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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1912)
EtS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912 -EVENING EDITION zxsuw ice Sale SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL j illinium win ii urn i jm iii hi. wmnwiwii m rniiwiiiHWiiMiiiiiiinmwaiM iimL BID CROWD TO COO LEAGUE- GOIOOlDOfl BALL SCORES Clearai w Marshfieltl Baseball Team Will Be Accompanied by J Many Rooters. j Tho excursion to nnndon next Sun day will probably bo tho biggest of tho Benson ns It will bo tho lust ouu ' of tho summer to tho "Clty-by-the-Scn." nnndon will drop out of the lcnRiio at tho coiicIuhIoii of the gamo and there will bo no more linsebnll excursions Tho management Is making preparations for a record breaking crowd. Tho team has been working hard and Is In good shnpo. Coyne will probably bo on tho mound for tho local boys and many nro anxious to boo him work. Tho hatting nvoragos of tho Marshflold team hnvo In creased a little slued the last gamo and arc as follows: All. II. Pet. Coyno Ii 3 .COO, McCutchcon 28 10 .36 1 O. Johnson 25 8 .320 nrlggs 31 0 .200 Woods 22 C .273. Abbott 25 C .210 Ilurko 31 7 .22(5 Cowan 33 7 .212 Landers 25 5 ,200 N. Johnson 18 3 .107 Lnngworthy 27 3 .111 Thomas 9 l .lti , Sutton 7 0 .000. Team average.. .280 C8 .237 1 REALTY DEALS I. S. Kaufman and compnny report tho following sales closed last wcok: Marian Pcrham to R. Jacobson ot nl, Lot 1, Rloclc 23, Porhnm Parks Addition. Marshflold Realty and Trading com pany to J. W. Wilson, lots C-7, block 9, Dean and company's soc ond addition. R. T. Kntifmnn to J. W. Wilson. Lot 8, block 9, Dean & Co's. 2nd Addi tion. II. Smllhgnll to J. W. Wilson, Lots 20-27-28, Dlock 29, Railroad Addi tion. Mnrshllold Realty nnd Trading com pany to C. R. Peck nnd A. L. Ilousownrth, Lots 5-0-7-8, llloclc 13, Dean & Co's. 2d Addition; Lots 5-8,Illock 15, Town of Marsh flold. Alvn Doll to Chas. A. Madson, Lots 5-0-7-8, Dlock 18, Hay Park. OVER 1(10 HAHIEH A WEEK DIE IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, July 23. Infant mortality In Chicago during tho hot weather hns Increased en- ormouHly nrcordlug to author- Itles, During this week 145 babies hnvo died, last wcok thoro wcro 124 deaths and the week boforo ,00. Tho cooler weather of thlH week provonlod tho deaths of scores of chll- ilron. NOTICE All members of tho Frntornnl Un Ion nro requested to bo nt the regular lodgo mooting Thursday night at tho Finnish hall. HANI) DANCE nt EAGLES' HALL ftiliiiiliiy, .Inly a. Hun tin e KQDyc I AT 1 J I Z-sn w' jS -zzz Will Open Soon Tlii'ii you will lii't'd a KODAK A Kodak keeps (hat beautiful four-pointed buck ever before you. The picture of that cheerful camp will always be fresh inspiration. Kodaking is part of the fun: take one. See our window, or belter still, call in and see our line. Red Cross Drug- Store Developing and Printing Portland Shuts Sacramento Out In First Game 01 New Series. STANDING OP TEAMS W. L. PC. Vernon CI 40 .C1C Oaklond CD 1G .502 Los Angeles 58 -IG .558 Portlnnd 12 52 .447 San FrnnclBco . .4:1 01 .413 Sacramento . ...41 CO .402 PORTLAND, Ore. July 24. Port land was an easy victor In tho first gamo of tho new series horo yestor dny. shutting Sacramento out and tallying three. Tho Coast Loaguo games yesterday resulted as follows' At Portland H. II. E. Portland 3 7 0 Sacramento 0 4 1 At San Francisco R. II. E. Vernon C 5 1 Oakland 2 7 0 Los Angeles It. II. E. o 1 Los Angeles 5 San Francisco 2 8 SIX CLUIi LEAGUE Effort to Add Two Northwestern Cit ies to CoiiHt League Fulls (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooi Day Tlmoa.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. Ef forts to effect n plan of reorganiza tion by which two northwestorn cit ies would bo addod to tho Pacific Coast baseball loaguo failed nt a mooting of tho noard of Dlroctors held horo laBt night. Tho loaguo will romaln a six-club loaguo Inde finitely. .NEWPORT TO HAVE "OREGON" HOME SALEM, Or., July 24 E. Hofor, who left for Nowport recently, con tomplntoB tho construction of a sum mer homo nt a resort by tho son. It will bo n bungalow nnd Colonel Ho for stated that ho Intends to con struct tho hmiRo entirely from Oro goiwnndo products nnd Intends to hnvo nothing In tho bungalow or In connoctlon with It that Is not mndo In Oregon. FIRST 8TRAW VOTE. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Engols camo In from Peel this afternoon. Tho lat ter Is onrouto to Gold nench, Curry county to visit with rolntlves. Sho will probably return via Crescent City nnd Grants Pass. Mr. Engols IoIIh of a Straw voto taken for pres ident n fow days ago nt Pool, 13 voters being presont. Tho result was RooHOvelt, 7; Prohibition, C; Wilson, 1 : Taft 0. A. M. NnBnn, farming near Cnunnn, Mo., wag badly crippled with sciatic rheumatism due, ho says, to uric ncld In his blood. "Foley Kid ney Pills entirely cured mo nnd also removed numerous black specks that wero continually before my eye.." Foley Kldnoy Pills nro a uric ncld solvent nnd nro offectlvo for tho vnr ions forms of rhouuinttsm. Loct hart ft Parsons Drug Co,, "Tlo IJuh.v comer." Season I Hub MAPSHFIELD. In these days of high cost of liv ing, n mcdlclno that sots a man up out of bod nnd nblo to work In n fow dnys Is n valuablo and wolcomo rem edy. John Heath, Michigan Bar Cal., had kidney nnd bladder trouble was confined to his bed, nablo to turn without help. "I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills nnd can truly say I waa relieved nt once." His ex nmplo Is worth following. Lockhnrl & Pnrsons Drug Co,, "Tho Busy Cor ner." DRAIN- COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY Loaves Marshflold dally at 5 a. ra. and nrrlvcs nt Drain In tlmo to con nect with afternoon train for Port land. Loaves Drain at 8 n. m. nnd arrivoi nt Marshflold about C p. m. Tlckots on salo at "Busy Corner," Phono 278, Marshflold' and O. Mn- tonn. Drain. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving nnd Grading. Wo aro prepnrcd to do this work by tho day or contract and gunrnntoc satisfaction. Lot us flguro with you. G. S. FLOYD CO. Phono 310-J. Marshflold. Ore City Auto Service Good Cars. Caroful Drivers nnd rnnsonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere nt any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blnnco Clgnr Storo. Day Phones 73 nnd 40 Night Phono 40. HARKFR .M GOODALE. iironrlelnr The Sign of Good Candy Always Have That Roof Fixed MOW See GORT11ELL Phono Mtttl Anywhere, Any Time Ciucfiil Driving Reasonable Ratci riSIIER AUTO SERVICE VM. FISHER, Prop. Phnno orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Store, Phono 1S-J. After 11 P. M., Phone ft -.1. Mnrshllold. Oregon. Unique Pantatorium IIIK MODERN DYERS. CLKANER8. PREKPUR8 nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co fine Tailoring: Let us nmka youi next Suit. 'MH Commercial. Phono 2.0-X. $8500 BUYS 910,000 LOT. Lot on Second Avenue, near i Central. Positively best Invest- ment In central business property to bo had for" tho money. Reason nblo tonus. If this lot doesn't pay n handsomo profit on tho In- ii-aiiiii'iu, nuiiiiiiK un tUus nay will. I. S. KAUfMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. WANTED ! ! ! (ARI'ETS I'PHOUSTKRING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. niHllr t'lrnnlng l'oiumny. Orders for itork taken at GOING HARVEV PROVE toil Have your Job prlutin Che Time' oOce. done ai Began Thursday, July 18th Saturday we were so crowded that we could not serve all of you just as we would like to Come this week Prices are the Same "MONEY TALKS" Clothing and Shoe Co. Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Wednesday morning, July 24 at 10 A. M. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT P. 8. DOW, Agent. THE PRIEM) S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, AT 6 P. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH rACIFIO PTEAMSHIP COMPANT. Phone 41. C. P. McGEORGE, Agent. PAST AND Steamer Redondo KliilpiK'd Willi wlrelei.s nnd submarine Iwll SAILS FOR COOS IIAV PROM SN FRANCISCO PRIDAV, .1UI.Y aTII, AT :00 P. M. All Passenger Hen-nations Prom Sim Pi-nnrKco Must Ho Mnde nt HO." Flfo lliilhllng, or Pier No. II). INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. c. P. McGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME, SAILS PROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, AT I) A. M., JULY and, Oth, Mth, 10th, aith mid aoih. FROM MAHSHPIELR AT TUP SERVICE OP THE TIDE, .H'LY llth, Itth. Kith, ait, aotli nnd ;Ust. Phone Main Jiai-L. COOS BAY-liOSEBUliG STAGE LINE. Staga leaves Marshfleld overy morning at C and reaches Roseburg in tlmf to connect with evening train for Portland. Stage also loaves wXl VOry mr B 0t ,C,Ck and roaches Morhneld sarao PARE $0.00, Round trip $11.00. Good meals en route. C. P. Durnard, agent, Rosoburg. w.i,t).Uo Scl,,ette!i' n.Bont- 120 Mnrket Avonuo, Marshfleld. Tickets can bo obtained at HUlyor's Cigar Storo. ",B,U' Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co IIKJfitV SEN08TACUEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl. Phone 191 - Platting Land a specialty. Partus Timber Coal andent "EASTS.'DIT." Qenaral Ag Marshfleld Office 14-j, Get AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, RUT FIRST rmir ,w . . Ing'lKS8 AN" 'Affi W AND GET ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & MfV fo RETAIL DEPARTMENT. T& Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Sovera,! good bargains In Farms and city property. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. Miirshfleld, Oregon Occao Dock. OP COOS HAY' COM.MODIOl'S J. C. MILLER, Agent. Busy A Modern Brick Building. Electric Light. Steam Heat. Elegantly furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS rM. & Al MBTL'N. Prop. Cnl nraU a Day and Unw"s Cor nroaaway and Market. Marsnfiold, Oregon. BANDON. We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of tm class Electrical material and tu give our patrons a very low prlct on house wiring. Get our jrtti you can't afford to alii It, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured the llrerjr lti rcss of L. II. Ilolsnor, and trt pr pared to ron!ir ezcollent unlet b tho pooplo of Coos Day. Ctrili! drivers, good rlKs and exerrtl!:i thnt will moan satisfactory lerrlciti tho public. Phono us for a drlvlu horse, a rig or tnythlng needed b tno uvory lino. Wo also do tract- Ing busliioBs of nil kinds. MLANCIIARI) RROTHEIU Phone 13H-J Livery, Peed nnd Hales Smtct 141 First nnd Alder Street. You Auto Call Footc PHONE 1M-J NIGHT AND D1I Stnnd front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW OARS ' After 11 P. M. Phono 6-J Rosldonco Phono 2S-J Will iiinkn trips to Conulllf. TiTo Star Transfer aid Storage Co, Is propnrcd to do nil kinds of bau on short notice Wg meet nil tit's and boats nnd wo also have theuW stvln Rnvnnltlfl Plimo Mover, m gunrantce our work. L. H. Heisner, Pro Phones OS-R. 120-J. or 49-h- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOST D R. RIRD 1). CLARKE. , , Speeliillst In Nerve nnd Splnu Disease. Office Room 2. Roger Hotf I Mnrahfield. Office Hours ' Phono 144-L. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S ... i. .1 ntnr. (111HJITB 1IIMIIUI - "tfe urn nnnlnnod to do DlgB t!' work on short notice at the "1 lowest prlcoa, Examtnatloa if Lady nttondnut, Coke building. epp ijlto Chandler hotol, phonfl 1' J W. UENNETT, LawyeT. )ffle oer Flanagan & Uennett B1'! -R. J. T. McCORMAO, Pnysleian and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. fflAAi T Al,l...t Ttiitlftln If . 'www, (Av;auau ymiuinoi (aJ WMI'UPM'; IMIDI IIIIMTT. -' ,. Barnard & Langworthy Electrlcnl Contractors nnd floP PIIONE--184-P.. 170 So. Rroadway, next door Union Ment Market Most Sensible Shoe For the children is tne famous "SKUFFER" ot- JfUl OHIO I Tl,n FtnntSm QllOP S OH I IIC LICt.ll It, Uliwy. vd.UI 10ft o r i . Mar""!-.! ioj ou. diuuuiiu; -g- -. at4 T. J. 1GAI1PR WU. A. H. H0" MrcKfiolrl Prtillt i Decorating ; Co rn-.i i ir iiiimii l.. ' ..v.. r,v.-.- ii0L Orel , uuiuot4 ruuuv -