THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1912--EVENlNG EDITION J v r J s i 0 CLEAR LID riter Says They Are Better than Fire or Powder tor Clearing Land. ' J. It. Sprlngor writes to Tho Ore gonlnn ns follows concerning a sun Ject of vital Interest In this section, thnt Is tho clearing of logged-off lands: I noticed In Tho Orcgonlan of a re cent dato n nows report of a meeting uf rnnrnsnntutlvo 1IIU11 111 Seattle VO discuss the problem of reclaiming tho logged-off lands of tho Pacific North west. Tho Oregon an also discusses tlin minstloii editorially. Stumping powder and grubbers are spoken of, but iho most offcctlvo plan to get rid of t'.io live growth on tho land Is not mentioned. Of course tho uoncral nrnctlco Is to slash and burn, and where tho growth Is larao that Is tho first thing to ho done, but what about sprouts, wild blackber ries nwd all wild growth that in quickly cover the ground again? Unless ono liuvo a largo bank ac count to go right ahead and clear It In nt least within two years ono will hnvo much more trouble to clear than If tho ground was baro of fresh growth. I have worked at that problem with brain and brawn for tho last 20 j oars. Tho average settlor who li'ckles such a proposition as to clear himself out n home generally has lit tle else but muscle to put' Into It, for If lie bad money to buy ho would In vest In Improved land. Tho easier the job Is done, tho longer ho will last to enjoy tho fruits of his labors. A good fenco for goats Is necessary. Any fence thnt Is straight up and down, whether of rails, boards or wlro, will do. Next, put a band of angora goats on tho land and clear as they clear tho brush off. Always keep them threo or four years ahead, If possible. Of course, that cannot bo done to start with, but after once iitartcd, by confining them on a small place at a time, thoy will soon .?ot abend. After thoy aro through, then Is tho time for stump powder and stump pullers. If ono grubs land "out of tho wlhl," on most lands, garden triicit and crop generally do not do as well for two or three years, unless thoro has boon left a good coat of ashes on tho bind by tho flro when tho slash - was burned. Hut when tho goat Is through with tho land tho latter Is ready for a bunipor crop right off, as tho goat scattors tho fertilizer pretty evenly all over tho tract. While the goaf Is busy clearing off tho brush he Is paying tho owner for tho chance In the silky fleece and tho Increaso of tho flock. Ho will do tho Job boi ler than any othor animal In exist ence can and will turn tho foul growth that Is a bother Into golden Hiit'i'kloH whllo tho owner walls. I believe It will bo a good Invest meat for men with money to buy up loggeil-orr lauds, fence them In tracts, say not over 80 acres, and put Augorn goats on thorn. When tho goatH bavo Iho sprouts killed, then the laud Is ready for tho settlor. There Is nothing thnt grows that the goat won't eat, and ho prefers browse to anything olso. Tho fire tiaps on tho burns that are such a menace to standing timber ran be en tirely eliminated by tho use of tint goat. i.ovints separated 11V lll'NW.KI) wiui: "Lovo Forever" Changed In "Leave INiivvcr" anil Young .Ainu Sikh.. NEW YOHIC, July IK An un usual and yet easy explainable en or In tho transmission of a telegraph messago has resulted In a claim for damage against ono of tho telegraph companies for alienating a young woman's affections. Tho message a sent by tho young man read: "I lovo you forever." When It was dollvored to tho nd- dresseo It read: "I leavo you forovor." Under tho circumstances thoro was nothing for hor to do but to send bnck tho young mnn's engagement ring ami all his letters and accept an other offer of marriage. The company's defenso Is that tl mistake was not duo to negligence, but that the Morso spelling of "love" and "leave." Is so much alike that trouble on the wires caused tho or i or. Tho word "lovo" has two dots for the letter "o." and "leavo" has a dot for "o" and a dot and a dash for "a." Hill',' TO MAKE A GOOD DRINK College Piofossor Tells How to Pre- part! Loganberry juice. fiORVALLIS. Ore. July 18. "Loganberries make a most delight fill beverage," says Prof. C. I. Lewis, nt tho O. A. C. division of hortlcul turc, who has been rcsponBlblo for much of tho growth In popularity of this delicious fruit In Oregon, ho gives his method of making logau borry Juice, as follows: "Put tho berries on tho stove, add Ing Just enough water to keep tho fruit from scorching. Heat tho ber ries slowly, mixing and crushing oc casionally with a largo bpooii. bo sure not to nllow tho borrles to boll; probably 180 degrees would bo as high a heat as necessary. After the berries have softened, placo thorn In nn ordinary cloth bag and drain out tho Juice. This process can bo much simplified by a Binnll fruit press. With It the fruit can bo put In tho press Immediately min" tho Julc squeezed out. "In choosing your berries, try to get thoroughly rlpo ones. Put tho Juice on tho stovo nnd ndd one-third the amount of sugar, and stir occa sionally until tho Julcols heated thor oughly, but do not nllow it to boll. If tho Juice bolls tho vinous flnvor will bo destroyed and tl'o high aroma as well. Iloltlo tho Juice, drlvo tho cork In slightly, ana fill tho spaco with paraffin. "This Is a most healthful bovor ago. One-half to ono Inch In a glass of wator will bo sufficient. Some people may dcslro to add inoro sugar, though for some tho ncld flavor Is most pleasnnt. Tho bovor igc Is, I bcllovo, superior to grapo Julro. "Tho time will como whon Oregon will bo shipping out train loads of 'his juice to tho oast nnd mlddlo west. It will becomo a popular drink In regions that becomo vory warm 'n summer. It Is oxtromcly refreshing nnd cool, nnd children can bo allowed to drink It as much as thoy doslro. "If you hnvo novor mado any loganborry Jolly, I hopo you will do so the coming year. It makes ono of the finest Jellies known. Truly, our loganberry Is coming to Its own. With tho great demand for fruit, a similar demand for the dried, nnd with tho possibilities nlonir tho lino of juices, syrups and Jellies, there Is n grent futuro for tho logan borry Industry." lam: TALKS POLITICS Tells Portland Reporters of Coos County Conditions. PORTLAND, July 18. I)r. Harry i.nno, Democratic nomlnco for unltod States Senator has returned from n trip to Coos nnd Curry counties, where ho lias been campaigning. Ho brought with him reports of strong sentiment for Wilson nnd Marshall In tho southwest counties and says ho Is entirely sntlsllcd with tils own prospects thoro. ur. i.nno was virtually amonc "homo folks" In Coos, for thnt coun ty was tho old homo or his father. Nat Lano. Ills uncle, John Lnno. was sheriff of tho county two torms nnd assessor ono, nnd othor nioin- itors of tho Lnno fnmlly hnvo beon prominent thoro. Ills reception was particularly warm on tho part of thoso who romomborod Hnrry Lano ns a boy, when ho holpod his fnthor build tho steamer "Messongor" on tho waters of Coos Pay. Ur. Lane tnndo talks on tho polltl al Issues at North Ilond, Myrtlo .'( Int. and llandon, nnd delivered a Fourth of July orntlon nt Marsh llold. At each placo ho hnd largo audiences and received numerous pledges of Republican support. IT WILL UR NEEDED. HONOLULU, July 18. Work on tho 1300,000 coaling plant at Pearl Harbor naval station Is now nctlvolv undor way, tho prediction of Euul- neor Onyler mado n fow weoks and thnt no difficulties In tho slto would bo found, having been verified by tho driving of tho test piles. Tho algnroba trees on nnd nonr tho site nro being removed nnd rnllrond tracks laud to tl e slto for tho carry ing of materials. Construction Is to be rushed. Tho naval engineers plan to use as much local material as pos sible. The plans were nil drawn up In tho Honolulu naval station office, and sent to Washington whero they were approved a short time ago. . considerable force of men Is nlroady engaged on tho work. HOR ON HACK IP Gov. West Will Hide Long Distance on Favorite Horse. SALEM, Or., July 18. Govornor West has started on his COO-mlle horseback rldo this morning. He wore a khnkl riding suit and tho cow boy hat which became famous throughout tho stato on campaign posters. Ho left his homo on tho bnck of a llttlo black niaro that will take him over tho Cascado Mountains to Poise, Idaho. Tho Governor loft tho city going southward, his plans of Itinerary not Doing changed to go over tho moun tains through tho South Santlam pass. "Fay Drown," tho llttlo maro that Is carrying htm on his Journey "wont lnnio" soino tlmo ago, but was sont to tho pnsturo nnd displayed no signs of lameness whon sho started on tlip long trip with tho oxocutlvo on her bnck. Tho Governor Is satisfied that tho little black will bo nblo to tako hi in tho cntlro dlstnnco, but has mado ar rangements for another mount in ev ent tho lameness returns. IIUSIIAM) WANTS HIS ENGAGEMENT HI.NO HACK PORTLAND, Ore, July 18 Thnt a husband should have the right to forco tho return of tho ongngomont ring ho gave his wlfo beforo tho days of domestic Infelicity started, was tho contention of Pen Holzmnn, Jeweler, whllo his wife, Sndlo, to whom ho lin been married for six months, con tends thnt onco hor ongngomont ring, nlways her ongngomont ring. So brisk did the argument bocomo that fists wore flying frcoly when Pntro. innn Coulter arrested Holzmnn for wlfo-bontlng. According to Coulter, tho bono of contention bctwocu tin. couplo Is thnt Holzmnn married tho girl for her supposed wealth. Her father owns a series of tailoring es tablishments under tho name of Tay lor tho Tnllor. Holzmnn's lovo gro-v fcoblo when It was not tanned by goldon breezes nndtroublo started. Holzmnn tried to forco his wlfo to give him tho engagement ring nt their homo, 191 Eleventh street, nnd she refused. FRUIT MUX IX DEMAND Experts of Agricultural College Cull ed to Many Different Points. OREOON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvnllls, Or., July 18 Tho Fruit experts at tho Oregon Agricul tural Collcgo aro much In demand nt this season of tho yonr, as speakers at Institutes, ns judges at fairs, and ae advisors to thoso having peculiar probloms to donl with In their or chards and gardens. Prof. V. It. Gardner of tho pomo logy department Judged tho chorry fair nt Salem this week and will judgo tho chorrlcs at Cove, July 1C. Ho recently addressod tho Chautau qua at Tho Dalles, nnd whon ho goes Into tho Cove country plnns to spend several days in tho Grnndo Rondo vnlley, nt Union, Covo. Imbler nnd Ln Grando. Ho nnd Prof. C. I. Low Is woro nt Snlom this wook looking up tho loganberry Industry whero thoy visited many plantings, Prof, I.owls nnd Jackson will at tend tho lnstltuto nt Astoria July 22 2.1, whoro Prof. Lewis Is to spoak on tho cranborry Industry. Thoy will spond a day or two In Inspection of tho cranborry marshes of Clatsop county. On August third, Prof. Lowls goes tn Eugene to glvo n demonstra tion tu summer pruning. Lntor ho will go to Estacada and Wallowa to spoak ut summor meetings. QUEER WIRELESS FREAK HA.N DIEGO LEADS COUNTRY AS SUICIDE CENTER NEW YORK, July 18 -San Diego. Cal., Is given tho record for (ho high est proportion of suicides In tho United States In statistics Issued to day by experts hero, showing that sulcldo Is on the Increaso throughout the rniMitrv. Reports from 100 cities! mow a general rate or ly.u por 100,000 people, as against 17 7 for 11U0. San Diego leads with DO. 9, Elmlra. N. Y second with 47.8. The rato In Now York Is 1G.5 and In Chicago 21.4. This rlso Is con tlned chiefly to tho smaller cities. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU imve ALWAYS I'SED. Phono 72 Pacific Llrcry A Transfer Co. Don't forget me Turkish mnvu guj. nutha &MmMt f Hi Dr School for OlrU ItTV tairnoiBiiimsi di. dona JupIlM (Evlxup!) CoJUtlm, A.Wtat. u XUauUrr SpwtJMli, Mlllf, An, ftlM.UM. OfM.MI&a. I for cUocad4rM THIS SISTKll SUrKIIIOll I uinrei, (, ileum Hull Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality &SJ Jlflmnmurd ksrfaV: w PmheR Discovery Is Accidentally Mado by iJcctnciniiH in Paris. (Py Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) PARIS, July 19 A curious wlro- ,loss telography phonomonon has boon at mo rauroau station of Clluchy-Lovallols, near tho gates of Paris. Electricians who touchod tho wires of a largo collection of tolo graph conduits which had not been connected with nny system recolvod severe elcctrlcnl shocks. An Inveat. gatlon by tho state railway engi neers revealed that tho shocks woro duo to Hortzlan waves sent out fro a tho powerful wireless station at the top of tho Eiffel Towor. A recolvlng station was established by way of a test and a telograph sapper was nblo to Intorcopt wireless messages de- Bpatcnea rrom the Eiffel Tower ana othor stations. lly puro chanco tho collection or tolcgraph wires nt Cllchy-Lcvallols railway station fills all tho necessnrv conditions of height, dlslnnco and position to rccolvo tho Eiffel Tower communications. The Incident has caused great Interest In scientific cir cles, as n wireless post especially erected on tho top of a school-hoimo In Paris has never been nble to Inter cept messages from tho tower. HEREL HAS MOVKV WASHINGTON. D. 0 July 19. Copies of a proclamation Issued v some of General Orozco's men charging tho rebel leader has $500, 000 In El Pnso banks and is prepar ing to go Into tho United Stntes nnd enjoy If has been received by tho stnte department. A. M, Nasou, farming near Cnnaan, Mo., was badly crippled with sciatic rheumatism duo, ho says, to uiiu uciii in ais oioou. "Foley Kld noy Pills entirely cured mo nnd also removed numerous black specks that were continually before my eyes." Foley Kidney Pills are n uric ncld solvent and aro offectlvo for the var ious forms of rhmiinntiHin t nni,- hart- & Parsons Drug Co., "The. Bufv Corner." A SHOES July Clearance Sale Sale July 15th to 20th To make room for Fall stock. All shoes at cost from $J00 per pair up Electric Shoe Store No, J 80 South Broadway The Economical Fuel is that which turns on and off with a valve. which burns only as long as needed, ready to light every instant. used in appliances which utilize every heat unit for the purposes required. the kind you pay for once a month, measure! by an accurato meter 6n your own premises. Gas Is the Economical Fuel Our New Business Department will help you choose a gas rnge, gas water heater, or gas room heater which will give you full benefit of the gas you pay for. Telephone 178. " ' ' Oregon Power Go. Marshfield & North Bend And GOHHT & KING, Proprltic Cnrs leave Marshflela tin minutes from 7:1G a, in. until u ltiiunigui. i.eavo worth Be, same schedule, Blurting at J i u mi i miunignt. boo Saturdit lur bciiuuuiu. Unique Pantatori THIS MODKRN DYKRfl, CLRlri PItESSKItfl and HAT IIKN0VM Agont for Kdward B. Statu 111 tlno Tailoring Let u nitii next Bult. MB Commercial. Vbcml You Auto Call Fo PHONIC M4-J NIGHT AM Stand front of Lloyd Holtl TWO NKW OARS After 11 P. M. I'hom i itcsidonco rhono 3S-J ! Will nmko trips toOoqtQj Thi Star Trani and Storage Is prepared to do all klndictl on short notice We met till nnd boats and wo also hare till stylo lloynolds Piano Motel Kuarantco our work. L. H. Heisner.Pj Phones OS-It. 120-J.orW ESTAIILISIIED IN 1880. STATEMENT OK CQNMTIO.V OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAI18IIVIKM), OUKOO.V. At tho close of business, Juuo 14, 1012. RE80UROES. Loans nnd Discounts . i07 ., . Ilanklnt' Houso ..'.'.'.'.'. go onnnn Cash nnd Exchanges ! . I . ! . I .' . 1 1 1 .' .' aSclllS.'SS T0tnl 723.B03.70 i. . r,. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In . s ko nna n Surplus and Undivided Profits. ... . . ....'. ' lAlsll Do,,o8U8 ::::::::::::::: S:5:S5 Total ttttttt: t(a,D-jj,io CONDENSED STATEMENT Of TheFirst National Bank of Coos Bay At the closo of business, Jim, u, 1012. resources. Loans nnd discounts Ponds, warrants and securities. ...!.'! ' ,o'?i?'H u. S. bond to socura circulation IS'ixHS lteal ostnto, furniture and fixtures. .. S5'S??-2? Cash and sight exchange. . . 81,011.34 188,653.99 Total f 011,879.37 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus and undlvldod profits " " 1100,000.00 Circulation, outstanding. . . . 10,048.53 Deposits ;;; 33,800.00 477,024.74 Total . ..,., $011,373.37 er8isIVtt00n0t0O.CaPUa,StOCkthe ,Ud,v,dua' "WUty of Stockhold- INTEP.EST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS W S. CHANDLER, President. M. c HonTnv Vl DOnsEY K-nRiTn ' "0nT0N Vice-President. ,.UHIt, vAiant, Wanted Quit A ulircivd Investor to pJ barualn In two of Uie tbaim EbnUIuc. riiio Tieir 4 High. 1 ou nml Mnrslillcld. slKlitly. 917E. I. S. KAUFMAN 81 177 Promt fit WANTED II T T X"i 1 X J-i-' CARPETS UPnOLSTERCKl PIANOS TO CLEAN, W l matic Cleaning Conipon;. iinrlc tnLi'ii at CJOINO HARVET PHONE 1M i i mmmiBtmm .-i i I ' mm R. J. MONTGO! Real Estate and lnsi lt Worth I'Vootl Barnard & Lang Klectrlcnl Contrncton bJ' IMIO.VI3-W 170 So. Hronilwaj, "rf ' Union itMrJiJ We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low price on house wiring. Get our price you can't afford to miss it. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 137-J Blanchard's Liverv Wo have . j .. .. J teR,ii " l "very busl h.eil.r'nd.9,,8llnt service to drivers 1'1 V008 Day' c" that will SSI .rU" ni "rythlng he nut ,oa2.8ctory aervlee to the ii..-r,S r "rth? needed ln lngbuM;8a,Ms0d0trUCk- "liAfcCIlARD BROTIIKRS Phone 138-J i7U,Peed d 8a,c- "'ce. 141 First and Alder StrU. Most Sensible' For the children U' famoua "BatiT'1" For Bale t THp FlPrfrir Shoel 180 So. Broadway !2 RAHiing Marshfield n (Sh DecoraOT Bttlmatea MA ,T1 vs,miatirf Phone l'" ana ivr,i FIRK lV'u T Several good bare1DB ', AuaTiBBtfl 08 Cenirw '- farshfleld. A ITonrn Tlrlck BttHHJ Mrht Hteam IU a.kJ 17AnTHl V i' urauueu "yr.tV ana joi '''nu U. A. V'"" 'l Rates: 60 cenU t D"jfj.l r, T?.o.4trir tor.. MarVkdId.O OC ut m 01 'nitres "TI,P , '!) em urst-c feill m t. ! Itn. Ud'. h. 0.v !!"' "bi yil P"WfiH