The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 22, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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M. O. MALONEY Editor nntl Pub.
hAN E. MALONEY. News Editor
II. II. KELLER 13 ninklng a business
trip to Conulllo.
J. A. WAUD loft yesterday for Port
land on businoss.
VIVIAN' CARLSON Is In toilny from
North Coos river
Y FIIIEND, Hon Hlgglns, lins no homo. He much prefers mo streois
n rnnm. itn doesn't know tho Joy and bliss of meeting youngsters
with a kiss when nonrlng homo nnil fireside, where childish talcs of play
betide. When from his dally task, he goes, ho seeks soino cafo, I sup
pose, wiiere suiioniy ro oruers bicik. nnu minus ngain in nnu imsi.m. ,
GEO. MeCULLOUQH of Hayncs Inlotjho made, when oarllor In life, ho took unto himself no wife.
spent the day In town.
' NICK CONIIAD left hero this morn-
Ing by stngo for Rosoburg.
MRS. W.M. MAOEE and children aro
I visiting rolatlvcs at Empire
E. It. COLQAN loft Sunday for Port
land and other northern points.
CAPT. W. C. IIAIIIUS and daughter
Wllda drovo In today from Sum
nor. MILS. ItOHEItT McCANN of North
Pond was a Marshflold visitor to-i
day. I
C. J. COLE will hold a series of re-1
vlval meetings on Hayncs Inlet
Launching of New Steam
Schooner at JIorth Bend
Largely Attended.
Tho now passonger and lumber
stctiiii schoonor Spcodwoll, built at
I lib Kruao & Dunka shipyards for tho
A, If. Estnbrook company of San
l.vnMrilnnn ...nn 1 ... ..1. .1 nl Kj...1.
iiuuuntu, nun liiiimiiuu ui "uilii ,.Q ,mn,i,, , .. Otnlf li.Pnn'nra to. wntu in u wmiu uiu nucn uii i.iuunu iu lui lis u nil iuiiiuiu um
Uend Snturday evening. Tho big u ,,",",,,",' ' ,. " . I shoos, while sitting round nnd taking easo, bur. this Is only when they
thmuB Inlet enmp spent Sunday In
JOHN MOTLEY spout Sunday at tho
tho McCormnc summer homo on
South Coos Itlvcr.
spending his vncatlon visiting his
family in Portland.
DR. JOHNSON, of Myrtlo Point.
was tho guest yesterday of Dr.
Straw and Dr. Dlx.
ROI1ERT KRUQER nnd family nnd
Carl Albrcrht nnd family spent
Sunday at tho beach.
JAS. MERCHANT was In town from
his Ilenvor Hill ranch yesterday to
, tako In tho ball games.
I MISS JULIA HOLMS loft yestorday
l for Portland nnd other northern
i nolntn for n short stay.
When to a hoardlne-houso ho coos, ho does not find good, sweet re
pose, but sits around In pomp nnd stylo, and hears somo giggling girls
bogullo tho other boardor by tho hour who can't resist her fancied power.
To gnln some caso ho seeks tho street and walks great blisters on his
feet. Whllo searching for his needed rest, ho meets 'most ov'ry kind of
pest, nnd henr3 their tnlk3 and harsh guffaws, nnd drunken jests ami
loud hurrahs.
I tell my friend that ho Is wrong. Ho ought to listen to my song.
Wo. mnrrlod fellows, homeward go without our spirits bolng low. Wo.
forthwith, wives and children greet, and sit right down In pcaco to oat.
Wo toss our hats upon tho racks, nnd take tho coats off of our backs.
Soniotlmcs wo doff our collars, too, whono'or onr dear wives say 'twill
do, and then wo dine on pics, and '.'nko as good ns mother used to nulto.
Wo never hnvo to ramblo 'round nnd search for rest thnt Is not
found. Wo Just bring out our easy chnlrs and light our pipes and lot
affairs bother us throughout the day go slipping gently far nwny.
Onco In n whllo our wives will chooso to lot us o en rcmovo our
lont wont Into tho wntcr throo inln-l
tltfld nflnr P. n'nlnnlr XTntil u'nrn
aboard tho vcssol.
Tho launching was mndo qulto n I
celebration. A. l Estnbrook was1
hero for tho occasion nnd tho tug!
Klyhlnm broukght a party of about!
forty Hnndon pcoplo,, arriving a'
shbrt tlrno beforo tlio launching.
Tho Spcodwoll was chlstoned by.
llttlo Gladys Gnlllor, tho twelvc-yonr-J
old-daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Stovo
Qalllor of Pnndon. Just as tho vos-j
sol was going Into tho water, Miss
(lalllor stood In tho bow of tho boat'
with Mr. Estnbrook and broko tho
tiottlo of champngno.
, Tho vcssol was brought back to tho
dock nnd tied up, but In tho mean-
uiiiu r. iaurooK inriioii an u.oso, j,,1(.t T,II1UI,T10 Mnrshtlold
""' " J" l" """, B?." .?I",r rlty council will moot tonight to toko
v; i'o k..m, --.. t i ,""'" up various municipal mnttors.
Mr ; 'f1"00 ' t,ttion nlnod 1 n, ,f Junm: john p. hall loft this
n8Jnr!?h'n t. th0 CommorclnI CIub, morning for Coqulllo whoro ho will
rS.J c. It. "n ., i i I attend to somo probato mnttors.
Srinnilnn r . i i to 8".n . l,ttV0 rrlvoe! horo to locnto and aro
fn10Vt,.0nL9,tabr0Mkco,U,1nyMI, now registered at Tho Chandler.
iS,rt2P0.railB rVn ? "r 'Vf' lno, MISS VIOLET HENDERSON was an
ni' .""'V'0 H01'1' ? thBl run' over Sunday guest nt tho McCor-
..uuu v.-Bnutr, . u it3 ty11' VIIIUD Ull
please, so on this feature don't depend for shattered hopes are hard to
I'm sorry for my frlond, Tho IJneh. He doesn't hnlf our comfort
catch. Ho should no longer bo unwise, and gnzo with pleading In her
eyes. Ho ought nt onco to cease to roam, and go and make thorn both a
homo. non STANLEY.
tho const of such largo slzo thnt aro
built especially for light draught I
work. All thrco of tho Estnbrook,
bontH woro built at tho ICrusu audi
Uiuiks nhlpyrrds,
DIlllCllllollM of Vl'K.IOl I
Tho Spcodwoll Is 200 feet long
over all, with 12 foot boam and 12 1
foot;. (T Inch hold depth. Hho will
enrvy M llrst class passcngorH, nnd.
about 1)170,000 foot or lumber. Sho Is
a twin screw vessel with two com
pound engines und Is equipped with
nil burnorH. She will Imvo nbnut f00
hoiKir power nnd It is expected thnt
3li" will dovolop n speed of nt least
eleven luiots. I
Tho now vessel will tnrry n now
of, 22 men nnd tho mnstor will bo
Clint. C. P. Jensen who bus boon mas
ter of tho Rtonmor Flflold over hIiico
tho lnttor has boon In commission.
Cnpt Jonsen is ono of tho bost known
mac summor homo on South Coos
MR. und MRS. WM. HERNITT loft
tills morning for tho Coqulllo val
ley whoro they will visit for a
fow days.
HARRY J. MOHR nnd Lee Fuller
nnd brides left yestordny for tholr
homes In Portland and Washing
ton, respectively.
FRANK HEATH, George 1 Ivnth, Or
I ii Pratt and Fred Lnmon of tho
Smlth-Powors Camps woro over
Sunday visitors In Mnrshllold.
CI IAS. (HLPI2RT. who returned Inst
wool; from a month's visit nt his
old homo In Fort Wayne, hid., has
resumed his duties us engineer on
tho local railway.
FRED POWERS plans to leavo to
morrow on a vacation trip to Sent
tlo und other points. Ho may visit
at his old homo In Minneapolis
beforo ho roturns.
at tho coast navigators and Is ro- SHERIFF W. W. OAOE Is hero from
Coqulllo today. Ho says that
there has not boon nny now crim
inal cases reported from tiny point
In tho county recontly.
position nt tho Coon Hay Wator
company's olllco during tho nb
senco of Miss Mnmlo Mahoney who
Is taking her vncatlon.
MRS. ( II. PECK, who has boon
spondlng tho summor nt hor old
homo Iu lluuiilugttiu, Vt., and oth
er eastern points, will arrive homo
Tliurjtilnv en tho HroakwrtT
H. A. EICKWORTII nnd wlfo. Mrs.
R. F. Gobh'irdt and Mrs. R. E.
Pinegor und tho children of the
lnttor two, spout Sunday nt tbol
Will Elckworth homo nt Mllllconin. j
W. J. CULUHRTSON of tho Aoro
Messonger nnd Pol Ivory Sorvlcol
left hero tills morning for South'
Slough to deliver n mcsHngo. Mes-i
Hugos to that section nro rnthor
gnn nnd Adolnldo Clarko roturued
today from tho Harris homo nt
gnrdod ns bolng ono of tho most ublo
rnptalns who makes tho Coqulllo riv
er run.
'Clin stnnmor Uamloii was built for
tllir Kstnbrnok company live years
Ago and tho Flflold was built four
yuru"iigo. Miss Jensen, tho daugh
ter of Chpr. Jonsen, who christened
the Flllold, was also n guest nt t ho
christening of tho Spcodwoll. Thoso
vtio Inspected the Speodwell declared-
thnt It wns one of the most sub
itnntially built boats over turned out
nt- tho KrtiRO nnd Hanks shipyard.
Tho firm In now completing a big
vcssol for tho Davenport company
nnd will nt onco lay tho keel for n
airge stonmor for tho Podgn Steam
ship company of San Francisco
which will bo tho largest boat over
built nt tho North Uond yards. ,
Hcndy hi Six Wcvk.
Tho Speedwell will bo taken to
Bnn Frnnclsco whoro the ninchlnory
will bo IiihUiIIoiI unit will bo ready
to go Into commission In about six
weeks. Cnpt. Jensen will romnln on
tho Flflold until tho now boat Is
rnady when nnnthor innHler will bo
appointed for tho Flflold.
Tho Estnbrook company has Its
neadquartors In San Francisco but
mnlntnlns a brunch olllco In llandoii
whoro William Most formerly of
North Rend Is In cliargi. The vohsoIh
handle tho output of tho big George
W. Mooro mill at llaudon nnd the
Xstnbrnnk company also ships largo
amounts of cedar ties, telephone nnd
telegraph poles, match wood and ce
dar piling. The Spcodwoll will do n
penornl freight nnd passenger busi
ness iik well as carrying lumber. Sho
will bo ii valuable addition to the
tleet regularly visiting tho Coqulllo
(iuo.sth finin llaudon
Mr. EHtabrook wiih accompanied to
North Uond by IiIh wife from San,
Frnnclsco. Among thoso from Han
don who enme to attend the launch-.
Ing woro:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stovo Onlller, Miss'
Edna Onlller, Miss Gladys Onlller,
E. M. OIHJer and son and daughter.
Capt. C. P. Joiuhmi of tho Flllold and
wlfo nnd daughter, Miss I.eonn Jen
son, Cnpt. Johnson of tho Rnndon
Life Saving Station, ('apt. Johnson of
tho tug Klyhlnm and his sou, Capt.
William llaminelbiirg, Joseph Coach,
Stanley llnrtlett. It. 1-2. L, lledllllon.
James Morrison. F. Fay, Mrs, 0v
rns. nnd others. In the party were
also Mr. Horn, .Mr. Jones and Mr.
Jncobson of Horiibrook. Calif.
Sunday Selioul will be hold at ('luir
fesCoii Hay, Wednesday, ,luy ailli.
Allco II and Express will leave Mnr
kot street dock at N a, in. sharp,
DriiiK your baskets well tilled and
enjoy the contests to be pulled off at
tho Peach. Don't forgot your bath
ing suits. Poats will stop at Depot,
KaBtsldo, Old Stae mill and North
qun and plans to rotttrn horo toon
to stnrt tho work.
three-year limit.
MRS. ROY MOORE nnd son left this
morning for Portlnml.
11. W. PAINTKR loft this morning
on n business trip to the Sluslnw
nnd Ron, George, and Miss Francos
Williams loft on tho Kodondo.
George Goo drum will Join thorn
thoro with nn nuto next wcok nnd
tho party will motor to various Cal
ifornia points of interest.
HUGH SNEDDON who left with Ills
wlfo nnd family rocontly to visit
rclatlvcH In Nebraska has written
his brother, J. 1). Snoddon, that
thoy encountered sonio very hot
weather. It was too much forliltn
nnd Illness compoltal him to stop
off nt Snlt Lnko City to recupornto.
Rend, wns n Marshflold business
visitor todny. Ho hns Just re
turned from Ton Mllo whoro ho
spent Sunday nnd reports thnt tho
woatiicr nnd fishing nro flno there,
no Is very 0111111118117 over tho rail
rund outlook nnd says thnt tile
rnllrond to Coos Ray will bo com
pleted cnnsldornblv before, tho
F. a. HARAPON, manngor of tho EV-J
moro Packing company of Eureka',
Is on tho Day on businoss. Thu
ETnioro company oporntcs n num
ber of snrmon cnunories nnd nlso
the schoonor Patsy and somo other
Hinall craft. Tho company is Inter
ested with Wnrron Rood In tho
Umpqun cannery.
urilny to Join hor parents, Mr. nnd"
.Mrs. Win. Wnnvlck who nro enjoying-
tin outing near Doavcr Hill.
Tho fhinfly lind plnnnvd to movo to
Ciillfbrnm but now hnvo decided'
to remain on tho Ray. They will'
romnln nt neuvor Hill until school'
opns In September.
MRS. SHAW of Rrockton. Mnss., Is
n gucHt nt tho homo of hor brother,.
A. II. Powers. Thfs Is tho llrst
intMtlngor tho two In twenty years.
Mrs-. Shnw attondcil tho Nntloiinl'
Convention of Women's Clubs it
Sun Francisco ns n dolcgato from
Hie Massachusetts Fedorntlon.
She will lenvo shortly for San
Frnnclsco nnd return homo vln th
uiinndlnn ronto. Her husband, Dr.
Shnw, wnH unhbl to nccompnny
lier west this trip. In order thnt
their visit would not bo shortoirod',
.Mr. Powora cancelled his plans'for
attondlng tho Logors' Congreta-at
An unfilled want causes unhappl
ness Times Want Ads bring results.
Lakeside By Auto
Wo have arranged for automobilo( service to tli
beautiful Ten Mile Lakes, Service begins today, Ml
make regular daily trips connecting with
Leaving Stauff's Landing TUESDAY 1:30 P. M.
Returning leavo Lakeside 7:30 A, M, Wednesday,
Fare each way $1.00.
mnkn snfifiifll tlioS tO COIlHOCt With laUHCll fit nnj
iirno Hnw nr nlffht. For nilces and full Information In.
quire of TOM SAWYER, Jr., at Lakeside, Oregon, or
leave message with M. M. hereon, the Lakeside TeV
phone Agent.
Times Want Ads Bring Results
among; the sick
Miss Jenkins, of M.vrt!o Pofnt. it..-
derwent nn abdominal operation nt
Mercy Hospital this mornliiR nnd la
Sumner whoro they hnvo spent n. reported to bo doing nicely.
couple of weeks as tho guest of. Miss Alpha Mauzoy who underweut
nn operntion for nppendlcltls at Mer
cy hospital Saturday continues to got
nlong nicely much to tho sratltlcutlon
of hor ninny friends.
A. II. Powers Saturday sustained
sngnt injuries in n peculiar manner.
Miss Wllda Harris.
II. SOMERS. formorly of Mnrsh
flold but who has been spending
tho last fow days in San Frnnclsco.
Is now nt Myrtlo Point whoro bo IhJ
uimviBiuim in uu in worn on nn
other railroad project
EDITOR KOPF of tho llaudon Re
cordor und wjfo enmo over Satur
Ho was driving nnd hi resiionso to n
mil, stoppod suddenly. Tho Jolt
cniisod tho top of tho buggy to fly up,
day on tho tug Klyhlnm with n trlcklng him ncrosH the mouth, cut
party of Pandon peoplo to attend! ""P 1u,, n K,8, nml knocking four
tho inuncliliig of tho Spoedwoll nt 'coin loose.
the .North Uond shipyards
MRS. P. P. PLAKE of Catching In
let was a Marshflold visitor Satur
day, coming down to meet hor
daughter, Mrs. Crowsuy of Dan
don, who caino ovor to spend a
week or two at tho Pinko homo.
.Mil. und MRS. E. R. HOPSON of
Mr. and Mrs. F. R, Wnlto nnd
family will leavo for Marslitleld
shortly, where they will spend about
three weeks.
Mrs. J. T. Rildiies. of Oaklahd. Ipii
South Marshflold loft yesterday forjn.lro f,h,s "wnlng for Pnudon, where
Los Angeles where thoy will spend
somo tlino In hopes of bonofltlng
Mrs. llodson's health. Their chll
drou remnlned with rolntlves horo.
homo last evening from Myrtlo
Point where she visited friends
and her mothor. Mrs. W. C. llrnd
ley. Mrs. Pradley will return
home tomorrow after a several
weeks' stay there,
T. .J SCAlFK left this morning to
completo the painting nnd dororat
Ing of tho W. P. PIpor nnd Jns.
Knoel homes on Coos Rlvor. These
nonius navo ueen oxtenslvely Im
moved and are now among tho
tluost ranch homes In Coos count v.
UKNRY PLACK rotumod today
from a visit at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. Carl Smedborg, on
Catching Inlet Whllo thore. ho
found a clay deposit which ho be
lieves will make excellent brick
and tiling. It resembles nuttv and
iniiiiM iieiiecuy
she will sojourn for several weeks,
If you hare anything to sell, trade
or rent, or whnt hid'., try a Wnnt'A
l i vim onw .. -..n . . '"'Il"1 '
... ......).ii ,1 iiiiiiuiiii ("mil rnirnr .....i w. .!.... i .
n i. i... i .. : V" j"'" maiica, aim anisic
Oregon Agricultural College
This great Institution opens its
doors for the fall somester on Sou
tember 20th, Courses of Instruction
Include: General Agriculture, Ag
ronomy. Anlnin! Husbandry, Pal-y
Husbandry, Pacterlology, Potanv ana
riant ramoiogy. Poultry llusbaud
iy. Horticulture, Entomologv, Vet-
'erlnary Science. Civil 12nglneeiin.
, Electrical Eng.neerlng. Mechanical
Engineering, Mining Engineering,
High way Engineering. Domestic Sci
ence. Domicile Art, Commerce, Fj--estry.
Ph-:mncy, Zoology, Chemls.rv,
Physics Mathematics. KiikIIsIi Lan.
gunge and Literature, Public Speak-1
lug, Modern Language. History, Art.'f
wciiM'.-iure. inuustrial Pedagogv '
Physical Education, Military Sclenoet
mill Tnutltw ntil Mnstn r
Pond landings. Adults 0 cents, 1C
I vUco- ,le W18 o secure part' dress: Rcclstrar " OreiJmf bVi!I"
An unfilled want raune. unhappl-, of thq work near tho tunnel be-'tural College. Corvall s Or,,,
MSS-Tlmes Wnt Ads brlnK result.. tween North Lake nnd tho Un.p-SchiH.1 1 Year ?in Beptnnber 20th,
3 Real MoneyMers3
154 acres at Fossil Point; including one-fourth mile beach
frontage, and four million feet spruce and cedar timber. Ideal
summer home; also suitable for platting. Price $225.00
per acre, terms one-third cash, balance in equal payments,
in one and two years, interest 6 per cent.
I 956 acres at mouth of North Inlet, with bay front, suitable
for fruit, stock or platting land. Price $40.00 per acre.
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two years, 6 per
cent interest.
fl Southport coal property on Isthmus inlet, about four miles
from Marshfield, with good deep water frontage on Isthmus
Inlet channel. 2,620 acres and one of the best coal mines
in Coos County, at $75.00 per acre.
nalanrv - J . , .
""""" " Wllt "" wo years, interest b per cent.
Terms one-third cash,
1$ All this property belongs to the Southport Land and Com
mercial Company, and they are making this 'liberal offer
because they are retiring from business.
I'For particulars, see
Guarantee & Abstract Co.
-rt i ' -