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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 2 200 Styles of Rockers to Pick From Fine, Big, Full Leather Karpen Sterling Turkish Rockers, D "J C ff The Acme of Ease and Comfort, Worth $60.00, Each ipJJAJ Neat Arm Rockers in AH Finishes Priced at $2.50 and Up. They Are Comfortable, Too GOING HARVEY CO. i fL. . ? ,.-Jll -m 1 lWfc MiE - II IF lit X n fr u GOODROflDSAND THE FARMER llljrhnay l-'MM'rt ' A (" Explains IVoiiiuiiU'iil Hejuiii' Work. 0IIKC1ON AGRICULTURAL COL IEQB, CorvulllB, Ore., July 20. "To tie farmer bettor loada frequently mean tlio umeruiicu uulhuuh uum ..a mill linnkiuntcy." Hiild ProfoBsoi Ernest I-'Iukb Ayrua, highway engi neer of tho Oregon Agricultural Col- Ibjo lu a lecture HUH week to tlio luuimor BtudentB. -A Wisconsin farmer hold lO'lO bushels of potatoca In hla cellar, wilting for n good Irlco. Ho wna of JneJ !' cents In Murch, but thoy mint bo delivered In tho town inurket and the rondB wtro uo bad ho could nut haul oyer them. When ho final It jot them to market hla nutatoqn brought him 30 centa a buahol. Tho bill roiJa coBt him 1 020, and now be li nu ardent' booster for any movement promising roller. "While the fanner recolvea as great flunnclal gain front good roadB as anyone, he Iiuh thu added Boclal bcncfltii. Under preuent cbndltloiiH It U often ImpoBBlblu for hln children to ko to schbol regularly, hla fuml: to go to church except when tl.'i rodi are dried out, hla doctor 'o roach him In time- to be of moat help, or bli mall to be delivered regular ly. With better roada this can all lio choused, and graded hcIiooIb nn:l larier churches always follow theso Improvements. "It Is not necranary thnt a great deal ot money bo spent' on our high wa)i, but what la Invested ahould hr used carefully and intelligently, t few dollars Hpent at tho right time will iie repairs costing hundreds, nnd moit of the roada whore there In no bvy through travel may bo Im proved In thla way." Mr. Ayrea then described tho pro cess of building annd-cluy roada: thu Initial grading with a proper crown and drainage dltchoa, tho distribu tion ind parking of tho clay, apreni. log ot the sand, and ploughing and harrowing It In lightly on top. TIiIh type ot rond haa ulven excellent sni- lifactlon In the Houthern and mlddlo fcostern jtutps, lint little work of too sort has been dono as yot In tho Pacific northwest. It haa proved Biiccpsilful In noils nnd cllmntlc con dltlona ilmllor to thoBo found in Oregon, and there Ib no question nH to Its Taluo for our rural highways "The mvlng In expense over other forms of rond la no small Item," rontlnued Professor Ayros. "Thn overngo cost for sand-clay ronds Is nut $72J a mile for tho 24.G01 mil. In the, United States, compared wltn a cost ol 14989 n mllo for mncadam. In other ords, nbont seven miles of good sand-clay rond can ho built for the Bame money na ono mllo of plnln or water-bound mnendnm. The en' of maintenance Is less thnn for nnv ?i J13 ' '"iprnvement oxcept ho earth road, nnd horses nnd in. umobllei alike prefer It to any of the hard surface ronds. "The road must- first t, r,in,i and drained carefully, nnd should ba ".wno1 bmt one Inch to tho foot -Li"10.0"1 n S- " enn bo "". '""Proved by adding snnd w. no KradnK has been dono but the expense will bo much grontor. b.,t lln nu.8t ',0 Bhnrn nnd coarBe, 0"l. P"od along tho ehoul- teamh!,,. iqroa? In dr' wnthor when tract?1! C,u'nf,pr- 0R' con- '""""ft , gln until tho "at ui th5 r,ay Tnn cheapest 2 the irS,MVCr !he wet c,ay "' thS nSS -ih0 only "Wtment for nulreS fin ore Bnml B nmnlly re formed L ' tha r," 1'o'es h advantihe h.mier tenm8 vn The S U i ,B 80met,meB ,ost nea.Tvinn.ic. 1 !"08t Inipaasable n pssinss Bnn,, nna c,Ry ''"row ABd?n Wlth ,0,"'h nntl for hcavv 27 travo1- ' " t ''"nK,. The road drag ffO'n nml fin . . n t0 maintain U In the fir ff,JLr"s which will form lOM not rnmTn,,,B' If t,le ronJ ir 2ZZ favornb,y w,th "" Is added A as 80on ns the ot be con8lder.the c,ay- u 8h0ld instruction is nd allure. Its "id the anrffwL gradual proceai. '"talMsS.11 not b0 nt s muddy, nna months- If u mlntenanei ' la reiulred for " more "and to teha,1',,,t,on of a m' ALWAYS0 lJSFr)Tn,,ln(1 YOU vo "I & TrruVsVer cS" 72 PflC,,,C "ACTSS'.ttT" "III do you rJKtatteS don, at THE PEOPLE'S EORUM Tho Times will bo pleased to pub lish lottors from Its readers on nil quosttona of publlo Interest. Each letter must bo signed by tho wrltor, and so far as posslblo bo limited to U0 words. In publishing thcio lot tors It must bo understood that The rimes docs not Indorao tho vlowa ox pressed therein; It Is simply affording a means for tho voicing of dltferont opinions on all questions affoctlng (bo public welfare. ituiii:, MAJORITY OH MIXOIMTY WHICH? Kdltor Times: In tho national campaign now on shall tho majority rule tho minority, or tho minority rule tho majority? That Is thu question. Shall 11 ma jority of tho voters rulo tho Repub lican party, or shall a majority of tho politicians nnd offlco liolile-s rulo thu Hcpubllcan party? Which? Can a minority In tho Hcpubllcnu party drive tho majority of thu foldn, or, falling In this, will thla minority be able to forco nn nccoptnuco upon tho majority of tho party of their mothoda and policies? I do not euro to anawor In detnll tho foregoing questions. Time and apacu forbids. However, a fow po tluent facta, standing out In bold re lief, briefly may bo conaldcri'd with profit. Election results In tho pi,, mnry states clearly show thnt Col onel ItooBOvelt' 1b pre-eminently tho strongest man In tho Republican party; that ho still enjoys tho dis tinction of holding tho confidence of the rank and file of the party, who constltuto nn overwhelming majority of tho party voters. Thu criticism urged by a part of the Republican press, to tho effect thnt sluro Tnft lendora offered l-i seat tho Itnonovolt dologntcs from Toxiih nnd Wnahlngtnn, on condition Hint ho (Itoosevolt) would Join with thu Tnft forces In nominating Ilud loy or Bomo other man, nnd thr.t IIoobovoU'h refusal to concurr In thla plan, Indicated Holflfllinoas, etc., on the pnrt of tho latter, Is not well tnken. If tho render will keep In mini tho fnct thnt It Is now nnd wns then tho political Hlogan of tho Taft men. "nnythlng to bent Uoosovolt," tho actions and motives of tho Tnft lend ers will ho Illuminated' by tholr pro poBola to seat tho HoobovoU dele gates from Texas nnd Washington nnd nnmlnnto n third man. Unci either of theso plnns boon concurred In by RooBevolt, iimlnr existing clr cuniRtancos, It would linvo meant po litical denth to him. Why? 1K. caiiso under tho proposition tondorod It wnB necessary for him to wnlvo hla rights to theso dologates In order to have hla dolegntes Rented ns thy were Juatry entitled. This net with in Itself would hnvo humlllnted him nnd destroyed his Influonco, nnd tho cnuso of progressiva republicanism would hnvo lost his vnluahlo Influ ence. It would hnvo been n clenr tnlvor of rights lu order to secure Justice. We hear much about party regu larity. It must bo truo thnt tho ma jority lu a party controls nud dotoi mines Its regularity; not a majority of the politicians, but n majority of tno votors. Tho majority of voton should namo tho nomlnoo for Presi dent, aud not a majority of politi cians and offlco holders. It haa boen clearly shown that Uoosovolt has a big majority of tho votors with him. Ho should bo tho Republican stand ard bouror, nnd, In truthand In fact, tbo rlfhtful nomlneo of tho Re publican pnrty. Tnft la tho bononclnry under n fraudulent transaction. In theory and practlco under tho law fraud vit iates everything It touches. Tho Roosevelt Republicans, lu tho light of tho presldontlnl primaries, aro in tho majority and therefore I Insist that they aro tho "regulars." Thoro wore 44 contested dologates from Washington nud Texas which tho Taft men offered to Bent under tho specification heretofore men tioned. Changing theso dologates from tho Tnft to tho Roosevolf col umn would hnvo nominated Rooso-volt. Progressive Republicans do not want Taft. They do not want to voto for Wilson, the representative of tho party of Jackson and Clevo lnnd, the pnrty of state rights and of tariff for revenue only. Colonel Wntterson said that Wilson Is too much of a schoolmaster, while Col onel Hrynn mnao mo ooservniion thnt Wilson's sudden change of hert townrds reform was without a para llel since tho days of Saul of TnrauH. The progressive Republicans of Oregon will gladly support tho Btnto nnd county tickets. No Taft. no Wil son nnd no third pnrty If It can he avoided. Wo cannot passively look on ana see our progressive leader eliminated from the field of American politics. We will need him In tho future. We need him now. On account of hW great personality and magic Influ ence he Is tho most valuable asset to the cause of progressive republican ism. With Roosevelt out of the fight, Tnft would have had smooiu sailing In the Chicago convention. Tho progressives need his leader ship nnd Bhould not a jotowW234 ship and should not allow tho reac tionary press and lenders to doposo him. ThoHo leaders today gladly ac cept Wilson In preference to Roobij velt. Why? On account of tho re.. ord of thu two men, and for no oth er renson.. Wo have had eight years of Rooso voltlsm. Wo know what ho is and therefore want liltn again. Wo nave had four yearB of Tnftlam and wo know what ho la and thoroforo do not want him ngaln. For eight years RoobovoU' has bosn thu Idol of tho American heart. Now, without cause, shall wo turn upon him nnd rond him and crucify him? As a pcoplo do wo bollovo In prulslug nnd Idolizing a man ono day and, without cnuso, on the next day curno nnd damn him? Hy a sonsa tlunnl npoctuclo of thin kind wo would hardly be ahlo to enlist tha reBpect nnd ndmlratlon of tho civi lized untlons of tho world. Shall wo Lntlnlzo nnd Mcxlcnnlza tho great North American lcpubllo lu this mnnuor? RJEPURMCAN. TIIK lilNOTYPliit. Selecting lnnguago rlpor thnn Inn gungo nccdB to no, wo roast tho llno 'typor from Clovulnnd to K. C. Wo dally plncu beforo him our badly written bits, with curlycucs thnt boru him nnd throw him Into lltn; with blots, crnsuroB, aplastics nnd Bprnwl Ing chicken-threads, In efforts to de termine what tongue It'n written In, nnd whether It'n a sonnon, n pome or bulletin. And wo, who do tho scrawl ing, with fountain pon or spado, In dulge In rntorwnullng about tho or rorH made. "Thnt heartless, lop onred viper, thnt flncrllogloua sot, tho hwnybneked llnotypor, has spoiled my Gem of Thought! Oh, bring mo hither, prlthco, n cauldron full of oil, and by tho vlllngo smithy I'll cook that son of toll! Or bring mo rusty fetters I'll mnko his bosom blood who nevor lonrnod his lottors nnd yot protonds to rond!" Tho patient llno typor Is tolling by mo now, his old bnndnnn wiper festoonod about his brow; ho Isn't loud or ynwpy, ho doesn't tear hla hnlr, nlthough his brnch of copy would cnuso a Ralnt to Bwonr; and thoso who knock his er rors nnd any bo should bo whipped, should sco tho growsomo torrora Ki hughouso manuscript! If you who wrlto n story Intondod for tho proas inmlo copy hunkydory, you'd nldcatcp much distress. WALT MASON THK OLD SONG PnsBcd a sod-houso ylstaday An I rodo 'round Custer way, An' I hcorn n womnn sing Sweot as birds In early spring. Nothln' fancy 'bout tho song, Thnt alio sung as I wont 'long, Hut It kind o' tochod my honrt Almos' mndo tho tear drops start. Hadn't hoorn that song boforo Senco I loft my fathor's door, Whoro my old folks usod to stand Slngin' that old "Doulnh Land." Whllo alio sung, I seemed to seo All tho old things, (jonr to mo, Seen tho old-tlmo boyhood days Thro' tho years o' mist nnd hnzo. Seen tho old cnmp-nieotln' ground, Whoro us boyH was standln' 'round, Llstonln' to n hnppy band Slngin' old "Sweot Boulnh Land." Then' I thought of motbor's prayer, As alio kneeled bestdo hor chair, Tollln' Him ns lives above, How sho's thankful for Ills lovo. Kind o' think that good old song, Never dono nobody wrong, Soems to sort o tako your hand, Leadln' you to "Doulah Land." DOD STANLEY. 0 LONFI.AOIIATION-l'IIOOK 1'OMCIKH ZQ German American Insurance Ass'n of New York ASSETS OVER 21 Millions It. J. MONTGOMERY Resident Agent Marskficld, Ore. z I'.VrilONI.i; AMIUIIt'AN t'Al'lTAI. m KSTAHLISHKI) IN 1880. STATK.MI3NT OK CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAUSIIKIKIil), ORKGO.V. At the close of business, Juno II, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts J427.481.48 Hanking House GO, 000. 00 Cash nud Kxchnngcs 24C, 112.22 Total $723,593.70 LIABILITIES. ' Capital Stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus ami Undivided Profits 57,409.90 Deposits C1C.123.S0 Total J723.G93.70 CO.VDIC.VSKI) STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the closo of business, June 1-1, 11)111. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ,. $238, GIG. 72 Iloudu, warrants and securities . '. 78,101.32 U. S. bondp to secure circulation ."; 25,000.00 Ronl ostnto, furulturo nnd fixtures 81,011.34 Cash nud Bight exchango 188.CG3.99 Totnl ' 901 1 LIADILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits , 10,048.03 Circulation, outstnudlng 23,800.00 Deposits 477,024.71 Total $0!l,:i7:i.:i7 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W S. CHANDLER, Presldont. M. C. MORTON, VIco-Presldont. DORSEY KREITZER. CaBhlor. We Have Been Successful in buying a largo Block of Qist class Electrical mntorial and can give our patrons a vory low price on houso wiring. Got our prlco you can't afford to miss It, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J Blanchard's Liverv We hav-j tucured tho livery busl pcbb of L. H. Holsnor, and are pre pared to renter oxcollont sorvlco to tho poople of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rlss and everything that will moan satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phone us for a driving horse, a rig or lnytblng nooded In tho livery lino. Wo also do truck ing business of all kinds. HLANCHAHD BROTHERS Phone 1.18-J Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service 141 Flrt nnd Alder Street. You Auto Call Poote PHONE 141-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotol. TWO NEW OAItS After 11 P. M. Phone G-J Resldonco Phono 28-J Will mnkfllrlps to Coqnllle. The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prcpnrcd to do all kinds of hauling on short notice Wc moot all trains nnd bonts and wo also havo tho latest stylo Reynolds Piano Mover, Wo guarantoo our work. L. H. Heisiver, Prop. Phonos 98-R. 120-J. or 49-L. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DIt. Ill RI) I). CLARKE. Specialist lu Ncrvo and Spinal DIseusc. A. M. Nnson, farming near Canaan, Mo., wns badly crippled with sciatic rheumatism due, he says, to uric acid In his blood. "Foley Kid ney Pills entirely cured mo and also removed numorous black specks that woro continually before my eyes." Foley Kldnoy Pills nro a uric acid solvent nnd are effectlvo for tho vnr Ioub forms of rheumatism, Lock hart & Parsons Drug Co., "Tho Busy corner." Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEKitY BENGSTAOICBN, Mgr. Coqullle Oflkw Phono 101 Platting Landi a apeclaltr. Farma Timber Coal indent "EASTBIDH" General Ag Manhfleld Office 14-J. Offlco, Room 2. Rogers Houso, Marshfield. Offlco Hours 2 to 5. Phone 144-L. D1U A. J. HENDRY'S Modern DonUl Parlor. Vo are equipped to do high class work an abort notlco at tho vory lowest price. Examination free. Lady nttondant, Coke building, oppo ilto Chandler hotol, phone 112-J. J W. HKNNHTT, Unryer. )ffl(e over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larahflold Oregon rR. J. T. McCOltMAO, - Physician and 8nrgeen Marshfield, Oregon. Offlco: Lockhart Building, Opposlto post office. Phone 10R-J Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING, Proprietors. Cars leave Mnrshflold ovory 45 minutes from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leavo North Bend on same schedulo, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. See Saturday Times for schedule. DRAIN COOS BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANV Leaves Marshfield dally at 5 a. m. and arrives at Drain In time to con nect with afternoon train for Port land. Leaves Drain at 8 a, m. and arrives at Marshfield about 6 p, m. Tickets on salo at "Busy Corner," Phono 278, Marshfield and O. Ma-1 toon, Drain, Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, HUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES $1.50 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.20 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. 11ETAIL DEPARTMENT. Co. Barnard & Langworthy Electrical Contractors and Supplier. PHONE 18 1-R. 170 So, Broadway, next door to Vnlon Mrnt Market. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK House Moving and Grading, Wo aro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guaranteo satisfaction. Let us figure with you, G. S. FLOYD & CO. Phono H1R..T. Marshfield. Or Most Sensible' Shoe For the children Is tho famous "SKUFFER" shoe. For salo at The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Broadway .... Marshfield. I. HODtfBM City Auto Service (load Cars. Careful Drivers and roasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phone 40. HARKPR & GOODALK. proprietors. Snow Drift Flour Highest Qualify FtfJUB T. J. SGAirg & A. H. Marshfield Paint, (Sh Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHPIBLD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon Real Estate and FIRE INSURANCE Several good bargains in Farms and city property. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. Marshfield, Oregon. A Modern Brick Building, Electric Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnlaned Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 centa a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market. Marshfield. Oregon. Try The Tlmea' Want Ads. 1 n Til 3 'H i. L-L