THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Mew w .01 lii :m i'i , U COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.OXI2V Kdltor nnil Pub. ?A K. MAI.ONICV New a Kdltor Entered at tho postolTlce at Marsh leld, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second claea nail matter. Tin: shaso.v of niu. THIS hus licen an exceptional' cold Bprliig and late summer, but wo liavo finally como down .o tho old-faslilonod Hiimmor time -ind peoplo onjoy It hugely. Old-timers talk nhout our lato rains and cool Trcntlior ns butiiK something tlmt Tlslts us about onco In every ten years. This may b" unpleasant to somo people, but tho farmers rejoice a.t'stich n condition brings Rood pious or all kinds. This season, will lm jleaBantly remembered by most peo ple for the many good things It hn-t brought us. All we are called up'm Jo do Is to unite our energies un.l work together for tho common good. TIIK OLD HOHSIW. An I go drilling through tho town I seo old horses, broken down. poor, friendless and nbandonod plugs, still straining feebly In tlmlr tugs, to haul Wg loads boyond their Htrcngth. nnl hoping death will como at length. Ah, whnt's more pitiful than these, tho worn out nngs with brokon kneos and broken hoartH as well, no doubt their ribs, all fleshiest, stick ing out, with shouldorH sore and tor tured oyos, where gather fifty mil lion flies? When they wcro young anil fat nnd Btrong they labored Mlthnly nil day long, or on tho plko llko Maud S. raced they did tholr hest, wherever placed. Thon there wcro hands to stroke tho necks of Ibeso poor mnn-forgolten wrecks, nnd they wcro groomed nnd manlcurod. and lives of comfort seemed nssuroil. nut when the vim of youth was o'er and they could enrncolo no more, like outcasts they wero chased away to dlo at loast six deaths a day. No kindly rifle ends life's storm: no friendly dose of chloroform; they'll bring n few dishonored yon. ro send, them to tho dinky men! Whene'er 1 1 see a poor old steed, sad-eyed, de spairing, broken-kneed. I think: "The ntnn who wore him down ilinuld haul IiIh burden through the town." COAST LEAGUE BULL SCORES TERS ME n ce STANDING OK TEAMS W. L. P.O. Vernon "9 Oakland 55 Los Angeles ... .52 Portland 40 San Francisco . . .40 Sacramento 38 39 42 44 4 3 .G02 .507 .542 .455 .417 .409 II 20 12 II 12 12 ll" !l S C Transmission) Tho results of the Sunday games of the Coast League arc ns follows: MOItNINO GAME: At L03 Angeles U Vernon 1.1 I os Angeles 12 AFTERNOON C1AME crnoii 2 Los Angeles 3 MORNINC1 CAME At Oakland R Sacramento 4 Oakland 9 AFTERNOON GAME riicrnmcnto 4 Oakland 2 Portland 4 San Frnut'Isio 5 NEW ASSISTANT. (Uy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times). WASHINGTON. D. C. July 1C 1 ' President Tnft will appoint Shermnn P. Allen, assistant secretnry at the li White House, the assistant secretary of the treasury, succecdliu: A. Plntt Andrew who recently resigned nft r a row with Secrotnry MncVengh. Times' Wnnt Ads bring results. ATHLETIC RESULTS $100 Reward, $100 The render ?r 'lit ihiimt ufll w plow-rd to ICKrti tlinl tlu-rp l ill U'KI imp drt'inlcil nrn.o tlmt iclellrc lm hi-t-li nlili-ltirim In nil ll. ... ... . .. .., .. . ' tKi,.nli'l 'Iml lurylii'tit. Ifnlf" (-Rtnrrli Splendid Wnik Done at lllg Meeting run- l tln inl im'lt-ipi-mv mm k-.nui to ill Stoi'kllllllll. , On- miillciil miiTiiliy. ( m,uri ln-lim n .on- in .-Hiiiitiiiiim. mlllllloiiiil ll-fi. rwiifri n inn-llliitlniMl n. n ' "nimniii. linn," i ninr.ii inn- i iK n inter. 10 (.003 ay null)-, ni'llnu illn-lly tirnii tin- MimhI nml inu. CMihUirlm f if I' d i.i-lcm. Ilituclij ilitmtiiir (Ry o-rrtUH. 1911. t CbasJh OrfffH COXFKIl WITH TAIT Associated Press TlracM.i STOCKHOLM. July 15 (Delayed In Transmission) Tho eight hundred meters swimming rnco for teams of four men ench finals wero Australia, firm; United Stilton, second; England, third: Tho best time wob 10 min utes. 11 1-5 seconds. Tho 1.000 motor relay, four men oneh. running - . .. 100 motors, llnnl wns United Stntes. u-m-t.r.tA o hu.h. n...i a... i- iirni: Frimro. second: Enuinn.i. third. . Marshfielcl & North Bend Aulo Line the iiiiiiiilnlliin in UK-ill. hip r ml L'hlnBilic l-n lem umit-wi in utiihiiiiii up tiiv uiitllii tlun nml noli'll' it iinliirc In fultiir ll work 1 lie proprli tor. I n o imii'li faith In ft cur. it live HTii Hint llit' i (Tor Otn- lluiiilreil Dol lar fur ntiy mm- Hint It fMlI to run- Send for Ilt b( lvlfn.nnln . K. J. HltfNTYArO. Toll-do. O Poll liv nil Drtmulf l. TV. Tukv IIiiliK' Kainlli fill- lorioiittfimMuli tcpiihllcuim WimiIiI Slum- All Dele- giiti-s Were Itogitliirlv HciittMl. Uy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times). WASHINGTON. I). C. July 15. ffKlnyPil in transinlsslon.) Pre,- rlent Tuft, f'hnlriniin I lilies. Senntoia Sanders nnd Crane and former Senn-.Tlwrp. Hop, skip nnd Jump flnnl. Sweden. llrHt. second and third. Tho cross i-otintry race of 8000 meters, nearly live miles, resulted ns follows, Finland. Ilrst; Sweden, sec ond and third. Tho high diving, plain nnd varlotyl combined heights to live nnd ten . meters, llnnl: Atllorso of Sweden. I oil !i 7-10 points, Ilrst: .lienor of Ger many. 303 points, second: lllorgcn. Sweden. 317 8-10 points, third. In tho cross-country rnco of teams the results wcro: Sweden, flnn. Finland, second; England, third. The Decathlon result was: Jami'S of Carlisle Indian school. C.ORST KING, Proprietors. Cars lenvo Murshflola every 45 minutes from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leave North Dona on t snmo schedule stnrttne nt 7 n. m. I until midnight. See Saturday Times for schedule W. iHi'land. of Sweden, see- Lomberg. of Sweden, third. lor Dick Long nre In conference to-1 fl'Bt: H, day over a statement which hud 1im i tnitl: C. propnred to refute the rhnrgo that' my of tho Tnft ib'legntes to tho Chi- WRESTLING MATCH rngo convention were Illegally sentci). (Ry Associated Pross to tho Cooa nny KILLED IN AI'TO CRASH )U-i (-limit of (.'ijiiilt. -'nlN, Wash., .Mi-t-tH Hiulili-n Dentil. Dy Associated Pross to tho Cooa Day Tlmos). EVERETT, Wash., July 10. Flv,i Urtish. u merchiitit of Granite Fnllf. xnti killed 12 miles south or hero 'u Jny, An auto he was driving pluuge'I over a 10-foot embankment. Mm. IlriiHh nnd uuother wiimtiu were h. wrcly hurt. Tlmos). STOCKHOLM. July 15 (Dolnyod In Transmission) Tho wrestling llnnl for featherweights was Koskcls of Finland, Ilrst; Lnscnon of Finland, second; GorHtackerH of Germany, third. Lightweights. Wnro of Fin laud. Ilrst; Mntlnson of Sweden, sec ond; Matztrom of Sweden, third. COMMISSION MEETS Will Di-clilo I'pnu Wngc Itiilliiiiidci's, ATHLETE DIES. HubClothing&ShoeCo. MARSHFIELD. RAXDOX. DeiimiiiN of, -Ry Associated Pross to the Cooa Day Tim oh). NEW YORK, July t5 (Delayed in Transmission) Members or the Ar tltratlon Commission gathered ut Slaiihattnn lleiu-h today to take up tho iiuestlon of the settleinent or tho wiigo domauds or the locomotive tn slneers or lirty-two rallroiidH eiiHt of Chicago and Ohio. The engineers do niaiul n total of $7,500,000 unuiially. The locomotive tlreiuuu nihil asked u i.iiKii iiicie.iHe aiiioiinilug to moro than $20,000,000 unuiially. The r.-llroad Interests say there will bo other demands by train men. Porttigiil's Only RepreM-utiitlve In Mmatlinii I Ins Sun Stroke. ' (Uy Aasoclatod Press to tho Coos Day Times). STOCKHOLM, July 15 (Delayed In Transmission) F Lznm. trin. gnl's sole representative In yester day's marathon, was struck with n ntllort anil died today. - -rortlaad, Orcoa f eepSea til VtJ Bhool for Olil. IttVy eb.rt e( BUUrt of BUJoha lUpltrt IKplaraipaljl I CU.(li. Aik4.aU u (iMumUr Eipnniilt, I I Milt.. AH, XlMlUM.lilUlM. I I rot MUIo 44rM T1IR 8ISTKK RUrKlHOH I I Q1f 2MU llfltm Hull I riiy ATTACKS TAl-'T Associated Press to The Coo Day Tlruoa.) WASHINGTON. July 10-Senutor Ilalley nttm-ks Taft on tho floor of the Senate today for his attitude In tho Lnrlmer case, which the Texas senator (ilmrnctorUeil ns "nlllclous and mcdillesome," AXXl'AL CONVENTION We Have Been Successful In buying a large stock of first class Electrical material and can give our patrons a very low price on house wiring. Got our price you can't afford to mlsi tt, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J m I TTlTW OlTTTurta D Torkej A most delicate and de licious nrt'iclo of food, suitable for lunches and picnics, Coos IBay Uce & Cold Storage Co. Phone 73. Deliveries S a, m.; 2 p. m. Flocking Into Curry County lo Get Ready for Deer Shooting. SHOES July Clearance Sale Sale July 15th to 20th S. E. Mnrsters, editor of the Gold Reach Globe, arrived here today on the Osprey for n short stay. Ho has been troubled considerably with rhou mntlsm nnd will take treatment here. He reports that many hunters jire (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day ; Hocking Into Curry county In null- Times). filiation of tho deer season which PORTLAND, July 15 (Delayed In ' will open August 1. In order to T guard against the slaughter of the deer before the open season, tho pa trol of game wardens is being Increased. o make room for Fall stock. All shoes at cost from $J.OO per pair up Electric Shoe Store No 180 South Broadway 'm?.n'j'iu;.,fv.i..i.At,.iA.i 0 CONKI.AIIIIATION-I-IIOOI- I'Ot.lCIIM :!; German American Insurance Ass'n of New York assets ovj:k 21 Millions R. J. MONTGOMERY Resident Agent Marskflcld, Ore. s: I'.VlllOM.l: AMKIIICAN l.M-IT.U. -B Unique Pantatoriii TTTff! MII1IPIIW ttl-tn r.. I TTTE MODERN OVERS. CI,RANBi I irui.HKUM nnd HAT RKXOVAlSI rinn Tnllnrlnn- T ..- ..C v (. ui ijh in ar ifc. m next ault , 2.1,1 Coinincrclnl. JI"2JH The Economical Fuel is that which turns on and off with a valve. which burns only as long as needed, ready to light every instant, used in appliances which utilize every heat unit for the purposes required, the kind you pay for once a month, measuroil by an accurate meter on your own premises. Gas Is the Economical Fuel Our New Business Department will help you choose a gas range, gas water heater, or gas room heater which will give you full benefit of the gas you pay for, Telephone 178, Oregon Power Co. You Auto Call Fool IMIO.VI-3 MI-.1 NIOIITA.VnDl oiuiiii irum or Moya Hotel TWO XKW OARS Aftur 11 P. M, Phone 6-J Rcaldonco Fhono 28-J Will innlcc lrln to Coqtilllf. TiTe Star Transfd aud Storage Co, Is prepnrotl to ilo nil kinds of hij'J on short notice Wc tncet all Ml (iiid boatH nnd wo nlso bnvo the h:I stylo Reynolds Plnno Mover, tl Btinrnntco our work. L. H. Heisner, PrJ Phonos 9S-R, 120-J, or 49-L. Wanted Quick A Hlircwd Investor to pick op i bargain In two of tlio eliolcwtlwl on i:iiHtlde. Tine view of Bi)l mid Miirnlillcld. lllKi, Icrel ii siKKtir, $ 170. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO 177 Front St. WANTED!!! CARI'IJTS UPIIOI.STKRI.Va XM PIAXOS TO CMJAX, by thf UW tnHtlo Cli-Jinltig Comimny. Onltnl uork taken ut COIXO HARVEV piioni: ioo R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurant I'M Vorth Front Htrtf J Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co HKTtV SEXOSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.w Phoa. Ill - PUttlns Landi a apeclMty ITaraii Timber Coal aodtnU "KABT81DB1" Ownral At Marahftald Offloa l.j. Barnard & Langwortk Klectrlcnl Contnictors and fiupi1". PIIO.VE 181-R. 170 So. Rromlwuy, next door i Pnlim Mi-Ht -Market. J Most Sensible She For tho children Is the famous "SKUFFEU" ibot. For sale at The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Droadway .... MsriUa Sim l-'iaiiclscii Will ICntoitrtln VMtiu- AiiKiist .1, ll nml 7 SAN FRANCISCO. July 10 Ac tive prejinrntldim are koIiik nheml for the reception of the deleKiiteu who motor to Snn I-'rnnclsco to attend the Third Annual Convention of tho P. dft Highway Ans(ielatlon u August . u nun (.iiccontiiiK 10 nnnounio- drivers, good rlca and ererythint inents that have boen mado by tholthat vslll moan nauntactorv service to .Mlliur llir lieaiei'S ASHOClatloll nt tllK nnhllp Phnnn na (nr a rfrl.lnn Blanchard's Liyery Wu have secured the livery bust pons of L. H. ilelsner, and ar pre pared to render excellent servlco to the people of Cooa Ray. Careful San Francisco. Wo note that h'aiuuel HiiK't; of Klk county, Kan , broke a leu tho other dny. Had It been an arm. the injury might safely bo resardod as of moat t.erlousnes.1. norso. a rlK or anytblnR needed in tlio livery line. Wo also do truck ItiB business of all kinds. UUWCHARl) RROT11ERS Phone I.'IH-J Mvcry, Feed nml Suleti Service. 1 It Klre nml ldcr Sfrvt 3 t ' " ' & rJiMUisnf X -. M V Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Money-Makers For Salo or Exchange A good business, paying big Inter est on tho Investment, with 3 years lenso; rent $50. Tho price Is right, tho terms right Call and let us tell you about A highly Improved rnnc'i with stock. Implements au-l launch Included; 6 miles front from town. I'rlco $90 per acre; terms. A road hotiso site. 100 per cent hetter than the famous Cliff House site at Frisco, w' i a nr-tu.-nt cove for a salt wntr Plunge; 100 x t.'0 n size: ba--anc lovel and nnturnl park o-j K-nd auto road: fresh wat.-r sprlns for all hotel needs; a genuine buy at $2000 French Realty Co. iU.-Hi X. Front St. The Roast You Admire A. II. HODtf bero will justify that admlmiinn i. ui uuns. Jiicior. tenderer, sA-oet-er meat never passed your Hp3. Don't be satlsfled with our say so Give .yourself the pleasure of proving It for yourself by an order for to. morrows meat. You'll then know how good meat can taste. WARSnFIELD CASH WAIUOCr FOURIER BROS. MrsI,1leId-Telepl,one-..Vorth Rend 1-J TwoMnrkeU Ki T. J. UCAITB fe Marshfield Paint (& Decorating Co Etlmats Furnished MAR8HFIELR Phnnn 140L Or Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Woulrt o well In ...II .. Real Estate and i.'mc ivaitrtlVflE Several good bargains In FarB'1! city property. . AUG. FRIZEEN. MarshfloM Orem ould do well to call at I PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS JFJQICJ C . . J. l t- . t,-n T m'?rVxy mul nko solec hniicl. v. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and Ste 'utter in Coos Countv Zr? bt the best work is Sedtut Hui v, tujffbj? A Moitorn rirloV nilH..lUK. ElK1 I Light, Steam Heat. SlegtIJ Furnished Rooms with Ho and Cold Water. HOTKIi OOOS (J. A. -MtJlL,liN. riue- w Cor. Broaaway and Mat1, Marshfield. Oreeon MUILDIXQ ANI REPAIB w TVo aro prepared to do tbl I by the day or contract and gu" J satisfaction. T.Bt. ii r fleure wltn j GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO NE AT THEeToTScI a. h. vijciYn & CO. Phone 316-J. Marsbfleli. "l ";!'- .-'i- v- UMiUi,