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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Doing "a good turn" YOU can do yourselt a good turn, and do us one too, by talnnp" advantage of our rSzaranco sal rrirxx. You'll save some money; we'll dear up our summer stock; and we'll both benefit. Hart Schaffner & Marx ClOtneS arc au guuw mac any iwo-uiau-uauai pin.ti uicUYC uic uaigam a Ulg UliC $30 Suits at $22.50 $25 Suits at $ J 8.85 $20 Suits at $14.85 $J5 Suits at $11,85 $3.50 Cravenetted Hats $2.85 $3.00 Millicoma Hats $2.35 Broken Lines of Summer Underwear at Price V2 Boys' Suits Fancy Brown and Gray Mixed Off l'ccts to lcavo Tor Chicago In. a couplo of weeks whoro ho will con fer with eastern capitalists relative to developing his coal Interests In Coo3 county. Mr. Perkins has r colvcd assurances that a number of castorn capitalists will finance de velopment of the conl properties as well as construct n railroad In the ovent the coal Is ns plentiful ns rop lesented. RoHoburg News. Good Travel Capt. C. K. Ed- WnrtlR riinnrtn iximl trnvnl .... Mm ....... Coos Hay Drnln Auto lino. Thoro wore Tour passengers out Sunday and six this morning. liny Stand. 11. J. McKeown and CIuis. Van Diiyn havo purchased the cigar stand In the Chandler lobby from Mr. Farias nnd will continue the business. Hoboes Trouble. Marshal Carter and Nlghtwntch Shoupe went to Ferndalo about 1:30 this morning nnd nrrestod three hoboes who wore scon In that neighborhood. Thoy wore given nollco today to leave town and thoy vamoosed. A drunk was tho only other offender. Motorcycle Accident I,. L. El moro mot with an accident while coming ovor from Ilniulou on his motorcyclo yostordny. Ho was com ing around a Bharp curvo nt a good rato when ho wont off tho road and ran Into n stump dnmnglng his ma chine Ho wnB compelled to hoof It to Isthmus Inlot whoro ho put tho machine aboard n boat and camo tho rest of tho way by water. .Struck by Auto Eddlo IJolt, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Coo. N. IJolt, had a narrow cscapo from Horlous Injury Saturday ovonlng. Ho was riding his hlcyclo nnd was turning south on Urondwny from Central avonuo when ho was struck by Ocorgo Goodrum's nuto which was coming north on Iirondwuy. Mr. Goodrum wob driv ing tho car. Eddlo was somewhat bruised by bolng thrown from his wheel but Mr. Goodrum stopped his car boforo It had run ovor him. Tho hlcyclo was completely wrecked. WEI) AT Mc MINNVILLE ' The Woolen Mill Store Mili-To-Mnn Clothiers The following Item from a Mc Mlnnvlllo dispatch will bo for Inter est to Coos Day friends of Miss Oris sen who Is qulto well known horo: '"Miss Esthor Emma Grlsson was mnrrlod to J. O. Richardson of Port land at tho homo of tho brldo's sis ter, Mrs. W. E. Wright, Wodnesday evening. Sho Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grlsson. Mr. Oris sen was a former mayor of McMInn vllle. Mr. Richardson Is n young at torney of Portland. Tho brldo form erly attended tho University of Oregon." WANT ADS. POUND Small gold necklace with Jowol setting. Ownor may have tamo nt Times ofTlco by describ ing property and paying for this notice. LOST Two blue prints, basement drawings; on S. Droadway. Re turn to II. l' Ypder, CIS S. Uroad-way. FOR HUNT Three room ttaU Mod em Improvements. Apply C48, 11th St. South. LAURIIIR AN' IMPOSTOR nt A Tonic For Tired Women S.WT.S TIME AMI LABOR A tonic does not always remove the cause of that "tired feeling," Frequently women have to work so hard that a tonic does not have any effect. One of the causes of a woman's weariness is the weekly ironing -by old-fashioned meth ods, Tho modern way with an Electric flat iron -eliminates hard labor and makes Tuesday a nay ot pleasure, Telephone 178, Always "Tho Busy Corner' ilML jm IPCM fegon Power Go. .EST 'Ufa. ' m JsSSSSSSS!Sm, price $.1.00 ONIGHT at e R.OMfll 'O l Gloves " Engngpment ot ,tho Popular MVI, DIAIII.0 CO. I " enteittiiners, presontlntr "THK 1IOO DOO" ' I'lmio Piny icillcoiit IViridy" good for ohlldron. l-llltlllv Of Km . IiIium.,. SimiKKlers" brshfteld Cyclery B,CliK8 ion KENT el3-H. ,,v .... "" "ruauway. Stock. ...,25c ...25c, ...50c ...75c $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 Gloves; $2.50 TFe Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. A Complete Lino Always In Men's Work Gloves; cotton; 3 pairs Cotton Gauntlet Gloves with leather palms , Goat ami Mule Skin Glove), only Gont Gloves with Horsohldo palms Horsohldo Gloves nt 1.25 and Railroad Gloves for Gauntlet Gloves for Automobile guaranteed Glove long gaunt- let for FOR SORE tyVSCLES J9WD STIFF JPWTS. Soreness and stiffness of muscles and Joints, weak and lame backs, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, and neuralgia; apralnsi strains, bruises, swellings and inflammation can all Lo cured or greatly relieved by RUBBING OIL Tho remarkable cutlng qualities of this softening and healing liniment have made It a fayorite among suhlstes and others to cure, strengthen and prevent week, stiff and sore mus- cles, Stimulates and cure by incrcan ing circulation at the locality applied Two siio bottles, 35c and 50:. LocMart-Parsons Drug Company "The. Busy Corner" Phone 77i i -Main, SOH Ua ) $9ftl& JWw ; COOS BAY TIDES. Jlol w Is riven tho tlmo and I height of blch and low water at Marannold. Th tides aro placed In the ordor of occurrence, with their times) on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consocutlve 'holghts will lndcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 3 hours 34 minutes. Date. July. Mrs. .2.59 9.32 2.41 9,2.'i Feet .0.9 3.8 2.5 G.l I Irs. .4.09 10. fiC 3.44 10 21 Poet .0.0 3.C 3.1 C.l Mrs. .5.15 12.12 CIO 11.17 Feot .0.1 3.7 3.C C.l Hrs. .6.17 1.13 C.G3 0.0 Ft. 0.3 3.8 3.8 0.0 Fiance of Former Coos Uy CJhl Htm I'ViiiicInco Mail Ono Tho Snn Frnnclsco nullotln prints tho following nB tho latest develop ment In tho mntrlmonlnl dlHtip- poiruiueni or aiiss MnrRarot Foulko, n former Coos Uny girl, In thnt city: "A porsonnl letter from Wilfred Lnurlor, former premier of tho Cnna dlan Kovornmont, has sot at rest any lingering doubtn as to whothor tho "C. IT. Lnurlor," who rocontly posed horo ns tho distinguished Canadian's nophow, was what ho protended to bo. Sir Wllfrod, In a lottor to Roy M. Cunningham of 19 linker stroot, wrltton In rosnonso to tho nubfoct. says that tho young mnn Ib no rola tlon of his. Lnurlor has not been seen Blnco .luly 2, tho tiny on which ho wns to havo ftmrrlod Miss Mnr garot Foulko, and ho Is bolng sought on a warrant nworn out by J. A. Wnlkor of tho Argonaut Hotel on tho ehnrgo of passing n worthless cheek for $G3ri." A SXAP For iiuui nml lfc lshln,; to keep honrdors If taken within tho next fow days. IIoubo partly furnished, lnrgo gnrden, cow and chickens. Apply KruBo & Danks, North llond shipyards nnd call for Mr. Osier. LOST Two tloor keys nml sewing mnchlno key on ring. Finder plcnso return to A. O. Kogors. WAN'TKD Position ns liotisckccper, houso work, hotol or restnurnttt work or will cook In camp. Ad dross Mrs. Mlnnlo Tnlhot, Dnndon, Oregon. l-'OU SALIC One mnre. Apply A. well broke young T. Haines. WANTKI) About thirty boys to Join boys' concert band to moot Wed nesday night In band hall ovor postofllco. II. N. Fonton, dlroctor. 1'Olt 8ALK Pino tenm of younuj mnros; will work any place; 4 nutl C years old; weight 1400 each; a bargain for a. fow dnys. Seo J. C. Donne. Phono 331-R. FOK SATilJ Single buggy. Phono 171 North Bond. WAXTF1) NVnt womnn to keep houso; no washing or Ironing; wages according to ability to do what's wanted on trial. Phono 471 North Bond. 23 24 25 ! THE WEATHER (By Associated Pross) OREGON Gonornlly fnlr to night and Tuesday, except showars this afternoon nnd to night In northwest portion. Rising tompornttiro Tuesday. Southerly winds, LOCAL HE- TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., July 22, by BcnJ. Ostllnd, special government rao- toornloglcal observer: Maximum 71 Minimum Gl At 4 43 a. m G3 Precipitation none Wind northwest: partly cloudy.) - - HOTEL ARRIVALS 4 444 Chandler. F. H. Haradon. As toria: F. W. Woldon, Portlnnd: j. Wood nnd wlfo. Ilolso: L. G. Irwin. San Francisco; A. E. Johnson, Port lnnd: H. Armstend, Snn Francisco. CIiiib. Kelly, San Francisco; 11. S. Uudworth and wlfo, Portland: S. H. Goldstein, Budwolsor; A. II. McFnd den, Snn Francisco; R. E. Bedllllon, Bundon; T. Stoenotigh nnd wlfo, Bnndon; V. Cnttorlln nnd wlfo, Ilnn tlon: Tom Wolf, Florence; H. P. Lold nnd wlfo nnd children. Sno- knno; L. W. Shotwoll, Ismay, Mont ; L. G. Tohnsoy. Myrtlo Point; J. Kushncr, Snn Frnnclsco; T. Pntty and pnrty. Coqulllo; J. H. McDon ald, Myrtlo Point: .1. E. Alesov. North Bond: II. R. Kolnoer, North Bond; Ben MoMullon, Myrtlo Point. Coos Hotel E. M. Onlller. Bnn don; A. Gnlllor, Bandon; It. A. Gal ller, Bandon; Wm. Hnmorhug, Bat. don; A. Smith, Coos nivor: S. Onl ller and fnmlly, Bnndon: A. F. Hodg son. Smiths Basin; E. L. Davis, Daniels Croek: Mrs. W. Marbloy, Coos Hlvor: MIsb Desslo Marblev, Coos River; Ed Schubert. Portland; Juno Hall, Portland; A. Slcqp, Co qulllo: Mrs. Sutton, Itlddlo. Oro.; Mr. Sudart. Portlnnd; E. Hnnson; Gnrdlnor; C. Bjwlk nnd wlfo. Min neapolis; Geo. P. Parkor. Portland: Porry C. King, Portlnnd; P. F. West- pnm. .Montezonn. Iown: John Gnlls plo. Portlnnd: Cloy Roborts, Port land. Blanco Hotel. J. E. Hnrbnno nnd wlfo. Walla Wnlla; Mrs. J. Casteol, Wnlla Walla; C. Hnhn. Portland; u. Itoberts. Portland: J. MeArHmr nml wife, nosohurg: Mrs. LHa Clark. jinKPrsnoia. unll.; WANTED Stenographer ties Iron to rent typewriter for thrco months. Address, II enro Times. WANTED Girl for general house work. Phono 3 40-J. j WANTED Slushing or land clear- ing by trio acre. Address Brttco Hood, Mnrshflcld. WANTED Womnn ns nurso nnl housokoopor for oldorly Invalid. Apply Mrs. H. Sengstncken. LOST A crescent pin, sot with hrll. llnnts. Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzor. REMOVAL SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PREPARATORY to removal to Mis souri all housohold fttrnlturo be longing to M. C. Horton will bo of fered for snlo at tholr rosldonw, No, 383 North First street, July 18 to 31, Inclusive Much ot tho fttrnlturo has boon recontly pur chased nnd is practically now. Tho fttrnlturo can bo Inspected nt their residence nt nny tlmo during above dates. WANTED Men for brush work. Ap ply Roynolds Development Co. E. E. Wlllnni. Coqulllo; T. Jones. Hombronk. Cnll . D. M. Hoon, Hnmbrook; G. M. Jnncs, iiiiiiuipiiniri SiT L-ninnn ... m.. AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAA. .."........, .v. n, au.cui, mukiiu IWV HORN JOHNSON To Mr and Mrs. Adolph Johnson of North Bend, Sunday, July 21, a ten and a half pound son, jljjmes Does Job Printing Poison Oak Cured by using Dennol, or money back; 99 in every 100 oases cured by Dennol. Don't forget PHONE iilt-J. the Turkish Baths. If you have anythtngvto,seIl, trade, or rent, or want help, try a" Want Ad. Coiirrrt ijlere Director Fonton of tho Coos Bay Concert Band announc. I os .that a concort will bo given Wed . nosdny ovenlng at tho city park, j Enjoy Picnic Tho Eastsldo Ath letlc Club gavo a plcnlo to tho Life Saving Station yesterday, about sev enty llvo being present. All kinds of gamos woro enjoyed nnd all re port a good time. Injured by Auto Whllo cranking j nis mactiino supt. F. L. Falkensteln of tho Simpson Lumbor Co. sustain ed sovero Injuries to his nrm. Mr, Falkensteln left last week for Port land and tho accident hupponed whllo en route thoro. It Is under stood that his arm Is broken. Roj-h' Ilund Director R, N. Fon ton of tho Coos Bay Concert Band Is endeavoring to organize a boys' band and has called a meeting for Wednes day night when he will try and or ganize them. No previous musical Instruction Is required as ho wants to develop (hem. The meeting will uo Jn the hall over the, ppstomce. Develop Mines. J. W. Porklns ex or; u. It. Cnrnenror. Mnntorov! "i. C. Griffin, Fresno; II. B. Curr. Fres no; Geo. Martin, North Bend; F. La hen, North Bend; j. A. Morrlson Bnndon; J. W. Wutson, Eureka; L. D. Jones, Falrvlow; H. Nolson, Ban don; F, B. Garrett, Allegany; O. I.alnger. Lnko Crook: C. E. Rltzmnn, Dr"ln; James M. Merchant, Bonver l'OR SALE ono dozen chickens nnd ono dozen young roostors. Andrew ChrUtonson, Ferndalo. .MEN, WOMEN I havo n wonderful money-maker. If you can glvo all or part tlmo to a clean, good-paying, pormanent business, wrlto Bymo, West Phllnda, Pa FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1044 Central avonuo. WANTED Room nnd board In pri vate family by office man. Will pay $35 por month. Apply P., Caro Times, LOST Gold stick pin with Jewel BOttlug. Return to Times offlco and receive rownjd. ' PLAIN nnd fancy sewing. I Von VIeot. 171 Broadway. Mrs. AMIMf THE WATERFRONT ,, 0 4 4 , Tho Patsy nrrlved In yostordny from tho north, Tho Nan n Smltti Is duo In this ovenlng from Bay Point. Tho Elizabeth and Flfleld sailed from Bandon yesterdny for San rronclsco with passongers nnd lum ber cargoes. A Sun Frnnclsco paper snys: "An tho result of tho survoy made of tho seuoojior itugn uogan, wntcn wnsi nshoro Sunday holow tho Cliff House, It has been ascertained that tho dam agq sustained by tho vessel wns com paratively slight. Ono plank for ward will havo to bo renewed nnd the center board, was damaged. Tho schooner Dauntless, which was run down. Saturday night by the Bteamer T)nnnn1a l.n.1 1 ? ntanla nut l..n..l. i and considerable damage dona to bul- iirav Is a nnrl wnfavtvava ' OUR AGENTS MAKE MONEY sell ing our hardy, guaranteed, stock. Experience uunocossnry. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Topponlsu, Wusli. FOR SALE HO root gasoline launch. Union engine. Apply Times office: FOR RENT Seven room hotisft; modern; oIobo In. Apply Robirt Kruogor, Fourth and Commercial, nvonue. FOR SALE Nowsstnnd, confectl'm ory nnd Ico cream hustness In good thriving town; paying proposition. For particulars address Opportuni ty, caro Times. BARGAIN SALE 10 hor.scover auto for $450; first-class condi tion; fully equipped; cost nov $3000; will soil for $450 on eaiy terms. John L. Koontz Machine Shop, North Front street. Phono 180-.I. HUV NQW, Some choice lots (n NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable, prlco If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO, First National Bank,