10 AEROPLANE CAN REMAIN PEREECTLY STILL IN THE AIR ag&K FLOP ' ' trCTAOVKUTISlNa In Tho TIMES ""' ' . . .,.. ttn.l l-ll- "In (E000 Saw Strops WANT ADVERTISING U Tfe SlttlW Will JCccp U10 Iucoraa from Xor Irnlshcd Rooms from Lprfaj(t YOU can really holp tlw family revenues by renting a few farnlnhod rooms and, If you know how and when to use the classified column, you may keep that little axtrs. Laconw as "steady as a clock." Win rut our " : , . U,o Market" Effectively! .- fkitta ahniit vnilp " '."" ws.:;r. ;ii w. buyers" iu town. And It 1 ffirV. or 'of them who ought to own it, you'll sell 1U MKMHER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS No. 313 l xxxv TiBtaullBlxxl In 187s MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 1B, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A ConuolidMloa of Times, Coast Mali Mid Coon liny Advertiser. M The Coast flian OF INFERNAL MACNIRE E EVIDENCE IS BEING 5ENI 10 TflFT DENIED CITY OF JDAREZ IN NEW Y E MILLION UP FOR PARKER ill! 0 MR enorted Fuse of Boom Ignited WI1UII Uiu ""u- "- Opened. I, .nrn HM nCQK R.AOGU 'I "ii.nv nirM OFbtUKtlMni Huuciy Ihite House Officials All Stat There Is Notmng 10 ine Story. ' by Associated Press to tho Coos Day WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18. circumstantial story 01 an iinu. ui". .u. nr nr Prnnlilnnt Tnft 1h bclntt -t.A .Unrnll.lv IflllnV fit tllO WllllO huso anil by Chlof Wilko of tho jo- -t service. It wns saiu n uomu ' .4 In nnntrnirn rncalvcd lato l.iL.v nt- thn nXOCIltlvO offlCCS WflH fceed upon tho desk of Shcrmnn Al- i, asslBtnnt secretary, just, nppumi ...iiinni tnorntnrv nf tho tronBtirV. c packnRO wns, of courHo, Intondod . it.. Ttrnntilnnt. lull tinnkneofl and Iters novcr reach him without first tslnn throufih tlio linndR of tho sec- -.. rritM m.irit, .i.ria riinr nu .iimi Iftlft l,u "-I1"1 ,... ..- - . wrapped tho pnekngo ho discovered i. infnrnni mnnninn cnnrKOU w Lamlte nnd with fuso sputtering ilch lie quickly oxunguiBiieu wmi i hnmls. Allen pinphntlonlly do- the. story, as do nil other White Euro offltlnK IMIen exhibited two unRcnrrort ids to prove hlfl denial of tho ry. M'NAMARA IN LONE DUNGEON Refuses to Conform to Peniten tiary Discipline and Is Being Punished. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coon Day Times) SAN QUINTIN, Call., July 18. After n week of solitary confinement, J. D. McNnnmra, ono of the dynamit ers of tho Los Angolos Tlmou build ing, Htubbornly rofuncd to express nny Intention of conforming to tho prison dlnelpllno. Wnrdon lloylo aya ho will ho kept In n dungeon Indofl nltoly. J. I). McNnmnrn linn boon re peatedly Insubordlnnto. Ills brother, J. J. McNnmnrn, Ir said to bo a model primmer. 6 W L SHOW PRODUCTS ON IDE COAST ere at Eugene and Made Trip to Siuslaw River Country. The KiiRono Ounrd BnyH: It. II. Tortcr and Johnson I'ortor, mbcrs of tho firm of I'ortor Iirn iu hnvo n sub-contract on tho En-ne-Coos liny rullroiul, accompanied C. C. Tinkler, who Is cnnuccW'd th the firm. Dan Ilruln, who Is con-. cicji wmi lite ntiownior i.umucr inpany, nml Frederick Porter, son Johnson I'ortor, enmo up from rtlaiul last nlKht nnd loft on tho go tills morning for Fowler a plauo tlie line of tho now rond. Tho. not clvo iin their rooms at' tho liiirn, which would Indlrnto Hint. ) will bo back either tonight or I norroiv. I Hie Porter UrothorB, who nro In cited In tho Tldowntor Lumber npany'g proposed mill at Floroncu. n large trnctB of tlmbor Innd In western end of Lnno count v. 7 declare that they will oroct nt renco one of tho largest mills cm roast ir tlio city gives tliont tho of rertn'n BtTeots which thov hnvo d for nnd which nro of no ubo to public This mill will ho n croni for In tho growth of tho llttlo city ,v. A I'nyrnll $50,000 a nth Is promised, which mnnnn Hint iral hundred men will bo em- 1 In tho mill nml In thn irlhil. V Umber. si'nvnv is coipu:ti:i) Ppoeil Smithein Paclllc Line Is All , "Hill llll, I iilV V." 'IIHIUIII IIIIO Ul II1U IHem Pacific tho Emrnnn TlnulKlnr It; " TlrAllnilnnw. a.. ... - .1.n Posed rnlln-n.. u- i .it xti.i ie navo been complotod and men now cheeking up tho results, ac- ly V 'nfomintion received lo- ,"'' i,ub!iuio uiing is ooing 'to expedlto tho work nnd tho erora hnvn i.. - ... i - ," ' reasonable hnsto. route n 11, of .iiii.i ,... eolni t V uBi"Kii insiean ui l . ,l,, U0CK crceK tno .: "' ,r'n Jewoll up tho No SrikJ. n tanC0 0f 13 m,les- w,10ri TiiiV.":Bi"K ?" wi " follow. ctlon ..,C t Hlornm P toward a' t .1 road at a' fei1'!0 th0 rmit0 soloctod la' Pcehp., V. "8 I0 u'nsop station. jyth lake to-r CP' vS; I .k'n, neh. wlio'io' Into thi i "."'"T' .nor.OS8 . iey at tho "u ltUKo rtvor Bcamnhe l etrson and Pryo log- 'terri800,tmtthoLow'Bnl esslty of ;;,''', ,UB.'1 l0 ouvlato tho a ther 'S ip??. . lraw and et ld0 of i . "l run (,own entrancen A.i8t,ioa,m to Yong's brlge. ,08S ino county This State Will Make Exhibits at Land Shows in the East. PORTLAND, Oro., July 18 This Is tho opon uoiiHon for exhibits. "Ev orybody'R doln' It" wlion It coidcb to nHKombllng Orognn productn for ship muiit to Mlddlo Wost Innd shows. Tho rntlwnya nro at It nnd tho Port Innd Commercial Club la conducting n Rtlll-hunt of Its own, through tho mombors of tho Orogoti Dovolnumont Longuo, to boo that that this stnto Is represented at tho oxposltlous of noil products to bo hold next wlntor. Tho Mncodonlnn cry him gono out from tho olllco of Socrotnry C. C. Chnpmnn of tho Oregon Dovolop mont Longuo nt Portland nnd tho ro Bponsea now bolng rocolvod nro grat ifying In tho oxtromo. Splondtd crop conditions throughout tho Htnto nro helping this work nnd It is snfo to say that tho samplos of grnln, grsasos vogotnblcs nnd fruits will bo tho best poBslhlo ciunllty, nnd It Ib bollovod thnt Oregon will capturo somo not nblo prlzos. Pretty Boon tho Oregon fnrmor will ho romlndod to mnko oxhlbltH In Portlnnd, Novombor 18 to 23 for this year tho Pacific Northwest ts to havo a land products nhow of Its own for tlio first tlino. Nnturnlly, tho farm ors will tako m oro Intorcst In this than In tho onKtom shows, hut It Is tho hopo of tho commorclnl bodies that nono of the I u 1 expositions will bo overlooked. Tlio fact Is, that wlillo thoso flhows offor tho best monnfl of publicity and nro cortnln to attract Bottlers, Oregon has lnrgo ly ovorlookod this monns of ndvor tlslng In tho past. It Is hopod this yonr to got In lino with tho moBt pro gressive Btntes of tho Northwest In this particular. m 00 BE WEDDING HERE Chapman Sisters Are Married at Same Time at Marsh field Home. v A doublo wedding wna solemnized last night nt tho homo of Mrs. M. O. Chnpmnn on Curtis avonuo, tho nup tials being thoso of Miss Ada Chap man, a popular Coos Day girl, to Leo Fuller, formerly of Marshflold, now of Wonatcho, Wash., nnd Miss Dolla Chnpmnn, also of Coos Dny, to Harry Mooro, of tho Drenkwater ofllco la Portland. Tho wedding ceremony wns performed by tho Rev. Mr. Rut ledge, of tho Methodist church, after which n wedding sunnor wns enjoyed. Only relatives nnd lntlmnto friends were present. Tho young couples nro spending the dny at tho beacli and expect to remain hero for n fow days beforo leaving on tliolr Honeymoon trips. A full account of tho wedding will ho given In Saturdny'a Times. T hhv ro-M,. Tht ktnd VOX' have ALWAYS USED. Phone 73 Pnclflr Livery & Transfer Co. Times' Want Ads bring results. That Was Amount of Demo cratic Campaign Fund In 1904 Campaign. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooi Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18. Tho Democratic campaign fund amounted to about $1,000,000 when Alton D. Parker ran for President In 1004, nccordlng to W. F. Shohnn of Now York, then chairman of tho Democratic National executive com mittee. Ho testified today bofoio tho Senato committee on Investigat ing campaign funds. FOLLOWED RIS FATRER'S ADVICE Young Murderer Kills Himself As He Was Told to Do. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Titnca.) NKW YOItK, July 18. The body of Nathan Swnrtz, whoso father In formed tho police his son wns tho Blnycr of ll-yenr-old Julln Connors, wan found enrly todny on tho fourth floor of n tenement- houso on Chrtstlo street. Swnrtz committed sulctdo by Inhaling gns. FILIBUSTER TO BE WW Agreement In Senate Reached to Vote on Bills Democrats Want Up. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18. Lenders In tho Sonnto reached nn ngrcoment Into todny to voto noxt wcok on tho tlirco democratic tariff measures as follows: tho wool tar iff on Thursday; tho sugar bill on Frldny; tho oxclso bill, Saturday. It Is expectod this agreomont will bo ratified beforo adjournment nnd dem ocratic filibuster withdrawn. Vigilance Committee Organ ized to Preserve Order Dur ing the Evacuation. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). JUAREZ, Mox., July 18 Activities of tho cltlzons' vlgllnnco committco orgnnlzcd to prcsorvo ordor during tho pnosngo of tho city from robol to federal control, led todny to a report that tho lnsurrcctos will ovacuato Juaroz within 48 hours. Tho robols admit they Intend to abandon tho Juarez zono, proceeding with 400 men to tho Cnsas Grnndcs. $33,000,000 BILL PASSES Rivers and Harbors Measure Passes Final Reading In Senate. (Dy Associated Prosn to Tho Coua Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18. Tho Rivers and Harbors appropria tion bill carrying $33,000,000 In cluding ?G, 000, 000 for tho Mississ ippi river Improvements, passed tho flnnl reading by tho Scnnto today when a conforenco report was adopted. YOUTH FALLS 2.000 FEET W m E Steamer Bandon Carries Larg est Cargo Ever Taken From the Coquille River. Records for lumber shipments from tho Coqulllo rlvor woro broken by tho stonmor Dnndon, Tho Record er prints tho following: "When tho Bandon cleared from this port InBt week she carried tho largest load of lumbor over shlppod from tho Coqulllo rlvor. With flvo hundred nnd thlrty-flvo thousand feet of rough lumbor from tho Mooro mill sho wns londed to a depth of thlrtoen nnd thrco-tenths feet, but crossed out without touching nt any plnco. "Tho combined loads of tho Dan don and Flfleld last week amounted to over n million feet of lumber be sides tho other freight. Doth of tho vcssols crossed out after night with tho nld of the new light on the south jetty. These lights nnd tho removal of tho rocks from tha harbor hnvo mndo possible a great Increase In shipping from this port." T Parachute Fails to Open and Lawrence Stafford Meets His Death. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Dny Times) QUINCY, Mass., July 18 Law ronco Stafford, seventeen years old, foil two thousand feet to his denth nt Qulncy Bay today whllo attempting n pnrchuto jump, Tho pnrachuto fnllod to open. MEDICAL .MEN .MEET Tho mombors of tho Coos County Modlcnl Assoclntton nro holding n meeting todny nt Coqulllo. Dr. E. Mlngus of this city is In attendance. WIRELESS MAN 1 flOTOF JAIL G. H. Parker, Who Made For tune In United Wireless Is Paroled. (By Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., July 18. Goo. H. Parker, flBcal agent of tho Unltua Wireless Telegraph Co., alleged in tho court proceedings to havo cleaned $1,316,000 In his operations, and who was Bontonccd to two yonrs In tho federal prison, has returned to his flno homo In Seattle. Ho wns parolled from McNeils Island ponl tontlary. It Is said ho Is worth sev eral million dollars. Christopher Co lumbus WlUon, partner of Pnrker, Ib still In nn enstorn penitentiary. INSTITUTE TD District Attorney Says He, Soon Have Murderer Under Arrest. THINKS POLICE OFFICER SUSPECTED IS INNOCENT BEAT D FRAUD CRARGE IS DISMISSED DOCUMENT NOT IIEUE England's 1'rotest Has Not Yet Dccn Received (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times). WASHINGTON, July 18 A. Mit chell Innes, charge of the British Embassy, appeared at tho state de partment today and It was under stood, boro tho British protest against the pending Panama Canal legislation, which was expected to ar rive In New York by mall some tlmo yesterday. It appears however Innes had called to notify Secretnry Knox that for some reason, unknown to him, tho document had not yet ar rived. Consequently the secretary and tho charge agreed to refrain from discussion of the subject. Justice Pennock Held Him Not Guilty In Case of Golden 1 Loan. Justlco Ponnock yesterday hold that F. S. Rlobo had not obtained money from John Golden by fraud. Rlobo's wages nt tho mill had boen attached but all money In excess of Goldon's clnlm was ordored released. Tho decision clenrs Rlobo of any charges of fraud In connection with tho money received from John Gold en. Tho case Ib well remembered hero. Rlobo borrowed $50 from John Gold on n fow days before tho Co-Operative Co., of which ho was tho malin ger, closed Its business, In return Rlebo clalniB ho gave a check on tho company dated seven days In advance to Golden. At tho time the company had no money In the bank butRlobe explained that the money would bo thero whon tho check camo due. Golden, howovor, was not satisfied and Rlobo claims ho then gave his note for tho amount. Golden claims that Rlebo first gave hlB note and gave tho check later. Whether Rlobo or tho Co-Operative company woro responsible for tho amount, will bo decided later. The business was closed before the check camo duo and thero were practically no assets. NINE ARE DROWED Cloud llrust In Pennsylvania Proves Fatal. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times, j JACODS CREEK, July 18 Nine persons were drowned In a cloud burst at Darren Run, near hero early today. Times' Want Ada bring results. Teachers of County Will Have Training School There August 5 to16. Tho third annual session cf tho Coos County Training School for Teachers will bo hold at Dnndon, Au gust G to 1G, saya tho Dnndon Re corder. Tho experience of tho two previ ous yenrs hns enabled them to extend their plnn8 to cover tho require ments, in tho wny of professional training, of everyone engaged In tho public school work of tho county. Miss Shearer of tho Monmouth Normal has been secured ns Instruc tor In primary methods, whllo M.. Dull will continue his lnvnlunble plans for successful work In tho grnnimor grades. Tho work of thoso instructors will continue throughout the 1 0 (lays' session. In nddltlon, during the second wcok, Mr. I, N. Melondy, of Portland, ns stated by the city superintendents nnd high school principals of tho county will glvo mothods especially ndaptod to high school work. Prof. Diddle, of the Wlllnmotto University, will give rendlngs nnd Instructive onter tntnments on the evenings of August 14 nnd 15. TheBO Instructors nro among tho ablest In tho njnto. The oxpoiiBos will bo limited o traveling nnd bonrd and lodging, nnd these will bo nrrnnged for nt tho low est possible rates. VI LI DUSTER AGAIN Democrats Defeated In Elfort to Bring up Wool Hill. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 18. Tho democrats of tho Senato woro defeated 37 to 27 in an effort to havo tho wool bill tnkon up at tho opening of today's session nnd resumed their filibuster of yesterday ngalnst tho $150,000,000 sundry civil appropria tion bill. Men Arrested Have Thown Some Light On Mystery of Affair. (Dy Associated ProBS to Cooh Day TlmcB.) NEW YORK, July 18. Louis Llb by and Shapiro, ownors of tho auto which took tho murdcrors to the sccno of tho killing of Horman Ros enthal, tho gambler, aro said to bo in possession of Information thoy pro poso to reveal to tho district attor ney that will lndlcato tho pollco -ays-torn was responsible for tho plot to mnko nwny with Rosenthal. Shapiro nnd Llbby sny tho car was hired by tolophono by Jnck Roso, a gambler, who with two other men, ono known ns Itzkc, was taken up town. On tho way Shapiro picked up ono or two other men. Shapiro's story of what happened Is bolng reserved for tha district nttornoy. Meanwhllo dotoc tlvcs nro searching for Jnck Roso, who Is said to bo a friend of Pollco Lieut. Charles Bcckor, an officer whom RoBcnthnl Involved In his charges of pollco grafting. Jack Roso was taken beforo Dep uty Pollco Commissioner Doughorty todny nnd nil ml tied that ho was a pnBsongcr In tho nutomobllo In which Rosonthnl's murdcrors drovo to tli hotel Motropolo but snld ho loft tho auto boforo tho Hhootlng took plnco. Roso wns nrrcsted nnd tnkon to District Attorney Whltmnn's ofTlco. It wns reported nbout pollco head quarters this afternoon thnt tho ar rest of a loading pollco official In con nection with tho Rosenthal murder would soon tako plnco. "I am poBltlvo," said Daughorty later, "that I nhnll hnvo tho murdcr ors of Rosenthal In custody boforo long. I bollovo I know who did tho shooting. Roso's stntomont to mo does not ImpIIcnto Llout. Dockdr. I bollovo Decker cntlroly Ignorant of tho murdor going to tako placo. Roso admits ho wna In tho auto Just boforo tho murder but not nt tho tlmo of the shooting." Hold Viiiicrnl. Hundreds nf tho gnmbllng frntor nlty attended tho funeral of Rosen thal todny. Anron J. Lovy, counsel for Louis Llbby nnd William Shnprlo, nlloged owners of tho "Murder Cnr" gnvo out n stntomont regarding Shapiro's conduct nt tho tlmo of ths murder. Shnprlo has admlttod, ac cording to tho police, thnt ho wns tho driver of tho cnr. After tho shoot ing thnt he was working with tho motor nnd protended It did not stnrt. One of tho party said, "Don't stall that engine, you had bettor got It stnrtod nnd ho quick." Shnprlo still hosltnted nnd one of tho pnrty snld, "Go on, you fool; got stnrtod, don't you know thnt tho cops nro fixod nnti no ono will uothor us. It la n cloan gotnwny." ANOTHER ARREST MADE DENIES ARREST. L. C, .Mlrelll of Rosehurg Talks Re garding Local Option Law. Tho Roseburg News snys: Attorney F. G. Mlcelll, who re turned hero this morning from Port lnnd, denies that he, or any other director or officer of tho Roaoburg Drowlng & Ice company, hna been ar rested charged with vlolntlng the lo cal option laws. Mr. Mlcelll says ho understands that warrants of arrest were Issued, but denies that thoy havo beon served on tho directors or tho corporation. Mr. Mlcelll says ho was called by tolephono on Saturday, following the raid and requested to placo the soal of tho brewery on n, bond furnished by the Drowlng com pany which ho did. According to Mr. Mlcelll's stntment none of the directors of tho brewery havo been formally placed under nrrest, neither was ho cited to appear In court in do fenso of the action. Fourth Man Is Suspected In New York Murder. (Dy Assoclatod Press to tho Coos Day 'Times). NEW YORK, July 17. A fourth nrrest in tho murder of gnmblor Ho.- mnn Rosenthal who wna shot to death yosterdny Just beforo ho was to tes tify regarding chnrgoa of gambling graft against tho pollco was tnndo to day whon Louis Wobbor, known In tho under world as "Drldgoy," wns brought to pollco headquarter. Webber, according to tho pollco, ran a gambling houso In oppoaltlon ti Rosenthal nbout threo years ngo nnd had Incurred the murdered gnmblor's enmity. W. S. CHANDLER BETTER Condition Today Much Improved and Is Able to Sit Up. Friends of W. S. Chnndlor will I.e. pleased to know thnt ho Is very much Improved todny, bolng nblo to sit up. It Is hoped and belloved that his Im provement from now on will bo vory rapid. NEW MAIL BOXES DECLINES THE OFFER G. W. Mooney Refuses Placo of Se-j crctary to Tnft (Dy Associated Press to The Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 18. fJrnnvlllA W. Moonov. formor sneak-' er of tho Ohio assembly, has declinodj tho post of assistant secretary to ino president to succeed Sherman P. Al len, yestorday nominated assistant secretary. Carrier Will Collect Letters From Different Sections. Collection boxes for receiving mall havo beon erected nt various stroot Intersections nbout tho city and car riers will collect from thorn ns thoy pass them on tholr dellvory trips. Lnst collection from boxes begins at 5 p. m. Patrons wishing mall dis patched aftor this hour must dopoalt tho 8amo nt tho postofflco. No Sunday or holiday collections from boxes. Patrons wishing thoir mall dispatched Sundays. Holiday nnd Monday mornings must dopoalt tho samo nt tho office nfter 5 p. m Saturday evening. If you have anything to sell, trad?, or rent, or want help, try a Want Aa. il