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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912 EVENING EDITION. N I Take your advantage T'S a good plan to take advantage of a clearance sale like this We show how much we want to clean up the season's stock by the prices we quote. It's your advantage ; the goods are good as ever; you can buy wisely, for the future. Hart Schaffner & Marx ,i thos fii -5 per cent reduction. Oilier lino things lo wear at clearance prices. $30.00 Suits at $22.50 $2f).'00 Suits at $18.85 $20.00 Suits at $M.8o $15.00 Suite at $11.85 WCML $n.."0 OavcueHed ITnis $2.85 $1U)() Millieoma Hats $2.33 Broken Lines of Summer Underwear at Y2 Price Boys' Suits Fancy Brown and Gray Mixed i 7 4 Off The Woolen Mill Store Mill-To-Man Clothiers COOS II VV TIDES. Hoi w Ib Klvon Ui ttmo and height of high and low water at Mnrshflold. Th tides nro placed In the order of occurrence, with their tlmoa on tl)i flrst lino and heights on the bcc oiid lino of ouch day: a comparison of consecutive holghts will lndlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high wnter on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. 2 1 I Irs. .fi.K. Feet .0.1 2"i lira. .0.17 Ft. 0.3 20 IIIlK. .0.10 I Feet .0.1 27llrs. Feet 28I1IIH. IFeet Oflinr Irlmla nf wnnrl lmvn In lif ' '. trcnted and arc quite expensive when tendy for use, but If tho cedar holds up ns well for street work as It docs Marlon Itoynolds nnd Fred Stora for other Kinds of work It will rovo-' uro giving a moonlight excursion to lutlotilzu the hulUUng.of streets, i tbo Sandhills Friday night. ; North Bend News I Irs. Feet llrs. Foot Hrs. Feet .0.(5 0 .0.1 .1.39 .0.2 .2.13 .0.0 .2.55 .0.0 .3.30 .5.8 July. 12.12 3.7 1.13 3.8 O.fiO 0.0 7.39 0.9 8.10 0.9 8.19 0.9 9.18 0.0 9.13 0.3 fj.10 3.0 r..r3 3.8 2.02 1.0 2.11 l.n 3.13 4.3 3.41 CO 4.07 fi.2 4.31 4.7 11 17 0.1 0.0 0.0 ' 0.19 3.9 7.30 3.0 8.10 3.r. 8.fil 3.3 9.25 3.0 9.F.7 2.7 4. THE WKATIIHH (Dy Asaoclatod Pross) OREGON Showers tonight and Thursday. Southorly ANNOUNCEMENT ! We wish lo announce, thai J furry Wink ler, formerly with "The Busy Corner" store will be ayttin identified with the busi ness. Gommonciny tomorrow morniny, ha will be buck d the old stand to welcome old friends and yreet new ones and extend to all the same accurate and courteous service thnt has always been one of our endeavors to accord to all patrons. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TUN ItrtiY GOliNEfl rA7 7? V. M . .1 u1. i 'JLOZJZim SAVES TIMi: AMI LAUOR A Tonic For Tired Women WANT ADS. WANTED ICxiHrrlvncetl bookkeeper mill office man desires position. Address Rookkeoper, care Times. Hilt RENT Modern bungalow In West' Mnrshflold; four rooms and bath. Phono 183-L. WANTED Itoom in private rent donee by young man. Apply this office FOUND Key rliiK with Huvorul keys and Hiiuill wrench. Ownor can havo uamo by Idontlllylng thorn and paying for this nd at Tlmos olllco. (LADYH I liuvo Homo nows from mother. DOVEY. winds. local temperature HE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 1: 13 n. m., July 24, by RonJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl govornmont mo- toorologlcal obsorvor: Mnxlmum 70 Minimum B5 At 4:43 a. in B7 Precipitation .nono Wind Bouthwest: partly cloudy. FOR HAM Household furniture. M. C. Ilortou, 383 North First St. ICOIl SALIC One xnildlo home. Ah lily Arvln Tuttlo, Ingorsoll n.vonu near Fourth streot. WANTED Voiiiik Indy to learn mill inery business, Apply Tlmoa olllco. FOR RENT KuhI( residence. Phono 33. North Ilend. Mrs. Itobt. McCann. KOH RENT A furnlNhcd four roon flat. Apply It. F. Williams. A SNAP For man ami wife wlshln;; to keop boardors if taken within tho noxt fow days. Houso partly furnlshod, largo garden, cow and chickens. Apply Kruso & Banks, North Ilond shipyards and call for Mr. Osier. A tonic does not always remove the cause of that "tired feeling," Frequently women have to work so hard that a tonic does not have any effect, One of tho causes of a woman's weariness is tne weekly ironing by old-fashioned meth- TJe modern way with an Electric flat iron- -eliminates hard labor and makes Tuesday a My of pleasuro, Telephone 178, reSon Power Co. FOIt SALl-J Slnglo IiBy. Phono 171 North Bend. WANTED Neat woman to keep houso; no washing or ironing; wages according to ability to do what's wanted on trial. Phono 471 North "Bend. WANTED Woman as nurse ami housekeeper for elderly invalid. Apply Mrs. H. Sengstacken. J Hamuli mww mi; OUIt AOENTS MAKE MONEY sell, lug our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Exporienco unnecessary. Ynklmi Valley Nursery- Co., Toppenlsu, Wash. FOU SALE Newsstand, confection ery and Ice cream business In good thriving town; paying proposition. For particulars address Opportuni ty, caro Tlmos. ItAKflAIN SALE 10 liorhe-wwer nuto for $4!0: first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost ne'v $3000; will sell for $450 on eaiy terms. John L. Koontz Mnchlno S'iod. North Front Btroet. Phono ISO-. I. PItlCE $3.00 'e Clean and PCc r and Gent's Suits Gods Called for an Delivered SftSl-y MAIK IM R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance I'M North Front Street WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. HUV NOW. Somo choice lots In NORTH BEND fan he had nt a verv reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR &'CO. FlrRt Vntlnnnl RnnV Marshfield Cyclery RICYOLES FOR RENT Plionf 15K.R. t72 No. Hroartwny. Hare your Job printing oone at rt.f Times' nfn. Mirny On Plcnlr. A largo crowd loft today for Charleston Day on the Allco II. nnd tho Express. Tho occa sion Is tlo Rnptlst Field Day which will bo mado an annual event In tho future. Recovers Keys. Anson Rogora through n Times' want nd has rocov orcd n bunch of koys which ho lost. Tho koya woro recovorcd by Marshal Cartor who scolng Mr. RogorB' lost nd In Tho TIiiich promptly roturnod thorn to tho ownor. Ralso Itiu'kH Supt. Frank Smith of tho South Coos Rlvor hntchory Is raising tho fish rnckn nonr tho Hatch ery. Ho plans to mnko thorn high enough to provont froshots nllowing tho salmon to escape. Ho Is making plnns to sccuro by far tho lnrgost nutubor of salmon eggs ovor tnkon. In ICiiglnml Robort Mnrsden. Sr In n letter to his son, Robort Mars don, Jr., Btntcs that ho reached his old homo nt Wlggln. Lancashire. Eng land, July 5, Ho hnB mot many of his old acquaintances nnd Is having a flno visit. It has been twonty-flvo years Blnco ho visited thoro boforo. Ho did not stnto when ho planned to loavo for homo. CJctH lllj: .Returns. "Stop that want nd of mlno boforo they bothor mo to donth," woro tho instructions that came from Robort Kruger to Tho Times todny. Ho has been ad vertising a houso for ront and yes terday twonty pooplo, ho snys, cnlled on him to rent tho property. Asldo from showing tho big returns from Tlmc wnnt ads, this lndlcntes tho gioat domnnd for Iioubcs. Returns Here Harry Wlnklor who hnB been manager of tho North Dcnd Drug compnny has accoptod a position with tho Lockhart-Parsons Drug company In Mnrshflold nnd be ginning tomorrow morning will bo back at "Tho Dusy Cornor" to greet all his old frlonds. His return hero will bo welcomo nows to tho many friends which his courteous nnd effic ient services havo won for him. Moves Shot). W. F. Hnrmon will move his tnllorlng business Into II. Miller's cleaning and pressing estab lishment on Front street nnd will bo nssoclnte'd: with htm In tho tailoring line in tho future. Mr. Miller retains an Interest In tho cleaning nnd press ing department and will contlnuo thnt business which hns Increased fast In tho last few months. A fow alterations will ho mnde in tho build ing and tho shop will be one of the most up-to-date. Laying I Hock Paving. Contractor Hugh McLaln started laying the block paving on Anderson nvonuo to dny. The foundation has almost all beon completed nnd Is now rondy for the blocks, which will bo used with out any preparation, Cedar blocks havo nevor been tried nnd many bo llevo thPt they will prove n success without belnic nut throuch a process. Anderson avenue is moro or less of an experiment with tho new paving Traders Leave. The horse trad ers who have broil hero for some time tiylng to dispose of n number of 1 end left today for tho valley. They arrived hero from Clark coun ty. Washington, about two weeks ago and sold about six of their liord. Is Itaiikriipt Levi J. Post has filed a petition In Involuntary bank ruptcy, his labilities amounting to $ ITiCOT). His assets aro wearing np parol and tools valued at about $00 but aro exempt so thnt thoro Is prac tically nothing for tho creditors. Mr. Post Is a carpenter by trndo and hns boon working horc-nhouts. Had Oooil Trip Mrs. C. A. Motlln hnd n tologrnm from Mr. Motlln who left hero on tho last Rodondo, stntlng that tho ship arrived In Snn Frnncls co Inst night at C:.10, which would mnko her Just .1C hours. Forty hours Is usually considered good tlmo from hero to tho liny city and tho Rcdon do's last trip Is about tho fastest on record. Hunting Trip Geo. Rolnor and Frank Donning will loavo noxt Sun dny for Curry county, going ns fnr as Gold Bench on tho gasollno schooner Rustlor. II. A. WollB who Intended to bo ono of tho party also, will bo unnblo to mnko tho trip on account of business mattors. Whothor thoro will bo any big gnmo loft in that sec tion whon Messrs. Rotnor nnd Don ning return, is a question that Is bothorlng tho wlso onos considerably Hail Flno Trip. S. R. Cnthcart arrived homo last night via. Drain nnd Allegany from a trip to Portland nnd other points. At Portland ho attended tho conventions of the Rod men nnd A. O. U. W. Ho then visit ed E. N. Thomas, of Jcfforson, who was a membor of tho pnrty that Mr. Cathcnrt crossed tho plnlnn with from Iowa In 18GJ1. Mr. Thomas Is now 81. Mr. Cnthcnrt nlso visited Mr. Fields, a former Coos county resident, nt Jefferson, nnd Inter visit ed his sister nt Drain. At Portlnnd ho was haled into tho chief of po lice's office nnd for n mlnuto or two wns wondering whnt ho was wanted for. Ills speculation was quickly sot at rest by Chief Slovcr, who inform ed him thnt' ho (Slovcr) hnd form erly lived on a ranch on tho CoqulLo nnd hnd recognized Mr. Cnthcart ns ho was passing. They hnd a flno visit together. When Mr. Cnthcart loft Portland Sunday a heavy rnln stnrm was in progress. NOW TS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR Apricots For Canning "We have a largo shipment coming on the 'Rodondo and the prices will he right. Order now for delivery early Monday morning. Try The Times' Want Ads, We Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. PERSONAL NOTES .1ESS PENTECOST loft this morning for Roseburg by stngo. MRS. J. J. DURN8 of Myrtle Point la in Mnrshllold today. ARCHIE PHILLIPS Is. making a business trip to Coqulllo. MRS. W. V. HODSON of Coos River spent the dny in Mnrshllold. II. W. PAINTER Is making n busi ness trip to tho Coqulllo Valley. P. E. LARSON of Allogany Is a Mnrshllold business visitor today. WM. LONGSTAFF Is making a busi ness trip to Cqqutllo nnd Dnndon. MR. AND MRS. SOMMERS loft for Roseburg by stngo this morning. MISS EDNA WEIDER of Ton Mile Is spending a fow days In Marshflold, RURT A. DOREMUS Is making a business trip to Dandon nnd vicin ity. ALHERT SEELIO left this morning for tho Coqulllo Valley on busi ness. MRS. II. P. HODSON, of Dnnlols Creek Is a Mnrshfleld shopper today. PROF. REGGS loft today for Co qulllo whoro ho has a dancing class. J. A. LUSE returned this morning from n two days' visit at tho Luso ranch. MRS. WM. HAYDEN and Miss Nolllo Hnyden of Empire woro Mnrshflold shoppers yesterday. MAYOR L. J. SIMPSON, of North Rend, left horo this morning for the. Coqulllo Valley. ORRIN T. PRATT Is In from tho Smith-Powers Logging camp on Isthmus Inlot today. A. E. SEAMAN and son. Wesley, raino down today from tholr Bum mer home an South Coos rlvor. LOUIS KEATING of tho Rrenkwator office In Portland Is expocted hero shortly to visit with frlonds and relatives. C. R. PECK went to Coqulllo this af ternoon on matters connected with tho coming special election for tho organization of tho Port of Coos Ray. C. A. SEHLRREDE will leave short ly for his ranch on South Inlot whoro ho will spend a week or two with his family. JOHN T. MERCHANT and Dave Rees loft yesterday for Rasten-1 dorf's beach to Join tholr families who aro camping thoro. MRS. A, R. O'nRIEN and Mrs. J. W. i Ronnott nnd son, Roderick, have gono to tho Maze for a short visit with Mrs. Arthur McKeown. E. F. MORRISSEY roturnod todny from Coquille whoro ho has been I on business connected with tho street Improvements thoro. MRS. REN MULLEN, formerly a res ident of Rosohurg, arrived hero Monday morning from Coquille City. She camo ns far as Drain by nutomobllo whoro she boarded Mrs. Chas. Murr will bo hostess Thursday afternoon to tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Prosbytorlan church. Mrs. R. II. Olson, who has boon seriously 111 at her homo In Empire, for sovornl weeks is roportod to ho Improving. L. E. Unhcock, In chnrgo of tho gus plant nt Porter, has returned from Ten Mllo whoro ho lias been spend ing pnrt of his vacation. Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Freolund of Old North Ilend is seriously 111 and wns taken to Mercy hospital this morning, suffer ing with convulsions. Tho North Dcnd council which wns to havo mot last ovonlng did not hold nny session. Threo of tho mombors were out of tho city, loav Ing less than a quorum nnd tho lat ter did not show up. Thoro was no particular business to come up. J. C. Swlnford, of Mnrshfleld. has resumed his position an night engi neer nt tho Porter electric plant aft er a trip to Caunda. Ho has decided that Coos Hay Is away ahead of Can ada and ho will not movo to S.13-kntf-luMyannsho hod contemplated. tho train for Rosohurg. Rosohurg Nows. L. D. SMITH of Dnnlols Creek Is in Mnrshfleld. MRS. L. II. MASTERS of Sumner is a Marshflold visitor. MRS. A. E. HARRIS of Mllllngton wns In Mnrshflold today. MRS. M. D. CUTLIP wns In from their Kcntuck Inlet ranch today. ANDERSON WRIGHT, tho well known Sumner pioneer, was in Mnrshflold todny. MISS REGINA MATSON hns taken a position as stenographer In tho law offices of Goss and Kondall. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE nnd wlfo returned today to Coqulllo after spending a few days on tho Ray. DR. J. T. McCORMAC this aftornoon loft for his summer homo on South Coos River to spend a fow days. W. I). NETHERY, a Coos County ros idont for 43 years, was a Marsh flold visitor today, renewing ac quaintance with old frlonds. JULIUS LARSON Is oxpoctod horo noon from tho Sluslaw whoro ho has boon supervising somo work which his dordgo Is doing thoro. J. M. DODGE hns roturnod from Gnrdlnor whoro ho hns been dur ing tho Inst two weeks on busi ness. E. S. Gcnr wns delnyod there on business matters. MRS. W. N. EKRLAD nnd bnby and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Simpson of North Rend returned Inst ovcnlng from nn extended visit with rela tives In Portlnnd. F. A. HA1NI3S loft yestcrdny for his surveying camps on tho South Fork of tho Coqulllo nnd nonr Rrldgo. Ho roports good progress Is being in ado on tho Burvoy which Is for tho Smith-Powors Logging compnny. REV. R. E. RROWNING nnd wlfo nnd baby nrrivod homo yestorday from tholr visit with relatives In Washington, D. C, and othor east ern points. It has boon vory warm in tho oast and thoy nro vory glad to roturn to Coos Ray. MR. nnd MRS, JOSEPH SHERIDAN loft for Mnrshflold, Coqulllo City and Dandon Sunday whoro they will spond a month or six woeks. They went ns fnr ns Drain by rail whoro thoy transferred to automo biles for tho romalndor of tho trip. RoBoburg Nows. J. WEINSTEIN nrrivod horo today from Portlnnd In his nutomobllo, coming In by way of Allogany. Ho roports that things are slow In Portland and thnt a largo number of men are out of employment there. Mr. Wolnsteln attributes tho prosont hard tlmea partly to tho largo. Influx of people from tho oast. Thoro nro wore men than jobs In nnd around Portlnnd, ALONO THE WATRRFRONT Tho tug Gleanor crossed out this aftornoon. Tho Drcnkwnter will nrrlvo in early tomorrow from Portlnnd. Tho Excelsior arrived In today fropi San Pedro to tnko on a lumber cargo, Tho Advent snllod todny from the North Rend mills with a lumber car go. Tho Rodondo, which crosfrd ' nt r,:45 Monday morning, readied San Francisco at C o'clock Inst evening nttor one of tho best trips alio has had tlown tho coast, Tho Rustlor will leave Sunday for Port Orford and Gold Reach with Homo genoral merchandise and a par ty of hunters who plan to got somo of tho numerous door that aro reported to bo awaiting execution In Curry county. Poison Oak Cured by using Dermol, or money baek; 99 in every 100 cases cured by Dermol. Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality 'neraumjeo. B I