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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1912)
v; nHnnra frttw-fr j"fyrTi.-irt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912-EVEHING ED1TI0H. MMnHHwnaaMaUMBMiMiHiMiMwNMi i '! IM hi 11 n m 1 K K Ml t 1: I Dlr W Mil J wf 1ml i COOS BAY TIMES m7o7mALOXK1' Editor and Tub. DAN n. MALONEY News Editor awawMMwmw'ii-1"'"'"'" MUST COME TO COOS. THAT tlic concliiHloii of tho course of study of one of tho grentest educational Institutions of Its itfnds In t'.ie world must bo f'nlshcd In Coos County is certainly a com pllmont to tho whole of Southern Orogon. Such lit tho case with t; -i Blltnioro School of l-'orostry, the fa mous Institution of North Carolina. LaBt yenr Dr. Scliunrk. tho president of tho college brought a class of( boys here- to complete their collego couree. They came at the Invitation of C. A. Smith tV rough whose office they wore given advantage of all the education tho place could nfford In their line. It wns decided by Dr. Schcnclc to make a stay of two months In Coos county, a part of t';e regular course of study. This year ho will bring a much largor class ul students who will be graduntod afier, fanvlng studied the conditions heii for two months. They must, how- over, work six months In n logging I camp before receiving their dt-; plonms. It Is certainly to tie credit of Coos county thnt young men who I aro to tnke an active pnrt In tho fii-l turo work of thu gront lumber In-' dustry of tho United Stntes miiEt first spend two months or their lime In thlH unrnllroaded community be fore they received their coveted de gree. tiii: ill wind. Do not kick nbont tho heat. Weni a smllo sereno nud sweet night anil morn; though hot days discomfort bring they are surely Just tho thin,? for tho corn. Do not fume around and fret Baying that dark days will get ajl our goats: for wo need the gloomy days If wo over hope- to raise shredded oats. Don't got ugly, rais ing Cain. If upon tho roof the rain plays Its tunes; let the rainstorm fill Its dale, for It guarantees n groat crop of prunes. Though disasters you should stun, there Is profit for somo one, In tho samo: every evil -lnd thnt sighs helps some one to win n prlzo In tho game. When th surgeon saws your bones, why In dulge. In plnntlvo groans of distress? For the surgeon Is In need he lit ninny kids to feed and to dross. Why nro you tlgl t as wax when the time to pay your tax conies your way? For the money you subscribe keeps tho cheerful court house tribe feeling gay. Tribulation Is n jest; everything Is for the best when wo know how to winnow out n laugi from the dismal heap of chaff labeled woe. OPEN EUGENE OFFICES NOW Hsh camps between tho Not! and ' Acme. They anticipate Immediate action on tho part of the contractors, j not only on the m bur m tne long tunnel beyond the Umpqun. electric mm: plans i Oi.rrl.kl 1912. V tlllM.I "- GbajxSn atfcvo 4 HOTEL ARRIVALS 4 Coos Hotel.-- Ilesslu Nobley, Hose burg; K. Hnnsou. Uardlncr; Miss C. E. Iloddlne, Allegany: K. Smith, Now York; K, WnHhlnghm. Now York; L. Tonls, Now York; C. Her don. New York; E. Inr Now York; T. Thompson, New York; John Ho,, Now York; J. Cullgan and family. New York. Illnnco Hotel.- -II. O. Nggstroni, San Francisco; M. liny. Jacksonville. Orogon. Chandler. .1. .1. Kiisliner. Fort- land; F. W. Woldon. Portland; 13. Ilradeu nud wife, Uoseburg; 13. Vnl Jean, Los Angeles; Mrs. M. Horeh ens. Coqullle; Miss Catharine Cohen. Portland: Mrs. J. .1. nurus, Myrtle I'oint; (ioldlo Chllds, Coiiulllo: Ellr.nliotli Chllds, Coiiullle; M. Payne, Seattle: P. 13. Larson. Allegany; J. C. Cnlllus, Portland. Southern Puclllc Separates Iiitcrttr Imiiis from Steam lloads I POUTLAND, July 21 Reorgani zation of tho Portland, Eugono & Eastern Railway company, which Is to build nnd oporato tho Southern Pacific's electric system In tho WI1-. Inmotto valley, was effected nt n mooting hold In tho Ycon muming last night, when tho following dir ectors woro eloctod: Robert 13. Stra horn, W. D. Fcnton, Ralph E. Moody, A. Welch, W. M. Nolson, 13. A. Hut chinson nnd John M. Scott. Tho oulcors elected woro Robert 13. Strnhorn, prcsldont: n. T. Ouppy, chief onglnoor; W. N. Nolson, secre tary nnd nudltor: C. 13. Woods, gen eral right of way, claim and tax agent; 13. A. Hutchinson, purchasing agent: nnd P. I.obonbnum, olcctrlcul engineer. All tho olllcors or tno compnny win bo tinnlntnlned In tho Wolls-Fnrgo building, tho ontlro fourth door and pnrt of tho second floor bolng given to its uso. It Is tho Intention of tho Southern Pacific to divorce Itsolf entirely from tho construction nnd oporatlon of Its electric properties In Orogon tho snmo ns it hns dono In California. Tho oloctrlc system of moro than 300 mllos plnnnod by tho Southern Pacific will bo opcratod undor tho name of tho Portland, Kastorn & Eugene. REVIVE OH) PROTECT Rumor That Uw County Asset Co. Mny llulld. t Tho Florence West says: "There Is a persistent rumor that tho Lano County Asset Co.'s Coos Hay line may yet become a reality, with this, and t':o added fact that n Mr. Hlchnrdson, n prominent east ern engineer, has boon spending sev eral days going over the Lane Coun ty Asset compnny's survey and right of way to Maploton. adds Interest to the rumor. "Mr. Hlchnrdson Is very reticent about his business hero, except to say. that It amounts to nothing thnt he Is simply looking over the coun try for his own personal satisfaction. Freo Thomns, the receiver for t'io company, when Interviewed upon tho subject, said that he knew nothing about It, nny innro than he was still nuxtniis to get somo one Interested In the building of tho road, and It might bo thnt somo day his efforts would boarfrult" INQl'iltE AHOl'T ItKCOIIIl LOCAL OVKKI'LOW The Osprey nrilved In today from Itogun Hlvnr. To .Myrtle Point J. 13. Scl IIIIiik will lenve In a few days for Myrtle Point where on August I ho will take possession of the Hotel flucrlu which he recently purchased. Hujs Ranch. Walter Chrlsteuson of tho Coos Hlver Crenmery, hns pur fhnsed the John Hougell much on Catching Inlet nnd will tnko posses sion on the first of next mouth. The tract consists of f,r, acres and tho price Is understood to hnvo been JRfiOO. Humor Incon-ecl. It was report ed today that the Ho v. Wefwo(d who recently retiuued here was about to purchase the holdings of Major L. D. Kinney. W. J. Hunt, the trustee of the property. Mated that Hew Westwood had talked about such a matter but t' at' he had not made any houn fide offer. Catch 111k KWi- 13. L. Hoblnson returned today from Ten Mile, lie reports thnt yesterday Mrs. Elizabeth Adams caught a two pound trout with a troll. Her sister, Miss Mamie Mnhoney, was pulling thu boat and after thoy got the trout In the boat, thev had an awful time killing the sh nnd getting the hook out Their rles nttrncteil a number who riiHhod to their assistance thinking that something awful had happened. PERSONAL OVERFLOW 131)0 H SIMPSON of North H.miI was a Marshlle'il vUitor rodnv WM CANDLIN U expected here from Cotiullle tomorrow on route to Portland. MFSSItS. COOI, and Weet of the VacVrlhur. lVrks Co.. will .i on 'he next Mrenkwater for Portland. SpaldliiK Company Wonts to Know About Grave' Pole-Vault H. 0. Graves this morning recolvod n letter from tho A. O, Spalding com pany Imiulrlng nbont tho polo-vault record which his young son recently mnile. Tho Spalding compnny will tnko It up with tho Junior Athletic I'nlon. Mr. Oraves has nlso received n copy of the Enterprise, n pupur pub- ( llshetl ut Ills old home town, Kent- land, Ind., which says: "Ilobort Oravos. the clght-yonrold son of Attorney It. O. Oravos. form erly of this county, now residing nt Mnrshllold, Oregon, nt n recent Hold meet broko tho world's vaulting re cord for boys undor 10 yenrs of ago, scaling the pole at ft foot, 1 0 Ms In ches. This Is nu unusual perform ance for so young a lad, but his fath er was an nthloto of no menn ability." GOMEZ IS ARRESTER SAN ANTONIO. July 2) Kmlllo Vnsiiuez Gomez, for n brief time pro visional president of Mexico, was ar rested here with five others Saturday night on the cVurgo of violating tho American neutrality laws nnd was given a hearing today by the Pulled States Commissioner. Gomez later was released on a ten thousand dollar bond pending his henrlng which wns set for next Mon day, DANCE ..Ith the HANirilOYS Sat in day, July 117, at EAGLES' HALL. Coos County Prohibition Convention All Prohibition Party voters and all those- who In tho future do Biro to affiliate with tho Prohibition Party are- called to meet In conven tion In Mnrshflold, Wednesday, July 31. at the Haptlst Crurch at 2:30 P. M.. for the purpuso of nominating u legislative nud county ticket and transacting nny other business that may conio before tho convention. I Oeo. L, Carr. State Field Secy., will , attend nnd address tho convention. Ml are cordlal'y Invltod to attend. I HAND DANCE nt EAGLES HALL , Saturday, .Inly -7. DANCE with (ho HAND HOYS Sat urday. July 27. at KUJI.KS' HALL. MrSft ShJF-JiV N. J Oorham, Cashier Hank of WoodvlUe. Woodvllle. On., had a very severo attack of kidney trouble nnd the pains In I Is kidneys nnd back were terrible "I got n bottle of Foley Kidney Pills from our drug gist nnd they entirely rollevod tne. I have moro benefit from them than any other medicine." Lockhart 4 Parsons Drug Co . "The Husv Conner." rj i.hil Conducted br ik blSTfKS Of IHl Wiitl NAHtS Of USDS AND MARY ... u.J.-ntJ C law C'u'wi. Huiif. Art, Hurui en a Jl pi- c l l)rpit. Xi .'!, I) ;i Sw Kn .-4 M ii 4u Intrllrctviall 'afalnr Wri? lorAntiouti rrii. rr A IrM Marshfielu1 & North Bend Auto Line! (K)IIST . KIXG, Pniprletnrs. Cars leavo Mnrshflold evory 45 uilnutea from 7:15 a. in. until 12:30 midnight. Leave North Uena on snmo schedulo, sturtlug at 7 a. m until midnight. See Saturday Tlmee for schedulo. Mak e Your Selection First Addition a? amwiiwrijuw,!, I'mwi To Marshfield Kov is the best lime to slt this properly, while lie streets are being opened up and improved nnd the lots put in shape for the home builder. aMarshtield is rapidly growing south and the shrewd investors are placing their money in thai section oL the city. Now, while the prices are low, is the time to secure n home site and First Addition is the place. Close m, beautiful lots; level, sightly and sheltered and right in the section where the fine homes are being built. Jj'iftv foot lots are only $1500 each. The best invest ment on the Bay and q sell tho property on terms to suit your income. A small cash payment and a few dollars each month puts vou in possession of a choice piece of real es tate. ' Call at our office for a plat and see the prop ert v while the best lots are yet to bo had at; our prices. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Bldg. Owners Tel. 1G0-J. 2 MMtxJSS mPMCr SZV SSXSS! AMI PICA 3 tlNCST $!. JffVSS(k fLOURINQ HIU3 FLOUR. &liW MORE per Sack JW . TA LESS P01 LoQf W?-" '' Flour I Is all you need In your kitchen if it be FISHER'S BLEND The PERFECT, ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR Answers nil culinary rniuircuici.ts Hakes equally well thu Most Nutritious Bread J'ery Lightest Biscuits Finest Flavored Cakes Highly Delicious Pastry These superlatives will be found warranted if you buy a trial sack of FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR For talt by a'i Dtattrt sa liiwiiifl Removal Sale of Household furniture l'lcpanitoiy to llcmovnl to Missouri All Household Furniture Belonging to M. C. Morton AM) CONSISTING OK MAIIOGANV imrcssKii MAHOGANY CIIIITONIKH MAHOGANY WHITING TAIILK .MAHOGANY PIANO IIICNTH MAHOGANY KltANICH 11ACII I'lANO I'TMKI) OAK IilUTIIICH ltOCKKHS LAHGK FL'MI'I) OAK I.HIHAUY TAHM: ONi: 10-FOOT AHT CHAITUHH 1'T'MKI) OAK KXTHNSIO.V TAlH.i: ONi: AHT CHAITKHS CHINA CAIHNirT ONK AHT CltAin'KKS SICHVING TAHI.i: SKT OF SIX LKATHKIt UPIIOITKIIKI) DINING CHAHIS TWO SMALL TAIILKS UKDHOOM FUltNITl'IIK TWO SKCTIONAL HOOK CASICS !5Fr HUGS CIIAIIIS KIT,CIKN CA1IINKT COOKING UTKXSH-S Will be offcrwl for a!o ut their residence. No. JIHil North Flr.t St, July 18 to ill, Inclusive. Much of tho furniture Iiun been rcccntlr purehaM-d and In practically new. Tho Iiiinlturo can bo Inspected ut their lx-sldcnco ut nny time during above dates. FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Manufactured By Fisher Flouring Mills Co. Seattle, U. S. A. KSTAIIMSHKI) IN 1880. STATKMHNT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSIIFIKLD, OHF.GON. At the close of business, Juno 14, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 427,48M Uauklnu House GO.OOO.OJ Cash and Exchanges 246,112.5' Total J723,59J. .. . LIABILITIES. .,, Capital Stock paid In .... 5O.O00.CJ Surplus and Undivided Profits 67,469.'' Deposits C10.123.SO. Total J723.59J.H Lakeside By Auto Wo have arranged for automobile service to the beautiful Ton Mile Lakes, Service begins today, W::i make regular daily trips connecting with LAUNCH NORTH STAR Leaving Stauff's Landing TUESDAY 1:30 P. M. Returning leave Lakeside 7:30 A, M, Wednesday, Fare each way $1,00, ( Will make special trips to connect with launch at any time, day or night, For prices and full information in quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or Lave message with M, M, Pierson, the Lakeside Te'e phono Agent, CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The. First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, Jun 14, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts , , , , $238,516J Donds, warrants and securities ... 73,191.'; U. S. bonde to secure circulation ... 25,000 0' Real estate, furniture and fixtures " ... 81.01WJ Cash and sight exchango 1S8,653.9 Total ; $011,37:1.;" LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ... jinnOOO.OO Surplus and undivided profits "'... 1,b8a Circulation, outstanding ! . . . 23.800.0J Deposits !!!!!!!...!!.!!.. 477.024.71 Total 011,373.3? In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S CHANDLER, President. M. C, HORTON, Vlce.PreiWBt DORSEY KREITZER. Cashier. The Times Does Job Printing 1 -r "VTSvVjr-