THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION i mm mum um yiuij F. V. M'GOOIS ilEilL ASKS is COBTBACTS LEI bi ii cm IS ELECTEDi FOB E i IK o ITEN51 Stetson Shoes Stetson Hats Benjamin Clothes Portland Woman Insanely Jea!- Many Bids Are Open for Street; ous of Chaffeur Husband , Improvement Work in and Commits Murder. j Marshfield. ((By Associated Press to The Coo J Tho conlrnct8 Ict nt tho clty coun. nmiTi Avii n i ,i ic m meeting last night follows: PORTLAND, Ore., July 1C Mrs. !.........,...... tm.i...i ... ,., Nettle Walsh, wife of a chaffeur, to- Co nmorelBl to HlBhlnnd day fired three shots at her husband , T A lISw Ung Sded for cut, 1c who Jumpod from n window Into tho' ynrd. flll( , n ynrt,; curbi 'lttC b roet. She then killed her four-year-; foo. , ?2.14 n'ynru old son, Vincent Walsh, and probably, .,. Mptn,n nwr,in,i fnP rm. fatally shot herself. The husband was not wounded but only slightly Injured by Jumping from tho win dow. Mrs. Walsh was Insanely Jealous of attentions alleged to bo paid her husband by a stenographer of a tax icab company In whoso employ tho hnnlinnil wnn. T.nnt wook Mrs. Walsh nttemptcd to shoot her husband and' tho stenographer but was disarmed by a detective A reconciliation was affected and all was apparently scr cno between thorn. Today however sho suddenly drew a revolver scream ing " you dirty dog, I am going to kill you," and began firing at her husband. The man made a rush for tho wnldow and Jumped Into tho street. Turning tho weapon upon tho son. tho womnn fired three shots In to his body, killing him Instantly. 8ho reloaded tho revolver and flrod two bullets Into hor own brnln. ITER WORKS SALE IKED Report That Negotiations for Marshfield Plant Are Again Being Reported. is denied TIiIh nftcrnoon, J. II. Plana walks, G4c foot. D. W. Small bid 20c on cut and 16c on fill. Coos Bay Paving Co. bid 5Co on curb and $2.15 on paving. John son & Ereeso bid C5c on sldowalks. Moon & Barclay bid 18c on cut aud fill and 73c on curb. Improvoraont on Front street, north from Alder to Elm J. A. Dowllng awarded, lc on cuv; 40c on curb, 50c on sidewalks, $2.1 t on paving. Coos Bay Paving Co. bid $2. 15 on pnvlng and 55c on curb. Moon & Barclay bid 73c on curb D. W. Small bid 2Cc on cut. On sidewalks Hugh McLnln bid 54c and Johnson & Frecso bid 57c. Improvement of Fourth street from Commercial to Market J. A. Dowllng nwarded lc on cu., 40c on curb, $2.14 on paving, Hugh McLaln nwarded on side walks C4c. j D. W. Smnll bid 25c on cut, Johnson & Frecso bid G4',c on sidewalks. Coos Bay Paving Co. bid 55c on curb. Moon & Barclay bid 17'c on cut and 73c on curb. Improvement of Market avenue from Fourth to Sixth Hugh Mcl.aln awarded on curb ISc, sldowalks 54c and 27c, on plnnk Ing $2.28 and $2.42. Moon & Barclay nwnrded on cut 22 '4c and fill 2214c D. W. Small bid on cut 30c and 'III 15c. Improvement of Fourth street from Mnrket to Highland Moon & Barclay awarded on fill V niign .Mcj.ain nwarueu on euro '18c. sldowalks Clc. planking $2.28. a Johnson & Freesc bid C5c on ald'j- gan stated that tho wnn nntli. walks. Ing In tho report that tho wator- D- w Smn1' ''" 2r,c on fill. works hnd boon sold. ' Improvement of Mnrket avonho t 4 4 t ' from Sccnd to Fourth. J. A. Dowllng awarded on cut lc, It Is understood that negotiations 2C 'nav ne j"?! 4C' 0" 8,down,k9 for tho salo of tho Coos liny water-, coos Rav Pnv ntr m i.i.i r.r. works property to an Omaha Hyndl-' CMS"n8n J , , 1 'r naXlnc been 'SnK"' " " " neon renowou. mis tlmo, It Is un- n,j niR0 0I1 mi -o- nn pllpll Att.1' "'Bi ??:., ."." AS. MdS'fc 'bid" 5?on side- i,m'" "" "i im'ii inuiiiiH Vi'niks aro tho prospective purchasers, T. J. n. W. Small bid ISc on cut and Nolan not bolng In on tho proposed1 ir.c on fill deal this tlmo. Tho deal Is said to' Johnson' & Frecso bid SStfc on hinge nn tho likelihood of n now nldewalks. franchise or a franchise extension bo- T... .. r .. - Imr granted l.iiB Meeting, b hr.imui. The mcotng of th0 roHnc w n iiivi'q ifiTi, ...,.. lengthy one. Tho rending of tho Willi ttll.SO.N ; minutes consumed n great deal of . Hiiip ns there worn a dozen or moro wMiir . Lniicruiniii iiui Meet- ordlnnncPH and It was necessnry that' lllir Mill) lllllllllllto. I tlO lullllltoa (if lm rnnil 'Pim Chosen Chairman of the Demo cratic National Central Committee Yesterday. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, July 15 (Delayed In Transmission) F. W. McCoombs was today unanimously elected chair man of the democratic national com mittee. McCoombs Is from Now York and succeeds Normnn E. Mack of Buffalo as tho national chairman. Joseph E. Davlcs of Madison, Wis., was elected chalrmnn of tho commit tee to succeed Ury Woodson of Kentucky. HUFFALO KILLS AIRMAN Peculiar Flight of Hurticrt Latham, Famous Aviator. (By Associated Press to Coos Buy Times.. PARIS, July 15. (Delayed In transmission.) Hubert Latham, tho Anglo-French airman, was killed by a wild buffalo yesterday during n hunt In the French Congo. Latham's death occurred In tho Charl river near Bahrcs Salamat, practically In tho contor of tho French Sudan. Tho dato of tho fat ality was Juno 7. Ho had shot tho buffalo and tho wounded beast rush ed madly on tho hunter nnd gorod and beat him to death with Its hoofs. WILTi GO TO WORK Such Is Intention of William Lorliner, Lute n Senator. (By Associated Prods to Coos Bay Tlmcfl.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15. (Delayed In transmission.) "Wli llnm Lorlmcr Is going bnck to Chi cago nnd going to work." That an nouncement was mnde today In Do half of tho man whom tho Sound! Saturday stripped of his seat In tho United States Senate. Whether ho will re-enter politics and scok vindi cation nt tho hands of tho electorate, Lorlmor has not decided. fljnncjMroniPaOnol would go right on working and that the pile driver on tho north end of Front street was In operation and would continue to drlvo piling. City Attorney Gobs said tnat a "reasonable length of tlmo" for an extension was too Indefinite for tho council to grnnt. Mayor Straw said that he felt Inclined to help the com pnny. Councllmen Allen. Savage and Merchant were also Inclined to fnvor the company. Councilman Ferguson said that he thought tho whole mat tor hnd better rest as It was now un til Mr. Chandler could appear and ask definitely as to how much time the company wanted. Mr. Bennett called attention to tho fact that tho company had expended about $15,000 and had dono good work nnd said that while tho com pnny could go ahead and finish tho work according to tho contract with tho city within tho time specified, It would bo very expensive to do so, nnd would bo something of n hard ship. Flnnlly nfter tho councllmen dis cussed tho mnttcr Mayor Straw told Mr. Bennett that ho could report to Mr. Chandler that tho councilman expressed a friendly fooling nnd that as long as tho Tcrmlnnl company kept on working thoro would bo no Inclination to crcnte any hardships or to nntngonlro nnd thnt they seem ed willing to grant nn extension or I olp the company In any way that was reasonable. Thoro was no offi cial action tnken to plnce the council n reconl as to anything binding. i Cluett Shirts Keiser Ties Sold on Our System for Cash Notice the Saving "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAESHFIELD. BANDON. HAS 1)1(3 WEDDING Wealthy California Heiress Is Wed- Im1 Toilny nt Han Mntco. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN MATEO, Cll., July 1C Miss Jonnlo Crocker, tho wealthiest Calif ornia heiress, was married at high noon todny to Malcom Douglns Whit man of Brooklyn, Mnss., In St. Mnt- A Wonderful Tonic That Aids Digestion Tfcjusands are unable to digest cer tain Inds of food. Ill most cases it Is not the fault of tho food, uor tho stom ach. It is probablo that tho stomach has been abused. Many resort to pro digested foods and various kinds of medlclnci to got relief from dypepsia, Indigestion and heartburn, but without permanent benefit. If vour stomach was in nerfect con. ditlon, you would not need medicine to digest tho foods you eat. Jayne's Tonic I Vcrmlfugo Is a stomach regulator. It gets tho stomach in such a condition , that it will digest food without other ' assistance. It overcomes tho acidity ' and stimulates tho coating of tho stomach and intestines so that they will properly absorb and assimllato tho nutriment from tho food eaten. Suf ferers from dvatiermlft nml (nrtlrrn.Hrm win uuu pErraauem reiici 111 FAST AND CO.MMODIOUS Ui Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIHELKUS AND SUHMAMNK I1ELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Wednesday, July 17, At 3:00 P. M. INTEK-OCEAN TUANSI'OUTATION COMPANY. plono O. F. McGEOHQb, Ajttt n nm. limn n'tor )irrmi(nx !.. .... -f i.- tliow'a church. Tho coromony waa tonic. Tor children, tho addition of a iiurniriiiuii in mo presenco or tnreo m,uo ""gar wui maico it inost pala hundrod guests, ninny of whom woro taWo from tho oast and Kuropo. Blshopl Many forms of supposed indigestion Wllllnm Ford N'lcols olllclated. ns-.2r? tho result of intestinal parasites. slsted by locnl clergymen Fiftv do- .. . mcn . ny,uo " Ton,c Vcrmlfugo Is to protect tho mugnlllcont Jowels for moro than eighty years. Sold by nnioiiK the wedding presents while othoiH disguised as wnltcrs kept which lor auempts by robbers from I ho outside. uruggists everywhere Dr. D. Jayno ".., ijiwuucilJiuu, irn. Get Busy AM) OCT AFTHK THAT HOOF. HUT FIItST COME IN AND OEI OUK PUICKS OX SIIINOLKS AND 1IOOVING PAPEIt. SHINGLES AND UP. ItOOFIXa PAPEH, ONE PLV, 91.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, KET.UIi DEPARTMENT. X Try Tho Times' Want Ads. r... .:. ,. .. .. r" " ?;"- " v..... . iiu uy ABiiociaioii itohs to mo uoos Da ' opening or tho bids also took up i m,,v, Times). JKient donl of tlmo. All tho uiPinbors TIIKNION, N. J., July 10 Oscnr were present oxcflptlug Copplo nnd W. Underwood, democratic lendor of Powers. tho Iloiiiio look luncheon with finv ornor Wilson today at tho stulo! Will Mar Confcltl. Mnvor Straw snlii Hint iu m.,i,.. . houso. It was (ho first time they hud nod It was tho sentiment of tho iiioi. i-erry iieimont wnn aUo thoro penpio mat the council should tnko by appolntinont. flovornnr Uolment ,0,"n action to bar tho throwing of snld, "Tho publicity campaign ron-,cn",Hl on holidays and tho uso of trlbutlon Is only ono of tho muitiiI J 'Irownrltsi. City Attorney Cosh things I wanted to talk about wltli ' lIliI that It was understood when tho (lovornnr. I do not caro to mivi "n oonfettl was nllowed this Inst moro now but may make a statement ,lino ,,mt ,no cmicll was to bar Its after our talk." , uo hereafter. Ordinances to nrn- hlblt tho fireworks and confetti wl'.l AIIANDOX PiaX. ' ho nrepnred. , Mnyor Straw sr.ld that tho owmoij M'lll Not Try to AuiliI Third Party, (,f ,llt hind of Southern Oregon com- (ny I. pnnv in .Aiarsntloia felt that- tliev Cou.l"""1" "kp to tiuiko Improvomon s Ticket In HlliioU. Associated PreH tu Tim Times.) il'Ut thnt they thought thn rttv Blmi.i,i CHICARO .July in All plans of a,?n 'lo ""N'1' "treet work. Tho mayor nvniiiing mo uso or tho third pros- r ' l""1 I,uy w,",l ono of the Idontlnl ticket In Illinois by placing H1tn,p,t' "Weil. Tho mayor sold ho tho names of Taft nnd Itoosevolt nttllnuK,lt ,l10 vlt' "Kht to do whnt It ine nenu or mo llonuul can tllkoH'","l, " "V mo property owners IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSI TIVE About tho slzo of your shoos, It's 80I11O satlufnotlnn In )rnnu- M.n -.... people enn wear shoos a slzo smnllo ny suaKing Allon's Foot Eoaso, tho antiseptic powdor, Into thorn. Just tho thing for Dancing Parties, Pnt pnt Leather 8hocs, and fo- Breaking In New Shoos. When rubhors or overshoes become nocessm-v nnH vnn. shoes pinch, Allen's Foot-Easo gives malum renei. aoia everywhere, 20 cts. Sample FREE. Adress, Allt.i S. Olmsted. I.o Roy, N. Y. Don't ac cept any Mitxtttute. wbh ilorlarod today liv Moillll McCir mlck. bond of the UnoovoP foni, had been nlxiiidnuod. There w:m coiiHldemblo opposition to tho plan. NO 1M l'lCEI.lXO ilmprovo their property nnd the onen IliK of h street to the Soutlern f)r.. i"-u ititiinim- in te lielislib'irhnod of ti wireless sfatloii was iIIsoiissp-I. Tho city englnoer said ho had plans I for tho opening of Fir nvonuo and "o '"i'iieii onieroii speelflcntloiiH pr FtliiiitlMi of MIiims n KltiUr M.- ",'"t,(1 fr this work. colioil nt Cripple Citvk. ",, Ulo liitlov. (By AHsoclnttid Presa to Tho Coos , ( lu V'oniov ( sold that whl'o Bny Times.) I'1' wn8 Portland ho had n confer CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Julv in. ?."ro wlt," Mnyor "rrow regarding (Delayed In transmission.) Fohm ', "10V,.nK 0,lt of ,no I,lor uo o of n poMilliin attempt to jirovent th !"" J,nlifleld waterfront. Tho Idea holding of tho annual convention of , " ,,,"t ,r '" ,,lpr ,,I,(V " fnrthor tho Fodointloii of Miner hero b". , ,0. ,l10 channel making more room rnilHn llf hllt.M- fonlln.- f.,ll...l I, ..((Or llOntS, Mr. ODDS Snlll Mnlnr Mnr. strike of mm, proved groundless '"w thought thnt tho permission I Tho opening sesfcion today'i. J "",rPd and that whl'o tho I ninrked by the beit of feeling. Mnv- , k"Pn'' ",u mu8t ro"nln whero it Or .InSOIlll KVtoililn.l ii-.lll',. IN OW tho lllei' llllO COIllil ll.- to tho dologutoH and presented a kIM- ' '' 8n teet l"'nv'ded that the nropery HfkliCTk nn lUt ml key to tho city to tho president. ?n'?a "";''' J"' " t'o hulldln - lUllbc Oil lll6 i nun. II. jMO.ver oni' appreclatl tlou. THREE SL'PEHIl PICTURE PLAYS at TKe Royal TONIGHT 'Tho Signal Code" "The Due) of (.'unifies" "Christian Martyrs" Don't fnll to see these as they w'il only be shown hero once. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. DRAIN COOS. BAY j AUTO LINE! VIA ALLIXJANV Leaves Marshflold dally nt 5 a. m. nnd arrives at Drain in tlmo to con nect with afternoon train for Port land, j I nni'A. Mnln ... D .. ... m ' ..V....O .y,,iiii ,u o u. in. unu nrrtvos at Marshlleld nbout C p. m. Tickets on salo at "Busy Cornor." Phono 27S. Miii-hlifield and O. ii. toon. Drain. THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR, EUREKA WEDNESDAY, JULY I ?, AT 1 P. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. O. F. McGEORGE, Asttl Phone II. PROFESSIOWAI OIRFCTOpv P) It. BIRD II. CLARKE. ' -J Specialist In Nerve uud Spinal Dlscuse. Office. Room 2, Marshfield. Office Pbone 114-L. Rogers House. Hours 2 to 6 I Will Furnish Your 1TH. A J. HK.NDRY'h Modem l)-ntal Parluni Vq are equipped to do high cln work on short notice at the vor; lowest prlcoa. Examination fro Lady atiotidaut. Coko bulldlnu opn, site Chandler ho'ol. pbone llv-t Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Monday Evening, July 8 WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT P. 8. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock- I K4UI1TKR WITH WI1IEI.ESS J. W. HttNNUTl, LiryeT, )fflee oTer Flanagan & Bonnoit Baa) larshfleld 0re?01. STARTS CAMPAIGN city to tho president. ' !Vvl"ri lv'"'hl-ot lmi-k t'o hulldln , r. who voiced tho niln-1 "V1 . fpnt th" Hiving in foot rf on of the klndh leci. ',""'"' Tn ni,u,(1'' w"s referred to -i ii tin i I'll in nil rMH. Mill Slougli. Mr. Dnss n 1 he elo dlfoussl with MKlor Morrow tho matter of firing Mill Slough and that the ongU poor Difltmtit It would be. n difficult iiinuer 10 DO. Mr. (loss said ho tnoujilit same notion in this lino eoiilil li- wvii red throuis'i t:u stnto board of health. tltlier Riishioiis. Rill- '-, nllowiMl mill thn nn....ll niiovpi s: r. ,.p ,, ,. M,.,r(. and th monthly J1&0 to ti0 iHud Iluirh VoLhIii sikel M.t hp i,0 n" Iqwed one iiitiiv on the udersv avenue woik which Is now partly eouip'oted and the engineer wns In structed to fluiiro up how much would be proper to pay. i linlrumii or .National Committee out to Elect Tuft. (Hy Assoclatod Press to tho Coos liny Times.) I WA8HIXOTOX. .Inly lC-Clmrleg D. lllllos. chairman of tho Republi can national roiiiinliteo. left Wash-, liiKlou todnv for New York to organ ize a tninpalKii for tho reelection of Taft. lllllo. It Is said. 1ms not sev ered his counoctlon with tho Whto House and it is bolloud that ho will rosuiuo his post ns Wcrotarv In Mm pruHineiii in AovoniDor. Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman rR. J. T. Mct'UKMAO, Paybiclan and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. Jfflce: Ixickhurt Dulldlng, Opposlto post offlce. ,hono 105.J Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Ed n.iV0 ' AV0"T OCK. PORT "'" "til, iUIII. "Illi n.,,1 on.l. LAND. AT 0 A. M.. JW'V FRO.M MARSIiriELD ATTIlE SERVICE OP Tun ..7,"... " '" l Kmi MAKSIIFIKLU AT i Phone .Main 321. L. 1)113. nil North Front St. Phono 29C-X; Res phono 6fi.j Llbby COAL. The kind YOU nave ALWAYS USED. Phone 72 Pacific Livery M Traiihcr Co. - All Unfilled wnn) rTii!n ,ink.n,.l oeiis -Times Want Ads bring reiuRs. Vft JJJTICK TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned hna been hv nr,i .v. I County Judgo of the County Court o I Coos County, Oregon, duly appointed ns executor of tho last will and tosta' l inont of tho estate of Robert Rookc deceased, and letters tosiumcntory have been Issued to him. Now nil poisons having claims against said ostato nr iiMi. . ' ladies' and Gent's Suifsr urogon, ltooin n, Eldorado Rock with the proper vouchors, within rK months from date hereof. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon this ISthdnyof June. 1912. ' ' ROBERT G. ROOKE Ewutor of tho Inst will and testi. ment of Robert Rooke. deceased First publication. Juno lS:'la-t publication, July 1C, 1912. We Clean and Press Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE SHIN 87.J J. C. MILLER, Agcut. ?SL?fY'lt0SEJVlia STAGE LINE. Stage leaves Marshflold Roseburg everV morninri?41? ,or tani. Stage also U evening. 7 n,orn,nS at 6 o'clock and reaches Marshfield im uarnara. agent. Rospi.h . r. . .. - can bo obtained at Hilly,-... c,Bar store. time to connpoi wT.v ,""."' morn,ne at 6 nnd roaches Roseburg" FARE SO.on i,..i .. P. Darnnr ;':""'"' .lr,P 011.00. C. Good meals en route. . . " Ml fc.. Tiiii1" c.tter. agent, 120 Market Avaiiim. MaraMfW- -- UU 1111 III iniltml A. Auto SfWir Hrtn.l r w V . ".. v.nrs. t'arefu Drlvprs .-, ' CiTor?ypfhresaaS Night Phone 46. nones 73 a" IL1SHIL oonnAMt. BMnrf. Any v here, Any Tlmo Careful Drlvlntr Reasonable Kt(, FISHER AUTO SERVILE WM. PISHEH. Prop. Plinnn nrHo.. tilllvpr's C'J1"! Store, Phono 18-J. After U ?'H rnone 5.-J. Marshflold. Oregon;,, ALLKINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE T ?', rfm