THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Marshfiold. Unas "The Vustj Corner" Tho Discomfort of a Tendor Foot U endured by numbera ofpeoplo with lurprlring patience, when wlthaUttleearethcycouIdobtaln rdleL Wo Iiavo ccveral rcme diei that will euro tender feet. HtxallFoot iJotvdcr Mayo alldiicomfortaoftho feet. R: lacntlaeptlc; abiorba and deodorizes pcrsplrs Hon. Keeps aboeo dry and clean, lad feet cool. Bafeandaatlafo: tOTjr. Sold with the Rexall cuar intee. Two alte packages, con taining ten and twenty powders, tic and 25c Lorihart-Parsons Drug Company "The Busy Corner" I'lionc Miiln HUH Uh Tht faxjqSJL Star Riu!r Prica 55c AdrrtUJ la ' wiuUm You will uao "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensilg 7Si 1? "! ! ten.ll la placet! .here Tr,,Y7 .e ronufcturers i r BSt.U, why they sacrlOco . Jl, cut' ours in o DB .". v"' Pn, which U youra Special hi. 30c laceutcniil. that wear out uteniU8that"Wear.Ev ioneer Hardware Co. "" orth Jj'ront St. MarshField Cydery WWCIiia FOH HUNT 1"2 No. Hroadwny. sssmsmmHoimsmmmmmmmimtmm w (EPrfLjgrzf Xtf pleasant tiling1 about our business is tlic safisfaftmn wo got from the satisfar- j inn wo give Our oustomors go nway satis fied. Our Clothes satisfy in stylo, in all wool fabrics, in tailor ing in fit and in price. The Fixup North Bond. AN ESPECIALLY GOOD PICTURE PROGRAM AT ! TKe Royal TONIGHT Tho popular Mnrguorot lies Coin imiiy of 12 ponplo will open with .. high class pn);riun In addition to tho following good pictures: "An Aviator's Success" 'Tho Jtiiu. on tho Ifcilik" "lloimllng Hotu-o Mystery" Tho 111k Show JIouso on North Front utrcct. ALL FOR 10c. A .SNAP For mail anil wife wInIiIuu to keep honrdorH, If Inken within tho next few duyu; house partly furnished, large garden, cow and chickens. Apply at Times office. I'OU HAM: 11(1 foot gusolliio launch, j Union engine. Apply Times oflk-o. WANTED TO HUNT For thlirco or four months; up to ditto Visible, ; ItumlitKton or Underwood type ' writer. Phono 341. l'OU HKNT Seven room house modem; closo In. Apply Robrl Kruogor, Fourth nud Commerclnl avonue. WANTICI) Ily August 12, furnished I house or lint for Boven weeks. Ap ply Tlmos olllco. I'OU HKNT House In West Marsh floltl. Apply A. I). Dnloy, Alllanco WnrohouHo. " BARGAIN If tukvn at once. Threo lots on corner, otto uiock irom North Bond High School, $800. Inquire Times office. 1 OH PLAIN or fancy sewing, rail on Mrs. Van Vleot, 23C Market1 avo. liotiHO dresses n specialty. I'OU SAM-: Newsstand, confccHotf cry nnd Ico cream bttstness In good thriving town; paying proposition. For particulars addross Opportuni ty, care Tlmos, Wild) IILACKHKHKIKS for Salt- nop mil. Phono your orders W. C. I.und, Ferndnlo. KXPKHIKNCKD stenographer- -and cotupetont offlco girl wishes posl tlun. Phono 140-J. WANTKD KxiH-rienced dry tenuis man desires position on roast' ns manager, audi- buyer; best refer ences. AddrosH "Business," euro , Times. LOST Hlcycle. Party having Iro quois wheol Is requested to bring snmo to Times office. Reword. BARGAIN 8ALK 10 horseiwwrr nuto for $450; first-class condi tion; fully equipped; cost now $3000; will sell for $450 on eany terms. John L. Koontz Machine Shop. North Frout street. Phone 180-J. WANTKI) Mohair, wool and cas earn hark." Apply to Henry Seng stacken, at office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. 1JUY NOW. Some choice lots in NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO. First National Bank. If you have anything to sell, trade. rnt, or want heln. trv a Want An The Bathroom of Today Ih Indeed n luxury, nut It Is one that is not confined to the wenlthy alone. Any ordinary family can afford ono. And the added comfort, pleasuro nnd health it Insures is well worth tho modest investment re quired to equip ono. We should llko to give you a few figures on tho sub ject. Shall we call or will you? Willey , & Schroeder . q03 North Front Street. PHONE 77-J WANT ADS. COOS IA1 TIDES. Bol w Id given tho tlino and height of high and low water at Marshflcld. Tli tldos nro placed In tho ordor of occurronco, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on the sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consocutlve heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Dale. .July. 7.2G 1.1 8.1G 1.4 0.03 1.5 2.27 4.3 3.15 4.8 4.00 5.2 7.00 3.G 8.0 3.3 9.04 2.9 ID LOCAL TRMPKHATUKK UK POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., July 13, by Honj. Ofltlind, speclnl government me teorological observer: Maximum CI Minimum 50 At 4:4.1 n. m 52 Precipitation nono Winds northwest,; clear. HORN. ' HOM.KNIIKC'IC Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Curl Hollouhcck, of Catching Ttilot, July 12, n son. 'rami it f .Mt4 ml., itnDonnifnri trr.ttt w mii a iiu fnnvjiiwa viih from tho Coqulllo Valley was ovor un hour lute today on nccount of extra freight business. To Play at Sumner Tito North llond Firemen will mot tho Sumner team tomorrow on tho Sttmnor dia mond nnd a good tlmo Is nntlcnptod. May launch .Saturday It Is ex ported that A. S. Estabrook's now boat, tho Speedwell, will bo luunoh cd nt North Jlcnd next Sattirndy, I'ltdilug Good. Jus. Wasson nnd Peter Scott made a big cntch of fish this week and yesterday's market rnrrlcd halibut and salmon ns well tut Hcvorut vitrlutlcs of shell fish. Will Hulld New IIoiiic John Pot terson Is about to commence tho erection of n now homo on his farm near Ten Mile. 10. M. Motzlcr of North Rend has tho contract and leaves today to bog In work. Hi other Killed-Paul Doyd of Heaver Hill left this morning via Drain In responso to a telegram from Illnck Diamond, Wash., saying "n younger brother was accidentally killed In n coul initio thero. Match I tit ecs at .Myrtle Point Two match races will probably bo run on tho Myrtlu Point track tomorrow, inn between Hazol P. and Warrior Gor don, both pacers, undo tho other will be n dash between Gordon, Jr., nnd Dixie. A largo sum of nionoy Is up on tho events as nil four of tho hor ses have a nuinbor of admirers who will back thoni to win. Knew ".Mutt." Cal Wright says he has enjoyed a long personal ac quaintance with Tom Slovens, the al leged original of Hud Flshor'4 "Mutt." Ho also went to tho same school ns Mrs. Wright. Cal says Tom's brother, "Hill" Stovons, looks nioro llko "Mutt." thnn Tom. Both men nro ovor six feet, but Tom l heavily built and weighs over 220 pounds, whllo "Bill" Is long, lean an. I lank, llko "Mutt," AMONG TIIK SICK W, S. Chandler Is reported sick nt his summer homo on Coos River. M. R. Brown who hns been 111 at his homo Is roported Improved today. Mrs, R, Olson of Empire is still re ported to bo qulttrfn. Joseph Coats, a filer nt tho Smith mill, Is conflnod to his homo on ac count tit lllness.. Mfs. Chapman of Portland Is re ported very low ut tho homo of her sister Mrs. Geo. J). Mnndlgo In North Bend. Mrs. R. K. Booth who has been at Mercy hospital will be removed to tho homo of her pnronts Mr. and Mrs. O. A, Bennett tomorrow. W. J. Murphy, who had his niMV Injured at the Enststdo mill of tin C. A. Smith company, Js able to 1m out but cannot yet return to work. Charles Erlckson of Mnrshfleld who has been confined to Morcy hos pital on account of n sprained ankle, Is getting along nicely and will soon he ablo to leave tho hospital. "TWO-BITS" IS STOLEN Horse of That Name with Three Oth ers Attracts Thief. Tho Rosebttrg Review says: "Local ofllcors aro on the lookout for n four-horso team which started for tills city from Lano county a fow days ngo and which Is reported to Include n stolen horso named "Two Bits" which once ran In the races at tho fair grounds east of Roseburg. W. C. Gingham, driver of the outfit, was arrested at Drain two days nftor the theft, but gave his captors tho slip by a ruse. Ho asked the olllcer for pormlsslon to go Into a hotel to get an overcoat and this being grant ed he slipped out of a rear door of the hostelry unobsorvod, regained his team and drove nway. The stolen horse belonged to Ed Speight, n for mer business man of Sutherlln, and figured In a replevin rnse in the Jrn tlco Court hero several months ago. lire. .0.41 Foot .7.0 Hrs. .1.35 Foot .7.2 Ilrs. .2.28 Feet .7.2 M IS VERY ILL FKAHS ARK KNTKRTAINKI) THAT JOAQUIN MIMiKIt, WHO HAS ItUOKlIX DOWN, CANNOT HK COVKH. Press tolograms froln Oakland, Call., state that fears aro cntcrtnlnoJ that Joaquin Miller, the 'Toot of the Sierras," who Is 111 at Frultvalo, will not recover. He Is 80 years of ago and broke down after tho exertions of making n Fourth of July oration. Joaquin Miller Is a famous tnntt In whom there Is much local lntoreot ns ho Is known by maily hero. Mr. Miller visited friends In Coos Hay1 a year or two ngo. SUMMITS TO OPKRATION K. W. Schrock of Kmplro Is in Mercy Hospital in Critical Condition K. W. Schrock of Empire, proprie tor of tho hotel at that placo nnd a well known resident nnd old sold lor, today submitted to a surgical opera tion at Mercy hospital In North Dond. .Air. Schrock was-In a serious condi tion and some fours for his recovery wore cntortnlncd but this nftornoon It was stated at tho hospital that ho had gono through tho operation nnd it was hoped that ho would recovor. Ollt YOU HUOII McLAINt (From tho Port Orford Trlbuno) Hugh McLaln who accompanied Dr. Lane to Port Orford mntlo n good Impression horo. Ho Is a Pro gressive Just returned from Washing ton, nnd wuh full of Interesting talk and ho talks well. Ho !h a gonial, ablo, warm hearted man, nnd If ho moots tho votors ho will chnrm by his splendid fascinations nnd ovldon ces of being tho right man In tho right race. Win or lose hero's to Hurry Lano nnd Hugh McLnln; may thero ho prophecy In tho melodious twain 1 PICTURE LOCAL MEN Portland Papers Contains Illustrn Hoiih of Mnridiilcld Men. Tho Portland Journal todny con tained pictures of W. R. Hnlnes of tho Murshllold lodgo of Elks nnd nlso a picture of C. F. McKnlght, tho dolo gate from this city to tho convention. Tho Tologrnm that enmo yostordny had an oxcollont likeness of Archlo Johnston in tho Marshfiold uniform. AMKRCAN WINS HACK (By Associated Press to tho Coob Bay Tlmos). STOCKHOLM, Swodon, July 13. In tho 400 motors flnnl, Charles Rold innn of Syrneuso University, was first; Hans Ilrnun of Gormony, sec ond; Edward F. Llndberg qf Chicago Athletic Club, third. GRANGE PICNIC. Upon Invitation of mombors of tho locnl Grange, tho writer hnd a fltH "Granger's dinner" last Saturday, at which mombors of tho Cons Pomona Grnngo woro also guests. Thoro worn about 40 to enjoy tho host vlctmOs tint tho Myrtlo Point section pro duces, and propnred nccordtng to tho Grangers' wives best recipes. This was tho rtrst rogulnr meeting of Cooj Pomona Grange slnco Its organiza tion nt Conn o recent y. Several new members wero added, nnd principal tiiiBinoss or mo session was the appointing or commltteo on ny laws, otc. The nexf meeting will bo at naudon on tho fifth Saturday In August, being tho 31st day. Among tho visitors horo woro Rov. F. M, Sunderlln of Bnndon, J. E. Fitzger ald, II. E. Bossey nnd Charles Mn haffy of Murshfleld. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. TIIK THKATHK. Tho JCInn Muslcnl Comedy com pany will presont tho "Sultan ot Morocco" nt tho Masonic Opora Houbo. It will bo n comploto change from tholr opening bill, "Teozy Weozy," thoro being moro plot nnd story to tho play, thus bringing out tho full strongth of the company. Mr. Georgo Best, tho leading man, who only had a small part In the last show, will havo tho leading rolo, tho "Sutlan of Morocco," and will fit tho part woll having played In the same part beforo In San Francisco nndi Eureka. This Is ono of tho Mr. 7,lun's best plnys and as the company will play this big show ono night only everybody that can get nway should turn out tonight for It Is so seldom Mnrshfleld people can boo sueh-'KhowB. On tomorrow night nnd the lust night of 'their present .en gagement they will present another of their big productions. Seo thorn all. - WILL NOTIFY TAFT AiTiMigeiiients Made for Ceremony nt Whlto House. WASHINGTON, D. C July 12. President Toft will receive the form al notification that ho is tho nominee or the Republican party for president nt tho White Houso In Washington about August' 1. Tho president told 'visitors thnt ho had talked with Sen ator Roof of Now York, permanent o'-nlrmnn or tho national convention, nnd thnt they had decided that the notification should take place lit Washington. Tho president bollovoa Woshlngton Is the most convenient place for tho commltteo to wait upon hi in nnd he desires to entertain the mombors at the Whlto 1101180. SWKKT CIDER ut SARTKHS'. Rl-MUTlFl'L 51 PIKCE set or CHINA, I'oml design, GOLD HANDS ONLY $10.10. COOS HAY OAKII STORK. Fresh Foto Goods." Wnlkor Studio HOT TAMALKS nt SARTORS'. SWKKT CIDKU nt SAHTERS'. PERSONAL NOTES h. W. TRAV13R Is limiting a business trip to Coqttlllc. TOM UKNNETT Is making n busluosu trip to Coqulllo today. TONY F. HANSON left this morning by stngo for Rosebttrg. FRANK THOMAS left on tho Hoso burg stage this morning. J. B. SCHILLING left here this morning for Myrtlo Point. RALPH CLINKENHEARI) Is down today from Dnutels Creek. MRS. K. L. ROIlEItTS, of Catchltt;; Inlet, was In the city today. W. J. CONRAD loft hero this morn lug for Coqulllo on business. WILL HORTON Is down from tho Rood ranch on Coos river. MARTIN RUSSELL of Wlllntich In let Is a Mnrshflcld visitor today. C. K. NICHOLSON was a Ton Mlto visitor this week, returning Fri day. T. C. RUSSELL returned to Heavor Hill after n short visit In Mnrsh flcld. MRS. F. K. GETTIN8 loft lodny for Hnndon to visit friends for it fow days. MRS. W. S. CHANDLER Is In town todny from her summer homo on Coos rlvor. GKOROE LAIRD'of Bnndon nttondod tho baseball gamo nt North Bond Inst Sunday. C. IC. PERRY left this nftornoon for South Coos Rlvor fot an ovei Suiidny stay. W. T. MERCHANT loft todny on tho Redondo for San Francisco on n business trip. MISS CORA MAE MONTGOMERY expects to lonvo Tucsdny for hor homo In Dccntur, Illinois, MRS. MOBLEY nnd daughter, Miss Bosslo Moblcy, nro In today from Mtlllcomn for n short stay. A. MEREEN, a lumbormnn of Mnrsh flold, Is registered nt tho Multno mah. Portland Orcgonlan. MISS DELLA BRYANT, of Myrtlo Point, enmo over on tho nftornoon train to visit with Mrs, Alva Cus ter. E. F. MORR1SSEY loft hero this morning for Coqulllo on business connected with tho street work there. MRS. E. W. SCHROCIC, or Empire, togothor with her sister, Mrs. Mc Mullcn, who Is her guest, visited Marshfiold todny. MRS. MAJOR TOWER pnssod through hero this morning on hor way to tho Tower cottngo on South Coos Rlvor. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON will spond Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Mc Cormao nt tho McCormac summer homo on South Coos rlvor. CLAY CHURCH returned yestcrdny from Camas Vnlloy whoro ho has been visiting for tho pnat- woetc. Ho mado tho trip by blcyclo and roports thnt tho roads are getting good. L. A. SIPES, formerly a Coos Bay pioneer hut now n resident- or Sn lom, who lias heon renewing old ccqunlntniices, hns been spending tho past two weeks nt tho Cnptftln Edwnrd homo nt Allegany and nt tho Catching homo on Catching In lot. WILL MKKT AT HA'DON Teachers' Institute Tills YeAr will he Held This Year at Clty-by-tlie-Scn Tho Coos County Teachers' Instl tuto this year will bo held at Hnndon. Tho ditto of tho Instltuto Is Aug. 5 to IC, Instructors from out of town hnd of statewldo reputation will bo secured nnd It Is planned to glvo tho county teachers tho benefit of tho best Instltuto ovor held In this local ity. T. Lee Brown, Ph. O. B. &. S. COLD CAPSULES is the best scientific preparation on tho market, non laxative, harmless and most helpful; as has been proved by every user. Will Core RJbeonnatisxTn and bad colds in nearly every case without depress ing the system. They destroy harmful bacteria, ton the system and eliminate uric acid. Headache and Memuralgla are speedily roliovcd when due to fermentation or ex cess of uric acid in the system. Every person shout t havo a box of these capsules, as they will give quick relief when you need them. Guaranteed to give sat isfaction or money back. Solo Agents. Store for Real Estate News L A review of tho real estato situa tion on Coos Bay roveals tho fact that thoro has been a largo nmottnt of property chnngod hands In both Marshfiold and North Bond during tho past six weeks. Proporty in diff erent parts of tho city has boon bought by investors. In North Bend there has nlno been a lurgo nmount of dealing nnd somo lnrgo transac tions hnvo been made recently nniong thorn tho purchaso of a big tract by tho Wilsoy lntorcsts of Portland for right of way purposes. Reports of Kaufman Company Tho llrm of I, S. Kaufman reports that during tho past six wcoks the following real estato solos havo been mado through their ngoncy: In Dean & Co's. Second Addition Mnrshflcld Realty and Trading Co. to W. H. Dlndlngor, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 nnd 5, block 9. Roso Porshbakor to R. T. Kaufman, lot G, block 9. Marshfiold Realty and Trading Co. to W. T. Stoll, lots 1, 2, 3, nnd 4, In block 10. Marshfiold Realty and Trading Co. to J. Gllbort, lots 5 and C, in block 10. Marshfiold Roalty and Trading Co. to P. II. nnd L. R. QuIUinms, lots 5, C, 7, and 8, In block 11. Marshflcld Roalty and Trading Co. to W. T. Stoll, lots 9, 10, 11 nnd 12, in block 11. Marshfiold Ronlty nnd Trading Co. to Otto Grnnfors, NV6 of tho S. W.Vi Sec. 1, T. 27, R. 13 W. W. M. In Rnllroad Addition to Mnrshflold D. J. Rcobo Jo Rolf Mnrdsum, lota 25 nnd 2G, block 11. L. A. Whcront ot nl , lots 30, 31 nnd 32, block 44. , . In Porhnm Park Addition E. G. Porhnm to J. Ed. Johnson,, lot in DIOCIC LM. E. G. Porhnm to Julius Snndqulst, lot 4 In block 23. E. G. Porhnm to A, Jacobson, .lot 3 In block 23. E. G. Porhnm to John Backman ot al, lots 5 and C, In block 23. In Western Addition to Marshfiold W. II. Dlndlngor nnd O. W. Kaufmnn to Snrnh E. Pnlntor, lot 3 In block "L." GOOD SALES ON HANI). Tho Stutsman Rent Estato Com pany reports thnt they hnve sovoral good deals on hand which they ex pect to close up next week. SKCUHK GOOD LAWYERS Lincoln County Citizen Hack up Tldeland Case In Supremo Court. NEWPORT. Ore., July 13. Peti tions nro being circulated In LlncQi t county which will bo sent to tho stntc land board asking that special counsel bo employed to roprcsont tho stnto In the nppenl to rogaln tltlo to tho tldolnnds In this county, recently left vested with tho Southern Pnclflo by n decision of tho stnto supremo court. Thoy nro being circulated ns rap idly as posslblo and If they nro re eolved In other pnrts of tho county as they hnvo been In tho vicinity of New post nnd Toledo, should bo rondy for riling nt an early dnto and will bo of considerable length. HOTEL ARRIVALS Chandlor. Wm. Hoyor, Snn Frau Cisco; W. P. nrott, San Francisco; F. B. Sexton, Portlnnd; M. II. Insoey, Portland; J. Q, Woodworth, Port land; Ralph iJonklns, Portland: Al fred Lovell, Portlnnd; M. D. Wan wrlght, Senttle; J.- D. Hnrvoy, San Francisco. Blanco. W. E. Robinson, Co qulllo; Felix T. Swain, Oakland: H. Brtinor, Isthmus; Clifford Cruvo, Coqulllo. Coos Hotel. Mrs. Clinton, Myrtlo Point; Mrs. E. J. Uouskn, San Fran cisco; Miss Wheoler, Son Francisco; E, n. Hlxon, Snn Francisco, ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho gasoline schooner Delhi ar rived hero today. Tho Snn Pedro crossed In th.a morning to tnko on n cargo of lum ber nt tho nilll. ' The Excelsior arrived in today from Mexico In ballast ah I wl 1 tnko on n enrgo of lumber." Don't rorajat mo Turkish Baths. PHONK 814J. ftobt.AV. Swanton.Ph. 0 Quaity Goods. a 1 m