The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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fcTvVKimBltia In The TIMES
Will Keep tlio Income trm re
Fnrnlahcd Rooms from Lapafaigl
YOU can really holp ta fajsally
revenues by renting a few furnished
rooms and, If you know how and
when to use tho classified oolnanu,
you nay keep that llttls axtra lama
as "oteady aa a clock."
Will rui - -
U,o Market" Effectively!
it.. . ntwillt Vflllr
Uor. -S. S ol all "W
pr0,P hnvera" lu town. And It
C'. on- of them who to
own - Ju "
ijstflbllihcd in 1878
M Tlio Coast Mall
A Consolidation of Time, Const Mall
and Coo Bay Advertiser.
No. 311
. a II lAf amIs Cnntvi
hleS That Mil VVUIK, nun.
Eugene 10 ouu& pay 10
to Stop.
WILL dt DUlLi rinoi
akes Statement In Portland
When Entertained oy uiu
n ...inl I'll lit
uomiiiuiuiui uiuu.
Lcdal to Tho Coos liny Times.)
bmiTLAND. Ore. July 1C
bldent WIHInm Sproulo of tho
ithcrn rnclflc compnny onioi
Bcd at luncheon nt tho Commercial
Li. tinnnv. T 10 reports uwi m
Irk li to bo BUBpondcd on tho oxtcn
In of tho Southorn Pacific from
Ucno to uooa nay "" """'
Kdatlon. according to President
I. .,: Vim nii not f cd yesterday
hho reports of suspension which
barcntly orlgmnicu in nunu u,u ,""
Rumors to That Effect Have
Been Afloat but Little
Is Known.
That netlvlty for tho Hill lines may
bo soon started on Coos Day is tho
gist of n report In circulation horo
today. It 1b stntod that tho olflclafa
in chnrgo of tho Hill extensions nnd
construction In Oregon uow have tho
matter under consideration and do
llnlto action Is Boon expected.
JiiHt tho nnturu of tho netlvlty be
yond tho probablo necking of frnn-
filtttiitu Iti XT ii tit llttiil nnl fn iuYi.
"Thero is absolutely nothing. nel(, ,B ,)robloinatlc. Cortaln right of
tho report, saiu i rumuun wn. nm, ol,ur j CHtnto will also bo
oule. ,. , . needed and whether tho compnny,
Tho KiiRcne uotis uny imo ih i",Hhould they decide to romo lo Coob
miihcd to completion bb soon no
islblc. 1 cannot sec now hucii a
nor originated, uniess n w
onrh a mlatnko on tho pnrt of
m ono as to our Intention of com-
itlng tho extension. Tho mannor
which wo are uunuing mu unu ia
fch that we do not consider v cco-
nlcal to construct rrom nmn cnim.
1 arc now working from Eugono to
Gardiner tunnel nnd also uuno-
the tunnol, Wo hnvo not consln-
1(1 H wlno to do nny grading north-
iatorly from Gardiner, uecntiHo uy
) tlmo wo get tlio uinnoi nnu mnor
ft of tho heavy work done tlio
ding between Gardiner nnd Cook
would be bnilly dnmngco u not
I washed out. Therefore It Is our
In to work up to nnd through tlio
Miner tunnel nnd then proceed
h tho rest of tl.o extension.
'Kecently occnHlon rnmo up whoro
a request wns uindo for innchlnoty
tho Cooa Hay end of tho lino.
ter was written muting that no
Irk was planned thero nt present
Riving tlio rensons tlint possiiiiy
1 tho caueo of tho rumor that work
lobe suspended."
RVhlle tho above telegrnm quotes
, bproulo as speaking of not build-
northwesterly from Gnrdlnor he
liny, will expect somo of this to bo
furnlBhod by tlio community will al
so bo dotermlncd soon.
Donplto tho declaration of Trnlllo
Manager Woodworth of tho Northern
Paclllc that his trip hero waB for
merely n vacation, mnny nro Inclined
to bcllovo that It Ih much more sig
nificant. However, tho next fow
wcckH will probably dctermlno what
tho oiitcomo will be In this respect.
GAVE $250,000 TO
Tells of Big Contributions of
Money to Democratic Cam
paign Fund In 1904.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay
Times )
WASHINGTON, July 1C August
Belmont todny testllled before tho
Senate Committee on Investigation of
Campaign Contributions that ho per
sonally gave nbout $250,000 to tho
democratic natlonnl campaign fund
In 1004.
Uolmont said tho contribution of
$10,000 from Henry Hnvomycr wna
returned by tho commlttco ns undo
Blrnblo. Dclmont Bald: "Wall strcot
gavo Uttlo" but said that snmo of his
friends bnd contrlbutod.
Dclmont told first of advancing
$50,000 to tho domocrntlc natlonnl
commlttco. Ho Bald that ho had boon
reimbursed to tho extent of $4 2,000
"The bnlaneo of $8,000 wns only ns
n contribution." Later ho mado
heavy contributions, "very soldom by
check, ofton by cash." Ho said ho
contributed so heavily becauso of his
position on tho commlttco.
"I never Intended to mako any
Riich contributions but whon tho dc
llcltB nroBO 1 contributed." Dclmont
waB asked If ho had any understand
ing of nny roward from Parkor, tho
presidential candidate
"Prom tho very outset Judgo Par
kor was a frco and Independent man
and remained so."
"Did you expect to hnvo any spec
ial legislation ennctcd?" was
"Nono whatever. Thoro was no in
terest with which I wns connected
that could bo helped by any npeclnl
Dclmont Raid tho total campaign
fund was not moro than $600,000
or $700,0000.
Denies General Suspension but
Says Light Work
Await Tunnel.
ideally means southwesterly, Gnv-j lt,0ll'!,ontf Cail"!l",L0!Iwi.8hnJi
crbelnc north of bore Pacific of u roport published
ngno otiiorc. emnnntlng from North llond tc
ants Council to Allow Morn
Time to Complete the
f0 memberu of tlin iMv nnunnll
I n'snt expressed unofllclnlly nn fenture."
u o Rive to tlio Terminal
luway an cKtnnuinn f i... in
pb to completo the railroad bulld-
uie extension had been nskod
(Special to Tho Coos nny Times
PORTLAND. Oro., July 10. Ofl.
clnl donlnl Is nmdo by Oonornl Supo.-
tlio Koutiiorn
to tho
offect that work on tho Kngono-Coon
liny road Is to bo discontinued. o
correct the orronooiiH Impression Mr.
Cnmpboll hns sont tho following tol
gram to W. V. Miller, miporlntendoul
of tho Coos nny, Itosoburg & KnMorn
nt Mnrflhflold:
"Deferring to nrtlclo appearing In
press dated North nend, July 13, Intl
inntlng suspension of work on K.
gone-Coos nny lino, wish you would
correct this through press, Bnylim
thero Is no renBon for such publica
tion. Kxplnniitlon Is that It woul l
be working to dlsndvnntngo to do
construction on level districts boforo
heavy work was fairly underwny.
Work will be ''Ml to completion
with duo cons!dal n to economical
t the. council meeting, Attorney
Hocelvcs Wortl l-Voin 1). AV. Campliell
Itogimllng IteportH.
W. T Mlllnp honi of tho local
' I'tnnelt nntinnra.l I.. i.,.i.i ..'n Pnnlflo Intnroflta tnilnv ro-
n -- "l'li 111 UUIIIUI Ul ""'""""I "" ..-.-.---- - i
"'uanuicr, the general ninnngor. reived n toiegram from u. w cnmo-i
7""' siaiea that ho had boon, i. gonorni Huperiiuonuoiu oi uin
w to como to tho council on short I Southern Pacific lines In Orogon,
-U'J the mnllnn .... it i.i. Jnolilnn lil m in onrponl n mlRtnkpn Im-
f1 Mr. Chandler nnd therefore ho'Presslon which somo hnvo gnlned In
ce and that bo hnd not tlmo to connection with tho roports of tho
Roosevelt Followers In Port
land Are Forming Oregon
Progressive Ulub.
(Dy Associated Proas to Coos Baj
PORTLAND, Ore., July 15. (Do
laycd In transmission.) At a large
ly attended meeting of tho National
Progrcsslvo Club of Oregon hold In
the East Side Library building horo
tonight a call wiib IsBitcd for n stnto
convention of tho National Progres
sive (Itoosovolt) party, composed of
former members of nil pnrtlcs to be
hold In Portlnnd, Thursday, July 2f,
nt '.0 n. m. Tho convention wl.l
meet In the lCnst Side Library build
ing at East Eloventh and Aldnr
HtrcctR. Arrangements nro being
uindo for tho couvonttoii to ndjourn
In n body to larger. quarters should
Biieh be necessary.
At this convention five delcgat n
will be elected and Instructed to rep
resent Oregon In tho Nutlonnl con
vention of the progressive party In
Chicago, August G. Tho Oregon dele
gation will go to Chicago Instructed
ns to candidates for President nnd
Vice-President, whllo matters of po
litical policies of moment to tho pro
gressive pnrty will bo considered.
Citizens of tho Stnto of Orogon wero
Invited by tho club to attend tho
convention when nn advisory execu
tive commltteo of 31, ono mombor
from ench county will bo olcctoa.
The motion by which tho nll was
made declared that tho progressive
party hnd birth becnuso tho Ropuull
enn Nntlonnl convention nt Chicago
failed 'to represent fairly and fully
the wishes, views and Interests of tho
people nt largo, nor did It act so as
to command their respect nor deter
mine their political acts.
The Natlonnl Progressive uiun
elected the following offlcoiB and
voted to completo organization at the
convention: President, Dan Kolla
her; first vice president, Dr. Lovl M.
Myers; second vice president, Georgo
Arthur Drown; secretnry-troasuror,
L. M. Loppe; executive commlttoo,
Senator F. W. Mulkey, Georgo W. Jo
seph, J. T. Wilson, V. Vincent Jon's
and Snnflold MncDonnld.
Hundreds Are Homeless, Great
Property Damage Done
and Some Deaths.
(Dy Associated Press.) 4
DENVER, July 10. Tho
cloudburst and Hood In Chorry 4
creek Sundny hns passed Into 4
history leaving groat heaps of
debris and deposits of sand nnd
mud in tho buildings and nlong
tho boulovnrds, rulnB of wreck-
cd homcB nnd with small fatal- 4
ltlcs of two dead. List of In- 4
Jurcd Is eight. Tho flnnnclnl
loss Is now estimated at ono mil-
not iki. . ..
rI . ""'w . b"ho mo case as
V" JIr- Chandler him
If li.. i.:. ' vi.imiiuiui nun-
h 111 . a Mr- Chandler was
lth.l.,,"!?w.e t0 b0 nreBont but
H ne wanted in b.., .... ..
ccsslng of nctlvltles on this ond of
tho Coos Dny-Eugeno line. .m
m.v ihiiv viiu . fi..-- ,,
nn nn IU1U II I uo.
Oil ai'-l .... .,,,. . ,l,.l II,a li...aolmni,l
.ir. .uiiiur on fa mu mu ihicbiwuiii
Fields In his inessnKO Bays thore U
no reason for tho roport of a genernl
' Wantpdtr. b..... ,. .. .. ' aiiannnolnn nt Hin work nnd adds:
uWkeniInBnrnJ.Im-JlVi"l "Exnlnnntlon is that It would be
company more time in which to I working to dlsndvnntngo to do cou-
- uiti contract with tho cltv airuciion on levoi uiauiuia ucn.iu
"' Dennett sinto.i ... i. '.,.,' henvv work wns fairly underway.
"umerato all of tho rensons i but JWork will bo hurried to completion
'ei attention to tho fact that im wMi duo consideration to economical
" the rllv o.i .," '' hiuiiei-' ... rmlHtrllnnnn of tho line north from
ant to tnrT "? nmn ' nv to tho tunnel south of Gnt-
tp'nB was star ed Ho nlao ail "nr would mean the loss of Interest
rl the Termin,! 'i,. "V .'nl??8aUI on It unfl tho bnlnnco of the road
llrno nut rinu-V. ' ".' 'uumi " nec- was eomnlotod besides tho doterlora-
P'ont street Chi .a..! Mr. Miller expects that work will
doso ."" ni" at llrst been' , .... i. .i , i.i ii..i,i.i
,ii.. "ouia Lo iiW, . i oiiuruj - mini mi mc u, .... -,
'tit hart i," ue necessary and' ,. m. n... nn,i nisn on thn lines
M'ed. i,e" ,"'othnnxvas'Vo he constructed under the Non,i
"Vrk had been .i ii "i Pnd franchise.
mb of ways thn, h , . ,n. .R M(V" Mi Trniihff.rri'rt.
""lalnnowas ,0, f, nf,notab, It was stated today that some o
the detmic . ? " 1 ot ljn"W all ,, .,, w,,n iin(, come to Xarh
v Mr Chandler .! "? ,,l(1 Bond to work on tho lino wero lerv
erof them .r.'-a!,-nl nn- ic for Vi:i In enstom Oreron nnd
fc. "!. wn i (i iiirt -. i " - . .
"lenslcn mp fil V. . "MB others wl-o hnd been ongnged to conv
-icusicn Mr nQ ' ,v ,',' otners wro unci
lot knnu. .-r ,,e""Ott SRld ho. l,Prp warn liolnir
I"1 as ,'";. mucl f an exten-1 n,.nt !,. Thl
It th. u"Mlcl OV the Termlnnl On r::" 11',. ' 7.
-- ue
i. rn . VAll"-i urotliers. ti
e Terminal Co. I, )P6n tnken
transferred to Portur
notion Is snld to have
under Instruction of
Mi ne IV...I.I ... . i i)f
n,l say th. A . 1K0 '?. "ave tho . mbm Tinkler nnd Dixon of tho
"Won fn. I1''" WOUI'I grnnt nn ' Mnn Arthur. PorK-q Co.
Ftnslnn .
ii. .7 '"' a
a "mic
reasonnblo length
Porter Hw Active.
Porter Brothers. It Is stated, are
nett sain i .. Porter urotners. u is sinteu, arc
vjnaUhfHjjnany B0ng abend with their nrra,ngomenU
nued nn t for tho construction wpic. i " m-i-
oa lase Four.) struction equlpmont to be used near
Cities In West Indies Taken in
Charge by the Healthy
(Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day
WASHINGTON, D, C. July 15.
(Delayed In transmission.) Du
bonle plague has broken out- In tlu
cities of the West Indies and the
sumo methods of extermlnntI.on of
rats employed In San Frnnclsco hu3
been pet In motion. Seventy men ani
four officers are fighting the plngue
In Porto Rico. Twenty-flvo men nnd
flvo officers nre guarding the exits
of the Islnnd that tho dlseaso may
not lie- f,"r,rlp'I t" tho UrtUeilStqs.
Florence Is to be brought In by way
of Newport, the Southern Pacific fur
nishing free transportation as far as
Newport. The commissary supplies,
however, will bo brought In by Coos
Rav and It Is understood that Portor
Brothers Inst week In Portland mado
arrangements for handling It.
Don't forget me Turkish Baths
"HOM3 eu.i.
If you hnve anything to sell. trad
or rent, or wni.t help, try a Wnt Ad
(By Associated Pross to Coos Bay
DENVER, Colo., July 1G. (De
layed In transmission.) Sovornl
hundred men. womon and children
nro homeless, n number of deaths
have occurred nnd It Is rumored a
million nnd n half dollars'worth of
proporty Is In ruins horo todny ns
1 tho result of n cloud burst lust night
which poured n solid wnll of wntor
down tho Hhnllow bed of Cherry
Crook which runs through tho city.
Tho city auditorium Is n refuge camp.
At dawn D00 homeless gathered
thoro. Tho Chnmbor of Common o
hns opened n rollof subscription.
Hnd It not been for tolophono warn
ings many residents of tho crook
bottom districts could not hnvo es
caped. Tho messago was ropcatod
along tho courso of tho creek so tho
dwellers on tho banks woro nblo to
floo, mnny in tholr night clothes.
Tho flood ripped out tho concrete
walls that lined tho creok for tw
miles nnd washed away light bridges
and hundreds of small dwellings nn.l
drove hundrdds out of tholr homes '.r
to tho roof, from which they woro
rescued by tho police nnd flro dopnr
monts. Reaching union station tho
flood spread threo feet of wator
through tho yards, putting tho loc
motlvo fires nut and marooning 209
passengers nnd closing tho city tem
porarily to Incoming and outgoing
Congress Takes Steps Regard
ing Enormous Railroad
Holding in State.
(By Associated PrcsB to Coos Bar
WASHINGTON, July 1G (Delayed
In Transmission) Tho Houso public
lnnds commlttco todny roported fa
vorably on n bill to authorlzo tho at
torney ccnoral to sottlo with tho pur
chasers of moro than eight hundred
thousand acres of railroad land In
Oregon at tho rato of $2. GO an aero.
Tho Union Pacific to which tho land
wns granted In tho sixties Is now de
fendant In n Btiit for tho forfeiture
of 2,300,000 acres. Tho land grnnt
od wnB to bo sold to actual settlors
nt not moro thnn $2. GO nn aero. This
stipulation It la snld waB Ignored.
To clear tho tltlo to tho Innocent pur
chasers tho legislation waB recommended.
Pendleton Trained Nurse Rav
ing Maniac In Portland
Doctors Baffled.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coot
Bay Times.)
PORTLAND, Oro., July 15. (De
layed In transmission.) Tho mystery
In the disappearance of Miss Nellie
Dakor, aged 23, nnd n trained nurse
of Pondlcton, Ore., wns cleared to
day whon It was discovered thnt tho
"deaf and dumb" girl who hns beon
In tho custody of tho pollco nnd hos
pital authorities slnco July 3 Is tho
missing young woman. Sho Is n rav
ing maniac. Sho left Pondloton ana
received sovornl lettors but communi
cation suddenly censod. They ho
enmo alnrmod nnd n search was In
stituted Jiut no trace was found un
til todny when her plcturo appeared
In a nowspapor, Tho physicians nro
baffled. Tho girl nover before wns
afflicted with deafness or trouble of
speech nor any indication of Insanity.
Threatened With Isolation In
' Mexico Far From United
States Border.
(By Associated Press to The Coot
Bay Times.)
JUAREZ, Mox., July 1C Moro
than 500 American citizens together
with their wives and families In
towns along tho Mexican Northwest
ern railroad aro threatened with Isol
ation far from the American bordor
with scant means of escaping tho de
predations of tho Moxlcnn robols.
SufHcient facts beenmo known today
to warrant a statement that It would
causo no surprise if Americans In all
towns nlong tho lino woro warned to
leave Mexico at once.
(By Associated Press to the Coos Bty
battolshlp Wyoming left horo yester
day on nn official trip to tho Mnlno
Coa,st, and anchored during tho night
twenty;-Blx,jmIles aouHi of horo. Sho
stonmed dowrr the Dolawaro today, it
wa.8 reported the warship was
aground bu't this Is denied.
Times Want Ads bring results, ,,
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay
(Delayed In transmission.) Tnft h
to bo officially notified of his nomi
nation at tho Whlto Houso August 1.
This was decided today by Chalrmnn
Illllcs of the Republican Natlonnl
committee, nnd Senator Root, chair
man of tlo commlttco on notification,
appointed nt Chicago.
Herman Rosenthal, Noted
Gambler, Assassinated,
Near Metropole Hotel.
Victim Was to Have Given Tes
timony to District Attor
ney Today.
(Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
NEW YORK, July 1C Herman
Rosenthal, proprietor of a gambling
house here, whoso sensational charg
es that tho pollco aro guilty of graft
ing nnd oppression wero to bo Investi
gntcn todny by tho grand Jury, was
shot and killed In front of tho Hotel
Mctropolo early today by flvo men
who escaped In a largo gray touring
car. Rosenthal wns murdered -a lev
hours beforo ho was to appoar bolou
District Attorney Whitman, who will
glvo further statements In an offort
to substantiate tho pollco grafting
charges. A few hours after tho mur
der detectives visited tho garngo
known ns headquarters of tho taxi
cab robbers who recently robbed ih
bank messenger of $2G,000 nnd cap
tured n man describing himself aa
Louis Llbby. Tho pollco also recov
ered an auto, tho ono that figured ia
tho murder. Rosenthal was shot flvo
times in the head. A witness hut
partially Idontlflcd Llbby ns tho maa
who 1b alleged to hnvo flrod thJ
shots. Mrs. Sndlo Rosenthal, widow
of tho gambler, In n statement to tlw
district attorney put tho assassina
tion of her husband saunroly up to
the pollco. Sho warned her husband
not to keep nn nppomtmont, sho bus
ing n premonition of a vlolont end
nnd named n police officer ns ono of
tho men who wns to bo at tho con
ference. At least two witnesses
I agreed ono or moro of tho men In tin
auto woro policemen.
Rosenthal loft homo Into Inst night
to keep an alleged appointment with
Pollco Lieutenant Decker whom he
nllegcd was his pnrtnor In tho gam
bling house. Shortly boforo i
o'clock n slate-colored auto drow up
In front of tho hotel. Ono of six pas
sengers got out and walked Into ths
hotel Mctropolo, beckoning to Rosen
thal who walked out without hosltn
tlon. Ho had renehed a point not
more thnn n dozen foct from tho door
when n volley of shots rang out from
the Blnte-colored car. Four of thorn
found n tnrget In Jtoscnthnl whr
dropped dead with hullots in his
brain. Tho touring enr dlsappcareH
nlmost beforo tho crowd was nwars
whnt had occurred. Pollco Lleuton
nnt File, who wnH dining nt tho Mct
ropolo ( jumped Into n tr.xlcnb nnd
pursued tho auto but tho slowor uu
chlno could not overtnko tho slatr
colored car. According to Deputy
Pollco Commissioner Dnughorty tho
car wns positively Identified ns that
bought by Llbby, nnd Llbby la Iden
tified ns tho chauffeur nnd ono of tho
men who fired, neckor expressed
grent- regret to the district nttorney
tlmt Rosenthal wns murdored. Ho
xnld he hnd not seen Rosenthal for
n week nnd then met him casually.
avIll iircsi'Mi; work.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
LIVERPOOL, July 1C At a ma
mooting of tho striking dockora, to
dny decided to resume work tomorrow.
MM U 0
Father of Youthful Murderer
Who Confesses Advises
Self Destruction.
(By Associated Press to Coob Bay
NEW YORK, July 16 Samuel,
Swartz, father of Nathan Swartz, tho
young man wanted In connection
with tho murder of n child named
Julia Connors last week admitted to
day to Assistant District Attorney
Nott, thnt his son confessed ho killed
the child. Ho said ho told tho son to
go out nnd commit sulsldo. Tho
father snld ho belloved that tho boy
had dono as ho was told.
Such Is Committee Dlclslou In U, S.
Steel Case.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
WASHINGTIN. July 1G Members
of tho Houso Stanley Steel Trust In
vestigating Commltteo today prac
tically agreod to recommend tho dis
solution of the United States Steel
corporation. Tholr report will on
dorse tho government suit against
Senate Begins Investigation of
Judge Archbald of Com
merce Court.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bar
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15.
(Delayed In transmission.) Im
peachment of Judge Robert W. Arch
bnld of tho Commorco Court was
formally laid beforo tho Sonato today
by the commlttco mnnngors of tho
Houso, headed by a Republican, Hon
ry D. Clayton, chairman of tho Judi
ciary commltteo. Clnyton rend tho
resolution undor which the Houso ai
reeted tho committee to present the
Impeachment to tho Sonnto. As
Clayton concluded and beforo h
could begin upon the nrtlclos of Im
peachment Senator Lodge of Massa
chusetts pointed out that tho rules
provided for a proclamation by tho
Sonato sergennt-nt-nrnis. Tho Houso
mnnngers retired nnd Colonol Daniel
Rnnsdell, sorgeant-nt-nrms, made, tho
formal proclamation. Clayton thon
road a long document of Impeach
ment, A TURKISH HATH will do yo
GOOD. Phono 21 4 J.
Tli'os' Want Ads bring results.