3 if THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 191; -EVENING EDITION rrcszzzsmKajZttidzSgmwMEE&tm 51 LEAGUE BEST RDOI 10 SEVENTH SEMIANNUAL L SCORES. BE HO Clearance Sale ? New Series of Games Opens Marshfield Council Considers Today Sacramento Plays at Portland. Plan of J. M. Upton- Water Problem. rOIlTLAND, Ore,, July 23. No J. M. Upton appeared before tlic gnmes wcie plaved in the Pacific Marshflold council Inst night and sug- Coast League yesterday, It being pested that some means be provided moving day. Today a new series M i,orcuy a woman's rest room might starts with the teams playing as foN bc 08lnbllsho(, , the cy Mr. Vplon o'.L.i- . nr.t t pointed out the need for such a ?rnn ? nnlinS i won and said that especially on July S?n r?Sii2S, i ;- und.. I Frt A other holidays It would San Francisco at Los Angeles. be n groat benefit. He said that AAAAAA nllllC 1110 riURIKJI 8 MIU lUKKUIH UI1U NORTH REND NEWS Chas. Thorn, who has been quite sick Is reported Improving. Misses Grace and Illnncho WIN Hams of North Demi Heights spent Sunday In Marshflcld. Miss Dossle Balncs. of Sherman avenue, left this morning for Dan iels Creek to visit with friends. Mrs. Klnzey who l.as been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jennie M. Stewart, will leave soon for her homo at Halt way, Ore. Dr. Ulrd D. Clarke and family of Sherman Avenuo and Mrs. P. McCann of Portland spent Sunday at Sunset Bench. Percy Pect of Eastsldo has moved LIb family from tho Moran rcsldonco to his now homo which has Just been completed, Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Stevens of North Bond Heights who have been visiting friends on South Coos Riv er have returned home. Mrs. C. H. Hroulllard and her sl.v-ter-ln-lnw, Miss Delia Uroulllnrd, left yesterday on tho Rcdondo for San Francisco and California points where- they will visit for a while nft or which Miss Hroulllard will return to her old home at Charles City, Iowa. SEE NASHVILLE IS S 0 Great Organization of Colored Players Appear at Royal Saturday Night. The question I often nt-ked of Mr. Culllgaii, How I It that your show produce so much dlvontlled ntnusc inent with such a small number i'f performers? After nil the explain. tlon Is very simple. The Nashville Studonti carry nothing but tho bent talent thnt money. Ioiik experience mid constant practice can produce. Every inomhor of the company In a colloKe trained num. which has de veloped tho ht that U lit him alums with his natural talent as an enter tainer, you will find him always a rloan-cut. refined negro. I1U wry dross and bearing mnrs him as be ing well adapted to his special Hue of work. Thcro In not ono In tl o whole company thiit cannot tell .n Interesting or amusing story, slug .i Hong or do n dance and you will nl waya find him at his best when plnv lug an Instrument In tho bnud. Not only that, but .Mr. Thou. CiiIIIkmii owner and Manager of tho show I' one of the bet known, oldest mid lougost eperltucrd white men In fie linndllng of colored shows. Yn would find him n slow spoken pleas ant faced Ir'sl'innn who knows every phase of the colored show business and Ik always delighted ro talk nvr old time with tho uiannKur of ton houso or trouper. Ho at least has a others were well treated here, tho women had no place to rest and ho believed that steps should be taken, to provide for their comfort. Coun cilman Ferguson suggested thnt tho matter might bc taken up In connec tion with the public library. Tbo matter will bo considered at some future meeting. Front Street Settles City Engineer Gidlcy said that City Health Officer Mlngus had called his attention to the necessity of a sewer on Fifth street between Commercial and Central. Tho conditions thoro are very bad at present. Mr. Gldloy was Instructed to prcparo plans and specifications. Plans for a sewer on Market avenuo botweon Fourth and Sixth wero also ordered drawn. Engineer Gldloy nlso brought up the question of finishing North Front street where the Terminal Railway lins completed laying Its tracks. He said that tho street had settlod In places so that in somo portions tho tracks would bo six Inches abovo tho grado and In others tho samo dis tance below. Ho figured that It would cost tho city botweon sixteen and eighteen hundred dollars to bring tho sides, not Including tho portion lying lnsldo of tho outer tracks, to n lovol grade. Tho part of tho street lying between tho rails will bavo to bo put Into shnpo by tho Terminal company. Tho All wan not properly mndo and Engineer Gldloy believed tho only wny the levol grade might be estab lished would bc to take up tho paving and even off tho concrete It was thought that the city could not afford to do this nnd that tho proporty own ers had already been heavily taxed. No action wna taken on tho matter and It will bo nllowcd to rest. Repair Hull Avenuo Plans and specifications for tho portion of Hall avenue botween Front r.ud Fourth streets woro ordered drawn. Tho street will hnvo to bo re paired nnd on account of tho heavy tnilllc to nnd from tho dopot It was docldod that lmmodlnto action was nwossary. Tho next meeting of the council will bo hold on August I. Tho city council will liavo signs printed to bo placed in different partH of tho city Htatlng what tho speed limit Is for nutos. On tho roads leading Into town they will read. "Slow down to fifteen mllos." The speod ordinance will be onforcod more stringently In tho future. Last night's meeting of tho city council wns short and few woro In attoudanro outside of tho councllmon. Mayor Straw was not present, being out of town nnd Councilman Allen prosldod. The first ploco of buslnoss taken up was nn ordinance declaring n robnto on the assessment for tho Improve iront of Hall avenue from tho west line of Fourth street South to tho enst lino of South Seventh street. Tho total rebato amounted to $i:tr..R2. It was voted thnt the council meet us a board of equalization to equnl lo the assessment on Fourth strcot from Central to Donnelly and the date set for hearing protests was August ' The assessment for ono hide of the street Is nbout fifty four i ems per front foot greator than on the other on account of sidewalk lm prowment. Water Quel Ion Up City Attornoy J. D, Goes said Hint tuo committee appointed to con ;i 11 Began Thursday, July 18th Saturday we were so crowded that we could not serve all of you just as we would like to . Come this week Prices are the Same "MONEY TALKS" HubjClothing and Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD. BANDON. Genuine Good Buys Highly improved ranch, sk miles from town; stock, imple ments nnd launch Included. 91)0 Per Acre; Terms. WANTED A good lot, sultnblo for home, between El rod and Aider, Fourth and Tenth. Hnvo the buyer waiting. FOR RENT Modern C-room house, $19 per month; close In. French Realty Co. .113!$ X. Front St. vK3hV- Thc Sign of Good Candy Always Have That Roof Fixed sow See GORTJIELL Phone X1HJ The Order Sent By Telephone Is taken down carefully and filled with the utmost exactness at this market. You can count' on gottlng just as choice a cut as It you were here to sco us cut It for you. So If you cannot or do not caro to como in person phone us what you want nnd we'll seo that you get It ns and when you wnnt It. MARflllFIELD CASH MAJIKBT. FOURIER BROS. Marshflcld Telephones North Bond 221-J Two Market 01 Steamer Washington Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Wednesday morning, July 24 at 10 A. M. WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT P. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. BponKinit acquaintance with nearly , f,.r with J. Ilennot nnd J. II every man of note In the profession. nnnngnn to secure better wnter sor- hihm ui iiiciiihio iih personal menus ice honed to be able to innko n re. Anywhere, Any Time Careful Driving Reasonable nates FISHER AUTO SERVICE VM. FISHER, Prop. Phono ordors to Hlllyer's Cigar Store, Phono 18-J. After 11 P. M., Phono G.-J. Marshfield. Oregon. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS. Pit ESSE I IS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edvrard E. Straus & Co fine Tailoring Lot us maka youi aext Suit. 2.W Commercial. Phono 2TJ0-X THE FRIEND OP COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, AT 6 P. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NOItTII HANK ItOAl) AT POHTUVNR NOItTII TACIl'IO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Flume 41. O. P. McGHOHGH, Agent. We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of fa class Eloctrlcal material and tu give our patrons a very lowpria on houso wiring. Get our prtct you can't afford to mlu It, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J Blanchard's Livery wo hnvo secured the llrerjr li pess of L. II. Holsnor, and r r pared to ronelnr excellent lerrluti tho poople of Coos Day. Cin.'l drlvors, good rigs and ererrlkii that will mean saustactory terricii tho public. Phono us for a drlilst norso, n rig or mytning nttlitii tno nvcry line. Wo also do trad Ing business of all kinds. iHiANCHAnn iiiiotiikiu Phono 1B8-J Livery, Peed nnd Snles Smlce. Ml Flct nml Alder StrctU. You Auto Call Foott PHONE 1II-.I NIGHT AM) Dill Stand front of Lloyd Hotel. TWO NEW cms After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J Itesldonco Phono 28-J Will make trips to Coqulllf. nnd he Is a walking book of Infor inatlon concerning the business. :s memory Is ery retentive, he cnu toll you about towns down to th smallest detail that ho has not visit ed for years and bis judgment con cerning good mid bad towns for luid ness can seldom If over bo que Hone, 1 o Is thoroughly wrapped on In his work and bel'ovos that he linn tho most wondorful little organU'i- tlon in the country today. All of his ! port at the next mcctini; of tho coun ill. Mr. (loss said that both Mr. Flanagan and Mr. Dennett had agreed to put a good engineer in charge of tho water system If tho hydrant rate would bo raUel. Their claim Is that the present rate was so low that tho best service could not bo cxpectod. Tho manor will bo taken up later. The matter of keeping a clear pas ..n.f,...w.M n. .i'n....i" ,i.,. ..., "ge- Front street whore tho tillo consider thnt ho Is tho greatest man- ,lriu,r ' ononUlnR was discussed but in in nun nun mnvii- .ihu.iiuii car ter bus authority to dear the street so that vehicles can pass. agor under tho sun. In fact there N not n colored performer In the coun try that Is not willing ro work for him. He Is lovable kind. encrnu-i to a fault, and nlwavs holds their un divided confidence, consequent'y he secures tie best ienlt to be lind from a show of the character of the Nashville Students. He Is a firm lie. lliil'ill 111 ..l.'l.i.r tlir. ...-... .! .... . I.1..I Ill h'.'iih tin- IVlir II KllfH I 4U ..11,... ..., I s'iow for little money, and he Is d"- p ' ,"' vpn,!,,J.1 Ing It today as novor before. Tlier '", f:".0! ,,ni ,f Is something doing every mlnut J ?,' " of." P"J '..' from the tlmo tho curtain rises till the closo-slnglng. dancing, enmedw mlrt'i. music, and uovoltv iuiu r;'i tho evening's performance wM'-'i lasts over two hours. They carry an excellent small band, giving a haul strcot parado In t!'0 afternoon and concert In front of the tl cite- 7 -an lu the evening. Tho N'nshvlllo Studonts will bo at tho Royal The.i- tor two nights comiiieiic'ng Sat dny. July 27. 25 nnd 50 cent $8.11)0 HITS $10,000 LOT. Lot on Second Avenue, near Central. Positively best Invest ment in central business proporty to bo had for tho money. Reason able, terms. If this lot doesn't pay n hondsomo profit on tho In vestment, notntng on Coos nay will. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EqulpiKd with vtlicloM nml submarine bell SAILS FOR COOS MAY PROM SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY, JULY 20TII, AT 11:00 P. M. All Passenger Ecenntlons From San Frnurl-co Must Re Mado at H05 life Dulldliig, or Pier No. 11). INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE U. C. P. McGEORGE, Agent. TTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do all kinds rf bi3' on short notice. Wc moot all trii and boats nnd wo nlso have the U'.c btylo Reynolds Piano Mover. guarantco our work. L. HLHeisner, ProJ Phonos 98-R. 120-J. or 4M. PROFESSIONAL DIRECT08I D It. HI HI) II. CLAHKI2. Specialist In Nerve and 8pM Disease. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS PROM AINSWORTII DOCK. PORTLAND. AT 0 A. SI., JULY 2nd, Olh, 1-lth, 10th, tilth nml 2th. FROM .MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE, JULY (Ith, 11th, 10th, 21st, 20th and .list. Phone Main :i21-U J. C. .MILLER, Agent. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE The a it'spiitle nowder to be shaken mm uiv Hiiues ii you want rost and cotnfort for tired, tende , achlm? feet, uo Allen's eves cornR and bun- ml prevents bllste s. sore and callous spots. Just the thing tor Dancing i'nnlos. Patent leather Slmcs. a.id fo llrenklng In i Now Slues, It Is the grente,st com- rort discmcry of the nge T y It to., day. Sold cvo yw here, 25 cts Don't accept nii Mili.tltute. Ft FREEi in i p .-i e na lr s Alloa S, Olni- v- . I I 1. , v - Tortluil, Ontoa y - WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. nmtlc Cleaning Company. Orders for ttoik taken at OOINO HARVEY PHONE inn i Office, Room 2. Rogen HotM Marshfield. Office Hours z 'l Phone 14 4-L. r 11. A. J. HENimYb - Modem Dental Parlors wo are eaulDDed to do blib & work on short notice at the 'n lowest prices. Examination 11 Lady ottendant. Coke building, w site Chandler hotol, phone lll i Real Estate and PIRE INSURANCE Several good bargains In Farms and city property. AUO. FKIZREN. t)8 Central Ae. I Mnrshfle'd, OreCon ' COOS BAY-IiOSEBURG STxQE LINE. Stage leaves Marshflold every morning at 6 and reaches Roseburg In time to connect with evenlag train for Portland. Stage also leaves Rosumrg every morning at 6 o'clock and reaches Marshfield same 6Y0lD FARE iJO.00, Round trip $11.00. Good meals en route. C. P. Darnard, agent, Roseburg. Otto Schetter, agent. 120 Market Avenue, Marshfield. Tickets can be obtained at Hlllyer's Cigar Store. J. W. DENNETT, ltrjcr. Ifflte over Flanagan BennattI iB-hfli( OtH rR. J. T. MeCORMAO, Pnyslclan and Sarjwn Marshfield, Oregon. Ifflnn. T .i-.,l..f nnllillnff. nnnnii. -. m. PhnBS t" .Lfuimii.i iiiini iiiiii'i. . .-- I.lhhv COIL. Tlo kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pacific Liver- Traiihfer Co. Times' Want Ads bring results IUlJnt uJ Dr School law Ol.l. 7S V..I,.VIHIII,I11 DI..DDB Pftpl Kpi)pl)l wui.fi.x. iiuini m 11.rn.tur7 s.pwtsuU, Mull. Art. IlMatlw. Oiauilii. rorcUlo44rMTlll3 BISTEII kLTEIHOIl I urncan, lu ll.l,u lull Modern Brick Building, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. METLIN. Prop. ! Rates; f.0 cent a Dsy and tfpnT.rds Cor Broanwaj and Mikit. t Marshfield, Oregon Don't forget the Turkish Bathi PHONE 21 .J. lni' Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS irrj. Smifll .nn,l,,.n .1 .! .i. )S8k ,tl0U, . U1 tho lai,e stot'k mow on TiSl Maiu1, ?lV' Wilson has " "is employ .Sfeei. th? nl-y PwiPtienl marble and granite UUTifc- J l!! oos Count.y- Ad none "" but the best work is turned out. Times Want Ads Bring Results Barnard & Langwor Electrical Contractors and IW pimvn 184-R. 170 So. Rroadway, " door Union Meat Market Most Sensible Sho For tho children U ta famous "SKUFFER" Pnr sale at Tip Horfrtr Shoe SlO in Qrt ncAtniwiiv . . .. Mif'LJ HUHaaaBaHMaHoa T. J. BOAIFE CO A. H-BODUP Marshfield Pfli"1 tTS. riorafillC W ic.im. MARSHFIEJ Furnished Phone U 0r rrvj- rvv: r' -- Mil if m-vt