WE PONT CARE MUCH FOR COCKSURE CHAPS SJff&S S HAD THE GOODS WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Put Your Real KaUlc "In tlio Market" KfTcctlMlyl It will put tho facts about your nroDorty boforo 'ho oyos or nil "poa ffibuyora" lu town. And It Lj ono of thorn who ought to IB""" III .11 If I (tas lag Stows WANT ADVERTISING! In Tho XIBUSH Will Keep tho Income from JTocr Furnished Rooms from JJapsusfti YOU can really holp tlw family ravonuos by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and whon to use the classified coluinoj, you may keep that little extra Income as "nteady as a clock." own K, 7" "" MEM HER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXV iCstnbllshctl In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mali and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 312 im Tho Const Mull OE LI 8 IN THE FIRST BEEN ASKED TO RESIGN filT CHANGE IS IDE " RAILROADS ARE WOULD BREAK SENATOR HAS IE NATIONAL BANK BEHIND MOVE MANY ROADS M. C. Horton Disposes of Stock to W. S. Clianaier, j. jj. Coke anrJ Others. HE WILL RETURN TO BANK OFPOFLAK HLUi-r Messrs. Chandler and Krcitzer Succeed Him Chandler Will Reside Here. Announcement wno mndo today that M. C. Horton, vlco-prcsldent nnd manager of the First Nationnl Bank of coos Day had disposed of liis Block .. : X.t in.tittitlnn to W. S. Chnndlor, judgo John S. Coko, Dorsoy Kroltzor and Wm. arlraoa. Tho anlo of tbo tank stock Is prollmlnnry to Mr. Hoi ton's return to his old homo nt Pop lar Bluff. Mo., whoro ho will nsaumo the active management 01 mo mum which ho aided In cstnbllHblnB aomo ytThn rhnneo wnB brought nbout by both Mr. Horton nnd Mr. Chnndlor Idccldlng that tlio move wouiu do im COOS BAY IS IN THE LEAD Shipped More Lumber to San Francisco Than Any Other Coast Port. Cook Day stnnda in tho lond of nil porta on tho Pacific coast In point of nmnimt of lumber shipped to San Frnnclaco during n given period. Grays Harbor comoa second. Tho following flguroH show tho nmount of fir nnd spruca lumber received nt San Frnnclaco from dlfforont ports of tho const from Juno 28 to July 11: Grays Harbor 4,022,000 Cooh Day 0,125,000 Wlllapn 2,242,000 Bandon 800,000 socially hcnollclal to each of thorn. , Evorott 000,000 Ludlow 085,000 Astorln 1,520,000 Aberdeen 050,000 Senttlo 375,000 Coqulllo Itlvcr 1,200,000 Knnppton 700,000 Illnkley 700,000 Total 10,479,000 B E v.irlv n. vcar ago. somo of tho cltl icdi of Poplar Illuff nnd somo of tho stockholders or Mr. Jiorion b oiu bank thcro began communicating lth him and urging him to return to assume rhnrgo of that IriBtltutlon. Ho was loath to lenvo Coos liny but finally they mndo tho Inducement au'h that ho could not vory won disregard It, tho llnnk of Poplnr Muff b'elng tho leading banking In stitution of tho city, with n capltnl ami surplus of $ 1 50,000.00. About tho somo t into, .Mr. uiiniidior j About tho samo time, Mr. Chandler, his homo on Cooh Hay Instead of San i Francisco providing ho found ho couM nrrnngo his business Interests i to that lie lould mnko the move When Mr. Horton apprlaod him of tho offer ho had received from Poplar Illuff, tlio situation Immediately ap pealed to Mr. Chnndlor ns ono whoro br arrangements could bo mndo that iould bo hcnollclnl to both of thorn. Hr Mr. Chandler nnd his nssoclntos (purchasing Mr. Ilorton's atoi'lc, tbo liautx WOUIll HO OlMDIOII 10 nCCOpi Ti. .. .Irn.li.n nrnmn U .the lucratlyo offer from Poplnr Dluff , 1)U ,nkon frolll CooH ny , r.ltvs and Mr. Chnndlor'B interests In llio iiri,nr nH nn iin ,.vnrnninri Hrst National llnnk of Cooh Hayl ,.io,. i.nm iu ,i,,n nnni ionlil lo Increased sufllelontly to won, roCeivod from Mnjor Morrow, warrant his iloyn Ing hit ontlro tlmo, It wi ,)0 bnok liero , olt?lt tnmitli. ;to the affairs of tho Institution. Con- A tnlocrnm to Enuliieor Leofo tnrtnv enuently tho nrrangomont was mndo., wnH nR follows: ine ciango will become olTortlvo Portlnnd. Ore. July 17. 1012. August l. llien Mr. Chandler, who u- i,? Tnr fn..aiinni,i nm,.n,i 'has been president of tho bnnlc for, Arrnnco to conflno dredging onora. ometime will also becomo clmlrmnnt ions to government project with II tllO Discount Hoard Of thO First vlnm nt Mnmlallni. nnrlv no nnsallil.t National, tho balanco of tho discount' po dredgo can bo transferred to .. uemg juugo .lonn v. linn, w. Oroya llnrbor soon as posslblo nnd POUClnS, DorSOV Krcltznr mill Will, .m-tnlnli. ,lnnlm. fnvnrnliln won 111 or rimes, Mr. diniullnr will ilnvnln rvnnni,i M,n aim ...111 l.o rntnm.vt nis entire tlmo to this nnd to his oth- to Coos nfter nbout eight months' ab ler business Intcrcstx nn tho iinv. ennon mcn win includo tho oroctlon of ew buildings and othor Intoresls. Oregon Will be Taken there but Return In Eight Months. by American Lines, Join in Canal Protest. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Hay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 17. President Taft was told today by Ro proscntntlvo Knowland of Califor nia that tho Canadian railroads, act ing In sympathy with tho American railroads, wero behind Groat Brit inn's protest against tho frco tolls through tho Pnnnma Cnnnl for Unltod Stntes ships, and Hint "thcro Is little doubt that tho American transcontin ental railroads prompted tho movo." Knowland also talked with Secretary Knox. Both tbo president nnd Sec retary of Stnto nro standing for tbo right of tho Unltod Stntes to put cer tain American vessels through tho cnnnl frco of toll. Whllo many of Tnft's advisors contend that tho ques tion of tolls is really ono of Inter state commorco, they nro hoping tho dlsputo may be sottlcd without sub mitting It to tho llaguo tribunal Canadian Companies, Backed! Claimed They Could Not Stand All Demands That Em ployes Ask. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.. NEW YORK, July 17 Many rail roads would faco bankruptcy if all tbo pending demands of tho various clnsscB of employes for Increased wnges should bo granted, was assort ed today by A. Warthlngton, whon ho resumed tho argument in bohalf of fifty eastern ronils boforo tho arbitra tion committco which Is deciding tho wngo dlsputo botween the railroads and tho locomotlvo engineers. Ho said that whllo only tho de mands of tbo engineers woro directly boforo tho committco, tho firemen liavo filed application for an lncroaso which if granted will cost tbo rail roads twenty million dollars n year. Ho added that tho shopmon nnd oth er classes of employes also expect an advance, similar to whatever tho on- glnoors obtain. REBELS START AN INVASION Men Plunder and Steal Before Starting for the Pacific Coast. (By Assoclntod Press to Tbo Coos Boy Times) MADERO, Chohunhua, Mex July 17 Having looted tho Madoro com- ETHEL CONRAD INT 0 HOrsey kroltzor whn linn lionn fssnierof tho First Notlnnnl will buc Report prohnblo dato of completion government work. MORROW, Engineers." ' It will rnnulrn until Sontomhor feed Mr. Horton in tbo mnnagomont to flnM. tho government work hero p'jneomer departments of tho Bnnk. land pf'er hn 's dnno tho dredgo will r. norton expects to spond n few, bo tnkon to r - Mnrhor. (etS Cn tho Dnv nftnr rotlrliif frnm i A, tlm nrnsiint limn tlio drnili'O ( lie bank ns ho does not hnvo to as-' working between tho cold storage PUIe his new illltlo nt Pnnlni- Illuff nlnnt nnd Pnrtnr mill. Tliln In nn tin fnlll about September 1. Ho Is lonth project of mnklng tho 300-foot rlmn- p ivao Loos Hay and tbo many nol which Ib bolng pnld for liv tho pnends ho and his fomlly bavo made Kovollnont nnd local pooplo Jointly. '-ub nieir rcsldonco hero will, Tlio original government project wna greatly regret tholp ilnnnrlnrn Anlrln for n 200. font channel lint thn lncnl irora the Important position ho has fund raised mndo It nosslblo to make pfCUnled In tlm , .,..... t... .. i , . thn .tnn.fnnt olmnnnl Tliln nrnloM e hirst National Hank, ho bns boon, ' prnctlcally complotod and tomor- leader In municipal and clvle nf-,ow Knglneor Loofo will movo tho J'rs. having served ns a mombor ofl'lrodgo to a point bolow Porter mill " "arsnneid school board, boen I to work on tho government projoet. p " ,u ie .Marshtlold Chamber of ueganiing statements mnao tnat i,' , ?n , ' "reshytorlan church. Ho' Mr- Loefo snys that thoro aro only n-S decided to pnlnln l.l u, I... I flirnn nr fntti. nlnniu n.liorn iUn annil ca estate )inl,llnnn !, ,.!.. Minn flllorl nomo nn,l flioao will li. rAK. . ' hn IIUU. UU1I1U 1IH:""w ".. .. .,V-MW if... mw uuuent as over In tho futuro of . looked after MrTHfBrct ovor tho "opnrturo of Lion. ,u b0 offsot y tll n- 'Wfemen : that tho chnnco will ;rZ"a. .? Chandler will bo n ad ti VT' of tno fommunlty Chorus Girl Acquitted of Mur der Is Followed by Man and Drugged. ((By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK. July 17. Miss Ethel Conrad, the chorus girl who with I.llllnn nrnhain wiir tried nnd ni.- pony's Storohouso of $25,000 worth quitted for nttompting to murder S. of goods nnd stolen horses and sad- E. D. Stokes, tho tullllonnlro hotol dies from scores of forolgnors, ono' "" ' " pntlont todny nt n local hos thousand rebels under Genera. RoJas Z Sn'd.Wn W? i"cnS started westward today through tlio lot In upper west Bldo. A chloro stnto of Sonora for Gunymas nnd tho formed hnndkerchlef was at hor Pacific Coast points. Tho troops nro mouth and her bands nnd foot woio beaded for Dolores whoro tho moun- tied with n rope. Sho told tho hos taln paBs leads Into tho stnto of Son- pltnl authorities thnt after leaving a ora. It Is roporto.l thnt ono thous-, subwuy stntlon last night sho was and Mo'lerlsta volutcers nro awaiting followed by n man and hor mind tlio roiiol invnslnn. "suddenly went blnnk." M E DC Wi sart m Y-7"'v"in nioconi vpin:" "?L. .. energies to tho -' i a. no nos long tno foremost factors in vfi(iBi.;.r ."""" nuiors in mo bil(ln ," "iniing, tlio UOKO ''dine h'1 ,h0 Clmmllor hotol side from L""c. t0. llIa eff"a- n. Z ,he instruction of another ALLIANCE SAILS TOR EUREKA ml BroVrt n, ' . cornor or Central liat Sff i'ay nml other mattora Umun itJ ver" benoflclal to tbo I t . ' Mayor Mast Recommends Pro gressive Measures in Mes sage to Bandon Council. Progressive Improvements for Ban don are recommended by Mayor J. W. Mast In his recent messago to tho city council. He wns nt tho lnsf elec tion ngaln cboson ns nenu executlvo of tho city and Is now starting on hia second torm. Tho mayor's messago to tho council Is published In dotuU In Tho nnndon Recorder. The mayor calls attention to tho street work which has been started by the old council nnd which is to bo completed by tbo now council. Ho expresses re gret because- tbo proposition before tho people to extend tho city limits was lost and recommends that peti tions be circulated and that outlaw ing territory bo acquired by addi tions. The- mayor speaks of a general discontent rognrdlng tho public water service lu Bandon and recommence that the city purchase tho plant from tho Bandon Light & Water company. TUHKISII CABINET RESIGNS SPEEDWELL TO BE Li UN 0 PLANNING NEW ARMY SYSTEM Military Forces of Country Will Be Strengthened and Reorganized. (By Associated Press to tbo Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, July 17 Plnns for tho reorganizing and stronghton lng of tho military forces of tbo Unltod StatOB aro bolng thrashed out by Socrotary Stlmpson and tho army council now in cession horo. Two distinct and variant vlowo aro bolng considered. Ono plan Is to croato a rcsorvo composod ontiroly of men who bavo sorved at loast ono enlist mont nnd who shall for a small an nual compensation report nt occa sional muster drills and hold thom solvcs In roadlncss for a call to tho colors. Tho othor plan looks to in creaso tbo rogular army to n full war strongth, prnctlcally abandon ing tho rcsorvo thoory. Tbo coun cil also dlscuBsod tbo proposition to abandon tho big Isolated nrmy post nnd locnto troops In tho groat cities. Tho ronson of groator economy Is urged in favor of this proposition. E SPENT TO ELECT TAFT New Estabrook Steamer Go in the Water Satur day Evening. Tbo steamer Speedwell which has been built nt tho Kruso & Banks shipyard will bo launchod Saturday at C p. in. It hns not yet boen de cided who will christen tho boat. Tho Speedwell Is 200 feot long with n 32 foot beam and 14 foot hold depth. She will carry lumber nnd will liavo passenger accomodations for fifty persons. Tho vessel wns built for A. F. Estabrook and com- J pnny of Snn Francisco and will bo iibuu uuiweun iiuiiuuii uu niu vju- nulllo rlvor nnd California, Tho Es tabrook company now operates two steamers, tho Bandon and Flflold, on tho samo run. Kruso nnd Banks aro finishing an other stenmor for tbo Davenport company and will start tbo building of another new ono for tho Dodgo StenmBhlp company. Over a Million and Half Con tributed to 1908 Cam 1 paign Fund. (By Associated Press to Tbo Coos Bay Times) AVASHINGTON, D. 0., July 17 Postmaster Gonornl Hitchcock todny told tho Sonnto committco Investigate Ing tho campaign contributions of 1904 and 1908, thnt tho total of tho funds collected for Taft's- campaign in 1908 was J1.C55, 518.27. Of this $020,150 was collected In vvarloiiB states and handled Dy tho locnl stnto committee The Inttor sum was nov- or turned Into tho tronsury of tho Ro- I nilllllonn VnHnnnl nnmmlhAn n1 though tho commltteo kept account or it. No contribution wns received from n corporation, Hitchcock said,' occauso congress hnd Just passed n law prohibiting It. A contribution of $20,000 from General T. Colomnn Dupont, of Dolnwnro, then a member of tho Republican executlvo commlt teo, wns rejected. Hitchcock Insisted thnt with tho oxcoptlon of about 25, all tho contributions woro bolow $5000. (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 17. During tho examination Hitchcock remembered Hint several banks had contributed $5000 each. Thoy might have been Interested In cor porations but ho thought nt any rnto that It was n smnll contribution for them. Followers of Roosevelt at Los Angeles Object to Recent Criticism. SAYS HE INTENDS TO HOLD THE JOB He Thinks Progressives Have No Right to Ask Him to Resign. (By Associated Pross to Tbo Coos Bay Times) LOS ANGELES, July 17 Bo causo of his criticism of tho pro posed now progrcsslvo party as sot out In a statomont Issued by him In Washington two days ago, Unltod States Senator John D. Works was asked today to resign by Lloutonant Govornor A. J. Wallace, Moyor Llss uor, chairman of tho Stato Republi can Central Commltteo, and a num ber of othor prominent supporters df Roosovolt, Tbo suggestion that tho sonator resign was contalnod In a tol ogram despatched to Works In Wash, ington. Tho tolegrnm was signed by forty progressives Including a num ber of nssomblymon nnd stnto sena tors who holpcd elect Works a sonator. Will Not Resign (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coon Bay Times) WASHINGTON, July 17 "I shall not, resign," said Works, whon nskod what ho moaut to do nbout tho tolo gram from tbo California progres sives. "Why should 17 Thoso peo ple nro not oven mombors of tho re publican party. Thoy bavo no right to ask for my resignation." Works snld ho hnd telegraphed tho slgncra ho would wrlto thom. R H DEPARTMENT Lower House Passes Bill Mak ing Secretary Labor a Cabinet Member. (By Associated Pross to The Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, July 17. Tho Houso passod n bill to crcnto a De partment of Labor, tho socrotnry of which shall bavo n placo In tho cab inet. Tho monsuro lms long bcon pressed by organized labor. It now goos to tho Sonate. WILSON MAY RESIGN WANTS NEW ELECTORS. Leaves This Afternoon Passengers and Freight for the South. ' The Alliance sailed at 1 o'clock today for Eureka with a fair passei.- Ith Mr Chandler nn T ninea' ger list. In addition to tho regu'n I ' Nation" in-int en,'.1 f.th? raw of general freight sho carried l"r te new ,1m to S wo11 ,U,0(1 n 1"'' shipment of chlttnm hark I'cs- Prior tntnui "uiiinui- which will be trnnsrerreii nt wureija nDlete(j biiRinJcl B "? ,,,ank,K. he nmj shlpned on down to San Frnncls ln hlo nnrt tXln mi lnw courses 'co. Those sailing from bore were: aw with li ,, "voTvonrs practised Leland Chnso, Mrs. E. F. Chns.-, B Divtot. Am "ler..J,,dc Kreltzer.iMrs. s. U. Albee. Mrs. M. Montsom- on fr his hinii tn tllls foun-'n-'orv. m,-8, J. M. Nye and child. Fred "eral years ex , cnroor nn'1 ,1,a ' Getty. D. W. Gormon. Carl Snwon. Si bank ),;:: ,"VD "' u uKin- Frank narrow, a. u. iiouck, .h. n. S ' Gownn, Lylo McGownn and W. S. Movo Necessary Becnuso of Revolt of Army Men. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CONSTANTINOPLE, July 17 Tho Turkish cabinet resigned today In consequence of a revolt In the ar my against the methods of committee of union and progress. WILL FORCE BILL. IContl: tiling . Ulinill n"cd on Page Two.) .Bolot. Ri-niocrntlo Filibuster In tho Keiiuto Is Indicated Today. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, July 17 A Dem ocratic filibuster in the Senato to force tbo consideration of the wool, sugar nnd excise tax bills wns in dicated today. An attempt to forco consideration of tho wool bill was defeited by a vote of 35 to 28, tho republican progressives voting with tho regulars. Senator Simmons In timated that tho domocrats might changed. decline to permit an adjournment j without, consideration of these bills. Try Tho Times' Want Ads, Taft Will Not Hnvo Thoso Who Are For Roosevelt. (By Associated Press for Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, July 17. By direct authority President Tnft, Senator Gamblo nnd Representative Burke of South Dakota announced today that tho president will oppose any attempt to put electors orjg(o lenvo electors already appointed ion tho presidential ticket headed by his name, who aro expected to vote for Roosovelt. Gamble and Burko loft tho White House detormlned to begin nt onco the struggle to bavo a new sot of presidential doctors put on tho tlckot in South Dakota. ALLEN PLACED ET Named as Secretary of Treas ury Conant Is Commis sioner of Corparatfons. Will Announce Soon His Plans As to Ofllco of Governor. (By Associated Pross to the Coos Bay Times). SEAGIRT, N. J., July 17 Whoth or Woodrow Wilson will resign tho ofllco of governor of Now Jorsoy or hold tho roln of government during presldontlnl campaign will bo known doflnltoly within a fow days. Tho govornor said today ho oxpoctod to soon set at rest nil speculation on this point. CIoso frlonds nro urging him not to resign, nt loast not bofore tho first of tho year. AMERICANS AGITATED liavo Fears of Mexican Rebels Head ed This Way. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, July 17 Extreme agitation exists among Amorlcans and othor forolgn cltlzons nlong tho lino of tho Mexico Northwestern rail road as tbo result of tho rotroat of tho Insurgent nrmy In that dlroctlon. No serious troublo Is expoctod, how evor, as long ns tho Unltod Stato3 ad hores to tho present policy of strict neutrality. Coos THE MARKETS. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) CHICAGO, July 17 July wheat, 9 7; September, 93 ; December, 90 4. Portland and Tacoma markets un- (By Associated Press to Tho Bay Times) WASHINGTON, July 17 Presi dent Taft has sent to tho Senato tho nominations of Sherman P. Allen of Vormont to bo assistant secretary of tho treasury, and Luthor Conant, Jr., POSTPONE SENTENCE American Federation Contempt Ciuses Aro Put Off. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 17 Owing to tho nbsenco of Mltcho-i. of Now York to bo commissioner of wh- Is In Orogon, tho sontenco of corporations. Tho latter succeeds Gompers, Frank Morrison nnd John Herbert Knox Smith who resigned! aiiteneu, or tiie Amoricnn Federation to Join Roosovolt's new party. i or Labor, nnd convicted of contompt of court In tbo Hucks Stovo & Range WILL PLAN CAMPAIGN J""" CnS' Wns ngnln nostI,onoa (By Associated PrewR to Tho Cons! ' . T,me8-) HANK MEN MEET WASHINGTON. Juyl 17 A con- (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay ferenco between Roosovolt nnd Her- Times), bert Knox Smith, tho retiring com- SEATTLE, Wash., July 17 Nn mlsslonor of corporations, to outllno tlonal and State nnnk Examlnors of tho scope of Smith's participation in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and tho new party campaign has been Montana aro in session at Senttlo to proposed for Friday or Saturday at' discuss tho problem of bank loglsla Oyster Bay. tlon. i t 1 1 l