ERE'S NOTHING THAT MAKES OUR TROUBLES GROW LIKE TELLING THEM rrTvKUTlSlNa In The TIMES (E000 lag WimtB WANT ADVERTISING In TUo X1JMKM Will Keep tlio Income from Xtxn Famished Rooms from Lpia(t YOU can really holp Mm family revenues by renting u few furnished rooms and, If you knew how and when to use tlio classified column, you may keep that llttlo extra income as "steady ns a clock." mmmamMmmmmmmmmmmmam 1VUI l'"1 lonr " . .... Mn,ir(" Effectively! i 111" " it,, fttntn nliaut your ILW b&V ? ' :po?; ble tw'D . , oucht to bre'i onoo. ;r . t, youu ' MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS MARSHFIELD, OREGON- MONDAY, JULY 15, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mnll and Coo liny Advertiser. I, AAA M TjIO const Mnll No. 310 I NEW PLAN 10 IMPROVE OR OPPOSITE MARSHFIELD WILL PRODUCE THEIR 01 MEATlCREDiTORS OF COURTNEY MILL 1 hp Discussed at Meeting at Ehamber of, Commerce looms Tuesday tveimiy. JINEER LEEFE HAS PREPAREU bLUt rniiMiJi k in Make Channel 550 Feet Wide in Front of Marshfield. L.. nr pnlnrnlnK tho linrbor in F - Mnmhnplil nro to bo ill. led at n mooting which will bo I tomorrow nignr ni """ fommcrco roomy. ho plans lor ino iiruniiuvi. nu . jrnKD liv Engineer Lcofo nml bo exhibited at tlio meeting. iha nlan Is to do nddltlonnl Limr n Hint tho clinnnol, ?.. kins from the Llbby coal bunkers he foot of Commercial nvonuo, bo 550 foot- wiiio ana win nave a Ih of 20 foct at menu low tldo. 1 will admit or vcbscib urnwing Ut 24 foot and of length tin to ft. turning around in tho hnr- ln front of Marshflold. Tho Im minent contemplated Is regarded , highly Important ono. : li expected that tho solo of tho Iclno will pay tho expenses. At nicetlns tomorrow night tho mitt of financing tho project will lp n up nnd the plan will bo pro cd to tho government for np- ral. FINOS S ITS 1 ARE E Dminent German Baron Gives IHis Views After Making Visit to United States. Auoclatod Tress to Tho Coot Bay Tlmas.) BERLIN, July 15 Tho Unltod lies has reached Its period of do- po 19 announced by linron II. von rnekow, n widely traveled aormnn, i contributes to tho "Rolchsboto," rlln newspaper, an nrticlo sum- rltlDR ImprrxsIoiiH ho gained on latest of his ninny vIsIIh to Am- p. Articles of this naturo nro not Nucnt In the (icrmnn tiress. but llnarlly they nro written with such nanireat an liinis that thov deserve Inotlce. Uaron von Bnrnokow. on IN LOWER BAY Captain of Steamer Break water Says Five Months' Dredging is Needed. "It will roriulro four jr flvo montliB' atoady work by tho Drodgo Orogon to put tho clinnnol In tho low er bay in propor shnpo," romarkod Cnpt. Macgonn of tho StoamBhlp IJrcnkwntor todny. "Tills morning tho Dronkwator struck six or seven times on shoals coming up tho liny and onco camo nearly sticking fast nlthotigh wo woro In supposedly tho best part of tho clinnnol nil tho tlmo. Tho Droakwator woh only drawing about thlrtoon-foot six aft and about twolvo-foot six forward so you bco tho shonlH woro pretty bad. Of courso wo camo in at low wator but it lias been claimed thoro was about eighteen feet of wator. "Tho clinnnol should bo drodgod out good nnd wldo In tho lowor buy In ordor to proveut it Hhoallng fre quently. Tlio bottom of tho bay Is all Hand, shifting easily becnuso thoro In no mud or sholls thoro to retain. Tho lowor bay should bo dono propor ly this tlmo and not just Hklmmod ov er llko It was beforo. I think that about flvo months' stondy work by tho Drodgo Orogon would put It In good shapo. "Stops should bo taken at onco to hno this work dono as soon as possl bio because tho prcsout condition is n liicnnco to vcssols plying in nnd out of hero ns well as giving tho harbor n blnck-oyo." Smith-Powers Company Will Have Large Cattle Ranch in Neighborhood of Eckley. Tho Smith-Powers Logging com pnny has purchased tho big Guorln ranch nt Eckley, ono of tho finest stock ranches in southwestern Oro gon, and somo additional proporty thoro. It is understood to bo tho ln tontlon'of tho Smith-Powers company to uso theso ranches nnd additional land holdings of tho O. A. Smith company noar them for ono of tho blggoBt cattlo and stock ranches in this soction of tho Btato. Tho com pany Is planning to start with a hord of eighth undred to ono thousand head of cattlo. Tho company Is now planning to rnlso all its own beef. It is claimed that boof cattlo hnvo becoino so scarco In this section as to mako tho prices almost prohlbltlvo for supply ing tho camps and boarding houses of tho Smith-Powers andSmith com panies. It requires about two critters n day to furnish meat for tho camps, boarding houses and vcssols of tho compnnics. With a hord of 800 or 1,000 animals, It Is oxpected tho big ranch will bo nblo to possibly furnish somo of tho butter or milk used by tho companies. Tho section nround Eckloy Is es pecially well adapted for stock rais ing and grazing and for this reason was selected by Mr. Powers as tho location for tho new branch of their indusrtics. BRING SUIT TO RECOVER $4210 S. P. TO T W HOLDINGS ME AT CEO W WO i Owners of Coos Bay Townsito Hold Picnic Which Is Attended Will Not Put Land on by Large Crowd Everyone Market Now. Has a Good Time. Tho stockholders of tho Coos Hay Tho membors of tho local lodgo of Townsito company hold n meeting In tho Loyal Ordor of Mooso gavo a plc- thls city nnd elected tho following lo at Charleston Day yesterday, membors of tho bonrd of director: Thoro was a largo nttondnnco nnd ov- U. N. Johnson, of ForgiiB Falls, oryono had a lino tlmo, tho affair bo Mlnn: O. C. Settlor, of Glcndnlo, Ore, Ing moro llko n big family reunion nnd Dr. A. F. Sothcr, of Itosobtirg. than a public picnic. Thoro woro Tho directors left this afternoon for 100 persons in nttondnnco not count Roscburg whero n dlrcctois' meeting Ing tho children. It wns a perfect nnd tho nnnunl election of tho offl- day nnd thoro wns no wind, making ccrs will bo held. , tho beach an Ideal place for an out- Mr. Sothcr In speaking of tho com-' Ing. Tho party was tnken to Chnr pany says that for tho present tho leston Day by tho Steamer Alort stockholders hnd no Intention of put- which wnB chartorod for tho ocaslon. ting their Coos Day holdings on tho A social committee composed of W. market. Tho company owiib about' H. Dlndlngor, M. S. Crossen and V. ICO acres of land on tho flats and In O. Pratt had chargo of entertaining front of Coostun on tho enst stdo of tho pcoplo and saw that everyono tho bay. I had n good tlmo. Was Conspicuous Figure at Time Major Kinney Pro- omted Rapid Transit. Co. Itov. A. II. Wostwnod, who becamo quite widely known hero, has ro turned to Coos Day. Mr. Wostwood I rnntrnrv u-rltn. i.. .. I win no ruiiiuiiiiiuruu lis Having iiuuii war without trto ?f rMf Iow n8 the 'rr mlnWor to i a, wmiout a trnco of ontl- T, n iinnbriir u . i.,. eriean fooling, and appears gen-, t "" : "7 An.i w .i., .T with Mnjnr L. D. Kinuoy nt tho tlmo tliQ latter was promoting tho Coos nny Itapld Trnnslf company. Mr. West wood was at that tlmo qulto a conspicuous character In tho affairs of tho Hispid Transit company. Aft- fd)' glad to bo ahlo to soo somo pe mat ttio dccllno mny bo arrest- rblt this decline linn lmcun writ. Ue baron, nmst bo ohsorvod by i ircron wno visits America nftor abienco of n fow years. Tho nje for tho wnr ,a i, v;l V ll " L,,'""" n,'u rM olu' ",s Id. Th ., .i:i." .:.;.::' Mr- wosiwooa romnineu on coos uay the nVnnM , "'" "."."y"":i ror somo tlmo. the Republican nomination nro During tho latter purt of his stay If Aflft tHlit . m i. . I 1'ililllH HV IHliri lifili ill inn niuj tlch ?,mrL n f ,'.'!? cllnnB. he stayed In rotlroraont nnd when fcwnln,iiffonil'y.ft ,,1Uhort? n:ill8t heard of ho had qulotly loft tho w ta e' in " . r'r 1. ll community. l.iirt..--- , ,vo 8 f-nPProcin- bearing on his former buslnoBs nf- .A ... 1 . t.H luri lav i,r. X ' ""icuiiiiiiuiiiiy. ii is noi Known wuuinor Liih. .1. -lr c?ur8! ." a" n- op not his present visit horo has any 10nB the South rci,ron, ,n,i &ZW!?sm JZJl 'infected by tho STILL HAVING In inA m -- m . lilcn aii lu conrBonnB or mor- fairs in this locality, I i. " ",lou yn unron von rneicow, are products of tho Inst '" , .r" ,nor"' conrsenlng worked down from tho top, from 1 nely r rh lnnii... i.i..i rl.,. I li ' ""'l lUIIIVUilUII " wntleman of leisure Is begln- n 1 I. . 'uou ui iiiu no- Z: .vlhe .f.act thnt tho birthrate In iSf ml,rmtlmn 'amnios Is .nf''Lalns higl, MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER RO M IN TRE CITY Ninety-Eight Incoming Passen- Representative of Northern Pa gers including Many Elks From Portland. cific Rides Here on Horseback. MU U E Western Union Wires Have Bsen Down Frequently the Last Few Days. The wires of tho Westorn Union IniAr.ll. I . . vl br.. '"'I ennenoy of present ' other ..Vi an ino Pooplo of .Telegraph company between this city It howi I nml Kosobuag havo bpon in bad con- e United Vi iJ inrinors or.dltlon for several days. Yestorday 'fcekow S . nt nnron von ' tho wires woro down, and this morn s the dn po,S8,bmty of ""est-1 ing thoro was llttlo prospect of any t, he ... ..ara. movement. As' messages being received today, Tho whed h i. y vo not l,een,tioublo Is duo to tho fact that tho .... U D" tile mornl llnnllno rnl,l i !...... . ii.. ll rellers In thA nec,lne- Tho 'road builders In tho mountains nro fPresent tndn'in y' ,10 neclnre3' ! Masting stumps nnd tho oxploslons depend represent "a l0"nt"y. "o declni bile ,: .:'" iiiroughout tho ro- havo caused tho breaking of tho !ment tn Pnirtab,e' coneorvatlvo wires. Fnl'ranrt n v,i n uPr'Rnt Chris- For soveral days past on account tl. . a nigll Stnntlnrfl nf fnmln ,1.. ...IA in. .Kln ti.a rnl,rvu f '" nave tioAn -. ui inu wiiu iiuuuku tiiu iiiiito iiiio iPresent thn f nroservea' thev' boon able to receive only a portion of Nervine. n..iost. """Ptrious and tho Associated Press reports. I'lon of ,Z "" ll whole popu-, , ;;..., V.TT,,! om ..."" "luiury." An ncnnolol inin.n i.ii uimimiivi, i " "i Draicn lo ..... : " .--- rerlean ':'?" rorUlo0or- "Wnilir iP COMMiCK MERT- wft ' .b hold Tuesday "Wield Chni H . 'clock at tho ' Purn U a,m.b?.r f Commerce for Plan of m ' ? upon tbo. Pro' ! toe harb''f6" ns nn1 "eopon tld.hor In front of Marah- Tho Droakwator arrived In early j. q. Woodworth, traffic mnnngor tiH,Ilrin B.Wlnhnln0tye,,5ht,PwB0," of tho Northern Pnctfio railway with gors and a smnll cargo of freight. A . , , , e. , , largo numbor of Elks who havo boon "ondqunrtors at St. Paul, nnd R. II. attending tho Kile's convention ro- Jenkins, of Portland, nro spondlng n turnod this trip. Following Is tho fw dn'a Coos Day. They are nassoncor list! moroly on nn outing trip, Mr. Wood Edith Hlldonbrnnd, J. W. Hlldon- worth deciding this would be a good brand, Mrs. Hlldonbrnnd, F. V. Cot- l)lnco to spond part of n ton days' va-. toiiln, Mrs. F. V. Cottorlln, Mrs. Ida cauon. iney roue norseuncK irnm Conrnd, II. J. Mohr, L. D. Fuller, T. Portland down the Wlllamotto Val. A. McDowell, Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. ,0' thence down tho Umpqua to Cqos Wm. Dornltt, Dr. Kndlcott, Mrs. J. Uny, arriving horo Saturday. They S. Lyons. J. D. (loss, K. D. McArthur, wlu return on tho Drenkwnter to- Dan Mulohoy, Otto Edlund, Ed morrow. Strang, W. K. Turnbull. W. II. Hub- t I, " o yncntlon bard, Trnvis Marshall, Paul Rltchoy, trip." stated Mr. Woodworth today J. A. Taylor. T. II. Cook, Mrs. Geo. B. w,,on, questioned nbout his present Edwards, Mrs. J. II. Taylor, Mrs. ? Co08ll.n1ny J had ten days to James Olson, John Kayes, Jack C. J?0, n ,U1t,, out nff "nd dec'd0(1 ,n PnninPim inmno mn f q a tho horseback trip. I was formerly Marshall, Miss Allco Small, Miss Jes- Konornl agont of the O. II. & N. nt Bio Gray. Win. Ekblntl, W. F. Miller, Portland and Mr. Jenkins wns then Mrs. Miller, F. E. Hague and wife n lho railroad service with mo. He J. W. Miller. Chns. Gilbert. Knthor- ? nw jn "slnoss for h msolf at Ino iinbAn. Mnrtrnrnt rtnm ,. n. Portland and decided to Join me In M. A. Loach and wlfo, Dr. Moloney "vSTSnni unnl nnit wlfo. Mm. rtouain T.nwtnr. i N0 l do not knov " -"W "' WW.M M..V, till.. Durmolstor, W. C. Guss, Dr. Dur Let Contract for Fifteen Miles to Connect Reno With California. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1C Tho contract for the construction of 15 miles of second track on tho South ern Pacific, which will connect tho towns of Truckco, Call., nnd Rono, Nov.. has Just boon awarded to tho Utah Construction company. This Is tho Intcst part of tho construction of a second track on tho Harriman lines between Omaha and San Francisco. Already hundreds of men aro em ployed In clearing away undorbrusn nlong this stretch of 1G miles. Cnrnpe, military In appearance, line tho track and fow pcoplo traveling over tho lino roallzo Just what n stu pendous Job this lC-mtlo stretch will bo. A largo part of tho proposed doublo tracking of tho Southern Pu clflc has nlrcady been complotod. Between Sacramento nnd Colfax tho second track is already In oporntlon. Tho laying of tho second 'track front Dcnlcla to Sacramento, n dlstanco of 58 miles, Is complotod with tho ex ception of eight miles between Web ster nnd Washington. This stretch of eight miles involves tho raising of tho rondbed across tho Yolo Basin nnd tho rebuilding of approximately two miles of bridges. DIESlfnOME OF RER SISTER Mrs. Catherine Chapman Passes Away at North Bend. Mrs. Cathorlno Chapman of Port land dlod today at tho homo of lior sister, Mrs. Georgo D. Mandlgo, in North Dond. Slio had boon hero on n visit for tho post throo weeks. A general breakdown of health was tho cause. Frederick A. Krlbbs, tho woll known tlmborman of Portland, Is a brother-ln-lnw of Mrs. Chapman, nnd was cnlled horo on account of hor Ill ness, Allege That W. T. Matthews, the Receiver, Was Guilty of Malfeasance. BONDSMEN ARE MADE DEFENDANTS IN CASE Claimed That Property Was Al lowed to Deteriorate and Become Worthless. Creditors of tho Courtnoy Min company hnvo begun action to re cover $42,000 from Messrs. Ayro and Phelps of Portland, bondsmon for W. T. Matthews, receiver for tho dofunct concern. Tho action was up for hearing last week In circuit court nt Portland, J. D, Gobs roprooontlnf tho creditors, Tho creditors of tho Courtnoy com pany chnrgo Receiver W. T. Matthows with malfcasanco, alleging that ho al- lowod tho proporty to dotorlorato and in fact that much of It bocame practically worthless from lack of at tention. Messrs. Ayro nnd Pholps In their answer to tho action claim that they aro not responsible, n "stoor Ing commlttco" consisting of Messrs. Ayro and Mills wero appointed at a mooting of tho creditors to act with tho Receiver and dotormlno how tbo proporty should bo handled. In vlow of this, they hold that if anyono was responsible for tho deterioration of tho proporty, It was tho crodltors, bo Ing bound by tho action of their re presentatives on tho "otooring com mlttco." Tho creditors represented by Mr. Goss contend thnt thoy novor hoard of tho appointment of any "stoor Ing commlttco" or of nny mooting being called for taking such nn no tion. Tho Courtnoy mill company was a "high finance" Institution thnt was built on Isthmus Inlet. Tho mill al though complotod novor sawed a stick of timber, Mr. Courtnoy having boon overwhelmed by financial diffi culties boforo tho proporty reached tho operating stage. What wob real ized out of tho proporty In tho ro ceivorshlp proceedings wont to satis fy mortgages, the other creditors not receiving a cent. WOULD REVISE E 1 W State Commissions Plan Thor ough Revision and Ask Peo ple for Suggestions. rri. a,. rnnM.t rwi. .i -.. Tho body will bo taken to' .."1" ."UUJ". ." ."'"," '" PlrMnn.1 fn ,...ll t ll , KUUIIIIIBHUUVIB IIIHO UIIUUI IUKUU II ..,.' ' ,!,." n-ii... iii I thorough rovlslon of tho presont sys rL ? rvYvo,V i,1 i?An. f ,iId,ron- tern of the game laws. Tho Idea Is to ShO IS Survived by seVOrol brothers ,. n ?n,ln fnr n,lm,Mnn nt tli and slstors. of age. Slio was about 45 years know anything about tho plans of tho IIIU lines for cxten- That Is all handled Ish to talk i v,.ir. a a n...i t it ....-I I aooui II. woo, pi hninn a a Minn I Mr- Woodworth expressed Burprlc Goo McOreo?v E P nt. lS tW thro was not more agricultural RmHli , Tnhn n'rlL P'JIn.n ,,nfanJt , OOVOlopmont 111 this Section. Ho Said w N.Vnn nn t n' nit 0r g' that even In the Wlllamotto Valley U.I , ,?inii?; m I F?nCn thoro seemed to be too many stores Lawler, Lulu Ml ler, Mllllo Michel- of nlm08t all nc8 of buB,nos; ln the son, A. C. Klnloy, C. R. Rudln, W. II. Jacobson, A. Stovell, C. S. Chapln, R. II. Smith, Mrs. W. H. Hubbard, Mrs. J. S. Jayes, R. B. Davis, J. G. Inglehart, II, L. Moose, D. W. Gar man, G, W, Ferry, Chas. Seafuso, J. W, Adams, II. F. Drown, Pete Pannavlch, M, F. Rupo, James Pow ell, J. T. Rupe4, John Nelsdn, John fcpoar, Chns. Rltcholl, Frank Bennett Wm. .Tnhde nnd Chas. Ricthell, Jr. SAYS PLACE IS T U STARTING United States Sennto Decides Thnt Ills Election Wns Corrupt. Senator Lorlmor of Illinois was un seated by tho United States Sonata Saturday deciding that his election wns based upon corruption. Tho vote to eject Senator Lorlmor was 55 to 38. Tho news of tho action of tho Sen nto did not reach The Times on ac count of tho failure of the telegraph lines. NO ASSOCIATED PRESS Western Union Hns No Wire Today and Times Gets no Report. The Times did not receive nny Associated Press today as tho West orn Union Wires have been down all day and up to tho time of going to press this afternoon. Customs Inspectors at San Fran cisco seized a largo number of tons of opium the other day at that port on tho S. S. Mongolia and the master has been fined $1,100 for allowing the same to be aboard. If you have anything to sell, trad or rent, or waut hely, try a Want Ad towns and not enough actual pro ducers. Owing to the many rumors that have been afloat about the Hill sy. - terns planning excursions to south western Oregon nnd possibly the Coos Bay country, many aro Inclined to at tach significance to the overland trip of Mr. Woodworth and Mr. Jenkins here. However, they maintain abso lutely otherwise Today H. J. McKoown and J. Al bert Matson took Messrs. Jenkins and Woodworth to mussel reef and Shore Acre for a llttlo outing and tomorrow morning, A, H. Powers will take them out for an inspection of tho mill and tho camps. A century ago when American shipping enjoyed the advantage of discriminating duties, wo were carry ing ln American ships 92 per cent of our commerce; today we are carry ing only 8 per cent which is reason enough that something should be done and Immediately. After all, women might not bo ko peculiar If men did not expect it of them. 0. C. Sether, of Glendale, En thusiastic About This Locality. ' O. C. Sether, of Glendale, who has been in the city to look after business matter, Is enthusiastic nbout tho fu ture of Coos Bay, He says that this locality hns Just begun to do things. Mr. Sether Is ono or the big farmers of Orogon, having a ranch of 1200 acres near Glendale. Tho placo Is equipped In the most modern way and Mr. Bother's sons who are regu lar attendants at tho agricultural col- present a code for adoption at tlio next Legislature, which will give more complote protection to fish ana gamo, and correct Humorous errors In the present system of laws. The Commission desires In making up this new game codo to get a thor ough expression of public opinio.! before tho codo Is presented to the Legislature. For .this reason the mombors of tho Commission nsk thnt residents in different- pnrts of the State, especially farmers, fruitgrow ers, ns well ns sportsmen sond In nny suggestions so thnt tho Commission may act upon them. Suggotlona nro also sought from tho grangers', com mercial bodies, rod and gun clubs and other organizations, In ordor to get a gamo codo suitable for differ ent parts of the State. All communications nnd sugges tions should be sent to Mr. J. F. Hughes, secretary of tho Fish and Game Commission, nlom, Oregon. At present tliero aro a number of questions under discussion that will bo of interest to sportsmen ln dlffo r ont pnrts of tho State, such as the question of bounties on predatory animals. The Commission Is ln favor of a more rigid effort to exterminate Tho question lego and who assist him with tho farm, are excellent authorities on , cougar and wolves. modern methods of fnrmlng in Ore- has been agitated ln certain parts of gon. the stato to reduce the non-resident Tho chief crop of , tho big Sether. hunting and fishing llconso to tho farm is nlfalfa. Mr. Sethor has a same price ob tho resident llconsu. large tract of land under Irrigation , Many sportsmon are also in favor of and he expects to go Into tho hog reducing tho limits on deer nnd oth raislng business extensively. He says er game. that on certain kinds of land in Coos . County nlfalfa could bo ralsod sue- OBJECT TO SUNDAY EVENT cessfully. Mr. Sether suggests that tracts which are sloping so they had Myrtle Point Duces Culled off on good drainage nnd located where I Account of Public Opinion, thev could bo Irrigated would bo I The races to havo been run 'nt Myr sultable for alfalfa growing. Ho, tlo Point Sunday were called off on suggests that on nccount of the many, accunt of adverso opinion to racing streams oi water in mis locniuy mo on Sunday. Tho events hnvo been matter of Irrigation would bo Inex- postponed until July 20. penpivo. The pen Is mightier than the sword The most sincere trlbuto to tho lh- but when It comes to turning out! terestlngness of women Is the fnel original humor there's nothln' llko thnt so many men mako their livings n good pair of shears. I writing about thorn. ft