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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1912)
S59aa..-Jl-fi tVBWf1" 2uS . v .iiTf, T-W tn-rattnBiauti THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912-EVEN1NG EDITION BH r- v V 4. iA-UL-j SEVENTH SEMIANNUAL Clearance Sale "NS v f.-wj'UPa WT,SB3iS?ty'J-i'J' v'b' 9..2V4K itBBb afKn ."r WJa jrxA J f&XMmEmc"mmir,Lzr wrRi.62va!te 11 3;i;Ksii ?'M?Mct :,Siw" ,.?,. '"T- -" li ' r n ' v- - ' ' NEW PITCHER IS WHIRLWIND "Shorty" Coyne Leads Marsh field to 13-to-4 Victory Ovor Myrtle Point. NORTH REND IS PENNANT WINNER Coquillo Defeated Six to Three Sunday Big Crowd Sees Game. Nor tli Uciid won from Coqullld SUNDAY'S RESULTS j nK yestordny by n Bcoro of C to 3 1 BMhfl,?,d,,1r:. HSrrUMi,0lnl' ' i"'"""" cinched the pennnnt for the first North llend, C; Coquillo, 3 ,,, of tho 8cn80Ili Tho Nortn Ucm, Bnndon won from Lnstsldo boya took tno icuu in tho third, got- on a forfeit. , lJng cnoUB, nmB thnt liming iu InyneB Inlet, 8; lomplctoii, 3. wl tho B(inl0 Tho crowd wn8 tho North Rend Flromen 11, North nrgC8t of tho season, over COO be ing out. Tho excitement was nt n Slough, 3. loo, li : aumnor, i. liliih nltch nnd tho nlnvors hnd a i,nr,t time to restrain themselves. I There was complaining and arguing on both Rides but not bo much ns In STANDING OK CH'HS. tho gnnio of a weok ago. w. Ii. P.O. Tho Coquillo boys inndo moro 1 .880 errors than their opponents and their 3 .CG7 bungles were moro costly, nl bo. Hull 4 .rrG kept tho hits well scattered wlillo 5 AM North Uend bunched them off Cul fi .114 'ller. KlBsnm plnyed a great game nt 9 .000 first nnd mndo two hits, ono n homo North Dcnd ... .8 Coquillo C Myrtlo Point ...5 Marshflold 4 llnndon I EaBtsldo 0 run nnd the othor n bIiikIo. Burbocit ' I nlso connected Bafoly for two blngles "Shorty" Coyne. Ho'a n llttlo fol-,,''t, Dony " ot "" low, full of life nnd ginger, with a , ''V0" f?1 ,tt llrc-bllBBcr nnd a fow freckles scattered out on his HlBl0 f.or ,ls tcnm nnu Wca bn"od phyfllognomy nnd nn nlr about him "t,a 'j'0. "'J'1 two-bnggor. Co- thnt soonis to romo from tho Innd IV. '..'.. 7 . . . .' " ."""" of Shnmrock. And ho stiro Ih somo tho bnscB and lost chnnces to score, North Dcnd deserved to win nnd Ing thorn ncross tho pinto yestordny. Si"" ""l "tu" l " .. u f.iX. J thoro wns nothing to It but Mnrsh- , ".?r w"8 "?.l?.H "' lch ,blt. "A ball plnyor. When ho started stonm- flold. Myrtlo Point didn't hnvo n look In. Talk nbout Riuoko. IIo's hnd boon anticipated, All wngors wero oven money nnd thoro wns moro ent II nil rlMlit ... I I... I,, . I.nrn CoqillllO CnSh III blgllt thlllt tllO North got It all right and ho Is somo thoro , ,, ,,,,,. .".,. ,,, . it.l, ti fvlJ IIUIV t UIVI with tho bnt nlsn. lie nllowcd but throo hits In nlno Innings nnd nut of flvo times up ho smnshod out two Began Thursday, July 18th Saturday we were so crowded that we could not serve all of you just as we would like to Come this week , Prices are the Same "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAPSHFIELD. BAtfDON. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Loses Sunday'-s Game Other Teams Break Even. STANDING OK TEAMS W. L. P.C. Vernon 03 Onklnnd CO 4 I. oh Angeles . . . .57 Portland 41 Snn Frnnclsco . .43 Sncrnmcnto . . . .41 40 .G12 45 .567 4G .553 t 53 .441 CO .417 50 .410 lenguo after tho first half Is com Dieted as will also Uandon. Myrtlo Point nnd Coquillo woro not nnxlous to continue but will pro bably stny In. In a voto Mnrshflold nnd North llend woro tho only tonms thnt wnntcd tho Benson continued. Tho mnttcr will bo taken up ngnln next Sunday nnd definitely sottlod. Hull hns n reputation for being the heaviest pitcher In the lenguo nnd deserves It. mnnr niiniiinn n " nnini i inr r nu mr V'Jeu iruni i'iiku unu.l Minor Games Sunday llnyncs Inlnt won from Tomploton yestordny In n well plnyed gnmo by a scoro of 8 to 3. Hush nnd Hanson LOGGING ROA 1 Coob Dny end of tho lino was Mr. Hitchcock's. It Is further stntcd on good au thority that all appropriations for tho construction of tho lino to Cooq woro tho bnttcry for Hnyncs Inlotl nny nro so nrrnnucd thnt tho rond U nnd Munson nnd Itobcrts for Temple-, to bo completed Inslno of thrco ycnr. Send .Men to ICiigene. Tho MncArthtir Porks company Is Bending moro or tho nlon mid nin ton. Tho North Dcnd Flromen walloped tho North Inlet bnll tenm by a score Tho gnmo wnB umpired by Foltor.i or nnnuon, and as might hnvo been w.nnn.1 I.. on I ......... I .... 1 !. Iwn 1.nnr nn,l u..n A...1 nil v!.'"-".-" "" llll.l IU.H. II UUIIIUBI, that.ntimnrstgmnohThnswnyed.S n,,ost cvo with tho Mnrshflold bunch. Next Stindny North Bend moms 1l7,.',,0;,!,n?I,Of,1,,?r"n,i'B ,Kn," Myrtlo IN t"5.i the inter's 1 dldn t look n hit good for tho homo ln,i Tho BPorn In voHtnnlnv'i boys. Sutton couhln't mnko tho bnll , wn, , i' follows: " " " COQUIMjK. Ann. ii. po. a. k. 1011 2 r. o 2 3 0 0 1 2 0 4 1 10 1 0 0 0 9 7 1wi1in.iA m.1 .1.. t ft ft. l.ftft ""' wviiutu uiiii iiiu mm. imuu inuiLTH uii got lilts off him nnd chnsod In a con- pm oi runs, uoyno m n now man .0h,iHon, ss ....5 wuo lias jusi neen Bignoii up uy man- Lnrenz, 2b ... .5 ngor Schott but ho shnwud up well llylos.c "...!!!! I In his warm up so Cnpt. McCutohoon j. Cniller. p !!..5 put him on tho mound with ono In Unwell, cf 3 nnd nono down. Two orrorH nnd njOpnlliiK, 3b ....I lilt mndo It four to nothing In tho c. Collier, lb ...3 llrst Inning hut nftor thnt ovorybodyJA. Collier, rf ...4 plnyed ball nnd HilngH wero lovely. Proy, If I uoyno ouiy uiioweu two nils niter tuoi flrBt nnd ho fanned out hovoii of tho, Totnls 37 3 8 24 Myrtlo Point sluggerH. NOUTIl HKNI). .InrvlH Htarted In to twirl for the All. It. II. PO. A. i:. vnlluy boys nnd ho had tlilimn prut-, Gaff nny, 2b . ...3 0 0 4 0 l ty much lila way up to tho fifth lint, Yniing, vs 4 2 0 1 3 j In that frame MurHhllold linmmorel Surbock, If 1 1 2 2 0 a him all ovor tho lot nnd ho retired' Klssniii, lb 4 1 2 8 2 I In favor of Poland with tho scoro! Connor, c I 0 0 5 0 ) tied. Hut tho local hoyx jiiHt kept. Wallace. ;t o 0 2 1 1 on slugging tho ball ns If nil pitchers! Heath, rf I 0 0 1 0 0 looked nllko to them nnd when tho' Moloney, rf ....3 1 0 4 0 1 Inning wns ovor thoy had eight tat- J I Intl. p 3 1 1 0. 1 0 lies to tholr credit. In (ho sixth they' bnttod In three nnd two moro In tho olght brought up tho total to thir teen, A largo number of Marshlleld'H runs wero due to Inside base ball. Tho home tenm laid down n lot of easy ones nnd tho Myrtlo Point lys fell nil over themselves trying to scoop them up. PORTLAND, Ore., July 22. Ver non won ngnln yestordny from the Heavers, making It four out of flvo gnmoB. Hap Ilognn's sluggers out batted tho Portlnnd bunch, winning by an 8 to 2 score. Tho Angola nnd tho Scnntors split oven, ench taking n gnmo. Snn Francisco shut out tho Oaks In tho first gnmo nnd was blanked In turn In the second scores At Los Angoleg of 27 to 3 on the lnttor's ground. Tho terlal which It had nssomulod hero scoro wns tho highest recorded this! for work on tho Coos Day lino to u sonson. geno to hasten tho work on thnt ond Leo bent Sumner on tho Fnlrvlow of tho rond. grounds by n scoro of 11 to 2. Up to1 Knglnecr Mrown of tho Southern tho sixth nolthorsldo scored but nftor, Pnclflc hns been on tho Hay for n thnt n fow bnd errors gnvo Loo cloven fow dnys. Just what his mission tnlllcB. j hero wns nnd wlint ho lias boon do- lug Is not known. UANDON HASN'T QUIT I Messrs. Dixon, West nnd tho othor ! representatives of tho MncArthtir, Marslillcld Will Play There Next Porks Co. nro planning to lenvo .Sunday May Stop Then North Dond this week for Kugono, up their head- They will re- Totals 33 fi 5 27 7 a SCOUR HV INNINOS. Coquillo ...o n i o o i o o 13 lilts 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1- S North llend. 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 lilts 0 0 3 0 10 10 5 SUMMARY. Homo run Klssnin. Two-bnso bit llylo. Threo-lmso hit Lorenz. Los Angolcs 0 4 Sacramento 5 S (srcond a ami:) R. II. Los Angeles 7 14 Sacramento . 0 it It wns reported nbout town thnt tompornrlly giving tho llnndon tenm hnd dlsbnnded for qunrters on tho liny TI..T tho Benson. This Is not believed to bn ' turn when they got rendy to stnrt ne triio, however, as tho Mnrshllold tenm ,,mi construction on this ond or tho R. II. R. will piny In tho Clty-by-tho-Sea next 0!,,, II Sunday. llnndon will disband after l' thnt gnmo ns'tho season will bo half finished then, nccordlng to advises ro 13. 1 1 IIOHV AT GAIlDIXint At Portlnnd Portlnnd . Vernon R. H. V.. .2 0 1 .S 13 1 At Onklnnd It. H. 13. San Francisco 5 8 0 Oakland 0 3 1 (SRCOND GAME) It. H. 13. San Francisco 0 Onklnnd . Tim f.Mim lin?i piiiri.nnl.n,l In Stl'llck (lilt llv Pllllllr l l.v Mull .. "" ! " " "'I , ....... '' tho past week nnd yes erdnv's unmo' .' mniioi.oiier. Hhnwoil the result. Thoro wns gooil team work mid lit t lo If nny Indlvldunl playing. The crowd wns very small but If tho boyH keep up the good work they will got tho support of tho fans In tho future. Dr. Johnson of Myrtlo Point um pired n fair game. Somo of his deci sions woro questionable but neither side was favored. McCutcheon was fined for kicking on a decision at llrst but tnkon nil In nil overyono seemed satisfied. Tho score: MYRTLR POINT. All. R. II. PO Thomas, 2; stolon bases, WooiIh, Johnson, llrlggs, Proy. McDonald, llrown: sacrlllco hits, Johnson, Lang worthy. Innings pitched by Jnrvls, 4 1-3: by Poland, 3-2-3. Umpire, Johnson, Side Minimus. Coyne Is good onough for Mnrsh llold If he pitches ns ho did yestordny. Proy, r f 5 (.. McDonald, 2b I Poland, c f and p I llrown. 31 3 Carl, lb 1 Hermann, r f e f 4 J. McDonald, e Dement, ss . . , NJorstrom, r f Jnrvls, p Total . . . I K. 1 1 O ii 3 o o o o o 21 It 10 MARSIIF1KLD. AH. R. II. PO. 1 I 0 3 1 0 1 14 27 Woods, of 5 3 Johnson, If .... I 3 IlrlSBB. 2b 5 3 McCutehoon, 3b 5 1 Thomas, e .... 5 0 Coyne, p 5 0 Hurko, hs t 0 Cowan, r f . . . . 3 l Lungwort)!)', lb 3 2 Total ...30 13 Runs and hits by Innings Myrtlo Point: Runs 4 00000 0 0 01 Hits .,...4 10000 10 0 C Mnrshflold: Runs ... 0 0 1 0 7 3 0 2 x 13 Hits ....1122 1211 , H SUMMARY: First on balls, off Coyno, 1; off Poland. I; two base hits. Coyno. 2: Struck out by Coyno, 7: by Jnrvls, Cnpt. McCutcheon got four hits out of live times nt bat. O. you bat ting average. Mack hns been land ing on tho ball pretty regularly nil season. "Speed" Woods Is suro playing tho game. Ho covers the ground In tho Held and Is some bit and run getter. Dement Holds his position well but Is a little weak with tho stick. Ilurke Is getting In shnpo nltho ho Saturday'. Games. At San Frnnclsco - R. H. Snn Francisco 0 R Oakland ' s 13 reived by Cant. McCutcheon of tho S"ierii Pnclllc Knglnecr Make Mnrshllold tenm. "",' '''I' Tliero Un SAIL SUNDAY ON REDONDO expert oilly (Speclnl to Tho Times) (1ARDINRR. Ore. July 22 Rn glneer Ilooy of tho Soiithorn Pnclflc Hast anil West Tdno Helns !) Now ONTARIO. July 22 Mntorlilr. made n visit to this city. Without R'iPPllos nro bolng rushod to th II. previous nunouncomont ho arrived In luMlr cuiyoii nnd stool rails and t TIES UNLOA Material for the Smith-Pod txtension Being Gathered at Myrtle Point. Tho .Myrtlo Point Enlorprlie rJ Tho first of tho fort construction of tho Coos Bar, R burg & RnBtorn cnBt nnd tontij this city ns n logging rond fori Smlth-Powors Logging Co.. inW yestordny In tho shnpo of thrtetsl inniis or codnr tics. Tho tlci itiV lug loaded nt Cedar Point, beloit quiiio, nnn wo iinnorsninu i&,QQi ready for dollvery, miffldont fori tweon four nnd flvo miles of n It Is stntod thnt tho projected en filon will roqulro nbout 75.00J& Rnlls nnd othor mntcrlnl nro ? en to nrnvo snortiy. just wn tunl operations will begin ban been learned nnd is probablit definitely known by tho coBfr thoniBolvcs. However. It Is tbo:p tnnt a inrgo portion of tho oxt will bo comploted Instdo their yenr nnd n linlf, an tho Smith Tic eompnny hnvo timber nbovo thtic on which tholr contract oxplrci la'f niontnn to two yenrs. WORK NKAUONTAHI0 this part of tho country In a locomo bllo In company with another of tho Southern Pncllle olllclals whoso nnino was not lonrnod. Tho purposo of Mr. llooy's visit Is not known furth er than ho Is looking Into tho work hero. Onrdlnor Is moro llvoly now thnn Heavy Fog Prevents Steamer !t hni! ,,oe.n for Bomo tl,no i)n8t nn(l ' nm5:inn Rut fnr Qnn Prnn I '. !,,IH' ls fcollB benollclnl rosults a WOSSIIig UllllOrban J-ran- of tho proparatlons of Portor Ilros. o Cisco until lociay. Los Angeles Los Angeles Sncramento . ...0 It 0 14 4 11 The Redondo sailed yestordny nft 5 ernoon for Snn Frnnclsco, leaving I nor .Miirsiuioiii dock about 5 o'clock. which initlcnto that construction work at this point Is to begin soon. TIP FROM ROSRHl'IKi nro bolng sont In dally. Tliosridi on tho now rond Ih complotH to& por bnflln, 40 mllos west of licre.i grading camps nro Bcnttcrol i!q through tho ennyon to Rlvcrsldr.i miles west of Ontnrln. Tho newrs will connect with tho Hnrrlmanr torn horo. Twonty-olght enra of mntorlalif sont, on to Vnlo, 10 enrs of rallit ties going up on n spoclnl train. However, tho henvy fog that sottled' Piviple Tliete Want Haines Itallitiad At Portlnnd n. li. p.' over the lower Hnv mndo It liiimm I'nrllnml i 7 slide for dipt. Mngee to put out to V.0."1?" 4 7 i.soa. the Redondo hnd tho usual enrgn I'roject iteneued, Tho Roseburg Rovlow snvs: "About threo yenrs ngo n party of illiln t even loso his smllo but got J of freight nnd n good pnssonger list, j Rugene peoplo formed n company Him on 1110 Biueiines niui helped win ' "" uiwe Muung on ner .woro m uvkihi miming surveys nnd so thru .his conchlng. Thero Is no! th Mfo,1!0!"K: , , fr'R rights of xvny for n rnllrond w. ... ftiui ipwiiH1i, , i, V.11.1 1111111, " mo wimi. 111 cuusenuonco l)g liroad bulldors beenmo Intorestod 1 inrougii lino Ib now under net Ion, A Rosebiirtr eltlzun Cnnt MrPn'Minnn ' l "iiimiiiH. iir. . uorsin ii, .xim. 1 oiiKKiiuH uiiu now won d bo n snlen cnpi. .xicuutciieon w iinr-f..ii n u-.,ii uii.i n...n ... ..'.." ,0". .in,. u.. 1 - v .v... .i.moiiiii, iv, .1 ...1... ,t, oiiuk niicii n niovninnnr Pottle. John Amileton. Phllln Ivpnt'hcre. Tho Unities snrvv .i,ii. i James Wenhurst. Miss R. Hodson. R. 1 said to bo nn oxcollent ono, nnd com- will uso him on the conchlng lino. J. Collier wns somo sore yesterday i, u.AJ.l,' WIi? V0'180"' " "' ,n r" nn oxcollent ono, and com- when Klssnin lined out a homo 'run ILu'n "'., M,.8" "' J?e,"on' M "8 ,0te from .Coos Uay ,0 "eburg. ,uo run' ' JW Hroulllnrd. Mrs. W. H. Hroull- b's reverted to tho Chambors of Vorl Cnn.ln.. m.-i.....ii . '". .MClUiyre. t'. XX. KVOVt- VWIIIIIIITCO 01 .XlnrHIIf nlrl nn.l K'M. A. J. Stonely, Mrs, 13. H. Hod-' "end. nnd would mnko a splondld llnndon run. An excursion train will bo son. McCiitcheon's flno was one buck. Thomns plnyed n good gnmo be hind the bnt and xvlll probably hold that position pennnnently. NO HASTSIDK C.XMV. Knstsldo did not put up nn appear- R. 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 MANY ARRIVE ! nu iMcmiMMi inline a nan error yesterday. Hogot,11"10 )eieruny nnd conseauently live put nuts nnd two nsslsts. Also',lu'ro Wl8 "" gnnio. Nothing can bo' a nu. muni! oni rroni tho Knstsldo team ns nono of tho men seom to know nny- 1 Coyne mndo his opponents hit In! "lB nbout the plnns of tho mnnnge- Steamer In From San Fran he nlr. Kloven Myrtlo Point players 1 ". It is believed thnt the boys ciSGO Lnto ntlirHnu Hew out. O. you chicken! havo quit as they had no chnnco of .,,,, a'raay ., , winning nnd hnvo had dlmeultles Sails Wednesday. Hi own. who Is supposod to be 0110 from the beginning of the senson 1 of the best sliiKgors In the league,! . Tll Washington nrrlvod In Into uiun 1 gei a magic yostordny. t.'A.MR TO MARSIIFIRLD jbnsls for oporntlon by a local com I l,n"J'' , It ought not to bo a reallv j difficult mntter to raise a sufflclont iiiiiii ii.ciuiy 10 uegin nctual construc tion work on such n lino. Thib would at least assure Rosoburg bo lng mndo tho railroad contor of Southern Oregon, xv herons If wo wait for the completion of tho S. P. Co.'s lino from Myrtlo Point, i nectlon with the mnln lino Is llkolv 1 III tin mnitn ..aa rfn . v .......u imir uiiiuru. FHlST I1RIDGR URGUN Johnson Is usually good for two hits In every game. Lungwort by tint up a good gnmo nt first liaso. "Cnl" got u hit nlso. Ilrlges brought In threo tallies himself and batted in two more. Illllllloil .'! Protests Decided Advei-M-ly to Contestants. me protested .inm iiot ?! Saturday from San Frnnclsco with u Kiiou cargo ot misceiinnoous freight nnd a fair pnssongor list. She will snll from hero Wednesday ai 1 o-ciock ror San Frnnclsco, Southern Pacific Contractors Ilegln Near Kugeno EUGRNE Ore., July 22Work on tho first brldgo out of Eugono on tho Coos nay branch of tho Southern Pacific, wns begun Friday by tho Hates & Rogers Construction com pany, which has tho contract to do i.u lu.uieiu xvorK on nil tho bridges between Eugeno and Coos Bay. A Cownn hnd an off dny at the bnt. A - . . ,-. . .. ' ' . V u"11' -" o"lo Plnys. Jnr- Tl Sutton didn't elve un th ... ,.......,v ,, H.IIIIU UflWOOn Attin.KT tl. I.. 1 x arshl 0 d and Uandon was sottleii in xinYi . .,".V.K " l!, "llb ueon estnoiished nt Coyoto favor of Mnwlineld ,Uenln " Tho '"l iini"0 'ollowlng: creek nnd tho forms for tho concro 0 outcome wns not n surprise ns linn- I aird Wt ,ni,MrM.La,,rd' Mn"top nr n?w be,nR bu,lt' Du-'ns tho don's protest wns only Mm Sy ono 5 Cnrr M C G iff v w T "' SUm WCeks th com,,any ,l8 and there wns little doubt ns to what nnd wife, and ch lr,', VJh KBra" tl ."'I Ul ccln(re,e e",vert8 "eces. the decision would be. Han.inn " ! )"t ZXt,"' , d " ""tweon Eugeno nnd tho Cov- rite - Mnrshtleld nr. nnv iin,i " ,"."V V. '.'.' V. "I? '.? .Jiioy, .xuss place. "l" r 'v. V' J,n"0- ; u- Carpenter. v A.. ' - . L. W. Nelson. J. Atch son. vis to McDonald. McDonald to Cur : I hT.nvm Z i V' r'' .. "' LV'5 "".'? --.,"e..l0,UI,'0 'Nor et Bnio was' Poland to McDonald; passed bns. in tho at Innln. yS, , "ZZXlfZ Hve your calling cards 'printed at The Times' ofllce. An unfilled wnnt causes anhappl lens -Times Wnnt Ads brine, results TRY a CIDER FLIP at BARTERS' AUTO LINE TO TEH MILE N9 Tom Sawyer, Jr., Establish! New Service Plat New Ten Mile Tract. An nuto lino to Ton Mile ': fitnrted today by Tom Sawyer, f who recently enmo to Coos nay ft Snn FrnnclRcn. 'Plm lino xvlll bM orated through tho remnlndcr o( summer nnd ns Into this fall ai 1. wenthor xvlll normlt. Mr. Sawyor xvas oporatlng an Hi lino nt Snn Frnnclsco xvlioro d tlirnn .filltV-DOl power Stenrn autos In tho eerrr Ho has ono car nt Ten Mllo now will put on othora If tho business F tlfies It. Tho nuto will connect' nil bonts nnd xvlll mnko spociai n fnr ennnlnl rmKllna The rond from' North Inlet b beon Improved so that It Is P T 1 1.1- J . iii.i.. lnllPl' imttmio III ilUOUl lIUll nn" - . t nnlltxnn nlini.i A., ttAlirO tftt " Htnpn in mnln tliA vnn. Messrs. Simpson nnd Dylor arraj ed for ostnbllshlng the nuto ser It Is llkoly thnt a fast, light dra- 1n..nnl. ...Ill 1.- ... n iha rUD " ...iii.v.11 Kill uo inn U "w " .J. tweon Marshflold and tho North I" landing so that pnrtlos can com' go nt nny hour of tho day, resr-- of tho tide. This sorvlco will grent boon to flshormnn and ou pnrtles who xvlsh to mnko short xit nt tho lakes. i'iait jiarco virmis. .,, r t ri.i t in Ten " todny to .make surveys for "" nn nddltlonnl tract of the Slw nnd llvlfir hnlillnefl along ine ."..' It Is plnnnod to lny out a nuniW'J mree, tour ana tive-ncro i-- .li . . .. ..t nil li summer nomes 10 do i' market soon. TW .A.. ... . "-i "- r - -' i M- T - --- PMBiteHBlbiaMi.4l