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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1912)
K"! THE COOS BAY TIMES, (UABSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1912 EVENING EDITION. If-' FURNISH YOUR. BED ROOM NOW Classy, up-to-date Bed Room Furniture doesn't cost very much at our store. You ought to see our beautiful Dressers in the late finish, golden oak waxed dull. Metal Beds $2.50 to $35.00 Dressers. $7. 1 5 to $35.00 GOING HARVEY CO. & 3 fnrawfi. ffilrf rlr HI Vi J r Steamer Washington Will Sail From Coos Bay for San Francisco Wednesday morning, July 24 at 10 A. M. WITH PABSKNGKItS AM) FltKIGIlT The First Joy Ride P. S. DOW, A Kent. Ocean Dock. 'THE FHIEN1) OF COOS IJAY S. S. ALLIANCE i:quii'pki with wikulkss SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, AT 6 P. M. OUNNKCTINa WITH TIIM NOUTH HANK HOAI) AT I'OIITLAND NOHT1I TACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McGUOIlGK, A Rent. I-'AST AM) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo i:(iilix'tl wllli uIivIcnh mid submarine Ml HAILS VOll COOH II.WKltOM SAN FltANCISCO Fit IDA Y, JULY i!TII, AT :()( P. .M. All PusNrngcr KrscmitloiiH From Sun Fi-nucisco Must llo Mwle ul HO." Flfo Untitling, or Pier No. II). inti:imci:an tiianspohtatiov eo. IMIONE II. c. V. MeOKOHGK, ABont. .I.OUIPPKD WITH WIIIKLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FItOM AINHWOUTII DOCK, POItTLANI). AT 0 A. SI., JULY 2ml, Oth, lltli, 10th, 21th mid S(li. FItOM MAHSIIFIKLI) AT THE BEUVICE OF THE TIDE, JULY Otli, lltli, idlli, 21st, 2ltli una illsl. Phone Sliiln 112 M J. C. MILLICIt, Agent. Tho first Joy-rldo that got In print (1'vo heard my daddy sny) Was when Klijnh took his sprint Along tho .Milky Way. Now. 'Lljah somohow got tho htinch That Mother Earth wns slow, And so ho called his sky-chauffeur And Bhouted, "Let 'or go!" Tho pcoplo gazed upon tho car When tho whcols began to hum, And as EHJ' shot through the air, They cried, "Hob going some!" And when they saw tho star-dust tly, As out through spaco ho wont, Tho crowd wob glad to bo "on shoro" Thoy know what flrma moant. Tho Moon, when hIio saw 'LIJ ap proach, Han to her quarters fast; "I'm glad," bIio mused, "I wasn't full When that old boy went past." "Throw In tho high gear! Hit tho grit!" Elijah cried In glee; " 'TIh murky hero," tho chauffeur mild; Spoko 'LIJ, " 'TIs Mercury." I'Thero'B Halloy'a comet Just ahead, I We've got to beat him mire; Throw In tho high there, thnt'B tho 1 Bturn I guess this goln's iuor!" Old Saturn turned where ho did Rt.-, And blinked IiIb moon-eyes eight; "(Ireat Scott!" ho cried, "what fool Is this That comes at such a rate?" And Neptune nipped at onco 1Mb tuno To see EIIJ' go by; "Is this somo asteroid gono mad? An ass t' rldo, Bay I!" "AH hah!" cried 'Lljah, "this Is groat-. Wo'vo mado n record run; I'm Borry wo missed though That surely Mars. tho fun." MAN BUILT Man built himself a hut In tho for est. Ho wovo Us Bides cunningly, nnd roofed It with broad loaves well laid on. "Horo," said Man, "I shall Bleep In safety and in comfort nnd naught shall assail or trouble mo." A tree, grown weak with ago, foil on the hut and crushed Man. Mnn built himself a sholtor on tho plain, Its walls closo to keep out tho wind, Its top tight to sued tho wator. "There aro no trees to fall nnd crush me here," said Man. "I shall dwell In peace." Tho lightning fired the dry grass and Man was burned. Man went to tho sea, and reared a house- on tho skeleton of the earth, Ho mado Kb supports of rock, Its roof of Blato. "Now I am safe," said Man. "No tree nor flro can Injuro mo now." Tho cnrthntiako came, and the houso of stone tumbled down on tho head of .Man. Man wont to whero n great rivor flowed and raised banks to hold bark Its flood. Nearby ho put his house. "I have ordered tho courso of tho wators," said Man, "and now I shall llvo unvexed by thorn." Soon came tho flood and covered tho place where ho had lived, and drove away Man. Man piled for his uses stono ou Btono cunningly uphold by Hteel and mortar. "Flro I can now defy," said Mnn. "It cannot harm mo horo." Tho flames came, nnd Man fled iik they destroyed tho work of his hand. PreSo Taft's Favor Jite Poeirim 'I'll., riilliiwlni. lit' llr ItfUii'i' Villi llvltd In until hi tin Kc.w.l.l.,... n, ... favorite puoui. A framed copy of It hunga In front of IiIh desk In n,n Whlto House: LIFE. Lot mo hut llvo my llfo from your to yenr With forward face nnd iiiiroltictunt soul; Not hurrying to, nor turning from, tho goal; Not mourning for the things that disappear In tho dim past not holding back in fear From what tho fu tut o veils; hut with n whole And happy heart that nays Its loll To Youth and Age, 'ind trnvolB on with cheer. So lot tho way wind up tho hill or down, O'er rough or smooth, tho Journey will bo Joy; Still seeking what I sought when but a boy, Now friendship, high adventure, and a crown, My heart will keep tho courngo of tho guest, rw------JA'unujHJ1io rond'H i mst turn will bo ' tlip best. Ish I supposo I nm In tho oyce of uio cibss i unvo boon speaking about but when 'progressive Ideas' In dress roach such n Btago that women Rinlrch tho sacred BWootnoss of tholr purity, 1 think It Is tlmo to call a halt, (llvo mo tho old-faBhlonod mother." Dun in FOR DEBAUCH Thoso Who Wear, HkliiH Above Auk leu iiiul Lov-iicckcl, Tlglit lltlliiK Dresses Should tie Arrested. Von u j, COOS IiAY-llOSEBUIlG STGE LINE. Stngo leaves Marshflold ovory morning at G and roaches Rosoburr in tlmr to connect with ovonlag train for Portland. Stago also loaves Roseburg overy morning at 6 o'clock and roaches Marshtlold samo evening. FARE $0.00, Round trip 911.00. Good meals en route. C. P. llnrnard, agont, RoBoburg. Otto Schottcr, agont, 120 Mnrkot Avonue, Marshfleld. TlcketB can bo obtained at Hlllyor's Cigar Storo. "Oh, stay awhllo, for wo nro tired"- - It woh tho wco-oIb spoke; "Why tire. Loct your wind, you mean?" (That waR Elijah's Joko). Then when tho tires flattonod out, And gnsollno was low, The Joy-riders woro stranded In Tlut land of Wo Don't Know. .MODERN TAI1LE WAYS Have That Roof Fixed sow Sco CORT1IELL PlHMM MINI Anywhere, Any Time Careful Driving ItMikouulilo Itntcs VIS11ER AUTO SERVICE WM. FISHElt, Prop. Phono orders to Hlllyor's Cigar Store, Phone 18-J. After 11 P. M Phone C.-J. Marshflold. Oregon. JtH.100 IIUYS 10,000 LOT. Lot on Second Avenue, near Central. Positively best Invest ment In central business proporty to bo had for tho money. Reason able terms. It this lot dnosn't pny a hnndsomo profit on tho in vest mont, noming on Coos Day will. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. Unique Pantatorium WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND T1IK 1IORKRN DYERS. CLEANERS, ,,,ANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu PRKBSKHS and HAT RENOVATORS I """ ,Vke a? COlI,,w,,y' 0rUeni tot Agont for Edward E. Strauas ft Co, fine Tailoring: Let uu make your next Suit, . MB OoinniM-clal. Phono 2AO-X. fiOlMJ HARVEY PHONE 100 R. J. MONTGOMERY !Real Estate and Insurance I'M North Front Htrts WM. S. TURPEN Architect. 171 FRONT ST. STADDEN AH '.Sixdt tt photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PnONE MAIN UT-J III these days of high cost of liv ing, a medicine that gets a man up out of bed nnd able to work In a fow (days Is n valuable and wolcomo rem edy. John Heath, Michigan liar Cal., had kidney ami bladder trouble, was confined to his bed. unnblo to turn without help. "I commenced using Avoid "Jumping un" from dm tnh. lo. Any man fools solf-consclous when tho hostess Is forcod to run many errands, nnd yet ho Ib so awk ward when ho tries. A Bystomatlc mothod of setting tho tahlo will avoid It all. Hnvo ns much sunshine both hu man and dlvlno as posslblo at tho table. Avoid letting mothor do too much serving. This somotlmes takes too much time and tho fnmtlv .liHimnuna wuii mi buow or oruor and systom. And lot ono of tho chlldron pour mo wnior in mo gassos Just boforo tho family Is sooted. Ono of tho chlldron could wait nt mother's loft to carry tho coffeo or toa cups as sho fill thorn. This will uvold many ombarrasslnir "snllls." Whlin thi (a .being done, If tho monl 1iob boon in progress tho child's nlato should tm soryeu uy ono sitting to tho loft. u luucu, tea or cocoa cup whllo In tho hands of tho ono nerving. Let her plnce It llrmly on the table. If posslblo uho slmplo bread and bulter plates nnd novor crumblo tho bread upon tho tablo cloth. Allow one person to do nil tho waiting on tho tablo durliiK tho on. tiro monl. Nothing looks worse than to see two or moro peoplo absent from tho tnblo nt once, , Ab soon ns tho vegetablo and moat courso Is removed brush tho crumbs with scraper, brush or napkin and nlwnys Into n trny or plate, never In to tho hand. Do not serve desert until all plates nro removed. Olvo tho girl a chnnco to brighten tho homo nnd thoro Is no better plnco to begin than at tho Kiiiiiiy tuning tnuio. Mnn put steel to steel nnd wrought wlBoly u ship, strong, stanch and true. From tho Bky ho took tho lightning to guldo Its courso and warn I of danger. "In this my ship," said Man, "I Bhnll pass over tho wators as I will, and nono that Is In them may wound or Injuro mo." Cnmo tldo and curront and Ico nnl crushed tho ship that Man built. Mnn stood on n mountain ponlt, nnd saw n llttlo of tho World. He looked Into tho vnult of heavon, nnd his oyes saw uncounted other Worlds. "I nm tho mastor of tho whole- univorso," said Man. Tho peak trembled and. fell Into tho valley. In the forest nt tho foot pf tho mountain Man built him n hut. STUNG. Oh, agent, como not to my door, with tawdry thlngB you wish to noil nnd grluvo my spirit never more wltl, arguments I know bo well! You'vt pestered inc by night nnd dnv slnci CHICAdO, Jul: 10 lllnmn for n'wilcluii years when I wns young, great Biiaio or tno ilininuelinrv nn.l. '"" I"""". "Kfiu. go your wny-i RECEIVE RALLOT TITLE Single Tax Peoplo Get Ready for the Election W. S. U'Ren, nn Oregon City at torney who is looklnjr nfter tlin ititor. ests of tho single tax advocates hero has sent to C. H. McLaughlin of this ex I.ockhnrt Inillllln hi u'nrMi rnllnwln... 1 Parsi-ns Drug Co., "The llusy Cor nrr " If you have anything to sell, trade, or rent, or want help, try a Want Aa Foley Kidney Pills nnd can truly say nns 8Mt 1 wnn rtlleved nt once." Hl ,.v. ' !'"' n f0W f "nllot title which will v iieu una ran. it bns been decld- cii. Mr. .Mci.nugniln says, to accent tho ballot title as received from the secrotnry of stnte. It Is as follows: . Coos County Riillot Title "A bill for a local act for Coos County to exempt from nil tnxes lev- icu niiiiiu sain county nil personal property of every kind occupations, businesses, trados and professions except tho liquor business, such oc cupatlons. etc.. subject to regulation 323 BSlM The Sign of Good Candy Always and moy bo charged sulllclent to pay for issuing llcenso thorefor." ALL THINGS PROVE THEMSELVES All things provo thomsolvcs, bo thoy groat or small and this applies to advertising ns well ns to mon nnd merchandise Profitable advertising Is solf ovl dent nnd so Is unprolltnblo ndvertls Ing. When advertising pays, It It con tinned. , When It doesn't, it No ono Is moro Bensltlvo than tho ndvortlsor of today. Ho puts his monoy Into advertising tO got results and If thn manllo n '.?,W,.?Ut COn,0S hl8 ""'0 A". With his axo ho cuts off nn oxponso that ought to havo boon an Invest- U4CQC yhon. however, tho nxo is with hold when advertisers nm H.n0,i to go right ahead in tho samo modl um for mnny momim nn.i ., tho reason Is plain and unmistakable Look over this paper and boo what he local nnd general ndvertlsora mink of nowspapor advertising Noto tho familiar names of men' und of articles that have been nppear- Ing for years und years. Npto also tho groat number of ad-' vertlsors. v..;,r!ro ,?,fnr moro nowspapor ad-1 wtwns than any other kind, and ho reason is so plain that it doesn't havo to bo given. InirVo JhnT !? d t0 mUch "IvortlB int so that tho cost runs Into moro money than can be coaxed back Into 8olv50,s0th.s!,r0b,em U,at ,S hard toj tv uoui I wlthrfh-nik0 tno1rellao'o 'onio paper' with the largo circulation. i Then try tho next best but do not maglne that It Is necessarily wUof to take nil tho papers. i Peel your way, "key" the different papers and get a lino on them. , if one or two papers produce bet tor returns than the others, it is nd-l vlsnblo to eom-entrnfn V,.J .,... I.u lug expenses in 7" """ "-"i I would rather pay, say. a hun.1 Ured dollars for a big ad In tho best ' paper In tho city than to p"y 25 each in four papers. No wiso advertiser uses all tho' Papers all tho time. nu Ul Hy process of eliminating tho unlit and unworthy, ho finds tho papers .Bt. 'L"" nnU ,,leso nro lh Xmt result 0 "nd frm wh,cn h0 BtB ,h ",teSt f evorylhlnB sur-' RERT MOSES ' J logradntlon existing In Chicago wns placed upon frenklshly dressed girls by Miss Mary M. Ilartolmo, public gunrdlnn for dollnuuentB, who hns been chosen to net ns nsslstnnt Judgo of the Juvenllo court. Tho ulrlH of today nnd thoso Just beginning to trn ..lit .l.w.l,.... ..I ..,.. ' n" , wu.iuii:a .wittM IliirieilllU, put on such Immodest nppnrol that men passing thorn on tho street turn and stare. Tho Indirect cnuso of this low form of attractiveness Is trncod hy MIbb Ilartolmo to tho mothor who hasn't tlmo to bring up her daughters, but iiiiuws mom to apo tliolr oldora and gad about nt will. "If I had my wny nbout It." nnld Miss Ilartolmo, "thoso girls who wear skirts reaching scarcely to their ankles, shoes thnt look moro like, stilts, and a vulgar, low-necked tlght llttlng dross would ho nrrostod. "Thoro Is hardly a mother today who touches her daughter to dress In slmplo, Bweot girlish clothes. The only dlfforonco between tho nvorngo street dress and tho night gown Is nun uiu street uress Is usually color- Od, Tho dolllKlllent elrln I m,.n nn.l tho factory girls aro not to blamo nir nuopting tnoso outlandish Btylos. Thoy copy them from tho high school girls whom thoy bollovo to bo educ ated woll enough to know what Is proper to wenr. hnvo beun stung, I havu been stunu! Oh, statesman, let mu past, I boi nor tell your Hchomoa to make mm freel Go, pull some other voter leg, and do not try to rescue in! I've listened to your plans bofort, mid sorely aro my withers wrung; I wish lo sldesli'ii ovory bore 1 hate neeu stiiiig, i iiuvo been stung! 0), merchant, do not iiiako mu buy ti goodH I do nut euro to take; tint policy bedims my oyo with tears otl makes my Innards ache. I'm alwaji buying useless traps, beguiled k; merchiiut'B oily tongue; bo uso your wIIob on t'other chaps I havo ben stung, 1 hnvu been stung! Oh, doc tor, do not scaro mo Btlff by sayloj that I'm deathly Blck, und that I'll kick the bucket If I don't tnko cip sules prelty quluki Go, Beok sonit Juy who bus tho price, nnd feel bli pulse ami test IiIh lung, and dopo blm till ho's laid ou Ico I havu bi stiiiig, I havo beun stung! WALT MASON. N. J. Gorham, Cnshlor Dank of Woodvlllo, Woodvlllo, Ga had vory sovoro attack of kidney troubls and tho pains In his kidneys anil bnck were terrible "I got n bottle of Foley Kldnoy Pills from our druj gist and they outlrely rollovcd me. I hnvo moro bonoflt from them than any othor medlclno." Lockhnrt A Otmwnnnn r r nml. . !-- "1 may bo old-fashioned and nr,i.'A""""" "r"K " ino uy wr- 1 iSgtH fLOU" .FLOUR. &j2aM .. Costs -, WAf MORE per Sack sflf a wi t, way'- " ' " ' ir-Tiri it,"" S Wmm What i mM&Fm shall it be i IW for 1 W today r I :7 liiiiii bread, biscuit, cake or pastry? Of one thing be sure use FISHER'S BLEND CNo matter whqt you may decidt to bake, it will be better if vou use e' you use e the most dependable flour and mak certain or results. C Fisher's Blend is the best for every purpose. You can depend on it. For sale by all Dealtri Wsmmmwmmtfimmiii FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Manufactured By Fisher Flouring Mills Co. leattle, U. S. A. ) " v'-ii?