THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION. JMHHHWW 4MW ii.CT IHDVT THE WARM WEATHER YESTERDAY AN!) TO II V REMIND YOU THAT VOl' NEEDED SOME Soft Shirts Light Weight Underwear A Bathing Suit OH OTHER SUMMER 1MGGIXG? COME AROUND AND WE WILL SHOW YOU SOME m.' THE NIFTIEST STUFF EVER SHOWN ON THE 1IAV AT l'lCirKS THAT WILL HE A PLEASAXT SURPRISE FOR VOL. The Fixup HEADQUARTERS FOR MEX WHO WANT TO DRESS RIGHT. mahkiii-ii:m). JjbEJ XOItTH HEXD. "BT j$ p,-a a&v COOS HAY TIDES. Hoi w la glvon tin tlmo nnd height of high nnd low water at Maruhncld. Th tides are placod In the order of occurrence, with tholr timet on tho first line and heights on the sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo heights will indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wntor on bur, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. mmjs"Tlic limn Corner Make Your Bath n Pleasure r " and r.t "ie ful1 hcalUi-niv-ing benefits from It by mini? , ! liathlmr helns. When you take a bath you. y open all the r"? 01t0 .LI. .l nn .mil flllOUlU DC extremely careful that every thing that touches your body then Is pure and clean. We sell hygienic bath goods of all kinds clean, soft and durable sponges: firm, well-made body brushes; pure and whole some bath soaps, etc. After your bath, if you arc liable to otlf muscles and Joints, use REX ALL RUB BINOOIL. This b a softening nnd soothing liniment which im parts a worm, healthful glow in tJio tftAn hv Increasing the circulation. Sold with the Rexall Guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" riionc Main 21)8 U n anaSSL star Regular Prico 55c JS f 31? AdrtUd wl Set magfcitnH You will uso "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensils always, if ono Hitch utensil Ih placed in your home ho the manufacturers believe. 'J'lmt a why thoy Hncriflcu their profit and wo cut ours in two on thin ouiwjunrl " Saucepan, which in yours fi P at the Special Price, " Replace utensils that wear out withutcnoilo that "Wear-Ever" Pioneer Hardware Co. 330 North Front St. Marshfield Cyclery IHCYCLES ron hext Phono IflM-It. 1711 iNo. Itroniltniy. w IB if The Sign of Good Candy Always Have That Roof Fixed vow Sec GORTUELL Phoif mmi WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FIIONT ST. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The'First National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, June 1 1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loam and discounts $238,516.72 "oaili warrants and soourltlos 78,191.32 U S. UOndy In (KMIFO Klr.nlnilnn OK AAA lt "l estate, futuiture and fixtures 81,011.31 uin and sight exchnngo 188.C53.99 Total 9011,73.7 LIABILITIES. Ir!?!1.11 8tock na,u ln 1100,000.00 pi,., i ., BU wnuivmoil profits 10,548.03 vircuiatlon. outstandlnp ooann.nft sit .....;. '!..:; ;......... 477,024.71 Total mm i iT't it II " 'L 1, ,1A0lln'0(n t0 Capital atock tho Individual liability of Stockhold- -t-r v, WV, INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. I, 8- CHANDLER, President. M. 6. HORTON. Vice-President. DORSEY KREITZER, Ch, ESTAULlSHED IN 1880. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP LANAGANH& BENNETT BANK 4 9 MARSHFIELD, OREGQN. tt the close of business, Juno 11, 1012. hOansanrtm naauuilUBiH, ra8u and p,k ou.uuu.uv 1 . .......... 1UAi.Im Total 1723,593.70 apltal Stn.i, ..... . LIABILITIES. '"Plus ,,,'''". 50.000.00 posits . . ,; "'"ea fronts -57.4G9.90 , , , , . 610,123.80 Total .. - ., ,, irja.baa.fu 11Res Want Ads Bring Results His. Poet Ill'H. Feet Hih. Kcot Ill'H. Feet Ill'H. I-'eot Ill'H. I Feet .3.21 .7.1 .1.13 .0.8 .5.07 .0.3 .0.03 . ii.G .0.10 .1.1 .1.-10 .1.2 July. 9.18 1.3 10.33 0.8 11.18 0.2 12.03 0.0 7.05 1.9 8.13 1.3 1.43 5.8 5.28 0.1 6.0S G.3 G.51 (i.3 12.48 0.8 1.11 1.7 0.59 2.'. 10.55 2.0 U.TiO 1.7 0.0 0.0 7.19 C.3 8.31 0.1. t THE WEATHER (By Associated Press.) OREGON Pair tonight nnd Wudnosduy. Continued warm northwuBtorly wlndH. l,0('.n TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. For twonty-four hours cndltiB nt 4:13 n. in., July 10, hy HonJ. OHtllnd, Hpoclnl Bovornmont mo- tooroloRlcnl obsorvor: Miixlimnn 78 Minimum 40 At 4:13 n. m 49 Preclpltntlon nono WlntlB northwcBt: cloar. (iiu's to IIIkIici- Courts Tho enso of Ilnrry Wllklnn vh. XIIUIb Short ovor Koine Ten .Mllo proporty will Do tnlcon Into tho circuit court hy agreement. I;liv WlilstlL Tho flro whlBtlo nt North Bond wn blown this morning by inlHtnlco nnd ninny woro out onr- ller tliun Ih customary trying to lo cato tho llro. ALLIANCE IS IN PORT TODAY PERSONAL NOTES Arrives From Portland and Leaves Again This After noon for Eureka. Tho Allliuu'o arrived ln today from Portland with tho UBiinl cargo of general freight and a good passen ger lint . She sails for Eureka to morrow at 1 p. m. Among thoso ar riving ou her woro tho following: Violet Ferris, Mm. C. Boynnt, Mrs. P.. Arehnmhcau, J. MnUon, R. Q. But ler, O. ChamberH, F. M. Pnlntor, R. M. Scott, Mm. Scott, J. C. Myers, C. V. Holmes, H. K. Kccno, C. M. Cor iiops, T. A. McLnrnoy, H. White, D. E. Hnxtor, Eleanor Gaynor, Mrs. E. Cunningham, Mins Eflle Farlngton, H. Brynnt, II. Brynnt, .Mnry llrynnt, Miss May Wotchlc, C. G. Amos, A. J. Johnson, C. R. Gillespie, Mrs. A. W. 1 lekvtiHon, F. Shnfor, J. Morthrup, W.S. Olovor, V. C. Wctzlo, Mrs. F. Moiitlcr. leaves Son Francisco for Coos Bay tomorrow nt 3 p. in. Tho Gleaner crossed out from hero this morning. Forest Fli't Tho smoko of a for est llro could bo scon from horo to dny mid It Is thought to bo locatod In tho vicinity of Camp 7 of tho Smith Powers Logging compnny. Up to now tliero hns bon little dangor of fires In tho woods on nccoun't of tho Into rnliiH. Xciv Nickel Coming Tho five cent piece, commonly known as the nickel, will bo suporceodod by n now piece with tho head of a buffalo In stead of tho Goddess of Llborty on one sldo. nnd tho head of nn Indlnn on tho revcrso side. V. II. KENNEDY left hero this morn ing for Coqtilllc. J. M. DODGE returned to Gnrdinor today ou a business trip. GUV STUTSMAN loft yesterday for the Coos River llatchory. MISS DAISY RUSH Is horo visiting her sister, Mrs. Adolsbcrgcr. J. V. GARDINER Is making n busi ness trip to Coqulllo today. n M. O. PETERSON of EastBido Is re ported quite 111 of Brauchltls. F. G. HORTON loft tills morning for tho Coqulllo vnlloy on business. MRS. JOHN CRICK of South Coos Rtvor Is a Marshtlcld visitor today. AUGUST FRIZEEN made n business trip to the Coqulllo Valley yester day. SAM L. MICKEY, of North Bond, was n Mnrsh field business visitor today. MRS. A. E. ANDERSON loft horo to day ou tho Brcnkwntor for Portland. MRS. II. TREMAINE Is in todny from' tho Chnndlor homo on Coos Rivor. T. II. BARRY and fntnlly of Empire hnvo moved to their summer camp on South Coos rivor. SAILS TODAY Leaves for Portland With Many Passengers and Cargo of Freight. Tho Breukwator Ballod at 1 o'clock this afternoon for Portland with a good pusscngor list nnd n fair cargo of frolght. Among thoso sailing on hor woro tho following: Mrs. E. A. Anderson, F. W. Vaw ter, L. Vorhoud, Mrs. A. Gregg, Mrs. E. Erlckson, Forest Gregg, J. P. An derson, O. Mlsh, Mrs. M. Billings, I. E. Self nnd wlfo, A. Solf, D. Solf, I. Self, Mrs. L. Humphry, C. E, Lar son, Jno. Olson, G, E. Endlcott, Mrs. J. Cuttor, Mrs. A. A. Hlrsh, J. W. Stnrks, A. Swanson, A. Olson, J. Lund, C. O. Nelson, S. Burd, II, Leon ard, Geo. Wnlkor, Mrs. P. Scott, Jno. Allen, J. A. Dowllng, S. Alberts, N. Jensen, V. Flonsted, R. II. Jenkins, A. Lovoll, J. O. Woodworth, G. M. Gcovy, A. Tardy, Mrs. A. Swartz, II. Swartz, Mario Swartz, J. E. Lamb, V. Anderson, G. I. Sponccr, W. Cook, II. HnnBon, O. Olson, A. Tofolt, N. J. Nobb, H. T. Brown, A. Hoaglund, O. Olson, Gus Webb, II. Olson, M. Manson, T. Wltcrilold, W. Van Gor don, Mrs. Van Gordon, A. S. Ham mond, R. B. Konyon. MAX REIGARD hns roturnod from a weok's visit nt tho Scaninn homo on South Coos rivor. i Will (Jo East. A lottor from Mrs. C. J. MIIIIh at San Francisco states Hint Hho ovpeetH to Icnvo soon for BornnrdHvlllo, N. J., where bIio will vlnlt her daughter, Mrn. Honry ShlrcH. Shy on Wiitcr KoHldonla of tho south part of tho city complain that they could not socuro enough water for drinking purposo from tho fau cets lust night. Tho prcsmiro Is so light that tliero was practically no cupply. limit MiivcnuMitH Tho Rodondo WANT ADS. FOR HALE Cash ivglHter, I'lcnch rnngo, sldohonrd, dining chair ,, tables, sinks, dishes, linoleum. Will soil by pleco or altogether. Call Coos Cafe. Gels Good Position Albort Tardy( ono of tho Illltmoro forestry boys who grnduatod horo last fall and who hns been with tho C. A. Smith com pnny, hns left for Shlrloy, Arkansas, whoro ho has Bccurod an excellent position with the Ducklcy-Humprcya Lumber compnny. llimiloii Well Abandoned. Report has reached Marshfield thnt tho Randon Oil company hns abandoned work on tho present well after n long nnd cxponnlvo drill. Mnny friends who admire tho pluck nnd pcrslBtcnro of the enterprising back ers will wish them hotter luck noxt tlmo. CVlchinteil niithilny. J. Albort Mntson innrkod the pnsslng of an other cnndlo dny nt "Tho Nook" Sun day. Among thoso presont to extend congratulations on tho ovont nnd who spent tho day as guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mntson woro: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Turpon, Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt and Casslus R. Peck. FOUND Gold phi In Breakwater wnrohouflo. Ownor mny hnvo same by applying at Times olllco and paying for this nd. LOST Bar pin with bluo onnmol. Comer of Highland and Broadway. Return to Times olllco nnd recelvo reward. FOR SALE Good fivxh cow. Seo J. C. Donne. Phono 331-R. OUR AGENTS MAKE MOXEV sell Ing our hardy, gunrantood, stock Exnorlonco unnocossary. Yakima Valloy Nursery Co., Topponlsu, Wash. MEN, WOMEN I hnvo wonderful moiio'y-niakor. If you can give nil or part tlmo to a cloan, good-paying, pormnnent business, wrlto Byrno, West Phllndn, Pa. FOR SALE My household furniture. Apply 441 Hall Ave., near Illh school. A SNAP For innn and wife wishing to koep boarders, if taken within tho next fow days; house partly furnished, largo gnrdon, cow nnd chlckons. Apply at Times office. POU SALE 20 foot gnsoliuo launch, Union englno. Apply Times office. FOR HUNT Seven room house; modern; oloso In. Apply itocnrt Kruoger, Fourth nnd Commercial avenue. FOR SALE Newsstand, confection' ory and Ice cream business in good f thriving town; paying proposition. !For particulars address Opportuni ty, carq Tinios. KXPERIEXGED stenographer and ; competent office girl wishes posi tion. Phono 140-J. BARGAIN SALE -10 horsejwwer auto for 1450; flret-class condi tion; fully equlppod: cost now $3000; will sell for 1450 on eaiy terms, John L. Koontz Machine Shop. North Front street. Phono 180-J. WANTED Mohair, wool and cas rnrn bark. Apply to Henry Seng stneken. at office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co, RUY NOW. Some choice lots ln NORTH BEND ran be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO . First National Bank. Writes Railroad Story ln tho Portland Journnl npponrs a story wrltton by Cnpt. Thomas B. Morry, who formerly rosldod nt Empire Tho artlclo Is entitled "A Railroad Dronm Hint Fnllod but May Yet Como True." It donls with a railroad which was projoctod down tho Willamette Vnl ley to Junction City but which did not mntorlallzo. GUY CHAMBERS returned today uuiii i uriiiuiM iiui o iiu iiua uuuii spending his vacation. FERD PAINTER roturnod todnv from Portland whoro ho has boon' attending tho Elk's convention. MISS EDITH HORN of North Bond! has returned to hor homo nftor n' short visit with Miss Evelyn Fiona-! gan. I I FREDERICK A. KRIBS and son of Portland roturnod to their homo' todny after n short stay on tho nay. MRS. W. E. DUNG AN Is oxpocted homo today from n short outing nt A. P. Owons' cottngo on South Coos river. J. A. LUSE nnd family and Mrs, Wold nnd children hnvo gono to tho Luso rnnch on Coos river for nn outing. MISS FRANCES FRANSE Is enter taining n fow of hor frlonds at tho rosldonco of Mrs. Fnnnlo Wheeler this evening. North Bend News Miss Lillian McCann spent Sunday with rolntlvos ln Marshfield. Mrs. Geo. Gulsondorfcr Is visiting for a fow dnys with frlonds In Ton Mile. Miss Mny Potorson nnd Miss Roso Myron, of Marshfield, spent Sunday with frlonds In North Bend. Mrs. C. J. Carlson roturnod to Dnnlcls Creek today nftor spending n short tlmo with friends ln North Bend. Dr. Bird B. Clnrko nnd fntnlly Is moving from tho Horn homo to ono of tho Noblo houses on Shorman nvo mio today. Chas. Hnydon, of old North Bend, had his nrm sovoroly Injured In tho mill yesterday. Today tho doctor re moved two pieces of the bono. Mrs. P. W. Ronnlo. of North Bond, who for several weeks has been tho guest' of Mrs. Gnle. of Mcdford, form erly of North Bond, Is expected homo this wook. Mrs. E. E. Hayes nnd daughter, Miss Flossie Hayes, Mrs. Garflold Simpson nnd daughter, Miss Audrey, nro visiting for a fow days with friends in Coqulllo. MRS. HARRY NASniJRG nnd llttlo ilntiLlitnp nnd Imp nlnlnr. Minn Hilnnl McGrnw, aro oxpocted hero on tho Rodondo Friday. On Fli'ht Singe Goorgo Rotnor, A. J. Mondol, W. R. Haines nnd Fred Marks nrrlved about 10:30 last ev ening from Portland. Thoy enmo by Drain nnd Allegany, their mnchtno being tho first regular stago auto to camo through. Whllo tho road Is rnthor rough, tho trip wasn't bnd. Tho first stago auto going out from horo will lenvo tomorrow. Attach Business Sheriff W. W. Gngo todny assumed charge of tho business of tho Coos Bay Bedding and Upholstery company under attach ment proceedings begun by crodltors. Ho will have- an Inventory of tho stock, machinery, etc., taken at oncV. The business Is located on South Broadway and bolong'ed to II. Brown who moved from horo to 8nn Fran cisco some tlmo ago. Drain Auto Starts,- Tho Allegany auto stnge will commenco operating hetwoon Mnrshflold nnd Drain tomor row morning. Their boat to Alle gany will loavo horo at 5 a. m. Tho trl(i from hero to Allegany Is mado on tho Rainbow and from thoro to Pfaln Is only a fow hours' rldo. Pas sengers leaving hero In the morning sometimes can roach Portland on tho evening of the same day. Sand ('hanging Picnickers to Charleston Bay report that there are many changes thoro as a result of tho shifting sands "and the work of tho waves and currents. During this season' of tho year tho sand Is blown In such a way that tho slough shoals 'ind narrow and now land Is formed on the west sldo. In tho wlntor this Ic all carried away again nnd tho sandy stretch west of the slough be comes very narrowy MISS EVA HANSEN nnd brothor Gcorgo left this morning for tho Coqulllo vnlloy whoro they will visit with friends. MR. and MRS. NORRIS JENSEN will spond tho dny up Coos Rivor with Mrs. LIghtnor, of San Fran cisco ns their guest. E. II. MORRISSEY loft this morning for Coqulllo nnd reports that tho main street thoro will bo roady for paving some tlmo this week. MR. AND MRS. R. C. MUDGETT, of South Dakota, nro oxpocted hero today to visit nt tho homo of tholr dnughter, Mrs. D. A. Jones. C. F. McKNIGHT nnd wlfo nro ex pected homo this ovonlng with E. S. Bargolt and wlfo, coming ln via Drain nnd Allegany In Bargelt's car. HOTEL ARRIVALS COOS HOTEL. Mllo Plorson, Lakeside: V. Bordo, Portland. BLANCO Mr. and Mrs. M. Lattln, South Inlot; Mrs. C. Harris, Sumnor; Josso Hlto, Coqulllo: Robort E. Mond, Rosohurg; II. B. Qualn, Co qulllo; S. E. Marstors, Gold Boach; If L. Storkman, San Francisco. CHANDLER T. J. Boford and wlfo, Eureka; Josoph S. Frontier gnst, Rodlands, Cal.; Bon M. Million, Myrtlo Point; H. Rolnhardt, San Francisco; F. II. Thompson, Port land; M. H. InBcoy, Portland; C. O. Nolson, Bnndon; Frod Mano, Snn Francisco; F. E. Grovo, Wisconsin; A. M. Oakos, Portland; W. C. Scott, San Francisco. AMONG THE SICK. Tho slxteon months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Going has been very HI of stomnch trouble the last fow dnys. JUDGE J. S. COKE nnd fnmlly and Miss Evelyn Anderson loft todny In tholr auto for Browstor Valloy whoro they will camp out for a fow weeks. Chorus Girls' Contest At Masonic COUNTY SCHOOL Superintendent Bunch Is horo from Coqulllo on buslnoss. Ho reports that It has beon Intensely warm thoro for tho last fow days. MISS EVELYN MOCK who has beon spending the past year In Portland nrrlved hero today for an extondod visit at tho homo of Mrs. Painter on South Broadway. HINGES ON MIDDLEMAN Lumber Trust Case to h eTrled on That Point. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times), WASHINGTON, July IC Rights and necesslv of the "middleman" ln business will be fought out nnd de termined by courts, It Is expected, In tho government's pending suits ngalnst tho eastern stato retail lum ber dealers' association forecasts ac cording to the department of Justice officials, that the Issue will go to tho courts largely on the undisputed facts revolving about tho legal scope of the operations of the the middle man. It will principally bo an econ omic question and thd first time the mH'lleihu'n's problem has been pre sented to the courts of Justice. GENE GRANT, foromnn of Smith Powers Camp No. 7 on Isthmus In- ' let, returned to camp yesterday to( roallnin u'nrlr nffni n mnnlli'a vnAn. Hon spent In Portland. EDWIN DOLArrhnsreturnod from Washington points nftor nn ab sence of about a year and hns tak en a position In the grading de- partmont of the Smith mill. MRS, CLARENCE HARRIS nnd llttlo girl who camo down from Sumner I n fow days ago Is leaving for Co-1 qulllo this afternoon, nnd will re turn to Sumnor tomorrow. I MISS EMMA ERICKSON and Stolla, nnd Steen Magnus will leave Sun-1 dny to visit at the homo of E. S. Erlckson In Portlnnd and with oth er relatives at Woodlnwn, Wash, J. O. MULLEN, of North Bend, was a MnrslTflold visitor todnv. Ho Is cltv attorney there. Tho North Bond council will hold Its not rogulnr mooting a week from to-' night. MR. nn' MRS. GEO. BAINES and two children returned from Rlvor ton yesterday whero tho latter has been visiting for the past week with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.' Harrison. On tomorrow ovonlng tho Zlnn Company will return for ono night at Masonic Oporn House after spending two nights In tho country. Thj hnvo solocted to play one of their bosf comedies, "Chorry Bloswms." This gives Buddlo Duncan nn I Sol Carter tho best parts thoy have had In any of tho plays thoy have been seen in horo Duncan ns tho Jealous hus band and Carter as tho Irish hoiibo keopor. Mr. Best, tho long lost brothor, a fat part for him. Miss Evormnn will bo at1 hor best nnd will sing sorno of hor best sons . Francis Grey nnd Trlxlo Leach will bo at their best and Inst but not least, there will bo u chorus girls' contort. Each girl will hnvo same specialty of sorno kind and will work hard to win sonio of tho prize monoy and as tho Zlnn Company have sonio very clever girls tho contest will bo a show In Itself. Seats on salo at "Busy Corner." Bo wise Get your sent ln tlmo. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEET' INO. A meeting will bo hold Tuesday ovenlng, July 10, nt 8 o'clock at tho Marshflold Chamber of Commorco for the purposo of acting upon tho pro posed plan of wldonlng nnd deepon liur tho harbor In front of Marshfield. Ponsoim Oak Cured hy using Dermol, or money back; 99 in evorv 100 cases cured bv'Dermoi. r; i tfiYj a a (: