THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Alw(i!js''TheIiiisu Corner Make Your Bath 1 n Pleasure ' -. f .11 I. ..111. !.. end E tlle ,uu ,'"V""-v-ins benefits from t by using n.c...u"k..-7. ,,i n Iwth voi VVlicu yuu - - WANT ADS, oi'ii agents make money soil- lug our hardy, gunrnntocd, stock. Experience unnecessary. Yakima Vullcy Nursery Co., Toppenlsn, WllBll. )rm VI, l..v MEN, WOMEN I linvo n womlcifiil luonoy-mnkor. ir you can glvo all or part tlmu to a clean, good-pny-lilg, pormniiont buslncHs, wrlto IJynio, West Phllndu, Pa. FOR HALE .My household furniture. Apply J II Hall Ave., nuar Illlt hcIiooI. A SNAP For niiiii and wife ulshlut; lo 1(coi boarders, If taken within tho next fow dayBj houso partly furnished, lurgu garden, cow nnd ohlekoiiB. Apply at Times offlco. sA & Mtremely carclui tnai every gg that touches your body ihen i Is pure and clean. "We ll hyBienlc bath goods of nil kinds-clean, loft and durable sponges; firm. wcU-made body toshes; pure and whole ome bath soaps, etc. After your bath, if you are llble to ctifT muscles and B use HEX ALL HUB BlNOOIL. This Is a softening and aoothJng liniment which Jm oarts a warm, healthful glow to the skin by increasing the circulation. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" -Main 2H U. FOR SALE 20 foot gasoline launrli. Union engine. Apply Times olllco. WANTED 'JO RENT For ililnve or four mouths; up to dale Visible, Itemlugton or Underwood type writer. Phono 311. FOR ItKNT Seven room house, modern; oloso In. Apply Robntl Kruogcr, Fourth nud Cotnmoruliil nvonuc. FOR SAM': Newsstand, coiifvctkin- ory nnd Ico crcnin hiuitiicHH In good thriving town; paying proposition. For particulars address Opportuni ty, caro Times. COOS IIAV TIDK8. T)ol w Ib given tli-s time And height of high and low wator at Marshflold. Tli tides uro placed In tho ordor of occurrence with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of conscuutlvo holguts will indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. .Inly, lr.lllrs. .2. SB 0.03 4.00 9.04 Fcct .7.2 1.5 5.2 2.9 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 in in., July 15, by Ilcnj. Ostllnd, Bpeclnl government mo- teorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum 70 Minimum 40 At 4:411 a. in 40 Precipitation nono Winds northwest; clear. SURVEY CREW IS AT BRIDGE PERSONAL NOTES SHERIFF GAGE is hero todny from Coiiulllc. PROF. ARTHUR HICHAIIDS has re turned from llandon. l'lion vr y$& vz. The Sign of Good Candy Always EXPERIENCED Monographer and competent office girl wishes posi tion. Phono 140-J. BARGAIN HALE 1(1 hoiM'K)viT auto for $450; first-clang condi tion; fully equipped; cost now $3000; will soil for $150 on cany terms. John L. Koontz Machine Shop, North Front street. Phono 130-J. WANTED Mohair, wool and cas cara bark. Apply to Henry Song stacken, nt offlco of Tltlo Ounr nntoo & Abstract Co. 11UY NOW. Somo cholco lots In NORTH I1KNO can ho had at a very reasonable price If taken now. H.-8. GEAR & CO. First National Dank. Marshfield Cyclery niorciiics Fon rent Phono 1 ,-58-11. 172 No. Broadway. CONDENSED STATEMENT )f ThejFirst National Bank of Coos Bay At the close of business, June It, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $238,510.72 uouds, warrants nnd securities 73,191.32 II. 8. bond to secure- circulation 25.000 00 teal estate, furniture and fixtures 81,011.34 will aud sight exchango 188,053.99 Total 9011,:i7..17 i i.inuiiji i inai 'spllal stock paid In . $100,000.00 lurplus and undivided profits 10,548.03 ,lrculallon, outstanding 23,800.00 Jep's 477,024.7 1 Total ?0!1,:J7.'J.37 In addition In Cnnltal StonV th InrflvMnnl liability nf Stnrkhold- krs It f 100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 8. CHANDLER, President. M. Q. IJOItTON, Vlco-Prea'ldout. DORSEY KRElfzKR.'Oashliir. ' ' .-.- r- ,,:,,. a l 1 -. tSTAHMSIIIJI) IN 1880. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF UNAGAN& BENNEH BANK MAIISII FIELD, OREGON. At tho close oY 'business, June II, 1012.' REROimnRS. glJJ " J Discounts $427,481.48 CTfe;;-- .50.000.00 i.bCj , . , , , . av,ii4.aa TotM . ."'.''.'..... $723,593.70 Pltal Stocv ..... LIABILITIES. igj. .d4 undiviaed'prof.u.';::. ::::::::::::::::::. n'XTo Totl ' ' " ' l ' ,ulB' i too ran ti ' t,-U,UJU., Will fJlvc Concert Tho Coos Rny Concert Diind will glvo n concort on Wodnosdny ovonlng, July 17, nt tho Pnrlc. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Coomib nm IIKJfrtY 9ENG8TACKEN, Mgr. 'won L " Phono m Pitting Unda a specialty. -.-.., uoai aant "HABTBCDBV' Oeneral Ag ftfarshfleld Office 14-J. :'e-fliat Roof Fixed vow See CORTUELL rawtf nti WM. S. TURPEN . ArchltecL 171 FRONT ST, lBve$ Want Ads Bring Results Short, on Gasoline. Chnuffours Nelmo nnd Wilson carried Mnrshllold parties tit tho game nt Myrtlo Point yesterday. Wilson ran out of gaso line on tho road and had a hurl time rustling enough to make tho return trip. Will Meet Weilnesilay. Tho Wo men's Auxiliary of tho Presbytorian c liurcli will meet Wednesday, July 17, with Mrs. F. 0. Morton Instead of Mrs. M. C. Morton as previously announced. From ltosi'bui'K. Among thoso who left todny for Mnrshllold by tho stage are tho following: J. D. Os born, Giant Osbrno, nnd M. Rico. llHoburg News. Married at Camas. Allen 1). Klrk endnll nnd Miss Ruby M. Montgomery were married Juno 30 at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Klrkundnll In CaiuiiH Valley. Rev. Rummells of tho Mothodlst church officiated. Improve Residence Al Smith Is preparing to havo somo extenslvo Improvements mndo on his Coos Riv er residence by adding two rooms and a porch. Oulmettu nud Falr chllds left this morning for his placo to do tho work. Hurct'Hsftil Dniiru Tho llrst danco given by tho newly organized frntor nnl society, Thu Sons of Norway, at Finnish hall last Saturday evening wan a financial and social ouccoss. There was a lnrgo attendanco nnd with good music nud genoral frator mil finding everyone had a most de lightful time. In Improved Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Nelson are exported horo shortly from Cullfornla whoro they havo boon for tho bonollt of Mrs. Nolson's health. Mrs. Nelson undorwont an operation whllo there and Is now very much Improved. They Intend to mnko their homo on Coos Day onco more after nn nbsenco of Mbout a year. . MRS. J. T. MACGENNof Emplro wns Engineer Haines Has His Men a Marshnoid visitor today. at Work on Middle Fork .. n Ky. . , . . nf nnnnilln MRS. GEO. FLANAGAN Is In todny 01 OOqilllie. rr0m Ten Milo for a fow days. Engineer F. A. Unities has a crow ,..,,, U'ir t tam iinwnnv t iim.iu of surveyors nt work on tho inldtllo ,,,,' , vf?,1, "., I, iw, ,i , f,..i, ,.r .i... f it., .i.. ,.ut nr '"lot Is visiting In Mnrshllold to- .Myrtlo Point. Tho crow is now dl,y' camped near tho store at Drldgo, el even miles east of Myrtlo Point. Tho picsunco of the surveyors In that neighborhood has greatly encouraged tho pcoplo In their hopes of securing n logging railroad or somo othor means of transportation nnd connection. NORTH DENI) NEWS C Miss I.cnn Kruse returned todny from a fow months visit with her sister, Mrs. Cnthey, In Portland. Dr. Hurmclstor nnd wlfo nnd daughter Juno, returned todny from Portland. Mr.s Hurmclstor nnd daughter also Ivslted nt othor points. ALONG THJi WATERFRONT The Anvil wns In nnd out nt Han don yesterday. Tho llandon sailed from Hnndon yesterday for San Francisco. Tho A. M. Simpson nrrlvod In hero this morning with tho Advent In tow. Tho gasollno schooner Condor crossed out this morning. MARRY C. NOHLE mndo tho trip to Myrtlo Point In his automobllo yes terday. W. II. CONICMN Is In Marshfield to day from tho North Fork of tho Coqulllo. MR. HUOCK has taken his family on n camping expedition to Catch ing Inlet. JOHN KRONENHERO nnd family drovo over In tholr auto from Hnn don todny. MRS. CLARENCE HARRIS of Catch ing Inlet enmo down from thero this morning. MRS. FRED DACKMAN spout Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith on Coos River. C. F. McKNIGHT nnd wlfo nro re turning overland from Portland nnd Oregon City. MRS. MARY THOMPSON who Is teaching nt Ten Mllo spont Sunday at her homo in Marshnoid. W. K. Chandler 111 Tho launch Cooston left this morning for tho summer homo of W. S. Chandler, whoso Illness was nnhouccd In Sat urday's Times, and will bring him to Mnrshllold whoro ho will bo closer to medical attention. Dr, Dlx nud Tom Coka made tho trip up to accompany Mr. Chandlor homo. TrhH to Skip Out Hill Cnllahan wns arrested Saturday night by Mar shal Carter for trying to skip nut without paying n lino. Callahan wns arrested nnd charged with vagrancy a week ago. Recorder Hutlor tlnod him tun dollars and gavo him Boverul hours in which to rnlso tho cash but Callahan skipped out. Ho will now havo to tnko flvo days In the city jull. IN SIUSLAW COUNTRY Tho Florence- West says: Mr. Olson, of Marshfield, arrived linrn TiiPHilav to look al tho Sluslaw country nud visit his daughter, Mrs. Roy Saubcrt, of Acme. Roy Snuhort nnd wlfo nnd Ray Saubort' enmo up tho bench Tuesday on their wny Jiomo from Marshflold, whoro tlioy spent tho Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holllstcr left Sunday for their homo In North Hend after spending a week with rolntlvcB In Florence nud looking after buslpess Interests here. HOTEL ARRIVALS COOS HOTEL Edwin SJogson, Coos River; Gone Grnpt, Portland I O. Seven, Jr., Lakeport; Frank Gar diner, Seaport: Mat Photon, Ceos Rlvor; S. Jones, Senttlo; Ray Flan dors and wlfo. llandon; R. J. Good man, Coos River; Goo. Gruvy, Port land; Lulu Miller, Oregon City; R. O. Sturdovnt, Portland; Jcsslo Grny, Denton Harbor, Mich. HLANCO Fred Horton. Eureka; S. Landrlth. Coos Rlvor; Win. Smith, Hny City: O. E. Harris, Coos Rlvor; Tracy Clover, Rosoburg; Clifford Crowo. Coqulllo; J. E. Paulson, Co qulllo; Frank Thrift. Coqulllo; J. W. Tracy, Myrtlo Point: II. Loonard, Sonttlo; S. Hurd, Sonttlo: C. M. OJcn goll, Arago; T. A. Walker, Coqulllo; W. Andorson, North H.ond; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Olson, Lnnglols; S. Drown stono, Snn Francisco; S. Hurd, Seat tle. CHANDLER W. Manning, Port land; C. E; Ha Hoy. Portland; H. D. Waring, Portland; W. II. Young, Portland; J. A. Dowllng, Sonttlo; W, K. Turnbull, Portland; II. Moose, Portland; L. Horlchor, Portland; E. , E. nustor. Portland; J. W. Miller,' uoquiiio; i. v. uorman, snn rran clscn; U. C. Guss, Guthrie; Chns. L. Rudul, St. Paul: E. Knoolor, Portlnnd; O. S. Mist, Snn Francisco; J. Anderson, N. Y.; Mrs. J. Conrad, Portlnnd; F, Cnttorlln and wife, nnn don; W, F. McRny, Denver; H. Schlll berg, Snlem; Mr. and Mrs. Kronen berg, Hnndon; Jnck Kronenborg, nnndon; Mr. and Mrs, Estnbrook, San Francisco; Walter Holmos, Hea ver Hill; 4. Mnelntrya, San Francis co; 11. J, McDInrmld, Hnndon, MISS ISAHELLE MACGENN roturn od today from Portland whoro she hns been visiting with relatives. MISS LAURA KRUSE wns tho guest of Miss Nolllo Tower nt tho Towor homo on South Coos Rlvor yestor-day. SOCIETY NEWS Miss Delia Hroulllard loft Satur day on tho Rcdondo for San Frnncls co where sho will spend a fow days, then will go on to hor homo In Iowa. Miss Hroulllard Is an accomplished and charming girl nnd hns gained wldo popularity during hor visit of ono year on tho Bay. During tho Inst weok many soclul affairs havo boon given complimentary to Miss Hroulllard, among thorn a card party given by Mlas Grnco Williams, n la vender pnrty given by Mrs. C. H. Worrell nt hor homo, a boat party up Coos Rlvor and a number of din nors. It Is understood Miss Hroull lard will continue- tho study of muslo In the eastern cities. O ANDREW McCLELLAND loft for California Snturday after an ox tended visit with rolatlvcs nnd old friends on Coos Hay. Ho will stny for suvoral weeks In Snn Diego be foro reluming to his homo In Puoblo, Colorado. Oklahoma, nrrlvod horo this morn ing on tho Urenkwntor. W. H. WE ALE wont to Myrtlo Point this morning on business. F. L. DENNING loft this morning for Rosoburg to visit with his fath er nud Blstor who rosldo thero. MISS RUTH MCLAUGHLIN roturned homo Saturday aftor a six weeks' visit with friends at Smith Powers Camp No, 5. MR. and MRS. HOMER MAUZEY, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Abol and Miss Dolln Oldland spent Sunday at tho Oldland ranch on South Inlot. SAMUEL EVANS of Suporlor, Wis., Is horo Investigating tho resources nnd prospects of tho Coos Hay country. MRS. ELIZABETH LAWLOR re turned todny from Portland whoro sho hns been spending tho Inst few mouths. F. V. CATTERLIN :i:nl wife, of Hnn don, passed through hero todny en routo homo from a fow weeks' visit nt Portlnnd. MRS. I. O. CONNER, who has boon visiting nt tho Harris homo on Catching Inlot returned to Mnrsh llold this morning. MISS HELEN MURPHY who hns been visiting friends In tho city for tho past weok roturned Sunday to hor homo at Drldgo. MR. and MRS. CLAUDE NASHURG nnd Jack Moreen wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Simpson nt Shore Acres yestordny. JOHN KRONHOLM Is expected homo tho Inst of tho week from Senttlo and Tncomn whoro ho wont after tho Elks doings In Portland. MRS. CONRAD of Portlnnd pnssod through here today on routo to Hnndon whore she will visit hor dnughtor, Mrs. F. V. Cattorlln. MRS. W. T. MERCHANT nnd Mrs. Hatsford wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Matson nt tho Nook on South Coos River yesterday. It. It. Montgomery Coining Miss Corn May Montgomery, who Intend ed to leavo for her homo In TJecutxr, i III., tomorrow, hns decided to stay over, having recolvod word from her father, R. R. Montgomery, that ho and Mrs. Montgomery will bo horo on the llrst boat next weok to visit with, u. Y. starrord, it. J. Montgomery, u. K. Perry nnd families for soveral weeks. Ho and Mrs, Montgomery w1l bo welcomed by many frlopds on Coos Hay. OVER tOO YEARS OLD E, S. Gear has received word tho,t his grandfather, J. C. Goar, died at Cary, Ohio, at the age of 103 years. Tho old gentloman was very nctlvo for his ago, working in his carpenter shop nnd doing tho chores up to with in six months of his doatli. He never found It necessary to wenr glasses to read. A. MEREEN Is now In Minneapolis on business. When ho returns ho will bring his daughter Edith with him for a visit on Coos Hny. DR. J. J. M ALONE Y nnd wlfo nnd daughter, Holcn, nrrlvod hore to dny from Rock Rapids, Iowa, to visit at tho homo of M. C. Moloney. M. O. WARNER, tho piano tunor who is woll known on Coos Bay hav ing boon coming hero for twenty four yours Is horo for a fow weeks to tuno Coos Bay pianos. E. S. BARGELT planned to lenvo Portland this morning In tholr nuto for Coos Bay. They expected to roach hero tomorrow night via. Allognny. Gcorgo Goodrum is re turning with them. GUY CHAMBERS and Ford Painter will return on tho Alllanco tomor row from tholr trip to tho Elks Grand Lodge Reunion at Portland. Gets Picture of Fmvu G. D, Gar diner, w)io is taking photographs In different pnrts of tho country to bo tiBed for advertising purposes, recent ly snapped soma good pictures of a spotted fawn, Tho pictures wro taken near the head of Haines Inlet and In one of thorn tho camera was within ten foot of tho fawn. Mr, Gnrdlnor has been In tho county for about two and one half months. Ho expects to go Into tho Ten Mllo sec tion soon. Libby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phone 72 Pacific Livery'. Transfer Co. Tlmps Want Ads bring results. N, J. Gorham, Cashier Bank of Woodvillo, Woodvllle, Ga had a very sevore attack of kidney trouble and tho pains In 1 Is kidneys and back were terrlblo, "I got a bottle of Foley Kldnqy Pills from our drug gist nnd thoy entirely rolleved mo. I havo more benefit frqm thoin than nuy other medicine." Lockhnrt & Pnrsous Drug Co., "Tho Busy Cor-utr." Don't Forget Our Clean-Up Shoe Sale REGULAR $4, $5 AND SIIOKS FOR ONLY $2.50 Pair SAVE MONEY BUY NOW SEE THE SHOES IN OUR WINDOW MRS. PETER SCOTT, Sr lonves on the Hreakwator tomorrow for Aberdeen, Washington, whore she Will Visit Peter Scott, Jr., for a month. DR. VAUGHAN Is expected homo Wednesday from McMlnnvlllo whore ho went to visit his pnronts following taking in tho Elks doing In Portland. OEORGE ROTNOR nnd W. R. Hain es are expected homo tomorrow ov erland from Portland where thoy have been attending the Elks Grond Lodge, FRANK DENNING will lenvo tomor row for Rosoburg to visit relatives for a week or so aftor which ho and Hank Wells will go to Curry county for a big deer hunt. JOEY McKEOWN. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur McKoown, Is celebrat ing his fifth birthday today. A number of little folks from town nro assisting htm in the colouration. MRS. ROSS SMITH returned today from n month's visit nt Portland and other northern points. Sho wiih accompanied by Mr. Smith' sister, Mrs. Nolllo Bnrtholomcw, who will spend n fow weoks horo. F. E. HAGUE nnd wlfo hnvo roturned from Portlnnd' where they havo spont n few weeks. Mrs. Haguo Is much Improved In health but Mr. Haguo has not been' very well nnd specialists nt "Portland Informed him that ho might hnvo to undergo another oporntlon soon. II. O. DIERS of North Bond was a Mnrshllold buslnpss visitor today. Ho snys thnt Contractor Dixon doos not expect that tho dolay Inci dent to Engineers Hood nnd Hooy holding bnck tho work on tho con tract botween Marshflold nnd Wind crook tunnol will extend over thir ty days. JOHN ALLEN "wi)o"ha8 beon employ ed for tho last fow yoars In the Simpson and Smlth-Powors Log ging enmps will lenvo tomorrow for Portland nnd Flororico whoro ho has boon promised a Job by Portor Brothors on tho Coos Bay lino. Ho formerly workod for Portor Brothors. GEORGE FERRY returned today from a fow weoks' stay at St. Martins Springs, near Portlnnd. Ills brother, Jim. remained for a fow weeks' visit in Portlnnd. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Ferry, Sr., who nro guests at tho homo of their daugh ter, Mrs. Lloyd Jacobs at Portland, expect to return homo the latter part of tho month. MR. and MRS. J. H. MILNER arrived homo last night from a few weeks spont touring northorn California. Thoy roport n delightful tlmo vis iting all the summer resorts south of 8an Francisco, Thoy also visit ed Mrs. J. II, Taylor, a sister of Mrs. E. E, Straw, In Santa Rosa. On tholr way homo thoy made, a ro cord trip In from Medford leaving that placo Saturday night and reaching Marshflold Sundny ovonlng. FORMALLY ANNOUNCED President Sproul Semis Notices of Appointment of Mlllis. Formal announcement of the ap pointment' of C. J. MUlls, assistant to Presldunt William Sproul, of the Southern Pacific railroad, made by Mr. Sproul has been recolved In thin city. The news of Mr. MUlls' appoint ment wns printed In The Times Sat urday. THE THEATRE. Aftor four nights of fun at the Masonlo, tho ZInn company will piny. North Bond tonight nnd tomorrow" night, playing a return date here Wednesday night ono night only. Thoy will present a new play, "Choory Blossoms," n first class show and ns an oxtra feature will give a chorus girls' contest. As tho ZInn company has somo very clover girls, thoro will bo somo clover work done by tho chorus trying to win somo of tho prlzo monoy. A wbrd to tho wlso Is sulllclont. Get your seats early. The Bazar Phone 32. ROGER GOSS Is expected horo not week to spend tho summor with his father, J. D. Goss. Ho arrived In Portlnnd Friday from Wiscon sin nnd will visit thero nnd nt Hood River. I REV. G. LoROY HALL proachod nt ' Ciminaii Inol tilrrlit tnlllifr na lila ' toxt tho thomo, "Making, a Homo! Run." There was a good turnout and the sormon was much appre ciated by thoso prpsont. The House Of Quality. U. C. GUSS, n banker of Guthorlo, Poisoim Oak Cured by using: Dermol, ov money bnck; 99 in every 100 enses cured by Dermol. LMm kB "J tAMsstssU i