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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1912)
MAKE CITIES AND RAILWAYS ARE ONLY INSTRUMENTS THAT AID THEM rmtTiBisa in Ti'o times If" 'V. . Vnnr item ItaUle "li Stows WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES Will Keep the Income from Yaw Ftirninhcd Rooms from LpbJtl " tl,o Market" Effectively! in nut the facta about your 11 W.l boforo So oyo of all "pos Plrtyora" lu town. And if ,,b,B..bnno of thom who ought to vuu can reniiy nmp "n ii'"j . reveuuca by renting n fow furnbuJ . rooms nun, If you know now ana when to tiBo the clasilfltid eolomm. you may kcop that little oxtr Ineonir as "steady as n clock." Kit, you'" B0.1 it. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS gSEfflaiCTCgKiJMMMift'M mgr VOL XXXV iMnbllsheil In 1878 nH Tim Point Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A CoiiNollilutlon of Times, Const .Mali mill Coos liny Advert lcr. MWaWWmMMiaMHIMnHMHI IMa IIIWinWBIilklMVW No. 318 (Slum FBI FORTY LIS LOST IK PhNbYLVANIA Hill: LLUUU Tt"n,StffeS- crvuii i" :i. at Evans Station. FEAR SEVERAL TOWNS MAT PCOvui i " Torrential Rains Cause of Dis aster nCSUUB EllUBav- ors Futile. (DroclatcarresBtothoCooaDn, ..-nv . iniv 2 I FortJy Hffcro Vn.'cht inn flood ilntlio SST nn" boUovod to have 3Sff.nrTliSrl,lS SlDBdownffenmuntnlnnndltlB IS thnt Cool Sprint' reservoir, or the larst In Kayotto coiintj . io- catcd In tlio moiinmuiH. i """V The Pennsylvania " -.!.!-. jc. nhln ra rnnd nnd tho Western Pennsylvania trolley track were cashed awn). I l.lttle hope Is entertained for tho JnniKvnns. When nnd children of miners nro In Hanger of liolim car ried Into the mines y "o wnicr un lets they leave the month. n!lf nnrllnn tin in 2 0 ClOCK lind not been ablo to tench any of tho The business section of Dtinbnr, n . mii frnm Evims' station Ih un der four feet ofwnter. Sovornl 'busi ness bulldlnKB were ileBtroycii iiy mo rush of water down tlio inountinn b fide. Debris was piled twcnty-llvo feet Men nt tho lirliluo of tho Pennsyl vania railroad. It h expected to glvo war at any moment. The latest reports at 2: IT. p. in. nro that fourteen of the minora wrro ilrnuntil nnd there was llttlo hones cf reseulnc tho nthcra nllvo. I Torrential rains are falling nnd a' farther loss of llfo nnd dnninKe nro eipeeted. Tlio Cool Springs reservoir J mi rennrtoil In tin livililni' linillv tlil' cllernoon anil there la dniiKor of Its, fomt; out. If tho dnm given wny, the water will sweep tho towns of l.tmont. YminrRlmvn. Mount ItrniU' dock ami Dunbar. I It It estimated that twenty thous and persons resldo In tho four towns and the loss of llfo and destruction of property, It Is fonrcd, will bo rreai. TWO SHOT By FORMER CLIENT THREE YEARS New York Lawyer and His Clerk Victims Assailant Attcmp.ts Suicide. (Ily Associated ProsB to tho Cooa Day ' Times). NEW YORK, July 21. Joseph Fottrotch, n lawyer nnd IiIh cleric, Normnn Ilcrgh, woro Bhot hy n man limned Conway, n former client, In Fettrotch'B ottlco today. Fottrotch died In tho hospital. After Conway's arrest, it was 'discovered that ho had sustained a wound, hollovcd to havo been Inflicted with suicidal Intent. Ilcrgh will recover. S ONLY II BLUFF Representative Mondell of Wyoming Scores Roosevelt Manager's Claims. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Cooa Bay Tlmos). WASHINGTON, JJ. 0 July 24 Spocdllu denials of tho claims of tlio Hoosovolt manngorH that heir candidate was Improperly dojirlvod of delegates in tho Chicago convention In contested cases brought boforo the untlonnl credentials cominlttco was innilo in n speech dullvorod in tho I Ions today hy Ropresontotlvo Mon dell of Wyoming who wns a tnomhor of tho credentials oonuulttoo. Ho characterized tho contents nH "inoro Jiluffs" without tho ahndow of Biib- Htaiitlatlon. MIS-TRIAL IN THE DHOW GASI Attorneys for Defense Allege That Illness of Juror Leavitt Has Been Feigned. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Tlmoe.) LOS ANGELES, July 2, A mis trial under scnsntlonnl circumstances W Augustus T. Moreaux of Kan sas City Convicted of Embezzling Funds. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Tlmos). KANSAS CITY, July 21. Augus tus T. Moronux, a land promoter ar rested in Chicago n few wcoks ngo on tho chargo of defrauding Mrs. Ho dolln G. Dwlght of this city out of fifty thousand dollars In a Montana land deal wan convicted today of om bczzllng $1,292 from tho land com pany in which Mra. Dwlglit wns tho principal stockholder. Ho was sen tenced to thrco years in tho pentlton-tlnry. is Imminent In tho enso of Clarcnco 8. Darrow, on trial for allegod Jury bribing In tho McNamara cases. At torneys for tho dofonso nro said to havo charged In conforonco with conforonco with Judgo Hutton today that tho Illness of Juror L. A. Loavltt which line delayed tho proceedings uns folgnod nnd askod for an Immo- dlato investigation by the court.. IS CRUSHED BY LUMBER PILE Fatal Accident at Coquille Mill Workman Killed at Lunch. COQUILLE, Or., July 24 A labor er named Griffin wnB fatally injured by falling lumbor at tho Coqulllo Lumbor company s mill. Ho was nit ting at tho foot of tho whnrf, eating lunch at noon when a pllo of two-bv-olchtn tonnlod over nnd crushed ! Mm. Ono other workman baroly es caped. I Griffin was still nllvo when tho lumber was romovod, but ho dlod on Ik t'nv In ttin )innnllnl. Tin linn nn ! relatives here nnd llttlo Is known of him. GREAT STRUGGLE FOR NAVAL SUPREMACY IS BEING WAGEO 0 B G TO START PROJECT I'XCl.i: SAM IS MASTER NATION'S BILL uilirlly Sajs I'. S. Controls Pnnn. na Canal one. (Djr Aisoeiatod I'rtbs to Tho Coos Hav TlmpR.t WASHIVfiTrtV r n 1..1.. 01 ' iisnnla Tajlor former minister to' vim ana writer on Intornntlonal a has published an open lottor horo j contending thnt tho Hay iwaceforte treaty Is voidable not' uecauso or tno situation nrlslng of Pannmn's ceding tho eannl PM to the United States. "Thoro Is Z ...m for ,,nlr "PHtting on that' POint. rltf Tnvlr MTI11,.. !, l zone the Vnlteii States Is sov- 11? ,.ine Ptoses of Intornntlon- Vl .l!!dcr tnp lnw- it i won sot- Z u "i6 trcnl' heroines voldnhlo irr.Tr." : v"1?? !,n8 tn: Ion. .i ., ""iiiiiienmi conui ;om wining nt the time it wns IS $110,000 B BURST, 11 SWEPT Large Sum Appropriated for Maintaining Government Branches. (Ily Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlraen.) WASHINGTON, I). C, July 21. Tho Hundry t Ix i npproprlntlon bill carrying nppn xlniutoly 11C,000, 000 for tho support of tho various burenua nnd brunches of government, pussol tho Sonnto today. It con tains Ineronses of nbout six million ovor tho appropriation authorized by tho IIoiibo. Tho dlfforoncos botwoen tho two bodies will bo adjusted in conference 0 E T T 0 "WUi?. ? " ,"u,dl Loss r-rom Waters' Rush P7 AMoclate1 Press to Cooa Day I Tint.. VAl'SAU. wi. ", . . ar,;,"tlmate,Utoo million dol ns .r ..""Sto t0(lny by tho break. her north JV on Ul Wisconsin iereu."n f bere. Three bri.ii? ,3t"Hestr0vord nnrt n 'orth nt,S Km1, A" OIeetrlc Pwer. 0Bisiton ervlce, Is out of 'tkew8!11 aw- are known ure- Thn m. . nna H'okaw struc-, tttnir .De elty's watnr ,.! ...J . I . !U!,S Of llfo la rnnnrlo.l L. A. ,V""5 . Was,,,,. Is attorney T lormor Prosecut KMf, .A 'r Coos nd nurrv V u. VlT A'Ueqvlsrs nnrants J.?8 ere loVt in VlrmnMon V nt IW .. m. - ",vMO UU1U. b'lfeT kind YOU havo' fUrrSS,0o W Pacific Director Fenton Announces Program for Entertainment at the City Park. nivector Fenton of tho Coos Day Concort Dand todny announced thnt tho following program for the pub lic concort to bo given nt tho city park this evening: March "Washington Post".. .Sousa Overrun) "Crown Diamonds". . . . Aubtsr Wal'tz "Symposia" Dendlx Tone Poem "Roses nnd Memo ries" Snyder Chilian Dance "Mnnann". . .Mlssud Selection "Wang" Morse March "The Cavalier" Hall "Star Spangled Banner" MIKADO IS 11KTTICK Condition of Japanese Kniperor .Much lletter Today. I Dy Assocluted Press to the Coos Day Tlmn "i VAxnniTVRn. n. c. July 24. A apeclnl cable states that the Mi kado's condition Is so much Improved thnt ho Is expected to bo out of the critical condition wltnin a lew nays. Business Men Plan to Organ ize Company to Build Rail road to Marshfield. HOSKHUlia, Ore., July .21 Tho Newa says: Hollovlng thnt there is but ono wny In which u railroad can bo suc cessfully promoted from Koseburg to tho const, n number of local capital ists nro considering tho advisability of attempting to ralso $150,000 to b,i used In construction of such n lliiv. The mon Interested In this project appear to havo lost faith In nil for eign promoters who havo visited Itosehurg, nnd nro of tho opinion that tlio road will necessarily hnvo to receive local flnnnclnl asslsrnnco In tho event It Is brought to a suc cessful termination. In tho ovout Knsobiirg raised $150,000 It Is nrgucd that n similar nmoiint would bo contributed by Mnrshllold nnd oth er less Importnnt' towns along tho route With $300,000 In hand, local capitalists claim that It would then bo a comparatively easy mntter to In terest foreign capital In construction of tho rnnd. It Is further nrgucd that thoro nro prosent sovornl fenslblo Biirvoya along which tho right-of-wnys could bo obtnlned for practically nothlu:; In tho ovonr tho owners woro assured that tho railroad would be built. With nil of these conditions favor able, local resldonts Interested In tho project hollovo thnt it enn bo pro moted should tho men with mono como through nnd contribute liber ally. It mny be possible thnt n meeting will bo hold In n few days nt which time tho project will recolve furthor (HeciissIoii. UGE E W ALASKA TO GET u M E" Senate Passes Measure Pro viding for One House lq Territory. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, July 24. The Alaskan, civil government bill establishing a legislature of ono Hnnt-o In the tnrrltnrv with author ity to enact local laws passed tho Sen ate today practically without oppost blll but conference will bo necessary to adjust differences. HAXKRIt FOUND DEAD Itobt. Tliornburrow of Sencctn, ICiui., Thought u Suicide (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times). SBNECTA, Kan., July 24. Robert Tiinrlmrrnw. n former banker and ono of tho wealthiest mon in the; county, was found dead in nis nomp hero. A revolver at his side Indica ted ho had committed suicide. I$e had been much worried by bank trpu blea due to the defalcation of the cashier, J. C. Maguire. MacArthur, Perks Company Plan Headquarters Por ter Brothers'. Plans. EUGENE, Ore., July 2 1 Tho Guard snys: Tho MacArthur, Porks compnny, which luiH the entire contract to build tho Eugonc-Coos Dny branch of tho Southern Pacific from tho Notl tunnel to Marshfield, nnd Porter Uros., who have- n sub-contract to I build 80 miles of tl'o line, will es tablish offices In Eugcno nnd mnko this city tho pay station for their em ployes nnd forwnrd a great part of their construction inntcrlals from hero. This, togother with tho offl cos of Twohy Hros., who hnvo the contract to build tho lino from Eit- geno to tho Notl tunnel, means n big payroll ovory month for tho city. Porter llros. expect to hnvo 20 car loads of mnterlnl hero within n few days and will got It to tho front as quickly n3 possible A largo ship ment Is expected nt Florenco by wntor today nnd tho firm will wor't from both ends of tho contract. Dan Drain, a member of tho firm of Porter Dros., who Is In tho ctt.v. Is looking for sultablo offlco roams on tho ground floor of somo convenient- building, but ns yot ho Is unnblo to find them. Thoro nro plenty of offlco rooms on second nnd third floors of various buildings, but nono excopt first floor offices nro deslreu. Mr. Druln said that n camp Ib now being established at tho mouth of Wildcat creek, a short dlstanco bo low tho Notl tunnel, wl cro another tunnel, this ono to bo 500 feet Ions, will bo borod. Thoro will bo numer ous other cninps nlong tho routo nnd a largo camp, to ho headquarters for tho crow that will work toward Eu gcno, will bo established nt Acmo. Porter Dros. havo already rocolvad sovoral car loads of their construc tion outfit nt Eugeno nnd 32 hend of mulos and horses enmo In from Port land yesterday. Tho stock and tho construction mntorlals havo all been sent to the front to begin tho work of grading ns soon ns possible. The Florence Sawmill. Rognrdlng tho enlargement of tho sawmill at Florenco, which Porter Dros. havo recently purchased, Sir. Druln said it depends upon tho no tion of tho peoplo of that city In granting them the use of certain streets nnd upon tho condition of the lumber market. Ho said that nt a recent mass meeting of citizens In rloronco ovory ono there except two woro In favor of giving tho compnny thq srroet8, An election will be held to decldo tho matter. Mr. Druln spoko optimistically of the lumber market and bolleves that with tho opening of tho Panama Canal there will bo n great demand for tho tim ber products of tho const. Engineers Hard nt Work. II. P. Hooy and V. R. Fontnlno, Southern Pacific engineers In charge of work on the Coos Dny branch, camo In last ovenlng from n trip over tho road from tho point nt the ex piration of the Twohy Bros.' contract to tho site of tho big tunnel beyond tho Umpqua river. They have eight engineering crews at work on the lino rushing mnfters bo thnt every thing will be ready for tho contrac PI .when Jthey get rcadyto eshib- (Contlnued on Pago Two.) TO 1 L L Conferees Endeavor to Adjust Differences Over Pen sion Bil. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos " Day Times) WASHINGTON. D. 0.. July 24. In an endeavor to break tho deadlock! between tho Houso nnd Sonato over tho pension appropriation bill, it is probnblo tho conferees will ask tho two sides once moro to doflno tholr rospcctlvo position as to a continu ance of tho pension agencies through out tho country. TO MAKE FIGHT ON COINER NOW Senator Poindexter Will Op pose Confirmation of His Appointment. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 24. Senator Poindexter nnnouucod today that ho would opposo tho confirma tion of tho nomination of Dovorly W. Colnor of Tncomn to bo United States Attornoy for tho' Westorn District of Washington which President Tnft yesterday sent to tho Senate. Poin dexter Iiob received telegrams from Roosevelt lenders In Washington ur ging him to fight tho appointment. .Colnor Is chnrged by tho Roosovolt men with hnvlng favored tlfo Tnft dologates in tho Washington stnto re publican convention. TRAIL CLEARS I MR L Additional Evidence Against "High-Ups" In New York Found. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dav Tlmos). NEW YORK, July 24. Tho trail that lends to tho men who framed tho plot to slay Rosenthal, tho gambler, Is slowly clearing and District Attor ney Whitman bolleves todny that ho will bo ablo to show thnt tho "pollco Bystem" and even thoso higher up were behind tho plot to sllenco tho ovldenco hns accumulated. Tho pro secutor oven hopes to force a confes sion from "Dnld Jack" Rosot a closo friend of Pollco Lloutennnt Decker. Mrs, Rosenthal, widow of tho gamb ler, told tho grand Jury that Rose was Becker's closest friend nnd charges that Roso was tho Lleuton ant's gambling houso collector. Reports at the district attorney's offlco today are that tho gray auto which figured so prominently in tho Rosonthnl case wns used merely as a "blind" nnd thnt the actual slayers of tho gambler wore concealed In tho slinilows of the hotel and after tho killing mixed In tho crowd. Aaron J. Levy, counsel for Shapi ro and Llbby, two of tho men nrrest ed In tho case, says his home was entered last night and ho believes thnt the Intruder was some ono who wanted to do him bodily Injury ns evidence Is lacking thnt anything wns tnken, No Cessation In Rivalry Be tween Great Britain and GermanYet. FRANCE HOPES TO LEARN j; ROM THEM Austria and Italy Said to Be Co-operating With Kaiser In Triple Alliance. (Dy Associated Press to tho. Coos Day Times). PARIS, July 24 That tho world Is not yot on tho ovo of a cessation of tho strugglo between Groat Drlt aln and Germany for naval supre macy Is tho prevalent opinion of tho Fronoh nftor a careful study of tho rccont speech of Winston Sponccr Churchill In tho Houso of Commons. A continuation of tho rivalry botwoon tllOBO tWO Countries rnunnn n nntn nf rogrot horo but thcro is an Inclina tion bolloved that 11 must go on arid that Franco should loam n losson from England's procoduro and her solf lncrcnso hor navy. CANADA WILL HELP Premier Has Promised Emergency Contribution to DrltUh Nnvy. ((Dy Associated Press to Tho Coot Times.) OTTAWA, Ont July 24. Though tho dctnlls probably will not bo announced until tho roturn of tho Cnnadlan minister from London, Winston Churchill's speoch In Par liament Is Interpreted ns a final and official indication thnt Dordon, the Promlor, has promised a doflnlto emergency contribution by Canada to Grent Britain's nnvy. Tho amount probably will bo sufll clent for building ono or two Drond nnughts and will bo n temporary ox podlont rnthor than tho boglnnlng of a pormanont policy. Thoro Is some speculation ns to how tho proposi tion will bo received In this country. That thoro Is llttlo sentlmont In favor of n navy, Imporlnl or Canadian, ox iBts Is maintained by many porsons but most of thoso who opposo heavy navy armaments on prlnclplo nro ills posod to wnlvo their objections If tho conditions of emergency nro shown to exist. OTIIElTl'OWEItS IX Claim Italy mid Austria nro Working Willi Germany (Dy Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Day Times). PARIS. July 24. Tho Mntln In rommontlng upon tho Biibjoct, says It Ib In position to declnro thnt Italy nnd Austria nt tho lnstlgntlon of Gormnny nro nbout to build ndditlon nl supor-drondnaughts In rognrd to which nothing has boon pormlttod to becomo public. Italy Is to construct six of thoso vosselB nnd Austria throo. Tho nowBpopors contlnuo: "Tho ful fillment of this program will dostroy tho present nnvy equilibrium on tho Medltorrnnonn, giving n big advantage- to tho 'triple nlllanco.' " NEW TLKT HIUDV Germany's Navy Has neon Greatly Strengthened (Dy Assoclatod Presn to Tho Coos Dny Tlmos) BERLIN, July 24 Such progress has beon mndo In strengthening the Gorman nnvy now, It Is announced, ofllclnlly, thnt a now third squadron of eight bnttleshlps will bo commis sioned In tho autumn of 1914, far earlier than wns thought possible AAOR RECEPTION FOR I.ORIMER Friends of Ousted v Senator to Wel come Him Home. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, July 23. A public re ception will bo tendered Wm. Lorl mer nt tho Orchestra Hall tonight by friends. Lorimer will return to Chi cago tonight from his summer homo at PIstnkeo Dny. An automobllo pa rade will meet him at the station and escort him to tho hall, Lorimer will be tho principal speaker to dovoto his chief remarks to the final dispo sition of his enso In the United Slates Senate. Don't foreret the Turkish Daths. PHONE 214-J. IS M T Falls 100 Feet With His Flying Machine In New York Today. HEMPSTEAD, N. Y., July 24. Edward F. Gallnudot, a wealthy am ateur aviator while flying on tho aviation flold horo, foil with his ma chlno 100 feet. Ho was seriously Injured. WAIT FOIl COMMITTEE Decision About Dropping Hunfoitf IiiiIK'iichnicnt In Balance. ((Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Ilay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 24. Beforo deciding whether tho 1m peachmont proceedings against Judge Hnnford shall go on tl o Houso Judiciary committeo will await tho roturn of a sub-commltteo which heard tho testimony against tho Judgo lu Senttlo. Whether Presldont Tnft will occopt the resignation prob ably donends unon tho committee's decision. A TURKISH HATH will do yoq GOOD. Phone 214-J.