The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 15, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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------ -----. w ------""""MM -77 -
STc. m7LONKV Kdltor nnd !u
DAN K. MAl.OXKV Se Keillor
Entered nt tho poatofflce at Marsh
Celd, Oreeon, for transmission
Uurough tho mails as second class
wall matter. .
I inonnt to do my work todny,
But n brown bird sang In the apple
And a butterfly flitted across the
And all the leaves were calling inc.
And the wind wont sighing over tho
Tossing the grasses to and fro,
And a rainbow held out Us shining
So what could I do but laugh and
i toast andtea:
for he that wrongs his friend !
Wrongs himself more, and ever
bears about
A silent rourt of Justice In his
breast, f
f Himself tho Judge and Jury and i
Tho prisoner at tho bar, ever '
tWH'JCjfSW) W JPfWyKfflfl' iTllf r" '
inn wgiggariBHaaBEBwa
HAVE you planned for that vaca
tion as et? You'ro not going
to put it off this year nro you?
There nro additional expenses tins
7car and you think you'll need all tho
money for a payment on tho lot.
Hush! Out In tlio trees tho birds
ire slnzlnr. llltlnc little love songs
that, when you tako time to listen,
atlr your pulse and start a song In
jour heart. Worrying about tomor
row? Not thoy. They nro busy little
roaturo, building tholr nests, feed-
Inc. thnli vmim. ntul tnnrliltitr tlinm If.
fly ns Boon as tholr wings nro strong
and nine, always cm 111c wing. Burning
up and off into tho glorious blue, ovor
Vnglng their heartening talo of Joy
and gladness and lovo.
Learn your losson from them, busy
man. Work may cnll. payment
press but lake tlmo lo fly a bit your
joH and learn a song of reslfulnoss
nil rhcer. If vnn ilnn'l. llfn will
grow so dull, ami tho notes of your
Iionrt's love song will sound so faint,
that It may bo your trlcnds will fo -got
to listen and coaso to hear.
You do not need to spend a groat
deal. That can bo gauged entirely by
ttie condition of your purse. The
main thing Is to go. Kvnn tho work
Tiorsoa have tholr days for rest. Just
It down you and the womnn who h
all In all to you and, in a nenalliic
vny. talk It over.
Sot the day for your departure and
more steadily toward It: nnd whon It
comos, loavo your work anil go
Don't worry: don't wonder. .Tim! nm
SV. tt H AlA A .ft 1 I . 1 tl.l. -h . ft .. - -
jmiii iii,h- ninii nun living, "Oil you j
win romo back younger and Htrongor
and more lovable, ho Hint not only
yourself, but vrynnn about you.
will bo benefited by tho change.
What might bo done if men woro,
wlso )
What glorious deeds, my suffering,
Wniilil thnv iinllo
In love and right,
And conse their scorn for one nnoth
Oppression's heart might bo Imbued j Tho lodge inombers tnntlo quite .t
wiiu Kinunng uropa 01 loving nil i uesuay evening wnon tney visi
News Notes of Elks and Others
In Rose City Conven
tion Week.
(Special to The Times.)
PORTLAND, Oro., July 13. The
Marshfleld delegation has "sure been
tnklng In" tho Elks Grand Lodgo and
whlln pnnh nt tlmm linq tint n.vnn
everything, still all of them probably
have. Each night, or sometimes
morning, has witnessed them gradr
ally "turning in" only to bo out
bright nnd early to see "what's
ml fl o vnMmin hnnilniinrtnra In ;i I
body, imtrciiiug from Hotel to note:.
in innrtinn i:n;a iinitif ina Dnniiij,
and nearly overyono took It for tlioj8"
Oinrsuueiu oanu. ine uniiorms 01
And knowlodgo pour
From shore to shoro
Light on tho eyes of mental blind-
I tho Callspell batul boys wcro almost
All nlmiAKt iiinnt'nii Itnti nnd n'l-nnif I lilntitlnnl idfli ttin,n . !. ,tM.. '
Jin mnui;, uiuiui nu-o uii MtuufeH uivuiiuu ttii.ll IHUOU Ul IIIU .U ill Oil
All t'ltn nml nflmn tittnti itln . ' flnlrt 1idirn nml It n n In . .1
iiuiv luuhu uu iiiu ubKiK""U" mum;
tt very nifty appearance. Few of tho
delegations hnd appealed In uniform
mm consequently the lilt was much
July Clearance Sale
Sale July 15th to 20th
To make room for Fall stock;
All shoes at cost from $J.OO
per pair up
Electric Shoe Store
No. 180 South Broadway
All vlco nnd crlmo might dlo to
And wlno fid corn,
To each mnn born,
lie free as wnrmth In summer wenth
I sco by n copy of tho Ostoraunds
Postcn which my friend P. A. Sand-
linre lino ntl'nn nm nml whlnli In thn
way contains tho first picture of tho
greater than If tl o stunt hnd been ,
pulled off later. In all 38 members
of tlio Mnrshflold lodgo were present.
In tho Grand Lodgo Parado, nmp.o
evidence that Mnrsbflclil wjih nnl mi
unknown quantity In tho mass of hit
mnnlty gathered in Portland was glv-
way contains mo nrst picturo or tno "''. buuiu m i-uiuiiuh was ki to bo presontod tho champion I ? Tho delegation received tho glad
u.t.- n,.i nnl. ......ii.n c...i.. I band all nlnnir tho lino, tho ulniullia
athletes, that "Olymplska Spclcna
Illliottforsalllne" Is Swedish for 01-
ympnic uamen. i nau no luca wnat
our brave athletes wcro up against
over thero but under tho circum
stances thoy hnvo made a good showing.
hand nil along the lino, tho plaudit
to "Coos Hay" Indicating that It wan
not cntlroly tho "Marshfleld banner",
1 1
. s
If one wants' a room In Stock
holm ho can go to tho housing olllres
nt Ilrunkobergstorg or 12 Kungstrad-gardsgatan.
A llttlo widow Is even, more dan
gerous than n little learning.
tll ft-)jt r ft liinXA lAiunim t ti n h kli .
Just put;,,., ,j,0 political plum tree.
a ro.MMox wi:akxi:ss
Old Illldad and I nro neighbors,
ml ntt u'linn Mi., ilni. 1 t I.X......I. ...i
- " "' ." .. ,n 11111,1111 nun -
dono nro our dlvcra labors, wo argue
that Indicated
who they wero ap-
German American Insurance Ass'n of New York
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hainan
wero tho only members of tho Cons
Hay delegation who hnd a near-accident.
They wore out for nn auto
rldo with Mr. Morso, of Portland, n
boyhood friend of Mr. Haines, when
It occurred. In order to prevent a
collision with another car, Morse
turned bin ninMiInn Inln tl.n ni.
smashing It up bndly but luckily the
occupants escaped witn nothing worse
than u severe scare.
E. D. McArthur was tho only men."
I - I . - . '
- - - P
' r ,B
ii : is
H. J. MONTGOMERY Resident A pen I Marsificld. Ore. '
I J i'. riio,Mi:'c.U'Ita'i, J7
Unique Pantatoriui
PItlCBOKItH nnd HAT nrvrnV..!
Acent for Edward V.. Rtr
fino Tailoring Lot im n,i. .?
I noxt Suit. . '1
235 Coinmorclal. 1'huse I54J
iYou Auto Call Fool
auinu rront or Lloyd Hottl
Aftor 11 P. M. Phone S-J
Rosldonco Phono 28-J
Will nuilcu trips to Qoqulllt,
It kept out of n lot of trouble. ,08t nny of ,a unlfonn Mon,,ny
'i:i:li:piio.i: Cllltl- SWOItX 'women In tho great thrnns on thn
an hour or two. And thus, In our
pleasant tlltln' wo thrash out a hun
dred thotnes: I Jump on tho pomes
f Milton, ho says that thoso pomca
AT. COMMITS Sl'K'IDi: RlrontH I. ml n nm.M.nnt r .,..i....
VANCOUVEIt, II. Il July jr. souvonlra from the various lodges.
Sworn nt by an Irnlo telephone sub-l Whothor MeArthir's hat Is ono of tho
mrlbor to whom bIio had given tho souvenirs of the 1012 Grand Lodge Is
wrong number, MIhh Mnudo Harris, something tho other members of tho
11 ii-ii'iiiiiiuu uiiiiMut-, wuui inline iinu . vm yny couiingoui are trvinir to
lAl1tlll..wl.. ll...ln.. t .. . .. ..
frlnil lilllorK I fln.l nnf An i.A .,
... ;"'' ,.' . '" iiitrrr wuro oilier
She brooded ovor tho subject sov- white lints In Portland and Mr. Mc-
ernl daj-H and on Tuosdny night Arthur appeared In tho parado wiln
'"ar.11 I'" nulto n whlo turned on tho gas. Sho was dead companions woro.
tl, J'""1" w,"l " whon found loilnr. Alio loft n letter
thn v rn'tn, nn T " ,,5ff"'"1B , saying she was tired of living. E. S. Hargclt nnd wlfo hnvo be,..i
wn.,?,;,'1 Bar thoy II win. 'getting considerable enjoyment out
Wospeml many hours dlscuKHlng the I MILITIA MANKL'VIMtS ii,AXXi:n. of havlncr tinir ntn i,m Wm.iV..
aoimiar tlilngum bob. with noror a, Tho Orogonlnn savs: I Micro nro Innnmomblo nutn.' in rwt.
Unless thero la a decided objection hind, If Is hard to got ono whon It Is
on tho part of tho Navy Dopartmont '""' desired and it doesn't take long
iiiu uiKiti minim urKUiiizniiuiitf 01 " kvi. 11 uiii iiir niuo niro lliai WOllPl
fMi....... nnllfoH.iln .....I tl, ,., . ninlffl null. n .tA... ,u .1.
1 1 i wiuKuii, iiiiiurniii nun wnsiiiiigion M inuiu uuni in 1110 nrst pay-
nl rrlondH. Hut( may maneuver togothor next summori,nent on a machine. Mr. and Mrs.
manner when off tho Northwest coaBt. Tho tlrst "lugolt nre stopping nt the Imporlal
'. when, under slop townrd such a meollng waB la- ""'I sn nro A. E. Noff and wife. Ho-
lOr. WO tlril tin ln ilurlm. lm ut..u f II. ......I..... hIiIph thn Inltno M- ... t .. -.
BII Of fllSSlntr. nml nnvnr n inrn Imnn
throb. Wo spend tho long ovo dubat
fng. nnd then, whon thn nrt-v n,ii
l.... i "- -ni n, i IIIU llll till llllllllll UI
to homo and to bed go Hkntlng, tho Oregon, California mid
- . nil,, 1,1 1 iiiniin nn
xuno In our rrlomllf
polltlcn Is tho tliomo
,,. ., 1 ' ' ""l' n 11 11 iiii'tTiniK nn ill- " " w. ,11111 uuil Wile. HO-
f.?.r n,n! LI e ,mn"';' OKlnl up k..n during tho atay of (ho cruUer 8,'P the lntter. Mr. and Mrs. nar
our nines nml nrrimm nio,uai., ..,., .1 , 1 ..., . .. . it 1...... 1 1 . . . .. :"' . "
, .L ". ;,,.;" .'"' """'"n .uiiriiniiu'iiii iiiiii wnon hiio Hiiuo'i yes- -'" n .Mr. nnu .irs. walson,
tf,'?,K '"'"" that makes not a tiirdny for Pent Angeles It had boon f Snlom. as guostB for a consldornble
.inttnr nmi . 'ii'. ". bu?-hoM thorouglily iIIwiihwiI Hint the vessel portion of tho time. Mr. Watson la
y. mIiiIS'I. ''' ''''ks nnd j Bhould nu'ot with tho monitor Wyom-J'vnte socretnry to Governor West.
;u. "' ,ltu n"? ,8 J,roko"' '"B. t Washington, and the crl-r
clad m n wnr,i 1 ... K' mr V";n,)8t(,"'ofOr0KO,,'nn,"f Posslblo the ?,"", A. Toyo nnd dntightvr.
Ilko ovorvtiZ! " V, i'n "."'.T0!1 0,,l n,rP0 ,,0,,les ',tt,,, ' nrKot practice. , Catherine, are planning a fow weeks'
win, ?,il l,",K' an,,,nl,,n,l ' hluo It wbb posslblo for tho Oregon tilp to various northwestern poln'H
Willi brtllBOS Slnco WO had our Innt il.'v..oi miii.I ni . ..' .....' nftnr thlu ! o... 1.. :.".".
lwilo: I nrgued with llsian,l bIiochor,
urn I'liiiinn 1 convinco 1110 Bkato,
"Thero was a utrange man hero to
Jay to bco you, papa." Hald Utile Mary
is Hho ran nut to meet her fathor.
"Did ho havo a bill?"
"No, papa; ho had Just a plain
A iiowb dispatch Ih Just recehod
u-uni mr across in noa, that linll
niivui .Miiiiiu uiurorR io urrnngo nut , , n. h nuiy in roriintui.
cine eiiioriiiiiimoui ror tno visitors ,"." ".''" "'" "'"' omy part or tho
and that wiu Jn the form of n dinner ,rl' w,,n tl'eni.
nt tho Commercial Club Thursday
evening, nt which Adjiitant-donorul " K-e'r nnd wf nio planning a
Klner of tho Oregon Nntlonnl (luard, , rlio Spoknno and Puget Sound fol-
told of how California bml nlio,i in ( 'owing tho week's star In PnMlnmi
starting tho Oregon Naval Mllltla. . . nr- "",l ,MrB- ,r" " Unrtlo plan to
110 saiij
were now iniiRlnrpil
able nuMi who had ev
The Economical Fuel
is that which turns on and off with a valve.
which burns only as long as needed,
ready to light omy instant,
used in appliances which utilize every heat
unit for the purposes required,
the kind you pay for once a month, measured
by an accurate meter on your own premises.
Gas Is the Economical Fuel
'Our New Business Department will help you
t choose a gas rnge, gas water heater, or gas
room heater which will give you full benefit of
the gas you pay for,
Telephone 178,
Oregon Power Co.
TiTe Star Transfo
and Storage Co,
Is prepared to do nil kinds of hui
on short notice. Wc meet all tni
nml boats nnd wo also havo thjh'j
stylo Reynolds Piano Mow. tl
gunrantco our work.
L. H. Heisner, Pr
Phones 98-It. 120-J. or O-L
Wanted Quick
A shrewd investor to plckoji
bargain In two of the choicest let
on Kastsldo. Fiuo vlcrr of Bq
mid Mnrslidcld. High, Ierel til
slghlly. $475.
177 Front St.
matin Clrnnlng Company. Ordtnfo
uork tnbrn nt
ik tho Oreeon Nnvnl Mintin nr- nnd Mrs. Im II. Ilartlo nlnn tn1
Ii) that In hla opinion It would J j a '""' ,f tho week In their ' to get a view of "Ilohomlan Ufo"l PRncCQeinMai ,--,...
uo to go ahead, as In Its ranks "'" Senttlo whmv thev will as depleted In Portland (and this HOFESSION AL DIRECTORY
IIIIW Itlimlnrnil I i ,... .,! tnilO III tllO Potlacll fOHtlvnl nn.l lnt... ... . MUIU I Ilia -..
ver been Idenll-' '"" vnrloiin northwestern poIntB ' . . ,r"oaui oquallod that of
menu T,0J. wI no rHurn i oimfc o teclue8)( , wngn,t n
I n rnimln f ii'iub. ... ...,,. : t.. ..i..i. ...- ..
(U'll With It.
i.mi.r. iioxi: nurro.v
mav coxvirr ok .mi'udku
PK.N'l)I.r.TOX, Ore., July 15 A
" " "" inn woa, flint Hull-', "'"'". uii'.i Jiny iu a
entes tlio KiikIIhIi iii an Imgry as can I ",,le ,,on'1 u"tton may bo tho monns
be. It Hceiim tho Karl of Tanker-1 )f 'nvlctliiK Columbia (Icorgo of the
lllo hna broiiKht Lord Otwultnii
nnny iroiu nn i raiiitloiiH that aur
rounil that "Lonllr Smi u-
uriiiai murder or A.To.Mo.At. nn
ageil 8iiiaw laat Saturday. Tho but
ton wiih found nt the acene of tho
BtniKKlt" nnd still nttached to It a
r ."...;" Wl,"8 " nnu win motor ' v,li' 'e supposedly "nauchtv
: ii ine wwiiner u favorable. Pincea." m fact, it Is clalmod that
n r. t . ' l!' "AffnJInn Gardens," tho cafo of
n..;" ,i ' T,'a ,9,np0- rormerly of Tho Jhe now Multnomah hotel, had tho
Chandler in Marshfleld. Is now In tho bt,"t depletion of It every night It
nillO lllllnnu In Pn.M..l t U'llB !!.. .. . . ' "'"". "
Hunier a son-l ,-Iaw f"uA Along toward inw"lght?rSerSffi
Jon of Mars' field. Is Interested with 'Tagging'' and It wasn't the
" liiiiiiii Kiiiinr
.lake Ooldte. forinorK- iiow..,i
way rrom iiritlHl, bchool. to havo J'tf r PJiiK Hannol. Search of the Iho Mllllromn Club In ara ifto i, , ,,r' ?nrt Mrs- D- R- Scl.oonmaker.
llm learn his lessons on a common ,,',,, ,,f Columbia Georgo revealed but now running a bar In Air Hn iy of Marshfleld. have been
lankeo stool. a sull of torn pink underwear with exnects to s.'eid tL asl two SL' fro(t,lei't callerp at th Coos fiav
Ills Lordship has a mother who tlu ,0" "ttn of tie drawors and a of Julv on tho nay wieKi headquarters and have extended a
ns born right hero at home. They H"",,, l),m ,f ''th missing, other - .number of courtesies to their
Mamo her for tho moilnK, and thoy bl.,l,0,.,? "" the Burment aro Identical' K. W. NVvers. who spent inot of '" U' de,eKatlon.
fret, and fum. nml r,.,.,.. .. ltll tho ono fiunul at thn we..,.,. nnl.i o - ... ..'."'"'" ,,10,, nt
... .. ......... ,, iiv 'iiiv i iiioi aiiiiiiniir in ii ii run firti.i ... .. .. -
ih.. ........... i .. " fUMt-iimm ifrM'iiiii iiir
IIIU iiukuiij,
nit. 1IIIID II. CLAllKE.
- Specialist in Nerve ud Spinal
., 0ff,,c1e'.JRoom 2 nostts Homo
i Phone 1H-L, "uur" ,0 6
. Modem UenUl Prlor.
w are equipped to do hirK ,i...
work, on ihort notice at the Torj
lowest prices BJxamlBttloB free
Udjr attendant. Coke bulldino- n
lto Chandler notel, phone Ul-J.
Real Estate and Insurant!
I'M Worth Front Htrtrt
Barnard & Langworlh)
Klectrlcal Cpntractora and Suppli
' PHOXJ3 1S4-P..
170 So, Uroudwur. next dor
I'nlon Mcwt Market.
Most Sensible Shoe
For the children Is the
famous. "SKUFFEH" ibw.
For snln At
The Clecfrjc Shoe Sioff
tou &o, j-irooaway . yjpl
, . ., ' 'iiitk it O U
glad tho mother hasn't lost tho spirit
of tho free. Wo hope she'll ciinio
back oier with her youth of high de-tree.
to s S V Zl n. W' ,n""?hut of ud d bl(? " rk l a few
s ear J m! lur i,Mih K'8 d?y" ,a, n va,,IaWo a,,d c rem
bo a end ho?ii iet iiu.i ,." vor yt,;-. 0,m ,Umt"' "lcM nor CU..
bnll-iiorhniw Lh-., t ," "'""t bail klilney and bladder trouble, was
Yankee boyaw IH lu ' ?' ''Y? lN ,0 hl8 bo,, maWo ' turn
Plain go lilt , n """ JUht B ""hoiu help. "I commenced usln
Pmin. hood .little man PoU,y KI(,IU, ,,, ,, , p
HOll STA.NI.KY. f I mi relieved nt onro " His ex
Don't foreot .. iwiTiu. n .. i'I1".1'10 ls wor,h '''',Iiik. I.ockl-nrt
l'll(iw-i4i lurklsu naths & piM)iis DrugCo. -Tho Ilusy Cor-
" I ner "
i , n-ui iiriiiniiLiiir
tne tnos iiiiv. nnj.i... p. t... n t ti .. .
I ... , -' ... k. iiioiuri , " i-iiiiiiiKH nnu wire nt Vn
g Was 111 Port nm thU ..!, ..- . vnna !...) tn ..-'. " V. l '!
I ., , , ". nr Hin " iwiiurriy or .Marsiiflolil
III thoso days of high cost of llv- "! npp5,BII a,,y of fle MomIiII-:! Y!'p porilnnd visitors this week an A
Iiir. a uiiHllcluo that gets a man up1 " of ,,ls PWcnt field of opera- vMied with many of the Coos n a J
jut of bed ami able to work In a fow! " " ' 'contingent. "n
tbe'AnnCtnT,hartola hore tending
the A. O. U, Grand lodge. K. a
Anderson and W. n. Curtis arrived
hero Saturday and will also partlcl
pato In the meetings. ' '
Snow Drift Flour
Highest Quality
ri Ji V,,,"iOK0'' 0k,n- lR took
fhsl prize for having tho most a
trneHvix firnnd I.odue badge. It wis
.-.hi.. i- ciever, be'ng a real watch.
Mrs. a. T llalnos succeeded In 3
cnrlnt! one of them, her Oklahoma
iiiTiniM bt-riinng it ror her. 7U?
w-eVi1 ,0 W H,ul 8,l ls 'tw-Meit- H,1Bh Sneddon nnd family snent
IV o'ated over i in sni,vo.,in .. ..... ii .. i.. . "mj penl
ssra. ' si r s . ,0;?s.'i
i ...... ni-ii'. ipuvo Hiiuruy ror Nebraska
i i iiihi ii in.iit
i ) N;,nk ,la,, "robnbly secured the
i best cmi, ., of Xmws of loe
be M.v,neld doloiiatlon. Trnilln
ba.H.;. was qulto a feature tho flst
IJwi .i.g. ,nen ,1(, ,,, ,,, h
I '"' ' At It. R-.nn hn,l lt.l
Iltes.i'x rover-,! ui.h i.a,i ' l arrange a tight
eiwr:XiVroS'ofo,;.o;,',,nn Ti,e ax;eraR, n,an ths J
t lie.. Vm,fi.f , . ., of "fe 1,ns n'ftrtyr when he wears a tlo that h. I'
that n 7W t0 'P fow rfi80r's w,fe ,,a8 b0"Sht or made for .in
'in,." vsml ?3 ,rty Veon,p aro but he never tinks she's a ninrhT
-.. ? .i nn )l!ir,nf: thelr ,0",' w,'en h wears a hat that he's V I
"ojs to the Hose city. Consequom- lected for her. 8 ,e'
Iffl.e over Flanagan Jt Uennett Ban)
r. j. CAirjc 44- a. h. howmi
Marshfleld Paint
Decorating Co.
Furolahjd PhflOP -t0L. 0j
rn J T. MeOORMAo.
Phytlcian and Surieon
Marahfleld, Oregon.
fflce: Lockhart Building,
Oonosli. n0Ht offlrn -
Blanchard's Liv
,-re,?'nyL.,iave.f"red tho llverv h,.."..
leave shortly for Nebraska Whore i cared tn ,i Helsner. nd are pre-
a1 v,8,t Mrs- -- - S'S'6ecui
Jack Gleason a, Jess Dav came . P XnZXTft Tl
oterlnnd Thursday nnd plan to lea " ' ft1"8; a "s or anything needed X
soon for Tacomn where Day hopes to e l1 llle. We also dn ,t lD
arranco n fiirht ' es t0.lnc bllSlnno. n .n v ...,8 a truck-
mi ... ' " "'"QS.
Real Estate
I' WW. 1.1BUIVA.11.I' ll
Sevnrnl , i,,.,.oin. in PnrmJ ' I
...... a ,,n(4.a ,m -.
city property.
Marshfleld. ' Or?l
LUery ,I-cd a,,,, Sales Service.
111 ''"" Alder Streets.
GOOD. Phone iu" W,U io
A Modern Brick IliilliMns, ElectrH
Light, Stenm Heat. Klegantir
Furulshed Rooms with H"'
and -Gold Water.
w. a. .tiuit'LiitN, rroi'. ..
Rates: f.O cents a Day and Up"0
uor. Hroaaway and Mam".
Marahfleld. Oregon.
House Moving and Oradlnj.
We are preoared to do this wrX
by the dav or rnntrnnt nnd Kliarsn"'
satisfaction. Lot ua figure with J01
Phone 31G-J. Marahfleld. Or
ftfm i. wi