) OAK MUHAHY TAIIL13 onu lo.roor aht citAirKu.q ri'MKI) OAK KXTKNSION TA1U.K 0NK AHT CHAFTKHS SKHVIVG T UlLI' TWO SMAU, TA11LK8 lUM.HOOM 1THN, .., ,. Kn'C,,KV CA,MNKT POKING ITKX8II-S y 111 be offercl for sale at their residence, No. :W:l v,.i, n..v. c, July 18 to l, l.ieluslve. Much of tl," f i,i t,,e, ,,,.,, 1.,nt " l.i.reliasetl and Is practically new. The i .n.ii,.. . , ". nw"'y at their nldenco ,t any SlmoVnllni'aU.vo 2" l"" " la"vn',nl Try Somm DaepSea Tmrkey A most delicate nnd " llclous nrticlo of food, suitable for lunches and picnics. Jsay Frank l. Cohan. .oto that word. "In lliislness for Your Health" sfimu.a consurs may ho obtained lu Mnrshfleld from Mrs. Annie Holland, Cowl icr. .. ou, uui bi. rhone200X,i Most Sensible Shoe For tho children Is tho famous "SKUFFKH" shoo. For sale nt The Electric Shoe Store, ISO So. Hrondway .... Marshfield I S Ml Julia of photograph wora, bromide .ilarHlnB and kodak UnlHlilnif. Times Want Ads Bring Results Ice & Stora IB Phono 73. Deliveries 8 a. m.; 2 p. m. WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FIIONT ST. i -tpw yA:a.i wn , cr.JSPBBSJIIS5v.iuffiM P.vmm