The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 17, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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1! .V ''
M. C. MA LONE V L'dltor nnd Tub.
DAN K. MAI.ONKV Kcvn Kdltor ,
Entered at tho poatofllce at Marsh
Jleld, Oregon, for transmission
through the malls as second claaa
mall matter.
iv tiii: camiwiox wkiik
IP TI1I3 political campaign woro
only a thing of tho past, most
t poople would bo greatly plcasel.
It docs scorn us if common, ordinary
presidential politics nre one of tlu
worst scourges Inflicted on tho coun
try. Tho doelro to bring about pro
ductive conditions in the United
Stntes is so universal thut it may ho
said thnt tho huslucss world Is ready
J for oxpandod. enterprises as soon its
politics tnko a moro settled shape.
WIS SAW n stranger on the street. His fnco was smooth, his clothes '
wore heat. We recognized hnnonth his tnn some earmarks of a i
railroad mnn. j
Hill Jenkins, wise guy that hd is. wlio knows 'most cv'ry Btrnngor's j
biz, soon had us all in realms of joy becnuso he know him when a boy.
Ho said the stranger Is a spy who's hunted 'round bIiico Inst July, and
traced the bank of cv'ry rill for railroad tormlnnls for Hill. He snltl tho
fellow used to he a branch on cv'ry railroad tree. He'd been n confldeii-j
tlnl man for Dick and Harry, Jim and Dan. He'd been an agent In his!
dny for "Burlington" and "Santa To." He'd held "Groat Northern" In
his hand, and built "Xorth Western" 'cross the land. In fact, ho said this
wondrous man Intends to build a mighty span of steel and concrete 'cross
our Bny. Tho work bcgliiB 'most nny day.
We Bought this railroad magnato out, and asked htm to dispel nil
doubt, to lot us In on anything, to mnko our hopeful spirits sing. Wo
wined him, dined him, Bang his prnlso throughout tho gladsome summer i
days. Wo drank his health In cv'ry tin of Bourbon, Muscatel, and Ql .
But, when, nlns! ho spoko one day, ho srild, "I've nothing much to say. '
I've cut tho railroad business out, and don't Just know whnt they're,
Oh! friends of mine, how sweet Is hope. How dear each particle of'
dope. Lot's not let disappointment rise. loot's keep at work and Just,
OF S. P.
F. P. Norton Reports Showing
Deficit Which He Has
Made up.
Tho report' of tho finances of tho
race mooting held In Mnrshlluld July
2 nnu 3 shows tho expenses woro
JSI.HO grcnter than tho receipt.
Tho deficit was mudo up by l l
Norton who had tho races In charge,
air. Norton won $1(51) In nurses with
'his horses but half of this will be
used to mnko up tho shortage. Ho
agreed to hold the meet if tho Fourth
of July committee contributed $300.
Tho receipts of tho race meeting
woro as follows:
(Into receipts, July 2 $111. GO
Onto recolpts, July .'! 20S.75
From lomonado stand 7.5 0
Cash at gato 2.7 r
Total receipts J330..i0
From committee 300.00
Tho money paid out fur pulsus
F. P. Norton $ 1 CI. 00
M. H. Nay 101. i0
J. L. Knight Dfl.i.S
E. CI. Alton 87.30
K. It. I'rostnn
Torcy Ward
E. T. Anderson
D. L. Itood
Tho printing expenses follows
Coos Hay Sun S 7.53
Tho Uncord 5.1.0
Coos liny News R.00
Horse Uovlow fi.00 '
Total expenses
Belief That George M. Fenton
Was the Victim of Foul
Tho story of tho supposed murder
of n former Koscburg mnn Is told In
Tho Orogonlnn. Tho mnn was Qoo.
Monroo Fonton. He formerly resid
ed In Koscburg and was well known
tliero ami also was known to somo
persons In Mnrshllcld. Tho story In
tho Portland paper follows:
Though Georgo Monroo Fonton, n
Portland railroad man with n famliv
living here, Is bollovcd to hnvo boon
slain nt Colllo, Inst Jnnunry, and
though circumstantial ovldonco
points to threo men ns being con
cerned In his dlsnppcnrnnce, secret
efforts which hnvo been cnrrled on
for tho Inst six months to fix tho sup
---- .... . wt.Of PIVVIIIIIH- III ilJ
apparent hopelessness of producing
the body, without which. In tho ub-
ficnco of eye-witnesses to tho klllln-,,
me- crimo cannot no proved.
Lngngod In tho senrch have been
Governor West, tho Albnny lodgo of
Hilts, of which Fonton wns n mnm.
her. tho brothers of tho missing innnt lVl bo tl 73. co on Vn
nii.l private detectives. Thoy wo-o niTZ" r" LZ!e,,""Nn
List of Appointments of Offi
cials Announced Recently
From Head Office.
Tho following arc the now appoint
ments mndo by tho Southern Pacific,
mtnmnnn in U'lllrh Wns IlllltlO Inst
wcok In connection with the appoint-!
ment of C. J. Millls:
E. H. Cnlvln, vice president, In I
frcnernl chargo of operation and con-l
tructlon. I
C. J. Millls, assistant to tho presl
(cnt. I
W. It. Scott, Blntcd for general
1'ianngcr. J
O. W. Luce, freight trnfllc tnnnn-gor.
A, II. Babcock, consulting electri
cal engineer.
II. A. Jones, assistant treasurer.
Thomas A. Graham, assistant
f eight trnfllo mnnngcr.
A. It. Rising, general freight agent.
W. F. Taylor, assistant general
freight agont, central district.
F. O. Lnth'rop, assistant general
passenger agont, central district.
J. M. Fulton, assistant general
freight and nnssenccr agent nt Itcno.
success, nnd his experience lioro, Ills o. J. Blcch, district frolght agent,
success In tho now capacity Is assur- Los Angeles.
cd. His .advancement will bo n sourco F. S. McGlnnls. district passenger.
oi grniiucniion to mo many menus , ngent, Los Angeles,
ho hns won on tho Bay during his Tho Snn Francisco Call In refer-,
rosldenco hero. Ing to tho recent chnnges innilo says:
.Mr. Krcitzor will nlso succeed Mr. "What amounts to a "sliakcup"
Horton on tho directory bonrd of tho! among tho gonornl olllcers of tho'
First National. Tho directory bonrd Southern Pacific company was an-'
will bo composod of lending, progros-' nouncod by President Wm. Sproitlo
slvo inon of Coos Bay, being W. S., yesterday. Just before departing for'
Chandler, W. U. Douglas, Win. tho north on n wcok's Inspection trip.
unnios, steplien C. Kogors, John S. Tho offoct of tho reorganization
Coke, John C. Merchant. John F. brings 15. 15. Cnlvln, vlco presedent
Hnll, W. P. Murphy nnd Dorsoy and general ninnngor in clinrco of on-
Kroltzor. ! oration, up directly under Sproulo.'i
Tribute nt Old Home. J with tho now tltlo nnd responsible i .
Mr. Horton practically closed th. ties of vlco nroshlont In cmmrnl. '
JiogotlntloiiB for tho purchnso of the chnrgo of oporaton nnd construction,
big Interest In tho Bank of Ponulnri W. It. Scott. nsnlHinnt ummrni mnn.
Bluff during his recent onBtorn trln. ncor. will bo mmln cntinrni mnnmrnr
mill o. w. Luce, nslstnnt to 15. O. Mc-'
C'ormlfk, vlco president In chnrgo of.
trnfllrt ti'll lm mn.ln f..l.l. lM..ftt'
.....v, , w anil, iu .(Ulni. HIlllH;
Tho appointments will become ef
fective July IB, next Mondny.
OccnRlon for tho chnnges is tho ro-
tire ment of C. II. Hedlngton, nsslst-.
i.l.t trensurcr, who has scon Ifi years,,
or servico wun tno company. Ills
position Is Illlod by H. A. Jones, now
(Continued from Pngo One)
Whatever your favorite out-of-door sport may he
you can add to the pleasure by takinn a '
with you.
We have a large line of Kodaks and Brownie Cameras
ai $i.uu io 3oo.uu.
Films, Developers and Supplies
Red Cross Drug Store
Phone 122.
which ho Is hold by his old frlonds
and nolghbors nt Poplar Bluff Is giv
en In tho following nrtlclo from Tho
Dally Itopubllcnn of Poplar Bluff:
"M. C. Horton was nn honored
guest Inst' ovonlng nt n reception at
tended by probably 12Ti business
num. It wns tendered liv II. I. Itnth
- .... . .,.,.. if,., iui;itj iiiin
o :n """' " mi" nun 'ciiuiii insi m mi, im ..i, i.. i .......
Vi aMhooii In n resort nt Colllo. two dnvs " . ' .. "...',.'."',':" '"" . '." ,im,u' 1V". irc'B hip mnnnger.
"'"'!boforothoHmoii..M i,n,.ln. '""V.1" '" """"K' "wiimy, in l-op- other Important changes mo tho
;u.uu'i ' ..:..":. ... .....u ,r Minn s n siorv. Aini.,.,i,... .. o i mhu.. .
8.00 " "' ' ," .'."" "'" "K "io "Tho guest of honor oxnect, t ,l. ' .i., " ..-.".' S"""l .'.".Y.JV.' W lllllllllll
7 7.. I1.""1, "'" imiirs nrtor is pnrt tonight for Mnml nn n V, . , T ""f"""1" r.
'!'.' d sniiiienrniiro. nil nmmn,.,.... ... " l .' IMll .!"r nrniinold, Or", Bay. Hosoburc nnd Knstprn. in iiu
li.U'J ..:.".:.. .'."". """'-"" "" " wnnro IIO IS t IO lend Of n ulronir ,..,u,n r .....i.. i ""....' i
., runuri vnii s en. loavinu iiimroinn !.-! i...i. n ... . ".. " "-""" ""niniiuii m un nres i em.
"J 11 ITopcrty worth nt least " 1 000 I 'ho Hani o fP .lar III ff ' lr f H i- n.i lllM,.,,mt of A,.M- ,"nbtnek' owM1
iiimiv i.onccnicil. Is HcMcf. I
Tonight Only!
Ziim's Big Show
Masonic Opera House
his original dennrturo.
"Lust evening ovory dopnrtmont of
IllialtinQa lit t)nilnH m..
tho iioiir ties ponponi..! i :;;-.i t". ."'-"' ."'."'.. W"R ro."r-
During nil tho time of tho aYuh in" oc.n. nZTSLS
In tho muni dunes of tho roluiniiin.
or in mo nig ijnuy of Hint stronm, It
in IKMIOVeil.
tho ontlro Soiithern Pncllle systom.
The Times Does Job Printing
i iiiiii iiii'ii iiii i ii fulfill irnm niiii ah n..u i ..
...... V " .""." ""ui nu i -.woi'O lOIt nt linnio. nml inon iIIiahooa I
oi la i'uinnco nt scnttored no nts. but now' f,i.. n. .1.1 .i... ;.:":.' :..".. '
;: -11:: ' " witness to tho supposed crlmo nnd ' " .,"1 V,! Vr'1, '
niontliH hnvo been imsumi h. i ". V L ".. ',.v. ' "":. i'
(lint l,n
nttcniptH to oxtort from him n repotl-' present
;; ' ''mu""llom,lv: 't"'?" o( llio evening tin
Tho ovents whin '.,! m ,i, ... '" " 1"? B'onn! " co V. Ilnt-
Are You Satisf ed ?
l.oo, murder of ronton began ,, . ",.mV "'." 'V :" ""? M I
limr .ViVn"". M ,,,w,,,,n ,n",n,0,, f tliP'wiw a distinctly men's night Tho
ULUL v 'nwmi'il In ii nnnirel over n lovolv homo was brllMni tl llhm I
. :Jr.!l'.n ,,,J ,."..wnlt ontnlilo of n pss and so!nl nffnlrs .
""' vniiiuiiniii iiuiii i ill- Hi
Chamber of Commerce Dis
cusses New Plan for Har
bor Improvement.
Tho fact that Knglucor Mor-
row has Bent word thnt tho
liredgo Orgoon must go to '
(Irnyu Hnrunr In September
of courso mnki'H It Imposslblo to
opponent, ronton chnncod
sensed the situation nnd reported Mi
im' ujiiinum, mo I'OHtniaster. nnd n
deputy shurlff.
Fighter '1VIN of Itosort.
Kynlston deputized Fonton nnd tho
i wo nrrostoii one of the fighters. II j j
pleaded In extonuntlon tli.n l... . i
ilrmik, mid when pressed to tell!
iwhoro he obtained the liquor, con-1
I'l.n .11... I 1 . .
nimiL' t , , "" """ii Himpou unugo on ono
IIIOIII,, Bl,t 1. .!. 0-,., ,1 . .,,,
: ' ..,- mm i ijiuuii , l t! Hll ine
no was
io uiip i.'rleml, Mr. M. C. Horton,"
nnd on tho other side tho following:
"Isn't It funny
Somo folks you can't miss.
And some yon miss a ii. Aii'i ihos
Von enn't miss, you see n lot
Tho other Just once In
'Tho reception wns expected, and
Villi t g n a. .J..... t a. ."
fosst'd thut the pluco where
Ulll lllll'PlI W1IH II "llllii.t ..I,.
plaints woro Issued ngnlnst tho maiNi 1,rovetl t0.!10 " w". hospltnbio wel-
. tigers of the place, mid Fenton wim "" V l,.," """Inpss men oxteudl
no wns deeply im-
carry out the plan discussed nt ,7, . ". "' """ ll,"t" was t ";, ''";, '""
the Chainher of Commerce meet- ' au' "I'lHSirod us n witness ngnlnst ' ."o;, Jv"'
ing Inst ovonlng. t,u" ""."V; JmiMiiry 29. I 'r088e" "
' 0 l'"-' ' rliluy preceding. Kenton w
To Improve the channel of tho Buy ';.,.' "', mI " " , ' " 1,r'V"'
In front of Mnrshlleld so that It will ' f ,' J lJ f.. CVlth, n hZn,8l"JVs
hnvo n total width of r.C0 foot allow.' ' ' C.?" ;. ""' j"'"1 t0 V10
fug largo vessels to turn nround. Is n r ri' Sundnv 1 .1 " "i nKn.,n'
tho plan of which was discussed t ,,w 1 ,V , I, llU"",M
a meeting of the Chamber of Com- , r ,, , ""i ik ml M, .n"""
merco last night. There seems to bo .. ,.' "" "L "' '.. ''r.1.'. vnl '",,lix 0i-
no .loubt but that the necessary ...,,. Miu-ked w h good
ey can bo rnlsed. Tho matter will be vnt nnnenred n on
icfcrroil to Major Morrow of ,ho en-l hopeful I 'v'wns ho"
flneorlng, corps nnd If the plan lueetsjau KIKs' ehnrin bolnngl
tlihti wi? nZ lT'!l T!e S(,lisf,(''1 Irilh ""' ' "oka and bake
huhttlivtl mill the fuel bills it makes ijoit puij?
WU SSnnf Wl,,!l-,tl m! "?lt M',i(Ml Tf V" UrC Snris(ie(1 lll "M Ollt Of toil
)ovetli H 'ges Imvo boon in.-
o od m the past fevi years, and what roinarkablo new conveniencos and ad-
U'c mint to show you the many ad van I ayes of the
Monarch Malleable Range
S'" Htt,e.;1"1 U" S," "I" "mo In doing ymir work.
Sr" tak,nB n" ""'" "ait-"nw "-'y tuo
iSSSi'i'1 """ ""v. fl.r ten, fit-
' " " --
toon or
V 10'IMI A'l !i.i. .....
nlmvo ,", ' ..!' '"IvniitnKPR, tho pri,.P of tho Monaivh is hut little
above the onlina
w time to be a
discovery thnt
government npprovnl steps
lUKPii to raise tlio money.
Migineor Leefo has made
bo b
plans low
rhey are just the thin- for-
u Kll.s' ehnrin bolonglng to Kenton i'sununi'l' H1 OSpociallv fo
we or gives n doscrlptlon of hlni " Ms. ill'O Soiling ail O.N
ami innps showing tho project. Tho uhtch Is entlreh .iirrn.n r.. . ,.ll... r...
tlioif Fenton. T" . ;
Men Is to widen the clmnnel from
Llliby conl bunkers to Commercial
Tho object of the Chamber of
Commorco Is to keep tho dredge Ore
gon on Coos Bay and to raise money
enough to pay operating expenses un
til nn uppropiiatlon from Congress
can be secured. The pluu Is to hend
n letter to Mnjor Morrow nuking that
X Kit, 1 1.-!
i. , .. -
Twice since tho hunt commenced lllUr P8' tP ail(l
tt "Suy SatUfactory"RAns
the dredge ho nllowed to ronmln here.' row and If found ngreenble to'hiiii
nccoiiipanioa wun plans nml reeoiu
memtnilons from Knislueer l.eefe.
Tho nuiount reuulied to make the
Improvonient will b about $2.1,000
nnd this will have to be KuiirnnUHd
by the Chamber of Commerce. As
there Is u lnrue amount of lnnd
which will still have to be tilled In
about MarshtleM. money ououkIi to
carry on the work ntuld bo raised
by the sslo of the iIiimIkIukm.
Or. McCorinnc and Dr. Mlngus have
both seen some of the big nronertv
owner nun sny
to bo iiiM'conhlc
and bellve that
ii any opposition. i i, tnkon nn with ti... W.rA..,... ..
At tho mooting A. II. Powers said glneers.
that ho was willing to gunrantoe
J6.000 of tho 2fi.000 ronulrod and ii,,,.,iu,..i, viwn...., ,.....-
believed Mnrshlleld could not afford. TO. present TIIK COr.vruv film."
iioin mi the tomorrou- niuht
reports huye reached the Inquirers ' (Mlf I' t'oi' Olllv 3 I ml J le had been soon niiv. Ti,.,a, T
baseless"1,0'1 ,1,,wn' worp fo,,n,, ,n "'" rn's Norfolk Kim -(to aa
. ki Coats for only. . .4.UU
Phis makes entire
Khaki Suit Only $3.75
Khaki Pants (M ir
that we also
mis secuon. it wns I uu Iv ilm-i.i.,i i
on suggostlon of .Mr. I.eetV thnt the
inniier lie tnKen up with Mnjor Mor
me money eoiiiii tlion bo raised. Tho
o eminent money on bund nt the
present time will probablv hold the
iirodge hero until the latter part of 1)01' pail' olllv
Mill Slough.
Tlio Mill Kli.nul, ,,,.. ,.,..i.i...
brought up again and IP was stated Pnr,'.vn 'l))lete ,'111(1 well as
by A. II. Powers. Or. Leslie nnd oth- SOl'tod line of
. . .in,, mum. in muse wuo were op
posed to the lllllng of tho slough
were willing to withdraw their eon..
plaint. It Is thought that nrnptlcniiv
H"r?!VI''rn"'"1 -"i -JLUjJjpt51
L"M'-v " ! jr. -j i
thn the plan seems all of the property ownors Interested
to the most of them In the matter me now In favor of
there will bo llttlo dosing the slough and tho plans w
io let the dredge bo removed
Men's Negligee Shirts
Also Bathing Suits
The Bazar
"Store of Qimlitv."
Phono 02.
Then Youl! Know You
Can't Afford Not to
Have the Monarch
thVnl!'ea7liz0 U.lrtt V (lctml economy to have
guninthoeostof fuol-inking vour eooking
t-iii n 1V,nRj;?" (,ou,fo,t aiHleonvonienee ol
Mumble in no other rano-e
wiS!?'!!f..V' 2nd ca Mo Monarch-Xo matte-
o tin SOl(1(nMOU'--sco the aSinifli. No
nMnnnw'Qi- VoVo Z to show it. A
1 v n 1iipn,,lS0il of lh0 Monarch with tho
CSSJr 'lH,llt wiH 1,rinS t some facts
1 B, C11?W; -As tn what vou do furtliev
man is strictly up to you.
Complete House Furnishers