THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY, 25, 1912 EVENING EDITION. SET" MOTH 15 PEST Washington Points Report Trouble Seek Means of Eradicating Them. That tho pent of moths or buttor n. which haa boon notlcoublo In ? Bhncldnnd vicinity tho lust few X ! not conuuod to this aoc K ! 'own by tho following hullo- n which has boon Usuod by tho Washington Stnto Agricultural Ex Sent Station at Pullman: During tho paBt month tho Do. uartmont of Entomology at tho S ato f'ollcKo of Wnahlngton hnB InvcBtlga ted tho unprecedented outbreak or caterpillar of tho California tor tobe ihell variety. They havo np nBiircd In countlcua numbors through out varlouB parta of tho utato nnd llrltlsh Columbia, having boon re ported from Clayton. Spokane, Che lan Hronnsvllle, Moscow Mountains, Idaho, and from Nelson, 11. C. "Here, as In California tholr native home, they feed on tho laurel or buckurush, Ceanothus, anil occasion ally, as a Inst roport, on willow and a few other native plants. Thoy have not beon known to do any Injury to my of the cultivated plants; honco tbere Is no need to bo alarmed as to their posslblo harmfulncBS. During tho last weok of Juno tho catcrpllUrB began to pupate, hanging on tho tmro branches of tho bushes. About tho first of July, tho first of tho tortolso shell buttorllles began to emcrRO from tho chrysallds. Thoro are already, and will bo for n couple of weeks at toast, millions of those and then thero will bo tnoro of tho black caterpillars. Noxt fall thoro will bo countless buttorfles again. Them will bldo In nil mnnnor of places during tho winter. Although there may bo 'thousands of cator- pllUrs In the second broood, whore thero arc now nunurous, it is noi likely that they will do any harm to any of the cultivated crops, as tholr food plant Is almost entirely tho burkbruah or laurel. "If a remedy against tho caterpil lars Is desired, about tho best thing Is to destroy the chryflallds with lire Of course, tho first brood of cator pillars has already dono Its work, but by destroying tho chryflallds tho sec ond brood Is prevented." WANTS COSTS HACK Hlniccr Hermann to Seek Refund for I'm ml Trliiln. WASHINGTON, I). C.t July 23. Dinger Hermann, of HoRuburg, ex Itepresentatlve and Commissioner of tho General Land Offlco, Is nnxloiw that Congress pass a special bill to reimburse him for nil moneys ex pended by him in defending himself in the two trials which ho under went, ns n result of tho nrosccutlous Instituted nt tho direction or tho Into Secretary Hitchcock. Ho wnntH in recover all moneys spent, both In tho Oregon case nnd In his trial In tho city for the destruction of public rec ords. This request of Mr. Hermann Is bawd upon tho fact that he was iu. ultted In Washington nnd his caso dismissed nt Portland nftor n Jury disagreement, nnd on tho further fad that tho Portlnnd Jury was drawn from tho snme box ns that which tried Wlllnrd N. Jones. In other words, so far as tho Portland rial is concorned, Mr. Hormnnn uses me position thnt his dismissal was not enough. Inasmuch as tho President hns en fit to pardon Jpnes. who wnt convicted by n packed Jury. Hornmnn thinks that he Is entitled to u rofund or all costs, as being tho only moans u HY V10 Kovernmont enn clear ,,a obllKatlon In his case. The Washington trial, Mr. Her mann maintains, wns never based on "J . """"onable ground, nnd was Ey,th?,rC8ult of tl10 Secretary's aotermlnatlon to porsecute as well ns Prosecute him, and that trial having ?hJEni.n tlor fn,lure' ,l0 t,1,n,s !K M Ju8llco ln lllB P'n'n against the government ' WOItK IS NEARLY DONE fiovernujent KnBlnccni Report on tv, 'lnr,M,r liniiravciiieiitN ihe Oregonlnn says: near nn0?n aa n 8hoal ,s romovod SeJIeJaM f"' n wh,ch th0 donth htta Imn, v d from one t0 two feet, tho ZiT.Tnt PrJect under way it SSi'iht A W,,n H and It Ib "oS i,hBl, th0 ,abor w b wought to a close during tho month Isdohfcmnin, Uko emI'lyed thoro te o dfred ' , P"?C0 Work nml U "metlme. cmmlsslon nt tho rl'cMs' ufnl0", f,rom th0 s,,"nw die CompinyUmIrJohnB01n1' Andorson & Prom Coos iin 'nnklnK dwny. '8-root chan"a0y" word tliat tl10 beVnnS 'roJe.ct to MaranfieM but , ,a,Tnle,,'1 oar'y 'n September, ba'wto01 ,re that work on We Co loni8M,Pfnae(1 a8 tlle now ruct"d at6, lcl"e' ,8 bel"B con Tbere als0 Im' ,e for. tnat nurPOBO. toBg ',hebbnyntena"cB con- YOU CAN CURE THAT nrv.-"u.8?ne'al languor. n - !P? th.ite:.a.?. AnOAIAT. SOI FACTS Oil ADVERTISING COUNTRY MERCHANT TALKS OK NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING An uniiHiial feature or tho meet ing of tho Western Iowa Editorial Association ut Council HluffH recent ly was an addresH on tho subject or advertising from tho viewpoint of tho rotnll merchant by David Oralis ky, a well known morehiint and ad vertiser of Atlantic, lown. Mr. Or anuky spoko on "Hetall Advertising From tho Viewpoint or the Moreli nut," and he declnrcd that' the mer chant should advertise this quality and adaptability or his goods rather than (lupend on advertising prices. Ho spoke in part as follows: It Is n sad but too true fact that country merchants, as a rule, are not extensive- advertisers. I am con vinced that thoy should advertise regularly nnd persistently. In this great period or advance ment mid progress mero storekeep ers can no longer succeed. It takes live, wideawake, aggressive merch ants to succeed today. Tho Hticcess rul merchant of today, whothcr In thu large city or tho small town, must deal with modern conditions. One of tho most Important or these Is the fact that tills Is n great nge of publicity. Printer's Ink is today selling more goods than over before In tho world's history, nnd from the present Indications Its tisorulncsH In this respect Is only beginning. People- depend upon their news papers mid mngazlncs for Informa tion on what to buy and whom to buy. If wo would be successful we must tell tho public what' wo have to offer. Wo must, through thu Judicious use- or printer's Ink, con vince tho people that our wares are desirable nnd thnt our values arc consistent with tho prices nskod. The ultimate end or the non-udvor-tlslng retailor Is very prophetically depleted In n little Incident credited to Mark Twain. During Mark Twain's newspaper days one or his renders round n spldor In his copy or the paper mid wrote Mark asking what It meant. Tho reply wns that the spider was looking over tho col umns or tho papor to ascertain who wore tlu non-ndvertlsers so that he could wenvu his web over their doors. So ir thu smnll town merchant does not advertise, tho people or his community arc not advised or the fact thnt ho has rellahlo and defer able goods or that ho offers excellent values. They rend tho announce ments or tho Inrgo city merchants; thoy are attracted tt the cities, or, In too mnny Instances, thoy rail vic tim to thu nllurlng lltcrnturo of tho mnll order houses. Trndo which rightfully belongs to thorn Is leaving solely becnuso of lack or publicity. For this reason It Is obvious thnt ex tcnslvo advertising Is one or tho strongest wenpons thnt tho country merchant pose-sscs ngnlnst tho glnnt mnll order houses. Hut the successful advertiser In city or vlllngo must chooso for his subject goods In which tho public Is Interested: he must describe tho goods In nn Interesting, truthful nnd forceful manner; ho must ndvertlsn frequently nnd regulnrly; but, most Irnpnrtnnr and difficult of nil, ho must mnko his nds. attractive, ap pealing nnd easily rend. ure for in km,!?"'",1. rot and hero !" troubles 'dn."ad.dcr Ur- run down tu " you ee' mi DrgT uii Z. weak. and without A." J!uIilor ft herba d roots. ?ef Vfiv, KA" no equal. Mo. l7 OnigJi.tJ "J "ATIC.LEAP la Bld c,- BiSbi. 0r eat by ail for 60 The"S ,TrR?E-n Addre. uray Co., Lo Roy, N. Y. DRAIN COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY Leaves Murshflold dally at 5 a. m. and arrives at Dratn In tlnio to con nect with afternoon train for Port land. Leaves Drain at 8 a. m. and arrives at Marshflold about C p. in. Tickets on snlo at "Busy Corner," Phono 278, Marshflold and O. Ma toon. Drain. UUILDINa AND REPAIR. WORK IIouso Moving tuid Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee iatlsfactlon. Let us figuro with you. G. S. FLOYD CO. Phono 31R-J. Mnrshfleld. Ore. City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable chnrges. Our motto; Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Dlanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 40. Night Phono 4G. MARKER & GOODALK. nroprletnrw. W The Sign of Good Candy Always Anywhere, Any Time Cax-eful Driving Reasonable Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHER, Prop. Phone orders to Hillyer's Cigar Store, Phone 18-J. After 11 P. M., Phone 5.-J. Marshfleld. Oregon. Unique Pantatorium niK MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRKSSEUfl and IIAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward B. Btrnum & Co. fine Tallorlnr Let ua maka your MXtllllt. USO Conuacrclal. PboM 280OC. 4 LICENSE IS REQUIRED TO FISH WITHIN THREE MILES OF OCEAN SHORE SALEM, July 23 Don't fish In tho ocean unless you havo a license. At least don't flsh with- threo mllos of tho Oregon shoro, becnuso If you do the game warden might get you. This Is according to tho op- Inlou rendered by tho attornoy general In reBpoiiBo to a quory from R. E. Clnnton, master fish wnrden. Tho ocean within three miles of tho Orogou shoro Is In legal senso Oregon wntor and under tho Jurisdiction of Oregon lnws, thoreforo It Is hold n llshlng license Is required. . , HAVE YOUR PAPER SENT DURING YOUR VACATION Timet) renders who nmy bo going nwny for the summer, niny have tho papor sent to any address they may doslgnato If mey will call up The Times of- rico or drop a postal card to Tho Times aMor they luivn ar- rived at summer destination. Change will cost you nothing. You will certainly wish to know what Is going on at homo dur- lug your tibscnco nnd thoro Is no bettor way than to have The Times mnlled to you. Cnll up Tho Times before your departure and toll whoro you wish tho papor sent. H you hnvo anything to sell, trade, or ront. nr want hel'i. trr n Wnnt Art SIAMESE NEWSPAPER WRIT IN GREAT STYLE BANGKOK, Slam, July 24 English residents or Slam are much interested In the launch ing or a now Slnmeso newspaper which came out with tho follow ing announcement: "Tho nows or EngllBh wo toll tho latent. Writ ln porrcct stylo and most earliest. Do a muruer got commit, wo henr of and tell It. Do n mighty chlof die, wo publish it, and in borders of sombre Start has each one boon college, nnd wrlto llko Kipling nnd .the Dickens. Wo eirclo ovory town and extortion uto ror advertisements." HAND DANCE nt EAGLES HALL Saturday, July 117. Have your Jon printing aoce at : H.p Times omen. ; $100 Reward, $100 ; Tlic naitumcr IIiIh impur v fll l liloiicoit lo leurii Unit there IkhI Ii-hkI mic ilrcmli-il 1Im-ru ' Hint M'lciH'u Iin lit't'ti nlilo loi'iiri- liintlltn uliui'i. nml Unit In Ciiturril lliiU'n Cutiirrh t'uro I tho mily ixi'ltnccnru iihw known lo lliu nii'illriit fraternity. Calarri linlnif n rnn Ktltmlotiiil illniifL-, ri'iiiifri'D (unntlttitluiinl irciiiinein. iihii,h iiinrrn ciixe in iskoii inter-, tinlly, rcIIiik illri'rtlyupon the lilooil ntnl inn-1 rntiH mirlncc of tint Icin, tlienliy If tro) iiiu the fun mint Inn of Hie iIIvrki', nml kIvIiikHio. lift lent utreimtli fn litillilliiK up lliu institu tion nml aHlettPK iiiitiiri In iIuIiik lu ork. 'Ihe )iroirlclom hnvf no miirli fnllh in ft rtir-1 Ktlvn power Hint they offer One llllhtlreil llol-1 inrn tor hiiv run- timi u ihiik to cure. Menu lur lUtol tcatIa.iiilnlR. K. J. CII KN'r.Y A CO., Toll-do. O SoM hviill Pruuiflslft.T.V:. TnVe Unlit' Fmidly I'lllo lor toniitfpiitlou Something Special for Homemakers Next Week Next weok wu will aniiounco a spwinl bar gain sale of Klvvlriv Toasters. Our proposition will have tho strongest kind of appeal lo every lady who delights in home comfort and convenience. Mi Pile combined nurchasiiur Dower of the Byllesby properties has beon exerted to se cure a consignment of the two best known makes of elcctvic toasters on terms especial ly favorable. The local dealers in electrical supplies by special arraugement will co-operate with us in this big nargain sale. What we havJ saved on the Iriff orders tec will pass alony lo our customers you will (jet the toasters practically at cost whether yon buy from us or from the dealers who will be listed in our newspaper advertis ing. See the special window displays next wco'.c and learn what a convenience tho clcctrif. loaster is. It costs less than one cent a meal to make the best toast you ever lasted for a largo family. "Watch our space in the newspaper next week. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central. Telephone 178. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, nUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES 1.S0 AND UP. ROOFINO PAPER, ONB PLY, 1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. GOOS BAY-ItOSEBTJEG STxGE LINE. Stage leaves Marshfleld every morning at C and reaches Roseburs In time to connect with evenlig train for Portland. Stago aUo leaves Roseburs every morning at 6 o'clock and reaches Marshfleld samo evening. FARE 90.00, Round trip f 11.00. Good ineal en route. C. P. Barnard, agent, Roseburg. Otto Schetter, agent, 120 Market Avonue, Marshfleld, Tickets can be obtained at Hillyer's Cigar Storo. Removal Sale of Household Furniture Preparatory to Removal to Missouri AH Household Furniture Belonging to M. C. Horton AND CONSISTING OK .MAHOGANV DRESSER .MAHOGANV CHIFFONIER .MAHOGANV WRITING TAIiLK .MAHOGANV PIANO HI1N( II .MAHOGANV KHANICH & HACH PIANO FUMED OAK LEATHER ROCKERS LAItGE FL'.MKD OAK LIHHARV TAIILE ONE 10-FOOT ART GHAFTEKS Fl'MED OAK EXTENSION TAIH.E ONE ART CHAFTEItS CHINA CAP.INET ONE ART GRAFTERS SERVING TAHLE SET OF SIX LEATHER UPHOLSTERED DINING CHAIRS TWO SMALL TAIILES HEDROO.M FURNITURE TWO SECTIONAL HOOK CASKS W RUGS CHAIRS KITCHEN CARINET COOKING UTENSILS Will be offered for mile at their residence, No. 'Mil North First St., July 18 to Hi, Inclusive. Mueli or the furniture has been recently purchased mid is practically new. Tho furniture, can bo Inspected nt their residence nt any time durinjr above dates. ESTAHLISHED IN 18H0. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho close of business, Juno II, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts $ 427,481.48 Ilnnklng Houso 50,000.00 Cash and Exchaugus 24C,112.'.t2 Total $723,093.70 LIAHILITIES. Capital Stock paid In f 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 57.4G9.90 Deposits C1C.123.S0 Total ?723,C93.70 CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, Juno II, 1012. RESOURCES. Lonns and discounts J238.51C.72 UondB, warrants nnd securities 78,191.32 U. S. bondp to secure circulation 25,000.00 Roal estate, furnlturo nnd fixtures 81,011.34 Cnsh and sight exchnugo 188.C53.99 Total (!011,H7n.rt7 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid ln U00.000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 10.C48.03 Circulation, outstanding 23,800.00 Deposits 477,024.71 Total $011,378.87 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSIT8. W S. CHANDLER, President. M. C. HORTON, Vlco-Presldont. DORSEY KREITZER. Cashier. Steamer Washington Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Wednesday morning, July 24 at 10 A. M. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGBTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl Phone 191 Platting Landu a specialty. Farms Timber Coal an dent "EABT8IDF," General Jig Marshfleld Offlco 14-J, Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from the largo stock now on hand. "3kr. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble aM granite cutter in Coos County. And none but tho best work is turned out. Eit3H h 'THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS5 SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND' WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, AT 6 P.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH TACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANT. Phone 44. O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless mid submarine bell SAILS FOR COOS HAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY, JULY SOT! I, AT :0() P. M. AH Passenger Reservations From San Francisco Mubt Ho Mudo nt H05 1-lfo HuildiiiK, or Pier No. 10. INTEK-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORGE, Agont. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM: AINSWORTII DOCK, PORTLAND, AT O A. M., JULY Snd, Oth, 14th, 10th, Slth nnd SOth. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE, JULY (Ith, 11th, 10th, Slst, SOth and 31st. J. C. MILLER, Agent. Phone Main 821-L.